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Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the University of Nairobi Raising Integrity Club,
hereinafter referred to as the “Club.”

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of the Club shall be to promote integrity, ethical behavior, and accountability
among students, staff, and the community at the University of Nairobi. The Club aims to
raise awareness about the importance of integrity in academic, professional, and personal
life. Additionally, the Club seeks to collaborate with the Ethics and Anti-Corruption
Commission (EACC) and the Ministry of Education to provide integrity education in high

Article III: Membership

1. Membership in the Club shall be open to all students, staff, and faculty members of the
University of Nairobi who are committed to upholding integrity and ethical values.

2. Members shall abide by the principles of honesty, transparency, and accountability in all
Club activities.

3. Membership shall not be denied on the basis of race, gender, religion, nationality, or any
other discriminatory factor.

Article IV: Officers

1. The Club shall have the following officers:

a. President - James Saningo

b. Vice President -Vincent Olando

c. Secretary General - Jimkely Oduor

d. Treasurer -Meshack Ochieng

e. Event Coordinator- Mary Asati

f. Secretary – Mercy Kiplimo

g.Public relations Manager - Rita Otso

2. Officers shall be elected by the Club members annually and shall serve a term of one
academic year.

3. Officers shall uphold the principles of integrity and ethical conduct in their roles and

Article V: Meetings

1. The Club shall hold regular meetings at least once a month during the academic year.

2. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon the request of a majority of
Club members.

3. Quorum for meetings shall be set at one-third of the total membership.

4. Meetings shall be conducted in a transparent and inclusive manner, promoting open

dialogue and respect for diverse opinions.

Article VI: Activities

1. The Club shall organize activities and events that promote integrity, ethical behavior, and
accountability within the University of Nairobi community.

2. Activities may include workshops, seminars, awareness campaigns, and community

service projects focused on integrity-related issues.

3. The Club shall collaborate with the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) and
the Ministry of Education to provide integrity education in high schools.

4. The Club shall work in partnership with external stakeholders to advance its mission and
reach out to high schools for integrity education initiatives.

Article VII: Amendments

1. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Club members
present at a regular meeting.
2. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Club Secretary at least one
week before the meeting at which they will be considered.

Article VIII: Ratification

This constitution shall be ratified upon approval by a majority vote of the Club members
present at a meeting called for that purpose.

Article IX: Mobilization and Marketing

1. The Club shall engage in mobilization and marketing activities to raise awareness about
its mission, vision, and activities within the University of Nairobi community and beyond.

2. Mobilization efforts may include organizing promotional events, distributing

informational materials, and leveraging social media platforms to reach a wider audience.

3. Marketing strategies shall focus on highlighting the Club’s commitment to promoting

integrity, ethical behavior, and accountability, and encouraging active participation from
students, staff, and faculty members.

4. The Club shall collaborate with university departments, student organizations, and
external partners to amplify its marketing efforts and attract diverse membership.

Article X: Membership Registration Procedure and Fee

1. Prospective members shall complete a membership registration form provided by the

Club, indicating their commitment to upholding integrity and ethical values.

2. Along with the registration form, members shall pay a membership fee of 200 Kshs to
support the Club's activities and initiatives.

3. The membership fee shall be collected by the Treasurer and recorded in the Club’s
financial records.

4. Membership registration and fee payment shall be completed at the time of joining the
Club or renewing membership for the academic year.

5. The Club shall provide receipts for membership fee payments and maintain
transparency in financial transactions related to membership dues.
Article XI: Operation of Club Activities

1. The Club shall conduct its activities in accordance with the principles of integrity,
transparency, and accountability, ensuring that all initiatives align with its mission and

2. The President, in consultation with the Club officers, shall develop an annual activity
plan outlining the events, projects, and campaigns to be undertaken during the academic

3. Club activities shall be organized and executed by designated committees or task forces,
with clear roles and responsibilities assigned to members based on their interests and

4. The Event Coordinator shall oversee the planning and implementation of specific
activities, ensuring coordination among members, partners, and external stakeholders.

5. Meetings shall serve as platforms for discussing and evaluating ongoing activities,
reviewing progress against set goals, and making necessary adjustments to enhance the
impact of Club initiatives.

6. The Club shall maintain regular communication channels, such as email updates, social
media posts, and newsletters, to keep members informed about upcoming activities and
opportunities for involvement.

7. Evaluation and feedback mechanisms shall be established to assess the effectiveness

of Club activities, solicit input from members and stakeholders, and identify areas for

8. The Club shall strive to foster a collaborative and inclusive environment where all
members have the opportunity to contribute ideas, participate in decision-making
processes, and actively engage in the realization of the Club’s mission.


President: ______________________

Vice President: ______________________

Secretary: ______________________

Treasurer: ______________________

Event Coordinator: ______________________

Date: ______________________

This constitution is hereby adopted by the University of Nairobi Raising Integrity Club on

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