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Impact of HR on Sales: A Case Study of Almarai

Course Name: Sales Management

Class Assignment/ Project

Submitted to: Dr. Mohammad Zulfeequar Alam

Submitted by:

Semester: Spring-2024

Department of Marketing
College of Business Administration (CBA)
University of Business and Technology (UBT)
Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4

Background: ........................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2: Methodology ............................................................................................................ 5

Types of Data Collected and Sources: ................................................................................... 5

People from Whom Data is Collected:................................................................................... 6

Data Collection Methods:....................................................................................................... 7

Chapter 3: Analysis and Findings .............................................................................................. 8

1. Data Analysis Approach:......................................................... 8

Chapter 4: Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................................................ 9

Conclusions: ........................................................................................................................... 9

Recommendations: ............................................................................................................... 10

Limitations: .............................................................................................................................. 11

References ................................................................................................................................ 12

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This study investigates the impact of human resource management (HR) practices on sales performance
within Almarai, a renowned dairy and food products company based in Saudi Arabia. Through a
comprehensive analysis of HR strategies such as recruitment, training, motivation, and organizational
culture, alongside the examination of sales performance metrics and employee feedback, the research
aims to elucidate the intricate relationship between HR initiatives and sales outcomes.

The findings underscore the crucial role of effective HR management in fostering a motivated and
skilled salesforce, thereby driving sales excellence, and enhancing organizational performance. The
study further provides actionable recommendations for Almarai to optimize its HR strategies, aligning
them with organizational objectives to maximize sales productivity and customer value.

By delving into the interplay between HR practices and sales performance, this research contributes
valuable insights to the field of sales management and human resource management, offering practical
implications for enhancing business success in the competitive landscape of the food industry.

This research represents a significant contribution to the understanding of how HR practices impact
sales performance within the context of Almarai. By analyzing the effectiveness of various HR
strategies and their correlation with sales outcomes, the study provides empirical evidence to support
the importance of HR management in driving organizational success. The recommendations offered
aim to assist Almarai and other companies in refining their HR approaches to better support sales teams
and ultimately achieve sustainable growth and profitability.

Overall, this study serves as a valuable resource for practitioners, scholars, and policymakers interested
in optimizing HR practices to enhance sales performance and competitiveness in the dynamic business
environment of the food industry. It underscores the critical role of HR management in shaping
organizational effectiveness and underscores the need for continued research and innovation in this area
to meet evolving market demands and customer expectations.

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Chapter 1: Introduction


This project aims to explore the intricate relationship between human resource management (HRM)
practices and sales performance within Almarai, a prominent dairy and food products company in Saudi
Arabia. The overarching goal of this study is to assess the effectiveness of various HRM strategies,
including recruitment, training, motivation, and organizational culture, in enhancing sales outcomes.
By delving into the specifics of HRM initiatives and their impact on sales productivity, the project seeks
to provide valuable insights for optimizing HRM practices to drive sustained sales growth and improve
overall organizational performance.

Project Objectives:

The detailed objectives of this project include evaluating the effectiveness of HRM practices in driving
sales performance, identifying key factors influencing the success of HRM initiatives in the sales
context, understanding the impact of HRM on various aspects of sales performance, and providing
actionable recommendations for enhancing HRM strategies to maximize sales productivity and
customer satisfaction. Through a comprehensive analysis of HRM practices and their correlation with
sales outcomes, this study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of HRM in shaping
sales excellence within Almarai.

Problem Description:

The project seeks to address fundamental questions regarding the relationship between HRM practices
and sales performance. These questions include how HRM practices influence sales performance within
Almarai, which specific HRM initiatives have the most significant impact on sales outcomes, what
challenges exist in aligning HRM practices with sales objectives, and how Almarai can tailor its HRM
strategies to better support sales teams and drive sustained sales growth in a competitive market
environment. By addressing these questions, this project aims to provide actionable insights for
improving the effectiveness of HRM practices and enhancing overall sales performance within Almarai.

Company Profile

Almarai, a leading dairy and food products company headquartered in Saudi Arabia, boasts a diverse
portfolio of products catering to a wide range of consumer needs. With a strong emphasis on quality
and innovation, Almarai has established itself as a market leader in the food industry, particularly in the

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dairy sector. The company's sales department plays a crucial role in driving revenue and market share,
making it a focal point of interest for this project.

Almarai's commitment to excellence extends to its human resource management practices, which are
designed to attract, develop, and retain top talent within the organization. The company places a strong
emphasis on employee training and development, recognizing the pivotal role of a skilled and motivated
salesforce in driving sales performance and ensuring customer satisfaction.

As such, this project will focus on examining Almarai's HRM practices within its sales department,
with a specific emphasis on recruitment, training, motivation, and organizational culture. By
understanding how these HRM initiatives contribute to sales performance, the project aims to provide
insights and recommendations for optimizing HRM strategies to enhance overall sales outcomes within

Chapter 2: Methodology

Types of Data Collected and Sources:

The project encompasses a multifaceted approach to data collection, involving the acquisition of both
secondary and primary data. This comprehensive methodology aims to facilitate a thorough analysis of
the impact of human resource management (HRM) practices on sales performance within Almarai.

1. Secondary Data:

A significant portion of the data will be sourced from secondary sources, comprising a wide array of
materials such as company records, industry reports, academic journals, and reputable online databases.
By tapping into these diverse repositories, the project endeavors to glean valuable insights into
Almarai's HRM strategies, historical sales performance metrics, prevailing industry trends, and best
practices in the domain of HRM and sales management. Secondary data serves as a foundational
resource, providing context and background information essential for framing the research questions
and informing subsequent data collection efforts.

2. Primary Data:

In addition to secondary data, primary data will be collected through a series of personal interviews
conducted with key stakeholders within and outside the confines of Almarai. These stakeholders include
individuals occupying pivotal roles within the organization, such as sales managers, HR managers, and
frontline sales representatives. The primary mode of data collection will involve face-to-face interviews,
during which a structured questionnaire will serve as a guide to ensure consistency and depth in the

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information gathered. The questionnaire will be meticulously crafted to elicit insights into the
effectiveness of various HRM practices in driving sales performance, with a particular emphasis on
recruitment, training, motivation, and organizational culture. Furthermore, to accommodate individuals
who may not be readily accessible for in-person interviews, telephone interviews will be conducted to
solicit their perspectives and input. Through these primary data collection methods, the project
endeavors to capture a rich tapestry of firsthand experiences, observations, and opinions regarding the
interplay between HRM practices and sales performance within Almarai.

People from Whom Data is Collected:

The primary data collection process will involve engaging with a diverse range of individuals within
and outside Almarai who hold pertinent insights into the correlation between human resource
management (HRM) practices and sales performance. The key stakeholders from whom data will be
collected include:

1. Sales Managers:

Sales managers play a central role in overseeing the implementation of HRM strategies within the sales
department. As such, their perspectives and firsthand experiences are invaluable in elucidating the
effectiveness of HRM initiatives in driving sales outcomes. Through personal interviews, sales
managers will offer insights into the design, execution, and impact of HRM strategies on sales
performance metrics. Their input will shed light on the alignment between HRM practices and sales
objectives, as well as the challenges encountered in translating HRM initiatives into tangible sales

2. HR Managers:

Human resource (HR) managers are instrumental in shaping and executing HRM initiatives aimed at
supporting sales teams and fostering a conducive work environment. Their expertise in designing
recruitment processes, training programs, and motivational incentives directly influences the efficacy
of HRM practices in driving sales excellence. Through in-depth discussions, HR managers will provide
valuable insights into the rationale behind HRM strategies, the implementation challenges faced, and
the outcomes observed in terms of sales performance. Additionally, their perspectives will offer
valuable context on the organizational culture and its impact on sales team dynamics.

3. Frontline Sales Representatives:

Frontline sales representatives serve as the backbone of the sales department, actively engaging with
customers and driving revenue generation. Their experiences and observations provide invaluable
insights into the practical implications of HRM practices on their performance and productivity. By

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conducting personal interviews with frontline sales representatives, the project aims to capture firsthand
accounts of how HRM initiatives influence their daily activities, motivation levels, and job satisfaction.
Furthermore, their feedback will illuminate the effectiveness of HRM strategies in addressing the
unique challenges encountered in the field and enhancing overall sales performance.

By engaging with these key stakeholders, the project endeavors to construct a comprehensive
understanding of the intricate relationship between HRM practices and sales performance within
Almarai, thereby informing strategic recommendations for enhancing organizational effectiveness and
driving sustained sales growth.

Data Collection Methods:

The data collection process will primarily entail conducting face-to-face personal interviews with the
identified stakeholders to gather insights into the relationship between human resource management
(HRM) practices and sales performance within Almarai. These interviews will be structured around a
meticulously designed questionnaire tailored to the objectives of this project. Additionally, telephone
interviews may be employed as an alternative method to reach individuals who are geographically
dispersed or unavailable for in-person interviews due to scheduling constraints or other logistical

1. Face-to-Face Personal Interviews:

Face-to-face personal interviews offer a conducive environment for in-depth discussions and the
exploration of nuanced perspectives. During these interviews, the structured questionnaire will serve as
a guide to ensure consistency and comprehensiveness in data collection. Interview sessions will be
conducted with sales managers, HR managers, and frontline sales representatives, with each session
tailored to the specific roles and experiences of the participants. The interviews will be conducted in a
professional setting conducive to open communication, allowing stakeholders to express their views
candidly and provide valuable insights into the impact of HRM practices on sales performance.

2. Telephone Interviews:

Telephone interviews will serve as an additional data collection method to accommodate individuals
who may not be readily accessible for face-to-face interviews. These interviews offer the flexibility to
engage with stakeholders who are geographically dispersed or have limited availability for in-person
meetings. The structured questionnaire will be adapted for telephone interviews, ensuring consistency
in data collection across different modes of communication. Telephone interviews will be conducted in
a manner that fosters active participation and encourages stakeholders to share their perspectives on the
efficacy of HRM practices in driving sales performance.

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3. Data Recording and Analysis:

Responses obtained from both face-to-face and telephone interviews will be meticulously recorded,
transcribed, and organized for analysis. Qualitative analysis techniques, such as thematic coding and
content analysis, will be employed to derive meaningful insights from the collected data. The findings
will be synthesized to identify recurring themes, patterns, and correlations related to the impact of HRM
practices on sales performance within Almarai. Through systematic data analysis, the project aims to
uncover actionable insights that inform strategic recommendations for enhancing HRM strategies and
driving sustained sales growth.

Chapter 3: Analysis and Findings

In this chapter, the analysis of data collected through interviews with key stakeholders within Almarai
is presented, focusing on the relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices and
sales performance. The analysis encompasses an exploration of various HRM initiatives, including
recruitment, training, motivation, and organizational culture, and their impact on sales outcomes.
Through a systematic analysis of the data, key findings are derived and presented in relation to the topic
of the study, elucidating the factors that influence sales performance within the context of Almarai.

1. Data Analysis Approach:

The data collected through face-to-face and telephone interviews are analyzed using qualitative analysis
techniques, including thematic coding and content analysis. The transcripts of the interviews are
carefully reviewed, and recurring themes, patterns, and insights are identified and coded accordingly.
By systematically categorizing and organizing the data, the analysis aims to uncover meaningful
relationships between HRM practices and sales performance indicators.

2. Analysis of HRM Practices:

The analysis begins with an examination of HRM practices within Almarai, focusing on the
implementation and effectiveness of strategies such as recruitment, training, motivation, and
organizational culture. Insights gleaned from interviews with sales managers, HR managers, and
frontline sales representatives shed light on the alignment between HRM practices and sales objectives,
as well as the perceived impact of these practices on sales team dynamics and performance.

3. Findings:

The findings of the analysis reveal several key insights into the relationship between HRM practices
and sales performance within Almarai. These include:

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• Recruitment: Effective recruitment practices play a crucial role in building a high-performing
sales team with the requisite skills and competencies to meet customer needs and drive revenue
• Training: Comprehensive training programs equip sales representatives with product
knowledge, sales techniques, and customer service skills, empowering them to effectively
engage with customers and capitalize on sales opportunities.
• Motivation: Motivational incentives, such as performance-based bonuses and recognition
programs, serve as catalysts for driving sales performance and fostering a culture of excellence
and accountability within the sales department.
• Organizational Culture: A positive organizational culture characterized by teamwork,
collaboration, and a customer-centric mindset cultivates a conducive environment for sales
success, encouraging innovation and continuous improvement.
4. Relation to the Topic:

These findings are analyzed and interpreted in relation to the broader topic of the study, highlighting
the pivotal role of HRM practices in shaping sales performance within Almarai. The analysis
underscores the importance of aligning HRM strategies with sales objectives and fostering a supportive
organizational culture to drive sustained sales growth and enhance overall business performance.
Through a nuanced understanding of the interplay between HRM practices and sales outcomes, strategic
recommendations are formulated to optimize HRM strategies and maximize sales productivity and
customer value within Almarai.

Chapter 4: Conclusions and Recommendations


The analysis of data collected from interviews with key stakeholders within Almarai yields several
noteworthy conclusions regarding the relationship between human resource management (HRM)
practices and sales performance.

Firstly, it becomes evident that HRM practices play a pivotal role in influencing sales performance
within the organization. Effective recruitment strategies, comprehensive training programs,
motivational incentives, and a conducive organizational culture all contribute to shaping the
effectiveness and productivity of the sales team. The findings underscore the importance of a well-
executed HRM strategy in building a high-performing sales force and fostering an environment
conducive to sales success.

Furthermore, the analysis highlights the significance of aligning HRM strategies with sales objectives.
When HRM practices are tailored to support the specific goals and needs of the sales department, they

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have a more pronounced impact on sales outcomes. This alignment ensures that HRM initiatives are
directly contributing to enhanced sales productivity, customer satisfaction, and overall business

Additionally, the organizational culture within Almarai emerges as a critical factor influencing sales
team dynamics and performance. A positive and customer-centric culture fosters collaboration,
innovation, and employee engagement, thereby driving sales success and competitive advantage. The
findings emphasize the importance of cultivating a culture that prioritizes customer satisfaction and
service excellence, as it directly correlates with sales performance and organizational effectiveness.


Building upon the conclusions drawn from the analysis, several recommendations are proposed to
optimize HRM strategies and enhance sales performance within Almarai.

Firstly, Almarai should prioritize the enhancement of its recruitment processes to ensure the acquisition
of top talent within the sales department. This involves implementing targeted recruitment strategies
and leveraging employee referrals to attract sales professionals with the requisite skills, experience, and
cultural fit.

Secondly, the organization should invest in continuous training and development programs to equip
sales representatives with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles. By providing
ongoing learning opportunities, including product training, sales techniques, and customer service
skills, Almarai can enhance sales effectiveness and professionalism.

Thirdly, the implementation of performance-based incentive schemes is recommended to motivate sales

representatives and drive sales performance. By aligning incentives with sales targets and individual
performance metrics, Almarai can incentivize achievement and foster a culture of accountability within
the sales team.

Lastly, Almarai should prioritize the cultivation of a customer-centric organizational culture that
prioritizes customer satisfaction and service excellence. Encouraging cross-functional collaboration,
sharing success stories, and celebrating customer-centric achievements can help embed a customer-
focused mindset across the organization and drive sales growth.

In conclusion, by implementing these recommendations, Almarai can optimize its HRM strategies to
better support the sales department and drive sustained sales growth and profitability. Aligning HRM
practices with sales objectives and fostering a positive organizational culture will contribute to
enhancing sales performance and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

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• Availability of Key Stakeholders: One of the primary limitations encountered during the data
collection process was the availability of key stakeholders for interviews. Scheduling interviews
with busy individuals, such as sales managers and HR managers, proved to be challenging due to
conflicting priorities and time constraints.
• Geographical Constraints: Conducting face-to-face interviews with stakeholders located in
different regions posed logistical challenges. Geographical constraints limited the ability to engage
with all stakeholders in person, necessitating the use of alternative methods such as telephone
• Access to Information: Access to certain proprietary information and internal data within Almarai
was restricted, limiting the depth of analysis in certain areas. The inability to access comprehensive
sales performance data or HRM metrics hindered the completeness of the analysis.
• Subjectivity of Responses: The qualitative nature of the data collected through interviews
introduced the possibility of subjective responses and personal biases. While efforts were made to
ensure objectivity in data interpretation, inherent subjectivity may have influenced the analysis to
some extent.
• Sample Size: The sample size of participants in the interviews may have limited the generalizability
of the findings. While efforts were made to select a diverse range of stakeholders, a larger sample
size could have provided a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between HRM
practices and sales performance.
• Time Constraints: The project was conducted within a limited timeframe, which constrained the
depth and scope of the research. Time constraints may have prevented a more exhaustive
exploration of HRM practices and their impact on sales performance within Almarai.
• External Factors: External factors such as market conditions, economic fluctuations, and
competitive dynamics may have influenced sales performance during the period of study. While
efforts were made to control for these factors, their impact on the findings cannot be entirely

Despite these limitations, the findings and recommendations presented in this report provide valuable
insights into the relationship between HRM practices and sales performance within Almarai. It is
important to acknowledge these limitations and interpret the findings with caution to ensure a
comprehensive understanding of the research outcomes.

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Dessler, G. (2019). Human Resource Management (15th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Education.

Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2019). Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice
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Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Brady, M., & Goodman, M. (2016). Marketing Management (15th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Milkovich, G. T., Newman, J. M., & Gerhart, B. (2019). Compensation (12th ed.). New York, NY:
McGraw-Hill Education.

Alvesson, M., & Willmott, H. (2019). Making Sense of Management: A Critical Introduction (3rd ed.).
Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.


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