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- Perla Alejandra Verdugo Vega

Maestro: Suzette Ross Mulet

Materia.- Ingles

Actividad: Resumen

Evaluación final

Fecha.- 20/mayo/2024
Interviewer: Perla Alejandra Verdugo Vega

Interviewee: Miguel Corpus Santillán

To conduct this interview, the following documentation was reviewed:

¿Piensa usted que las emociones de los alumnos son parte importante en su
aprendizaje? ¿Por qué?

Según lo observado por usted en sus clases ¿ Cree que sus alumnos poseen una
buena tolerancia a la frustración? Explique

¿Como controla o controlaría una explosión de emoción en un alumno?

¿De que forma los alumnos de su case podrían mejorar su rendimiento si pudieran
controlar mejor sus emociones?

¿Alguna vez tus emociones han interferido con las clases que impartes? ¿Por

¿Qué técnica utiliza para ayudar a su alumno en sus emociones?

¿Qué haces cuando 1 o mas alumnos no pueden controlar sus emociones?

¿Qué haces cuando tuviste un mal día y tienes clases por impartir?

¿Cómo te sientes tú, cuando ayudas a un alumno con sus emociones?

¿Cómo impartes tu clase para que el aula sea un lugar seguro, de confianza, entre
alumnos y alumnos y maestro?

It was chosen to interview the teacher, Ms. Miguel Corpus Santillán, from teacher ,
who works in Benemérita escuela normal urbana nocturna del estado “Ing. Jose G.
Valenzuela” this semester. Typically, the subjects he/she teaches are Gestión
educativa and atención a estudiante migrante .
The interview was conducted, consisting of a questionnaire of 10 open-ended
questions about how he/she manages his/her emotional intelligence and how
he/she does it in the classroom with his/her students, obtaining the following

he says The teacher believes that emotions are very important because according
to his mood caused by emotion and feelings he may be predisposed to learn to
favor himself or to make learning difficult, As observed by the teacher a
considerable percentage of his students handle their emotions well, generally
where this situation or experiences occurs it is in young children it is difficult for
them to live this experience and they are affected, they want to win, they want to
be right they want to be taken care of and always be winners, In this way the
teacher would control a situation of emotion in his students by trying to locate it in
the moment and contextualizing the information what is lived is temporary is not
permanent there that living it there to see the way we learn from it that we can get
good out of a being a negative situation, he would try to motivate to take out what
is bothering her, In this way there would be a better performance is my way of
behaving my way of being with them my way of taking me and trying to make a
moment a pleasant space and that they see that in a difficult situation we can
handle them and if we can exemplify it we will, the teacher knows that personal
problems go outside of classes, because the first thing I understand is that I come
to do a job that consists of motivating the students so that they are in a learning
situation and what could bother me I leave for another time I take it out they never
interfere, the teacher performs this technique the fact that he analyzes the situation
he is experiencing and that is the worst thing that could happen to him if that
emotion does not control him to unleash that emotion or try to take it aside,
another technique of the teacher in a situation with a student to control a situation
of emotion would be to get him out of the moment, situation in which he is or space
in which he is bringing him to another space to bring him to other parts, if he is in
the room try to take him out so that he is distracted and there is a change and be
able to talk with understanding him and putting me in his shoes in his place try to
place him in a new space, the situation that the teacher lives outside the classroom
does not interfere with this because he understands that what happens does not
have to go more there is another medium to another group like my classroom or
another group like my students is a personal or perhaps familiar matter but it does
not have to do with anything logically there a moment that there is mismatches but
there is always the location in the moment and the space, he feels in this way
helping a student in his emotions he feels good because I finally understand that
they are one of the functions of the teacher, making empathy with the child to
understand him and be able to favor him, is one of the functions that are inherent
to the teacher that not only propose spaces for learning but also help him in the
situations of daily life, the teacher wins his students with the respect that what I
propose will have to be in a pleasant and not at all aggressive way, encourage
participation so that the student feels part of the situation that will be presented or
the problem to be solved by participating and in this way maintains more interest
because you are at that moment in what is happening you are in the here and in
the now.

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