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Subject: Parts of plants

Grade Level: Grade 4

Objective: To know and identify the different parts of plants and their
functions., Describe the parts of plants., Appreciate the help of plants on our
daily lives.

Learning within and across curriculum:

- Within:

1) Science - Study of photosynthesis and how plants produce oxygen.

2) Math - Calculating the growth rate of plants based on different conditions.

3) Social Studies - Exploring the economic importance of plant-based industries.

- Across:

1) Language Arts - Describing plants in creative writing.

2) Health - Studying the nutritional benefits of different plant-based foods.

3) Art - Drawing and painting different types of plants.

Review Motivation:

[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]

[Instructional Materials: Plant flashcards]

Engaging Activity 1 - Picture Analysis

Engaging Activity 2 - Role-Playing "Parts of Plant"

Engaging Activity 3 - Science Experiments on Plant Growth

Activity 1: Plant Parts Identification

[Teaching Strategy: Visual Aids]

Materials - Plant diagrams, markers

Significance - Understanding the basic structure of plants

Instructions -

1) Identify and label the parts of a plant.

2) Explain the function of each part.

3) Present your labeled diagram to the class.


- Accuracy of labeling - 15 pts.

- Function description - 15 pts.

- Presentation - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the main function of the roots?

2) Why are leaves important for plants?

3) How does the stem help the plant grow?

Activity 2: Plant Parts Sculpture

[Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning]

Materials - Clay, paint

Significance - Hands-on exploration of plant parts

Instructions -

1) Create a sculpture depicting the different parts of a plant.

2) Explain the importance of each part in the growth of the plant.

3) Present your sculpture to the class.


- Creativity in design - 15 pts.

- Knowledge of plant parts - 15 pts.

- Presentation - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did creating the sculpture help you understand the functions of plant parts?

2) Which part of the plant was the most challenging to depict in your sculpture?

3) How does your sculpture represent the interconnectedness of plant parts?

Inclusive Activity 3: Plant Parts Hunt

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]

Materials - None

Significance - Reinforcing knowledge of plant parts through exploration

Instructions -

1) Go on a scavenger hunt around the school garden to find different plant parts.

2) Take photos or draw sketches of the plant parts you find.

3) Share your findings with your group.


- Accuracy in identification - 10 pts.

- Collaboration with group - 10 pts.

- Presentation of findings - 5 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What was the most interesting plant part you discovered during the hunt?

2) How did working in a group help you in identifying the plant parts?

3) Why is it important to know and appreciate the different parts of plants?


Activity 1 - Students showed a good understanding of plant parts and their functions.

Activity 2 - The hands-on experience enhanced the students' creativity and

knowledge of plant parts.

Activity 3 - Students actively engaged in the scavenger hunt, demonstrating their

ability to identify plant parts in a real-life setting.

Understanding the different parts of plants is essential for appreciating their role in
our daily lives. By knowing and identifying plant parts, describing their functions, and
recognizing the importance of plants, students can develop a deeper connection to
nature and understand the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Supporting Material 1 - "Plant Parts and Their Functions" article

Supporting Material 2 - "The Importance of Plants in Our Ecosystem" infographic


[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Create a poster showcasing the different parts of a plant and their functions.

Task 2 - Design a garden layout that includes different types of plants with labels
indicating their parts.


[Teaching Strategy: Games and Gamification]

[Instructional Materials: Plant flashcards]

Question 1 - What is the primary function of the leaves in a plant?

Question 2 - How do the roots help the plant survive?

Question 3 - Explain why the stem is important for the growth of a plant.


Question 1 - How would the absence of one plant part affect the overall health
of the plant? (Answer: The absence of leaves would hinder the plant's ability to
produce food through photosynthesis.)
Question 2 - Compare and contrast the functions of roots and stems in plants.
(Answer: Roots absorb water and nutrients, while stems support the plant and
transport nutrients.)

Question 3 - Predict how a plant would adapt in an environment with limited

sunlight. (Answer: The plant may grow taller to reach the sunlight or develop larger
leaves to capture more light.)


1) Research and write a short essay on the importance of plants in our ecosystem.

2) Create a mini garden at home, incorporating the different parts of plants you have
learned about in class.

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