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Autism Fitness® Toolbox

PAC Profile Adaptive Contingencies

Adaptive functioning or level of motivation is often the biggest challenge when

implementing fitness and Adapted PE programs for individuals with ASD. You can have
a fantastic program with great exercise selection, but without sufficient motivation and
reinforcement you and your athlete(s) won’t have an opportunity to use it.

Our goal is for the athlete to find as many aspects of programming enjoyable as
possible, and promote independent initiation and choice in the process.

Always keep in mind and practice safety (of both athlete and instructor) first. Know if
any behavior treatment plans are currently in effect for the individual and whether there
is a history of maladaptive (self-injurious or aggressive) behavior.

*Important: It is beyond the scope of this program/curriculum to provide, teach, or

suggest any specific protocols for intervention during severe maladaptive behaviors
(self-injurious and aggressive behaviors). It is strongly recommended that any instructor
implementing a fitness/APE program be either trained in behavior-management
protocols and/or be in contact with the qualified professional providing behavior
support to that athlete.

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Autism Fitness® Toolbox

Adaptive Contingencies

If/Behavior: Delayed Initiation  Then (Try)

Athlete does not begin activity 5 seconds  Waiting a few more seconds

after verbal instruction

After waiting a few more seconds, athlete  Redeliver the instructions and contingency

does not initiate the exercise

After redelivering the contingency, athlete  Demonstrate exercise and repeat contingency

Does not initiate the exercise

After demonstrating exercise, athlete does  *Intervene with 2-3 reps of another exercise

not initiate

*Intervention exercise should not be the reinforce or a highly-preferred exercise. Once the 2-3 reps are
completed, return to the initial target exercise.

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Autism Fitness® Toolbox

If/Behavior: Off-Task  Then (Try)

Athlete is engaging in stereotypy  Allow behavior to complete, repeat instructions

(flapping, jumping)

Athlete wanders away from instructor/activity  Guide the athlete back to the last point of
success (last step completed). Re-start exercise.

Athlete begins engaging in perseverative  **Create a contingency or use Planned Ignoring


** Sample contingency can be verbalized as:

“First let’s finish 10 overhead throws, then we can talk about boats.”

If/Behavior: Non-Compliance  Then (Try)

Athlete throws or knocks over cones  Reduce to 1 or 2 cones w/ high rate of BSP

Athlete continues to throw or knock over cones  Instructor holds cone in hand, enables athlete to
touch followed by BSP

Athlete throws ball over instructor’s head  Close distance between athlete and instructor,
short throws or hand ball back and forth + BSP

Athlete bounces ball to instructor  Close distance between athlete and instructor,
short throws or hand ball back and forth + BSP

Athlete begins pulling on resistance band/releasing  Provide physical/Hand-over-hand prompt

and/or fold band (less elasticity)

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Autism Fitness® Toolbox

If/Behavior: Requesting and Preference  Then (Try)

Athlete requests a specific exercise  Create a contingency to complete target exercise first

If/Behavior: successful Completion  Then (Try)

Athlete is performing exercise the first few times  Provide Behavior-Specific Praise for each correct rep

Athlete can regularly complete the exercise independently  Provide BSP following successful set

Becomes familiar with and reinforced by multiple exercises  Increase opportunities for choice/selection

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