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1. All living things are made up of_____________.

________________ are made up of

___________ only. They are called _________________

2. Other living things such as ______________ are made up of_____________ They are called

3. The human body is made up of about____________. The ______________of cells in the

human body have______________________

4. Each animal cell is surrounded by a____________ called the ______________ Inside the
membrane is a jelly-like substance called_______________ Surrounded by cytoplasm, there
is a_______________

5. Similar to an animal cell, a plant cell also consists of a _________________ ,

_______________, ________________. Plant cell has a rigid_______________ outside the
cell membrane. There is usually a____________________ Some cells in green plants also
contain __________________

6. Functions of the basic structures of cells.

Structure Function
Cell membrane



Cell wall



8. Cells are too small to be seen with the maked eye. We using a _______________ The
microscope commonly used in the school laboratory are ________________ They can
magnify the image of an object by up to several hundred times.

9. __________________are more powerful than ________________________. They can

magnify the image of an object by up to several million times. They are usually used in the

11. A microscope has different eyepieces and objectives. Each of them has a _______________
marked on its body.

12. Key steps in using a microscope


13. The image observed is_________________ under the microscope.

14. Lowest magnification of the microscope is____________. Highest magnification of the

microscope is_____________

15. _______________ is the genetic material inside the nucleus.

16. Inside the nucleus of a cell, there are thread-like structures called ________________.
Chromosomes are made up of _______________ and _______________

17. Every cell in the human body contains _____________________or ____________ There are
________________and ____________________

18. The sex chromosomes determine whether _________________ In

females,____________________________ In male, the sex chromosomes

19. i) __________________ thread-like structures inside the nucleus of a cell

ii) ________________ the genetic material and the “book of life”
iii) ____________________the two chromosomes that determine the sex of a baby
iv) ________________the 22 pairs of chromosomes other than the sex chromosomes

20. Which of the following represents the sex chromosomes of a normal female?

21. All living things grow. When they grow, the number of cells in their bodies increased by
_____________________ During cell division, ____________________________ The daughter
cells absorb nutrients and become___________________ When they reach
a______________________, they may____________________
23. In our bodies, there are__________________ Some cells are specialized for
___________________, some for____________________ and some for

24. Different types of specialized cells all come from______________________. Stem cells can
_________________into __________________. Cells become
____________________________________ The process of cells becoming specialized is
called ______________________________

Male Female
Body cell Sex cell (sperm) Body cell Sex cell (ovum)
No of chromosomes
No of autosomes
Sex chromosomes

26. Compare a human sperm and a human ovum

Sperm Ovum
What is the shape
How is its size compared to
the other sex cell
Can it move or swim
Does it have a food store

27. Write “T” for a true statement and “F” for a false statement
a) In females, each ovum contains an X chromosome
b) E23 sex cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes
c) All sperms contain a Y chromosome.
d) In males, each body cell contains one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (XY)

30. Sperms are produced in the __________________of males. Ova are produced in the
___________________of females

31. Which of the following statements about the male reproductive system is INCORRECT?
A. The testes produce sperms.
B. The sex glands produce a fluid which controls the size of sperms
C. The scrotum holds the testes
D. The urethra carries semen and urine out of the body

Which of the following statement about the female reproductive system is INCORRECT?
A. The uterus is where a foetus grows and develops
B. The vagina receives the penis during sexual intercourse
C. The oviducts also carry urine out of the body
D. The ovaries produce ova.
32. A new life begins when a_____________________ During sexual intercourse,

33. ________________ occurs when a ________________________. This usually takes place in the

34. The sperm and the ovum each carries ______________ chromosomes. The zygote formed after
fertilization carries ___________________chromosomes

35. After fertilization, the _________________divides many times to form a ball of cells called an
__________________ The embryo is moved through the ____________________. It the attaches
to the uterine lining. This process is called _______________________ The woman is now

37. During the birth of a baby, ___________________ contract_______________________ the baby
out through the ___________________

38. Through the _________________an embryo gets _________________________ from its mother,
and gets rid of___________________

39. A baby is ready to be born about ____________________ after_______________________

41. Vital functions of living things

43. _________________kinds of animals and _______________ kinds of plants.

44. Living things are also called ____________________. There is a wide variety of living things on
Earth, from _____________________to large _________________________

45. _________________ helps us identify and study living thing systematically.

46. Scientists classify living things into group based on their _______________________

47. Scientists make a ______________based on the key features of living tings.

48. Animals can be classified into ____________________________ based on whether or not they
have a backbone.

49. Animals with a backbone are called _______________________

50. Animals without a backbone are called __________________________

51. Vertebrates can classify into _____________,________________,__________________ and


52. Plants can be classified into ____________________ and _______________________ based on

whether or not they have ___________________

53. Vascular plants can be further classified into _________________and_____________________,

based on whether or not they produce seeds.

54. Seed plants can be further classified into ___________________ and _____________________
based on whether or not they produce flowers

55. Write “T” for a true statement and “F” for a false statement
a) Fern is a seed plant.
b) All seed plants produce flowers
c) Non-vascular plants usually grow in damp places
d) Pine produces spores for reproduction

56. Natural environment where a living thing lives is called a _________________ Living things have
special body features that help them survive in their habitats, this is called__________________

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