Information Technology

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Information Technology is one of the most important industries in the Indian economy.

The IT industry of India has registered huge growth in recent years. India's IT industry
grew from 150 million US Dollars in 1990-1991 to a whopping 50 billion UD Dollars in
2006-2007. In the last ten years the Information Technology industry in India has grown at
an average annual rate of 30.
The liberalization oI the Indian economy in the early nineties has played a major role in the
growth oI the IT industry oI India. Deregulation policies adopted by the Government oI India
have led to substantial domestic investment and inIlow oI Ioreign capital to this industry. In
1970, high import duties had Iorced IBM to leave India. However, aIter the early nineties, many
multi national IT companies, including IBM, have set up their operations in India. During the ten
year period 1992-2002, the Indian soItware industry grew at double the rate as the US soItware
Some of the major reasons for the significant growth of the IT industry of India are -
bundant availability oI skilled manpower
#educed telecommunication and internet costs
#educed import duties on soItware and hardware products
ost advantages
ncouraging government policies
Some of the major companies in the IT industry of India are -
1. Tata onsultancy Services (TS)
2. InIosys
3. Wipro
4. IBM
5. HP

India's IT industry caters to both domestic and export markets. xports contribute around 75 oI
the total revenue oI the IT industry in India. The IT industry can be broadly divided into Iour
1. IT services
2. SoItware`s (includes both engineering and #esearch and Development)
4. Hardware

1ata Consu|tancy Serv|ces L|m|ted (1CS) (8SL 332340 nSL 1CS) ls an global l1 servlces buslness
soluLlons and ouLsourclng company headquarLered ln Mumbal lndla lL ls Lhe largesL provlder of
lnformaLlon Lechnology ln Asla and second largesL provlder of buslness process ouLsourclng servlces ln
lndla 1CS has offlces ln over 47 counLrles wlLh more Lhan 142 branches across Lhe globe and ls a
subsldlary of LexLlles and manufacLurlng conglomeraLe 1aLa Croup1CS accounLs for lndla's 20 per cenL
l1 exporLs
Infosys L|m|ted formerly Infosys 1echno|og|es L|m|ted (8SL 300209 nSL lnl? nASuAC lnl?) ls a
global Lechnology servlces company headquarLered ln 8angalore lndla lL ls Lhe second largesL l1
exporLer ln lndla wlLh 133360 employees as of March 2011 lL has offlces ln 33 counLrles and
developmenL cenLers ln lndla Chlna AusLralla uk Canada 8razll and !apan lnfosys provldes buslness
consulLlng Lechnology englneerlng and ouLsourclng servlces Lo help cllenLs ln over 30 counLrles 1he
company also provldes sofLware producLs Lo Lhe banklng lndusLry 1hrough lnfosys buslness process
ouLsourclng (8C) lL provldes buslness process managemenL servlces such as offslLe cusLomer
relaLlonshlp managemenL flnance and accounLlng and admlnlsLraLlon and sales order processlng

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