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Multiple choice questions C)What do you understand by federal structure of * government? (a) All powers of administration lies with the centre (b) A union of sovereign groups or states united for certain common purposes @A method of dividing power between acentral government and local state governments that are connected (a) Rule by a king or a queen Od. Whoneedstosign the ill passed by the Parliament ~ for it to become a law? @President (b) Prime Minister (©) Finance Minister (d) Chief Justice of India G What is the number of members required for the quorum to constitute a meeting? @ One-tenth of the total number of members (b) Two-thirds of the members of the House (c) Atleast 50 members (d) 530 members Who is the ex-officio Chairman of the Rejya Sabha? (a) Prime Minister (©) Senate 5. What enabled distinguished persons to have a place in the Upper Chamber? (a) Election (b) To be appointed as Speaker (© Principle of nomination (@) Quorum (b) President (4)) Vice President 6) What is the term of the Rajya Sabha? + (a) ‘Tworthirds of its members retire at the end of “every second year (() One-third of its members retire at the end of every second year (o) One-tenth of its members retire at the end of every year (a) One-third of its members retire at the end of every year How are the members of the Rajya Sabha elected? (a) By the Lok Sabha Speaker in consultation the President (b) Nominated by the President in consultation with the Council of Ministers (©) Directly by the people By the members of the State Legislative Assembly of each state 8. Who decides the salaries and allowances of MPs, Ministers, and Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts? (a) Comptroller and Auditor-General of India (0) Parliament (c) Finance Minister (a) President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India (9) Which one of these statements is not correct about hg Question Hour? a) The President from time to time may summon each House of Parliament to the Question Hour as he/she may think fit, (b) The first hour of-a sitting in both Houses is allotted for asking and answering of questions. 248 | Icse cHaPTERWISE Mcas (©) Purpose is to obtain information on a matter of public importance or to ventilate a grievance. (d) It keeps the Ministers on their toes. Which one of these statements best defines an adjournment motion? (a) To obtain information on a matter of public importance or to ventilate a grievance, (b) A step taken against a group of Ministers or an individual Minister, expressing a strong disapproval of their policy or a programme. It pinpoints the failures of the Government in the performance of its duties and is moved only in the Lok Sabha. (a) A method to check that public money is spent in accordance with Parliament's decision. Which of these statements is correct about the power of the Houses over financial matter? (a) A money Bill can only be introduced in the Lok Sabha (b) The Lok Sabha only has the power to vote on the Demands for Grants (©)_Rajya Sabha can discuss the Grants /All of the above Why will theaaill of Lok Sabha prevail at a joint sitting with the Rajya Sabha? (a) Rajya Sabha has no power to vote ‘As total membership of Rajya Sabha is less than even half of the total strength of Lok Sabha (0) No-Confidence Motion can only be moved in the Lok Sabha (d) The Council of Ministers are collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha (43) Rajya Sabha has power to (@) lect and impeach the President (6) Cast their vote on Demands for Grants (©) Both A and B (d) Only B In general, how many Sessions are held ina year? . (a) Six (b) Five (c) Four @ Three 15, Which of these statements is correct about No- Confidence Motion? (a) The Cabinet Ministers are collectively responsible to the Parliament (b) No-Confidence Motion can be moved by the ruling party against the Opposition (€) The House can grant leave to move No- Confidence Motion only when if carries the support of at least 50 members * ory & Civics) ~ x Fill in the blanks 3 Ge) When a... (d) The Motion has to be taken up for discussion within 15 days from the day on which leave ig granted % is in operation, the life of House may be extended by a law of Parliament. (a) Question Hour Proclamation of Emergency (©) No-Confidence Motion (d) Budget Session 7 7A person shall not be qualified to be elected for a 7 seat in the Lok Sabha if he/she is not registered as alan sj... in any of the ; (a) Candidate, States | (b) Anglo-Indian, Reserved constituencies (c) Member of Legislative Assembly, States (@ Voter, Parliamentary constituencies A cose is the minimum number of members required to be present before a meeting is allowed to begin (a) Zero Hour (b) Adjournment (© Quorum (@) Term 7 49, If the Budget is not passed before the beginning of, thefinancial year, .. authorizes the Executive, to draw funds from the Consolidated Fund until, the Budget is passed by the Parliament. @ Vote on Account (b) Money Bill : (Q) Demands for Grants (d) Supplementary Grant os be chosen as a member of the Rajya Sabha, ¢ person must be a citizen of India and not less that sesvsseens YAMS OF age. (a) 25 © (9 35 (a) 18 @ The Presiding Officer has to adjourn the House 0 suspend the meeting if the of one-tenth o the total number of members of Rajya Sabha at not met, (a) Ordinances (b) Allowances (9) Salary @) Quorum (22)ihe Vice President of India has no right to vote! the Rajya Sabha except to... (@)Breaka tie (b) Vote on Account (c) Demand for Grants (a) Vote for Speaker F ee, ee OE jin case of conflict between a Jaw, the law made by Par ial irliament shall prevail, (@) Central, Concurrent (b) Concurrent, State @ Central, State (d) Central, Residuary 4. Control over proof of the Lok Sabha’s superiority, {a) Censure Motion _(@) National Treasury (9. Adjournment Motion (a) The Budget gives (33)\The salaries and allowances of th in 1e President, the Depeaker, the Deputy Speaker, the Chairman and the Jirdges of the Supreme ‘Court and High Courts gaan of @ consolidated Fund of india (b) Other expenditures of the Government (©) Supplementary Grants (@) Vote on Account Ga/ithe Rajya Sabha needs to pass a resolution by majority to for the Parliament to make a law on matter of State List in national interest. (a) One-tenth (b) One-third Oo Two-thirds (d) One-half ) is not subject to dissolution by the President. (@) Lok Sabha © Rajya Sabha (9 Both (a) and (b) p(t) None of the above (a)he Sessions of each House of the Parliament is ~ summoned by the (@) Lok Sabha Fy(O Deputy Speaker @ Pre 2 The President may promulgate a/an « the Parliament is not in session. @ Vote on Account Ordinance (0) Money Bill ey (@) Demands for Grants -rnen are those to which member Moral answer on the floor of the Starred Questions ©) Unstarred Questions ©) Short Notice Questions ) Quorum by (b) Speaker lent when 1 wishes to have House, The Union Legislature | 149 Match the following SiN] I. Maximum strength of the | (A) 530 Lok Sabha provided by the Constitution II. Members representing the | (B) 20 ‘States: IIL, Members representing the | (C) 552 Union Territories IV. Members of the Anglo- (D)2 Indian Community nominated by the President Choose the correct option: (a) I-G-B,M-A,IV-D (&) I-B,1-D,II-C,1V-A (9 1-B,I-Cll-A,IV-D @i-c 1-4, m-B,1V-D 2) Legislative powers of the Union Parliament: COLUMN II COLUMN I I. They have exclusive powers “ to formulate laws with respect to the Union List (A) On matters which are not mentioned in any of the three Lists: IL, Parliament can | (B) Parliament legislate on subjects in the State List Im. (©) Ordinances Parliament can make laws (D) When 2 or more states desire that the Parliament should legislate on a subject given in the State List IV. Cease to operate at the expiration of 6 weeks from the re-assembly of Parliament unless they are approved by the Houses Choose the correct option: (a) I-D,1-B, IlI-C,IV-A (b) 1-A, I- B, Il1-D,IV-C @1-Bl-A,M-D,IV-C OLanBae cwW-D 150 | Icse CHAPTERWISE MCQs (History & Civies)~X Picture based questions Study the picture and answer the following questions: 33. Identify the Lok Sabha Speaker (a) Somnath Chatterjee (©) Manohar Joshi ( OmBirla _(@) Shivraj Patil (Ge who is the Principal Presiding Officer of the Lok Sabha? (@) Deputy Speaker (() Speaker (©) President (@) Prime Minister @ How is the Speaker elected? sy @Dby the House from among its members by ‘a simple majority of members present and voting () Nominated by the President of India (©) Elected by the elected members of the Legislative Assembly of each state (@ By one-tenth of the total members of the House 36. What does the Constitution provide for the Deputy Speaker? (@) Iselected by Universal Adult Franchise () Is the principal Presiding Officer of the Lok Sabha (©) Sets the policies and programmes of the Government (d) Performs the duties of the Speaker when the Speaker is absent or while the office of the Speaker is vacant Assertion-Reasoning In the questions given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option: GP Assertion (A): Representatives of States in the “Rajya Sabha are elected by the elected Members of the Legislative Assembly of each State. Reason (R): This is done in accordance wig system of proportional representation by of the Single Transferable Vote. th the Means tions: @ron A and R are true and R is the corr explanation of A. ct (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the corre explanation of A. 7 (9) Ais true but Ris false. __ @) Ais false but R is true. GepAssertion (A): The Lok Sabha may by a two-thirds == “majority pass a resolution that it is necessary iq the national interest to create one or more All India Services. Reason (R): The Parliament by law may create new All-India Services. Options: (a) Both A and R are true and R is the corred explanation of A. (&) Both A and R are true but R is not the corre explanation of A. (0) Ais true but R is false. ‘Ais false but R is true. 39, Assertion (A): Censure Motion should specify te policies or acts that are being censured. Reason (R): It implies the loss of confidence and the Prime Minister has to submit resignation of his Council of Ministers. Options: (a) Both A and R are true and R is the comet explanation of A. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the comet explanation of A. (0) Ais true but Ris false. (d) Ais false but Ris true. ‘Assertion (A): The Parliament should hold at two sessions in a year. Reason (R): The Sessions are held to discuss Budget only. Options: (a) Both A and R are true and R i explanation of A. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the com explanation of A. (0) Ais true but R is false. (a) Ais false but R is true Analogy based questions (43) Complete the given analogy. Rajya Sabha : Deputy Chairman (a) Opposition Leader @) Deputy Speak (©) Speaker (@) Chairman ‘40. is the cont ‘The Union Legislature | 152. Complete the given analogy. ‘omplete the given analogy. Central Government : Union List : State Lok Sabha : 552 members :: Rajya Sabha : ? Government :? (a) 238 members (b) 245 members (a) Concurrent List @ state List (c) 240 members, @))250 members (©) Residuary Subjects (4) None of these MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Identify the correct statement. (A) The Rajya Sabha elects its own Chairman from among its own members, (B) The Vice President of India is elected by both the Houses of the Parliament (C) A state of national emergency is proclaimed by the Vice President of India. (D) The Rajya Sabha can decide by three-fourths majority to set up a new All India service, 2. Who can suspend a member in case of misconduct in the Lok Sabha? (A) President of India + (B) Prime Minister of India (©) Chief Justice of India (D) Speaker of Lok Sabha 3. India, Spain and Belgium are examples of (A) holding together federation (B) fiscal federation (C) coming together federation (D) judicial federation 4, The Union Territory of ‘Ladakh’ sends (A) 4 members to the Lok Sabha (B) 5 members to the Lok Sabha (C) 3 members to the Lok Sabha (D) 1 member to the Lok Sabha 5. The decision of the is final with regards to the question whether a member stands disqualified under Anti-Defection Law or not. (A) President (B) Speaker (C) Prime Minister (D) Vice President 6. How many members constitute the quorum of the Lok Sabha? (A) 45 members (B) 55 members (C) 35 members (D) 50 members 7. There are three types of cut motions, i.e. Token cut, Disapproval of policy cut and (A) Economy cut (B) Social cut (© Political cut (D) Military cut 8. Who among the following takes over the administration of a state on the break-down of the Constitutional machinery in the state under Article 356 of the Indian Constitution? (A) Prime Minister of India (B) Vice President of India (C) Chief Minister of State (D) President of India 9. The is a committee of selected members of parliament, constituted by re of the the Parliament of India, for the purpose of auditing the revenue and the expenditur Government of India. (A) Defence Accounts Committee (B) Social Accounts Committee (C) Private Accounts Committee (D) Public Accounts Committee 10. Who among the following is empowered to Audit all receipts and expenditures of the Government of India? (A) Comptroller and Auditor General of India (B) Divisional Accountant (©) Principal Director of Audit (D) Auditor General of India 11. The size of the Legislative Assembly cannot be less than (A) 70 Members (B) 50 Members (C) 80 Members ——— ee (D) 40 Members son? — oo members of Parliament or a state legislature will be disqualified if he joins any political party after his election. (A) A regional (B) An independent (C) A temporary (D) A permanent 13. The different subjects for legislation have been divided into three lists, i.e. the Union List, the State list and the (A) Residuary List (B) Concurrent List. (C) Central List (D) Autonomous List 14, When the ____ remains dissolved especially during proclamation of Emergency then the Rajya Sabha acts as Union Legislature. (A) Vidhan Parishad — (B) Lok Sabha (C) Lok Parishad (D) Vidhan Sabha 15, The Budget is presented in the Parliament by the Union Minister for Finance with the prior 18. 20. 21, 22. 23. 24, 25, approval of the (A) Finance Secretary (B) President (C) Governor of Reserve Bank of India (D) Deputy Speaker . In which of the following houses, the Chairperson is not the member of that house? (A) Vidhan Sabha (B) Lok Sabha (C) Rajya Sabha (D) None of these 1. The power of the Supreme Court of India to decide disputes between the centre and the states falls under its (A) Original Jurisdiction (B) Appellate Jurisdiction (C) Advisory Jurisdiction (D) Custodian Jurisdiction If the Prime Minister of India resigns, this means the resignation of the (A) President of India (B) Entire Council of Ministers (©) Vice President of India (D) Chief Justice of India . If the President retusa Bill sent to him for his assent and the Parliament once again passes the Bill in its original form, then the President (A) is bound to give assent to the Bill (B) may consult the Supreme Court (C) may consult the Prime Minister (D) none of the above The President can dismiss a member of the Council of Ministers (A) Chief Justice of India (B) Vice President of India (C) Prime Minister of India (D) Speaker of the Lok Sabha ‘The form of oath of office for a minister for the Union of India is enshrined in the (A) Third Schedule (B) Second Schedule (C) Fifth Schedule (D) Fourth Schedule Power to divide each state into territorial constituencies is associated with the (A) Supreme Court of India (B) Election Commission of India (C) Parliament of India (D) NITI Aayog A Presidential Ordinance can remain in force for (A) three months (B) two months (C) six months (D) one month Parliament's expenditure is controlled by (A) Comptroller and Auditor General of India (B) Speaker of the Lok Sabha (© Finance Minister of India (D) Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha The President of the Union of India has the same constitutional authority as the (A) British Monarch (B) American President (©) Chinese President (D) Russian President — 26. 2 By 28. 29. 30. 31 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, 40. a The distribution of seats of the Parliament are based on which of the following censuses (A) Census of 1971 (B) Census of 1951 (C) Census of 1961 (p) Census a4 The Pariament enjoys the exclusive right to legislate on subjects conttned ine (A) State List (B) Union List (C) Concurrent List (D) None of i, In parliamentary democracy the ese (A) Legislature controls the Executive (B) The Executive controls the L (©) The Executive controls the Judiciary (D) None of the above The Prime Minister is said to hold office during the pleasure of the President, but m he stays in office as long as he enjoys the confidence of the ee (A) Vidhan Sabha (B) Rajya Sabha (C) Vidhan Prishad (D) Lok Sabha Legislature ality, The Speaker of the Lok Sabha can be removed from his office by (A) the Prime Minister of India (B) a resolution passed by the Lok Sabha (©) the Vice President of India (D) the President of India Sources of revenue for each level of government are clearly demarcated to ensure their financial autonomy in the (A) dictatorship form of government (B) federal form of government (C) oligarchic form of government (D) unitary form of government The members of the Lok Sabha are (A) directly elected by the people of India (B) indirectly elected by the people of India (C) nominated by the people of India (D) None of the above The __ shall continue to extend to the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu. (A) Hyderabad High Court (B) Bombay High Court (©) Madras High Court (D) Delhi High Court The new Lok Sabha must be elected within _ months after the national emergency is lifted. (A) six (B) nine (©) one (D) three Who may adjourn the House or suspend the meeting until there is a requisite quorum? (A) Speaker of the Lok Sabha (B) Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha (©) Additional Secretary of the Lok Sabha (D) Secretary of the Lok Sabha Both Houses of Parliament can amend the (A) Indian Penal Code (B) Constitution of India (C) Criminal Code of India (D) University Syllabus Every elected member of the Parliament stands on equal footing in the election of the (A) President or the Vice President of India (B) Governor of State (C) Prime Minister of India (D) Chief Minister of State Article 35A of the Indian Constitution was associated with (A) Madhya Pradesh (B) Bihar (C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Jammu & Who may establish a common High Court, for two or more states? (A) Parliament (B) State Government (C) Ministry of Law and Justice (D) None of these First Constitution Amendment took place in (A) 1953 (B) 1951 (© 1954 (D) 1952 Al. 42. 43. 44 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52, 53. Goyal ICSE History & Civies Question Bank with MTP for First Semester Exam’ India is a large country with 28 states and (A) 6 Union Territories (B) 9 Union Territories (© 8 Union Territories (D) 11 Union Territories The jurisdiction of each level of government in federal structure is specified in the (A) Indian Penal Code (B) Constitution of India (© Code of Criminal Procedure (D) Political Code Sources of revenue for each level of government in federal structure are clearly demarcated to ensure their (A) social autonomy (B) financial autonomy (C) political autonomy (D) military autonomy The Union Territories of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli became a single Union Territory on (A) January 26, 2018 (B) January 26, 2021 (C) January 26, 2020 (D) January 26, 2019 India has a (A) unicameral legislature (B) bicameral legislature (C) tricameral legislature (D) none of these The Constitution of India provides a= a feature of unitary government. (A) Strong centre (B) Moderate centre (C) Weak centre (D) None of these Who among the following summons each House of Parliament? (A) Prime Minister of India (B) Vice President of India (C) Chief Election Commissioner (D) President of India The months of July and August are associated with ___ Session of Parliament, (A) Monsoon (B) Budget (©) Winter (D) Spring Who among the following is the current Speaker of the Lok Sabha? (A) Om Birla (B) Narendra Modi (C) Amit Shah (D) Ravi ShankarPrasad Who among the following is the current Chairman of the Rajya Sabha? (A) Ram Nath Kovind (B) Rajnath Singh (C) Pranab Mukherjee (D) M. Venkaiah Naidu In the absence of the Chairman, who among the following performs all funetions and duties of the Chairman in the Rajya Sabha? (A) Associate Chairman (B) Deputy Chairman (©) Additional Chairman (D) Principal Chairman ‘The Railway Budget was integrated with the Union Budget from (A) 2017-18 (B) 2015-16 (C) 2019-20 (D) 2014-15 Impeachment can be initiated in the (A) Either House of Parliament (B) Lok Sabha (D) Vidhan Sabha (C) Rajya Sabha matters which are not mentioned in any of means all those the Union List, the State List and the Concurrent List. (A) Parliamentary subjects (B) Judicial subjects (C) Residuary subjects (D) Autonomous subjects the three Lists ination 55. 56. 57. 58 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 65. 66. 67. Who appoints the Chairmen of all th (A) Chief Election Commissioner (C) Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha Who among the followin; (A) Mohammad Hidayatullah (C) Krishna Kant Identify the correct statement. (A) Ina democracy, (B) Ina dictatorship, (C) Ina oligarchy, (D) All the above e Committees of the Lok Sabha? (B) Minister of Law and Justice (D) Speaker of the Lok Sabha 1g was the first Chairman of the Rajya Sabha? (B) Zakir Hussain (D) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan people are their own masters. people are their own masters. people are their own masters. Which among the following states of India is highly populous? (A) Maharashtra The states in India hi (A) Constitution (©) Public Service Commission The state of Punjab sends (A) 9 members to the Lok Sabha (C) 11 members to the Lok Sabha The state of Jharkhand sends (A) 14 members to the Lok Sabha (©) 18 members to the Lok Sabha (B) Uttar Pradesh ave not given any right to make their own (©) Bihar (B) Secretariat (D) Intermediate Council (B) 8 members to the Lok Sabha (D) 7 members to the Lok Sabha (B) 8 members to the Lok Sabha (D) 6 members to the Lok Sabha In almost all fields the Lok Sabha has an upper hand because (A) it is called lower house of the Parliament (B) of greater numeral strength of its members (C) its members are directly elected by the people (D) none of the above The Vice-Chairman of the Lok Sabha is also called (A) Solicitor General of India (© Attomey General of India Sabha? (A) Prime Minister of India (©) Deputy Prime Minister of India (A) Social (B) Unstarred Which type of questions are answered orally on the floor of the House by the mia! concerned? (A) Starred questions (©) Social questions Short Notice questions relating to a matter of urgent public importance can be asked wil prior notice of around (A) 3 days (B) 2 days (B) Deputy Speaker (D) Vice President of India |. Who among the following calls for votes on all bills, resolutions and motions in the Lok (B) Deputy Speaker (D) Speaker questions have to be answered in a written form by the minister (C) Political (D) Starred (B) Unstarred questions (D) Political questions (©) 4 days (D) 10 days (D) Rajasthan 68. 69. 70. 1. T. 73. 74. 73. 16. 71. 8. 79. 80. Motions can be of (A) four kinds (B) two kinds (©) various kinds (D) three kinds The period 2019-24 is associated with (A) Seventeenth Lok Sabha (B) Sixteenth Lok Sabha (C) Thirteenth Lok Sabha (D) Fifteenth Lok Sabha Demands associated with Supplementary Budget are treated by the Parliament just as the (A) Quarterly Budget (B) Annual Budget (C) Monthly Budget (D) Semi-Annual Budget In the case of deadlock between the two houses over a bill it is to be resolved in a ote session of the Houses with the Speaker of the Lok Sabha in the chair. (A) joint (B) tiple (C) single (D) none of these In India, the Parliament can amend most of the provisions of the Constitution single-handedly either by a simple majority or by a (A) nine-tenths majority (B) two-thirds majority (C) one-fourth majority (D) three-fourths majority No-Confidence in the Government is moved by the (A) Council of Ministers (B) Opposition Party (C) Deputy Speaker (D) Speaker In the twelfth Lok Sabha, the Government headed by Atal Bihari Vajpayee lost just by (A) three votes (B) two votes (© four votes (D) one vote Who among the following interprets the rules of procedure of the Lok Sabha? (A) Speaker (B) Deputy Speaker (C) Joint Secretary (D) Additional Secretary The Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected or is removed from office in the same way as the (A) Council of Ministers (B) Speaker (©) Governor (D) Prime Minister The word ex officio stands for (A) Denoting or relating to a member of a body who holds the role as a result of their status or another position that they hold (B) Powers and functions of Supreme Court of India (©) Passing of the Money Bill from the Lok Sabha (D) None of the above In the Table of Precedence the ranks higher than all Cabinet Ministers, other than the Prime Minister himself. (A) Judge of Supreme Court (B) Speaker (C) Chief Justice of High Court (D) Cabinet Secretary The only Prime Minister of India who had failed to face Parliament was (A) Lal Bahadur Shastri (B) Morarji Desai (C) Indra Kumar Gujral (D) Charan Singh What is the maximum strength of the Leg Constitution? (A) 500 (B) 400 (©) 300 (D) 200 ve Assembly in India as prescribed by the pe 81. On the pattern of which among the following countries, the parliamentary system was established in India by the Constitution of India? (A) United States of America (B) England (C) Argentina (D) Brazil 82. ______ is the supreme forum where people through their representatives seek to ventilate their grievances or desires. (A) Reserve Bank of India (B) Parliament of India (© Election Commission of India (D) Supreme Court of India 83. A joint session is not held in case of (A) Constitution Amendment Bills (B) Dowry Prohibition Amendment Bills (C) Other Backward Classes Amendment Bills (D) Anti-Defection Amendment Bills 84, The Rajya Sabha is called the (A) Lower House of the Parliament (B) Upper House of the Parliament (©) Middle House of the Parliament (D) Supreme House of the Parliament 85. The Lok Sabha grants leave to move No-confidence Motion only when it caries the support of at least (A) 35 members (B) 40 members 86. Contempt of the House means (A) an offence against the dignity of banking institutions (B) an offence against the dignity of Parliament (©) an offence against the dignity of educational institutions (D) an offence against the judgement delivered by the court (C) 25 members (D) 50 members 87. The Rajya Sabha must retum the Money Bill to Lok Sabha within a period of (A) 14 days (B) 10 days (©) 11 days (D) 15 days 88. The __ permission is necessary if an MP is arrested within the precincts of the House. (A) Chairman's (B) Speaker's (© Prime Minister (D) Both (A) and (B) 89. The MPs enjoy freedom from arrest during the continuance of the session of the Hou: d during a period of days before and after such session. (A) 30 days (B) 25 days (©) 40 days (D) 18 days 90. An Adjournment Motion is one of the ways through which the Lok Sabha exercises cont! over the (A) Ministers (B) Opposition leaders (©) Government officers (D) Governors of different states The Tenth Schedule to the Constitution is associated with the: (A) Reservation of seats in the Lok Sabha (C) Powers of the President 1 (B) Election Commission (D) Anti-Defection Law 92. Identify the correct statement. (A) The maximum strength of the Lok Sabha, as provided by the Constitution is $52. (B) The Lok Sabha is normally elected for six years, (©) The Lok Sabha is called Upper House of the Parliament of India (D) Members of the Lok Sabha are indirectly elected by the people. 93. 94. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. To become a member of the Lok Sabha, a candidate should be at least: (A) 18 years old (B) 25 years old (C) 35 years old (D) 30 years old The Indian Constitution provides that when the Lok Sabha is dissolved the shall not vacate his office. = _ (A) Steel Minister (B) Speaker (C) Defence Minister (D) Prime Minister : we among the following presides over the joint sittings of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya (A) Speaker of the Lok Sabha (B) The Chief Justice of India (C) The President of India (D) The Vice President of India The tenure of the first Lok Sabha was from: (A) 1952-1937 (B) 1947-1952 (C) 1955-1960 (D) 1950-1955 Who is the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha? (A) Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha (B) The Vice President of India (C) Speaker of the Lok Sabha (D) Chief Election Commisioner Rajya Sabha has 245 seats with __ elected members and nominated members by the President from various fields, (A) 228, 17 (B) 230, 15 (©) 220, 25 (D) 233, 12 Which among the following terms is associated with the minimum numbers of members to be present in the House before it could transact any business. (A) Bill (B) Quorum (C) Resolution (D) Amendment Each member of the Rajya Sabha is elected for a period of: (A) 6 years (B) 5 years (©) 4 years (D) 3 years Whenever a matter of urgent public interest is sought to be discussed in the House, it is called a (A) Defection (B) Quorum (C) Vote of No-confidence (D) Motion The time immediately following the Question Hour is known as the: (A) Resolution (B) Business Hour (C) Answer Hour (D) Zero Hour The maximum strength of the Rajya Sabha can be: (A) 245 members (B) 250 members (C) 248 members (D) 252 members Identify the incorrect statement. (A) The Lok Sabha is a permanent house. (B) The Rajya Sabha elects its Deputy Chairman from amongst its members. (C) The Parliament is the supreme legislative body of the country. (D) The Indian Constitution is neither very rigid nor very flexible. The Lok Sabha may be dissolved by the: (A) Foreign Minister of India (B) President of India (C) Prime Minister of India (D) Vice President of India Prorogation meai (A) termination of the session of Parliament (B) joint sitting of the houses (C) rule for the termination of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha (D) rule for the termination of the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha 107. 108. 109. 110. 1. 112, 113. 114, 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. ‘The Parliament of India comprises the ____————_, the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. (A) Prime Minister (B) President (© Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha (D) Vice President The minimum age for contesting election for the Rajya Sabha is (A) 35 years (B) 30 years (©) 18 years (D) 25 years The Rajya Sabha elects a _ from among its members. (A) Chairman (B) Manager (©) Deputy Chairman (D) President The judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts can be removed by the (A) President (B) Prime Minister (C) Vice President (D) Parliament The salaries and allowances of MPs and Ministers are determined by (A) Reserve Bank of India (B) Parliament (C) NITI Aayog (D) State Bank of India Identify the correct statement: (A) The President summons each House of Parliament (B) The leader of opposition summons each House of Parliament (C) The Prime Minister summons each House of Parliament (D) The Vice President summons each House of Parliament The Fifty-Second Amendment to Constitution is associated with (A) Powers of the Supreme Court (B) Defection (C) Other Backward Class (D) Scheduled castes Who among the following appoints the Parliamentary Committees? (A) President of India (B) Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha (© Vice President of India (D) The Speaker of Lok Sabha In the event of a deadlock between the two Houses in case of a Ordinary Bill (A) decision of the Lok Sabha prevails (B) decision of the Rajya Sabha prevails (©) a joint sitting is held (D) none of the above The term ‘House of the People’ is associated with the (A) NITI Aayog (B) Rajya Sabha _ C) Election Commission (D) Lok Sabha Which among the following courts is the final Interpreter and Guardian of the Constitution? (A) High Couris TB) Lower Couris ~”(C) District Courts (D) Supreme Court The term of the was extended by one year. (A) 3rd (B) Sth (© 2nd (Dy 4th Leader of opposition enjoys the same status as is enjoyed by a (A) Cabinet Secretary (B) Vice President (©) Union Cabinet Minister (D) Union State Minister al 120. 121. Who is the final judge to decide on the admissibility of a Motion of Adjournment in the Sabha? (A) Defence Minister (B) Prime Minister (C) Foreign Minister (D) Speaker Who among the following decides whether a particular bill is a money bill or not? (A) President of India (B) Speaker of the Lok Sabha (©) Prime Minister of India (D) Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha 122. 123. 124, 125. 126, 128. 129. 130. 131. i52, 133, 134, 1. The Divisions of powers between the central government and various state governments are associated with the (A) capitalism (B) federalism (©) liberalism (D) socialism How many maximum members can the Union Territories represent in the Lok Sabha? (A) 20 members (B) 30 members (C) 24 members. (D) 26 members Uttar Pradesh has seats in the Lok Sabha. (A) 66 (B) 80 (© 38 (D) 72 Identify the correct statements. (A) The Deputy Speaker acts as the Speaker when the latter is not present. (B) The Secretary acts as the speaker when the latter is not present. (C) The Under Secretary acts as the speaker when the latter is not present. (D) The Assistant speaker acts as the speaker when the latter is not present. The __ can make laws on Residuary Subjects, (A) Legislative Council (C) NITI Aayog (B) Parliament (D) Legislative Assembly _________ is the account of the revenue the Government of India receives— via income tax, customs, central excise and the non-tax revenue and the expenses it makes, excluding exceptional items. (A) Emergency Fund of India (B) Public Fund of India (©) Consolidated Fund of India (D) Constitutional Fund of India Subjects like Foreign affairs, Defence, Railways, Currency, etc, are associated with the (A) State List (B) Union List (C) Residuary List (D) Concurrent List Subjects like Forests, Labour Welfare, Factories, Education, etc. are associated with the (A) Union List (B) State List (©) Concurrent List (D) Residuary List Subjects like Police, Agriculture, Hospitals, Roads, Prisons, ete. are associated with the (A) State List (B) Union List (C) Residuary List (D) Concurrent List Article 368 of the Indian Constitution is associated with the (A) Supreme Court (B) Amendment (C) Union Public Service Commission (D) Election Commission Who among the following can take over the administration of a state on the break-down of the constitutional machinery in the state? (A) President of India (B) Vice President of India (©) Prime Minister of India (D) Chief Justice of concerned state Who can suspend a member in case of misconduct in the Lok Sabha? (A) Prime Minister (B) Deputy Speaker (© Speaker (D) Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Identify the incorrect statement. (A) No person can be a member of both Houses of the Parliament at one and the same time. (B) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected soon after the newly elected Lok Sabha meets for the first time. (C) The Lok Sabha controls the (D) The Prime Minister is appointed by the Speaker of Lok Sabha. ee 135. 136. 137, 138. 139, 140. 141, 142. 143. 144, 145, 146. 147. 148, 149, all citizens of the age of 18 years and above have the right to vote, Under (A) Universal Adult Franchise (B) Global Adult Franchise (C) Indian Adult Franchise (D) Special Adult Franchise Ordinances cease to operate after from the re-assembly of Parliament, unless they are approved by the houses. (A) six weeks (B) four weeks (© eight weeks (D) three weeks How many members of the Rajya Sabha retire after every second year? (A) 1/2 members (B) 23rd members (C) 1/4 members (D) 1/3rd members The Rajya Sabha cannot reject or amend the (A) Money Bill (B) Ordinary Bill (©) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B) The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by the State Assemblies with the system of proportional representation by means of transferable vote. (A) double (B) single (C) triple (D) none of these Article 370 of the Indian Constitution was associated with (A) Madhya Pradesh (B) Bihar (©) Uttar Pradesh (D) Jammuand Kashmir In the consultation with the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, who among the following nominates personnel for Parliamentary Delegations to various countries? (A) Speaker of the Lok Sabha (B) Prime Minister of India (©) Vice President of India (D) President of India With the help of the _ » the members draw attention of the Government to take suitable action on a particular matter in the House. (A) document (B) motion (C) judgement (D) speech The Constitution of India provides fora sy a feature of the unitary government. (A) strong centre (B) weak centre (C) strong state (D) weak state The Constitution of India is originally provided for a two-tier government—the union government and the (A) Panchayat governments (B) State governments (C) District governments (D) Local governments India is a large country with __ States and Union Territories. (A) 27,8 (B) 29,9 (C) 28, 8 (D) 26, 10 The Rajya Sabha mainly comprises representatives of the (A) Villages (B) Districts (C) States (D) Blocks The Indian Constitution provides for citizenship of India which is comm" to all the people of various States and Union Territories, (A) Global (B) Double (C) Universal (D) Single . The Rajya Sabha has 12 members nominated by the President from amongst persons who f° specialised in the field of (A) art (B) literature (C) social services (D) all of these The Union Territories are directly governed by the (A) State Government (B) Central Government (C) Governor (D) Chief Minister 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 157. 158. 159, 160. 161. 162. 163, 164, The month of July-August is associated with the (A) Monsoon Session of Parliament (B) Winter Session of Parliament (C) Budget Session of Parliament (D) Summer Session of Parliament The is a representative body whose permission is constitutionally required in the process of making or changing laws, (A) Banks. (B) Courts (C) Executive (D) Parliament The Lok Sabha represents the (A) people of the country (B) officers of the country (C) teael 8 of the country (D) none of these Mizoram, Nagaland and im have (A) only one seat each in the Lok Sabha _(B) only two seats each in the Lok Sabha (C) only five seats each in the Lok Sabha (D) only three seats each in the Lok Sabha The duties of the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha are the same as those of the of the Lok Sabha. (A) Deputy Speaker (B) Speaker (C) Secretary (D) Leader of Opposition The representatives of each state in the Rajya Sabha are elected by the elected members of the different (A) Universities (B) Legislative Assemblies (©) Colleges (D) Legislative Council . How many members constitute the quorum in the Rajya Sabha? (A) 35 members (B) 25 members (C) 40 members (D) 30 members Subjects like hospitals, roads, and police are associated with (A) Residuary List (B) State List (C) Concurrent List (D) Union List The Ninety-First Constitution Amendment Act, 2003 is associated with (A) Education (B) Caste system (C) Medical science (D) Defection The Union List has (A) 97 subjects (B) 96 subjects (C) 94 subjects (D) 89 subjects How many members can the President nominate to the Lok Sabha? (A) 10 members (B) 8 members (C) 2 members (D) 12 members The controls the exchequer of the state, (A) Reserve Bank of India (B) Lok Sabha (C) State Bank of India (D) Election Commission The Zero Hour starts at around (A) 12 PM (B) 1AM (1PM (D) 10AM As per Article 93 of the Indian Constitution, (A) The Lok Sabha has a Speaker and a Deputy Speaker (B) Money Bill can only be introduced in the Lok Sabha (© Supreme Court is the highest court of appeal (D) None of the above Who was the first Speaker of the Lok (A) Balram Jakhar (B) G.Y, Mavalankar (© Bali Ram Bhagat (D) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy ‘a? Goyals ICSE History & Civics Question Bank with MTP for First Semester Exaninaton-10 B 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174, 175. 176. 177. 178. ‘There are primarily two kinds of Parliamentary Committees based on their nature, ic. Parliament Standing Committee and (A) Ad hoc Committees (C) Social Commitices Money Bills can only be introduced in the: (A) Rajya Sabha (C) Lok Sabha ‘The period during which the House meets to conduct its business is called: (B) forum (C) conference (D) session (B) Economic Committees (D) Military Committees (B) Election Commission (D) Reserve Bank of India (A) meeting Each State and Union Tertitory is divided into a number of areas called for election purpose. (A) sub-divisions (B) districts (C) constituencies (D) blocks A ___vote is the vote thatthe Speaker or Chairman gives when equal numb of votes have been given for and against a Bill or a Resolution. (A) Deciding (B) Casting (© Popular (D) Crucial How many subjects are there in the Concurrent List? (A) 47 subjects (B) 51 subjects (C) 49 subjects (D) 66 subjects Who among the following nominates members to the Rajya Sabha? (B) President (A) Prime Minister (D) Vice President (©) Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha of the total number of members of any house of the Parliament constitute the quorum. (A) One-fourth (B) One-tenth (© One-sixth (D) One-eighth There are kinds of Cut Motions. (A) five (B) three © six (D) four The Rajya Sabha must return the Money Bill to Lok Sabha within a period of (A) 21 days (B) 18 days (©) 24 days (D) 14 days ‘Amendment’ is associated with the (A) Change in the Constitution (C) Powers of Speaker How many members are nominated by the President from the Anglo-Indian Community"! Lok Sabha? (A) 10 members (B) 6 members Who controls and regulates the admission of visitors and press correspondents oF th (B) Tenure of Lok Sabha (D) Tenure of Rajya Sabha (C) 8 members (D) 2 members ems to the galleries of the House? (A) President (C) Minister of External Affairs Who among the following decides the salaries and allowances of MPs and also and the Chief Justices and Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts? (B) Reserve Bank of India (D) NITI Aayog (B) Prime Minister (D) Speaker those of minist™ (A) Parliament (C) State Bank of India oe aint re Chics Ousslion Bank with MTP for First Semester B 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174, 175. 176. 177. 178. ‘There are primarily two kinds of Parliamentary Committees based on their nature, ie, Parliament Standing Committee and (A) Ad hoc Committees (C) Social Committees Money Bills can only be introduced in the: (A) Rajya Sabha (©) Lok Sabha The period during which the House meets to conduct its business is called: (B) forum (C) conference (D) session (B) Economic Committees (D) Military Committees (B) Election Commission (D) Reserve Bank of India (A) meeting Each State and Union Territory is divided into a number of areas called fe election purpose. (A) sub-divisions ——_(B) districts vote is the vote that the Speaker or Chairman gives when equal number (C) constituencies (D) blocks A of votes have been given for and against a Bill or a Resolution. (A) Deciding (B) Casting (©) Popular (D) Crucial How many subjects are there in the Concurrent List? (A) 47 subjects (B) 51 subjects (C) 49 subjects (D) 66 subjects Who among the following nominates members to the Rajya Sabha? (A) Prime Minister (B) President (C) Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha (D) Vice President of the total number of members of any house of the Parliament constitute the quorum. (A) One-fourth (B) One-tenth (©) One-sixth (D) One-eighth There are kinds of Cut Motions. (A) five (B) three (©) six (©) four The Rajya Sabha must return the Money Bill to Lok Sabha within a period of (A) 21 days (B) 18 days (C) 24 days (D) 14 days ‘Amendment’ is associated with the (A) Change in the Constitution (B) Tenure of Lok Sabha (C) Powers of Speaker (D) Tenure of Rajya Sabha How many members are nominated by the President from the Anglo-Indian Community it Lok Sabha? (A) 10 members (B) 6 members (C) 8 members (D) 2 members Who controls and regulates the admission of visitors and press correspondents or the medi to the galleries of the House? (A) President (B) Prime Minister (C) Minister of External Affairs (D) Speaker Who among the following decides the salaries and allowances of MPs and also those of mis and the Chief Justices and Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts? | (A) Parliament (B) Reserve Bank of India (C) State Bank of India (D) NITI Aayog 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. Subject like cyber crime is associated with the (A) Union List (B) Concurrent List (C) State List (D) Residuary List Who en Legislate on those subjects mentioned in the State List? (A) Union Government Y (B) State Government (©) Union Judiciary (D) State Judiciary There are three types of questions, Starred Questions, Unstarred Questions and (A) Notice Questions (B) Short Notice Questions (C) Medium Notice Questions (D) Long Notice Questions During the _ or prior permission. (A) Question (B) Quorum (©) Zero (D) None of these Which types of motions are generally allowed on subjects such as a railway accident resulting in the death of several persons, a daring dacoity, some natural calamities like a devastating flood, communal tension, etc.? Hour members raise all types of questions, without any permission (A) Adjournment Motion (B) No-confidence Motion (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B) The members of the Rajya Sabha fall into two categories-nominated and (A) elected (B) selected (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B) In the absence of the Chairman, who performs all functions and duties of the Chairman in the Rajya Sabha? (A) Joint Secretary (B) Deputy Chairman (C) Special Secretary (D) Additional Chairman Seats are allotted to the different States and Union Territories in the Lok Sabha on the basis of their respective (A) area (C) population (B) population density (D) economy

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