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The Effect of a mHealth Intervention on Anti‑tuberculosis

Medication Adherence in Delhi, India: A Quasi‑Experimental
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Sahadev Santra1, Suneela Garg2, Saurav Basu3, Nandini Sharma2, Mongjam Meghachandra Singh2, Ashwani Khanna4
Junior Resident, Director Professor, 3Senior Resident, Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College, 4State Programme Officer, Chest
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Clinic (TB), Lok Nayak Hospital, New Delhi, India

Background: Suboptimal adherence to anti‑tuberculosis medication in patients is associated with adverse treatment outcomes including
treatment failure, relapse, and emergence of drug resistance. Objectives: We conducted the present study with the objectives of evaluating
the effectiveness of a mHealth package on the medication adherence of patients with tuberculosis (TB) on antitubercular (directly observed
treatment short‑course [DOTS]) treatment. Methods: We conducted Quasi‑experimental study at six DOTS centers of Delhi among 220 newly
diagnosed TB patients. We included adult TB patients (18 years and above) who were on DOTS therapy ≥30 days, had access to a mobile phone
and were able to read messages and receive calls. We excluded patients with impaired hearing, blindness and those on non‑DOTS therapy or
having multidrug‑resistant/extensively drug‑resistant TB. Participants in the intervention group received amHealth package for 90 days. The
medication adherence of the study participants was measured using Morisky, Green, and Levine Adherence Scale. Results: A total of 130
men and 90 women were recruited for the study. Occupational interference and forgetfulness were the most common reasons for medication
nonadherence in the patients. In the intervention group, the medication adherence to antitubercular medication (daily DOTS regimen) was
85.5% at baseline which increased to 96.4% at endline (postintervention) (P = 0.004). No significant change was observed in the control
group (P = 0.328). The increase in adherence was observed across the following subgroups: age, gender, education, and Socioeconomic status.
Conclusions: The mHealth intervention in TB patients was effective in improving the adherence to DOTS therapy.

Key words: Directly observed treatment short‑course, India, medication adherence, mHealth, tuberculosis

Introduction resistance.[5] Moreover, it is well‑established that factors like

the long duration of treatment, potential side‑effects of ATT,
Tuberculosis (TB) is an air‑borne infection caused by
discontinuation of therapy by patients on perceived well‑being,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis which causes 1.4 million
and out‑of‑pocket expenses associated with inhibition of timely
deaths a year representing one of the top ten causes of death
drug refill can undermine medication adherence.[6‑8]
worldwide.[1] India accounts for almost a quarter (~23%) of
the global burden of TB with an estimated 10 million incident Under the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program
cases.[2] The failure to adequately treat TB increases the risk (RNTCP) (now National Tuberculosis Elimination
of treatment failure and premature death, that accounts for
80% of the disability‑adjusted life years lost on account of Address for correspondence: Dr. Saurav Basu,
the disease.[3] Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi, India.
Adherence to anti‑tubercular medication for 6 months or E‑mail:
until treatment completion is essential for achieving complete
cure in drug‑sensitive tuberculosis cases. [4] However, This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative
suboptimal adherence to anti‑tubercular treatment (ATT) Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to
significantly accentuates the risk of treatment failure and drug remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit
is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

Access this article online For reprints contact:

Quick Response Code: Submitted: 14‑Jul‑2020 Revised: 18‑Dec‑2020

Accepted: 21‑Jan‑2021 Published: 20-Mar-2021

How to cite this article: Santra S, Garg S, Basu S, Sharma N, Singh MM,
DOI: Khanna A. The effect of a mhealth intervention on anti-tuberculosis
10.4103/ijph.IJPH_879_20 medication adherence in Delhi, India: A quasi-experimental study. Indian
J Public Health 2021;65:34-8.

34 © 2021 Indian Journal of Public Health | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

Santra, et al.: mHealth improves anti-TB medication adherence

Program [NTEP]), India is the second‑largest provider of The recall period was the previous 15 days. The outcomes
the Directly observed treatment short‑course (DOTS) in the were ascertained at baseline during the study enrolment and
world.[2] Adherence support via direct observation was the subsequently, after 90 days of intervention.
hallmark of the RNTCP until 2018 with the patient taking
Sample size and sampling method
the DOTS medication in the presence of the DOTS provider
We enrolled a total of 110 patients with TB in both the
during the intensive phase for 2 months in new and 3 months
intervention and control groups. Based on a previous study,
in previously treated cases. The RNTCP (now NTEP) since
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the expected adherence to DOTS therapy in drug‑sensitive

2018 has transitioned to a daily medication regimen from a
TB cases is 84%.[13] The sample size was adequate at 80%
thrice‑weekly regimen with a variable refill duration.[9] The
power to detect a postintervention enhancement in medication
daily regimen has the advantage of higher effectiveness and
adherence ≥10% compared to the preintervention levels,
enhanced patient convenience when coupled with a longer refill
while also accounting for up to 10% attrition. The participants
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duration, but it may lack daily direct observation of drug intake

were selected by the consecutive sampling method from each
during the intensive phase, reflecting a need for deploying
of the DOTS centers that were visited on a rotation basis.
alternative adherence monitoring and support mechanisms.
Standard care
mHealth refers to the application of the mobile telephonic
TB patients (without HIV infection) under the daily regimen
platform enabling support for public health and clinical
are instructed to take their anti‑tubercular medications
practice with scope for low‑cost, ubiquitous, and universal
regularly at the time of refill collection by the DOTS providers.
access. The use of text messages and voice calls to improve
adherence behavior has proven efficacy in chronic conditions, Intervention
but the evidence in TB patients,[10,11] especially in the Indian We developed a mHealth package comprising of 30 unique
context is limited. text‑messages in the local language, Hindi and a weekly
real‑time two‑way phone call that lasted for approximately
We conducted the present study with the objectives of evaluating
10 min. The mHealth package duration was 90 days comprising
the effectiveness of a mHealth package on the medication
once‑daily text message (90 text‑messages sent in total) and
adherence of patients with TB on antitubercular (DOTS)
once a week voice call (12 voice calls in total). The messages
and calls motivated patients to persist with their anti‑tubercular
medications, provided reminders for adherence to medications and
Materials and Methods also addressed patient concerns regarding potential drug‑related
Design and participants adverse effects. The package contents were pretested among 25
We conducted a quasi‑experimental study during an 8‑month TB patients at a DOTS center in a secondary care hospital in Delhi
study period during 2018–19 at six DOTS centers under to assess message readability and comprehension. Participants
the jurisdiction of a major hospital in Central Delhi. The of the control group did not receive the mHealth package and
intervention and the control sites included three DOTS centers instead continued to receive standard care.
each that were selected purposively, being separated from Statistical analysis
each other by a distance of at least three kilometers each. The The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Version 25 replace
study design precluded any chances of contamination from the with IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 25.0 (Armonk,
sharing of the intervention contents and was also necessary NY: IBM Corp). Categorical variables were expressed in
for administrative reasons. frequency and proportion and continuous variables as mean and
We enrolled consenting adult TB that were: (a) on DOTS standard deviation. Association between categorical variables
therapy for a minimum period of 30 days and a maximum was assessed using the Chi‑square test of independence. We
of 90 days, (b) had access to a mobile phone (c) were further compared the parameters to assess: (1). Pre‑intervention
able to read messages and receive calls on their mobile or baseline differences in the intervention and control group, (2).
phones. We excluded patients with impaired hearing, Postintervention difference between the intervention and
blindness and those on non‑DOTS therapy or diagnosed with control group (between‑group differences), (3) Pre‑  and
multidrug‑resistant/extensively drug‑resistant‑TB. post‑intervention differences within both the intervention and
control group (within‑group differences). The McNemar’s test was
Study outcomes applied to test for within‑group (paired) differences for categorical
The primary outcome of this study was adherence to TB outcomes, and the Chi‑square difference in proportion test for
treatment assessed with the 4‑item Morisky‑Green‑Levene between‑group (unpaired) differences for categorical outcomes.
adherence scale (MGLS).[12] A value of P ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Outcome measurement Ethics: We obtained ethical approval from the Institutional
Nonadherence to anti‑tuberculosis medications was defined as Ethics Committee. All the participations provided written and
a score <4 as per the MGLS, i.e., if the response to at least one informed consent. The study was prospectively registered with
of the four questions was answered as “yes” by the participant. the clinical trial registry of India (CTRI/2018/08/015306).

Indian Journal of Public Health ¦ Volume 65 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2021 35

Santra, et al.: mHealth improves anti-TB medication adherence

Results current residence for >10 years compared to the control

group that had more female patients, Muslims by religion
Participant characteristics and meat containing diet. The sociodemographic and clinical
A total of 130 men and 90 women were recruited for the
characteristics of the participants in both the groups were
study [Figure 1]. Patients excluded on not meeting selection
comparable in terms of age, SES, BMI, and educational
criteria were 10 patients that were illiterate and another seven
status [Table 1].
patients who did not own a mobile phone. Furthermore,
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68 patients also refused to participate citing either lack of time, Medical adherence in patients with tuberculosis at baseline:
perceived lack of benefit, and nondisclosure of mobile phone High adherence, medium, and low adherence to the
numbers due to concerns over privacy. anti‑tubercular DOTS regimen were observed in 188 (85.45%),
The mean age of the study participants was 45.7 (±9.6) years. 9 (8.63%), and 13 (5.9%), respectively, with similar adherence
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One hundred ten patients in each group were enrolled from rates observed in both the intervention and control groups.
the six DOTS center constituting the control and intervention On dichotomizing adherence status, high medication
groups, respectively. Majority (45%) of the participants adherence was present in 188 (85.45%) and low in 32 (14.5%)
belonged to the lower middle class. participants [Table 2].

At baseline, the intervention group had a significantly higher Reasons for medication nonadherence
proportion of participants who were male, belonging to the Among the participants reporting low medication
Hindu religion, vegetarian by diet, and residing in their adherence (n = 32), the male gender was the only

Table 1: Characteristics of participants at baseline (n=220)

Characteristics Intervention group (n=110), n (%) Control group (n=110), n (%) Total (n=220), n (%) P value
Age (mean±SD) 44.8±10.8 46.7±8.5 45.7±9.6
Men 70 (63.6) 60 (54.5) 130 (59.1) 0.17
Women 40 (36.4) 50 (45.5) 90 (40.9)
Hindu 76 (69.1) 60 (54.5) 136 (61.8) 0.02
Muslim 34 (30.9) 50 (45.5) 84 (38.1)
Residence (years)
<10 30 (27.3) 12 (10.9) 42 (19.1) 0.002
≥10 80 (72.7) 98 (89.1) 178 (80.9)
Educational status
Primary 22 (20) 30 (27.3) 52 (23.6) 0.42
Middle 53 (48.2) 50 (45.4) 103 (46.8)
High school and above 35 (31.8) 30 (27.3) 65 (29.6)
Upper/upper middle 22 (20) 20 (18.2) 42 (19.1) 0.77
Lower middle 51 (46.4) 48 (43.6) 99 (45)
Upper lower/lower 37 (33.6) 42 (38.2) 79 (35.9)
BMI (mean±SD) 17.1±2.2 17.4±1.7 17.2±1.9 0.18
Dietary type
Vegetarian 23 (20.9) 28 (25.4) 51 (23.2) 0.42
Non Vegetarian 87 (79.1) 82 (74.6) 169 (76.8)
Tobacco smoking
Present 25 (22.7) 28 (25.4) 53 (24.1) 0.63
Absent 85 (77.3) 82 (74.6) 167 (75.9)
Time since initiation of DOTS (months)
≤2 63 (57.2) 55 (50) 118 (53.6) 0.27
>2‑3 47 (42.8) 55 (50) 102 (46.4)
Previous history of TB
Present 5 (4.5) 4 (3.6) 9 (8.2) 0.73
Absent 105 (95.5) 106 (96.4) 211 (91.8)
Awareness of duration of TB treatment
Present 21 (19.1) 23 (20.9) 44 (20) 0.73
Absent 89 (80.9) 87 (79.1) 176 (80)
SD: Standard deviation, SES: Socioeconomic status, BMI: Body mass index, TB: Tuberculosis, DOTS: Directly Observed Treatment Short‑course

36 Indian Journal of Public Health ¦ Volume 65 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2021

Santra, et al.: mHealth improves anti-TB medication adherence

sociodemographic characteristic that was significantly Effectiveness of the intervention

associated with medication nonadherence (P < 0.001). The The mHealth package phone call attendance was regular in
most common reasons attributed to nonadherent behavior were 100 (91%) subjects while 102 (92.7%) reported regularly
occupational interference (31.2%), forgetfulness (25%), lack reading the text messages. The proportion of participants’
of knowledge of DOTS (12.5%), feeling better (9.3%), and adherent to DOTS in the intervention group increased from
nondisclosure to the family (6.2%) (n = 32). 85.5% at baseline to 96.4% at endline, postintervention. We
found an increase in adherence across the following subgroups:
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age, gender, education, and SES [Table 3].

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The present study conducted in six DOTS centers located

in Delhi, India found a comprehensive health package was
effective in enhancing medication adherence among patients
with TB on DOTS therapy, compared to standard care. The
improvement in adherence was observed across different
subgroups including patients with a limited educational
A study from a Deccan state in India by Narreddy et al. reported
95% of TB patients receiving text‑message and Interactive
Voice Response packages were completely adherent to their
prescribed medication.[14] In South Africa, Wagstaff et al.
demonstrated SMS text‑reminders promoted the TB testers to
return to clinics.[15] Other African studies have also reported
small gains in DOTS adherence, treatment cure rates and clinic
attendance attained through text‑message interventions.[16]
There are several limitations to the study. First, the
Figure 1: Flow‑diagram of the quasi‑experimental study (n = 220) sociodemographic characteristics of the intervention and

Table 2: Medical adherence to anti‑tubercular treatment regimen at baseline

Medication adherence Intervention group (n=110), n (%) Control group (n=110), n (%) Total (n=220), n (%) P value
High adherent 94 (85.5) 94 (85.4) 188 (85.5) 0.93
Moderate adherent 10 (9.1) 9 (8.2) 19 (8.6)
Low adherent 6 (5.4) 7 (6.4) 13 (5.9)

Table 3: Medication adherence of TB patients after mHealth intervention (n=218)

Characteristic Total Intervention group (n=110) Control group (n=108) P value+
Adherent Adherent (endline) Adherent Adherent
(baseline) (n=94) (n=106) (baseline) (n=94) (endline) (n=97)
Age (in Years)
18‑40 140 60 (63.8) 67 (63.2) 59 (62.8) 60 (61.8) 0.91
≥41 80 34 (36.2) 39 (36.8) 35 (37.2) 37 (38.2)
Male 130 57 (60.6) 67 (63.2) 46 (48.9) 48 (49.5) 0.04
Female 90 37 (39.4) 39 (36.8) 48 (51.1) 49 (50.5)
Upper/Upper middle 42 28 (29.8) 34 (32) 34 (36.2) 35 (36.1) 0.54
Lower middle/Lower 178 66 (70.2) 72 (68)* 60 (63.8) 62 (63.9)
Upto Middle 155 66 (70.2) 73 (68.8)* 70 (74.5) 72 (74.2) 0.39
High school and above 65 28 (29.8) 33 (31.2) 24 (25.5) 25 (25.8)
Between‑group differences at endline (Chi square difference in proportion). *Statistically significant (P<0.005) within group‑differences at endline
(McNemar test)

Indian Journal of Public Health ¦ Volume 65 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2021 37

Santra, et al.: mHealth improves anti-TB medication adherence

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38 Indian Journal of Public Health ¦ Volume 65 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2021

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