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Liam Andrei B.

Grade 5

The Influence of Light, Heat and Sound in

various aspects of our lives:

1.Light Vision and Perception: Light is essential for our visual system
to function. It allows us to see the world around us and perceive
colors, shapes, and textures (Wolfe et al., 2015).
2. Heat, Thermoregulation: The human body has a complex system of
thermoregulation that helps maintain a relatively constant body
temperature, which is crucial for various physiological processes
(Boulant, 2000).
Energy Production: Heat is involved in various forms of energy
production, such as the generation of steam for power plants and the
combustion of fuels in cars and other machinery (Cengel & Boles,
3. Sound:
a. Communication: Sound, particularly speech and language, is the
primary means of communication for humans, allowing us to express
our thoughts, ideas, and emotions (Yule, 2016).
b. Hearing and Auditory Perception: Sound waves stimulate the
auditory system, enabling us to perceive and interpret various sounds,
including music, speech, and environmental sounds (Moore, 2012).
c. Music and Entertainment: Sound, in the form of music, plays a
significant role in our lives, providing entertainment, emotional
expression, and cultural significance (Levitin, 2006).
Cause: Gloomy classrooms and hallways due to inadequate lighting.
Effect: Students find it hard to stay focused and energized during classes.
Problem: The classrooms and hallways in our school just feel so gloomy and
dull. It’s hard for the students to stay focused and energized when the lighting is
so inadequate.
Solution: The school board decided to install these amazing, adjustable lighting
systems that can adapt to different needs. Now, the classrooms are bright and
cheerful, and the students are much more engaged in their learning.

Cause: The school building is either too hot or too cold, no matter what season
it is due to poor construction.
Effect: The students and teachers are uncomfortable, which affects their
learning and productivity.
Problem: The school building is either too hot or too cold, no matter what
season it is. The students and teachers are constantly uncomfortable, which
must be affecting their learning and productivity.
Solution: The school administration investigated for a better insulation and
maintenance. Now, the temperature is always just right, and everyone can focus
on their work without being distracted by the uncomfortable environment.

Cause: The school building is either too hot or too cold, no matter what season
it is due to poor construction.
Effect: The students and teachers are uncomfortable, which affects their
learning and productivity.
Problem: The community center is supposed to be a place for people to gather
and enjoy various events, but the sound issues are causing a lot of problems.
Different activities are constantly interfering with each other.
Solution: The community center underwent a major acoustic renovation, with
sound-isolating walls, doors, and flooring. Now, each area of the center can host
its own events without disrupting the others, and everyone can fully immerse
themselves in the experience.

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