LESSON 6 - Part 3c - Revision

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3c Places and languages

1 Which languages do people speak around the world? Which are the most

2 Read the article and check your answers from Exercise 1.

People speak about 7,000 different languages.
Mandarin Chinese is spoken by over one billion speakers.
Hindi is second. Spanish is third. English is fourth.

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3c-p. 38
3 Read the article again and answer these questions.
1 Where do most Spanish speakers live?
Latin America
2 Do more people speak English as a first language or second language?
second language
3 What do many people use English for?
business, reading the news or study / official language for
government in some countries or official language in
universities and schools

4 How many languages are there in the islands of Vanuatu?

5 How many people speak Amurdag?

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3c-p. 38
Track 35

There are over one hundred and ninety countries in the world and about
seven thousand languages. Over one billion speakers in China speak Mandarin
Chinese, so Chinese is in first place compared to other languages. The
language of Hindi, in India, is in second place. And Spanish is in third place.
Spain isn’t a big country, but there are over four hundred and seventy million
Spanish speakers in different countries around the world. Four hundred and
eighteen million speakers live in Latin America. They all speak Spanish as their
first language.

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3c-p. 39
Track 35

As a first language, English is in fourth place. About three hundred and eighty
million people are native English speakers. But English is a second language for
over one billion other people. They speak English for doing business, reading the
news or studying science and medicine. In some countries, English is not the native
language, but it is the official language for the government. It is also the language
of education in many universities and schools.
About eighty per cent of the world’s population speak the ‘big four’ languages, and
the other twenty per cent speak 6,996 languages between them. And many
countries use lots of different languages. For example, on the islands of Vanuatu in
the South Pacific Ocean there are sixty-five different islands and they have one
hundred and nine different languages. That’s one point five languages for every
Unfortunately, the world loses a language every two weeks. This is because lots of
younger people only speak one of the ‘big four’ languages and they don’t learn the
languages of their parents and grandparents. For example, Charlie Muldunga lives
in Australia and he speaks English because it is the first language of the country,
but his native language is Amurdag. Charlie is the last speaker of this language and
when he dies, the language dies.
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3c-p. 39
Vocabulary ordinal and cardinal numbers
4 Look at the words in bold in this sentence from the article. Which say the
order (ordinal numbers)? Which say ‘how many’ (cardinal numbers)?

Over one billion speakers in China speak Mandarin Chinese, so Chinese is in

first place compared to other languages.
first (order: ordinal number)
one billion (how many: cardinal number)

5 Underline the ordinal and circle the cardinal numbers in the article. Can you
say them?

Cardinal numbers in the text: one hundred and ninety, seven

thousand, one billion, four hundred and seventy million, four
hundred and eighteen million, three hundred and eighty million,
one billion, eighty, four, twenty, 6,996, sixty five, one hundred
and nine, one point five, two, one, four
Ordinal numbers in the text: first, second, third, fourth

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3c-p. 38
6 Work in pairs. Complete the sequence of ordinal numbers.
1 1st _______
_______ 2nd 4th 5th 6th 7th
3rd _______
2 23rd _______
3rd 13th _______ 33rd 43rd
3 61st _______
21st 31st 41st 51st _______ 71st _______
4 120th _______
100th 101st 110th 111th _______ 121th

7 Pronunciation ordinal numbers

Listen and repeat the ordinal numbers in Exercise 6. Track 36

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3c-p. 38
Wordbuilding adjective + noun collocations

8 Find collocations in the article with the words language and speaker. Match
the collocations with these definitions.

1 the language you learn after your first language second language
2 the main language that a person speaks first language
3 the language of the government official language
4 the language you first learn from your parents as a child native language
5 a person who speaks Spanish Spanish speaker
6 a person who speaks the language from when they were a child
native speaker
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3c-p. 38
Critical thinking main ideas and supporting
9 A paragraph often has a sentence with the main idea, and sentences with
supporting information. Look at the example. Then find sentences 1–6 in the
article and decide if they are main ideas (M) or supporting information (S).
Chinese is in first place compared to other languages.
main idea
One billion speakers in China speak Mandarin Chinese.
supporting information

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3c-p. 38
9 A paragraph often has a sentence with the main idea, and sentences with
supporting information. Look at the example. Then find sentences 1–6 in the
article and decide if they are main ideas (M) or supporting information (S).

M 1 English is a second language for over one billion other people.

S 2 They speak English for doing business, reading the news or studying
science and medicine.
S 3 It is also the language of education in many universities and schools.
S 4 The other twenty per cent speak 6,996 languages between them.
M 5 Many countries use lots of different languages.
S 6 On the islands of Vanuatu in the South Pacific Ocean there are sixty-
five different islands and they have one hundred and nine different

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3c-p. 38
10 Work in pairs. Read the last paragraph of the article. Which sentence gives
the main idea of the paragraph? Which give supporting information?
Compare your ideas with your partner and say why.

Main idea: Unfortunately, the world loses a language every two

Supporting information: This is because lots of younger people
only speak one of the ‘big four’ languages and they don’t learn
the languages of their parents and grandparents.
For example, Charlie Muldunga lives in Australia and he speaks
English because it is the first language of the country, but his
native language is Amurdag. Charlie is the last speaker of this
language and when he dies, the language dies.

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3c-p. 38
11 Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

1 What is your first language?

2 How many languages do you speak? Do you speak different languages in
different places? (e.g. English at work, Hindi at home)
3 Is English your second language?
4 Does your country have an official language?
5 What languages do people normally learn at school in your country?
Why these languages?
6 The article says that younger people don’t learn the languages of their
parents and grandparents. Do you think this is true? Is it a problem?

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3c-p. 38
3d The city of Atlanta
Vocabulary places in a city
1 When you are a tourist in a new city, what places do you normally visit?

2 Look at the map of Atlanta, in the USA. Where do you do these things?

1 get tourist information visitor centre

2 learn about history children’s museum
3 relax outside Centennial Olympic park
4 see a play or a musical theatre
5 park your car car park
6 read a book library
7 meet clients and colleagues business district (or possibly also hotel
or university)
8 look at sea life aquarium
9 stay the night hotel
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3d-p. 40
Real life giving directions
3 Listen to a conversation at the visitor
centre. What places on the map do
they talk about?

Track 37

Aquarium, Centennial Olympic

Park, World of Coca-Cola

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3d-p. 40
4 Look at the expressions for giving directions. Complete the conversation at
the visitor centre. Then listen again and check.
Track 37
T = Tourist, G = Guide
near here
T: Hello. We’d like to go to the aquarium. Is it 1 ______________?
G: It’s 2 ______________ away
fifteen minutes ______________, but you
go past some interesting places on the way. So look at this map.
straight up Decatur Street and then up Marietta Street.
Go 3 ______________
Go across
4 ______________ Spring Street and take the first street
on the right Centennial Olympic Park is on the corner. It’s
very nice. Go across the park and on the right there’s the World of
T: Oh, that sounds interesting.
Go past
G: Yes, it is. 6 ______________ it and the aquarium is opposite.
T: Great. Thanks a lot.

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3d-p. 40
Script Track 37

T = Tourist, G = Guide
T: Hello. We’d like to go to the aquarium. Is it near here?
G: It’s about fifteen minutes away, but you go past some interesting places on the way.
So look at this map. Go straight up Decatur Street and then up Marietta Street. Go
across Spring Street and take the first street on the right. Centennial Olympic Park is
on the corner. It’s very nice. Go across the park and on the right there’s the World
of Coca-Cola.
T: Oh, that sounds interesting.
G: Yes, it is. Go past it and the aquarium is opposite.
T: Great. Thanks a lot.

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5 Work in pairs. Practise similar
conversations at the visitor centre.
Ask for and give directions to
different places on the map of

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3d-p. 40
3e My favourite city
Writing a description of a place
1 When you travel to a new place, where can you find information?
A possible list: a travel website, a tourist information office or
visitors’ centre, a travel guide, guidebook or map, friends who
have already been to the place, travel blogs.

2 Bella Potachouck writes for a travel website. Read about her favourite
city. Tick (✓) the items she mentions (1–6).
✓ 1 the name of her favourite city
✓ 2 good places to visit
✓ 3 her favourite time of year
✓ 4 places to meet friends
5 her favourite cafés and restaurants
6 good ways to travel around the city
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3e-p. 41
My favourite place in Russia is Red Square in Moscow because there are
interesting museums and art galleries. I also like other parts of Moscow; for
example, Krasnaya Presnya Park is great. On Saturdays in the summer I meet
friends there in the afternoon. We relax and play sport – and it’s free! I also
love the winter in Moscow. December is my favourite month because the
snow is beautiful and we go ice-skating.

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3e-p. 41
3 Writing skill describing objects with adjectives

a Read the description in Exercise 2 again. Which of these things (1–8) do

not have a capital letter?
1 the word at the beginning of a sentence
2 the pronoun I
3 names of people, cities or places
4 countries, nationalities or languages
5 parts of the day
6 days and months
7 seasons
8 streets, roads, parks and squares

5 and 7 don’t have a capital letter

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3e-p. 41
3 Writing skill describing objects with adjectives

b Look at this description by a student. Which words need a capital letter?

Look at the examples and circle all the incorrect letters.

i’m from australia and i love sydney! there are over four million people
here, but it’s never crowded. that’s because there’s a harbour with the
famous sydney opera house and there are beautiful beaches. on
saturdays i go with my friends to narrabeen beach. it’s quiet and relaxed.
in the evening we go to the city centre. there are over three thousand
restaurants. my favourites are japanese and lebanese.

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3e-p. 41
4 Write a description of your favourite town or city for a website.

5 Display the descriptions around the classroom. Walk around and read each
other’s descriptions. Check the capital letters.

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