Lec 9 - Principal Stresses and Plane

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Principal Planes and Stresses
• There will be a plane along which the normal stress will have
a maximum value.

• Similarly there will be a Plane along which the normal stress

will have the lowest value

• These two planes are known as the principal planes and the
respective normal stresses as maximum principal normal
stress and minimum principal normal stress

• The two planes will be orthogonal to each other

• Thus if the maximum principal plane is at angle θp, the

minimum principal planes is at (θp + 90) deg

• There will also be a plane on which the shear stress assume

the maximum value and minimum values (θs) = θp + 45 deg

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• Principal stresses occur on the principal
planes of stress with zero shearing stresses.

• Maximum Shear Stress

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3 normal stresses -- x, y, and z
General State of Stress

3 shearing stresses -- xy, yz, and zx

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What will be the normal and
shear stress value on a point
on the plane at θ from the
vertical face

Two methods
1) Analytical – Force balance
2) Graphical method – Mohr’s
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Analytical Method – Force Balance method
Stress Transformation

• Consider the conditions for equilibrium of a

prismatic element with faces perpendicular to the
x, y, and x’ axes.

Fx  0  xAxAcos cos xyAcos sin

 yAsin sin  xyAsin cos
Fy  0  xyAxAcos sin xyAcos  cos
 yAsin  cos  xyAsin sin

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After rearrangement:

 x'   x cos 2    y sin 2   2 xy sin cos (1)

 x' y'   ( x   y )sin cos   xy (cos 2   sin 2  ) (2)


sin 2  2 sin cos , cos 2  cos 2   sin 2 

1  cos 2
2 2 1  cos 2
cos   , sin  
2 2

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Eqs. (1) and (2) can be simplified as: Stress Transformation

x  y x  y
 x'   cos 2   xy sin 2 (3)
2 2
 x  y
 x ' y'  sin 2   xy cos 2 (4)
 'y Can be obtained by replacing  with ( + 90o) in Eq. (3)

 x  y  x  y
 y'   cos 2   xy sin 2 (5)
2 2

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1. max and min occur at  = 0
2. max and min are 90o apart. max and min are 90o apart.
3. max and min occur half way between max and min

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Principal Stresses: Maximum Shearing Stress

Since max and min occur at x’y’ = 0, one can set Eq. ( 4 ) = 0

x  y
 x' y'  sin 2   xy cos 2  0 ( 6)

It follows,
2 xy
tan 2 
x  y
 xy (a)
Hence, sin 2  
2 2 1/ 2
( x   y ) / 4    xy

( x   y ) / 2
cos 2   (b)
2 2 1/ 2
( x   y ) / 4    xy

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Substituting Eqs. (a) and (b) into Eq. (3 and 5) results in The Two
Principal Stresses max and min :

x  y  x  y 2 2 (7)
 max, min   ( )   xy
2 2

This is a formula of a circle with the center at:

x y
 ave 
and the radius of the circle as:
 x   ave 2   x2y  R 2
 x  y 2 where
R ( )   xy (8) 2
2  x  y  x  y  2
 ave  R      xy
2  2 

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Maximum shearing stress occurs for

 x   ave

 x  y  2
 max  R      xy
 2 
 x  y
tan 2 s  
2 xy

Note : defines two angles separated by 90 o and

offset from  p by 45 o
 x  y
    ave 

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Sign Convention
Normal Stress
Compressive = Negative
Tensile = Positive

Shear Stress
Rotates surface Clockwise = Positive
Rotate surface Anticlockwise = Negative

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Numerical Example

For the state of plane stress shown, determine (a) the principal planes,
(b) the principal stresses, (c) the maximum shearing stress and the
corresponding normal stress.

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