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Vampire The Masquerade V5 to QUILL

A work by a fan – Tarcisio Lucas
The world of the Cainites has changed. Many of the elder vampires left for the east,
following an ancient call from their ancestors, and the Sabbat concluded that the time
to fight their Gehenna war has already come. They have been to east either, fighting
against the end of times (at least in their opinion).
The second inquisition - secret human agencies that know the truth about vampires,
and hunt them relentlessly with savagery and Intelligence - has greatly changed the
way vampires relate and communicate among themselves. It is no longer safe to use
the Internet - The Second Inquisition has invaded the SchreckNet, the Nosferatus
vampire information network. It is also not safe to use Cellphones. After all, how do
you know who else will be listening to?
In these nights, an ancient art was rediscovered by the immortals: the art of writing. To
share important information and agreements, they turned to the old custom of writing
letters to each other, sending them through Ghouls and mortal servants who did not
arouse the attention of their enemies.
This is the situation of the current nights.

Choosing your character

You will play a vampire, member of the Camarilla or the Anarch sect.

Choose one of the clans below:

Rebels, ready to face with rage all the opposition and domination. Although some have
remained loyal to the Camarilla, the majority rank of the clan prefers to be called
Language: English
Heart good
Penmanship: poor

Enjoying the beauty, the fleeting things of the world. Maybe the clan more connected
to mortal passions.
Language: poor
Heart: Average
Penmanship: Good

Transfigured, monstrous beings expressing in the flesh the Inner Beast. Still, the
greatest guardians of secrets among all vampires.
Language: good
Heart: Poor
Penmanship: average

Aristocratic vampires, who believe they stand above others of their own race. Always
seeking power and control.
Language: Good
Heart: Poor
Penmanship: Average

Vampire wizards, capable of anything to achieve their obscure goals.
Language: Good
Heart: poor
Penmanship: average

Vampires considered crazy, and in fact they are. But madness mingles with wisdom
Language: Average
Heart: Good
Penmanship: poor
Vampires attached to nature, with strong connection to the wild and the Inner Beast.
They despise the cities and its rules. They also joined the Anarchs.
Language: average
Heart: Good
Penmanship: poor

Choose one from the 3 gifts from the QUILL basic book.

Scenario 1

The Masquerade

An unknown vampire was in town recently. During his stay, he embraced the young
Johnathan Hike, a troubled member of a local gang. As soon as he was embraced, Hike
was abandoned by his Sire. Not understanding his nature and his Hunger, Hike has
caused a series of deaths near the place where your Haven and your hunting territory
are located.
You start listening to rumors of other Cainites who want to eliminate thi new young
and disoriented vampire.
But not you. You see in young Johnathan a rage and a power that,if domesticated, can
be useful to your goals and secret agenda. And most of all, even if you do not want to
admit it, you recognize in the young man many traits that resemble an ancient mortal,
for whom you have already had great affection.

Profile: You must send a letter to the Prince (Or equivalent, if you are a Brujah or
Gangrel and you are in Anarch territory), requesting authorization to become a kind of
tutor of the new vampire, committing to educate him in the vampire traditions.
Correspondence Rules: The careless attention of Hike's actions raised suspicions even
within the mortal community. Some things can not be written in this missive. Receive a
penalty of -1 in 2 language tests.
Ink Pot
Dangerous humans / Second inquisition
Mess / Confusion
Protection / Guidance
Execution / Blood Hunt
Old Vampire / Sire
Shelter / Haven
Vampiric power / Discipline
Naïve / Innocent
Cops / Police
Neighborhood / Territory


Less than 5 points: The answer is not quite what you expected; the Prince (or
equivalent) says he is deeply displeased with your attitude, and condemns the fact that
you have not solved the problem yourself yet. He gives you 3 nights from now. You
must eliminate Hike, the new vampire, clearly a threat to the Masquerade, otherwise a
blood hunt will be declared against you as well.

5 to 7 points: The answer is not quite what you expected; the Prince (or equivalent)
says he is deeply displeased with you attitude, and condemns the fact that you have
not solved the problem yourself. He gives you 3 nights from now. If at that time you
can not control the young vampire and put him under your care, a Blood Hunt will be
declared against him.

8 to 10: The answer comes with good news. The Prince (or equivalent) authorizes you
to take the young man under your protection. But the words in the letter are incisive:
if he commits any crime that threatens the Masquerade while under your care, this act
will bring severe punishment, both for him and for you. Aware of this responsibility,
you rejoice with your new pupil.
11 + points: The Prince (or equivalent) responds in a few days, and congratulates you
for solving this problem that was worrying him and clearly threatening the
Masquerade. While he lists all the responsibilities your application will entail, he also
says he is pretty sure that you have the skills to deal with any problems that may arise.
And to seal this deal, he invites you and the young vampire to be greeted by him the
night after receiving the letter.

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