Quill Blood Letters - Scenario 3 - My Last Farewell

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Important: In order to play this scenario, you need, in addition to the
Quill basic book, the scenario 1 of “Quill Blood Letters”, which contains
the rules for vampire creation and clan choice.
Blood Letters scenario 2, although not mandatory, presents some
optional rules that can enrich the game experience!

Scenario 3: My last farewell

You were embraced a few decades ago. From that time on, you managed to maintain
a facade, a mask that allowed you to keep up with the mortals you were so fond of.
However, the march of time is now evident, and your physiognomy unchanged
through the years begins to raise suspicions.
Moreover, and above all, it is increasingly difficult to keep your inner Beast under
control. More than once you let your wild dark side take control, and you fear the day
when the people you love - your Touchstones – will be in front of you when it happens.
It would be the end of what remains of your humanity.

Profile: You're determined to write a letter, a last farewell, making it clear to the
mortals how much you feel about leaving them, and the fact you never will come
back again. However, you know you can not reveal your true nature to mere mortals.
That would mean the final death for you, for breaking the Masquerade, and putting
humans in a dangerous situation, at the mercy of the other vampires and even of the
Second Inquisition.
You should write to them telling your current situation, saying goodbye, but without
revealing your real vampiric nature.

Rules of Correspondence: This is a very emotional content letter. receive +1 die on

all Heart tests

Ink Pot
Evil/ Beast
Malediction/ Curse
Reality/ Truth
Shadow/ shade
Starvation/ Hunger
Predator/ Prey
Sound/ Music
Soul/ Essence
Liberation/ Golconda


Less than 5 points: Your letter is intercepted, both by other vampires and by the
second Inquisition. All is lost. You will be pursued by other Cainites, convicted
of having broken the Masquerade. The mortals you love so much will have no
better destinies: either they will be hunted by other creatures of the night, or
they will remain in the hands of the Second Inquisition.
5 to 7 points: Your letter is intercepted, raising suspicions, but in the end
nothing very dramatic happens. However the sheriff/prince will keep an eye on
you for the next few months, fearing that you will do something stupid enough to
break the masquerade.
8 to 10 points: Your letter does not raise any suspicion. The mortals who read
did not understand much, but surely the letter served to appease the pain of
separation a little. You know that you will never see them directly again, but you
also understand the necessity of this kind of act. However, you will be eternally
taking care of them, albeit at a distance.
11+ points: Your letter does not raise any suspicion. The mortals who read did
not understand much, but surely the letter served to appease the pain of
separation a little. They will never see him again, but they will always feel your
presence around them, giving them security and comfort. And because of it, you
can keep your humanity in a level that makes you feel human, at least

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