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Frostfall at Sunderpeak

A Daggerheart Adventure

Ver. 1.07 Errata

03/17/2024 ● Added Historical Events Section - -

● Added events to HE section
● Put common knowledge of places into new
category: Geography
● Added Version list, updates, room for errata
● Added Bestiary

Frostfall at Sunderpeak...............................................................................................................1
The World of Arkanvale........................................................................................................... 2
Geography............................................................................................................................... 2
Arkhosia............................................................................................................................. 4
Location Common Knowledge........................................................................................... 5
Historical Events...................................................................................................................... 8
The Wildermoor Wildfires...................................................................................................8
Carkolnut Births................................................................................................................. 8
The Arkhosian Meteor........................................................................................................8
Eruption of Mt. Vorlori........................................................................................................ 8
The Whaler’s War.............................................................................................................. 9
Adventure’s Key Locations...................................................................................................... 9
Sunderpeak Pass...............................................................................................................9
Sunderpeak Pass Common Knowledge.......................................................................... 10
Forgefire's Rest................................................................................................................10
Sunderguard’s Camp....................................................................................................... 11
Stormwatch Outpost.........................................................................................................11
Dualspire Outpost............................................................................................................ 12
Adventure Bestiary................................................................................................................ 12
Vengeful Ghost - Skulk.................................................................................................... 12
Known Characters................................................................................................................. 13
The World of Arkanvale

Eldorin is a mystical land where ancient forests teem with magical creatures and powerful druids
hold sway. Its landscape is dotted with sprawling, enchanted groves and shimmering lakes that
reflect the stars like mirrors. The inhabitants of Eldorin are deeply connected to nature, and their
cities blend seamlessly with the surrounding wilderness. The ruling council, known as the Circle
of Elders, comprises wise beings who have mastered the arcane arts and govern with a
harmonious balance between magic and nature.

● Sylvanholm: Sylvanholm is a city-state nestled within the heart of the enchanted

forests of Eldorin. Its buildings are crafted from living wood and adorned with
intricate carvings that depict scenes from ancient myths and legends. Sylvanholm
is known for its close ties to nature, with druids and elves living in harmony with
the surrounding wilderness. In Sylvanholm, governance takes the form of a
monarchy, with power vested in the hands of a ruling monarch known as the
Emerald Sovereign. The Emerald Sovereign ascends to the throne through
hereditary succession, embodying the lineage of ancient forest rulers who have
guided Sylvanholm for generations. Advised by a council of nobles and esteemed
advisors, the Emerald Sovereign holds authority over matters concerning the
protection and stewardship of the natural world, ensuring that the balance
between civilization and wilderness is maintained.
● Goblinae Magna: A city-state ruled by goblins over a populace primarily
comprised of goblins and orcs. The city's architecture reflects the grandeur of its
rulers, with towering structures adorned with intricate carvings and shimmering
enchantments. An emperor dynasty of goblins holds sway, their lineage tracing
back to the city's founding. These noble families wield immense power,
overseeing the city's governance, military, and commerce. They reside in opulent
palaces, surrounded by wealth and luxury. Beneath the goblin elite, common
goblins and orcs form the backbone of Goblinae Magna's society. While goblins
enjoy higher status and privilege, orcs live as both citizens and slaves, toiling in
the city's factories, fields, and mines under the watchful eye of their goblin
overlords. Despite their subordinate status, some orcs rise to prominence within
the city-state, earning positions of influence through acts of loyalty or cunning.
Gladiator arena culture thrives within the walls of Goblinae Magna, serving as
both entertainment and a means of social control.

The grand arenas echo with the clash of weapons and the roar of the crowd as
brave warriors, both goblin and orc, battle for glory and the favor of the emperor.
Gladiator fights are spectacles of blood and spectacle, drawing spectators from
all walks of life to witness the spectacle of combat. The emperor dynasty of
Goblinae Magna maintains control through a combination of political intrigue,
military might, and magical prowess. They are revered as divine rulers, their
authority sanctioned by ancient rituals and prophecies. Yet beneath the veneer of
power lies a society rife with inequality and oppression, where the goblin elite
thrive at the expense of their orc subjects.

Geltest is a kingdom nestled amidst towering peaks that pierce the clouds. Its majestic cities are
built upon floating islands, held aloft by powerful enchantments and tethered to the earth by
strands of magical energy. The people of Geltest are skilled in the arts of sky magic, harnessing
the forces of wind and lightning to shape their society. The ruling monarch, known as the
Winged Crown, commands immense respect and is said to possess the ability to control storms
and call upon Geltest beings for aid.

● Skyhaven: Skyhaven is a majestic city-state perched atop one of the highest

floating islands in Geltest. Its architecture gleams with silver and crystal,
reflecting the sunlight in dazzling displays. Skyhaven is renowned for its mastery
of sky magic, with towering spires that channel the winds and lightning to power
their enchantments. Skyhaven's governance is overseen by a Triumvirate of
Aether, composed of three powerful sorcerers who have mastered the intricate
arts of sky magic. They hold equal authority in matters concerning the city-state's
magical affairs, conducting rituals, managing enchantments, and delving into the
mysteries of the heavens. The Triumvirate of Aether maintains harmony and
balance within Skyhaven, ensuring that its magical energies are harnessed
responsibly for the benefit of all.
● Stormwatch is nestled at the base of the mountain range that separates Geltest
from the neighboring lands. This city-state is renowned for its resilience against
the harsh weather that often sweeps down from the peaks. Its sturdy stone
buildings are fortified against the elements, and its people are skilled in the arts
of survival. Stormwatch serves as the gateway between Geltest and the outside
world, guarding the well-traveled pass that winds through the mountains.
Contrasting with the magical rulership of Skyhaven, Stormwatch is under the rule
of a lone figure known as the Merchant King. This individual rose to power
through shrewd business acumen and astute political maneuvering, establishing
dominance over the city-state's economy and trade routes. The Merchant King
controls the flow of goods and resources through the mountain pass, leveraging
their influence to maintain stability and prosperity within Stormwatch.
● Dualspire is nestled at the base of the mountains, 100 miles from Stormwatch,
lies the bustling city-state of Dualspire. This vibrant metropolis serves as a vital
nexus for trade and commerce between the mountainous regions and the
surrounding lands. Its strategic location at the entrance to the mountain pass
ensures a constant flow of goods and travelers, making it a thriving center of
economic activity.

Dualspire is characterized by its diverse population, with merchants, traders, and

adventurers from across the kingdom and beyond converging within its bustling
streets. The city's architecture reflects its cosmopolitan nature, with a mix of
towering spires, bustling marketplaces, and labyrinthine alleys. At the heart of
Dualspire stand two towering citadels, each adorned with elaborate carvings and
symbols of prosperity. These citadels are the residences of the Twin Prophets,
enigmatic figures who are revered as spiritual leaders and arbiters of trade within
the city-state. The Twin Prophets are said to possess a mystical connection, with
one residing in the eastern citadel and the other in the western citadel, their
towers mirroring each other across the bustling streets below.

The Twin Prophets are believed to possess the gift of foresight, guiding the
city-state's merchants and leaders with their prophetic visions. They preside over
ceremonies and rituals that celebrate the city's prosperity and ensure the
continued success of its trade endeavors.

Despite their spiritual authority, the Twin Prophets also play a practical role in
governing Dualspire, overseeing trade agreements, resolving disputes, and
maintaining order with the aid of their chosen officials within the city-state. Their
dual leadership reflects the balance and harmony that permeates the city, where
commerce and spirituality intertwine to create a thriving hub of prosperity and

Arkhosia is a realm of ancient ruins and forgotten mysteries, shrouded in mist and guarded by
ancient dragons. Its landscape is dominated by sprawling labyrinthine caverns and towering
spires of obsidian, remnants of a once-great civilization that fell into decline. The inhabitants of
Arkhosia are hardy and resilient, forged in the crucible of their harsh environment. They
venerate the dragons as divine beings and seek to unlock the secrets of their ancestors' lost
knowledge. The ruling council, known as the Dragon Council, consists of powerful dragonlords
who wield both magic and martial prowess to maintain order in the realm.
● Drakewood: Drakewood is a city-state located deep within the ruins of Arkhosia,
where towering trees loom overhead like sentinels of old. The city is built among
the branches and roots of the colossal trees, blending seamlessly with the natural
surroundings. Drakewood is renowned for its strong bond with the dragonlords
who rule over Arkhosia, and its inhabitants revere the dragons as divine beings.
Drakewood operates as a republic, governed by a council of representatives
elected by the city-state's inhabitants. Known as the Arbor Assembly, this council
comprises druids, dragonlords, and prominent citizens who advocate for the
interests of their respective factions. Decision-making within Drakewood is
democratic, with debates and discussions held to reach consensus on matters
ranging from environmental preservation to diplomatic relations with neighboring

Wildermoor is a foreboding and untamed wilderness that sprawls across vast expanses of
rugged terrain. It is a land where primal forces reign supreme, and civilization struggles to
establish a foothold amidst the constant threat of savage beasts and monstrous creatures. The
landscape of Wildermoor is diverse, ranging from dense, tangled jungles to desolate, windswept
plains, all cloaked in an aura of ancient magic.

● Fort Evergreen: Fort Evergreen stands as a lone bastion amidst the untamed
wilderness of Wildermoor, a joint operation between Geltest, Arkhosia, and
Eldorin. Soldiers from all three countries operate the fort, tasked with maintaining
a presence in the dangerous lands and studying the mysteries of the primal
forces that permeate the region. Fort Evergreen serves as a hub for adventurers
and researchers seeking to explore the depths of Wildermoor, offering supplies,
shelter, and protection to those brave enough to venture into its wilderness.

Location Common Knowledge

Gobinae Magna

● Goblinae Magna, once known as Golintia, is a bustling city-state nestled amidst the
towering peaks of the Verdant Crest Range in Eldorin.
● The ruler of Goblinae Magna is Emperor Zargot the Mighty, a formidable goblin warlord
who has ruled with an iron fist for decades.
● Goblins are the dominant race within Goblinae Magna, with orcs serving as loyal
subjects and laborers within the city-state.
● The culture of Goblinae Magna is steeped in martial tradition, with a strong emphasis on
honor, strength, and loyalty to the emperor.
● Goblins and orcs within Goblinae Magna are trained from a young age in the arts of
warfare, with military service considered a sacred duty.
● The city-state boasts impressive fortifications, including towering walls and formidable
citadels, designed to repel invaders and maintain order within its borders.
● Goblinae Magna is renowned for its skilled craftsmen, who produce weapons, armor,
and other goods coveted throughout the realm.
● The emperor's palace, known as the Ferrum Aegis Citadel, serves as the seat of power
within Goblinae Magna, its towering spires visible from every corner of the city-state.
● The emperor's elite guard, the Praetorian Ironclads, are composed of the fiercest
warriors in Goblinae Magna, sworn to protect the emperor at all costs.
● Goblins and orcs within Goblinae Magna celebrate a variety of festivals and rituals,
honoring their ancestors, the spirits of the mountains, and the emperor's divine right to
● The emperor's word is law in Goblinae Magna, with dissenters swiftly dealt with by the
emperor's enforcers.
● Goblinae Magna maintains a strict caste system, with goblins holding positions of power
and privilege, while orcs occupy lower rungs of society as laborers, servants, and
● Goblinae Magna boasts a network of underground tunnels and secret passages,
allowing for swift movement of troops and supplies in times of war.
● Despite its militaristic culture, Goblinae Magna is home to a rich tapestry of art, music,
and theater.
● Goblins and orcs within Goblinae Magna worship Grogtharius, the Goblin God of
Mischief and Trickery and his brother, Strilxa, the Goblin God of Strength and Bravery.
They are brothers who share a bodyguard, Tugtolus, the Orc God of War and Honor.

Skyhaven - Common Knowledge

● Skyhaven is a city-state located atop a series of floating islands, held aloft by powerful
enchantments and ancient magic.
● The ruling class of Skyhaven is composed of powerful sorcerers known as the Arcanum,
who govern the city-state and wield immense magical power. The greatest among them
are the Triumvirate of Aether.
● The culture of Skyhaven is deeply intertwined with magic, with sorcery considered both a
respected art and a means of governance.
● The architecture of Skyhaven is characterized by towering spires, intricate arcane
symbols, and floating platforms suspended in mid-air.
● The religion of Skyhaven centers around the worship of celestial beings known as the
Aetherians, who are believed to inhabit the heavens above the city-state.
● The Aetherians are revered as divine beings, with each celestial body in the sky
corresponding to a specific deity within the pantheon.
● The largest and most impressive structure in Skyhaven is the Celestial Cathedral, a
grand temple dedicated to the Aetherians and their divine influence.
● Skyhaven is known for its rigorous magical education system, with young sorcerers
attending prestigious academies to hone their craft and ascend the ranks of the
● The city-state boasts a bustling bazaar known as the Celestial Marketplace, where
merchants from across the realm gather to trade magical artifacts, potions, and
enchanted goods.
● Skyhaven is defended by an elite order of magical warriors known as the Astral
Watchmen, who are tasked with protecting the city-state from external threats and
maintaining order within its borders.
● The celestial bodies above Skyhaven are believed to influence the destinies of its
inhabitants, with astrologers and diviners studying the movements of the stars to predict
future events.
● Skyhaven holds regular festivals and ceremonies to honor the Aetherians and celebrate
the wonders of magic, with colorful parades, fireworks displays, and magical
performances captivating residents and visitors alike.
● The Aetherian pantheon consists of Sun - Solriss, Aetherian of Radiance and Warmth,
Moon - Selinor, Aetherian of Mystery and Illusion, Star - Astralar, Aetherian of Guidance
and Inspiration, Comet - Aethranak, Aetherian of Change and Transformation, Nebula -
Lyriana, Aetherian of Creativity and Imagination.

Dualspire - Common Knowledge

● The city's architecture reflects its cosmopolitan nature, with a blend of traditional and
modern styles, including towering spires, bustling marketplaces, and labyrinthine alleys.
● Dualspire is governed by a council of merchants and guildmasters, who oversee its
economic policies and regulations, ensuring fair trade and competition within its markets.
● The religion of Dualspire is deeply intertwined with its culture, with temples dedicated to
a diverse pantheon of deities, including the revered Twin Prophets, who are said to
watch over the city and its people.
● The Twin Prophets are believed to possess the gift of foresight, guiding the city-state's
merchants and leaders with their prophetic visions.
● The city's streets are alive with activity day and night, with traders haggling over exotic
goods, scholars debating in taverns, and artists showcasing their talents in the city's
vibrant squares.
● Dualspire is renowned for its skilled artisans, whose craftsmanship is celebrated in the
city's workshops, galleries, and annual artisan fairs.
● The city-state boasts a diverse population, with merchants, traders, and adventurers
from all corners of the realm converging within its bustling streets.
● Dualspire hosts a variety of festivals and celebrations throughout the year, honoring the
city's traditions and cultural heritage.
● Despite its bustling urban landscape, Dualspire maintains a strong connection to the
natural world, with parks, gardens, and green spaces interspersed throughout the
city-state, providing respite and recreation for its inhabitants amidst the hustle and bustle
of city life.
● Dualspire harbors a shadowy criminal underbelly, with organized crime syndicates vying
for power and influence within the city's underworld. Smuggling, extortion, and bribery
are common practices among the city's criminal elements, who operate in the shadows
beyond the reach of the law.
● The city-state's council of merchants and guildmasters is often the target of political
machinations, with rival factions seeking to sway their decisions and influence policy in
their favor. Bribery, blackmail, and manipulation are common tactics employed by those
seeking to gain an edge in the council's deliberations.
● Dualspire's law enforcement agencies, including the city guard and magistrates, are
engaged in a constant struggle to maintain order and uphold the rule of law in the face of
corruption. They are known for their vigilance and efficiency, with street level lawmen
often patrolling the city's districts in pairs to ensure the safety of its citizens and visitors.

Fort Evergreen - Common Knowledge

● Fort Evergreen is a strategically positioned military outpost located on the edge of the
Wildermoor, serving as a frontier defense against the wilderness and its inhabitants.
● The fort is manned by a joint force of soldiers from Arkhosia, Geltest, and Eldorin, who
work together to patrol the borders, conduct reconnaissance missions, and ensure the
security of the surrounding area.
● Fort Evergreen serves as a vital waypoint for travelers journeying through the
Wildermoor, providing shelter, supplies, and protection against the dangers of the
untamed wilderness.
● The fort's location at the crossroads of three distinct regions gives it a unique cultural
and strategic significance, with soldiers and travelers from different backgrounds and
traditions converging within its walls.
● Despite its military purpose, Fort Evergreen also serves as a center of diplomacy and
cooperation between Arkhosia, Geltest, and Eldorin, with regular meetings and
negotiations taking place between representatives of the three nations.
● The fort's commanding officer, known as the Warden of Evergreen, plays a crucial role in
maintaining order and unity among the troops stationed at Fort Evergreen, as well as
fostering positive relations with the surrounding communities.

Historical Events

The Wildermoor Wildfires

In 399 PW, Wildermoor was overtaken by wildfires. History reports conflicting origins of the fire,
saying that the fires were intentionally set by one or all of the neighboring regions. Others say
the fires were started by a 50 year long lightning storm. Regardless of its beginning, the fires
lasted for a hundred years, scorching the region and killing much of the wildlife.

Carkolnut Births
The first recorded Carkolnut birth was in 481 PW, in which five large seeds were found at the
base of the largest and oldest carkol tree within Eldorin’s sacred groves. Within those seeds
were babies of varying races touched by the very magic of nature. Such births are rare, but still
do occur every couple hundred years. Both hero and commoner has rise from the seeds and
the only real difference from naturally born people are their potential for magic. The great hero,
Malorhan, was a carkolnut birth.

The Arkhosian Meteor

In 519 PW, a great meteor fell from the heavens and struck the heart of Arkhosia. While it
decimated what remained of the fallen Nularoth empire (effectively ending both the royal line
and culture in one fell swoop), it did provide the largest deposit of nightore in the world to the
Arkhosian people.

Eruption of Mt. Vorlori

702 PW saw the eruption of the largest volcano in the world, resulting in the blackened skies
and ashen deserts that comprise Arkhosia’s north-western regions.
The Whaler’s War
From 705 PW to 847 PW, the world was at war with each other. During which, Geltest proved a
clear lead due to their use of the advantageous sky whales. As a result, Arkhosia and Eldorin
joined forces in hunting the sky whales into extinction. As Arkhosia began to run out of
resources, Geltest lost its advantage, and Eldorin endured pushback from its people, a new
movement began: a bid for peace. The three region signed an uneasy peace treaty and a
mutual promise was made never to speak of the war again.
The 500 years peace: In the aftermath of the largest war known to the world, regions were
rebuilt to be more independent resulting in hundreds, if not thousands of city-states across the
globe. New networks of mercantile and diplomacy were forged. While skirmishes between
neighboring cities do break out from time to time, the majority of the world sees political peace.

Now: 1344 PW

Adventure’s Key Locations

Sunderpeak Pass
Sunderpeak Pass stretches across the rugged mountains that separate the two city-states,
spanning a distance of approximately 70 miles. It is a treacherous and winding route,
characterized by steep cliffs, narrow pathways, and unpredictable weather conditions. Towering
peaks loom overhead, their jagged silhouettes etched against the sky like the teeth of a great

The pass is notorious for its challenging terrain, with sharp switchbacks and rocky outcroppings
that test the skills of even the most seasoned travelers. Perilous ravines and deep chasms dot
the landscape, presenting constant hazards to those who dare to traverse its rocky slopes.

Despite its dangers, Sunderpeak Pass offers breathtaking vistas of the surrounding mountains
and valleys, with panoramic views that stretch as far as the eye can see. Lush forests cling to
the mountainsides, interspersed with cascading waterfalls and crystal-clear streams that
meander through the rugged terrain.

Throughout history, Sunderpeak Pass has served as a vital lifeline between Stormwatch and
Dualspire, facilitating the flow of goods, travelers, and information between the two city-states.
Caravans of merchants and adventurers brave the perils of the pass in search of fortune and
opportunity, while scouts and guards patrol its rocky trails, ever vigilant against bandits and
other dangers that lurk in the shadows.

Despite its challenges, Sunderpeak Pass remains an essential conduit of trade and commerce,
connecting the disparate regions of Geltest and binding its people together in a shared quest for
prosperity and adventure.

Sunderpeak Pass Common Knowledge

● Sunderpeak Pass is the only safe route through the treacherous mountain range,
connecting distant regions.
● The inn at Sunderpeak Pass serves as a vital refuge for travelers during harsh weather
● Cave Bears, frost-wisps, and timber lions are known to inhabit the forests surrounding
Sunderpeak Pass, presenting occasional dangers to travelers.
● Skyhaven, a city-state governed by powerful sorcerers, lies to the east of Sunderpeak
Pass, past Stormwatch.
● Sunderpeak Pass is prone to sudden blizzards and avalanches during the winter
months, making travel perilous.
● The Geltest monarchy maintains a network of rangers to patrol the forests and protect
travelers from bandits and monsters.
● Legends speak of a hidden treasure buried somewhere within the mountains
surrounding Sunderpeak Pass, attracting adventurers from far and wide.
● The Geltest forest is renowned for its diverse wildlife, including majestic stags, elusive
foxes, and colorful songbirds.
● Dualspire, a city-state governed by the Twin Prophets, is to the west of Sunderpeak
● The pass is patrolled by a small group of rugged mountain guides known as the
Sunderguard, who offer their services to travelers seeking safe passage through the
● The abandoned mining town where Forgefire’s Rest is established was once
prosperous, with miners and prospectors flocking to the area in search of precious
metals and gemstones hidden within the surrounding mountains.
● The town's prosperity was short-lived, as a series of unfortunate events, including
cave-ins, accidents, and disputes over mining rights, led to its eventual abandonment
and decline.
● The mining town was originally named Copperbrook Creek.

Forgefire's Rest
The Forgefire's Rest sits nestled in a secluded valley just off Sunderpeak Pass, its rugged
exterior blending seamlessly with the surrounding mountainous landscape. The inn was once
part of an abandoned mining town, repurposed and revitalized by enterprising individuals
seeking to provide respite to weary travelers making the perilous journey through the pass.

Comprised three large buildings constructed from weathered timber and rough-hewn stone, the
Forgefire's Rest exudes a rustic charm that belies its former industrial origins. Each building
serves a distinct purpose, with one housing the main tavern and dining hall, another containing
guest rooms and accommodations, and the third serving as the inn’s staff’s residence and
storage area.

Connecting these buildings are a set of three suspended walkways, crafted from sturdy iron
beams and thick wooden planks that sway gently in the mountain breeze. These walkways
provide safe passage between the various sections of the inn, offering panoramic views of the
surrounding valley and distant peaks.
Inside the main tavern, the atmosphere is warm and inviting, with a roaring hearth casting
flickering shadows across the room and the scent of hearty stew wafting from the kitchen.
Wooden tables and benches are scattered throughout, offering ample seating for travelers to
relax and unwind after a long day's journey.

The guest rooms are simple yet comfortable, each furnished with sturdy beds, warm blankets,
and a small hearth to ward off the chill of the mountain nights. Lanterns hang from the walls,
casting a soft glow that illuminates the cozy interiors, while thick curtains provide privacy and
protection from the elements.

Outside, a spacious courtyard serves as a gathering place for guests, with wooden benches
arranged around a central bonfire where travelers can share tales of their adventures and
exchange rumors and news from distant lands.

Despite its remote location, the Forgefire's Rest is a beacon of hospitality and camaraderie for
those passing through Sunderpeak Pass, offering refuge and solace amidst the rugged beauty
of the mountains.

Sunderguard’s Camp
In the heart of Sunderpeak Pass lies a small, rugged campsite, serving as a vital refuge for the
Sunderguard amidst the harsh wilderness. This modest outpost, scarcely more than a cluster of
tents and lean-tos, is strategically positioned along the pass to provide respite for weary
travelers and a base of operations for the guard's patrols.

Home to a mere thirteen dedicated Sunderguards, this camp exudes a sense of camaraderie
and resourcefulness. Each member of the guard is a seasoned survivalist, adept at living off the
land and defending themselves against the dangers of the untamed wilds. Their modest
accommodations consist of simple tents pitched among the rocky outcroppings, with a central
fire pit serving as the focal point for meals and meetings.

Despite its small size, the camp boasts a well-organized layout, with designated areas for
sleeping, eating, and training. Supplies are carefully rationed and stored in makeshift shelters,
ensuring that the guard has enough provisions to sustain them during their patrols through the

Stormwatch Outpost
At the mouth of Sunderpeak Pass, nestled against the jagged cliffs on the Stormwatch side,
stands the Stormwatch Outpost. This sturdy fortress-like structure serves as the first line of
defense against the rugged wilderness of Sunderpeak Pass. Constructed from rough-hewn
stone and reinforced timber, the outpost is designed to withstand the harsh weather and
occasional skirmishes that occur in the borderlands. From its commanding position, the Geltest
rangers stationed here keep a vigilant watch over the pass, scanning the horizon for any signs
of trouble.
The outpost is equipped with a variety of defenses, including a sturdy gatehouse, watchtowers,
and a network of hidden traps and snares designed to deter intruders. Within its walls, a small
garrison of rangers and soldiers stands ready to defend the outpost at a moment's notice. A
central courtyard serves as a training ground and assembly area, where patrols are organized
and supplies are distributed. Despite its remote location, the Stormwatch Outpost is a hive of
activity, with scouts and messengers coming and going as they report on the movements of the
enemy and the condition of the pass. The outpost is 15 miles away from Stormwatch’s outer
gates and 8 miles from Sunderpeak Pass itself.

Dualspire Outpost
At the far end of Sunderpeak Pass, near the bustling city-state of Dualspire, lies the Dualspire
Outpost. Unlike its counterpart on the Stormwatch side, this outpost has a more relaxed and
welcoming atmosphere, reflecting the cosmopolitan nature of the city-state it serves. Situated
amidst rolling hills and verdant forests, the outpost is constructed from weathered stone and
sturdy timber, blending seamlessly with the natural beauty of its surroundings.
The Geltest rangers stationed here are known for their hospitality and expertise in wilderness
survival. They serve as guides and protectors for travelers passing through the pass, offering
assistance and shelter to those in need. The outpost itself is a welcoming sight for weary
travelers, with a cozy inn and tavern serving as a gathering place for adventurers and
merchants alike. Despite its peaceful appearance, the Dualspire Outpost is always prepared for
danger, with hidden caches of weapons and supplies strategically placed throughout the outpost
in case of emergencies. The outpost is 20 miles from the city-state and 10 miles from
Sunderpeak Pass.

Adventure Bestiary

Vengeful Ghost - Skulk

Motives & Tactics: Find Disturbance, Moan, Kill interlopers

Attack Modifier: +3 Moves

Damned Weapons: Close | 2d8 mag
Difficulty: 14 Levitation
Minor 4 | Major 12 | Severe 20 Ghosts levitate several feet off the ground
HP: 4 and are immune to attacks that move through
Stress: 2 the ground and effects that would knock it

Ghosts are immune to physical damage and
can move through physical objects. They
cannot see through such objects, however.
Unfinished Business
Instead of marking a point of HP after stress
is maxed, Ghosts discorporate for 2d4 hours
and return with full health and no stress.

Touch of Death
Spend a Fear to make an attack roll to rain
icy cold upon a group of targets within Far
range. On a success, deal 4d8 magic

On a failed attack roll, the ghost must moan
mournfully at the next opportunity, forgoing
whatever action it might have taken

Known Characters
Cassarah Aelia (Owner)
Race: Human
Description: A shrewd and charismatic entrepreneur with a keen eye for business. Cassarah
inherited the inn from her parents and has since transformed it into a thriving establishment
known for its warm hospitality and delicious cuisine.

Varis Xudaym (Mercantile and Accounting)

Race: Drakona
Description: Varis is a shrewd and calculating merchant who oversees the inn's finances with
precision and skill. With his sharp mind and keen business sense, he ensures that the inn
remains profitable and that guests receive the highest level of service.

Ursula Carroll (Head Butler)

Race: Human
Description: Ursula is a dignified and efficient head butler who oversees the inn's staff with
grace and poise. With her keen organizational skills and attention to detail, she ensures that
everything runs smoothly and that guests receive the highest level of service.

Wayland Valensi (Head Chef)

Race: Human
Description: A master of culinary arts, Thalron brings elegance and refinement to every dish he
creates. His expertise in blending flavors and his meticulous attention to detail ensure that every
meal served at the inn is a culinary delight. Some say his work is too good for such a rural inn,
no matter its importance.

Ralmumri Longjaw (Cook)

Race: Dwarf
Description: Ralmumri is a skilled and hardworking cook known for his hearty and satisfying
meals. With a love for traditional dwarven cuisine, he adds a touch of rustic charm to the inn's
menu, delighting guests with his hearty stews and savory pies. His specialty is baked bread.

Emthara Biran (Cook/Herbalist)

Race: Faun
Description: Emthara, or Emmy, is a creative and imaginative cook who infuses her dishes with
flavors inspired by nature. With a penchant for using fresh herbs and seasonal ingredients, she
brings a burst of color and flavor to the inn's menu, delighting guests with her inventive and
delicious creations. She is sometimes called upon to whip healing remedies from local herbs
and plants.

Nanette the Dancer (Servant)

Race: Human
Description: Nanette is a graceful and efficient servant who takes pride in her work. With a keen
eye for detail and a gentle demeanor, she ensures that the inn runs smoothly and that guests
receive the highest level of service.

Bertulf Rumble (Servant)

Race: Halfling
Description: Bertulf may be small in stature, but he's big on heart. As a servant, he brings
warmth and cheer to the inn's atmosphere, greeting guests with a friendly smile and attending to
their needs with efficiency and care.

Tulgan Kragg (Servant)

Race: Orc
Description: Kragg is a strong and dependable servant who takes pride in his work. With a
no-nonsense attitude and a strong work ethic, he ensures that the inn is kept clean and orderly,
attending to tasks with efficiency and diligence.

Rosy Parnel (Servant)

Race: Fungril
Description: Rosy is a whimsical and playful servant who brings a touch of magic to the inn's
atmosphere. With her mischievous grin and boundless energy, she ensures that guests are
entertained and that their needs are met with a sprinkle of chaos.

Dhuvami Blarn (Servant)

Race: Dwarf
Description: Dhuvami is a gruff but lovable servant known for his loyalty and dedication. With a
hearty laugh and a strong handshake, he ensures that guests feel welcome and comfortable
during their stay at the inn.

Rylie Gale (Stablehand)

Race: Human
Description: Rylie is a gentle and compassionate stable hand who cares for the inn's horses
with tenderness and care. With a soothing voice and a gentle touch, he ensures that the horses
are well-fed, groomed, and exercised, allowing guests to enjoy leisurely rides around the

Fredegar the Bull (Groundskeeper)

Race: Firbolg
Description: Fredegar is a gentle giant who tends to the inn's grounds with care and reverence.
With his deep connection to nature and his love for the land, he ensures that the inn's gardens
are kept lush and vibrant, providing a peaceful retreat for guests to enjoy.

Aric Ironhide (Guard)

Race: Galapa
Description: Aric is a stoic and vigilant guard who keeps watch over the inn with unwavering
dedication. With his keen eyes and quick reflexes, he ensures that the inn remains safe and
secure, deterring any potential threats with his imposing presence.

Fereydoun “Vex” Danes (Guard)

Race: Daemon
Description: Vex is a mysterious and enigmatic guard who patrols the inn's grounds with stealth
and precision. With his dark demeanor and unsettling gaze, he keeps a close watch on the inn's
perimeter, ready to confront any danger that may arise with his formidable combat skills.

Eli Silverwind (Inn Magician)

Race: Elf
Description: An entertainer and walking lorebook, he is considered an indispensable, if not odd
addition to the Forgefire’s Rest. Whether to ward off dangers with an incantation or solve
various issues with a utility spell, he is usually the first stop for help when the problem is
abnormal. There are secret betting pools among the staff over the secrets of Eli’s past. The
current lead bet is that he is an assassin from the far west of Geltest hiding in the remoteness of
Sunderpeak Pass.

Kren Scaleheart (Procurer/Wilderness Guide)

Race: Drakona
Description: A born survivalist, Kren is on retainer to procure things from the abundance
surrounding the Forgefire’s Rest. Whether to collect fresh meat and herb or to track bothersome
predators, he is often afield. If caught before an excursion, he is happy to take any curious
visitors into the wilderness, guiding them through the acres surrounding the inn.
Lady Coretta Gaillane (Guest)
Race: Giant
Description: Lady Coretta Gaillane is an elegant and enigmatic Arkhosian noblewoman with an
air of mystery surrounding her. Tall and slender, with long silver hair that cascades down her
back like a waterfall, she carries herself with grace and poise befitting her noble lineage. Her
piercing blue eye (she is cyclopean) holds a hint of sadness, hinting at the secrets she keeps
hidden beneath her composed exterior. Rumors abound about her sudden disappearance from
court and her subsequent arrival at the inn. Some say she fled her homeland to escape a
political scandal, while others whisper of a tragic love affair gone awry. Whatever the truth may
be, Lady Coretta now finds herself a long-term guest at the inn, seeking refuge from the
pressures and expectations of her former life.

Cretia Virccoco (Guest)

Race: Faun
Description: Self-proclaimed bard of renown, Cretia has been staying at the inn as long-term
guest. Considered to be a bodacious flirt, Cretia is a well-liked and entertaining guest. She has
a traveling companion as bombastic as herself, though neither she nor any such companion can
compete with the larger than life rumors surrounding her ample bust.

Scylla Carrhae (Guest)

Race: Goblin
Description: Companion of Cretia and long-term guest of the inn, Scylla can be described as
haughty, pleasantly wordy, and filled with incredible stories. Staff of Forgefire’s Rest look forward
to her boastful tales in the evenings or her feats of martial prowess in the day. Rumored to be a
gladiator from the arenas of Eldorin, Scylla wears the truth of nobility on her figurative sleeves.

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