Semana 9

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(AC-S09) Week 09 - Task: Assignment - My old school days

Teacher: Manuel Antonio Chicchon Candiotti


Pereyra Díaz Nieto Mendoza

José Percy Eloy

Percy: Hello, good morning, how are things going on your campus?

B: Well, the courses were excellent, the teacher supports me in the tutorials.

Percy: And what is your favorite course of your degree?

B: Well, Social and Commerce, since it is a course that helps you how to give a better
vision internationally.
Percy: oh how interesting and in your free time what do you do? What do you occupy it

B: Well, I dedicate myself to playing soccer because I am participating in a

championship with my faculty

J: Percy, how are you? How are you doing in your college and at your

Percy: Very good, in fact it is the career that I like, I have decided to specialize
in political finance.

J: That's great, Percy, it's time for young people like us to intervene in politics.
Tell me what your favorite course is?

Percy: my favorite course is accounting and finance, it will help me a lot in my


J: I'm glad Percy, and what do you do in your free time?

Percy: Well, I do social work, to know the needs of each district and propose
long-term solutions.

J: That's great, Percy, I'm very happy to know that.

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