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Dear Respondent

This questionnaire “An investigation into the attitude of senior secondary school students

towards reading courses in science education in plateau state” is for the collection of important

information necessary in carrying out a research in this regard. Please kindly respond to the items

as objectively and sincerely as you can. Your responses would be used for research purpose only.

Thank you

SECTION A: Bio-Data of Respondents

1. Sex: Male [ ] Female [ ]

2. Age Range: 0 – 5 years [ ] 6 – 10 years [ ] 11 -15 years [ ] 16 – 20 years [ ]

21 and above [ ]

3. Class ___________________________________________

4. Name of school _________________________________________________

SECTION B: Items Response

Tick ( /) to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the options presented in this


Key: Strongly Agree SA, Agree A, Disagree D, Strongly Disagree SA


Science teachers make science interesting to me.

Science teachers present materials in a way that I

Science teachers are willing to give me individual help

When I hear the word “science,” I have a feeling of dislike.

I have a good feeling toward science.

It makes me nervous to even think about doing science.

Science is helpful in understanding today’s world.

Science is of great importance to a country’s development.

There is little need for science in most of today’s jobs.

No matter how hard I try, I cannot understand science.

I do not do very well in science.

Science is easy for me.

Science is something that I enjoy very much.

I enjoy talking to other people about science.

Science is one of my favorite subjects.

I would like to do some extra or un-assigned readings in


The only reason I am taking science is because I have to.

I have a real desire to learn science.

When I hear the word “science,” I have a feeling of dislike.

During science class, I usually am interested.

I would like to learn more about science.

Science makes me uncomfortable, restless, irritable, and

Do you revise your science note before the science teacher
comes in or before the next lesson?

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