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FACIES ANALYSIS AND SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY OF HYDROCARBON PRODUCTIVE PLEISTOCENE SAND HORIZONS USING WIRELINE LOGS AND 3D SEISMIC DATA, WEST CAMERON SOUTH ADDITION, OFFSHORE LOUISIANA by James F. Miller A thesis submitted to the faculty of Brigham Young University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Department of Geology Brigham Young University August 2001 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY GRADUATE COMMITTEE APPROVAL, of a thesis submitted by James F. Miller This thesis has been read by each member of the following graduate committee and by majority vote has been found to be satisfactory. ‘Thomas H. Morris/ Committee Chair Oba kK Bomar Alvin K. Benson AP? hee R. Paul Nixon BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY, As chair of the candidate's graduate committee, I have read the thesis of James F. Miller {nits final form and have found that (1) its format, citations, and bibliographical style are consistent and acceptable and fulfill university and department style requirements; (2) its illustrative materials including figures, tables, and charts are in place; and (3) the final manuscript is satisfactory to the graduate committee and is ready for submission to the university library. 4-30-01 Date Thomas H. Morris Chair, Graduate Committee Accepted for the Department a ‘Thomas H. Mors Graduate Coordinator Accepted for the College Yélan F. Mangelsoi Associate Dean, Coliége of Physical & ‘Mathematical Sciences ABSTRACT FACIES AN LYSIS AND SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY OF HYDROCARBON PRODUCTIVE PLEISTOCENE SAND HORIZONS USING WIRELINE LOGS AND 3D SEISMIC DATA, WEST CAMERON SOUTH ADDITION, OFFSHORE LOUISIANA James F. Miller Department of Geology Master of Science ‘The WC639 field is located in the West Cameron South Addition Federal Lease Area, approximately 140 miles offshore Louisiana. Wireline and 3D seismic data were used to determine depositional facies and the sequence stratigraphic framework of a 1700-foot interval of Pleistocene aged sediments. ‘The study area covers 72-mi’. The dataset for the study area included wireline log data for 71 wells and a small 3D seismic survey. Gamma ray and spontaneous potential log signatures were compared to models of known depositional environments to determine depositional facies. The wireline well data was calibrated to the 3D seismic dataset and horizon picks were transferred from the logs to the seismic data, Three horizons were picked within the seismic data and were used to extract various attribute surfaces. The attribute surfaces were then analyzed for depositional and stratigraphic patterns to support the log-based facies interpretation. The final facies interpretation was placed within a sequence stratigraphic framework. Five stratigraphic intervals were distinguished based on wireline log characteristics. The lowest stratigraphic interval, interval A, consists of discontinuous upper slope turbidite deposits and erosional channel systems. Interval B formed in response to lowstand sea level conditions that brought increased sediment supply to the upper slope and resulted in deposition of sheet turbidite deposits. Interval C was Geposited as the slope was built up and shelf-edge delta systems prograded across the study area, Interval D consists of a marine shale unit resulting from a highstand of sea level. This unit shows no indication of coarse siliciclastic sedimentation. The final interval, interval E, indicates lowstand conditions and the return of deltaic deposition at the shelf edge. ‘Within the sequence stratigraphic framework, the succession of depositional facies within the study interval suggests the presence of two lowstand systems tracts, a transgressive systems tract, and a highstand systems tract. A model of the depositional history of the study atea through time is presented by a series of block diagrams. The series of models indicates eustatic sea level fluctuations and the migration of the shelf edge through the study area during the time of deposition of the study interval, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS There are many people to whom I would like to express gratitude for helping to make this thesis a possibility. First of all, I would like to thank Anadarko Petroleum Company for providing the data and the manpower for gathering the data. I should also thank the many geologists at Anadarko who answered my many questions and introduced me to the technologies that were used for completing the thesis. I would also like to express my thanks to Bill Keach at Landmark Graphics who provided access to many valuable resources and who taught me a great deal about seismic attributes and interpretation. I would like to thank, the faculty, staff and students of the Department of Geology for their kind support throughout my educational experience and for putting their faith in me. Special recognition is in order for the members of my thesis committee, Dr. Morris, Dr. Benson, and Dr. Nixon for supporting me and offering many valuable suggestions on both the interpretation and text of the thesis. I would also like to thank the many graduate students who patiently listened to and shared their ideas about the contents of my thesis. I would especially like to thank the “Sandlot” for helping me to keep my sanity during the many hours spent during the interpretation and writing phase of my thesis. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Tom Morris for encouraging me pursue a career in the geologic sciences and having the faith in my abilities that led to the subject of this thesis. Dr. Morris has been my teacher, mentor, advisor, and most importantly a friend Finally, I would like to express my thanks and love for my wife and son. They more than anyone have recognized and felt the sacrifice that was made to complete this work. Tam grateful for their encouragement, inspiration, patience, sacrifice and most of all, their unconditional love. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT... ACKNOWLEDGMENTS... LIST OF FIGURES.. LIST OF TABLES ...essese INTRODUCTION. PREVIOUS WORK REGIONAL SETTING. Salt Tectonics Structure Autocyclic Processes Paleogeography Depositional Style METHODS. Log Analysis 3D Seismic Seismic Attributes LOG AND SEISMIC DESCRIPTIONS Biostratigraphic Data... Interval A... Interval B, Interval C... Interval D, Interval E... STRATIGRAPHIC MODEL... SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY. Intervals A-B Interval C. Interval D... Interval E... viii DISCUSSION ss Time 1 ~ Upper Slope Deposits ~ Early Lowstand Conditions... Time 2 — Slope/Shelf Transition - Lowstand Conditions Time 3 ~ Distal Shelf - Transgressive Conditions. Time 4 ~ Deep Marine Sedimentation - Hiighstand Conditions . ‘Time 5 — Prograding Delta — Lowstand Conditions. Time 6 ~ Autocyclic Delta Processes ~ Lowstand Conditions CONCLUSIONS... REFERENCES CITED... APPENDIX A APPENDIX B (APPENDIX G sere APPENDIX D -ssoseote ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Index map of study area. Figure 2. Map of study area showing data coverage and key well Figure 3. Type log from the study area... Figure 4. Map of study area relative to previons work by various authors... Figure 5. Schematic diagram of a roho salt system and associated fault families Figure 6. Regional salt interpretation. Figure 7. Salt interpretation of line 396 Figure 8. Salt interpretation of crossline 836 .. Figure 9. Isochron map of the study area... a) Figure 10, Regional time structure map... Figure 11. Time structure map of the PS2 horizon Figure 12. 3D coherency overlay showing complex faulting .. 16 Figure 13. Interpretative overlay of figure 11 Figure 14. Series of regional isochrons demonstrating changing depositional styles through time Figure 15. Composite isochron of study area and regional isochron... Figure 16. Chart of electric log signatures Figure 17. Synthetic seismic trace... Figure 18 Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21, Figure 22, Figure 23, Figure 24. Figure 25, Figure 26. Figure 27. Figure 28. Figure 29. Figure 30. Figure 31 Figure 32. Figure 33, Figure 34, Figure 35, Figure 36. Coastal onlap chart for the northern Gulf of Mexico... Paleoecologic zonation chart of benthic foraminifera .. Sample well logs for interval 3D visualization of channels in interval A.... Sample well logs for interval B.... ‘Sample well logs for interval C.... Seismic line showing the reflector attributes of interval Coherency attribute surface of the PS7 horizon. RMS attribute surface of the PS7 horizon. Sample well logs for interval D. Sample well logs for interval En. RMS attribute surface taken 25 ms below the PS2 horizon. Wayeclass attribute surface of the PS1 horizon... Coherency attribute surface at the PS1 horizon... Seismic line through the PS1 horizon showing clinoformal patterns ......43 Crossline through the PS1 horizon showing chaotic reflectors. A Seismic line showing unit onlapping the PS1 horizon. Crossline showing unit onlapping the PS1 horizon... ‘Submarine ramp model 48 xi Figure 37. Figure 38. Figure 39. Figure 40, Figure 41. Figure 42. Figure 43. Figure 44, Table 1 Table Cl. Table C2. Table C3. Stratigraphic succession for the submarine ramp model ‘Summary diagram of facies and sequence stratigraphic interpretatior Model of study area as part of the upper slope ‘Model of study area at the shelf/slope transition... ST Model of study area during a transgression. ‘Model of study area during a sea-level highstangd.. ‘Model of study area during early lowstand .. Model of study area during lowstand .. LIST OF TABLES Table of seismic attribute extraction categories and potential uses 25 Table of log acronyms used in table C2... Table of well logs available for this study . Table of paleo data for the wells in the study area. = INTRODUCTION ‘The Gulf of Mexico basin is a complex and economically important hydrocarbon producing basin. The history of the basin is characterized by high rates of sedimentation and fluctuations of relative sea level. This combination has resulted in a rapidly changing basin with unique structural and stratigraphic problems. Detailed analysis of seismic and other data collected from the Gulf helps to increase the general scientific knowledge of events that have occurred within the basin. This knowledge helps explorationists to better understand and more efficiently recover important resources . from the basin. This study looks at a 1700-foot interval of Pleistocene sediments over a 72 mi? area within the West Cameron South Addition Federal Lease Area, offshore Louisiana (figure 1). Within the study area, the WC639 field produces primarily gas from a series of Pleistocene-aged sediments in a faulted anticline. ‘The field has been in production since 1971. The purpose of this study is to determine the depositional facies of several significant hydrocarbon producing sand bodies and associated sediments using 3D time- migrated seismic and wireline well log data (figures 2 and 3), and place these sediments ‘ina sequence stratigraphic framework. PREVIOUS WORK Because of its gas reserves, this area has been studied by several petroleum companies. General interpretations of the study area by Anadarko Petroleum Company geologists and geophysicists have placed deposition as ranging from shallow deltaic to deep shelf-slope (personal communication), Studies of depositional facies and sequence i seco se stow stoow 4 ‘wcr /toueana aewon Figure 1. Index map showing the location of the study area, The area is currently under 330° of water and is just a few miles north of the current shelf-edge (personal communication, Anadarko Petroleum Company). stratigraphy have been completed for age-equivalent sediments approximately 100 miles to the east by Weimer et al. (1998) and Vamai (1998) (figure 4). According to their research, the primary depositional environments for the Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentation in their area are bathyal turbidite systems that were deposited in a series of intraslope minibasins (Weimer et al., 1998). Suter and Berryhill (1985) tried to find modern analogs for ancient delta systems by studying late Quaternary (Wisconsinan) shelf-margin deltas across the northern shelf of the Gulf of Mexico. They recognized morphological differences between fluvial- dominated delta systems on the shelf and deltas located on the shelf-edge. They also and the recognized an important association between buried shelf fluvial systen beginning of shelf-margin clinoforms that mark the beginning of deltaic deposition (Suter and Berryhill, 1985). Mayall et al. (1992) studied the facies in two Pliocene shelf-edge deltas in Mississippi Canyon Block 109 (figure 4). Their core studies revealed six distinct facies within the delta series. Comparison of seismic and electric log signatures led them to suggest a possible facies association of shelf-edge deltas. The association that they recognized is as follows: extensive upper slope deformation, sandy turbidites ponded on the upper slope, and relatively thin mouth-bar deposits (Mayall et al. 1992). Study Area 649 648 [EES banindexmap | coment ipa ang oy Tenpacy Annes Figure 2. Index map of the nine lease blocks in the study area showing the locations of key wells and the areal extent of the 3D seismic survey. See figure 1 for location. 3 Sydow and Roberts (1994) studied Pleistocene shelf- ‘edge deltas approximately 20 miles north of the area studied by Mayall et al. (1992) (figure 4). Their study included a 92-m continuous core that was studied for the lithology, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy of a suspected shelf edge delta. These data were calibrated to high-resolution seismic profiles to determine the association between the seismic signature and “ground truth” stratigraphy (Sydow and Roberts, 1994). Hart et al. (1997) studied the stratigraphy and facies architecture of a Pleistocene shelf-edge delta in Eugene Island Block 330 (figure 4). Using wireline logs, well cuttings, and 3D seismic, they attempted to study the internal architecture and depositional history of the deltaic sediments. Study of this delta revealed the close association, of slope failures, clinoforms and channel systems over a relatively small lateral extent (Hart et al., 1997). They ‘concluded that the associations were the result of the interplay of delta lobe switching, sea-level fluctuations, and the concurrent development of growth faults (Hart et al, Figure 3. Typical gamma ray and resistivity logs for the study area (Ten 629 #2). For location see figure 2. The five intervals were ‘chosen early in the interpretive process based on log characteristics. Each interval is described in detail within the text. PS=Parasequence, MS=Marine Shale, SM=Shale Marker, and ‘TB=Turbidite. TW interval interval interval interval Interala sew. sor srw sowow 4 ‘eas / Louisans esaver sisi ier Stalfedge a bsining Stalfadge stand cfPtacepisode ofFTA depose Figure 4, Map of study area relative to previous work by various authors, The colored portions represent paleogeographical provinces after Galloway (1999). 1997). Galloway et al. (2000) published a summary of the Cenozoic depositional history of the Gulf of Mexico in the form of paleogeographic maps. These maps are based on a large database of wireline well logs and regional seismic lines. According to their interpretation, during the middle to late Pleistocene, Mississippi deltaic sedimentation shifted westward nearer the study area (figure 4). REGIONAL SETTING Interpretation of depositional facies within the study area is complicated by structural deformation related to salt tectonics, allocyclic and autocyclic processes inherent to the depositional system, and the paleogeographic depositional setting (ie. proximity to the shelf break). Major faulting within the regional setting is primarily controlled by salt tectonics and will be discussed first. Salt Tectonics Salt tectonics have played an important role in the structural development of the ‘West Cameron area. The study area is in a tecto-stratigraphic region called the Plio- Pleistocene detachment province (Diegel et al., 1995). The region is characterized by a series of large, basinward dipping growth faults that sole-out into salt welds. ‘The salt welds, or Robos, are unconformities that result from the withdrawal of salt from between two stratigraphic units of different ages and is equivalent to the base of salt. This type of system is classified as a roho system (figure 5)(Diegel et al., 1995; Rowan et al,, 1999). The growth faults form primarily in response to extension resulting from the movement of underlying salt (Diegel et al, 1995; Rowan et al., 1999). A regional salt interpretation was completed by the writer at Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (figure 6). This interpretation suggests that an almost continuous salt sheet once extended throughout the West Cameron South Addition. Most of the salt has withdrawn to the south leaving a complex series of minibasins and fault systems. Most hydrocarbons recovered in this region are in combination structural/ stratigraphic traps. This is due to the filling of the minibasins with reservoir quality sands and the associated faults creating a variety of hydrocarbon traps. The regional salt interpretation also reveals that a small body or wing of salt may have been present in the study area. Additionally, picks for the Ten 629 #1 well (figure 2) indicate that “domal material” was drilled into at approximately 13,030 feet measured depth. Interpretation of the salt in this particular area is hampered by the attenuation of Lael faulfaraly Basia Roller lt Family Figure 5. Schematic diagram of a roho salt system and many of the associated fault “families.” Inthe West Cameron South Addition, the roller faults are typically offset from each other creat- ing a band of faults that gives the shelf stair-step appearance. The ends of the roller faults are also typically splayed as seen in figure 10. The small red box on this diagram represents the ap- proximate relationship of the current study interval within this idealized system (Modified from Rowan et al., 1999). the seismic signal due to shallow gas effects and fault shadowing. Salt interpretations were made along some seismic lines from the 3D volume obtained from Anadarko Petroleum Company for this study (figures 7 and 8). The interpretation of the salt or salt ‘weld is based on anomalously high amplitude reflectors and the termination of reflectors against the weld surface. The interpretation of inline 396 (figure 7) indicates a small salt body trapped behind a basinward dipping fault. Crossline 836 (figure 8) passes through this salt body, but the seismic signal is attenuated under the gas zones to the point that itis difficult to determine the extent or location of the salt/salt weld. Understanding the movements of the salt within this area is important in determining any effect that the salt may have had on depositional patterns, as well as on the structure. Isochrons of several intervals across the seismic survey area indicate a general thinning of the sediments surrounding the area between the major faults (figure 9). This thinning may indicate a paleo-high that resulted from the active piercement of a subsurface salt body. If. paleo-high did exist, it may have acted as a barrier to Figure 6. Regional salt interpretation of the West Cameron South Addition based on time- migrated 3D seismic. The dark blue and purple areas represent the deep salt welds. The lighter blues, greens, reds and yellows represent where salt has moved stratigraphically higher (typically behind large growth faults) or where there are currently remnant salt bodies. This ‘ap suggests that there was once a nearly continuous salt sheet beneath the region. . seactisar 96¢ aur Crossline 836 Inline 396, oa rm mm L430 400 370340 190 16 130 100 70 50 30 101 Figure 8. Salt interpretation of a crossline that passes through the structural anticline. Inter- pretation of the salt is complicated by the attenuation of the seismic by shallow gas and fault- ing. It is possible that the presence of the salt high suggested by this interpretation resulted in ‘a paleo high on the seafloor. 10 sediment transport. Structure ‘Aregional time-structure map of a time horizon was completed by the writer at “Anadarko Petroleum Company and combined with a map of an approximate correlative 618 619 | 620 eapanveran “PS2t0 P55 Hodhoo 647 Figure 9. Isochron map determined from seismic horizons that were correlated to the log tops labeled PS2 and PSS on figure 3. Syndepositional offset of the major growth fault is indicated by the thickened section on the downthrown block (purples and blues). The reds and yellows represent thinning across the top of the anticline, possibly the result of a paleo-high caused by subsurface salt movement. nl t Preliminary regional study Figure 10. Regional time-structure map of the top of the study interval. The large arcuate faults are south-dipping growth faults with offsets on the order of hundreds to thousands of feet. The ‘smaller system of linear faults are often extensional faults associated with tops of rollover anti- clines within the downthrown block of the growth faults. horizon in the study area as part of this research (figure 10). The major arcuate growth faults that trend eastward are interpreted as rollover faults of a roho system (Rowan et al,, 1999). The major fault that runs through the thesis study area and splays to the west appears to be the terminal end of one such fault. Syndepositional fault movements created additional accommodation space on the downthrown side of these large growth faults as the fault blocks rotate basinward. This creates thickened sections adjacent to 12 the faults on the downthrown blocks. A rollover anticline results within a downthrown block as sediment settles into the accommodation space. Rollover fault systems develop near the top of the anticline (figure 5) (Rowan et al, 1999). The series of linear eastward trending faults located near the southeast comer of the larger survey in figure 10 resemble a rollover fault system. Hydrocarbon reservoirs have been compartmentalized by akeystone fault system that exists between the two splays on the northwest edge of the study area. This keystone fault system appears to have formed as a result of upward movement of an underlying salt body. A time-structure map (figure 11) and a 3d coherency overlay (figures 12 and 13) created from seismic data near the top of the interval of interest also reveal complex fault patterns throughout the study area. The arcuate nature of the major eastward trending faults and the thickening of sediments across these faults as indicated by isochron maps (figure 9, for example) suggest these are the splayed ends of growth fault that continues off to the east side of the survey. Because the isochron maps indicate thickening of the sediments across the growth faults, it can be assumed that they were active during deposition and may have influenced sedimentation patterns. The lack of thickening across the rollover and keystone faults indicates that they were post- depositional and the result of more localized stresses. Autocyclic Processes Autocyclic processes play an important role in the stratigraphic expression of sediments within the study area. During the Pleistocene, deltaic depositional systems prograded to the shelf-edge as a result of eustatic sea-level fluctuations (Coleman and 13 ‘| esses Stucture | S | mitaeanattanne 1 reogeseAnedonescas Wet report todos Figure 11, Time structure map of the PS2 horizon. Contour interval equals 20 ms. Roberts, 2000). These eustatic fluctuations result in the genetic packages of strata that are the building blocks of the sequence stratigraphic model (Posamentier and Allen, 1999). One of the fundamental units within the sequence stratigraphic model is the parasequence defined by Van Wagoner et al. (1990) as “a relatively conformable succession of genetically related beds or bedsets bounded by marine-flooding surfaces 4 and their correlative surfaces.” Within the study interval, stacked parasequences are often interpreted as deltaic deposits. The interpretation of these units will be discussed in more detail within the text of the thesis, but here it is appropriate to discuss the nature of the stacked parasequences as they relate to autocyclic processes. | Within fluvial-dominated deltaic systems such as the Mississippi Delta, primary deposits of the subaqueous delta occur in lobes. The times required to create delta lobes, within the Mississippi system ranges from 1500 to 2000 years (Coleman and Roberts, 2000). Such lobes reach an average thickness of 35 meters (Coleman and Roberts, 2000). As the lobe reaches its maximum growth, efficiency of the depositional system Figure 12. Coherency attribute of a phase volume overlain on the PS2 seismic horizon. The black and gray linear features are interpreted as faults. The yellow and red anomalies represent ‘gas deposits trapped within the fault blocks. The vertical time slice is line 1576. 15 Figure 13. An interpreted version of figure 12 highlighting the fault systems with red. The transparent red indicates fault scarps. The largest offet across the faults is approximately 900 ft. decreases and the river secks a new locus of deposition. ‘The result is a lobe switch. Through time, an abandoned lobe will subside due to dewatering, compaction of the sediments, and stumping of the lobe front, The net result is a relative sea-level rise over the delta lobe and an increase in accommodation space. Eventually, the river may again shift and a new lobe will be deposited over the now subsided lobe. This process may be repeated multiple times within one eustatic sea-level event. It is therefore important to recognize that stacked parasequences within the study area may result from either the autocyclic process of delta lobe switching, or a major eustatic event. 16 Paleogeography Based upon biostratigraphic data obtained from Anadarko Petroleum Company (appendix C), the sediments in the interval of interest were deposited approximately 0.7 million years ago. This places the study interval in the Pleistocene Trimosina A (PTA) depositional episode as described by Galloway et al. (2000). Galloway et al. (2000) constructed a paleogeographic map showing the location of major depositional provinces during the Pleistocene (Figure 4). According to Galloway et al. (2000), the Red/Mississippi River systems amalgamated to create a large prograding delta system, that extended to the shelf margin. Of particular interest is the location of the shelf edge in relationship to the study area during the period of deposition (figure 4). According to their interpretation, the shelf edge would have migrated through the study area within the period of the PTA depisode. Depositional Style Depositional style in the region has changed significantly in the past three million years. The change in depositional style is illustrated with a series of isochron maps of an area immediately to the northwest of the study area (figure 14). ‘The seismic horizons used for the maps range in age from 4.0 million years ago to present. The intervals from 4.0 to 1.5 Ma indicate that deposition was primarily in minibasins. By the 1.5 to 0.7 Ma interval, most of the minibasins have filled and the majority of the sedimentary fill was on the downthrown side of the growth faults. The final interval, 0.7 Mato present, indicates that sedimentation is primarily uniform across the region with some accommodation space still being filled in areas related to growth faults. The relationship of the current study area with the 1.5 to 0.7 Ma interval illustrates the thinning of the sediments over the anticline in the study area (figure 15). As discussed in the salt tectonics section, the area of thin deposition may indicate a paleo-high, most likely the result of upward salt movement. Understanding the timing and change in the depositional setting implied by these a) 40t022ma 151007 ma )0.7 mato present Figure 14. Series of isochron maps immediately to the northwest of the study area. The bright purple and dark blues represent the thickest depostion and the yellows represent the thinnest. The 4.0 to 2.2 Ma map (a) indicates the filling of several small basins that later (b) amalgamated into one basin. By 1.5 Ma (c-d) the small basins had filled and thickest deposition was occur ring on the downthrown sides of the large arcuate growth faults. 18 isochron maps is critical in predicting the depositional style of the study area. Ifthe study area during the interval of interest were a slope minibasin province, as seen in the 4.0 to 1.5 Ma intervals, the expected sedimentary fill would be basin floor fans and localized turbidite deposits. The individual units would be laterally restricted by the boundaries of the minibasins and would not be easily correlated beyond the individual basins. If, however, the study area had become a uniform depositional setting as seen in the 1.5 Ma to present intervals, it would be reasonable to find more sheet-like deposits regional study Figure 15. Composite isochron of the PS4 to PSS horizon seen in figure 9 and approximately the same horizon from a more regional interpretation (figure 14c). This composite illustrates the thinning of the sediments over the anticline in the study area indicating a possible paleo-high. 19 ee that could be traced over broader areas. | METHODS | | Log Analysis | Digital and paper well logs were obtained from Anadarko Petroleum Company for 71 of the 81 wells in the study area. The distribution of the wells is shown on figure 2. Logs available for each well differed in type, but most wells included at least a gamma ray (GR) or spontaneous potential (SP) log, a variety of shallow and deep resistivity logs, density and/or porosity logs, and a sonic log. A complete listing of the digital logs that were available for this study can be found in appendix C. The digital Jog data were imported into GeoGraphix Prizm™ and adjusted to true vertical depth (TVD). Dipmeter logs were not available, so true stratigraphic thickness (TST) was not | calculated, Well picks of stratigraphic units were made on paper logs and transferred to Prizm™ where adjustments to the log picks were made. Several dip-oriented cross sections were made through the study area using GeoGraphix XSection™ (appendix B). Since most wells within the study area are highly deviated, only wells that contained deviation surveys were considered when making horizon correlations in XSection™. The study interval was broken into five divisions labeled intervals A through E based on gamma ray log signatures (figure 4). Each interval is discussed in detail in later sections. The general shapes of the GR and SP log signatures are often indicative of grain size and depositional energy. Four general shapes are commonly recognized on log 20 i ELECTROFACIS CLASSIFICATION fagjagdjaag ANE SUPE= cuore Cine SRAIICKSER] | Figure 16. Chart showing the major classifications of electric log signatures (spontaneous po- | terial) used in log correlation (Serra, 1985). LOWER CONTACT OF SAND signatures (figure 16, Serra, 1985), Several workers have calibrated wireline log | signatures to rock cores to determine the log signature associations likely to be encountered in a given depositional environment (Coleman and Prior, 1981; Galloway, 1998). Correlation log signatures (GR and SP) were compared to generalized models developed for the facies likely to be encountered in the study area. For this study, which includes only siliciclastic sediments, gamma ray logs were chosen for analysis because they usually provide higher resolution of facies changes, and they are typically less susceptible to borehole effects. 3D Seismic In addition to the well log data, a time-migrated 3D seismic survey was obtained from Anadarko Petroleum Company for the study. The seismic data were collected in a 21 northeastward direction, roughly parallel to dip direction. The coverage of the survey is, shown in figure 2. GeoGraphix SeisVision™, Landmark SeisWorks™ and Landmark EarthCube™ software were used to interpret the seismic data. Well paths were projected into the seismic interpretation using deviation surveys. A velocity survey was obtained for the Kerr-McGee 639 #1 well (figure 2). The velocity survey information was used to convert measured depths of units in the well bores to time in order to integrate these data with the migrated seismic survey. Further calibration of the well depths to the seismic data was achieved by creating a synthetic seismic trace using sonic and density logs for the Kerr-McGee 639 #1 well (figure 17). Well picks for the PS1, PS2 and PSS horizons indicated on the type log (figure 3) were transferred from the calibrated well log to the seismic data, These horizons were then picked across the seismic survey on a 10x20 grid spacing with the remaining picks being interpolated. Correlation polygons, a graphical correlation method, were used to carry the seismic horizon interpretations across major faults and through areas of poor data. Fault surfaces were also picked in the seismic volume using SeisVision™. There were several factors that limited the usefulness of the 3D seismic survey for this project. First, because of shallow gas and fault effects, the seismic reflections ‘were often attenuated at deeper depths. The gas charging also had the effect of overprinting any attributes that might have been useful for determining lithologic units, Secondly, due to the complexity of the structure in the southern two-thirds of the survey, picking of seismic horizons was not always clear and therefore certainty of the horizon attributes is questionable. Thirdly, there are distinct acquisition artifacts visible in many of the attribute horizons, making it difficult at times to determine the significance of Ker 639 #1 i Salone Traces oes ser sea sea xT 228750 294 258 Sconce Figure 17. Synthetic seismic trace generated to calibrate the wireline log data to the seismic sur- vey. The tops of the intervals represent log tops which were then interpreted as seismic hori- zons. inline linear features. Finally, the data are post-stack time-migrated as opposed to pre- stack depth-migrated. Seismic Attributes Seismic attributes can be used to detect subtle variations in seismic character that represent changes in subsurface geology. Examples of geologic changes detected using seismic attributes include changes in reservoir fluids, variations in bed thickness, facies changes and breaks in reflector continuity caused by faults. Various tools and methods were used to create attribute surfaces and seismic volumes for analysis from the original time-migrated 3D seismic data. Landmark Pal™ and GeoGraphix Seis Vision™ were used to create over 100 attribute surfaces. Analysis windows of varying size and position were defined using the three picked seismic horizons, PS1, PS2, and PSS. Seismic attributes chosen for analysis included amplitude, complex trace, spectral and sequence statistics. Table 1 summarizes the primary uses of these different categories of attributes. A more detailed table of the specific attributes analyzed and their uses may be found in appendix A. The chosen seismic attribute surfaces were analyzed and compared for possible depositional patterns and lithological indicators. Landmark PostStack™ was used to create an instantaneous phase volume from the original seismic volume. The advantage of the phase volume is that it emphasizes weak coherent events, while disregarding the reflection strength (Landmark, 1998). Landmark PostStack ESP™ was used to create continuity volumes from both the phase ‘volume and the original seismic volume. Continuity volumes highlight discontinuities gr08s lithology channel and deltaic sands certain types of reefs unconformities changing sequence stratigraphy Amplitude Statistics jseful in identifying and analyzing: gross lithology channel and deltaic sands ‘unconformities changing sequence stratigraphy fracturins (Complex Trace Statisties eee e Ble reese fan reveal: + areas of fracturing + areas of gas absorption © tuning effects + wavelet characteristics as affected by overlying lithology, such as absorption and other effects. Spectral Statistics flelp perform the following: ‘+ identify lithologic sequences © map sequence stratigraphy + characterize certain amplitude anomalies Sequence Statistics Table 1. Categories of seismic attribute extractions and their potential uses (Modified from Landmark, 1998). in the seismic data that result from faulting and stratigraphic variations. These volumes were used for increasing the accuracy of the structural interpretation and to identify depositional facies. 3D visualization of the seismic volumes was accomplished with Landmarks EarthCube™ software, EarthCube™ allows the interpreter to view seismic data as a volume instead of 2D lines. For this study, the three interpreted horizons were used to define zones of interest within the seismic volume. Differential transparency was applied to the amplitude data that allowed subtle features to be detected and visualized. EarthCube™ was also used to overlay seismic attribute surfaces over the 3D time- 25 structure of the study area. LOG AND SEISMIC DESCRIPTIONS Biostratigraphic Data Biostratigraphic data were available for many of the wells in the study area. ‘These data are derived from analysis of well cuttings and are usually posted at the depth of first occurrence during drilling. Biostratigraphic data are often used in the oil industry to determine the approximate age of sediments and for regional correlations. ‘The interval of interest for this study falls between two of the regional marker faunas. ‘The youngest and stratigraphically highest marker fauna, the Trimosina A (Trim A), was identified in fifty-three of the wells within the study area. It is usually found stratigraphically approximately two lnundred feet above the top of the study interval for this research project. The Trim A is a middle Pleistocene benthic foraminifer that existed approximately 0.6 million years ago (figure 18). It is generally associated with the outer neritic zone (ecozone 3), but may be found in the middle neritic to upper ‘bathyal zones (ecozones 2-4) (figure 19). These zones range in water depths from 50- 1500 &. ‘The second firuna noted on the logs is the Hyalinea balthica (Trim B). It is identified in eleven of the wells. Stratigraphically, itis generally found greater than two thousand feet lower than the Trim A in the study area. The Trim B is also a benthic foraminifer and existed approximately 1.3 million years ago (figure 18). It is generally associated with water depths ranging from 600 feet to greater than 1500 feet (figure 19). 26 PLEISTOCENE ieccemss | | LATE PLIOCENE ait i a 3) use| EARLY : / fee i Figure 18. Coastal onlap chart and biozonation chart for the northern Gulf of Mexico. (Villamil etal., 1998, after Paleo-data, Inc., 1993) “Timosa 6 Haines bates poss one? 150030008 | 3000-45007 > a000% Figure 19. Schematic diagram showing the approximate paleoecologic zonations of benthic fo- raminifera found above and below the study interval. (modified from Villamil et al., 1998, after Paleo-data, Inc., 1993) | Extrapolation of these data suggests that the approximate age of the sediment within the study interval is 0.7 to 0.8 million years. It also suggests that there was a general shallowing of the depositional setting through time. Interval A Interval A represents the oldest interval of interest to this study. The log signature in this interval shows the most variability of characteristics among the wells | (figure 20). Along the western edge of the study area, in wells such as the Ten 629 #2 | (Gigure 20), the upper portion of this interval usually displays a serrated cylindrical i interval that is approximately 80 feet thick. Near the center of the study area, this KER 639 #1 KER 639 #48, TEN 629 #2 Game ay Reitty arma ay Rat Gamma ay Ray 0 1 a t = a } | } ( 100 < 2 2 £ a =F Figure 20. Sample well log signatures for the A interval. These three logs were chosen from different fault blocks and are representative of most of the variations seen in the well log data set. For the location of these wells, see figure 2. This interval is interpreted as consisting of tur- bidite, channel, and overbank deposits. 28 section is more variable, with a funnel shape like that seen in the Ker 639 #A8 well being more common. This fimnel shape indicates coarsening or cleaning upwards of the sediments. In some wells, especially those to the south, this blocky component is not observed. Instead, this section tends to have a very spiky appearance with sandy units being only a few feet thick like the lower 150 feet of the logs in figure 20. Log-response models proposed by Galloway and Hobday (1996) indicate that this type of log association may be indicative of channel fills or sheet turbidite accumulations found on the slope or the base of the slope. Seismic data show strong evidence for channels in this interval. Figure 21 shows a seismic amplitude surface draping the PSS horizon which has been shifted down approximately 150 ms. Floating above the seismic surface is a transparent seismic layer. The reds and greens are maximum and minimum amplitudes, respectively, with all of the in-between amplitudes totally removed. These channels appear to originate from the northeast and flow south to southwest. By carefully studying the distribution of the amplitudes and utilizing thin root mean square (RMS) attribute surfaces, shifts in the channel pathways may be visible (figure 21).. Near the center of the interpreted area is what appears to be a prominent splay deposit. The widths of the channels appear to be as wide as 200 m, and the longest channel can be followed for almost 6000 m on the seismic data. The thin sandy deposits in this interval are interpreted as upper-slope turbidite deposits. The channels are interpreted as incised channels of the upper slope that transport sediments to channel levee systems and lobe deposits of the lower slope. This interpretation is supported by models proposed by Galloway (1998) and Heller and Dickinson (1985). 29 Figure 21. a) View of a 3D visualization of interval A. The solid surface is a seismic overlay ona 3D seismic horizon. The red and green “clouds” above the surface represent maximum am- plitudes in an interval of data. The channels are interpreted as being erosional channels of the ‘upper slope that carry sediments to channeV/levee complexes and lobe deposits deeper in the ba sin, b) Interpreted version of the visualization. The inset map indicates the position within the seismic survey. 30 Interval B | The log signature of interval B displays a highly serrated series of thin, laterally continuous sandy units (figure 22). The spiky log signature is similar to the interpreted turbidite and overbank deposits of interval A with the exception that they are more laterally continuous. In many cases, these units display a random pattem of fining and coarsening upwards motifs, ‘These units are interpreted as being sheet turbidites. Heller and Dickinson (1985) suggest that this type of deposit can represent sheet turbidites of the prodelta slope. } ' KER 639 #1 KER 639 #A8 TEN 629 #2 a ee ie ea | WO. 1 = | 1 y z \ = sz, sz. wa x = ke = Bm Sm Interval B Figure 22. Sample well log signatures for the B interval. For location, see figure 2. These units are interpreted as sheet turbidite deposits. 31 Interval C Interval C is interpreted to consist of several cleaning- or coarsening-upward sand bodies (figure 23), The log pattern of the lowest coarsening upward sand body I (PS7 top on figure 23) is relatively uniform across the study area and displays a gradual i cleaning or coarsening upwards pattern. Relative to the PS7, the PSS and PS6 picks | vary in thickness and log shape, with an overall more blocky and clean appearance. In | the interval between the PS6 and PS3 picks, there is an overall fining upwards trend. \ ( ‘The coarsening-upward log motif seen in the PS7 unit most closely resembles that of the distributary mouth bar model of Coleman and Prior (1981). According to \ \ them, this log pattern represents a gradual transition from the relatively low energy conditions of the prodelta to the higher energy environment of the delta front. | ‘A crossline of seismic data through the northern portion of the survey shows the reflector attributes of interval C (figure 24). The strong, continuous marker across the middle of the interval is interpreted to represent the PS7 horizon. This reflector, like the Jog signature, is fairly uniform across the northern portion of the survey, although it oes show an apparent thinning from the northwest to the southeast. The reflectors above the PS7 pick show more variation in amplitude and may reflect different depositional processes. A coherency surface (figure 25) and a RMS amplitude attribute surface (figure 26) correlate approximately to the PS7 log pick. The coherency surface indicates a fairly uniform seismic signature across the survey. The prominent eastward tl trending feature near the eastern comer of the survey is interpreted as a subtle fault that has acted as a hydrocarbon trap. This feature can be detected cutting across over 200 ms of seismic data, although it is difficult to detect in vertical seismic lines. The RMS i 32 KER 639 #1 KER 639 #A8 TEN 629 #2 Some ay——_—Resisivty ess Genmafay ___Sestvty | T Interval C Interval B Figure 23. Sample well log signatures for the C interval. For location, see figure 2. ‘This inter- val is interpreted as the prodelta and delta front deposits of a shelf-edge delta. 33 Sreaiow = own" osst auyss05 Figure 25. Coherency surface at the PS7 horizon. This attribute shows a possible channel near the eastern comer of the survey. The fault indicated on figure 26 is clearly visible. amplitude attribute surface also indicates a fairly uniform distribution of amplitudes, with the variation likely being the result of the thinning of the unit. The northeast trending lineations are the result of seismic acquisition and processing. The PS7 unit is interpreted as sediments deposited during the transition from the prodelta to the delta front environment. The cleaner sands above this interval are interpreted as distal bar or delta front deposits. According to Coleman and Prior (1981), this facies is often found to be a reservoir for hydrocarbons in Pleistocene-aged sands in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The PSS pick marks the interval of the second most prolific hydrocarbon reservoir within the WC609 field, producing nearly 31% of the recovered hydrocarbons (personal communication with Anadarko Petroleum Company). 35 Figure 26. RMS amplitude attribute surface of the PS7 log pick taken with @ 10 ms window The linear amplitude anomaly near the east corner of the surface may be the result of fluid trapped by a subtle fault. The northeast trending lineations are the result of seismic acquisition, ‘Variations in thickness of the PS5 and PS6 units likely are the result of autocyclie delta lobe switching, with the depositional breaks representing more distal facies. The blocky nature of these units may represent channel reworking or reworking by wave energy. The general upward trend of more dirty sand units noted from the PS6 to the PS3 picks records a decrease of sediment supply or an apparent transgression of sea level. Interval D Interval D is characterized by a consistently high gamma ray response indicating a shale sequence (figure 27). Seismic reflectors in this interval are fairly low amplitude with parallel geometry. This interval, approximately 300 feet thick, is interpreted as mainly marine shales. Interval E Interval E consists of two coarsening-upwards sand units, with the tops labeled PS1 and PS2 (figure 28). The stratigraphically lower sand unit, the PS2, shows a gradual coarsening upwards into a fairly sharp-based, coarse-grained unit. This KER 639 #1 KER 639 #A8 TEN 629 #2 coomig eeoey | cuir tebe cormatey pes w ] Kf 70 j [1 0 = = = 0 sn sn 4 2 a s100 g “= ss z 4100 | 7 - 1 fb : rapt co oa ie g | 5 nt = bP pst fond Figure 27. Sample well log signatures for the D interval. For location, see figure 2. This inter- val is interpreted as marine shales, 37 KER 639 #A8 Gamma oy esity TEN 629 #2 arma ay esi Interval D om : KER 639 #1 lOO er Rt cs “ 300 a = = ust Figure 28. Sample well log signatures for the E interval. For location, see figure 2. This inter- val is interpreted as deltaic deposits similar to those in figure 23. Note the sharp based sand at approximately 3610 feet on the KER 639 #1. This is a common feature of this unit throughout, the study area. 38 upper coarse-grained unit is made up of at least three different clean, blocky sand bodies, the topmost of which often displays a fining upwards motif, The upper sand, the PS1, shows a more gradational coarsening upwards pattem with fewer breaks in deposition than the PS2 unit. This interval shares several log characteristics with the previously discussed interval C. Both intervals contain several coarsening upwards sand units. The notable difference is the sharp base of the PS2 unit. According to Coleman and Prior (1981), sharp-based sandstones in a deltaic environment may indicate proximity to the distributary channels, In a rapidly prograding delta, or as a result of autocyclic lobe switching, clean channel fill sands may overlie a prodelta deposit. ‘Another possible source of sharp-based sands within the shelf region is stump deposits (Coleman and Prior, 1981). They suggest that it is common for various types of slumps and slides to form resulting in rapid sediment loading on unconsolidated shales and muds. One of the characteristics off these types of slumps is that large amounts of coarse sediments are rapidly deposited in front of the delta. Seismic attribute extractions for the PS2 unit were generally unrevealing. A waveclass analysis (see appendix A) for this interval showed generally poor associations between the waveforms from trace to trace. Similar results were found for coherency surfices taken through this interval. A RMS amplitude surface showed relatively low values across the northeastern section of the survey with the exception of a high amplitude, linear feature (figure 29). There is no obvious faulting in this area that may act as an updip trap. Itmay be possible that this feature is some type of stratigraphic pinchout, or possibly a distributary channel. 39 ell me Figure 29. RMS attribute surface taken 25 ms below the PS2 horizon with a 10 ms window. ‘This surface shows relatively low amplitude variations across the surface with the exception of a possible stratigraphic pinchout or channel along the northeast edge of the survey. i Despite the similarity of the PS1 and PS2 intervals log signatures, the seismic character of the PSI differs a great deal from that of the lower unit. The top of the PS1 is still marked in seismic data by a strong impedance contrast. A waveclass attribute layer shows a distinct zonation between the east and west sides of the survey (figure30). A coherency attribute layer taken within the same window indicates the possible presence ofa bifurcating channel system in the northem comer of the survey (figure 31). {A seismic line oriented parallel through the channel section (figure 32) reveals apparent low angle clinoforms that may represent the prograding distributary mouth bar. A 40 © 4000800012000] ——S SCALE (Feet Figure 30. Waveclass surface of the PS1 horizon. This surface indicates some differences be- tween the western and eastern portions of the survey. Seismic lines (figures 34 and 35) indicate ‘a possible scour and fill along the eastern side of the survey that would explain the variation in waveforms. crossline (figure 33) through the same section reveals a less coherent reflector geometry with several “gull wing” shaped reflectors interpreted to be the channels and their associated fills. Seismic lines were also extracted across the eastern corner of the survey in order 41 Figure 31. Coherency surface overlay of the PS1 horizon indicating possible channel systems. to evaluate the change from west to east in the waveclass surface (figure 30). These data indicate the presence of multiple reflectors onlapping onto the PS1 seismic surface near the center of the survey (figures 34 and 35), Log data are not available in this portion of the study area to provide a lithology interpretation. Therefore, several possibilites are suggested. First, it is possible that the contact between the PS1 surface and the onlapping unit is unconformable and may represent the switching of delta lobes. In this case, the sediments onlapping the PS1 unit are likely to be reservoir quality sands similar to those seen on the westem side of the survey. Another possiblity may be differential subsidence within the downthrown block of the major growth fault just to the north of the study area. In this event, the onlapping sediments could be either sands or shales. A third possibilty may be that movement of underlying salt resulted in differential subsidence along the eastern margins of the survey. As in the previous case, 2 eee oe aunt B “surayss o9A0)-[att sup a2 Soe Nn Ou, “Te oun uy poyeogput woys4s [ou -arayo omp uinomp aussoy “EE amp ogi aumssou, _zapuo Ut ys0209U Jo ouoz axp 2AoqE ISnf (UIJEp) Joy9]Ja1 ¥ OF pouDTELY UoDq Sey OUT ay, “TRAIDIUY Papeys sanjedou aun se pareuduoqu $1 uozLioy [Sq 9YJ, "UOZTIOY [Sq 8y} OO siO}oa]}91 Jo diysuoNEyos dejuO oy 45 ‘aamyonans youonsodap-ysod aAowras 0} Japu0 UL 189 ~soqut Jo ouoz a4p BAoge asnf (MEP) JO;OYOA v 0} POURS USOq Sey OUI] YL, “TBAZDWUL papeYs pax om JO ‘Suope apnyyidure aaneBau ayy se Poroadsoquy s} UOZLOY 1S SUL “YOZUIOY [Sq Ay Ojo suo}a]J01 Jo diysuonEpos depuo oy Suneorpur pe INBy ut ouN| YBNONp oUN|ssOK “CE ONL zadtoun oy sediments could be either shales or sands. Like those in interval C, the sands in interval E are interpreted as prograding delta deposits, with prodelta deposits overlain by coarser sands of the delta front. Despite the blocky nature of the top of the PS2 unit, it is unlikely that these are slump deposits due to the lack of serrated or fining upwards log signatures. This interval likely results from the autocyclic process of delta lobe switching. STRATIGRAPHIC MODEL In 1985 Heller and Dickinson proposed a submarine ramp model that includes sand-rich, delta-fed turbidite systems. In typical submarine fan models, the sediment source for turbidites is usually a point source fed from a submarine canyon (Walker, 1978). Inthe submarine ramp model, the source for the turbidite systems is a line source perpendicular to the slope created from the progradation of a sand-rich delta front to the shelf edge (Heller and Dickinson, 1985). Galloway (1998) calls this model a clta-fed slope apron to avoid confusion with the word “ramp” used in carbonate systems and sequence stratigraphy. The following list from Heller and Dickinson (1985) describes the sedimentological elements of the submarine ramp model (figure 36): 1. The delta platform of a sandy deltaic system that consists of a subaerial delta plain and a narrow marine shelf along the submerged delta front. 2. A prodelta slope, which is also the flanking slope of the adjacent basin, that lacks a dominant feeder channel or submarine canyon, but is, instead, traversed by multiple shallow gullies or delta-slope troughs. Proximal ramp deposits that bank up against the prograding delta slope, and are deposited from high-density turbidity currents (Lowe, 1982) that are locally channeled at the base of the slope but are dominantly sheet flows spreading out onto the ramp surface. 4, Distal ramp deposits that merge outward with the basin plain and are 47 a deposited as turbidites by sheet flows of lower density and gradually waning energy similar to those that operate on the outer parts of other types of submarine fans (Lowe, 1982). 5. The basin plain, bordered by ramp-fringe deposits similar to other fan- fringe deposits. “According to Heller and Dickinson (1985), the proximal slope deposits are made up of beds of random thickness that can include both coarsening and fining-upwards sand bodies, Galloway (1998) suggests the following vertical succession (figure 37) for this model as: “(1) Relatively continuous, sandy turbidite channel and lobe facies of the base-oftslope (lower clinoform) grading up into: (2) highly lenticular, erosionally dismembered upper slope facies (mid-clinoform), which are largely muddy or heterolithic, but contain narrow, thick, sandy to muddy channel fills. These, in turn, are overlain by (3) relatively muddy prodelta deposits, which coarsen upward into sandy delta-front facies (upper clinoform).” Lobe ui Distal Ramp Basin plain Figure 36. Submarine ramp model. (Heller and Dickinson, 1985) 48 I In the paleogeographic maps for the Pleistocene Trim A depositional episode, Galloway (2000) places what he calls the Central Gulf Apron, based on this model, just south of the study area (figure 4), His map is based on the maximum extents of progradation during the depisode (Galloway, 2000). The submarine ramp/slope apron model fits the data for intervals A through C in this study. In this model, interval A would represent the channelized proximal ramp deposits. Interval B also represents proximal ramp deposits consisting of fining and coarsening upwards series of sheet flows. Finally, interval C represents the preserved prodelta interval overlain by the progradational delta-front sands, The fact that this sequence is not repeated between interval C and the progradation delta front in interval E suggests that by this time, the shelf break had migrated south of the study area. SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY Coastal onlap curves and eustatic curves developed for the Gulf of Mexico indicate that the Pleistocene was a period of high frequency changes of sea level (figure 18). According to Galloway (2000), the Pleistocene records at least four Laurentide and montaine glacial cycles. These rapid changes produced relatively thin sequences. The following sections discuss the sequence stratigraphic interpretation that is summarized in figure 38. Figure 37. Schematic stratigraphic succession of the delta-fed subma- rine ramp model as described by Heller and Dickinson (1985). Com- pare to the model of Galloway (1998) discussed in the text (modified from Heller and Dickinson, 1985). 49 onTAFD SUBMARINE RAMP Intervals A-B Intervals A and B are interpreted as sandy turbidite and channel/overbank deposits of the upper slope. According to Van Wagoner et al. (1990), the lowstand systems tract consists of three depositional units, the basin-floor fan, slope fans, and a lowstand wedge. In their model, the slope fans overlay the basin floor fan and are “made up of turbidite-leveed channel and overbank deposits.” As previously discussed, the channels seen in this section are considered to be the upper slope, erosional portion of the channel-levee systems as described by Galloway (1998) and likely feed slope fans more distally located than the study area, These intervals are therefore interpreted as being the upper slope portion of a lowstand systems tract. Interval C ‘The third component of the lowstand systems tract is the lowstand wedge (Van Wagoner et al, 1990). ‘The lowstand wedge is made up of “one or more progradational parasequence sets making up a wedge that is restricted seaward of the shelf break and that onlaps the slope of the preceding sequence” (Van Wagoner et al., 1990). The coarsening upwards units, PS7 and PS6, of interval C are interpreted as parasequences formed from a sandy, fluvial-dominated delta system that has prograded beyond the shelf-edge. These units make up a progradational parasequence set of the lowstand systems tract lowstand wedge. Units PSS, PS4 and PS3 of interval C exhibit a gradual thinning upward and the gamma ray response is successively higher indicating an increasingly more distal depositional environment. These units are interpreted as the retrogradational 30 = eas aa mY ET YL | eatin 000 5 Lowstand 3 2 BY aw 4 + Scopes yyy prod 4300 i } ~| a ' a | F 4] wernstae aoe Condensed, Sion? Z = 5 “rnagressve “e | Delta Front ~ | eee g sip Ibm Pert “ > ta Front —— “18 spite =| 4) (6 Janine | Be : sa | \ os } Prodela, Ey ow i eli] omic wr Lowstand ws ‘Systems Tract ‘5600. | - 5 EP) ST |) | amet S| [5 | owsarkoenonte e| SL Figure 38. Summary diagram of the facies and sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the study area. parasequence set of the transgressive systems tract (Van Wagoner et al., 1990). Interval D During the transgressive systems tract and the early highstand systems tract, a “condensed” section is often deposited on the slope and outer shelf (Van Wagoner et al., 1990). The condensed section represents a period of very low depositional rates and consists primarily of pelagic and hemipelagic sediments. According to Villamil et al. (1998), a condensed section can often be detected in a wireline log by the presence of a slight increase on a gamma ray log. Within interval D, a sharp gamma ray spike was recognized in the majority of the well logs. This spike represents the maximum gamma ray response in most of the wells, It is represented as the SMI (shale marker 1) pick (figures 27 and 38). Based upon its stratigraphic position in the shale unit and its high gamma ray response, this pick may represent the maximum flooding surface/condensed section and be the transition between the transgressive systems tract and the highstand systems tract. Interval E Within interval E, there are two progradational parasequences. Because of the location of the study area relative to the present day coastline, the presence of a prograding parasequence would tend to imply a lowstand systems tract. If this were the case, a sequence boundary would be expected between the highstand systems tract and the overlying lowstand systems tract. Another possibility is that the progradational units of the highstand systems tract had moved to the shelf edge. According to Posamentier and Allen (1999), “in more proximal shelf settings, lowstand fluvial and transgressive 52 estuarine deposits can overlie and incise previous highstand littoral or deta front deposits.” They continue “...if multiple regional well logs are characterized by laterally continuous, clean, blocky, channel-like deposits that are consistently present and are significantly cleaner (or coarser grained) than the underlying sediments, then an inference of a sequence boundary can be made.” ‘The sharp-based nature of the PS2 unit has already been discussed. The blocky nature of this sand unit, sharply juxtaposed against the gradual coarsening upwards of the underlying unit may indicate a rapid basinward shift of facies or a local erosional surface as a result of autocyclic processes. Due to the proximity of the study area to the shelf-edge and the transition from the deep marine shales of interval D to the clean sand units of interval E, a sequence boundary is inferred at the base of the blocky units of the PS2 unit. The sequence boundary represents the top of the highstand systems tract and places the PS2 and PS1 units within the lowstand systems tract of a new sequence. Based upon the approximate age of the sediments, this inferred sequence boundary may correlate to the 0.7 or 0.8 Ma sequence boundary of Weimer et al. (1998), Villamil et al. (1998), and Varnai (1998). DISCUSSION The Gulf of Mexico represents one of the most important hydrocarbon producing basins in the World. It is also an extremely challenging basin to understand due to its complex structural and depositional history. As exploration, drilling and recovery techniques improve, new opportunities for the discovery and recovery of resources are opened up. By increasing our understanding of the depositional settings that are 3 currently being explored and exploited and using tools such as sequence stratigraphy, we are better able to predict the location and potential of reservoirs that have not yet been discovered in the Gulf. | Early models of deltas and the Gulf of Mexico predicted that most sediment in the deep basin would consist primarily of deep marine shales and that there was litle | reservoir potential in that area. As technology has improved, exploration has moved i| farther into the deep basin with the discovery of major oil and gas fields in slope and basin floor fans. Geophysical data gathered in these areas have increased our i ‘understanding and led to the development of improved depositional models that explain the presence of resource-rich reservoirs in these deep settings. As a direct result, there has been renewed interest in exploration on the shelf in sub-salt plays (Weimer etal, ii 1998). The depositional setting for these sub-salt plays is often basin floor fans similar i to those in the present-day deep basin. i} Presently, hydrocarbon production in WC639 field is dwindling. Deeper exploration has been considered too risky due to the high cost of operations in these ih Water depths and the poor quality of deep seismic data beneath the gas zones. Future iH exploration in this field and many others is dependent on improved understanding and | prediction of potential deep reservoirs. This may be accomplished through the | determination of paleo-depositional systems and placement of these systems into predictive models. As exploration continues in the surrounding area and more data becomes available, explorationists may be able to better recognize important vertical facies associations in the complex shelf edge region. A series of illustrations have been created showing the proposed depositional 54 SESSreTESESSEeSEStESSESSEcisEEsSEstSSEesEseSeeseEsESSteaeeSeeeSEtesSEeeeCESeeeSECESS eiEesSeeOEesS SEES STE SEES CARO! history of the WC639 field for the study interval. The accuracy of this model may be improved by inclusion of additional well and seismic data that extend beyond the study area, but that was not available for this study. | ‘Time 1 - Upper Slope Deposits - Early Lowstand Conditions i During early lowstand conditions, the study area was part of the upper slope ih i (figure 39). Sand-tich sediments generally bypassed the study area through erosional | | turbidite channels that likely fed basin-floor fans near or beyond the base of slope. WW Occasionally, sand-tich sediments were deposited on the upper continental slope in the form of overbank deposits and turbidites deposited in slope minibasins. Itis sos pe ses chmee 1 Sopentinbsen Gosh roaran | | Figure 39. Model of study area as part of the upper slope. Sediments were primarily muds in- terspersed with occasional turbidites deposited in slope minibasins and occasional overbank de- posits from erosional channels bypassing sediments to the basin floor. 35 Se undetermined whether the growth faults had a morphologic expression on the sea floor at this time. It is possible that the channels continued uninterrupted through the study area and that the strong seismic expression seen in the northeastern portion of the area has been lost due to tectonics and gas effects. However, if the faults did have an expression, it is possible that coarse turbidite sediments may have been deposited preferentially on the downthrown block. Time 2 - Slope/Shelf Transition - Lowstand Conditions ‘As the delta systems approached the shelf edge during the lowstand, increased volumes of sand-rich sediment were supplied to the shelf margin (figure 40). Sediments flushed from the oversteepened, unstable delta-front bypassed the prodelta slope and ‘were delivered to the upper continental slope. Eventually, the sediment supply Progactonal Set ope Demers 57) roasts \ “Tupi Depo Ne Figure 40. Model of the study area at the shelfislope transition. During lowstands of sea-level, deltas prograded to the shelf edge and provided sediments directly to the upper slope. During. ‘these periods of high sedimentation on the slope, the shelf edge migrated basinward. 56 overwhelmed the dispersal system of the upper continental slope and the channels were filled with coarse sediments and any fault-related morphological features were filled in. ‘The delta front delivered sand as a line source across the upper continental slope and sheet turbidite deposits dominated. As the upper continental slope was built up, the delta front was eventually able to prograde across the sheet turbidite deposits, effectively shifting the shelf edge basinward. During the lowstand, autocyclic lobe switching resulted in the creation of several local parasequences. ‘Time 3 — Distal Shelf - Transgressive Conditions ‘Sea-level began to rise marking the beginning of the transgressive systems tract (figure 41). As the water depth increased in the study area, deltaic lobes were no longer able to prograde as far out into the basin. This resulted in a back-stepping succession of Dil Depstaat % ic 9) Dita Depstsot| Se, we _ Dial Depstsot Det Un 55 Figure 41. Model of the study area during a transgression of sea level. As the water level deep- ened, delta lobes were unable to prograde as far out into the basin. 37 Figure 42. Model of the study area during a highstand. Shallow-water clastics are no longer able to reach this location on the shelf. Deposition is dominated by deep-marine pelagic and hemipelagic deposits. Slow sedimentation rates may have allowed for the morphological ex- pression of syndepositional growth faults to form on the seafloor. deltaic deposits with the deposits in the study area being made up of the most distal prodelta silts and clays. Due to the low energy conditions on the shelf, the transgressive units were preserved leaving a thin record of the transgression on the slope. Time 4 — Deep Marine Sedimentation - Highstand Conditions During the subsequent highstand, sedimentation in the study area was dominated by pelagic and hemipelagic deep-marine sediments (figure 42). Itis possible during this period of slow sedimentation rates that the morphological expression of the active growth faults in the study area may have been evident at the seafloor, as they are presently. 38 Detatabe 52 f Prods sacs Figure 43, Model of the study area during early lowstand. A relatively stable delta front once again prograded across the study area depositing a thick prodelta deposit above the deep-marine deposits of the highstand. ‘Time 5 - Prograding Delta - Lowstand Conditions During time 5, the study area was once again in lowstand conditions. Fluvial- dominated delta systems prograded towards the shelf margin. The relative stability of the delta front deposits is evidenced by the lack of turbidites preceding the gradually coarsening upwards characteristic of the prodelta deposits. Time 6 - Autocyclic Delta Processes - Lowstand Conditions Autocyclic processes once again dominated the shelf processes in the study area. ‘Subaqueous distributary channels at or above seismic resolution are preserved, possibly signifying a more landward facies than had been seen in earlier delta lobe deposits. This series of models provides important insights and understanding about the 59 etsctabe Deport 1) e Figure 44, Model of the study area during lowstand. Autocyclic processes dominate the deposi- tional system as deltas prograde farther basinward towards the shelf edge. study area and yields reasonable scenarios for predicting the location of potential deep reservoirs. Similar studies will enhance the possibility and success of deeper exploration in the Gulf of Mexico and other basins around the world. CONCLUSIONS: ‘The study of wireline well log data and 3D seismic data in the WC639 field area has led to the following conclusions: 1) Log and 3D seismic analysis suggest that the stratigraphic interval analyzed in this study can be divided into five distinct depositional intervals and interpreted within a sequence stratigraphic framework. 2) Broad depositional facies of the study interval include upper slope turbidites, 60 subaqueous delta front deposits, and deep marine shales. Seismic and wireline log data support the interpretation of upper slope deposits including areally restricted sandy turbidite deposits, filled channel systems, and laterally extensive sheet turbidite deposits. As the turbidite and prodelta deposits built up to the upper continental slope, a sandy t i deltaic front was able to prograde basinward. A eustatic sea-level rise caused a landward depositional shift resulting in the starvation of terrigenous sediments on the iW outer shelf. During this period, accumulation of pelagic and hemipelagic sediments h resulted in the formation ofa thick, marine shale unit. Finally, a eustatic sea-level drop it allowed another delta system to prograde across the study area. 3) A full suite of systems tracts and a possible sequence boundary are present in the study area. The lowest part of the study interval comprises a lowstand systems tract i including slope fan and lowstand wedge elements (prograding delta complex). The iit Iowstand systems tract is overlain by a preserved transgressive systems tract made up of a single retrogradational parasequence set. Stratigraphically above this is a highstand systems tract made up entirely of deep-marine shale deposits. A sequence boundary is i proposed beneath a sharp-based sandstone unit at the top of the shale interval. This | sequence boundary marks the transition from the highstand systems tract to the lowstand systems tract of a new sequence. 4) The shelf edge migrated across the study area within the period of deposition of the study interval. This was the result of prograding, Pleistocene delta systems \ depositing large amounts of terrigenous sediments at the slope edge. 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APPENDIX A ‘Table of Seismic Attributes Used in This Study and Their Potential Uses |Amplitude Statistics | ‘ RMS Amplitude Identify amplitude anomalies or characterize se- quences, Track stratigraphic seismic anomalies such as deltaic channels and gas sands. Differentiate among concor- dant, hummocky, and chaotic beds. Tends to emphasize isolated, extreme amplitudes; therefore, well suited for identifying specific amplitude anomalies. Average Trough Ampli- tude Characterize sequences, particularly with polarity bias. Identify changing lithology, gas sands, & stratigraphy Differentiate among concordant, hummocky, and cha- otic beds. Total Energy Identify amplitude anomalies or characterize sequences Identify changing lithology or gas sands. Differentiate among concordant, hummocky, and chaotic beds. ‘Well suited for characterizing sequence interval ampli- tudes. (Complex Trace Statistics Average Instantaneous Frequency Detect frequency absorption due to overlying anomaly. ‘Track dominant frequency characteristics associated with absorption effects of gas saturation or fracturing. Low values often coincident with bright spots (high RMS amplitudes) indicating gas sands. Average Instantaneous Phase Determine phase characteristics of small intervals. ‘Assess overall phase characteristics of an interval. Lat- eral changes in phase may be related to changing fluid content or to changes in bedding character. Determine if amplitude anomaly is due to tuning ef- fects. 66 ee spectral Statistics Differentiate between high amplitude/high frequency and high amplitude/low frequency, and between low amplitude/high frequency and low amplitude/low fre- quency events, Because a shale-sand interface will generally have a more abrupt and higher impedance contract, Arc Length can be used to distinguish between shale se~ quences and high sand content sequences The smaller the bandwidth, the more Arc Length approaches Total Absolute Amplitude. Dominant Frequency Fl Dominant Frequency F2 Dominant Frequency F3 Detect frequency absorption due to overlying anomaly. ‘Assess dominant frequency characteristics of data win- dow. Lateral changes in dominant frequency may indi- cate absorption caused by gas saturation or fracturing. May reveal subtle frequency trends related to changing stratigraphy, lithology, or tuning. Peak Spectral Frequency Detect frequency absorption due to overlying anomaly. ‘A robust attribute, more stable than other frequency at- tributes & thus useful particularly for noisy data, Sequence Statistics Energy Half-Time Characterize transgressive/regressive sequences. Lateral changes in energy half-time may indicate changing stratigraphy or amplitude anomalies associ- ated with fluid content, unconformities, or lithology. Slope at Energy Half-time| Indicates faulting or pinchouts. Highlights abrupt changes in sand/shale distribution. ther ‘Waveclass Characterizes shape of the seismic trace Highlights variations in facies and fluid characteristics (modified from Landmark, 1998) APPENDIX B Structural Cross Sections Based on Well Picks [ Study Area 4, 627 igh Yung ney Gos SectonindexMap | na OS 4 Pangea sna Ron FF Pgpesenacenescas et tenponty eas * Bite aa ——— | 649 Cy a Seeceeeain UUPFTATONUAUE SE EEOUET FATUETUAqEeieUiettiiee VA\\ \ M\\ e\ \ \ \ : \ 4 \\ \ ‘\ SS Table Cl Table C2. ‘Table C3 APPENDIX C Tables of Well Logs and Biostratigraphic Data Table of acronyms used in table C2... . Table of well logs that were available for this study Table of the biostratigraphic data that was available for the study . 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