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Sandy Gorrio Patrício Ali

Challenges faced by public administrators

Universidade Aberta ISCED

Sandy Gorrio Patrício Ali

Challenges faced by public administrators

Licenciatura em Administração Pública

Trabalho de carácter avaliativo a ser apresentado ao

Departamento de Ciências Sociais e Humana.

Universidade Aberta ISCED


1. Challenges faced by public administrators..................................................................................5

1.1. Financial and budgetary management......................................................................................5

1.2. Human resources management.................................................................................................5

1.3. Corruption and financial mismanagement................................................................................5

1.4. Transparency and accountability:.............................................................................................6

2. Likely ways to mitigate these challenges....................................................................................6

3. Conclusion...................................................................................................................................7

5. Bibliographical references...........................................................................................................8

Public administrators in Mozambique face several challenges that affect the efficiency and
effectiveness of public management in the country. These challenges may vary according to the
political, social and economic context. In this text, I will address the main challenges faced by
public administrators in Mozambique, providing concrete examples of these challenges.
Furthermore, I will present likely suggestions to mitigate such challenges.


General objective:

 Analyze the main challenges faced by public administrators in Mozambique today and
propose likely strategies to mitigate these challenges.

Specific objectives:

 Identify the main challenges faced by public administrators in Mozambique

 Present concrete examples of the current challenges faced by the country

 Propose likely suggestions to mitigate these challenges


1. Challenges faced by public administrators

1.1. Financial and budgetary management

One of the main challenges faced by public administrators is the efficient management of
financial and budgetary resources. The scarcity of resources, the pressure for results and the need
to balance the demands of different sectors of society are aspects that require careful financial


An example of a challenge in this area is when a country faces an economic crisis, resulting in
a decrease in tax collection. In this scenario, public administrators need to make difficult
decisions to ensure the continuity of essential services, at the same time as they seek solutions to
boost the economy and increase revenue.

1.2. Human resources management

Another important challenge is resource management human resources in the public sector.
Administrators need to deal with issues such as the lack of qualifications of some employees, the
need to attract and retain talent, and ensuring a healthy and motivating work environment.


An example of a challenge in this area is when there is a high employee turnover in certain
government sectors, which can compromise the continuity and efficiency of services. Public
administrators need to develop strategies to recruit and train qualified professionals, as well as
create retention policies that encourage employee development and satisfaction.

1.3. Corruption and financial mismanagement

Corruption is a significant problem facing public administrators in Mozambique.
Embezzlement of public resources, bribery and nepotism are examples of corrupt practices that
compromise the efficiency of public services and harm the country's development.

1.4. Transparency and accountability:

Promoting transparency and accountability is a central challenge for public administrators.
Society increasingly demands greater transparency in government actions and the establishment
of efficient accountability mechanisms.


An example of a challenge in this area is when there are cases of corruption in the public
sector, which undermine society's trust in government institutions. Public administrators need to
adopt measures to strengthen transparency, such as implementing internal control systems and
disclosing information relevant to society.

2. Likely ways to mitigate these challenges

 Develop capacity building and ongoing training for public administrators, aiming improve
your financial management, leadership and decision-making skills.

 Invest in information and communication technology to improve the efficiency and

transparency of administrative processes, as well as facilitate society's access to
government information.

 Establish partnerships with the sector private sector and civil society organizations to
share knowledge, resources and good management practices.

 Encourage citizen participation, through the creation of channels of dialogue and public
consultations, to involve society in decision-making and monitoring government actions.

 Strengthening governance and combating corruption: It is crucial to strengthen

governance institutions and implement effective measures to combat corruption. This can
be achieved through the implementation of transparency policies, regular audits and strict
punishment for those involved in corrupt practices.

3. Conclusion
Public administrators in Mozambique face several challenges that affect the efficiency and
effectiveness of public management. Corruption, lack of institutional capacity, regional inequality
and environmental challenges are just a few examples of these challenges. However, by
strengthening governance, investing in training, promoting equitable regional development and
implementing environmental management policies, it is possible to mitigate these challenges and
promote more efficient and sustainable public management in Mozambique.

5. Bibliographical references
1. Mungo, J. (2019). Challenges of public administration in Mozambique: An assessment of
the public sector. Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 9(2), 166-180.

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