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Total petroleum system AUTHOR

Richard M. Pollastro  Central Energy

assessment of undiscovered Resources Team, U.S. Geological Survey,
Box 25046, MS 939, Denver, Colorado 80225;
resources in the giant
Rich received an M.A. degree in geology from
Barnett Shale continuous the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1977.
He joined the U.S. Geological Survey in 1978 and
serves as a province geologist on the national and
(unconventional) gas world energy assessment projects. His recent ac-
complishments include petroleum system assess-
accumulation, Fort ments of the Fort Worth, Permian, and South Florida
basins, and the Arabian Peninsula.

Worth Basin, Texas

Richard M. Pollastro The author is grateful to several individuals and in-
dependent exploration companies for valuable
discussions of the Barnett Shale play and for pro-
viding data and information for the assessment
ABSTRACT of gas resources in the Barnett continuous accumu-
lation. The author is particularly thankful for the
Undiscovered natural gas having potential for additions to reserves
cooperative efforts of Dan Jarvie and his associates
in the Mississippian Barnett Shale of the Fort Worth Basin, north- at Humble Geochemical Services to define the
central Texas, was assessed using the total petroleum system assess- Barnett-Paleozoic total petroleum system, and
ment unit concept and a cell-based methodology for continuous-type to Troy Cook, U.S. Geological Survey petroleum
(unconventional) resources. The Barnett-Paleozoic total petroleum engineer, who generated estimated ultimate re-
system is defined in the Bend arch–Fort Worth Basin as encompass- covery distributions and provided helpful discus-
sions on unconventional reservoir production. Kent
ing the area in which the organic-rich Barnett is the primary source
Bowker, Craig Adams (Adexco Production Co.),
rock for oil and gas produced from Paleozoic carbonate and clastic Brad Curtis and Dan Steward (Republic Energy),
reservoirs. Exploration, technology, and drilling in the Barnett Shale David Martineau (Pitts Oil and Gas), Tony Carvalho
play have rapidly evolved in recent years, with about 3500 verti- (Chief Oil and Gas), and Robert Cluff (Discovery
cal and 1000 horizontal wells completed in the Barnett through Group) were also especially helpful in sharing their
2005 and more than 85% of the them completed since 1999. Using knowledge and experience on geologic and pro-
framework geology and historical production data, assessment of the duction characteristics of the Barnett play, which
greatly facilitated the assessment process.
Barnett Shale was performed by the U.S. Geological Survey using
Special thanks are due to Chris Schenk, chief of the
vertical wells at the peak of vertical well completions and before a U.S. Geological Survey National Oil and Gas As-
transition to completions with horizontal wells. The assessment sessment Project, who provided continuous support
was performed after (1) mapping critical geological and geochemi- and reviewed an early version of the manuscript.
cal parameters to define assessment unit areas with future potential, I also thank other members of the U.S. Geological
(2) defining distributions of drainage area (cell size) and estimating Survey National Oil and Gas Assessment Review
Committee, Ron Charpentier, Tom Ahlbrandt, and
ultimate recovery per cell, and (3) estimating future success rates.
Tim Klett, for sharing their wisdom and advice
Two assessment units are defined and assessed for the Barnett during the assessment. Ron Hill and Mitch Henry
Shale continuous gas accumulation, resulting in a total mean undiscov- (U.S. Geological Survey) provided essential assis-
ered volume having potential for additions to reserves of 26.2 TCFG. tance in the collection, analysis, and interpretation
The greater Newark East fracture-barrier continuous Barnett Shale gas of oil and gas samples. Jim Schmoker reviewed
early versions of the manuscript and provided helpful
discussions on methodology and data input. I am
also grateful to constructive reviews by AAPG re-
viewers Kent Bowker, Brian Brister, William Fischer,
Copyright #2007. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved. and William Hill. Finally, this article benefited greatly
Manuscript received January 24, 2006; provisional acceptance May 16, 2006; revised manuscript from critical and detailed review by Dick Keefer.
received June 14, 2006; final acceptance June 20, 2006.

AAPG Bulletin, v. 91, no. 4 (April 2007), pp. 551 – 578 551
Figure 1. United States natural
gas production data for the
lower 48 states showing (A) his-
torical and projected annual
production in trillions of cubic
feet (TCF), 1990–2025, for off-
shore and onshore conventional,
nonassociated accumulation
and onshore unconventional
accumulation; and (B) historical
and projected annual production
by resource type. The figure is
modified from Energy Informa-
tion Administration (2004).

assessment unit represents a core-producing area where extended assessment unit, a mean resource is estimated
thick, organic-rich, siliceous Barnett Shale is within at 11.6 TCFG. A third hypothetical basin-arch Barnett
the thermal window for gas generation (Ro  1.1%) Shale oil assessment unit was defined but not assessed
and is overlain and underlain by impermeable lime- because of a lack of production data.
stone barriers (Pennsylvanian Marble Falls Limestone
and Ordovician Viola Limestone, respectively) that
serve to confine induced fractures during well com- INTRODUCTION
pletion to maximize gas recovery. The extended con-
tinuous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit, which had Over the past few decades, the United States has progres-
been less explored, defines a geographic area where sively increased its dependence on the supply of natural
Barnett Shale is (1) within the thermal window for gas gas from accumulations within continuous (unconven-
generation, (2) greater than 100 ft (30 m) thick, and tional) reservoirs (Figure 1A). Moreover, a recent study
(3) where at least one impermeable limestone barrier by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA,
is absent. Mean undiscovered gas having potential for 2004) projected that production from unconventional
additions to reserves in the greater Newark East assess- domestic natural gas resources in the lower 48 states
ment unit is estimated at 14.6 tcf, and in the less tested will increase as demand grows, changing the overall

552 Assessment of Gas in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin

mix of domestic natural gas supply. For example, of the with a corresponding rapid increase in number of hor-
18.6 tcf of natural gas production in 2002 in this part of izontal well completions (Figure 2). Most importantly,
the nation, 32% was from unconventional resources. By this total petroleum system assessment of the giant un-
2025, the EIA predicts that 48% of the total natural gas conventional resource in the Barnett Shale provides an
production (21.3 tcf ) in the lower 48 states will be met end-member analog for use in the evaluation of other
by unconventional resources (Figure 1B). Total non- potential shale-gas resources.
associated, unconventional gas production in the lower
48 states is expected to reach 9.5 tcf by 2030 (EIA,
By 2002, 8 of the top 12 gas fields in the United PETROLEUM PRODUCTION HISTORY
States, as ranked by reported annual production volume,
produced from continuous-type (unconventional) reser- Shows of oil and gas were first encountered within the
voirs, four of which produce from shale and/or chalk Fort Worth Basin while drilling water wells during the
formations (Table 1A). The EIA (2004) projects that mid-19th century. Petroleum exploration began as early
annual natural gas production from shale formations as the end of the civil war, with the first commercial
will increase from about 0.6 tcf in 2002 to about 1.1 tcf oil discoveries in the early 1900s (Ball and Perry, 1996).
by 2025, with more than 0.5 tcf of annual shale-gas By 1960, the Bend arch – Fort Worth Basin area had
production from the Barnett Shale of the Fort Worth reached a mature stage of exploration and develop-
Basin, north-central Texas (Table 2). Although the pro- ment, as demonstrated by the high density of produc-
jected volumes of natural gas from shale may appear ing wells (Figure 3). By 1990, the Bend arch–Fort Worth
optimistic, Barnett Shale annual gas production at the Basin province (U.S. Geological Survey Province 045)
greater Newark East field climbed to almost 0.5 tcf in had produced more than 2 billion bbl of oil and about
2005 (Texas Railroad Commission, 2006) and is now 8 TCFG.
the second largest United States gas field ranked by an- Prior to the 1980s, the Mississippian Barnett Shale
nual production volume (Table 1B). As a result, the was not an exploration target in the Fort Worth Basin.
overwhelming success of the Barnett Shale in the Fort Instead, exploration was focused mostly on Pennsylvanian
Worth Basin has fueled exploration for potential re- clastic and carbonate rock, conventional reservoirs. Wide-
sources in similar shale sequences across North America spread gas shows and unexpected minor production from
(Curtis, 2002; Faraj et al., 2004; Bustin, 2005). the Barnett convinced Mitchell Energy and Develop-
Although this work was presented as an oral article ment Corporation to pursue unconventional gas and
at the 2004 AAPG Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas oil production from the thick shale unit. With initial gas
(Pollastro, 2004), it has not been previously published recoveries mostly subeconomic, the company focused
in written format. For this reason, it was submitted as on ways to more effectively complete Barnett Shale
an invited article for the theme issue on the Barnett wells and, thus, increase well performance and recover-
Shale to document the background and reasoning in ies. Continued capital investments by Mitchell Energy
support of the 2003 U.S. Geological Survey assessment in geologic and engineering studies of the unconvention-
(Pollastro et al., 2004a). al Barnett reservoir resulted in the progressive improve-
This article presents the geologic model, historical ment of Barnett completions. By 1996, Barnett wells
production and exploration, methodology, justified in- were producing about 20 BCFG annually and had defined
put, and consequent output data for the 2003 U.S. Geo- a core production area represented by the Newark East
logical Survey total petroleum system assessment of un- field in the northeastern part of the Fort Worth Basin
discovered gas resources and the potential for additions (Figure 3) (Bowker, 2003; Montgomery et al., 2005). In
to reserves in the Barnett Shale continuous accumula- 2002, Newark East field became the largest gas field in
tion in the Fort Worth Basin. At the time of this assess- Texas in terms of annual production strictly from ver-
ment, annual vertical well completions in the Barnett tical well production (Figures 2, 4). In 2004, the Newark
Shale were at a peak, and only a few horizontal test wells East Barnett Shale field became the second largest gas
were online with short production histories (Figure 2). field within the lower 48 states of the United States in
For these reasons, only Barnett Shale vertical well pro- terms of annual gas production volume, the largest being
duction and history were used in the 2003 U.S. Geo- the San Juan Basin coalbed gas area (EIA, 2005).
logical Survey assessment. After this assessment, annual Production curves for both vertical and horizontal
vertical well completions in the Barnett Shale declined Barnett wells commonly show hyperbolic declines with

Pollastro 553
Table 1. Top Ranked United States Fields

A. Top 12 United States Fields as Ranked by 2002 Reported Annual Gas Production*

Accumulation Continuous 2002 Production

Rank Field Name Location Type Classification Discovery Year Volume (bcf)

1 Blanco/Ignacio-Blanco Colorado, Continuous Coalbed gas 1927 841.7

coalbed area New Mexico
2 Basin coalbed area New Mexico Continuous Coalbed gas 1969 592.1
(San Juan Basin)
3 Hugoton gas area Kansas, Oklahoma, Conventional NA** 1922 393.0
Powder River Basin Wyoming Continuous Coalbed gas 1999 311.1
4 coalbed area
5 Jonah Wyoming Continuous Tight sandstone and 1977 224.7
basin centered
6 Antrim Michigan Continuous Shale gas 1965 224.7
7 Newark East Texas Continuous Shale gas 1981 203.2
8 Prudhoe Bay Arkansas Conventional NA 1967 196.5
9 Carthage Texas Conventional NA 1944 195.7
10 Wattenberg Colorado Continuous Chalk gas and basin 1970 175.4
11 Giddings Texas Continuous Chalk and shale gas 1973 142.9
12 Lower Mobile Bay area Alabama Conventional NA 1979 135.2

B. Top 10 United States Fields Ranked by Gas Production from Estimated 2004 Field Level Datay

Accumulation Continuous 2004 Estimated

Rank Field Name Location Type Classification Discovery Year Production Volume (bcf)

1 San Juan Basin Colorado, Continuous Coalbed gas 1927 1450.8

gas area New Mexico
2 Newark East Texas Continuous Shale gas 1981 412.6
3 Powder River Basin Wyoming Continuous Coalbed gas 1992 325.7
coalbed area
4 Guyman-Hugoton Kansas, Oklahoma, Conventional NA 1922 307.9
gas area Texas
5 Lower Mobile Alabama Conventional NA 1979 290.1
Bay area
6 Jonah Wyoming Continuous Tight sandstone and 1977 250.9
basin centered
7 Prudhoe Bay Arkansas Conventional NA 1967 209.3
8 Wattenberg Colorado Continuous Chalk gas and basin 1970 192
9 Carthage Texas Conventional NA 1944 191.4
10 Antrim Michigan Continuous Shale gas 1965 166.7
*Data are derived from Energy Information Administration (EIA, 2002).
**NA = not applicable.
Data are derived from Energy Information Administration (EIA, 2005).

554 Assessment of Gas in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin

Table 2. Historical and Projected Shale-Gas Production*

Annual Production (bcf)

Region/Basin/Formation 2002 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025

Northeast Region
Appalachian Basin 173 221 249 360 429 411
Antrim Shale 190 175 173 229 230 201
Illinois Basin– New Albany Shale 3 1 1 0 0 0

Northeast Subtotal 367 397 423 590 659 612

Southwest Region
Fort Worth Basin–Barnett Shale 233 222 374 434 500 520

Total United States shale-gas production 600 619 797 1024 1159 1132
*In billion cubic feet in the United States by region and basin, 2002 – 2025. Modified from Energy Information Administration (EIA, 2004).

time. Restimulation of older Barnett wells in Newark been successful in some subeconomic wells. Present
East, especially those completed prior to the late 1990s routine completion practice is to restimulate all Barnett
when water-based fracturing techniques were used, has wells that have been producing for several years; multiple
increased recoveries significantly, sometimes by a factor recompletions are also common.
of 3 or more. In many cases, restimulation has increased Cumulative gas production through January 2006
flow to initial rates or greater; restimulation has also from Barnett Shale at greater (10-county-wide) Newark

Figure 2. Plot of annual number of vertical and horizontal well completions in Barnett Shale versus year. Data derived from the IHS
Energy well production database (IHS Energy, 2006).

Pollastro 555
Figure 3. Map showing oil-, gas-, and mixed oil-and-gas –production cells in north-central Texas and southwestern Oklahoma,
boundary of the U.S. Geological Survey Bend arch –Fort Worth Basin province 045, boundary of Barnett-Paleozoic total petroleum
system (TPS), geographic extent of Barnett Shale, major structural elements, and location of Newark East field. Cells are equal to
0.25 mi2 (0.64 km2). The data are from IHS Energy well production database (IHS Energy, 2003).

556 Assessment of Gas in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin

Figure 4. Plot of annual and cumulative gas
production in billions of cubic feet (BCF) from
Barnett Shale, Newark East field, Texas, since
1993. Data are from the Texas Railroad Com-
mission (2006).

East field was about 1.82 tcf (Texas Railroad Commis- 480 bcf (Figure 4). Finally, the Barnett Shale serves
sion, 2006); annual gas production has increased pro- as a model for worldwide exploration and development
gressively from about 11 bcf in 1993 to more than of continuous-type gas resources from indigenous-
480 bcf (Figure 4) in 2005 (Texas Railroad Commis- sourced, shale reservoirs.
sion, 2006). By 2004, proven gas reserves for the Newark
East field were estimated at about 3 tcf (Bowker, 2004),
which, combined with the 2003 U.S. Geological Survey BARNETT SHALE CONTINUOUS ACCUMULATION
mean estimate of more than 26 tcf of undiscovered, non-
associated gas resource (Pollastro et al., 2004a), indicate Barnett Shale and the Total Petroleum System – Assessment
that the Barnett Shale will be a significant shale-gas Unit Concept
producer for the next 15–20 yr. More so, the projec-
tion by the EIA (2005) that annual production from For purposes of resource assessment, the U.S. Geolog-
the Barnett Shale in the Fort Worth Basin will pro- ical Survey identifies two primary end-member types
gressively increase to about 520 BCFG by 2025 (Table 2) of oil and gas accumulations, conventional accumula-
appears conservative when one considers that Barnett tions and continuous accumulations, recognizing that
annual production for 2005 had rapidly climbed to some accumulations may contain characteristics of both.

Pollastro 557
Continuous-type accumulations, a term introduced area and analyzed in a joint study by the Humble Geo-
and adopted by the U.S. Geological Survey (Schmoker, chemical Services and the U.S. Geological Survey. The
1996), include coalbed gas, fractured shale gas and oil, study concluded that the organic-rich, Mississippian Bar-
fractured chalk gas and oil, basin-centered gas, and tight- nett Shale is the primary source rock for oil and gas
reservoir gas. Continuous-type accumulations typically produced from reservoirs of Paleozoic age in the Bend
extend over large areas, have source rocks in close asso- arch – Fort Worth Basin area (Jarvie et al., 2001, 2004,
ciation with reservoir rocks, and are mostly gas (in some 2005, 2007; Pollastro et al., 2003, 2007; Hill et al.,
cases, oil) charged throughout their extent (Schmoker, 2007). Although other stratigraphic units show limited
1996, 2002). Continuous accumulations commonly have source potential, including organic-rich facies of Penn-
transition zones that grade into more conventional ac- sylvanian age, correlation of oils to both oil produced
cumulations (Schenk and Pollastro, 2002). The Barnett from the Barnett Shale and rock extracts of the Barnett
Shale is considered an end member, a continuous type Shale indicates that the Barnett is the source of most
accumulation with strata within the formation serving of the oil and gas in the basin. For example, fingerprint-
as source, reservoir, and seal (Pollastro et al., 2003). ing of oil produced from low-maturity Barnett Shale
Current U.S. Geological Survey petroleum assess- in Brown County, Texas, using gas chromatography,
ments incorporate the total petroleum system assess- biomarkers, and carbon isotopes correlates with other
ment unit (TPS-AU) method (Klett et al., 2000; Magoon oils from reservoirs in the western part of the basin in
and Schmoker, 2000) to estimate undiscovered oil and Shackelford, Callahan, and Throckmorton counties, and
gas instead of the play concept method used by the that most of the oils are low sulfur and originated from
U.S. Geological Survey in 1995 (Gautier et al., 1996). a marine shale source rock. Similarly, the same oils cor-
The TPS-AU approach is preferred (U.S. Geological Sur- relate with condensates in the central Barnett Shale,
vey World Petroleum Assessment Team, 2000) because producing horizons of the Newark East field based on
it focuses on the hydrocarbon fluid system. That is, light hydrocarbons, biomarkers, and carbon isotopes.
(1) the total petroleum system includes all of the ele- Furthermore, these oils are found in all reservoirs older
ments of the petroleum system originally defined by and younger than the Barnett Shale (Jarvie et al., 2004,
Magoon and Dow (1994) to be related to known hy- 2005, 2007; Hill et al., 2007), thus defining the strati-
drocarbon accumulations, seeps, or deposits, as well as graphic distribution of the Barnett-Paleozoic total pe-
incorporating resources and corresponding geographic troleum system (Figure 5).
areas of all undiscovered accumulations linked to a spe- The resulting oil and gas geochemistry database was
cific pod(s) of mature source rock; and (2) the assess- combined with a detailed study of the formation by the
ment unit is based on similar geologic elements and hy- U.S. Geological Survey, based on well logs, commercial
drocarbon accumulation type and may also represent a well databases, and published literature to define the
play or group of plays that are to be assessed. The assess- total petroleum system (Pollastro, 2003; Pollastro et al.,
ment unit differs from a play by being constrained with- 2003, 2004b) and to evaluate its discovered and undis-
in a total petroleum system, whereas a play may involve covered resources. The following geologic elements of
more than one source rock and/or petroleum system and the total petroleum system were identified and mapped:
is not necessarily confined to the boundaries of a specific (1) Paleozoic source rocks with particular attention to
petroleum system. Additionally, it is not uncommon for the Barnett Shale; (2) geographic distribution of the
more than one petroleum system to be the source for Barnett Shale; (3) stratigraphic and geographic extent
hydrocarbons for a specific geologic play. Thus, the as- of produced hydrocarbons originating in the Barnett
sessment unit concept allows for a better understanding Shale; (4) geographic areas where Barnett Shale is with-
of the essential elements and processes within a total in the gas- and oil-generation windows; (5) geographic
petroleum system that relate to source, generation, mi- areas where Barnett Shale produces or has the potential
gration, and trapping of the undiscovered resource. to produce natural gas (and oil) resources; and (6) geo-
graphic areas of optimal Barnett gas production.
Barnett-Paleozoic Total Petroleum System The geographic boundary outlining the Barnett-
Paleozoic total petroleum system is shown in Figure 3.
Samples of (1) oil and gas from numerous Paleozoic Figure 3 also shows that the geographic extent of the
reservoirs and (2) cuttings and cores of the Barnett Shale, Barnett Shale is entirely within the boundary of the total
as well as other potential source rocks, were collected petroleum system, a relation that is interpreted to indi-
from wells throughout the Bend arch–Fort Worth Basin cate that most hydrocarbons being generated originated

558 Assessment of Gas in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin

from the Barnett Shale. The formation is also considered
to be the primary source rock for hydrocarbons produced
from reservoir rocks of Paleozoic age in the Hardeman
Basin to the north of the Red River arch (Pollastro et al.,
2004a). Other source rocks identified within the U.S.
Geological Survey Bend arch–Fort Worth Basin prov-
ince are Pennsylvanian shales that produce mostly gas
from reservoirs on the Eastern shelf of the Permian Ba-
sin (Brister et al., 2002; Pollastro et al., 2004a).
The stratigraphic section of the Bend arch–Fort
Worth Basin area comprise mostly Paleozoic strata that
overlie Precambrian granite and metasedimentary rocks.
The karsted Ellenburger Group shelf-carbonate sys-
tem of Ordovician age overlies basement (Figure 5),
and the Barnett Shale is unconformable on the Ellen-
burger across much of the basin. Conventional hydro-
carbon reservoirs, mostly of Pennsylvanian age, are pre-
sent throughout a thick sequence of shelf and bank
carbonates and fluvial-deltaic and slope clastics. Reser-
voirs of Ordovician, Mississippian, and early Pennsylva-
nian age are mostly carbonates, whereas clastic reservoirs
dominate the middle Pennsylvanian through Lower Per-
mian. A stratigraphic column of the Barnett-Paleozoic
total petroleum system showing producing reservoir
intervals and distribution of other principal elements of
the total petroleum system is shown in Figure 5.

Historical Summary of Barnett Shale Assessments

In 1995, the U.S. Geological Survey assessed undiscov-

ered oil and natural gas resources for the entire onshore
and state waters of the United States (Gautier et al.,
1996). As part of this effort, a methodology was devel-
oped for assessing of unconventional (continuous) re-
sources, resulting in the first quantitative assessment of
such resources on a nationwide scale. Although the Bar-
nett Shale was recognized at that time as being a contin-
uous accumulation, it was not quantitatively assessed
until Schmoker et al. (1996) and Kuuskraa et al. (1998)
performed interim assessments to estimate the size of
the potential resource. Using a cell-based methodology
and projecting estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) of
individual cells, cell size (drainage area), and success
rates from early historical production data, Schmoker
et al. (1996) estimated a total mean undiscovered gas of
about 3.4 tcf. As the Barnett play rapidly evolved with
improved recovery technology and a progressive increase
Figure 5. Generalized stratigraphic section of the Bend arch – in exploration, drilling, production, and geologic knowl-
Fort Worth Basin showing the distribution of source, reservoir, edge, new data were generated that improve the basis
and seal rocks of the Barnett-Paleozoic total petroleum system for estimating the undiscovered shale-gas resources.
(TPS). Using the new data and an intensive development model,

Pollastro 559
Kuuskraa et al. (1998) applied the methodology and logical Survey applied the TPS-AU methodology to
geographic boundaries of Schmoker et al. (1996) to assess undiscovered conventional oil and gas and undis-
produce an updated assessment of the Barnett Shale covered continuous (unconventional) gas in the Bend
that resulted in a total mean undiscovered volume of arch–Fort Worth Basin province (U.S. Geological Sur-
about 10 TCFG. Input parameters, variables, and re- vey Province 045). In that assessment, four total petro-
sulting volumes for the assessments of the Barnett Shale leum systems were identified: three within the Bend
by Schmoker et al. (1996) and Kuuskraa et al. (1998) arch–Fort Worth Basin area and one in the Hardeman
are summarized in Table 3. Basin (Pollastro et al., 2004a). The assessment of the Bend
Recognizing the importance of updating the Bar- arch–Fort Worth Basin province resulted in estimated
nett Shale resource assessment, in 2003, the U.S. Geo- means of 26.7 TCFG, 98.5 MMBO, and 1.1 billion bbl
of natural gas liquids in the three total petroleum sys-
tems within the province. Nearly all of the undiscov-
Table 3. Summary of Input Parameters Used in Interim
ered gas resource (98% or 26.2 TCFG) is considered to
Assessments of Undiscovered Gas in the Barnett Shale by
be in two of the three Barnett Shale assessment units,
Schmoker et al. (1996) and Kuuskraa et al. (1998)
representing a single continuous accumulation of non-
Schmoker Kuuskraa et al. associated gas. Historical production data, framework
Assessment Parameter et al. (1996) (1998) geology, and thermal-maturity parameters used to de-
fine and assess the Barnett Shale accumulation in the
Cell Size (ac) 320 80; 160; 320 2003 assessment are summarized in the section below.
Best-potential area NA* 80 (30% of area) Details of the geology and geochemistry of the Barnett
Middle-potential area NA 160 (30% of area) Shale and Barnett-Paleozoic total petroleum system are
Low-potential area NA 320 (40% of area) discussed in companion articles by Hill et al. (2007),
Jarvie et al. (2007), and Pollastro et al. (2007).
Number of 180 300
productive cells
unproductive cells SHALE ASSESSMENT
Median area (mi2) 2439 2439
Median area (ac) 1,560,960 1,560,960 General Methodology

Median Number of 4668 10,148 The U.S. Geological Survey assessment of the Barnett
Total Untested Cells Shale, completed in September 2003 and released in
Best-potential area NA 5740 March 2004 (Pollastro et al., 2004a), applied the cell-
Middle-potential area NA 2822 based, FORSPAN model for continuous accumula-
Low-potential area NA 1577 tions described by Schmoker (1999, 2002) and Klett
and Charpentier (2003). The FORSPAN methodology
Mean Total Recovery 0.837 requires input of several variables for each assessment
per Cell (BCFG**) unit, including the geographic area involved, individual
Best-potential area NA 1.5 (30%) cell size (drainage area), number of tested and untested
Middle-potential area NA 0.84 (30%) cells, and success rate (Figures 6, 7). Accordingly, two
Low-potential area NA 0.35 (40%) Barnett Shale continuous-gas assessment units were
defined, described, and assessed based on framework ge-
Success rate 0.86 0.86 ology, geochemistry, thermal maturity, and historical
Estimated in-place 25 –35 25 –52 exploration and production data (Figures 8, 9). Geo-
resource (BCFG/mi2) logic considerations included

Mean total resource 3360 BCFG** 10,000 BCFG**  geographic boundaries of the thermal gas-generation
(undiscovered, technically and oil-generation windows for Barnett Shale deter-
recoverable gas) mined from vitrinite reflectance (Ro) measurements
 geographic extent of Ordovician Viola Limestone
*NA = not applicable.
**BCFG = billions of cubic feet of gas. and Simpson Group subcrop

560 Assessment of Gas in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin

Figure 6. Diagrams illustrating the U.S. Geo-
logical Survey methodology for assessment of
undiscovered oil and gas resources in continuous
(unconventional)-type accumulations. (A) Cell-
based model showing assessment unit bound-
ary, gridded cells, and tested and untested cells.
(B) Assessment unit boundary showing tested
area, untested areas, and area of untested cells
having potential for additions to reserves. Mean
cell size of 53.3 ac (21.5 ha) and minimum EUR
of 0.02 BCFG refer to the assessment param-
eters used for the Barnett Shale. Modified from
Schmoker (2002).

 geographic extent of lower Marble Falls Limestone  geographic extent of intraformational Forestburg lime-
(Morrowan) stone unit
 isopach maps of the Barnett Shale with 100- and
200-ft (30- and 60-m) isopach contours The use of Ro as a measure of thermal maturity
 geographic extent and thickness of the upper part to establish the gas window for the Barnett Shale, as
of Barnett Shale opposed to other maturity parameters (e.g., T max), is

Pollastro 561
Figure 7. Parts of the
form used in the FORSPAN
assessment model for
continuous accumulations,
U.S. Geological Survey
National Oil and Gas As-
sessment Project (NOGA).
(A) Page 1 is for the input
of data addressing the
characteristics of assess-
ment unit and number
of untested cells with po-
tential for additions to
reserves. (B) Page 2 is for
the input of data address-
ing the number of un-
tested cells with potential
for additions to reserves
(line 4) and total recovery
per cell. Modified from
Klett and Charpentier

justified from laboratory studies reported by Jarvie from the tight Barnett Shale requires cracking of oil gen-
et al. (2001, 2005) of reaction products from the Bar- erated from indigenous organic matter. When thermal
nett Shale at various thermal maturities. Gas production maturity levels exceed Ro equivalents of about 1.0–1.2%,

562 Assessment of Gas in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin

Figure 8. Map showing the boundary of Barnett-Paleozoic total petroleum system (TPS), geographic extent of Barnett Shale in the Fort
Worth Basin, boundaries of the greater Newark East fracture-barrier continuous gas assessment unit (AU) and the extended continuous
Barnett Shale gas assessment unit, and productive and nonproductive tested cells, north-central Texas and southwestern Oklahoma.
Cells are equal to 0.25 mi2 (0.64 km2). Cell data are derived from IHS Energy well production database (IHS Energy, 2003).

gas content increases rapidly because of secondary crack- use of Ro = 1.1% was used from the isoreflectance
ing of oil to gas. Jarvie et al. (2001, 2005) found that map of Pollastro et al. (2007) to approximate the gas-
hydrocarbons in the range of heavy oil and condensate are generation window for the Barnett Shale.
the principal reaction products formed within the oil- The two Barnett Shale gas assessment units are
generation window and are equivalent to an estimated (1) the greater Newark East fracture-barrier continuous
range in Ro of 0.6–1.0%. At Ro equal to and greater than Barnett Shale gas assessment unit and (2) the extended
about 1.0%, the conversion of low-sulfur type II kerogen continuous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit (Figures 8,
in the Barnett Shale is at about 88%, and the predomi- 9). The greater Newark East fracture-barrier contin-
nant product is wet gas. Thus, for this assessment, the uous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit is a core area

Pollastro 563
Figure 9. Maps showing counties, assessment unit boundaries and their rationales, and producing and nonproducing wells used as cell
tests for the FORSPAN assessment of (A) the greater Newark East fracture-barrier continuous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit, and (B) the
extended continuous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit. Well data are from IHS Energy well production database (IHS Energy, 2003).

564 Assessment of Gas in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin

of the Barnett Shale production that includes Newark is the Ouachita thrust front, and the southern boundary
East field and where thick, organic-rich, siliceous Bar- is the Barnett Shale 100-ft (30-m) isopach contour of
nett Shale is within the thermal window for gas gen- Pollastro (2003) and Pollastro et al. (2007).
eration (Ro  1.1%). In addition, Barnett Shale in this
assessment unit is overlain and underlain by imper-
meable limestone barriers (Pennsylvanian Marble Falls General Assessment Process, Tabular Input,
Limestone and Ordovician Viola Limestone and Simp- and Justification
son Group, respectively) that confine and maximize
the effectiveness of induced fractures during well com- Parts of pages 1 and 2 of the FORSPAN assessment
pletion. Consequently, gas recoveries from Barnett input form ( Version 9) are shown in Figure 7; detailed
reservoirs in the greater Newark East field core area explanations of the form and the applied methodology
(Figure 9A) commonly have higher EUR than else- are given in Klett and Charpentier (2003). Assessment
where in the basin. of continuous gas accumulations using the FORSPAN
The extended continuous Barnett Shale gas assess- methodology requires the following input parameters
ment unit represents a less explored geographic area for each assessment unit:
where Barnett Shale is within the thermal window for
gas generation and is at least 100 ft (30 m) thick, but  number of cells (interpreted from well history) that
where at least one impermeable limestone barrier is have tested the assessment unit
absent and EUR calculated from well production data  number of cells that were successful (EUR > 0.02
are much lower (Figures 8, 9B). A third assessment unit, BCFG)
the hypothetical basin-arch Barnett Shale oil assess-  historical EUR of wells (total for the assessment
ment unit, was defined but not assessed (Pollastro et al., unit and discovery thirds)
2004a).  total acreage of assessment unit based on geologic un-
Boundaries and vertical well penetrations of the certainty (estimated from geographic information sys-
greater Newark East fracture-barrier continuous Barnett tem [GIS] analysis with minimum and maximum)
Shale gas assessment unit are shown in Figures 8 and  estimated cell size (drainage area): a distribution re-
9A; well data are from the IHS Energy well history flecting inherent geologic uncertainty
control database (IHS Energy, 2003). The northwest  percent of the area that is untested: an uncertainty
boundary of the assessment unit is the 1.1% vitrinite distribution
reflectance (Ro = 1.1%) contour of Pollastro et al. (2007)  percent of the area untested that has potential to
and is used to define the lower limit of the gas-generation add reserves: an uncertainty distribution
window for the Barnett Shale (Jarvie et al., 2005). The  estimated future success rate: an uncertainty
western boundary of the assessment unit marks the distribution
western limit of the Ordovician Viola Limestone and  EUR for untested area: a distribution reflecting in-
Simpson Group subcrop, and the southern boundary herent geologic variability
is the southeast pinch-out of the overlying lower im-
permeable limestone part of the Pennsylvanian Marble The historical success rate is then calculated and
Falls Limestone. Thus, both western and southern bound- recorded for tested cells. Estimated ultimate recovery
aries are limits of the area where both lower and upper distributions used for assessing undiscovered resources
fracture-barrier limestones are present within the Bar- are extrapolated and estimated from EUR values cal-
nett Shale gas-generation window. The eastern bound- culated for producing wells.
ary of the assessment unit is the Ouachita thrust front The 2003 U.S. Geological Survey assessment of the
and Muenster arch that define the approximate eastern Barnett Shale (Pollastro, 2004a) was performed using
geographic extent of the Barnett Shale (Figure 9A). only vertical well production and history because there
Similarly, boundaries and well penetrations of the were only a few horizontal wells penetrating the Barnett
extended continuous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit Shale as of September 2003, and those wells had only
are defined by geology and thermal maturity (Figure 9B). minimal production histories; thus, EUR was difficult to
In this assessment unit, the western and northwestern evaluate. Note that, since 2003, the development strat-
boundaries are defined by the Ro = 1.1% contour. The egy for the Barnett Shale has shifted mostly to drilling
northeastern boundary is the limit of the lower and horizontal wells, so future assessments will require eval-
upper fracture-barrier limestones, the eastern boundary uating EUR values for that well type. For example,

Pollastro 565
Figure 10. Plot of monthly gas produc-
tion in thousands of cubic feet (MCF)
for Barnett Shale vertical wells with mul-
tiple completions, Newark East field, Den-
ton County, Texas, showing the change
in flow rate and EUR as a result of recom-
pletion. (A) Dual completion, Devon Energy
Production Co., Peterson AL well, Texas.
(B) Triple completion, Devon Energy Pro-
duction Co., 3 Baker James GU well, Texas.
Data are modified from IHS Energy well
production database (IHS Energy, 2006).

between the period of January 2003 and April 2005, wells were completed since January 2000 (Figure 2)
more than 1100 Barnett Shale horizontal wells had been and, thus, have short production histories that resulted
drilled or permitted in the Fort Worth Basin, with more in a high level of uncertainty in EUR calculations. Be-
than 150 operators in the play. cause multiple recompletion of older Barnett verti-
In the 2003 assessment, the minimum total recov- cal wells has become routine practice to increase to-
ery per cell used was 0.02 BCFG. However, complica- tal recovery (Figure 10), EUR distributions for both
tions were encountered in estimating EUR for histori- single- and multiple-completion wells were generated
cal wells because 73% of all Barnett Shale producing and evaluated.

566 Assessment of Gas in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin

Greater Newark East Fracture-Barrier Continuous Barnett The distribution of EUR values for 156 wells hav-
Shale Gas Assessment Unit ing dual completions is shown in Figure 12A and B.
The median for all dual completions (Figure 12A) is
Exploration and production histories were established about 1.7 BCFG; medians plotted in discovery thirds
for about 1700 vertical wells that produce gas from the (Figure 12B) are about 1.4, 1.8, and 2.0 BCFG, for early,
Barnett Shale in the greater Newark East fracture-barrier middle, and late thirds, respectively. In contrast, the me-
continuous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit (Figure 9A). dian recovery for single-completion wells in the as-
Estimated ultimate recovery distributions in this as- sessment unit is about 0.45 BCFG (Figure 11C), and
sessment unit were defined by evaluating the perfor- medians from discovery thirds of single-completion
mance of existing vertical producing wells categorized wells are about 0.9, 0.44, and 0.22 BCFG, respectively
as (1) single completions, (2) multiple completions, and (Figure 11D). The EUR distribution for 21 wells having
(3) historical discovery thirds (Figures 11, 12). Wells with three completions was also evaluated and is shown in
an EUR less than 0.02 BCFG (below minimum and con- Figure 12C; in these wells, EUR ranges from about 0.45
sidered unsuccessful tests) were removed from the dis- to about 5 BCFG, with a median of about 1.8 BCFG.
tribution but are counted as tested cells. The total num- The second and third parts of the FORSPAN input
ber of tested cells was 1716, with 1621 cells each having form (Figure 7) are the most critical input param-
a total recovery of greater than 0.02 BCFG (Figures 8, eters used to calculate undiscovered resources and in-
9A; Table 4), thus resulting in a historical success rate clude (1) the total area of the assessment unit (line 1 of
of 94%. Both historical and estimated future success Figure 7A; Table 4); (2) the area per cell having po-
rates are reported on page 3 of the FORSPAN input tential for additions to reserves (line 2 of Figure 7A;
form (not shown in Figure 7) and given in Table 4. Table 4); (3) percentage of total assessment unit area
The distribution of producing vertical wells in the that is untested (line 3 of Figure 7A; Table 4); (4) per-
assessment unit having an EUR greater than the mini- centage of untested assessment unit that has potential
mum (>0.02 BCFG) is shown in Figure 11A; the median for additions to reserves (line 4 of Figure 7A; Table 4);
EUR is about 0.52 BCFG, and the maximum is about and (5) total recovery (expressed as EUR) per cell. The
7 BCFG. When the data are plotted in exploration- mode of 995,153 ac (402,724 ha) for line 1 (Figure 7A;
discovery thirds, median recovery decreases progres- Table 4) was determined directly from GIS mapping;
sively from about 1.3 to 0.55 and to 0.2 BCFG in early- minimum-size and maximum-size areas were estimated
third, middle-third, and late-third wells, respectively using ±5% uncertainty about the mode. These variables
(Figure 11B). Medians for the discovery thirds are re- reflect relative uncertainties in the geographic distri-
ported on page 1 of the FORSPAN form (Figure 7; bution of the specific geologic and thermal-maturity
Table 4). No geologic risk was assigned to this assess- conditions that were used to map the assessment unit
ment unit. boundaries.
Considerable uncertainty exists in EUR distribu- The area per cell for untested cells having potential
tions calculated for most vertical Barnett Shale gas for additions to reserves (line 2 in Figure 7A) was de-
wells at the time of the 2003 assessment because 73% termined following a review of historical production
of them had been producing only since January 2000 and well spacing and discussions of drainage perfor-
(Figure 2). This is of particular concern because the mance of Barnett wells (interference, recovery factors,
ultimate success of Barnett wells is based largely on etc.) with several operators in the Barnett play. A mode
multiple completions commonly performed after a (most likely) cell size of 40 ac (16 ha) was selected be-
given well has been on production for at least 3 – 4 yr cause most current lease agreements require wells to
(Figure 10). For example, data used in the present study be drilled on a 40-ac (16-ha) spacing. The conventional
show that all wells having multiple completions were practice used by Devon Energy Corporation (which
initially completed before 2000 (Figure 13A). Thus, acquired Mitchell Energy and Development Corpora-
wells in the database with multiple completions and tion in 2001), the largest producer and leased-acreage
highest calculated EUR values were drilled early in the holder in the Barnett Shale play, was to drill vertical
history of the Barnett production and constitute much Barnett wells on a 55-ac (22-ha) spacing and then in-
of the early discovery third shown in the EUR distribu- fill at a 27-ac (11-ha) spacing (Devon Energy Corpo-
tion for all wells (Figure 11B). Therefore, low EUR val- ration, 2003). Discussions with several operators in-
ues calculated for the late third are an artifact of few dicated that some Barnett wells show interference
reporting years. when drilled on a 27-ac (11-ha) spacing, indicating that

Pollastro 567
Assessment of Gas in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin

Figure 11. Graphs showing the distribution of EUR greater than minimum recovery of 20 mmcf calculated from Barnett Shale vertical gas wells in the greater Newark East
fracture-barrier continuous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit for (A) all wells; (B) all wells as historical thirds (early, middle, and late); (C) single completions only; and (D) single
completions as historical thirds. The intersection of the EUR curve with the bold vertical yellow line at 50% of the sample approximates the median value. The EUR analyses are by
Troy Cook, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.
Figure 12. Graphs showing the distributions
of EUR greater than the minimum recovery of
20 mmcf calculated from the Barnett Shale
vertical gas wells in the greater Newark East
fracture-barrier continuous Barnett Shale gas
assessment unit for (A) dual completions,
(B) dual completions as historical thirds, and
(C) triple completions. The intersection of the
EUR curve with bold vertical yellow line at 50%
of sample approximates median value. The
EUR analyses are by Troy Cook, U.S. Geological
Survey, Denver, Colorado.

Pollastro 569

Table 4. Summary of FORSPAN Input Data for U.S. Geological Survey Assessment of Barnett Shale

Greater Newark East Fracture-Barrier

Continuous Barnett Shale Gas Assessment Unit Extended Continuous Barnett Shale Gas Assessment Unit
Assessment of Gas in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin

Number Number
Historical Number of Tested Cells and Success Rate of Cells Ratio of Cells Ratio

Number of tested cells 1716 134

Number of tested cells with total recovery per cell 1621 78
greater than or equal to 0.02 BCFG
Historical success rate (%) 94 58

Historical Median Recovery per Cell First Third Second Third Third Third All Wells First Third Second Third Third Third All Wells

Median recovery for discovery thirds and 1.3 0.55 0.2 0.52 0.52 (0.07) 0.28 (0.08) 0.25 (0.17) 0.28 (0.14)
all wells (no fracture-barrier areas) (BCFG)

Number of Untested Cells with Potential for

Additions to Reserves* Minimum Mode Maximum Calculated Mean Minimum Mode Maximum Calculated Mean

1. Total assessment unit area (ac) 945,395 995,153 1,044,911 995,153 2,824,000 3,138,000 3,295,000 3,086,000
2. Area per cell having potential for additions 10 40 110 53.3 10 40 110 53.3
to reserves (ac)
Uncertainty about the mean (ac) 40 60 35 65
3. Percentage of total assessment unit area that 90 91 93 91.3 99.7 99.8 99.9 99.8
is untested (%)
4. Percentage of untested assessment unit area 75 88 95 86 35 55 90 60
that has potential additions to reserves (%)

Future Success Rate

Estimated success for undiscovered cells (%) 75 88 95 86 50 65 90 68.5

Total Recovery per Cell

Total recovery per cell for untested cells having 0.02 0.7 10 1.01 0.02 0.2 5 0.34
potential for additions to reserves (BCFG)
*For lines numbered 1 to 4 and total recovery per cell for Barnett Shale assessment units, 2003 U.S. Geological Survey assessment of Barnett Shale (Pollastro, 2004a).
Figure 13. Historical
well data from the greater
Newark East fracture-
barrier continuous Bar-
nett Shale gas assess-
ment unit. (A) Histogram
showing the number of
Barnett Shale vertical
wells identified as having
dual completions versus
first year of production;
data are a derivative of
the IHS Energy well pro-
duction database (IHS
Energy, 2003). (B) Sta-
tistical probability analysis
of EUR for all wells. Data
show a 25% probability
(at the 24, 42, 58, and
75 percentiles) of a max-
imum EUR of 10 bcf or
greater and about half
that at a 75% probabil-
ity. Data are generated
by Troy Cook, U.S. Geo-
logical Survey, Denver,

the mean cell size for assessment purposes should be maximum of 110 ac (44 ha), and mode of 40 ac (16 ha)
larger. A 110-ac (44-ha) cell size was used for the maxi- produce a calculated mean cell size of 53.3 ac (21.5 ha)
mum cell size on line 2 (Table 4) because it is esti- (line 2, Table 4). A 53.3-ac (21.5-ha) cell size at the
mated by operators that a horizontal Barnett well mean was considered reasonable because it is in close
would drain about two 55-ac (22-ha) spacing units (or a agreement with the conventional 55-ac (22-ha) spacing
110-ac [44-ha] cell equivalent). A 10-ac (4-ha) cell size unit used by Devon Energy Corporation. Uncertainty
was used at the minimum because, at optimum drain- about the mean was expressed on line 2, where a mini-
age conditions with an estimated in-place resource of mum of 40 ac (16 ha) and a maximum of 60 ac (24 ha)
about 150 BCFG/mi2 (57.91 BCFG/km2) (Devon En- were used, indicating that the mean cell drainage area of a
ergy Corporation, 2003) and a 7–8% recovery factor, a Barnett well without interference is likely to fall within
vertical well successfully produces more than the min- this range.
imum of 0.02 BCFG on a 10-ac (4-ha) drainage unit The percentage of the assessment unit area that is
(Table 5). Cell sizes at a minimum of 10 ac (4 ha), untested is reported on line 3 of Figure 7A and Table 4.

Pollastro 571
Table 5. Calculated Estimate of Total Gas Recovery* Barnett Shale gas assessment unit was about 7 BCFG
(Figures 11, 12). The justification for a 10-BCFG maxi-
Total Gas Recovery per Cell (BCFG)
GIP Recovery mum is as follows: (1) An EUR probability analysis,
(bcf/mi2) Factor 10 ac 27 ac 40 ac 53 ac 110 ac shown in Figure 13B based on the original EUR distri-
bution of Figure 11A, indicates a 25% chance of hav-
143 0.08 0.18 0.5 0.72 1.0 2.0
ing a 10-BCFG well; and (2) analysis of early produc-
143 0.20 0.45 1.2 1.79 2.4 5.0
tion histories of horizontal wells completed in 2003
197 0.08 0.25 0.66 0.98 1.3 2.3
in the Barnett indicates that EUR could approach 8 –
197 0.20 0.62 1.64 2.46 3.3 7.0
10 BCFG (C. Adams, 2003, personal communication).
*In billions of cubic feet (bcf) for various cell sizes (in acres) versus recovery Therefore, considering that future cells will be drained
factor and gas in place (GIP). Data are from Mavor (2003) and Adams from horizontal well completions, a 10-BCFG maxi-
(2003) based on minimum shale thickness of 200 – 250 ft (60 – 76 m).
mum seems reasonable.
Using the data of Figures 11A and B and 13B, a
median EUR of 0.7 BCFG was estimated for untested
The untested area is determined by subtracting the cells having potential for additions to reserves. A per-cell
percent of the tested area, as calculated from the num- recovery for the untested cells in this assessment unit
ber of tested cells and mode and mean cell sizes, from having a distribution with a minimum of 0.02 BCFG,
the total assessment unit area. The calculated mean per- a median of 0.7 BCFG, and a maximum of 10 BCFG
cent of untested area within the greater Newark East produces a calculated mean recovery of 1.01 BCFG/cell
fracture-barrier continuous Barnett Shale gas assess- (Table 4).
ment unit is 91.3% (Table 4).
Line 4 (Figure 7B; Table 4) reports the percent of Extended Continuous Barnett Shale Gas Assessment Unit
untested assessment unit area that has potential for
additions to reserves. This part of the FORSPAN form The extent of exploration and development in the ex-
is commonly determined in conjunction with estima- tended continuous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit is
tions of future success rates reported on page 3 (not much less than in the greater Newark East fracture-
shown) of the form. The historical success rate is 94% barrier continuous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit,
(Table 4). Although the entire assessment unit area is having begun only a few years prior to the 2003 U.S.
included as a geologic sweet spot, major fault zones are Geological Survey assessment and with most of the ac-
high-risk areas and commonly nonproductive (Bowker, tivity occurring subsequent to the assessment. As a con-
2003). Other areas within the assessment unit where sequence, historical production data are minimal. Other
the Barnett Shale contains thick intraformational lime- factors affecting an assessment of this assessment unit
stone units may also result in unsuccessful cells. Ac- include the following: (1) The stratigraphic section of
counting for potentially unsuccessful areas, the minimum, Barnett Shale is thinner; (2) at least one enclosing im-
mode, and maximum success rate for this assessment permeable limestone (fracture barrier) is absent; (3) com-
unit was estimated at 75, 88, and 95%, respectively, pletion methods are in the early stages of development
with a calculated mean of 86% (Table 4). Thus, percent- for horizontal wells; (4) the assessment unit area is three
ages for line 4 were determined by multiplying 100% of times larger than the greater Newark East fracture-
the untested assessment unit area by the distribution barrier continuous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit;
of the estimated future success rates, giving a calculated and (5) no sweet spots were defined.
mean of 86% of the untested assessment unit area as Exploration and production histories were estab-
having potential for additions to reserves. lished initially from 134 vertical wells completed from
The final assessment input parameter is the total 1983 to 2003 that penetrated, tested, or produced from
recovery per cell, which is entered as the minimum, the Barnett Shale within the extended continuous Bar-
maximum, and median on page 2 of the FORSPAN nett Shale gas assessment unit (Figures 8, 9B). Distri-
input form following line 4 (Figure 7B). The mini- butions of EUR values for these wells are shown in
mum recovery per cell is set arbitrarily at 0.02 BCFG. Figure 14. Wells with an EUR less than 0.02 BCFG
The maximum recovery per cell for the untested cells were removed from the distributions but are recorded
in the assessment unit was estimated at 10 BCFG. The as tested cells. Seventy-eight of the 134 tested cells have
maximum calculated EUR for historical Barnett wells an EUR greater than 0.02 BCFG, indicating a historical
in the greater Newark East fracture-barrier continuous success rate of 58% (Table 4). Barnett Shale production

572 Assessment of Gas in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin


Figure 14. Graphs showing distributions of EUR greater than the minimum recovery of 20 million cubic feet (MMCF) calculated from Barnett Shale gas wells in the extended continuous
Barnett Shale gas assessment unit for (A) all wells; (B) all wells as historical thirds (early, middle, and late); (C) western group wells; and (D) western group wells as historical thirds. The

intersection of the EUR curve with bold vertical yellow line at 50% of sample approximates median value. The EUR analyses are by Troy Cook, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado.
is proven within the assessment unit; thus, no geologic The percent of untested area within the extended
probability risk was factored into the assessment. continuous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit that has
The distribution of EUR values for the 78 ver- potential for additions to reserves (Table 4) was deter-
tical wells having greater than minimum recovery mined by applying an estimated future success rate.
( < 0.02 BCFG) within the extended continuous Bar- For this purpose, a minimum of 70% was used because
nett Shale gas assessment unit is shown in Figure 14A. 30% of the area has less than 200 ft (61 m) of shale,
Maximum calculated EUR for this distribution is about resulting in a minimum of 35% (line 4) of untested
2.4 BCFG, and the median is 0.28 BCFG. A secondary area that has potential for additions to reserves (0.50 
analysis of EUR was also performed on 19 wells located 0.70 = 0.35). The 200-ft (61-m) isopach contour for
away from the Newark East field along the west edge the Barnett is justified here because estimates for gas
of the assessment unit in Hood and Palo Pinto coun- in place in the Barnett Shale, reported by Adams (2003)
ties (Figure 9B). The EUR distribution for these wells and Mavor (2003), assume a minimum thickness of
(Figure 14C) shows a median of about 0.14 BCFG and 200–250 ft (61–76 m) of organic-rich shale. The maxi-
a calculated maximum of about 0.42 BCFG (Table 4). mum for line 4 was determined by multiplying 100%
When plotted in exploration-discovery thirds, medi- of the untested assessment unit area by the maximum
ans are 0.07 BCFG, 0.08 BCFG, and 0.17 BCFG for future success rate of 90%, and the mode determined by
early-third, middle-third, and late-third wells, respec- multiplying the mode of future success rate of 65 by
tively (Figure 14D; Table 4). 85% of the area. In summary, the resulting minimum,
The areas determined for the extended continuous mode, and maximum percent of untested assessment
Barnett Shale gas assessment unit are as follows: mini- unit area that has potential for additions to reserves in
mum 2,824,000 ac (1,142,832 ha); mode 3,138,000 ac line 4 are estimated at 35, 55, and 90%, respectively,
(1,269,903 ha); maximum 3,295,000 ac (1,333,439 ha), with a calculated mean of 60% (Table 4).
and mean 3,086,000 ac (1,248,859 ha) (Table 4). The The total recovery per cell for untested cells having
uncertainty in assessment unit boundaries was estab- potential for additions to reserves (recoveries >0.02 BCFG)
lished using +5% of the mode for the maximum and was determined from EUR distributions of all 78 wells
 10% of the mode for the minimum. The greater un- (Figure 14A) and their historical thirds (Figure 14B)
certainty placed on the minimum reflects an inability to within the extended continuous Barnett Shale gas as-
reliably draw the west boundary on the basis of limited sessment unit and for similar EUR distributions for
data points determining the thermal gas-generation the 19 wells in the western part of the assessment unit
window and the 100-ft (30-m) thickness contour of the (Figure 14C, D, respectively). The minimum recovery
Barnett Shale (Figure 9B). per cell is set at 0.02 BCFG. The median EUR for all suc-
The distribution of area per cell used in the greater cessful wells is 0.28 BCFG. The median EURs for their
Newark East fracture-barrier continuous Barnett Shale historical thirds are 0.52 BCFG, early third; 0.28 BCFG,
gas assessment unit (mode 40 ac [16 ha], minimum 10 ac middle third; and 0.25 BCFG, late third. The maximum
[4 ha], and maximum 110 ac [44 ha]) was also used for recovery per cell from all EUR distributions ranges from
the extended continuous Barnett Shale gas assessment about 0.9 to 2.4 BCFG (Figure 14A, B). The median EUR
unit. Greater uncertainty was expressed about the mean for all 19 wells in the western part of the assessment unit
cell size, however, because there is minimal explora- is 0.14 BCFG, and EURs for their historical thirds are
tion and drilling. Thus, for the mean, 35 ac (14 ha) was 0.07 BCFG, early third; 0.08 BCFG, middle third; and
used at the minimum, and 65 ac (26 ha) was used at 0.17 BCFG, late third.
the maximum. Nearly all (99.8%) of the more than The median recovery per cell estimated for un-
3,000,000 ac (1,214,056 ha) of the extended contin- tested cells having potential for additions to reserves for
uous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit area is untested the extended continuous Barnett Shale gas assessment
(Table 4). Future success rates were estimated at a min- unit was 0.2 BCFG, with the understanding that there
imum of 50%, a mode of 65%, a maximum of 90%, and is much uncertainty in the historical data and in estimates
a calculated mean of about 68% (Table 4). Thus, the for untested cells. The maximum recovery per cell was
mean success rate for the untested areas within the as- estimated at 5 BCFG, which is half of the maximum
sessment unit is higher than that calculated from his- used in the greater Newark East fracture-barrier con-
torical exploration, which seems justified because of tinuous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit. Although
recent advances in completion technology and the ap- the Barnett Shale is thinner and lacks at least one en-
plication of horizontal drilling. closing impermeable limestone barrier in the extended

574 Assessment of Gas in the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin

Table 6. 2003 U.S. Geological Survey Assessment of Undiscovered, Technically Recoverable Gas and Natural Gas Liquids in the
Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin, Texas*

Total Undiscovered Resources


Oil or Gas F95 F50 F5 Mean F95 F50 F5 Mean

Barnett-Paleozoic Total Petroleum Systems

Greater Newark East Gas 13,410.69 14,638.36 15,978.42 14,659.13 406.84 573.70 809.00 586.37
fracture-barrier continuous
Barnett Shale gas
assessment unit
Extended continuous Gas 8305.14 11,361.66 15,543.04 11,569.73 282.01 445.28 703.09 462.79
Barnett Shale gas
assessment unit
Hypothetical basin-arch Oil Not quantitatively assessed
Barnett Shale oil
assessment unit

Total undiscovered 21,715.83 26,000.02 31,521.46 26,228.86 688.85 1018.98 1512.09 1049.16
Barnett Shale
*Results shown are fully risked estimates. For gas fields, all liquids are included under the natural gas liquids (NGL) category. F95 represents a 95% chance of at least
the amount tabulated. Other fractiles are defined similarly. Fractiles are additive under the assumption of perfect positive correlation.
**BCFG = billion cubic feet of gas.
MMBNGL = million barrels of natural gas liquids.

continuous Barnett Shale gas assessment unit, the use greater range in volume for the extended continuous
of horizontal wells in future exploration may result in Barnett Shale gas assessment unit reflects the greater
recoveries approaching 5 BCFG. In summary, the es- uncertainty in the estimates for this minimally explored
timated minimum, median, and maximum input val- and developed area. Thus, an estimated mean total vol-
ues for untested cells (0.02, 0.2, and 5 BCFG, respec- ume of 26.2 TCFG having potential for additions to
tively) result in a calculated mean per-cell recovery of reserves is assessed for the two Barnett Shale assessment
0.34 BCFG for untested cells in the assessment unit units. This mean volume, combined with 3–4 TCFG of
(Table 4). proved reserves in the Barnett Shale, indicates a poten-
tial giant shale-gas resource of about 30 tcf and greatly
Assessment Results exceeds previous published assessments of potential re-
sources within the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin,
The results of the 2003 U.S. Geological Survey as- Texas.
sessment of the continuous gas accumulation in the
Barnett Shale in the Fort Worth Basin are shown in
Table 6. A mean undiscovered resource volume of
14.6 TCFG was estimated for the greater Newark East SUMMARY AND COMMENTS
fracture-barrier continuous Barnett Shale gas assessment
unit, with a range from about 13.4 to 16.0 TCFG at the Thermally mature, organic-rich Mississippian Barnett
F95 and F5 percentiles, respectively. A mean undis- Shale is distributed across most of the Bend arch –
covered resource volume of 11.6 TCFG was estimated Fort Worth Basin; it is the primary source rock for oil
for the extended continuous Barnett Shale gas assess- and gas produced from conventional reservoirs of Pa-
ment unit, with a range from about 8.3 to 15.5 TCFG at leozoic age in the area since the early 1900s. In the past
the F95 and F5 percentiles, respectively (Table 6). The decade, however, almost 2 tcf of thermally generated

Pollastro 575
gas has been produced from a continuous accumula- In summary, much uncertainty still exists in cal-
tion within the formation itself, mostly from the New- culating the resources of this giant continuous accu-
ark East field in the northeastern part of the basin. A mulation based on EUR, cell size, and untested areas
combination of essential petroleum system elements because (1) Barnett gas potential is large, and develop-
(source rocks, favorable conditions for generation and ment is still in its early stages; (2) most vertical wells in
migration, reservoir rocks, traps, and seals) form the the Barnett are concentrated in the Newark East field,
Barnett-Paleozoic total petroleum system that encom- which represents only a small part of the total area of
passes both known and undiscovered resources in the potential Barnett production; (3) only few horizontal
Bend arch–Fort Worth Basin area. completions in the Barnett were tested having only short
Historical exploration and production in the Bar- production histories at the time of this assessment;
nett Shale have focused on the Newark East field, where (4) technology and completion practices continue to
a combination of geologic and thermal-maturity con- rapidly evolve, as the play has now turned mostly to
ditions is most favorable for vertical well completions horizontal completions (Figure 2); and (5) much of the
and maximum gas recovery, including the following: area within each assessment unit is unexplored and un-
(1) It is organic rich, averaging 4 – 5 wt.% total organic tested in the Barnett. For these reasons, it is necessary
carbon; (2) the formation lies within the thermal gas- to conduct periodic U.S. Geological Survey assessments
generation window, with an estimated in-place resource of the Barnett Shale continuous gas resource to re-
of more than 140 BCFG/mi2 (54.05 BCFG/km2); (3) it flect changing knowledge and perceptions of this giant-
is 300–700 ft (91–213 m) thick; (4) it is overlain and potential resource base.
underlain by impermeable, low–fracture-gradient lime- Using historical production data and production
stones; and (5) its upper and lower parts are separated practices for Barnett Shale vertical wells at the peak of
by an additional impermeable low – fracture-gradient vertical well completions and prior to a transition to
limestone. These conditions define an area of about horizontal completions (Figure 2), the U.S. Geological
1,000,000 ac (404,685 ha) termed the greater Newark Survey assessed a mean of 14.6 tcf of undiscovered gas
East fracture-barrier continuous Barnett Shale gas as- resource having potential for additions to reserves in
sessment unit. the greater Newark East fracture-barrier continuous Bar-
More recently, acquisition of leased acreage and nett Shale gas assessment unit, and a mean of 11.6 tcf
subsequent exploration has stepped out to the south undiscovered gas resource in the extended continuous
and west of the Newark East field core area and in more Barnett Shale gas assessment unit.
than a dozen Texas counties. In the extension of ex-
ploration for gas in this area of more than 3,000,000 ac
(1,214,056 ha) where geologic conditions are consid- REFERENCES CITED
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