Ta1c (Law of Contracts - I)

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TA1C Register No.


(For the candidates admitted from 2017-2018 onwards)


(Three – year Regular Course)

First Year – First Semester

Time : 2 12 hours Maximum : 70 marks

PART A — (2 × 12 = 24 marks)

Answer TWO of the following in about 500 words each.

1. Explain the different kinds of offer.

2. State in detail the exceptions to the rule that ‘a contract without consideration
is void’.

3. Explain the doctrine of frustration in relation to discharge of contractual


PART B — (2 × 7 = 14 marks)

Answer TWO of the following in about 300 words each.

4. What are uberriamae fidei contracts? Explain.

5. Briefly explain the provisions of the Specific Relief Act 1963, regarding
cancellation of instruments.

6. What is meant by a contingent contract? How does it differ from a wagering

PART C — (5 × 4 = 20 marks)
7. Write short notes on FIVE of the following :

(a) Minor’s Contract

(b) Blue Pencil Rule

(c) Balfour v. Balfour

(d) Misrepresentation

(e) Nominal damages

(f) Injunctions

(g) Novation

PART D — (2 × 6 = 12 marks)

Answer TWO of the following by referring to relevant provisions of law and

decided cases. Give cogent reasons.

8. A minor borrowed a horse for his riding. He lent the horse to a friend for
riding, who jumped from the horse which caused death of the horse. Whether
the minor is liable for the death of the horse? Discuss.

9. X agrees to sell his dog to Y. But unknown to both the parties the dog died
before the contract was entered. Whether the contract is valid? Discuss.

10. A, being B’s medical advisor threatens to publish B’s written communication
with him showing B had led an immoral life. What is the remedy available
to B?
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2 4925–21/TA1C

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