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User manual

1.91 - 09/03/2016


SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 1


Please read the following informa on before installa on.


 Read carefully this manual.

 Make sure all condi ons of use are sa sfied.
 Please contact your dealer or SAN GIORGIO S.E.I.N if you have any ques ons.

The informa on in this document was correct to the best of our knowledge at the
me it was produced. SAN GIORGIO S.E.I.N. cannot accept liability for any inaccu-
racy or omission it may contain. San Giorgio S.E.I.N. reserves the right to change
specifica on and design at any me.

Please be aware and respect the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE) direc ve for recycling of waste electrical and electronic
equipment. Inform and contact the competent dealer for disposal.

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 2

1. Introduc on

1.1 Welcome
Thank You for choosing this monitoring system that uses the most advanced technologies to offer a complete engine control and
naviga on. This manual contains all informa on to successfully operate the system. Installa on and advanced features are report-
ed in the appendix.

1.2 Table of content

1. Introduc on 3
1.1 Welcome............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Table of contents…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
1.3 Condi ons of use…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
2. Package content 5
3. Installa on 6
3.1 Loca on and protec on...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Installa on ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Connectors ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.4 Connectors pin-out............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
4. Ge ng started 9
4.1 Unit descrip on.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
4.2 Power On............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
4.3 Quick opera ng reference.................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
5. Main menu 10
6. Monitoring 11
6.1 Analogue Gauges ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Digital gauges ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.3 Naviga on gauge NMEA 0183 (op onal)............................................................................................................................................................ 12
6.4 Fuel consump on (op onal)…............................................................................................................................................................................ 13
6.5 Fuel efficiency (op onal)…………......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
7. Alarms 14
8. Logger 15
8.1 Logger................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
8.2 Samples............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
8.3 Events.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
8.4 Logger setup...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
8.5 DTC (fault codes) ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
8.6 Engine Sta s cs.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
8.7 Engine Service..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
9. Setup 19
9.1 System setup login............................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
9.2 Diagnosis of analogue/digital inputs................................................................................................................................................................. 21
9.3 Diagnosis of digital outputs.............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
9.4 Diagnosis of NMEA serial port.......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
9.5 Diagnosis of CAN Bus ports............................................................................................................................................................................... 22
9.6 Calibra on of analogue inputs.......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
9.7 Calibra on frequency inputs............................................................................................................................................................................. 26
9.8 Calibra on digital inputs................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
9.9 Restore/backup................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28
10. System maintenance and troubleshoo ng 29
10.1 System care....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
10.2 System factory service...................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
10.3 Troubleshoo ng...................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
11. Appendix 31
11.1 Technical details............................................................................................................................................................................................... 31

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 3

1.3 Condi ons of use

If the system applica on is subject to type approval according DNV Rules, RINA Rules, IEC
60092 - 504 or other equivalent standards the following condi ons must be met :

Applica on :
 Safety func ons are to be independent of control and monitoring func ons as re-
quired by IEC 60092,504 paragraph 4.2. If the engine is not equipped with independent
safety an addi onal UNS10194 or separate safety device (for example UNS10185) must
be used.

 If the system is to be used to provide emergency (safety) stop of a propulsion engine

the relay output must work in fail-safe mode (engine doesn't stop in case of system fail-
ure = relay deac vated) and a manual emergency stop actuator must be provided.

Installa on :
 The device must be installed in a console, bridge or similar enclosure able to provide
adequate protec on and ven la on to the rear of the device.

 The device must be installed in a loca on as to be clearly visible by the normal posi-
on of the operator and the keyboard / touchscreen must be easily accessible.

 The system is equipped with standard connectors and 2.5 meters cable to be used
for local connec on to a terminal block inside a consolle. The system connec on to the
automa on system must comply to the requirements of RINA Rules Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3.
Communica on cables (Ethernet Canbus, RS232 , NMEA and RS485 ) must be twisted
and screened and meet requirements of IEC60533 and IEC 60092-374/375/376 for a cat-
egory 2 apparatus.

 Relay outputs must be individually protected with a fast 1A fuse.

 An acous c buzzer must be connected to the acous c alarm output relay (usually
output N.2). The buzzer code SCE10300 can be used but the customer must verify that
the sound is loud enough to be heard under any condi on.

 Power supply must be protected with 1A fast fuse.

 It may be necessary to provide insula on from ship main power supply system. The
chassis has to be grounded.

Opera on :
 The user is not allowed to change any system parameter, including alarm thresholds
and input calibra on.

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 4

2. Package content

1 x UNS10194 Monitoring system

1 x Gasket (between the unit and panel)

4 x Female connectors (A,B,C,D,) provided with 2.5 m cables

4 x Brackets + nuts for rear fixing of the unit

1 x Power supply filter (op onal, to be used for R.I.N.A. type

approved applica on)

1 x User’s manual (this document).

In paper of electronic PDF format.

1 x Wiring diagram. In paper or electronic PDF format.

The wiring diagram describes the connec on of each input and output of
the system repor ng connector pin and func ons. Some oem applica-
ons may not have this document because the wiring is provided with
connectors on both sides or because the wiring diagram is part of the
oem manuals and drawings.

Please check contents and integrity of components, in case of damaged or missed parts
please contact immediately our customer care service or your dealer for more infor-
ma on and parts replacement.

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 5

3. Installa on

3.1 Loca on and protec on

The unit must be installed inside a console that protects the
rear of the unit and provides the desired IP protec on.
The console angle should be such as to allow water drainage.
The console interior temperature must be kept below 55°C.
The unit must be always protected by sunlight using an ap-
propriate cover when not in use : failing to do so will cause
display wear and damage.

Overall dimensions : 200 x 150 x 120mm (including connectors)

Cut-out : 183 x 135mm

3.2 Installa on

Overall dimensions : 200 x 150 x 120mm (including connectors)

Cut-out : 183 x 135mm ATTENTION !
The installer is responsible for the correct waterproof instal-
la on : if necessary the installer must change the gasket pro-
vided with another sealant method. Failing to do so may
cause leakage from the front of the unit and severe damage
Panel to the unit itself.



SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 6

3. Installa on

3.3 Connectors
The UNS10194 is provided with 4 x ITT-36-PIN male connectors for a fast and user-friendly cabling of the unit : a complete 1.5m
harness with female connectors is included in the unit package. Some OEM applica ons may come without harness or with a spe-
cial harness that fits the engine connectors. Please contact Your delaer for details and assistance.

Male connector

ATTENTION! The connectors are not interchangeable. Each couple of connectors (male and female) is marked with a le er
from A to D (see above and below pictures) and polarized (as per the below diagram) in order to prevent an erroneous connec on.

Female connectors
polariza on

Female connector ID label

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 7

3. Installa on

3.4 Connectors pin-out

ATTENTION! The pin-out table below refers to the standard version, special and oem versions might differ. Always use the
technical wiring diagram provided with the product. Do not connect the unit if the wiring diagram is missing, please contact
your dealer for assistance. Improper wiring may cause severe damage to the unit.

PIN Connector “A” Connector “B” Connector “C” Connector “D”

1 +12/24V A DO 2B ——— VC TC
2 +12/24 V B DO 4B GND AI VC TC
5 RS232 RX 1 +9V OUT AI 29 GND AI
6 RS232 RX 2 +9V OUT GND AI AI 16
7 CAN-H 1 DI 1 AI 27 AI 12
9 USB D- ——— AI 25 ———
10 +12/24 V B DO 2A GND AI TC 8 IN
11 +12/24 V B DO 4A GND AI TC 7 IN
12 GND DO 6A AI 32 TC 6 IN
13 RS485 B DO 8A GND AI TC 5 IN
14 RS232 TX 1 AI BATT 3 AI 30 GND AI
15 RS232 TX 2 GND GND AI AI 15
16 CAN-L 1 DI 2 AI 28 AI 11
18 USB D+ DI 6 AI 26 ———
19 ——— DO 1B AI 2 VC TC
20 ——— DO 3B AI 4 VC TC
24 GND GND AI 18 AI 14
25 CAN-H 2 W2 AI 20 AI 10
26 CAN-H 4 DI 5 AI 22 GND AI
27 USB 5V DI 7 AI 24 ———
28 ——— DO 1A AI 1 TC 4 IN
33 NMEA IN W1 AI 17 AI 13
34 CAN –L 2 W3 AI 19 AI 9
36 USB GND DI 8 AI 23 ———

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 8

4. Ge ng started

4.1 Unit Descrip on

The UNS10194 has been designed to acquire, control and record all informa on coming from engine and naviga on apparatus.
The unit is composed of an advanced monitoring system combined with an innova ve 5.7” TFT High brightness (500cd) touch-
screen and membrane keyboard. In the front are located a green power supply monitor led and a red alarm led. The acous c alarm
is generally ac vated by an external buzzer driven by a built-in relay output. Please read carefully the user manual before oper-
a ng the unit.

5.7” TFT High brightness (500cd) LED

backlight and with touch screen

Touch-screen bu ons, they describe also

the ac on of each key of the keyboard
below .

Power on (green) and Membrane keyboard (5 keys) in addi on to the touch-screen, the func on of every
alarm led (red) bu on is described above in the touch-screen.

4.2 Power ON
Please make sure system has been installed according the instruc ons given in the user manual. Incorrect wiring and installa on
may seriously damage the unit and the connected systems. In case of doubt please contact your dealer.
When power supply is turned on the display powers on and the system starts its monitoring, control and logging func onali es.
During the power sequence the system displays a welcome screen with op onally the customer logo and the firmware release.
The power on sequence may take a few seconds (up to 20) during which the system performs several diagnos c, recovery and con-
trol opera ons. During this period the system also waits that all input readout are stabilized to avoid false alarm at start up.

4.3 Quick opera ng reference

This sec on provides a few concepts to quickly operate the basic features of the unit. Please read the user manual that explains
each concept in details. The unit shows several monitoring pages each made of several analogue or digital “gauges”. The number
of pages and the layout of each page depends on the applica on. To operate the unit it is possible to use the keyboard bu ons or
the touch screen bu ons. Press “<<“ and “>>“ to scroll among pages and view all monitoring values. Press the touchscreen over
an analogue gauge to change the presenta on from analogue to digital and viceversa. The unit automa cally scans all inputs and
in case of alarm shows a special alarm page with the list of ac ve alarms. In the same me the acous c rele output and the front
alarm led are ac vated. Press reset to acknowledge alarms or press exit to close the alarm window without acknowledge. Press
the “menu” bu on to ac vate a special menu page and access several advanced features like recording, sta s cs, service, diagnos-
c, calibra on and more. In the main page it is possible to select a language (Italian or English) and to adjust the brightness.. The
unit brightness control has four modes of opera ons : day , night , auto and manual. The user can select the first three modes in
the main menu page. The manual mode can be selected in the set page, dimmer sec on. In “auto” mode the system automa cally
adjust the display brightness using a built-in ambient light sensor placed in the front panel. Day and Night mode set brightness to
maximum and minimum respec vely. In manual mode, accessible in the system page, the user can change the brightness manual-

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 9

5. Main Menu

Pressing the Menu bu on it is possible to show the main menu page. The complete list of menu ac ons is shown in the tree view
below. Some ac ons may not be present in the actual applica on and some of them may require a special password for ac va on.
Press “Monitoring” to show all monitoring pages, as described in sec on 5. Press “Alarms” to view all ac ve alarms, as described in
sec on 6. Press “Language” to select Italian or English language. The user manual will show the details of all func ons.

The actual menu layout may be different

in the latest firmware release.



Recording Logger Samples Events Set up

Engine sta s cs Stat. 1 Setup

Monitoring Page 1 Page 2 ….. Page N

Service Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Log

Trials (Op onal)

Video (Op onal)

Layout Dimmer Layout


Login Clock (User)

Login Clock Backup Log (Administrator)

Diagnosis A1 A2 A3 A4 D1 D/FREQ NMEA CAN SP (Administrator)

Calibra on Analog Digital Freq. Custom (Administrator)

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 10

6. Monitoring

6.1 Analogue gauges

A er startup the system shows the first monitoring page. Several pages are available, each consis ng in a pre-programmed combi-
na on of analogue circular gauge or digital gauges. The number, type, layout of each gauge is predefined as per San Giorgio stand-
ard or customer request. The UNS10194 may be customized using OEM specifica on : please consult the OEM addendum for a
more detailed explana on of these custom features and graphic presenta on.
By the pressing of Page Up (>>) and Page Down (<<) bu ons it is possible to scroll trough the several gauges pages available, their
total number depending on the program setup uploaded in the unit. The currently displayed page will stay ac ve un l Page Up or
Page Down bu ons are pressed.

Analogue gauge, dual engine, day Analogue gauge, single engine, night

Page Up&Down bu ons

By pressing the gauge on the touch-screen is possible to change the indicator look from analogue to digital. Day and night bright-
ness control may also change the colours used to draw gauges in order to enhance visibility.

Analogue gauge—digital mode , single engine, day Custom OEM presenta ons

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 11

6. Monitoring

6.2 Digital gauges

The value of on/off (digital) inputs can be shown using a special digital indicator made of a virtual LED and a cap on. A monitoring
page can contain up to 12 digital gauges, as show below :

Status virtual LED Descrip on

Flashing bold border and

red LED occur in case of

Silence bu on


Status ok, alarm not triggered

Pre-alarm triggered
Main alarm triggered, buzzer ac vated
X Alarm fault, sensor/switch/device broken or not connected

6.3 Naviga on gauge NMEA0183 (op onal)

The unit can be op onally connected to a NMEA0183 signal transmi ed by a GPS in order to show la tude, longitude, speed over
ground (SOG) and course over ground (COG). Please contact your dealer for informa on on how to ac vate this op onal feature.

NMEA 0183 naviga on

gauge, available on request.

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 12

6. Monitoring

6.4 Fuel consump on (op onal)

As an op on the unit can read instantaneous fuel consump on. If the engine CANBus protocol is available the unit can read auto-
ma cally. The unit can also read fuel consump on of mechanical engines, using two special flow sensors for each engine. Please
contact your dealer for addi onal informa on. The instantaneous fuel consump on can be shown with an analogue gauge or with
a special combined gauge that also show trip and total fuel.

Instantaneous fuel consump on

Analogue gauge

Combined fuel consump on gauge

with trip and total

6.5 Fuel efficiency (op onal)

The unit may be programmed to display a special page that can help the user to op mize fuel efficiency. To enable this page it is
necessary that the unit can read engine consump on by CANBUS and speed by NMEA 0183 GPS. The user can record up to 10
speed/consump on set points during a naviga on test. A er the recordings have been saved the UNS10194 unit can be used to
calculate the best speed based on three user predefined profiles (Speed, Drive, Eco). The so ware tries to analyse the recorded
consump on/speed profile searching to the op mal naviga on speed : speed gives priority to speed while eco gives more priority
to fuel efficiency. Please consider the proposed speed as a hint, always test and decide according the effec ve results.

Read the actual speed

and consump on.
Connect NMEA0183
input to a GPS to Press Set bu on to
read speed record a set point.

Select a naviga on

Suggested best

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 13

7. Alarms

7.1 Alarms
The system executes a complete and con nuous scanning of all inputs regardless of the actual monitoring page being displayed.
For each input up to four alarm thresholds can be ac vated : low, low-pre, high-pre and high alarm. When an alarm threshold is
triggered the alarm page pops up automa cally, the input in alarm is marked with a bold flashing border and a red LED . Depending
on the configura on the output acous c and main alarm relays are ac vated. The acous c alarm can be silenced pressing Silence.
The alarm is maintained un l the Acknowledge and the alarm cause itself has been removed.


Alarm detected
Flashing input—Buzzer ac vated

Silence key pressed

Flashing input—Buzzer ac vated
Acknowledge key pressed
Flashing input—Buzzer ac vated
Alarm cause removed

ATTENTION! return to no-alarm condi on requires the alarm cause to be removed and the Acknowledge key to be pressed.
Without pressing the Acknowledge key the alarm is maintained even with the cause removed.

If a new alarm is detected during normal opera on the unit shows the alarm page automa cally. In the alarm page, also accessible
pressing Alarms from menu page, it is possible to visualize me, descrip on and status of all the alarms/events occurred during
the current working session. This page is reset at every power off of the system but the alarm list is recorded in the permanent
memory of the system and can be visualized in the Logger sub-menu described later in this document.

Event/alarm me

Alarm/event status
Input/output iden fier

Alarm type descrip on

Input/output descrip on

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 14

8. Logger

The UNS10194 is provided with a very advanced data logging func onality for the acquisi on, recording , visualiza on and export
of data and events of the engine or the vessel/vehicle in general. The logger features provides the following :

 Sampling of all inputs at predefined intervals (samples)

 Recording of all alarms (events)
 Engine hour sta s cs
 High resolu on recording (op onal)

The system default uses internal flash memory to record samples every 5 minutes saving the last 30 days of opera on. An op onal
internal SD memory (4GByte) can be used to expand logger capability also with high resolu on recording.

8.1 Logger
Using a selectable me interval, the system automa cally records all monitored parameters and their status (no alarm, alarm etc)
in a daily file. All the samples daily files are sorted by date of registra on and to recall the stored data it is possible to select the
date of interest on the screen and then move to the samples or graphics tab to view data.

Samples file
organized by date

Selected file

Number of samples
and events recorded
in the selected file

8.2. Samples
A er selec ng the file of interest (as explained in the above paragraph) it is possible to view its content by the selec ng of Sam-
ples sub-menu. The recorded data are displayed in text form that can be visualized by the scrolling of the side bar, the file is com-
posed by all the samples recorded in that date and for each of them is indicated the sampling date and me.

Sample date and me Alarm descrip on/status

Input/output iden fier

Registered parameter value

Input/output descrip on

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 15

8. Logger

8.3 Events
The Events sub-menu reports all the alarms and events occurred during the selected date. The events are recorded immediately
a er they are discovered, not like samples that are recorded at predefined intervals.

Alarm date
Alarm descrip on/status

Alarm me

Registered parameter name

8.4 Logger setup

In the Set Up tab the operator can change the se ngs of the Logger func on, check the residual memory available, op onally
chose the recorded file des na on ( internal memory or SD memory s ck) as well export or delete the recorded data. These func-
onali es are enabled only by log in as Administrator.

Memory free space avail- Permanent memory

able in the system recording me interval

Recorded file des na on

Sampling period defines
the interval between one Exit logger setup and re-
data sample to the other turn to main menu
Export bu on
Save new se ngs

Delete bu on (see below

a en on remark)

ATTENTION! Pressing the DELETE bu on causes all the samples and events to be erased from the system memory, before
the DELETE opera on is always recommended to EXPORT the data as a backup.


1. Connect an USB pen drive on the system USB port (the drive must be forma ed using FAT32)
2. Wait 15seconds then press the export bu on
3. Wait un l the export bu on returns is released (this may takes several minutes), then 5 wait 1 extra minute.
4. Remove the USB pen drive
All the files are exported in text form (.txt .ndf) and can displayed using an editor so ware or the SAN GIORGIO S.E.I.N. NavControl
so ware : with this so ware it is possible to create reports and graphs. Please contact your dealer for informa on.

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 16

8. Logger

8.5 DTC (ECU fault codes) , op onal

For some engines it is possible to ac vate on request a more advanced diagnos c feature. If ac vated it is possible to press the
“Engine Diagnos cs” bu on from menu and download from the engine control unit a list of all ac ve alarms. Each alarm is provid-
ed with two special codes (SPN, FMI) that may greatly help the engine service technician. It is also possible to connect the status of
a digital input to the presence of a DTC alarm message in order to provide alarm detec on and recording.

It’s possible to export DM1 alarm list as a text file. It’s necessary to connect a USB pen drive to the unit, wait few seconds and
a er press the “Backup” bu on. Wait again few seconds and disconnect the USB pen drive from the unit. A text file named in for-
mat YYMMDD_DM1_ALARMS.txt has been created in the USB pen drive.

8.6 Engine sta s cs

A very powerful feature of UNS10194 is to record engine hours of opera on in 8 intervals. With this feature it is possible to know
how the engine has been operated and to verify if special service duty condi ons has been observed or not. The Super-User or
Administrator login allows to reset this sta s c.

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 17

8. Logger

8.7 Engine Service

The system can monitor up to 24 service opera ons displaying for each one the date interval or the residual number of hours be-
fore ac on is required . Both the date or opera on hours interval can be programmed according engine manufacturer specifica on
and then protected with a password in order to prevent un-authorized changes.

Service opera on descrip on Service date interval

Service residual hours

Reset bu on

The user can reset the service counter to its predefined value when the service opera on is performed. The reset func on can be
also protected by a password in order to make this opera on possible only to the people with Super-User or Administrator au-
thoriza on (typically official service centre ). The system also records each reset opera on with date me in a special log file. The
service cap ons can be programmed to change according the selected language.

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 18

9. System setup

9.1 System setup login

The system has many setup and calibra on features, most of them are not accessible to the user. Some pages and user interfaces
may appear different to the user. According to OEM customer requests, some advanced features and se ngs might be protected
by a password in order to prevent access by un-authorized people. The system may be op onally programmed with three pass-
word levels each one grants different level of access to the advanced features and se ng:

1. User - typically provided to the end user, its purpose is to prevent accidental changes to the system se ngs.
2. Super-User - typically provided to the authorized repair and service centres, this password allows to view all advanced
features and to change some of the se ngs (e.g service counter reset )
3. Admin - logging as ADMIN is possible to accede all the advanced features and se ng with no restric ons, these password is
normally provided only to the OEM customer because it allows to change also some cri cal se ngs.

The levels accesses above described are merely an example and can be modified accordingly to OEMs needs and requests.

ATTENTION! The Authoriza on levels are defined according to the requests of the customer. We cannot change these
se ngs as well as provide the passwords to third parts if not authorized in wri en form by the customer itself.

Numeric keyboard
Password display

Password enter bu on Authoriza on level logged

In the system setup page, Dimmer sec on is possible to setup the dimmer manually to a predefined value. This se ng will be pre-
served a er power off the system.

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 19

9. System setup
In the system setup page, Clock sec on is possible to adjust the date and the me of the system.

In the system setup page, Layout sec on is possible to select the language and the system of measure used by the system.

Languages available are:

 Italian
 English

Systems of measure available are:

 EU : “°C” for temperature,”bar” for pressure, “litres” for volume
 UK : “°F” for temperature,”psi” for pressure, “Imp.Gal” for volume
 US: “°F” for temperature,”psi” for pressure, “US.Gal” for volume

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 20

9. Set Up

9.2. Diagnosis of analogue/digital inputs

With these two sub-menus it is possible to check the alarm status and the parameter value of each monitored parameter or alarm
regardless if coming from a physical sensor or via CAN Bus (The inputs from AI44 to AI91 and DI9 to D32 can receive the data only
via CAN Bus).

Alarm threshold trigged

Input number Input not enabled Value received, it refers to the unit ON/OFF input received
of measure programmed for this 1= open
input (bar, C°, etc) 0= closed

9.3. Diagnosis of ON/OFF outputs and frequency inputs

ON/OFF inputs, con nua-

Frequency inputs value
on of D1 sub-menu de-
scribed at point

ON/OFF outputs trigged ON/OFF outputs test bu ons

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 21

9. Set Up

9.4. Diagnosis of NMEA and serial port

All the NMEA messages received and monitored by the UNS10194 can be visualized in the dedicated page of the Diagnosis sub-
menu . The SP (serial port) sub-menu allows instead to visualize the messages sent and received trough these ports as well as test
their correct func oning.

Serial port messages

NMEA message cap on Serial port test bu ons

9.5 Diagnosis of CAN Bus

The Diagnosis is of course available also for all the 4 CAN Bus channels of the system. For each channel is possible display the CAN
ID of the monitored parameters (up to 16 per channel), the message interval as well as the hexadecimal value received.

Message ID
Hexadecimal value

Message interval

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 22

9. Set Up

9.6. Analogue inputs * calibra on

* as “analogue inputs” are intended all the input (parameters) monitored in the so called “ Gauges display” with excep on of RPM ( see Frequency input).
Logger enabled
by flagging/de-flagging is possible enable/disable the logging func on of the selected input. This func on can be used for avoid the
record of un-necessary data sparing space in the internal memory
Logger interval
defines the interval in min between one logging and the following of the input (min), a short interval will maximise the quan ty of
recorded informa on while a longer one will minimise the use of the system memory
Alarm enabled
by flagging/de-flagging is possible enable/disable the alarm of the input
Alarm delay
defines the delay between the alarm event and the system alarm ac va on (ms ), this func on could be useful to avoid alarms
as consequence of sensor/switch false contact, is sugges ble don’t modify the se ng but for non-cri cal parameters
High pre/alarm
for every input is possible set an high value alarm and a pre-alarm threshold, they system will then manage the alarm func ons on
that basis as described at point 3.4 of this same manual. The value indicated in the selec on window refers to the unit of measure
indicated in the same page ( see the above screen shot).
Low pre/alarm
for every input is possible set an high value alarm and a pre-alarm threshold, they system will then manage the alarm func ons on
that basis as described at point 3.4 of this same manual. The value indicated in the selec on window refers to the unit of measure
indicated in the same page ( see the above screen shot).
With the gain and offset func onali es is possible adjust the value displayed in the UNS10194
Type (of sensor)
The system analogue inputs can accept a wide range of analogue signals as well as CAN Bus messages (inputs from No 44 to No 91
accept only Can Bus messages). Every sensor or CAN Bus message characteris cs are associated in the unit so ware to a numeric
System Code (e.g 10-180 ohm, 0-10 bar pressure sensor = 32), by the selec on of a System Code the input is automa cally pro-
grammed accordingly with the chosen sensor or Can Bus message se ngs. The System Codes are available at page 19, 20 and 21
of this same document divided in different lists (resis ve, 4-20mA, thermocouples etc.) , every list can be used only for the specific
inputs indicated at the list beginning. The CAN Bus System Codes list of this document includes ONLY the codes associated to SEA J
1939 standard protocol, for other protocols please contact us.
defines the number of decimals to be displayed in the value monitoring of the input.
CAN port
If the input is programmed to receive data via CAN Bus from ECU is possible visualize which of the 4 CAN Bus ports is in use and if
necessary chose a different one.

ATTENTION! All the se ng changes are registered and then defini ve only a er the pressing of the SAVE bu ons before exit
the page.

Input/output group Currently displayed value

Unit of measure
Input/output descrip on
and number
Logger me interval
Enable/disable logger
Alarm delay

Enable/disable alarm
Main threshold selec on

Pre-threshold selec on Gain/Offset

Type of sensor connected

See following codes tabs No of decimals displayed

CAN port in use Save bu on

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 23

9. Set Up

Resis ve sensors system codes ( only for AI 1-8 & AI 17-18)

Func on Input descrip on Range Sys Code

Coolant temperature VDO match sensor with 12V VDO gauge in parallel 0-120°C 2

Coolant temperature VDO match sensor with 24V VDO gauge in parallel 0-120°C 6

Coolant temperature VDO match sensor 0-120°C 29

Coolant temperature VDO match sensor with 12V SGS gauge in parallel 0-120°C 72

Coolant temperature VDO match sensor with 24V SGS gauge in parallel 0-120°C 77

Engine oil temperature VDO match sensor with 12V VDO gauge in parallel 0-150°C 4

Engine oil temperature VDO match sensor with 24V VDO gauge in parallel 0-150°C 8

Engine oil temperature VDO match sensor 0-150°C 30

Engine oil temperature VDO match sensor with 12V SGS gauge in parallel 0-150°C 74

Engine oil temperature VDO match sensor with 24V SGS gauge in parallel 0-150°C 79

Engine oil temperature VEGLIA match sensor with 12V gauge in parallel 0-150°C 10

Engine oil temperature VEGLIA match sensor with 24V gauge in parallel 0-150°C 13

Engine oil temperature VEGLIA match sensor 0-150°C 34

Engine oil pressure VDO match sensor with 12V VDO gauge in parallel 0-10 bar 3

Engine oil pressure VDO match sensor with 24V VDO gauge in parallel 0-10 bar 7

Engine oil pressure VDO match sensor 0-10 bar 32

Engine oil pressure VDO match sensor with 12V SGS gauge in parallel 0-10 bar 71

Engine oil pressure VDO match sensor with 24V SGS gauge in parallel 0-10 bar 76

Engine oil pressure VEGLIA match sensor with 12V gauge in parallel 0-8 bar 11

Engine oil pressure VEGLIA match sensor with 24V gauge in parallel 0-8 bar 14

Engine oil pressure VEGLIA match sensor 0-8 bar 35

Gearbox oil pressure VDO match sensor with 12V VDO gauge in parallel 0-25 bar 5

Gearbox oil pressure VDO match sensor with 24V VDO gauge in parallel 0-25 bar 9

Gearbox oil pressure VDO match sensor 0-25 bar 33

Gearbox oil pressure VDO match sensor with 12V SGS gauge in parallel 0-25 bar 73

Gearbox oil pressure VDO match sensor with 24V SGS gauge in parallel 0-25 bar 78

Gearbox oil pressure VEGLIA match sensor with 12V gauge in parallel 0-24 bar 12

Gearbox oil pressure VEGLIA match sensor with 24V gauge in parallel 0-24 bar 15

Turbo air / fuel pressure VDO match sensor with 12V VDO gauge in parallel 0-5 bar 52

Turbo air / fuel pressure VDO match sensor with 24V VDO gauge in parallel 0-5 bar 51

Turbo air / fuel pressure VDO match sensor 0-5 bar 31

Turbo air / fuel pressure VDO match sensor with 12V VDO gauge in parallel 0-3 bar 70

Turbo air / fuel pressure VDO match sensor with 24V VDO gauge in parallel 0-3 bar 69

Turbo air / fuel pressure VDO match sensor with 12V SGS gauge in parallel 0-3 bar 81

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 24

9. Set Up

Func on Input descrip on Range Sys Code

Turbo air / fuel pressure VDO match sensor with 24V SGS gauge in parallel 0-3 bar 82
Turbo air / fuel pressure VEGLIA match sensor with 12V gauge in parallel 0-3 bar 66
Turbo air / fuel pressure VEGLIA match sensor with 24V gauge in parallel 0-3 bar 67
Turbo air / fuel pressure VEGLIA match sensor 0-3 bar 65
Water/fuel level 10-180 ohm sensor with 12V VDO gauge in parallel 0-100% 54
Water/fuel level 10-180 ohm sensor with 24V VDO gauge in parallel 0-100% 53
Water/fuel level 10-180 ohm sensor 0-100% 64
Water/fuel level 10-180 ohm sensor with 12V SGS gauge in parallel 0-100% 75
Water/fuel level 10-180 ohm sensor with 24V SGS gauge in parallel 0-100% 80
Water/fuel level 300-10 ohm match sensor with 12V gauge in parallel 0-100% 38
Water/fuel level 300-10 ohm match sensor with 24V gauge in parallel 0-100% 39
Water/fuel level 300-10 ohm sensor 0-100% 37

Can Bus messages system codes, SAE J1939 protocol ( only for AI44-91)
Func on* Input descrip on Range Sys Code
Engine oil pressure CAN Bus SAE J1939** 0-10 bar 1018
Engine oil temperature CAN Bus SAE J1939** 0-150°C 1004
Coolant temperature CAN Bus SAE J1939** 0-120°C 1005
Boost pressure CAN Bus SAE J1939** 0-5 bar 1020
Fuel rate CAN Bus SAE J1939** l/h 1028
*Other func ons available on demand
**Contact us to check the compa bility with your engine, other CAN Bus protocols available on demand

4-20mA/0-5V/0-10V sensors system codes ( only for AI 9-16 and AI19-AI21)

Func on Input descrip on Range Sys Code
Pressure 0-5 V pressure sensor 0-10 bar 21
Pressure 0-5 V pressure sensor 0-25 bar 22
Pressure 0-2.5 V pressure sensor 0-10 bar 23
Pressure 0-2.5 V pressure sensor 0-25 bar 24
Temperature 0-5 V temperature sensor PT100 0-150°C 43

TIL level sensors system codes ( only for AI 23-32)

Func on Input descrip on Range Sys Code
Water/fuel level TIL level sensor 0-100% 25
Water/fuel level TIL level sensor with Zener shield 0-100% 26

Exhaust temperature sensors system codes ( only for TC 1-8)

Func on Input descrip on Range Sys Code
Exhaust temperature Thermocouple J type 0-750°C 57
Exhaust temperature Thermocouple K type 0-1250°C 58

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 25

9. Set Up

9.7 Frequency inputs calibra on

Logger enabled
by flagging/de-flagging is possible enable/disable the logging func on of the input. This func on can be used for avoid the
record of un-necessary data sparing space in the internal memory
Logger interval
defines the interval in min between one logging and the following of the input (min), a short interval will maximise the quan ty of
recorded informa on while a longer one will minimise the use of the system memory
Alarm enabled
by flagging/de-flagging is possible enable/disable the alarm of the input
Alarm delay
defines the delay between the alarm event and the system alarm ac va on (ms ), this func on could be useful to avoid alarms
as consequence of sensor/switch false contact, is sugges ble don’t modify the se ng but for non-cri cal parameters
High pre/alarm
for every input is possible set an high value alarm and a pre-alarm threshold, they system will then manage the alarm func ons on
that basis as described at point 3.4 of this same manual. The value indicated in the selec on window refers to the unit of measure
indicated in the same page ( see the above screen shot).
Low pre/alarm
for every input is possible set an high value alarm and a pre-alarm threshold, they system will then manage the alarm func ons on
that basis as described at point 3.4 of this same manual. The value indicated in the selec on window refers to the unit of measure
indicated in the same page ( see the above screen shot).
Hz to RPM
is possible select the ra o Hz to RPM in order to calibrate the input accordingly with the Pick Up or W alternator connected
Type (sensor)
the system frequency inputs can accept Pick Up/W alternator signals as well as CAN Bus messages (inputs from No 3 to No 7 ac-
cept only Can Bus messages). To select and program the input accordingly with the sensor or Can Bus message is enough to select
the System Code:
 Pickup/W alternator = 1
 CAN Bus message SAE J 1939 protocol = 1701 ( for different CAN Bus protocols please contact us)
defines the number of decimals to be displayed in the value monitoring of the input.
CAN port
if the input is programmed to receive data via CAN Bus from ECU is possible visualize which of the 4 CAN Bus ports is in use and if
necessary chose a different one.

ATTENTION! All the se ng changes are registered and then defini ve only a er the pressing of the SAVE bu ons before exit
the page.

Currently displayed value

Input/output group
Unit of measure
Input/output descrip on
and number Logger me interval
Enable/disable logger
Alarm delay

Enable/disable alarm
Main threshold selec on

Pre-threshold selec on Hz to RPM

No of decimals displayed
Type of sensor connected
See following codes tabs

Save bu on
CAN port in use

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 26

9. Set Up

9.8. Digital* inputs calibra on

* as “digital inputs” are intended all the inputs (alarms) monitored in the so called “ Alarms display” .
Logger enabled
by flagging/de-flagging is possible enable/disable the logging func on of the input. This func on can be used for avoid the
record of un-necessary data sparing space in the internal memory
Logger interval
defines the interval in min between one logging and the following of the input (min), a short interval will maximise the quan ty of
recorded informa on while a longer one will minimise the use of the system memory
Alarm enabled
by flagging/de-flagging is possible enable/disable the alarm of the input
Alarm delay
defines the delay between the alarm event and the system alarm ac va on (ms ), this func on could be useful to avoid alarms
as consequence of sensor/switch false contact, is sugges ble don’t modify the se ng but for non-cri cal parameters
Is possible select the polarity accordingly with the ON/OFF switch connected: 0 = NC 1 = NO
Type (sensor)
the system frequency inputs can accept physic switch signal as well as CAN Bus messages (inputs from No 3 to No 7 accept only
Can Bus messages). To select and program the input accordingly with the sensor or Can Bus message is enough to select the
System Code:
 Physic switch = 1
 CAN Bus message SAE J 1939 protocol = list available on demand
CAN port
allow to chose from which CAN Bus port the receive the signal, this is necessary only if the input data are received from the engine
ECU instead of a physical sensor

ATTENTION! All the se ng changes are registered and then defini ve only a er the pressing of the SAVE bu ons before exit
the page.

Input/output group
Currently displayed value

Input/output descrip on Unit of measure

and number
Logger me interval
Enable/disable logger
Alarm delay

Enable/disable alarm


Type of sensor connected

See following codes tabs
Save bu on

CAN port in use

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 27

9. Set Up

9.9. Backup/Restore
Logging into the system as Super-User or Admin the Backup/Restore page can be acceded . By the connec on of a pen drive to
the UNS10194 USB port is then possible, by the simple pressing of a bu on, import or export setup and firmware in order to cre-
ate a backup of the system or simply update the UNS10194 with a more recent so ware or simply new func onali es. The page is
also provided with a bu on for the safe removal of USB devices.

So ware release.

Customer informa on.

Backup and restore bu ons


 Connect and USB memory device to the units USB port

 Press Backup setup/Restore setup or Backup firmware/Restore Firmware to download/upload
the setupe to/from the system.
 Press Remove USB bu on
 Remove the USB from the unit port

ATTENTION! Don’t remove the USB memory device from the units port before have pressed the Remove USB bu on, disre-
spect this recommenda on may cause un-reversible damages to the unit or memory

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 28

10. System maintenance and troubleshoo ng

10.1 System care

The display must be protected by sunlight when not in use.
The user must clean the surface of the display with a so wet cloth in order to remove salt residual and avoid corrosion.

ATTENTION! Clean the display surface with water only. Cleaning with chemicals will damage the display an glare surface.

10.2 System factory service

The system uses electronics components that require no service ac ons by the user.
The real me clock used by the datalogger uses a special lithium ba ery designed to provide power for more than 15 years.
The solid state data memory of the unit may be subject to wear depending on system use.
The expected display LED backlight life is 30.000 hours but it may vary depending on opera ng temperature.

For the above reasons it is recommend to send the unit for factory service and inspec on at least every 5 years : in this occasion
it is recommended to change all components subject to wear including RTC ba ery, display and CPU memory.

ATTENTION! Do not open the system, there are no serviceable parts inside. Warranty is void if the system is opened.

10.3 Troubleshoo ng
10.3.1 System fault indica on
The system has a fault monitor with the following indica on :

“NMEA Devices Timeout” : the system has been configured to read a GPS NMEA0183 signal but no data has been received.
Please check connec on and make sure both signal and ground outputs from GPS are connected. NMEA signal (+) has to be
connected to pin A33 (NMEA IN) and NMEA signal (-) GND to any available GND input, for example pin A3 (GND) . If connec on
is correct please verify GPS output format, it must be : NMEA0183 TTL 5V (not RS232 !), 4800 baud. Also check if GPS is enabled
to send at least the following sentences : $GPGLL and $GPVTG. If no GPS is wanted in the applica on please contact service in
order to update the system setup and disable the NMEA GPS input (see also 9.9 backup/restore).

“CanBus Port 1 -4 Timeout” : this fault is triggered when no data has been received on the specific CANBUS port . These connec-
ons are generally enabled with new engine equipped with electronic canbus ECU. Please check if engine is turned on and check
CANBUS connec on. Please check that appropriate terminator resistors (120ohm) are placed at the end of each canbus line.
Please note that this fault indica on doesn't sense the type or correctness of CANBUS protocol but only the recep on of messag-
es. If engine data are not presented in the system it may be possible that the so ware has been programmed with the wrong
engine interface setup. Please contact service for a deeper inves ga on on received messages and an update to correct the indi-
ca on (see also 9.5 Canbus analysis).

“Ethernet Timeout” : this fault is triggered by a system configured as “slave/repeater” when no data is received in the LAN con-
nec on from the predefined master. A single case occurrence should be considered normal and caused by interference in Lan
connec on. Mul ple occurrences should indicate a problem in connec on quality. If the fault alarm is always ac ve please check
that master unit is connected and powered on. Note that a standard LAN connec on is required : please check that either a
switch is used between the master and slave systems or that a “cross” Ethernet cable is used in one-to-one connec on. It is also
possible that the master and slave systems IP LAN address are not compa ble with the onboard Ethernet LAN : default IP values
are “” for master and “” for slave.

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 29

10. System maintenance

10.3.2 Incorrect measure of analog inputs

The system has a built in sensor failure detec on for the majority of analog inputs. If a sensor input measure is below or above
specific values the system shows an alarm with the le er “F” for fault in the status. If the fault detec on is not enabled in the
system setup it is possible to check sensor measurement considering the following general rules :

Pressure sensor resis ve Veglia VSG (10-300ohm) : open wire/no sensor = max value, close wire circuit = min value
Temperature sensor resis ve Veglia VSG (10-300ohm) : open wire/no sensor = min value, close wire circuit = max value
Temperature sensor resis ve VDO (10-300ohm) : open wire/no sensor = min value, close wire circuit = max value
Pressure sensor resis ve VDO (10-180ohm) : open wire/no sensor = max value, close wire circuit = min value
Level sensor resis ve VDO (10-180ohm) : open wire/no sensor = max value, close wire circuit = min value
Level sensor resis ve VDO (0-90ohm) : open wire/no sensor = min value, close wire circuit = max value
Level sensor (SAN GIORGIO TIL series) : open wire/no sensor = min value, close wire circuit = max value
Thermocouple (J or K type) : open wire/no sensor = fluctua ng or min value, close wire circuit = ambient temperature

Please contact service for more details on sensor check procedure.

NOTE : if incorrect measurement is detected and wire/sensor is correct than it is also possible that the system has been pro-
grammed with a wrong setup. For example the system may expect a sensor of a different type or on a different input. Please
contact service in order to discuss the problem and receive an updated setup file to be programmed in the system using the USB
port (see also 9.9 backup/restore).

10.3.3 Unwanted alarms

The system can monitor up to four alarm thresholds for each analog input and trigger digital (ON/OFF) alarms. Each alarm can be
disabled or condi oned with engine (frequency input) revolu on or setup with advanced features like dynamic threshold. If You
suspect an unwanted alarm please check analog or digital measurement and connec on as indicated above. If the measure
seems normal please write the details of occurrence from the alarm page : channel number, descrip on and status. It is possible
to check and update the alarm thresholds only with the password protected “Calibra on” menu (see also 9.7). Please contact
service for support on this opera on.

10.3.4 The system is slow changing from one page to another or ac va ng menu op ons.
It is normal that the system some me reacts with 1-2s of delay to user commands. The system uses an advanced mul tasking
environment that gives highest priority to tasks like acquisi on, monitoring and recording, some mes slowing down user com-
mand during very intensive opera on. If this happens con nuosly and in normal opera on it is possible that the system setup
has been configured with a recording interval too fast or too many auxiliary features (Modbus, CANBus gateway etc). Please con-
tact service to check and best tune these op ons with a setup upgrade.

10.3.5 The system restarts (reboot) a er showing the splash screen.

At startup the system displays the welcome/splash screen. If this happens it means that power supply, display and main elec-
tronic are all working properly. A er this the system loads customer se ngs and starts the main monitoring program. If a wrong
se ng is detected in the setup file the system tries to fix it and restarts automa cally. If the fix is not effec ve the system may
start again this procedure entering a loop. Please note that this error is generally caused by a wrong custom setup or a firmware
update interrupted while in progress. If this happen please turn power off and contact service. It may be possible to restore fac-
tory se ng using a special so ware and a USB pendrive.

10.3.6 The display is black (off) and the green power LED on the bo om le of the front panel is turned off.
Please check power supply and external fuse integrity. Please remove connector “A” and check if voltage 12-24V is present be-
tween pin A1 (VPOW_A) and A3 (GND) or pin A2 (VPOW_B) and A3 (GND). If power supply is not detected at connector A please
check external fuse. If external fuse is good please check and fix onboard wiring. If power supply 12-24V is present at connector
A1/A2 but both display and green LED are turned off the system has to be returned to service for inspec on. Don’t open the
system, there are no serviceable parts inside and this ac on may void the warranty.

10.3.7 The display is always black (off) and the green power LED on the bo om le of the front panel is turned on.
Please check if power supply is above 9V with the same procedure indicated as above. If power supply is correct (12-24V) the
display or system electronic may be defec ve and has to be returned to service for inspec on.

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 30

11. Technical Specifica ons

11.1 Technical specifica ons

Micro-processor and memory

Microprocessors ARM7 32bit + ARM9 32bit
Flash memory 32 Mbyte
RAM 64Mbyte
SD / Micro SD (adaptor needed) slot Op onal 2 or 4 GByte
Display and keyboard
Display size 5.7"
Resolu on 320x240
Backligh ng technology LED
Backligh ng brightness 500cd
Keyboard 5 bu ons
Touch-screen yes
Natural light sensor yes
Inputs and outputs
Analogue input 10…180/0..300 ohm 10
Analogue input NTC / TIL 8
Analogue input 0..10V / 4-20 mA 12 (8 x 10V, 4 x 3.3V)
Exhaust gas temperature input 8
Ba ery voltage input 3
Engine RPM frequency input 3
ON/OFF alarm input 8
Relay output 8 ( NC,C contact, max 500mA).
Auxiliary 5V output for engine sensors 1
Auxiliary 9V output for engine sensors 1
Communica on ports
CAN Bus 4
Serial RS485 1
Serial RS232 2
NMEA0183 (GPS, ECO..) 1
Ethernet 1
Audio output op onal
Power supply DC 9.5—32 V
Power consump on < 10 W
Connectors 4 x 36 pin ITT
Working temperature -20 + 70° C
IP grade IP65
Dimensions 200 (W) x 150 (H) x 100(D)mm

SAN GIORGIO SEIN – ITALY UNS10194 user manual 1.91 - Page 31

Via Pedullà 59 Genoa
16165 Genoa - Italy

Printed in Italy 2012

All rights reserved

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