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Employing the ideas of the PDF approach to interpret the

behavior of compressible turbulent ¯ows

Alright in the following article PDF methods are used for

compressible turbulent flows.

This is Authored by B J Delarue and S P S B Pope.

128 Roberts and east avenue ithaca NY 14853 sibley school of

mechanical and aerospace engineering cornell university

PROBLEM: ~Date: Received 30 September 1996 and accepted 13

May 1997

One of the most important methods of the particle analysis is the

so-called probability density function ‘~PDF! The following
section presents an analysis of a scalar ¯eld in a compressible
turbulent flow employing the preceding method The applicability
of the method is demonstrated in the turbulence present in the
compressible mixing layer where comparison with experimental
data yields good results The derived PDF equation is solved by
the way of the Lagrangian/Monte Carlo method In order to The
model is then used to simulate the plane compressible mixing
layer and compares the behaviour of the spreading rate with the
already documented results where the rate was prompted to
decrease due to increased compressibility.
ulence. Vital theoretical achievements have been obtained and discussed:1 Of course, one
should not forget that scientific research gives a set of experimental data which allows to
determine the nature of certain phenomena and their regularity, to find important characteristics of
new materials, as well as to obtain theoretical results and bring them to the discussion.

I. INTRODUCTION ties such as the mean pressure, to ¯ows with weak pressure
Over the past few years, renewed interest in supersonic Only recently have PDF methods been applied to ¯ows
aircraft and high-speed combustion has emphasized the need for
with pressure-induced density variations,25±27 requiring in
research in the ®eld of compressible turbulence. Impor-tant
general ~except reference 27! coupling with a ®nite-volume
theoretical results have been established and reviewed, 1 solver of some kind. The problem of determining the mean
allowing a better understanding of the complex phenomena pressure directly from the particle properties ~i.e., without a
involved in compressible turbulence. Extensive experimental
®nite-volume solver! is closely related to the dif®culties en-
work has been conducted, especially in the case of the plane
countered in trying to extend PDF formulation to complex
compressible mixing layer.2±9 In the turbulence modelling compressible ¯ows.
community, the limitations of existing incompressible turbu- The objective of the present work is to extend the exist-
lence models have been established.10 Second-order closures ing PDF models to compressible reacting ¯ows with arbi-
have been designed to represent explicit compressibility ef- trary pressure gradients, with the aim of developing a stand-
fects, such as the compressible dissipation and the pressure± alone method to solve for the joint PDF of all relevant ¯ow
dilatation correlation.11±18 The need for future research, in both variables, including the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic
understanding and modelling the effects of compress-ibility on energy, without coupling with a pressure algorithm. By do-
turbulence, has been clearly established.10,19 ing so we hope to exploit fully, in a simple and computation-
For ¯ows involving combustion, probability density ally ef®cient way, the remarkable potential offered by PDF
function ~PDF! methods have demonstrated their ability to methods to solve for complex turbulent reacting ¯ows.
treat the important processes of reaction and convection For the de®nition of the method, henceforth, we restrict
exactly,20 making transport and reaction models used in or- ourselves to nonreacting ¯ows. It is believed, however, that
dinary PDE solvers unnecessary. The modelled transport extension of the method to account for the reaction will be
equation for the joint PDF of velocity and composition has straightforward. The method has been successfully imple-
been successfully solved, using sets of stochastic particles mented for homogeneous compressible ¯ows ~hence it deals
with time-evolving properties to model ¯uid particles.21,22 with unsteady ¯ows without coupling with a ®nite-volume
Recent works include the development of models for the solver, a feature displayed only by recent work using smoothed
velocity-dissipation joint PDF.23,24 However, the majority of particle hydrodynamics27!, and statistically station-ary
applications is limited to low Mach number ¯ows and, with-out inhomogeneous ¯ows. A unique feature of the method is the
coupling to a ®nite-volume type solver to obtain quanti- inclusion in the joint PDF of two extra thermodynamic
variables, namely the pressure and the internal energy. Hence,
a! Present
address: Electricite de France, Laboratoire National all statistics of the ¯ow, including the mean pressure, can be
d'Hydraulique, 78401 Chatou, France. determined directly from the particle properties. A

2704 Phys. Fluids 9 (9), September 1997 1070-6631/97/9(9)/2704/12/$10.00 © 1997 American Institute of Physics

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®nite-volume type solver is therefore unnecessary. In addi- where «s 5n^v8i v8i& is the standard solenoidal dissipation,
tion, models have been derived from existing Reynolds and «d 54/3n^u 8i, i 2& is the so-called dilatation
stress closures to account for the compressible dissipation dissipation, which is clearly zero in incompressible ¯ows,
and the pressure±dilatation correlation. and strictly positive in compressible ¯ows, thus amounting to
In section II we review some general effects of com- extra dis-sipation. We see that in ~1! three explicit terms
pressibility on turbulent ¯ows, as well as second-order clo- arising from compressibility need to be modelled: «d , Pd ,
sures from which our PDF formulation is inspired. It is em- and the last term, which arises because the Reynolds
phasized that the purpose of this work is neither to develop averages ^u 9i& of Favre ¯uctuations are nonzero. The last
new models for compressibility effects on turbulence, nor to term is probably very small in ¯ows without large pressure
test existing models, but to develop an innovative and con- gradients and away from walls. We therefore choose to
sistent PDF formulation designed for high-speed combus- neglect it. We need, however, to model the other two.
tion. In section III we detail the PDF formulation which is For the dilatation dissipation, we use the model of
the object of this work, summarizing brie¯y the general idea Sarkar et al.11 relating «d to «s in the following way:
behind PDF methods, then de®ning our stochastic variables
and the corresponding stochastic differential equations «d 5C d M t2 «s , ~2!
~SDE!. In section IV we present results for homogeneous 2 Ä2 Ä
where M t 52 k / a is the turbulent Mach number squared, a
¯ows. In section V, we extend the model to inhomogeneous
being the mean speed of sound. This model was developed
¯ows. At this point a comparison is made between model
for M t !1. The constant C d is of order 1. Equation ~2!
results and experimental data in the supersonic mixing layer
relates the dilatation dissipation to the solenoidal dissipation.
It has been argued11,14 that the energy cascade responsible
for the latter is moderately affected by compressibility,
therefore standard incompressible models for the solenoidal
COMPRESSIBILITY ON TURBULENCE dissipa-tion can be used in the present situation.
In compressible reacting ¯ows, density variations arise For the pressure dilatation, we use Zeman's model,15
because of variations in chemical composition, and of tem- which can be summarized in the following two equations:
perature and pressure ¯uctuations. While all these effects 1 D ^ p 8 2&
contribute to create nonzero dilatation rates, only the latter Pd 52 , ~3!
are termed compressibility effects. In the following discus- 2 g^p& Dt
sion, we consider an inert ¯ow and therefore ignore the ef- D ^ p 8 2& ^ p 8 2 &2 p e 2
fects of a chemical reaction on the density. 52 . ~4!
Consider the equation for turbulent kinetic energy in Dt ta
compressible ¯ow: The ®rst equation is valid in homogeneous turbulence for M t
!1, and for high Reynolds and PeÂclet numbers. The sec-ond
]k Ä ]k ] ^ p& equation is fully modelled, relying on the results of Sarkar et
5T 1 P 1P

S ]x i
^r& 2^r&«2^u 9 &

al.,11,28 and stating that pressure variance relaxes to an

]t i d i

]^ ti j & equilibrium level p e on the acoustic time scale ta . These two

2 ]x j D, ~1! model quantities are de®ned in Zeman.15 The pressure±
dilatation is expected to be important in nonequilibrium ¯ows,
namely in ¯ows with a strong dependence on initial conditions,
for instance decaying isotropic turbulence. It is expected to be
T 52 ] 1 Ä
of lesser importance in equilibrium ¯ows, for
S2 D
^r&u 9u 9u 9 1^p 8u 9 &2^u 9t8 &

]x i j j i i j ij instance most free shear ¯ows without shocks. To date, most

is the transport term, models for Pd 12,15,16 are restricted to weakly inhomogeneous
Ä turbulence.
P 52 r
u 9u 9
]U i The models for both «d and Pd are restricted to ¯ows
^ & i j ]x j with M t !1. In our calculations, for example, in mixing lay-
is the production term, ers with free stream Mach numbers as high as 6.5, we never

Pd 5 K p8
]x i
]u 8i L encountered values of M t above 0.5, which has been consid-
ered to fall within the range of applicability of these models.
The above discussion is centered exclusively on model-
ling from the point of view of the turbulent kinetic energy
is the trace of the pressure-rate of strain correlation, also
equation, and not from the Reynolds stresses equation. The
called pressure dilatation, and « is the viscous dissipation.
models we have chosen will affect the turbulence in an iso-
In ~1!, the brackets correspond to Reynolds averages and the
primes to ¯uctuations about these averages, while the tildes tropic manner. Though it is known at this point 19,10 that com-
and double primes stand for Favre averages and ¯uctuations, pressibility also, and probably chie¯y, affects the turbulence
by modifying the deviatoric pressure-rate of strain correla-
respectively. It has been shown11,14 that the viscous dissipa-
tion so that the redistribution of energy does not function as
tion can be split into two terms:
well when the compressibility level is high, resulting in in-
«5«s 1«d , creased anisotropies in the normal stresses and decreased an-

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