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Active Voice:
In active voice sentences, the subject performs
the action of the verb. It's straightforward and
often used for clarity and directness. Here are
some examples:
1. Simple Active Voice:
○ "The chef prepares delicious
○ "She writes beautiful poems."
○ "They built a new bridge."
2. Active Voice with Modals:
○ "He can swim across the lake."
○ "She should finish her homework."
3. Active Voice in Questions:
○ "Did you watch the movie?"
○ "Who ate the last piece of cake?"
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Passive Voice:
In passive voice sentences, the subject
receives the action of the verb. It's often used
when the focus is on the receiver of the action
or when the doer is unknown or less
important. Let's explore some examples:
4. Simple Passive Voice:
○ "The delicious meals are prepared
by the chef."
○ "Beautiful poems are written by
○ "A new bridge was built by them."
5. Passive Voice with Modals:
○ "Swimming lessons can be taken
○ "Homework should be finished by
6. Using "By" to Indicate the Doer:
○ "The cake was eaten by someone."
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○ "The mystery novel was read by

7. Common Passive Verbs:
○ Some verbs frequently used in the
passive include:
■ "be supposed to," "be expected
to," "be asked to," "be told to," "be
scheduled to," "be allowed to," "be
invited to," "be ordered to," etc.
● Convert active sentences to passive and
vice versa.
● Understand when to use passive voice for
emphasis or to focus on the receiver of
the action.
Remember, practice is key! Keep exploring
different sentence structures to improve your
language skills. 🌟 .
Feel free to ask if you need more examples or
have any other questions! 😊

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