Quill Blood Letters - Scenario 2 - The Methuselah

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Scenario 2: The Methuselah


Here it is the second scenario of our Blood Letters, an adaptation of Vampire the
Masquerade V5 to Quill. To play and fully understand this scenario, you will need
Quill's basic book and the First Blood Letters scenario, which describes the clans and
their attributes.
Before presenting the scenario, there are some optional rules you may follow:

1 - If you play this second scenario with the same character you played in scenario 1,
you have the right to redo 2 tests throughout the letter, to your choice.
2- As a variation, you can choose 1 from the following skills, instead of the ones from
the Quill’s basic book:
Persuasion: +1 die to a Charisma (Heart) test
Academics: +1 die to a Intelligence (Language) test
Craft: + 1 die to a Dexterity (Penmanship) test

3 - To increase the immersion inside the Vampire the Masquerade world, the
attributes will be renamed as follows: we will have Charisma, Dexterity and
Charisma works the same way as Heart
Intelligence works the same as Language
Dexterity works the same way as Penmanship



A long time ago, you met a vampire of unimaginable age and power, whose name was
Byron. Byron told you stories of his adventures through the rise and fall of the Roman
Empire, the turbulent times of the Middle Ages, the renaissance ... and even of times
before these ones...
For some reason you never discovered or dared to ask, this creature sought your
friendship and companionship. The protection of someone so powerful brought you
statuses and advantages you had never before imagined you could achieve in your
In these nights, some distant events have taken Byron's attention somewhere in the
Middle East, and he departed, leaving to you only a mysterious letter, the content of
which intrigued you as soon as you read it.
The letter left by Byron revealed that in a coffin in the basement of a shack located in
the forest that surrounds the city, lies the Sire of Byron, a still more ancestral and
powerful being, who has been in that state of torpor for the last 400 years.
Byron emphatically asks you to get in touch with Simon, his other protégé, asking you
and him together to take over the security of this place , preventing any threat of even
approaching Byron's sire.

Profile: You should write a letter convening Simon to join you in fulfilling this duty.
Together, you must watch over the body in torpor of Byron's Sire.

Rules of Correspondence: Simon never liked you very much. All Charisma (Heart) tests
must be done with a -1 penalty on the result.

Ink Pot

Obligation / Duty
Old one / Methuselah
Lycans / Werewolves
Safe place / Elysium
Diablerie / Amaranthe
Group / Coterie
Humans / Mortals
Pact / Blood Bond
Corpse / Body
Nature / Wild

Less than 5 points: Simon responds rudely, saying that since Byron himself has not
personally sought him out to do this task, it is not his duty.
Alone, you become paranoid, not leaving the place for even one night.
Until they came. You could not identify who or how many. The attack was swift, and all
you remember are sharp teeth and pain. You wake up, just to stare at Byron himself,
with a terrible expression on his face. He says that you have deeply disappointed him,
betrayed his confidence, and now you must pay in the worst possible way. He
promises you many years of suffering before actually taking your non-life and giving
you the blessed final death.

5 to 7 points: Simon responds rudely, visibly unconvinced by the fact that Byron has
charged you before looking for him, since his connection with the powerful vampire is
prior to yours. Even so, he says he will come to fulfill that task.
For many nights you both stay awake, but nothing really happens.
Until, on a rainy night, they came. Vampires you did not know, with different powers,
stranger powers. The fight was fierce, albeit swift. Although you are in smaller number,
you manage to defeat the invading group. Those who were not destroyed just fled. But
Simon could not resist the fight, coming to find his final death a few hours later.
However, the Methuselah has been protected, and the attackers will not return. Byron
will surely regret Simon's death, but will be happy with your effort and persistence.

8 to 10: Simon responds briefly, but immediately. He reveals that Byron has left him a
similar letter, asking him to find himself a third member for the defense group. One
night after receiving Simon's letter, he arrives, accompanied by Sophia, a mysterious
and seemingly elder toreador. Despite your mistrust, the three of you form a powerful
Until they came. Unknown vampires, powerful ones. But they did not count on the
ferocity of your defense. Together, you fight and defeat the invading group, leading
everyone to final death quickly and without loss.
You know that Byron will greatly reward the mission accomplished!

11+ points: Simon responds briefly, but immediately. He reveals that Byron has left
him a similar letter, asking him to find himself a third member of the defense group.
One night after receiving Simon's letter, he arrives, accompanied by Sophia, a
mysterious and seemingly elder toreador. Despite your mistrust, the three of you form
a powerful team.
Sophia has many obscure contacts, and through one of these means she learned of a
group of vampires who came to town planning to invade the stronghold of Byron's
sire. Before they can act, you find the group hideout, eliminating the problem even
before it happens.
You know that Byron will greatly reward the mission accomplished. A vampire as old
and powerful as he will certainly offer you unimaginable advantages, and that is
exactly what you want!

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