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The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of task “Tour
and Travel Booking System” would be incomplete without mention of the people who made it
possible and support had been a constant source of encouragement which crowned my efforts
with success.
I am glad to express my sincere thanks to my project guide Ms. S. A. Khan, whose
cheerful encouragement, invaluable suggestion & technical support of vital importance have made
me to complete this project successfully.
I also express my profound thanks to our HOD Mr. Rahul M. Patil, who offered me
valuable tips to give my project an impressive shape also for his continuous inspiration, support,
guidance and individual feedback throughout the course of my dissertation work.
I am grateful to all teaching and non-teaching staff of Computer Engineering department
of “Sharad Institute of Technology Polytechnic Yadrav”, for the help without which this
project was not possible.
Finally, I express my honest and sincere feelings towards all those who directly or
indirectly encouraged me, helped me.

Ms. Tasmiya Firoj Nadaf 25034

Ms. Vedika Mahesh Nagarkar 25035
Ms. Varsha Sanjay Nimbalkar 25036
Ms. Samedha Adinath Patil 25037

The project report titled "Tour and Tourist Booking System" presents a comprehensive
system for managing customer details, travel bookings, hotel bookings, tour packages, and tour
categories. The system consists of several interconnected tables to store and retrieve relevant
information efficiently.

Customer Details: A table named customer6 is created to store customer information,

including customer ID, name, mobile number, email, username, password, and address.
Customer data is inserted into this table for reference.

Travel Booking: The booking20 table is designed to manage travel bookings. It contains data
related to booking IDs, hotel IDs, package IDs, email, booking type, booking date, and from-to
date details. Sample records are inserted, and an update query demonstrates how to change the
booking type for a specific booking.

Hotel Booking: The hotel10 table stores hotel details, including hotel ID, name, type, rent, and
address. This table is populated with sample data to illustrate how hotels can be managed.

Tour Package: The package1 table manages tour packages, categorizing them by package ID,
name, category, subcategory, and price. Sample packages are inserted into this table.

Tour Category: A table named category is established to categorize tour packages, featuring a
category ID and name. Sample categories are inserted to demonstrate classification.

This project report outlines the structure and functionality of the Tour and Tourist
Booking System, providing a foundation for efficient management of customer data and
bookings in the travel and tourism industry. The system allows for easy navigation and retrieval
of relevant information, enhancing the user experience and administrative control.

Acknowledgement i

List of Publications ii

Abstract iii

List of Figures iv

List of tables v

1 Introduction 1-4

1.1 Overview
1.2 System study

1.3 Existing System

1.4 Project overview

1.5 Objective & scope

1.6 Applying software Engineering Approach

2 Literature Survey 5-12

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