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Playtest Rules v1.21
POWERED BY THE MECHA HACK • made with the black hack
Writing & Design: Matt Click, Michael Barker, Tim Kearney
Layout: Matt Click
Art & Concepts: Ben Fleuter
Aether Nexus Logo: Aleksandar Kostic
Character Sheet: Galen Pejeau
Additional Development: Gwen Read, James Kearney, JB Little, Jeremy Lilley,
Marquis Hartis
Original Game Design: David Black
Copyright © 2023 by Absolute Tabletop, LLC. All rights reserved.

This document represents a playtest version of Aether Nexus and does not necessarily reflect the content of the
final product.

Aether Nexus and The Mecha Hack were made with The Black Hack by David Black. The Black Hack is a
trademark of David Black and Gold Piece Publications. Please support The Black Hack on DriveThruRPG and

Absolute Tabletop, the Absolute Tabletop logo, the Absolute Tabletop monogram, and all content contained
herein are trademarks of Absolute Tabletop, LLC. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or
artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Absolute Tabletop, LLC.
This is a playtest.
The rules and
player options
are incomplete
by design. The
art includes
conceptual and
unfinished pieces.
Some of this will
change before you
hold the final book
in your hands.
we hope you have
fun exploring
eskhara with us.
Suit up, knights.
3 Table of Contents 16 Kin
4 Introduction 16 Cloven
4 Playtest Rules 17 Kaldron
4 What’s Different? 17 Buforog
17 Chimru
5 Eskhara: A Broken World
5 The Hive Wars 18 Frames
5 Apparatus: Relics of War 18 Bastion
6 Aether: Spark of Creation 18 Sunderer
6 The Nexus Fights as One 19 Dragoon
6 Fragments & Factions 20 Ettercap
7 Return of the Oghdra 21 Imp
22 Magus
8 How to Play
8 Rolling Tests 23 Augments
8 Aspects 23 Offensive Augments
9 Advantage & Disadvantage 24 Defensive Augments
9 Triumphs & Losses 25 Utility Augments
9 Actions 26 Boons
10 Range 26 Flux Boons
10 Attacking & Defending 27 Aether Boons
10 Scale 27 Hearth Boons
11 Initiative
11 Dice Chain 28 Armament
11 Nexus Die 28 Armament Limits
12 Energy 28 Armor
12 Shield Die 28 Weapons
12 Legion Dice 29 Artifacts
13 Fortified 30 Enemies
13 Shaken 30 Using Enemies
13 Untethered 31 Rivals & Raiders
13 Respite 33 Great Beasts
13 Character Creation 34 Oghdra
14 Leveling Up 35 Aetheric Aberrations
14 Names: Banners and Vox 36 Keepers of Eskhara

38 Quest: Clash at Ferrik

When the Oghdra emerged from the of Eskhara. This playtest document
Aethereal, only the towering machines represents a small sample of things to
we called Apparatus could withstand come, and is by no means a complete
them. The Oghdra came from beyond product. Everything contained herein
our reality, and their chittering legions is subject to change before our final
sought to destroy and consume, release.
undeterred by creed or conscience.
With sword and spear, we sundered
chitin; with shield in hand, we repelled
What’s Different?
If you’re unfamiliar with The Mecha
the insectoid swarm; and together, we Hack, don’t worry; Aether Nexus
survived the shattering of our world, contains everything you need to jump
and scattered the Oghdra to the in. If you’ve played The Mecha Hack,
deepest reaches of the Aethereal. this game should feel familiar, but
Centuries have passed. The fractured there are a few notable differences to
world of Eskhara deigns to rebuild, her keep in mind.
people gathering once again around • Aspects replace attributes (Stone,
the hearths of clan and kingdom. The Flux, Aether, and Hearth).
Apparatus forged to fight the Oghdra
remain as artifacts of legend, fighting • Action types are reworked and
only in honorific duels or for sport in renamed (Activate, Interact,
arenas. Maneuver, and Strike).

Now, the Fragments shift, the • The Nexus die replaces the reactor
Aethereal stirs, and the exile of our die.
ancient enemy has reached its • A shared Energy pool replaces
inevitable end. individual hit points.
The Oghdra have returned, and • Your Shield die can be rolled to
Eskhara has need of her knights once reduce damage, replacing armor
more. points.
• Legion dice (similar to Mission
Playtest Rules Manual’s swarm dice) are now a
Aether Nexus is a tabletop roleplaying standard rule.
game of mecha and magic powered
by The Mecha Hack. • Four kin options: Cloven, Kaldron,
Buforog, and Chimru.
You are an aetheric knight of Eskhara.
Tethered physically and mentally to • Six frame options: Imp, Dragoon,
a mechanized suit of towering armor Ettercap, Bastion, Sunderer, and
called an Apparatus, you will forge a Magus.
symbiotic bond with your allies and • Augments replace modules.
stand together against obliteration.
This document presents the in-
development rules and player options
of Aether Nexus, as well as the setting


Long ago, Eskhara was whole, and her the Aethereal. By the Hive Wars’ end,
people prospered. Eskharans pierced Eskhara lay broken and strewn across
the veil of reality, venturing into the the void in her Fragments, and the
Aethereal, and there they learned many decimated Oghdra fled deep into the
secrets of matter of magic. Wielding Aethereal, fading into legend ... for a
aether, an arcane element flowing with time.
knowledge, Eskharans began an age of
wonder. Magic was abundant, aether-
powered technology lifted life to utopic
Apparatus: Relics of War
Only Apparatus, towering suits of
heights, and a vast and equitable mechanized armor powered by
commonwealth spanned the world. aether, withstood the onslaught of
Then came the Oghdra. the Oghdra. It was through the might
of Apparatus, and the linked spirits of
The Hive Wars their aetheric knights, that the Oghdra
were driven from Eskhara. Though
Eskharans were not alone within the
since the days of the Hive Wars, the
Aethereal. Amidst the arcane currents,
use of Apparatus has become costly
early voyagers encountered insectoid
and hazardous, relegating the artifacts
beings from beyond the Aethereal,
to machine labor, honorific sport, and
whose conquests had already
the occasional skirmish along disputed
consumed worlds beyond counting.
borders. Now, with the apparent
The Oghdra burrowed through the
return of the Oghdra, the Apparatus
Aethereal to invade Eskhara, fracturing
must once again stand fast against
the world with their emergence. The
obliteration to preserve the drifting
ensuing Hive Wars raged for centuries,
remains of their sundered world.
fought by aetheric knights and
their mighty Apparatus across both
Eskhara and the infinite expanse of

Aether: Spark of Creation Flux also affords Eskharans remnants
of normalcy: days, nights, even a
Aether is an arcane element containing
semblance of seasons.
knowledge from across time and space.
It flows with the primordial laws of
creation, and when harnessed, allows
Houses of the Inner Shards
The Inner Shards of Eskhara comprise
for gravity-defying skyships, world-
larger and more “habitable” Fragments.
spanning communication, and near-
Their close orbit often brings them
instantaneous travel. These wonders
into the embrace of the Korsun, which
are achieved by way of the Aethereal
provides light, warmth, and koradium, a
— a vast, otherworldly dimension
resilient metal forged within Eskhara’s
churning with endless currents of raw
molten heart. The noble houses of
the Inner Shards reap these benefits,
reigning over prosperous dominions
The Nexus Fights as One brimming with crops and lumber
A Nexus is a squad of aetheric knights and metals. Ambition, however, rules
and their Apparatus, all operating as a above all — and conflict often simmers
single, symbiotic unit. Tethered through between rival houses.
the Aethereal to both Apparatus and
their fellow knights, an aetheric knight Clans of the Outer Drifts
experiences the thoughts, feelings, The people of the Outer Drifts cling to
and — in the heat of battle — stress of distant, minor Fragments, forging a
their comrades. While each aetheric bitter yet proud frontier. Far from the
knight acts individually, this Nexus light of the Korsun, the Outer Drifts,
allows for telepathic communication it’s said, “huddle for warmth,” orbiting
and seamless coordination through Eskhara in tight clusters housing even
the Aethereal, rivaling the hive tighter communities — the clans. These
consciousness of the Oghdra. clans are bound not by blood, but by
necessity, a bond made unbreakable
Fragments & Factions by struggle. Scarce resources and
As Eskhara drifts broken, her people even scarcer landmass often sparks
survive on the Fragments. These aggression, however, and war between
broken pieces of wandering earth clans is not uncommon.
— some continents in their own
right, others little larger than floating Freetide Corsairs
boulders — orbit one another as well Unbidden by house, clan, or creed, the
as the Korsun, Eskhara’s molten core. roving Freetide bands swear no fealty,
Travel between the Fragments — and instead serving those with sufficient
through the Aethereal — is achieved riches or worthwhile aim. Corsairs are
via skyship. nomadic by nature, living and working
aboard skyship flotillas and moving
Navigation in Eskhara is harrowing due
“with the tide,” answering only to the
to the Flux — the constant, chaotic
Flux. They scavenge and scrape by with
drift of Eskhara’s Fragments, and the
the cosmic detritus of the Aethereal,
cyclical expansion and contraction of
often hawking trinkets, weapons, and
their orbits. The Flux can be tracked
lore from across innumerable worlds.
and predicted to a degree, and the
ability to do so innately is a rare gift.
But despite its chaotic patterns, the

Hewers’ Guild However, in controlling aether, the
Primarily a trade union, the Hewers’ Authorita hoards knowledge as well as
Guild oversees much of the mining power, and many see the faction as a
and logging that happens across tyrannical body that holds itself above
Eskhara, as well as the export of those Eskhara.
resources throughout the Fragments.
Predominantly active in the Inner
Shards, the Hewers owe allegiance
Return of the Oghdra
Prophecy speaks of the dimming of the
to the noble houses but exist as a Korsun, the bleeding of the Aethereal,
separately governed entity. and the casting of the Fragments into
the void. Few dare admit it, but the
Authorita Aetherium signs cannot be ignored: the Oghdra
Serving Eskhara above all others, have returned, sighted again in the
the Authorita Aetherium sees to Aethereal, and war is inevitable.
the diligent harvest, refinement,
and export of raw aether from the The Apparatus, which have stood silent
Aethereal. They also operate and vigil since the Hive Wars, must now
maintain the aether gates commonly slough off centuries of dust to stand
sighted in the Inner Shards, which once more against the coming doom.
allow for safe and efficient passage A new generation of aetheric knights
through known Aethereal routes. must take up the quest.


In Aether Nexus, you and your fellow

player characters portray aetheric
Aether Nexus uses four aspects that
knights of a Nexus, a fighting force of
not only represent the physical abilities
warrior-mages. Each of you helms an
of your aetheric knight and their
Apparatus, a towering, mechanized suit
Apparatus, but also your connection
of aether-powered armor. Your Nexus
to the primordial magicks of Eskhara.
is spiritually connected through a link
Aspects in Aether Nexus are modified
that passes through the Aethereal,
by player choices as well as by gaining
allowing you to telepathically
levels, and cannot exceed 20.
communicate, share memories and
images, and experience emotions as
one, no matter your distance from one
The earth firm beneath; Eskhara’s
another. Your Nexus is also physically
wilds teem with life abundant and
connected to some degree, suffering
damage and strain as a single entity.
Your strength, fortitude, and resiliency

Rolling Tests are measured in Stone. Tests of Stone

include swinging a greatsword, lifting
Aether Nexus uses a twenty-sided die
a toppled pillar, or withstanding an
(D20) to resolve aspect rolls, known as
enemy onslaught.
tests. Any action that presents a risk or
challenge is tested with the roll of a D20.
If the die rolls under the corresponding
The wheeling Fragments unceasing
aspect, the test succeeds; if the die rolls
in their orbits; patterns unpredictable
equal to or over the corresponding
as the wind.
aspect, the test fails.
Your speed, swiftness, and skill are
measured in Flux. Tests of Flux include
leaping a vast chasm, discharging a
lodecaster, or dodging an aether beam.

The memory of worlds beyond
Triumphs & Losses
On tests, a roll of 1 is a triumph; conversely,
counting; rivers of pure potential a roll of 20 is a loss. The results of these
coursing through the cosmos. tests lie outside the bounds of binary
Your knowledge, wisdom, and success or failure, yielding further
awareness are measured in Aether. fortune or consequence. In combat,
Tests of Aether include sensing allies for example, a triumph on an attack
and foes, conjuring and resisting often results in double damage, while
magic, or navigating the Aethereal. a loss could mean not only missing
the attack, but also finding yourself in
Hearth a disadvantageous position. Triumphs
Gather all around the flame; for as and losses can be a powerful narrative
one, we weather the storm. tool to emphasize critical moments.

Your personality, courage, and

presence are measured in Hearth. Actions
Tests of Hearth include inspiring On your turn, you can perform any
your comrades, overcoming fear, or two actions. Aether Nexus has four
standing fast against great peril. action types: Activations, Interactions,
Maneuvers, and Strikes. These do not

Advantage & Disadvantage represent the extent of all possible

actions, but most things in the game
If a test has advantage, you roll two D20s
fall into one of these four categories.
and take the more favorable result; if
a test has disadvantage, you roll two If you take two actions of the same type
D20s and take the less favorable result. in a turn, you must roll your Nexus die.
Advantage and disadvantage cancel Each action type has an associated
each other out, and multiple instances basic action, to which you always have
of advantage or disadvantage don’t access.

Triumphes & Losses

D10 Triumph Effect Loss Effect
1 Advantage on your next test Disadvantage on your next test

2 Regain 1D4 Energy Lose 1D4 Energy

3 Take an extra action next turn Take no Maneuvers next turn

4 Become fortified Disadvantage on Flux tests next turn

5 +2 damage on next attack Take no Strikes next turn

6 Upgrade an ally’s Nexus die Downgrade your Nexus die

7 Advantage on ally’s next attack Cannot use weapons next turn

8 Move 1 span or spire You become shaken

9 Upgrade Shield die Cannot roll Shield die next turn

10 Activate a Nexus Surge You become untethered

Activate is a rare ability, reserved for the likes of
Activations trigger unique abilities, the legendary Dragoon frame.
like those granted by your Apparatus
frame and augments. Perilous Terrain
Tether/Untether: As an Activation, When you enter an area of perilous
tether or untether yourself to your terrain, you must test Stone or Flux.
Apparatus. If you fail, you take 1D6 damage and
become shaken. If an enemy enters
Interact perilous terrain, they must end their
Interactions affect allies, enemies, and movement and take 1D8 damage.
the environment. Interactions are the
most versatile and open-ended action Attacking & Defending
type. Both attacking and defending are
Bolster: As an Interaction, grant an ally resolved with aspect tests. When
advantage on a single test before your attacking an enemy, you test Stone
next turn. for melee and Flux for ranged. When
attacked by an enemy, you must
Maneuver likewise roll a test to avoid the damage,
Maneuvers include moving, shifting, the aspect of which is determined by
and traversing terrain. the enemy’s statblock.

Move: As a Maneuver, travel 1 span or Critical Damage

spire in any direction. Damage is often doubled as a result
of a triumph or a loss on either a test
Strike made to attack or a test made to avoid
Strikes target enemies with damage or an attack. If you suffer critical damage,
debilitating effects. you must also roll your Nexus die.
Attack: As a Strike, attack an enemy,
testing Stone for melee and Flux for Rupture Damage
ranged, and deal your damage die on Certain enemies and augments
a success. in Aether Nexus can deal rupture
damage, which cannot be reduced in
Range any way (including Shield dice, Legion
dice, or by being fortified). Rupture is
Aether Nexus uses two units to
always applied directly to the Nexus’
determine range: spans for horizontal
Energy pool or the enemy’s Resolve.
distance, and spires for vertical.
Abilities from your frame, augments,
or boons often list their effective
Ongoing Damage
Some enemies and augments deal
range; this number can comprise any
ongoing damage. Ongoing damage
combination of spans and spires (e.g.
is applied once when it is dealt, and
range 3 can target something 3 spans
then again on each of the affected
away, 2 spans and 1 spire away, or 3
target’s turns. This persistent damage
spires away).
continues until max damage is rolled
All Apparatus wield at least limited on the ongoing damage die.
control over the Flux, allowing them
to leap, hover, and glide; but true flight

Scale Dice Chain
Aether Nexus uses four scales to Nexus dice, Shield dice, and Legion
represent differences in size: Knight, dice use a dice chain when upgrading
Apparatus, Skyship, and Fragment. or downgrading, starting with D4
When interacting with enemies and and ranging upward to D12. When
objects of lesser and greater scale, the rules text prompts you to upgrade/
following rules apply: downgrade a die, you follow the dice
chain up or down in sequence. A die
• You have advantage on tests
can never be upgraded beyond its
made to avoid attacks from larger
starting/maximum size. The full dice
chain is D4, D6, D8, D10, and D12.
• You have disadvantage on tests
made to attack smaller enemies.
Nexus Die
• You can occupy the same area Your Nexus die represents the
as a larger enemy or ally (such as aetheric energy coursing through
a knight riding on the shoulders the veins of your Apparatus, as well
of their ‘Ratus, or an Apparatus as your connection to it and your
standing on the deck of a skyship). fellow knights. When you push your
• Your damage, both dealt and Apparatus — by activating an ability,
received, can be modified based taking the same action type twice, or
on scale (see the table below). suffering critical damage — you roll
your Nexus die. On a 1, the Nexus die
downgrades (e.g. from a D8 to a D6);
Initiative on a maximum result (e.g. 6 on a D6),
When battle breaks out, initiative you downgrade your Nexus die, but
is rolled to determine the order of also you trigger your Nexus Surge. Your
combat. You must test either Flux or Nexus die is restored to its maximum
Aether. On a success, you take your during respite.
turn before enemies; on a failure, you
take your turn after enemies. You roll your Nexus die anytime:

Among these two groups (before • You take the same action type
enemies and after enemies), players twice
can choose the order of their individual • You take critical damage
turns, or go in descending order of Flux
• Rules text instructs you to
• The GM instructs you to

Damage by Scale
Attacker Knight Apparatus Skyship Fragment
Knight 1X Damage 1/2 Damage Only Rupture Only Rupture

Apparatus 2X Damage 1X Damage 1/2 Damage Only Rupture

Skyship 3X Damage 2X Damage 1X Damage 1/2 Damage

Fragment 4X Damage 3X Damage 2X Damage 1X Damage

Multiple Nexus Rolls
It’s possible to roll your Nexus die two
Your Nexus experiences battle as one.
or even three times to accomplish a Each knight in a Nexus adds a number
task, depending on the circumstances. of Energy to a shared pool. When you
For example, using an augment ability take damage, it reduces the Energy
that calls for a Nexus die roll, while also in the Nexus’ pool. When the Energy
taking your second Strike action of the reaches 0, the Nexus becomes broken.
turn, would necessitate two Nexus die
rolls. Broken
When a Nexus becomes broken,
Nexus Surge each Apparatus in that Nexus rolls
Your Nexus Surge, granted by your all tests with disadvantage and can
chosen kin, is a powerful ability that only only take a single action per turn. In
occurs when you roll the maximum addition, the Nexus cannot use their
possible result on your Nexus die (e.g. Nexus Surge abilities. When the Nexus
6 on a D6). Following the Nexus Surge, regains Energy — through abilities that
your Nexus die downgrades. replenish Energy or through respite —
they are no longer broken.
When you downgrade a D4 Nexus die, Fallen
you become severed from your Nexus: While broken, if an Apparatus takes
you can only take one action per turn, damage, they become fallen. A fallen
and cannot communicate with allies or Apparatus can take no actions and
be the target of an ally’s Nexus Surge. is effectively out of action until they
If you must roll your Nexus die while recover during respite.
severed, you instead take 1D10 rupture
damage. As an Activation, you can test
an aspect of your choice; on a success, Shield Die
you are no longer severed. Your Nexus In Aether Nexus, your Shield die
die remains a D4. represents the protection afforded by
an Apparatus, as well as the integrity
of its energy barriers and structural
components. Each Apparatus frame
lists its Shield die. When you take
damage, you can choose to roll your
Shield die to reduce the incoming
damage by the result. The Shield die
downgrades (e.g. from a D8 to a D6)
on rolls of 1, as well as on a maximum
result (e.g. 6 on a D6). Armor and shields
improve your Shield die rolls by adding
a modifier. Your Shield die is restored to
its maximum during respite.

Legion Dice Untethered
Legion dice represent groups of allies or When you leave the protective confines
foes. Squads of ‘Ratus, soldiers on foot, of your Apparatus, you become
swarms of Oghdra, and stampeding untethered. While untethered, the
herds of ironoxes could all use Legion following rules apply:
dice. Legion dice can be rolled after
• You are at Knight scale.
damage rolls (by both Apparatus and
enemies) and added or subtracted to • You have access to your knight
the total. Legion dice downgrade (e.g. armament.
from a D8 to a D6) on rolls of 1, as well • You share your Apparatus’ Nexus
as on a maximum result (e.g. 6 on a die and damage die, but do not
D6); a D4 Legion die that downgrades have access to its Shield die,
is destroyed. augments, or armament.
An Apparatus or enemy can never have • On each turn, you can direct
more than one Legion die at a time. In your Apparatus to either follow
the case where an Apparatus or enemy or guard. While following, your
gains more than one Legion die, the Apparatus moves toward you, up
larger die replaces the smaller one. to range 1; while guarding, your
Apparatus holds position and
Fortified can make a single attack with
When an Apparatus or enemy is
obscured from sight or protected by • If within range 1 of your Apparatus,
terrain, structures, or other sources of you are fortified.
cover, they are fortified. While fortified, • You and your Apparatus can both
a target takes half damage. If a fortified be targeted by enemy attacks.
target moves, they are no longer
fortified. Respite
Respite represents downtime afforded
Shaken to the Nexus in a safe location
Certain enemies or conditions within with access to tools, resources, and
the game can cause you to become sufficient time to make repairs and
shaken. While shaken, you roll all recuperate, such as aboard a friendly
aspect tests with disadvantage. The skyship. During respite, the following
shaken condition persists a single can occur:
round, ending its effect at the end of • Restore Nexus dice, Shield dice,
the affected knight’s next turn. and Energy to maximum
• Modify armament, swapping out
any armor and weapons available
to you.
• Level up, if directed by the GM to
do so.

Character Creation Leveling Up
To create your knight and their Your maximum level is 10. Leveling can
Apparatus, follow these steps: only be done during respite. When
leveling up, follow these steps:
• Allocate the following array to your
four aspects: 8, 10, 12, and 13. • Each level, increase your Energy by
• Choose your kin and gain their a number equal to your level (for
trait and Nexus Surge (pg. 16). example, at level 2, increase your
Energy by 2).
• Choose your frame, apply its
aspect modifiers, and gain your • At levels 3, 6, and 9, choose a new
starting Energy and unique frame augment.
abilities (pg. 18). • At levels 5 and 7, choose a new
• Choose an augment and gain its boon.
abilities (pg. 23). • At levels 2, 4, 8, and 10, increase
• Choose a boon (pg. 26). one aspect of your choice by +2,
or two aspects of your choice by +1
• Choose your armament (pg. 28).

Features by Level Names: Banners and Vox

A Nexus flies under a banner — a
LVL Features unified moniker that identifies them
as one. Each aetheric knight has a
1 Energy, Augment, Boon
designated vox — a title derived from
2 +2 Energy, Aspect Increase the most prolific letters in the Eskharan
alphabet (20 letters are included here,
3 +3 Energy, Augment though they number in the hundreds).
4 +4 Energy, Aspect Increase When identifying themselves, it’s
common for an aetheric knight to use
5 +5 Energy, Boon their banner and vox in succession (e.g.
Sunsetter Elgrek).
6 +6 Energy, Augment

7 +7 Energy, Boon Legacy Banners and Vox

Some aetheric knights carry a legacy,
8 +8 Energy, Aspect Increase the purposeful inheritance of the
9 +9 Energy, Augment memories, experiences, and emotions
passed from one aetheric knight to
10 +10 Energy, Aspect Increase another, most commonly upon death.
The knight receiving a legacy is often
a descendant or relative to the knight
granting it, though not always, and it is
a common practice for an Apparatus to
be passed along also.
Aetheric knights who carry a legacy
are typically signified by Eskharan
numerals following their banner and
vox denoting the number of times
the legacy has been passed on (e.g.
Sunsetter Elgrek II or Stoneback Zakaf
14 IV).
Banner & Vox
1 Sun fist Yodiss

2 Hearth light Jehlar

3 Stone back Prul

4 Aether wing Zakaf

5 Shard wisp Minoch

6 Soul ember Belen

7 Mauler fist Laruss

8 Night whisper Nirek

9 Light shaper Qsadi

10 War kin Ralet

11 Frame breaker Oluk

12 Dark digger Elgrek

13 Lash knot Klynn

14 Flame tender Dhek

15 Sky keeper Xhar

16 Oath seer Vashin

17 Heart bringer Uur

18 Iron lancer Aimel

19 Sword shatter Grom

20 Shield raiser Citarik

Your kin is your family and legacy. It
represents the beginnings of your
knight and the traits that define
them. The four kin presented here
are by no means the extent of the
myriad Eskharan peoples, nor are
they definitive exemplars of culture.
Envision your aetheric knight as you
see them, and use the kin options here
to set them apart within the bounds of
the rules.
Each kin grants your knight a unique
trait, as well as a Nexus Surge, a
powerful effect that occurs when you
roll the maximum result on your Nexus

It was the Cloven who first ventured
into the Aethereal and harnessed
aether, ushering in an era of prosperity
— while also throwing wide the door for
the coming of the Oghdra. Exposure
to aether (or the curse of Eskhara’s
Lament, as many believe) has led to
the emergence of myriad mutations
among the Cloven.

Eskhara’s Lament
When you make a test, you can choose
to roll it with disadvantage. If you
succeed, upgrade your Nexus die (not
exceeding its maximum).

Nexus Surge: Spirit Link

Choose an ally. You can choose to roll
against their aspects in your next test;
additionally, they can choose to roll
against your aspects in their next test.

Kaldron Nexus Surge: Combined Attack
Choose an ally. On your next successful
Life springs forth in myriad and
often unpredictable ways within the attack, roll their damage die in addition
Aethereal, and the Kaldron are living to your own; on their next successful
proof. Beings of sapient aether, Kaldron attack, they roll your damage die in
typically contain themselves within addition to their own.
humanoid-shaped physical vessels,
and interface seamlessly with aether- Chimru
powered devices like Apparatus. Despite their undeniable connection,
the insectoid Chimru do not share the
Aetheric Anatomy Oghdra’s inexorable need to consume
If you fail a test, you can downgrade and conquer. Though mistrusted by
your Nexus die to succeed instead. some, the Chimru are gifted empaths
and tinkerers who have carved out a
Nexus Surge: Aether Infusion unique niche for themselves in the
Choose an ally. That ally can upgrade Fragments.
their Nexus die and immediately take
a single action. Flux Adroit
Downgrade your Nexus die to take an
Buforog extra action (rolling your Nexus die for
duplicate actions as normal).
Amphibious beings known for their
resilient anatomy and innate survival
instincts, Buforog have long stood Nexus Surge: Rally Swarm
in defense of Eskhara and the wilds Each ally within range 4 can
they call home. With the return of the immediately move to range 1 of you;
Oghdra, they must stand and fight you and each ally who moved this
once more. way can upgrade your Shield dice (not
exceeding its maximum).
Survival Instinct
If you would take damage, you can
instead downgrade your Nexus die.

Your frame is the skeleton of your
Apparatus — upon it you’ll affix
Bulwark Form
augments and armaments fleshing it Activate: Shift into Bulwark Form. Roll
out to make it your own. Once tethered your Nexus die. You become fortified,
to your frame’s inner mechanisms, your but have disadvantage on Flux tests.
aetheric knight becomes the beating In addition, while an ally stands within
heart of the machine. A frame is not range 1 of you, they are also fortified.
the entirety of your Apparatus’ identity,
End Bulwark Form as an Activation.
abilities, or look, but it forms the
foundational core of your strengths and
weaknesses in the game. Your frame
is further upgraded and customized Stone Flux Aether Hearth
with augments and armaments as you +2 – – +1
advance in the game and level up.
Energy Shield Die DMG Die Nexus Die
Each frame grants aspect boosts,
starting Energy, and a damage die, as 12 D6 D12 D6
well as both “resource” dice: Shield and The Sunderer is a battle-ready frame
Nexus. In addition, your frame includes that eschews agility in favor of ruinous
two unique abilities. damage. Its powerful, reinforced limbs
are outfitted with aether-powered
Bastion augmentations capable of crushing
rock and shattering chitin.
Stone Flux Aether Hearth
+1 – – +2 Buster Fists
When you deal damage, you can roll
Energy Shield Die DMG Die Nexus Die
your Nexus die once and add that
12 D10 D6 D8 result to the damage.
A towering monolith of armored
plating, the Bastion shields both itself
Activate: Until the end of your next
and nearby allies from harm. The
turn, you have advantage on all tests
Bastion’s unique ability to unfurl its
made to attack, and disadvantage on
plates into a bulwark of shielding is
all tests made to avoid attacks.
indispensable on the battlefield.

If an ally within range 2 would take
damage, you can choose to roll your
Shield die to absorb damage for them.

Dragoon Mobile Strike
When you move toward a target and
Stone Flux Aether Hearth hit it with an attack, deal +1 damage.
+1 +1 – +1
Aetherwind Form
Energy Shield Die DMG Die Nexus Die Activate: Shift into Aetherwind Form.
12 D8 D8 D8 Roll your Nexus die. As a Manuever, you
can move 2 spans, or 1 span and 1 spire.
The Dragoon is a mechanized cavalier
In addition, you roll Flux tests with
— an armored, versatile combatant
advantage, but reduce your damage
whose relentless speed and punishing
die one step. End Aetherwind Form as
damage cannot be easily withstood.
an Activation.
The Dragoon’s mobility is no more
apparent than in its ability to transform
into an aetherborne vehicle.

Ettercap Mites
Activate: Choose yourself or an ally
Stone Flux Aether Hearth within range 2. The target gains a
+1 +1 +1 – swarm of mites (D4 Legion die). Roll
your Nexus die.
Energy Shield Die DMG Die Nexus Die
10 D6 D8 D10 Aether Snare
Strike: Choose a target within range
Developed in response to the Oghdra’s
3. Roll your Nexus die. Until the end
unrelenting swarm tactics, the Ettercap
of your next turn, that target cannot
is an uncanny and unnerving frame
move, and attacks against it have
capable of deploying mechanized
spiderlings and ensnaring foes with
crackling webs of aetheric energy.

Imp The Imp is a lithe, swift frame built
for ambushes and feints. Though less
Stone Flux Aether Hearth durable than other frames, the Imp
– +2 +1 – makes up for this with its onboard
aetherslip engine, allowing it to phase
Energy Shield Die DMG Die Nexus Die briefly into the Aethereal and blink
8 D6 D10 D8 across the battlefield to confound the
enemy and deliver surprise strikes.

Blink Strike
The first time you deal damage to a
target, roll an extra damage die.

Aether Step
Maneuver: Move to a location
within range 4. Roll your
Nexus die. Roll your next
attack with advantage.

Magus Nexus Link
When an ally within range 4 would roll
Stone Flux Aether Hearth their Nexus die, you can choose to roll
– – +2 +1 yours instead.

Energy Shield DMG Die Nexus Die Channel Aether

Activate: Roll your Nexus die, then
8 D6 D6 D12 choose one of the following effects:
What the Magus lacks in protection, regain Energy equal to the result;
it boasts in a command of aether, or deal damage equal to the result,
allowing it to suppress the volatile divided as you choose among any
energy in its own frame as well as targets within range 2.
nearby allies. Further, the Magus can
harness the aether coursing through
its veins to both deal damage to foes
and restore vigor to allies.

Augments in Aether Nexus represent Beam Emitter
modifications and upgrades to your An Aethereal conduit channels raw
Apparatus frame, granting passive aether into devastating energy capable
and active abilities to bolster the of emitting short, controlled bursts or
performance of your machine. Each an increasingly destructive and volatile
augment grants two abilities. When stream.
you choose a new augment at levels
1, 3, 6, and 9, you gain access to both Burst Fire
abilities listed under that augment. Strike: Test Aether. If you succeed,
deal 1D8 rupture damage to up to two
Offensive Augments targets within range 2. If you fail, deal
1D4 rupture damage to a single target
These augments offer increased
within range 2 and 1D4 damage to
damage, new attack options, and
other offensive capabilities useful for
confronting enemies in combat. Shatterbeam
Activate: Choose a target within range
Aetheric Weapons 3. Once each turn as a Strike action, you
On-board aetheric condensers allow can roll your Nexus die to deal rupture
your Apparatus to form spectral damage to that target. The damage
weapons of plasmatic aether. die starts at D4 and progresses one
step up the dice chain each turn, to a
Manifest Weapon
maximum of D12 damage. This effect
Activate: Form a non-heavy melee
ends once you end your turn and
weapon that does not count toward
haven’t dealt damage this way.
your armament limit. Roll your Nexus
die. The weapon deals +1 damage. If you
roll the maximum result on a damage
Beast Form
Your Apparatus is a beast in its own
die using the weapon, roll the damage
right, brandishing wicked claws and
die again and add it to the result, then
reshaping itself to more effectively
the weapon dissipates. The weapon
dispatch enemies.
persists until it dissipates this way, or if
you use this ability again. Clawed Fury
Strike: If you attack unarmed, you can
Aetheric Darts
attack twice.
Strike: Deal 1D4 damage to up to three
targets within range 3. During your Shapeshift
next turn, as an Activation, roll your Activate: Take the shape of a
Nexus die to deal that much damage mechanical beast. Roll your Nexus
to each target damaged by an aetheric die. While in this shape, you deal an
dart last turn, up to a maximum of six. additional +2 damage while unarmed,
and have advantage on Power and
Flux tests, but cannot roll your Shield
die to reduce damage. End this effect
as an Activation.

Flame Culverin Sling
Aether ignites as it passes through Strike: Hurl a sentry shard at an enemy
a specialized emitter mounted to within range 3, destroying the shard
your Apparatus, creating a stream of and dealing damage determined
superheated plasma. by the target’s range from you: 1D12
damage for range 1, 1D8 for range 2, or
Project Flame 1D4 for range 3.
Strike: Deal 1D4 ongoing damage each
to up to three targets within range 2.
Roll your Nexus die.
Defensive Augments
These augments increase the
Flaming Weapon survivability and resiliency of your
Activate: Coat a weapon in flame. Roll Apparatus, allowing you to negate and
your Nexus die. The weapon deals withstand damage and avoid negative
1D4 damage in addition to its normal effects.
damage. If you roll a 4 on this damage
die, the damage becomes ongoing. Aegis Aetherium
This effect persists until your Nexus die Aetheric condensers orbiting your
downgrades or until you use this ability Apparatus allow for the conjuring of
again. solid barriers of crackling energy in
response to harm.
Flux Field Aetheric Shield
Powerful generators within your
When you take damage, you can
Apparatus enable the manipulation
choose to roll your Nexus die and
of the Flux itself, harnessing tiny
negate the damage by the result; you
Fragments which can orbit defensively
can choose to do this before or after
or be flung offensively.
rolling any Shield dice.
Sentry Shards Glimmer Barrier
Activate: Summon a sentry shard,
Activate: Roll your Nexus die. You
which orbits your Apparatus. Roll your
become fortified. The effect persists
Nexus die. You can have up to three
until you take critical damage or
sentry shards active at a time. When
rupture damage, or until your Nexus
an enemy ends their turn within range
die downgrades.
1 of you, they take 1D4 damage for each
active sentry shard.

Bristle Plate Battle Analysis
Whether carapace, steel, or stone, the Activate: Choose one target within
armor plating of your Apparatus serves range 3 to determine a weak point. Roll
as both protection and weapon, a your Nexus die. Until the end of your
barricade of barbs and blades designed next turn, attacks against that target
to reflect damage. deal +2 damage.

Razorshell Aetherweave Tether

When you take damage from an Even while outside the protective
enemy within range 1, you can choose confines of your Apparatus, your
to deal damage to that attacker with connection remains, allowing you to
your Shield die, rather than reduce remotely command the machine.
Ironclad Once per turn, you can become
When you roll a 1 on a Shield die, you untethered without using an action.
can choose to reroll it.
Mycodrium Coating Interact: While untethered, direct your
Fungal-metallic alloy enables the rapid Apparatus to take a Strike or Maneuver.
restoration of the structural integrity of
your Apparatus. Adjunct Limbs
Your Apparatus brandishes numerous
Fungal Regeneration reinforced appendages, allowing the
At the start of your turn, if you took machine to better navigate hazardous
damage last turn, you can roll your environs and grapple enemies.
Nexus die to upgrade your Shield die
(not exceeding its maximum). Clamber
You have advantage on any tests made
Funnel Life to navigate perilous terrain.
Activate: Roll your Shield die and
regain that much Energy. Grappler
Strike: Test Stone. If you succeed, deal

Utility Augments 1D6 damage to a target within range

1. Until the end of your next turn, the
These augments add abilities,
target cannot move, and you have
bolstering the senses, movement, and
advantage on attacks against it.
support capabilities of your Apparatus.

Aethereal Array Koradium Core

A heart forged in the crushing pressure
Your gaze pierces stone, metal, and
of the Korsun strengthens your bond.
reality itself, allowing you peer through
the Aethereal. Upgraded Core
Your Nexus die improves by one die
Piercing Gaze step.
When making a test to detect hidden
targets, sense arcane phenomena, or Machine Heart
navigate hazardous environments, you When you roll a natural 20 on an aspect
can roll your Nexus die to automatically test, you can choose to reroll the test
succeed. and take the second result.

Boons in Aether Nexus represent
your aetheric knight’s arcane gifts,
Flux Boons
These boons allow for greater
comprising sorcerous powers, spells,
movement and mobility, and enable
and magical companions.
your knight to affect the battlefield

Stone Boons with shifting winds and gravity.

These boons afford your knight greater Chooka

protection and strength, as well as You are accompanied by a chooka, a
mastery over natural elements. large, flightless bird. While untethered,
as a Maneuver, you can move 2 spans.
Chasm Strike In addition, while untethered, you have
As an Interaction, create a 1-span area of advantage on Flux tests relating to
perilous terrain within range 3. Roll your movement, and add +1 to damage rolls.
Nexus die. The perilous terrain persists
until your Nexus die downgrades, until Fluxrider
you use this boon again, or until you As an Interaction, summon the wind
end the effect as an Interaction. to propel your movements. Roll your
Nexus die. If you take no Maneuvers,
Glyph Splinter move 1 span or spire at the end of your
A small Keeper shard accompanies turn. This effect ends when your Nexus
you, serving as a D4 Legion die while die downgrades.
untethered. If destroyed, it reforms
during respite. Fluxstorm
As an Interaction, summon cyclonic
Stoneshape winds around you. Roll your Nexus die.
You can reshape stone, forming simple, When an enemy ends their turn within
small objects. As an Interaction, form range 1 of you, they take 1D4 damage
a non-heavy melee weapon of your and are pushed 1 span away. This effect
choice that does not count toward your ends when your Nexus die downgrades
armament limit, which shatters if you or when you use this boon again.
roll maximum damage.
Stonestride With a word or gesture, you can
As an Interaction, form a 1-span platform summon the wind, lifting small, palm-
within range 3. Roll your Nexus die. As sized objects and setting them to
an Interaction, move the platform up levitate. As an Interaction, you can test
to 2 spans or spires, also moving any Flux. If you succeed, choose a target
objects atop it. The platform persists within range 3 and move them 1 span
until your Nexus die downgrades, until or spire.
you use this boon again, or until you
collapse the platform as an Interaction. Winged
You possess a pair of wings. While
Titanslayer untethered, as a Maneuver, you can
While untethered, you deal normal move 2 spans, or 1 span and 1 spire. In
damage to Apparatus-scale enemies. addition, you have advantage on Flux
tests relating to movement.
Aether Boons Hearth Boons
These boons tap into the Aethereal These boons focus on rallying and
itself, allowing your knight to revitalizing, allowing your knight to
manipulate the volatile energy to heal allies and wield flames in defense
rewrite the laws of reality. of their Nexus.

Aetherwalk Emberhound
While untethered, as an Activation, You are accompanied by a lupine
slip into the Aethereal. Roll your Nexus creature shrouded in flame. Your
die. Until the start of your next turn, emberhound adds 6 Energy to your
you vanish and cannot be perceived or Nexus’ pool. In addition, you add +2 to
targeted, and cannot target enemies damage rolls while untethered.
or allies. At the start of your next turn,
appear in a location within range 3. Firesinger
You can manipulate flames,
Artifact Weapon extinguishing or starting fires, and
You carry a legendary weapon. creating shapes within the flames. In
While untethered, this weapon deals addition, as a Strike, you can hurl flame
+1 damage. In addition, you can at a target within range 3, testing
brandish this weapon to automatically Hearth and dealing 1D4 ongoing
succeed on a check made to impress, damage on a success.
intimidate, or inspire; you cannot do
this again until after respite. Memento Mori
As an Activation, choose a severed or
Jelly Wisp fallen ally within range 4. If severed,
You are accompanied by a ghostly that ally upgrades their Nexus die and
coalescence of semi-sapient aether. If is no longer severed; if fallen, that ally
you would downgrade your Nexus die, regains 1D6 Energy and is no longer
you can instead dissipate the wisp. It fallen. At the start of your next turn,
reforms during respite. roll a die: if evens, nothing happens; if
odds, downgrade your Nexus die and
Slipgate become shaken.
As an Interaction, create a temporary
slipgate at your location. Roll your Memory Sooth
Nexus die. At any point, you and any As an Interaction, delve into the mind of
allies within range 2 can instantly travel an ally. Roll your Nexus die, then choose
back to the location of the slipgate as one of the following effects: remove
an Activation. The slipgate fades after 1 the shaken or severed conditions, end
day, after you use it to teleport in this ongoing damage, or heal 1D6 Energy
way, or after you use this boon again. plus additional Energy equal to your
As an Activation, shroud yourself or your Nexus Horizon
Apparatus in aetheric shadows. Roll As an Interaction, choose an ally
your Nexus die. You have advantage within range 4. Roll your Nexus die. On
on rolls made to avoid attacks, as well their next turn, that ally can take one
as rolls made to conceal your presence. additional action, and can choose to
This effect ends when you take a Strike roll your Nexus die, rather than their
action or when you take damage. own, for any required rolls.
Your armament comprises
weapons and armor with which you
Each weapon in Aether Nexus is
and your Apparatus are outfitted and
either melee or ranged. Weapons can
can wield in combat. Armament may
be anything you can imagine, from
be built-in, carried in the Apparatus’
mighty swords the size of trees, to
hands, or a combination of the two.
shrieking lodecannons powered by
Armament Limits Aetheric knights are formidable
Your Apparatus can carry any four
warriors even outside of their
items, including armor and weapons.
Apparatus, carrying blades, bows, and
You can freely swap weapons and
even handheld lodecasters.
armor during respite, allowing you to
customize your loadout.
Likewise, your aetheric knight can Melee weapons can target and deal
carry any two weapons, usable while damage to enemies at range 1.
Possible melee weapons in Aether
Nexus include dagger, whip, handaxe,
Armor shortsword, sickle, sword, battleaxe,
Armor in Aether Nexus improves your spear, flail, hammer, mace, staff, trident,
Shield die rolls by adding a modifier. halberd, and spiked gauntlet.
Armor comes in three varities: heavy,
light, and shields. Unarmed
You always have access to your
Heavy Armor unarmed melee attack, which deals
Heavy armor is unwieldly and damage on step down the dice chain
cumbersome, but offers the best (e.g. if your damage die is D8, your
defense. Full armor adds +4 to Shield unarmed damage is D6).
dice rolls, but counts as two items
toward your armament limit. Ranged
Ranged weapons can target and deal
Light Armor damage to enemies at range 1-4, but
Light armor is well-balanced, providing impose disadvantage at ranges 1 and 4.
flexibility and protection. Light armor
adds +1 to Shield die rolls. Possible ranged weapons include
darts, javelins, throwing axes, longbow,
Shields crossbow, and lodecaster.
Shields can be held in the hand or
Lode Weapons
attached at critical weakpoints on your
Ranged weapons such as lodecasters
Apparatus. A shield adds +1 to Shield
and their larger equivalent,
die rolls.
lodecannons, charge lodestone with
aether to propel disc-like projectiles at
unfathomable speed, shredding armor
with ease. The telltale “whistle” emitted
by these projectiles, audible just before
28 impact, is widely feared.
Heavy Weapons
Heavy weapons deal +2 damage at the
Artifacts are weapons and armor of
cost of also adding +2 to the attack roll. legendary renown, ancient heirlooms
Heavy weapons count as two items passed down through generations,
toward your armament limit. or ancient weapons of the Hive Wars
Possible heavy weapons include lance, buried by time.
greataxe, greatsword, warhammer, Artifact items are powerful tools that
glaive, maul, scythe, ballista, and can be awarded to knights for great
lodecannon. deeds, uncovered through exploration,
or recovered from fallen foes. You can
roll to generate a random artifact, or
choose from the tables below.

Artifact Weapons
D10 Name Effect
1 Blaze Deals an additional 1D4 ongoing damage

2 Whisper Does not count toward armament limit

3 Thunder When rolling max damage, roll again

4 Unerring Ranged only; no disadvantage at range 4

5 Lightning Deals 1 damage to all enemies within range 1 of target

6 Bane Choose enemy category to add +1D6 damage against

7 Skyborne Melee only; can attack targets at range 1-3

8 Mighty Heavy only; damage is not reduced due to scale

9 Tempest After dealing damage, push target up to 2 spans

10 Vorpal Rolls of 1, 2, and 3 count as triumphs

Artifact Armor
D6 Name Effect
1 Koradium +1 to Shield die rolls

2 Fluidic When rolling max on Shield die, roll again

3 Umbral Light only; advantage on tests to hide your presence

4 Windsteel Light only; does not count toward armament limit

5 Aetheric You can roll your Nexus die in place of your Shield die

6 Adamant Heavy only; you do not take critical damage

Eskhara is a perilous world teeming Enemy Actions
with natural hazards, predatory beasts, On its turn, an enemy can move up to
and feuding factions. Here, find a small a number of spans or spires equal to its
sample of foes with which the Nexus speed, and also take a single action. An
must contend. enemy can take an action, then move,
or vice-versa.
Using Enemies Enemy Legion Dice
Each enemy in Aether Nexus lists a
number of stats, including: An enemy Legion die represents a
group of minor enemies, from D4 for
• Resolve: How much damage it small groups to D12 for large forces.
can sustain
Some enemies have abilities that
• Speed: How many spans or spires summon Legion dice to assist them.
it can move on its turn The GM can also assign Legion dice
• Scale: Its relative size and damage to enemies to increase their challenge
(see Scale, pg. 10). and to abstractly represent large
groups of like enemies.
• Challenge: The threat it poses to a
Nexus Using Legion Abilities can give
enemies additional options in combat,
When an enemy ability lists an aspect,
and make them more formidable foes
the targeted player character(s) must
(see table below).
succeed on a test against that aspect
to avoid any listed damage or negative

Legion Abilities
D10 Name Effect
1 Suppress ▼ Flux, all targets, range 2-3, 1D4 damage, become shaken

2 Swarm ▼ Stone, one target, range 1, 1D6 ongoing damage

3 Hunker ▼ Become fortified

4 Storm +1 speed

5 Divide Double targets for all actions

6 Conquer Once per turn, after dealing damage, take additional action

7 Barrage When rolling max damage, roll again

8 Surround ▼ One target, range 1, cannot move until end of next turn

9 Sacrifice When Legion die downgrades, 1D6 damage to all targets

10 Outlast Double resolve; increase damage dice one step

Enemy Categories
The foes encountered in Aether Nexus
Rivals & Raiders
Comprising Apparatus, skyships, and
are many and myriad, though most fall other machines of war, rivals and raiders
into one of five categories: rivals and represent fellow Eskharan survivors
raiders, great beasts, Oghdra, aetheric standing in opposition to the Nexus’
aberrations, and keepers of Eskhara. aims. These can be units pledged to a
Enemies tend to group themselves rival faction, brigands committed only
according to these categories, though to the quest for survival, or warriors
mixtures of these enemy types can serving nefarious whims.
make for more exciting and dynamic
encounters: a crew of raiders who Lodecannon battery 1
wade into battle using both ‘Ratus
Though stationary, a well-placed round
and ironoxes trained to fight alongside
from a longbore lodecannon is sure
them, for example. to punch through even the thickest
Apparatus plate.
Building Encounters
To quickly calculate an appropriate Resolve Speed Scale
threat for a Nexus, the number of
10 0 Apparatus
enemies and their challenge should
roughly equate to the number and ▼Barrage
level of the player characters. For Flux, 1 target, range 2-4, 1D6 damage
example, an appropriate threat for a
Nexus of four level-1 knights should add
up to four total in any combination of Brigand ‘Ratus 1
challenges. This could include: a single Bandits and reavers plague the skies of
challenge 4 enemy, two challenge 2 Eskhara, preying on listless vessels and
enemies, four challenge 1 enemies, or wayward travelers with heavily armed
but cobbled-together Apparatus.
two challenge 1s and a challenge 2.
To boost the difficulty of an encounter Resolve Speed Scale
without overwhelming the party,
increase Resolve, increase scale,
12 1 Apparatus
upgrade damage dice, or attach Legion
dice (and Legion Abilities) to enemies.
▼Scrap Sledge
Stone, 1 target, range 1, 1D6 damage

Flux, 1 target, range 2-3, 1D4 damage

Mining ‘Ratus 1 Knightly Apparatus 2
The earliest Apparatus were drilling An aetheric knight helms this artifact
machines. These rugged crawlers armor, passed down through the
pierce armor plating as effortlessly as centuries and imbued with the power
they do the rock of the Fragments. and knowledge of countless knights.

Resolve Speed Scale Resolve Speed Scale

20 1 Apparatus 30 1 Apparatus
▼Mining Drill ▼Koradium Lance
Stone, 1 target, range 1, 1D6 damage Stone, 1 target, range 1, 1D8 damage

▼Charge ▼Throwing Shield

Stone or Hearth, 1 target, range 1, 1D6 Flux, 2 targets, range 2-3, 1D6 damage
damage and push target 1 span

Flux Freighter 3
Hunter ‘Ratus 2 A rugged cargo freighter armed with
Bounty hunters tethered to mighty a pair of lodecannons and a hidden
Apparatus make for formidable foes. aetheric weapon. These lumbering
Few escape the chains of a bounty yet resilient skyships are a common
hunter prowling the Fragments. sight across the Fragments, hauling
everything from foodstuffs to lumber to
Resolve Speed Scale legions of Apparatus.

25 2 Apparatus Resolve Speed Scale

▼Hammerflail 40 2 Skyship
Stone, 2 targets, range 1, 1D8 damage
Fully Crewed
▼Hook & Chain Take one additional action
Flux, 1 target, range 1-3, 1D4 damage
and pull target 1 span ▼Lodecannons
Flux, 2 targets, range 1-2, 1D8 damage
Aether, all targets, range 1-2, 1D4 ▼Beam Emitter
damage and become shaken Flux, 1 target, range 2-3, 1D10 rupture
damage and target rolls Nexus die

▼Deploy ‘Ratus (Recharge 5–6)

Summon ‘Ratus defenders (D4 Legion

Great Beasts Skywurm 5
Eskhara teems with life, and many Across the aether-kissed horizons
creatures have adapted to survive of Eskhara, tell-tale wisps of clouds
on the Fragments or been mutated signal the serpentine movements
by exposure to aether. Great beasts of the skywurms. These leviathan
predators stalk fluxwhales, flocks of
include such creatures, which are large reptilihawks, and even small skyships,
enough and powerful enough to pose coiling themselves around prey and
a threat even to aetheric knights. puncturing even the toughest hide
with curved fangs.
Reptilihawk 1 Resolve Speed Scale
Soaring on the wind, slicing through
aether auroras with precision, 60 2 Skyship
Eskharan reptilihawks are airborne
pack predators whose blinding speed,
unparalleled maneuverability, and Stone, 1 target, range 1, 1D10 damage
deadly, hooked talons pose a threat
to even larger prey like fluxwhales and ▼Caustic Venom
skyships. Flux, 1 target, range 2-3, 1D8 ongoing
Resolve Speed Scale
15 2 Apparatus ▼Coil (Recharge 5–6)
Stone, 1 target, range 1, 1D6 damage
Flyby and target becomes entangled; while
If this enemy moved this turn, targets entangled, target takes 1D4 damage
have disadvantage to avoid its attacks each turn and has disadvantage on all
tests; effect ends when target succeeds
▼Talons on Stone test as an Interaction, when
Stone, 1 target, range 1, 1D8 damage skywurm dies or takes critical damage,
or when skywurm uses this ability
Ironox 3
These massive, six-legged beasts roam
the Fragments in grazing herds. Their
hides are plated in thick keratin armor,
and crests of wicked horns crown their
thick skulls. Though mostly docile,
ironox are fiercely territorial, and see
use across Eskhara as beasts of burden
as well as cavalry mounts.

Resolve Speed Scale

15 1 Apparatus
Reduce all incoming damage by 1D6

Stone, 1 target, range 1, 1D8 damage

▼Thrash (Recharge 5–6)

Flux, all targets, range 1-2, 1D6 damage
and push targets 1 span 33
Oghdra Oghdra Siphon 3
Insectoid conquerors born of another The siphon feeds on raw aether,
world, the Oghdra possess a natural carrying the volatile energy back to its
attunement to the Aethereal and an hive-vault to feed the swarm.
innate need to consume and conquer.
The Oghdra exist in many forms, Resolve Speed Scale
from swarming worker legions to the 30 2 Apparatus
cunning tyrants, and are in a constant
state of accelerated evolution thanks to Aether Burst
their consumption of aether. When this enemy dies, each target
within range 1 takes 1D4 rupture
damage and rolls its Nexus die
Oghdra Tunneler 1
Though a lesser creature of the Oghdra Swarm
swarm, the tunneler possesses the If within range 2 of other Oghdra, this
unique ability to “burrow” through the enemy deals +2 damage
Aethereal, allowing it to ambush and
overwhelm its prey.
▼Rending Claws
Stone, 1 target, range 1, 1D6 damage
Resolve Speed Scale
15 2 Apparatus ▼Leech Aether (Recharge 5–6)
Hearth, 1 target, range 1, 1D8 damage
Swarm and roll Nexus die
If within range 2 of other Oghdra, this
enemy deals +2 damage

▼Rending Claws
Stone, 1 target, range 1, 1D4 damage

▼Aethereal Burrow (Recharge 5–6)

This enemy moves to a location
within range 3; until the end of its
next turn, attacks against this enemy
have disadvantage; this enemy rolls
an additional damage die on its next

Oghdra Tyrant 6 Aetheric Aberrations
Among the Oghdra, the tyrants serve Many unexplainable things lurk within
as generals, commanding legions of the Aethereal, from incomprehensible
lessers and continuously evolving with beings native to the plane, to the
the consumption of aether and the
undead husks of those lost to the ever-
knowledge contained therein.
flowing arcane currents.
Resolve Speed Scale
60 1 Skyship Aether Weird 2
Elemental beings of pure aether,
Elite Enemy weirds are physical manifestations of
This enemy can take two additional the thoughts and feelings coursing
actions through the Aethereal. They take
myriad and monstrous forms, but lack
▼Chitin Scythe sapience, acting only by instinct.
Stone, all targets, range 1, 1D10 damage
Resolve Speed Scale
▼Aether Beam 20 2 Apparatus
Flux, 1 target, range 2-3, 1D8 rupture
damage and roll Nexus die Aether Burst
When this enemy dies, each target
▼Summon Swarm (Recharge 5–6) within range 1 takes 1D4 rupture
Summon Oghdra swarmlings (D8 damage and rolls its Nexus die
Legion die)
▼Aetheric Tendrils
Flux, 1 target, range 1-3, 1D6 rupture
damage and roll Nexus die

Wraithknight 4 Keepers of Eskhara
Adrift in the Aethereal, this knight lost Esoteric guardians of Eskhara, the
themself, fusing body and soul to their keepers comprise ancient machines
Apparatus, their mind reduced to a and elemental beings whose spirits
fragmented husk. Lashing out with
seem inexorably tethered to the world
psychic attacks, they seek only to harm,
and to end their own torment. itself.

Resolve Speed Scale Sylph 1

40 1 Apparatus These ephemeral creatures manifest
as crackling wisps of kaleidoscopic
Elite Enemy aetheric energy wreathed in swirling
This enemy can take one additional stone. Their ability to infest and control
action machinery with their essence makes
them a formidable foe.
Aether Burst
When this enemy dies, each target Resolve Speed Scale
within range 1 takes 1D6 rupture 20 2 Apparatus
damage and rolls its Nexus die
▼Prismatic Lash
▼Barbed Spear Flux or Aether, 2 targets, range 1-2, 1D4
Stone, 1 target, range 1-2, 1D10 damage damage

▼Aetheric Tendrils ▼Infest Machine (Recharge 5–6)

Flux, 1 target, range 2-3, 1D8 rupture Aether, 1 target, range 1, 1D6 rupture
damage and roll Nexus die damage and target can only take one

▼Nightmare Strike (Recharge 5–6)

action next turn

Hearth, all targets, range 1-2, 1D8

rupture damage and become shaken

Shardhusk 3 Glyphmind 6
These weathered, vine-strangled Of the keepers, the glyphminds are
Apparatus bristle with myriad flora the most sapient avatar of the spirit of
and brim with powerful roots erupting Eskhara. These ancient, awe-inspiring
from within. It’s as though the spirit machines act as the unbreakable fist
of Eskhara herself has claimed these and the manifest will of the elements
ancient machines as sentries. themselves.

Resolve Speed Scale Resolve Speed Scale

30 1 Apparatus 60 1 Apparatus
Invasive Seedpod Elite Enemy
When this enemy dies, each target This enemy can take two additional
within range 1 takes 1D4 ongoing actions
damage and becomes shaken
Aetheric Flurry
▼Stonefists Aether, all targets, range 1-2, 1D8
Stone, 2 targets, range 1, 1D6 damage rupture damage

▼Pillar of Vines (Recharge 5–6) Nexus Invasion

Flux, 1 target, range 2-3, 1D8 damage Aether, 1 target, range 2-3, 1D4 ongoing
and cannot take Maneuvers next turn damage and target becomes severed
until the end of their next turn

Elemental Frame (Recharge 5–6)

Move to a location within range 3; each
target within range 2-3 must test Flux
or take 1D8 damage

Marauders emerge from the Aethereal
to prey upon Ferrik, an isolated cluster The Raid
of rocks housing a lucrative iron mine. Distant din, clustered islands,
Whispers swirl of a black-hulled skyship desperate skirmish, strange machines
— and of strange Apparatus plated in
chitin. Calls for aid to the noble houses Approaching Ferrik
as well as the Hewer’s Guild have gone Flux to traverse the islands or take 1D4
unanswered, and Ferrik’s defenses damage from debris.
won’t survive another attack.
Join the Fray
Ferrik’s Defenses Ferrik militia clashes with brigand
Rather than rolling tests against ‘Ratus and flux freighter; Hearth to rally
your aspects during “Siege of Iron,” defenders (gain D4 Legion die).
you can roll against Ferrik’s Defense
score, which begins at 10 and can be Raiders Retreat
increased by aiding and fortifying the Black skyship flees after losing half
island throughout the quest. Resolve; Aether to track (+2 Defense).

D6 Origins Fortifying Ferrik

Smoke rising from Ferrik Rally defenders, build defenses, hunt
draws your attention. enemies, prepare for attack

A desperate envoy of Ferrik Bolster Fighters

approaches you. Hearth to raise spirits and harden
resolve (+2 Defense)
A concerned noble offers you
a hefty reward. Gather, Repair, Build
Stone to harvest lumber (+1 Defense);
D6 Aims
Aether to make repairs (+1 Defense);
Defend Ferrik until Flux to set traps (+1 Defense).
reinforcements arrive.
Hunt Pirates
Destroy the black skyship or Aether to track and ambush pirate
capture it to learn its secrets. patrol (brigand ‘Ratus) (+2 Defense).

Ensure safety of loved one or

old comrade Siege of Iron
Brace for barrages, fight back raiders,
D6 Twists save Ferrik
1–2 The raiders serve the Oghdra.
Raiders Attack
A powerful artifact draws the Flux freighter and brigand ‘Ratus
raiders. descend on Ferrik.

A corrupt noble summons Siege Weapon (Recharge 5–6)

the raiders. Flux to avoid beam barrage from black
skyship (1D8 rupture damage); −1
38 Defense from each barrage.

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