Acid-Base Balance

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Regulation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration

25 (Acid–Base Balance)
Marek H. Dominiczak and Mirosława Szczepańska-Konkel

Maintaining the acid–base balance involves lungs,

LEARNING OBJECTIVES erythrocytes and kidneys
The acid–base balance involves the lungs, the erythrocytes,
After reading this chapter you should be able to: and the kidneys (Fig. 25.1). The lungs control the exchange
of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the blood and the
■ Explain the nature of the bicarbonate buffer. atmosphere; the erythrocytes transport gases between lungs
■ Describe the gas exchange in the lungs. and tissues; and the kidneys control plasma bicarbonate syn-
■ Describe the respiratory and metabolic components of the thesis and the excretion of the hydrogen ion.
acid–base balance.
■ Define and classify acidosis and alkalosis. Clinical relevance
■ Comment on clinical conditions associated with Clinically, understanding of the acid–base balance is impor-
disturbances of the acid–base balance. tant in many sub-specialties of medicine and surgery, and
particularly in anesthesiology and critical care medicine.


Acids are produced in the course of metabolism
Blood and tissues contain buffer systems that minimize
Metabolism generates carbon dioxide within cells. Carbon changes in hydrogen ion concentration
dioxide dissolves in water, forming carbonic acid, which in The main buffer that neutralizes hydrogen ions released from
turn dissociates releasing hydrogen ion. The acids derived cells is the bicarbonate buffer. Another important buffer is
from sources other than CO2 are known as nonvolatile; by hemoglobin, which contributes to buffering of hydrogen ion
definition, they cannot be removed through the lungs, and generated from the carbonic anhydrase reaction. Within cells,
must be excreted via the kidney. The net production of non- the hydrogen ion is neutralized by intracellular buffers, mainly
volatile acids is in the order of 50 mmol/24 h. proteins and phosphates (Table 25.1 and Chapter 2).
Lactic acid is produced during anaerobic glycolysis and its
concentration in plasma is the hallmark of hypoxia. Ketoacids Bicarbonate buffer is an open system which remains at
(acetoacetic and β-hydroxybutyric acid) are important in dia- equilibrium with atmospheric air
betes (Chapter 21). The metabolism of sulfur-containing Buffering capacity of the bicarbonate buffer exceeds all the
amino acids and phosphorus-containing compounds also ‘closed’ buffer systems. The metabolically produced CO2 dif-
generates inorganic acids. fuses through cell membranes and dissolves in plasma. The
In spite of the amount of hydrogen ion produced, its plasma solubility coefficient of CO2 is 0.23 if pCO2 is meas-
blood concentration (or its negative logarithm, the pH), is ured in kPa (0.03 if pCO2 is measured in mmHg; 1 kPa =
remarkably constant: it remains between 35 and 45 nmol/L 7.5 mmHg or 1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa)). Thus, at the normal
(pH 7.35–7.45). Maintenance of stable pH is essential pCO2 of 5.3 kPa (40 mmHg), the concentration of dissolved
because it affects the ionization of proteins (Chapter 2) and, CO2 (dCO2) is:
consequently, the activity of many enzymes and other bio-
logically active molecules such as ion channels. Changes in dCO2 (mmol / L) = 5.3 kPa × 0.23 = 1.2 mmol / L
pH together with the partial pressure of carbon dioxide
(pCO2) affect the shape of the hemoglobin saturation curve, CO2 equilibrates with H2CO3 in plasma in the course of a
and thus tissue oxygenation (Chapter 5). Also, a decrease in slow, nonenzymatic reaction. Normally plasma H2CO3 con-
pH increases sympathetic tone and may lead to cardiac centration is very low, about 0.0017 mmol/L. However,
dysrhythmias. because of the equilibrium between H2CO3 and dissolved CO2
CHAPTER 25 Regulation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Acid–Base Balance) 333

Fig. 25.1 Acid–base balance. Lungs, kidneys,

Urine and erythrocytes contribute to the mainte-
Expired CO2 + H2O CO2 + H2O
air nance of the acid–base balance. The lungs
control the gas exchange with the atmospheric
air. Carbon dioxide generated in tissues is
transported in plasma as bicarbonate; the
H2CO3 Urinary erythrocyte hemoglobin contributes to CO2
H2CO3 H+ excretion transport. Hemoglobin also buffers the hydro-
of H+ gen ion derived from carbonic acid. The kidneys
reabsorb filtered bicarbonate in the proximal
H+ HCO3– tubules and generate new bicarbonate in the
HCO3– distal tubules, where there is a net secretion of
hydrogen ion. Hb, hemoglobin.





H2O CO2 H+


CO2 H+

The equation demonstrates that blood pH is determined

Table 25.1 The main buffers in the human body by the ratio between the concentration of plasma bicarbo-
Conjugate Site of main
nate (the ‘base’ component of the buffer) and the concen-
Buffer Acid base buffering action tration of dissolved CO2 (the ‘acid’ component). Normally,
at pCO2 of 5.3 kPa and dCO2 concentration 1.2 mmol/L (see
Hemoglobin HHb Hb− Erythrocytes
above) the plasma bicarbonate concentration is about
Proteins HProt Prot− Intracellular fluid 24 mmol/L. The pK of the bicarbonate buffer is 6.1. Let’s
Phosphate buffer H2PO4 −
HPO4 2−
Intracellular fluid insert the actual concentrations of buffer components into
the preceding equation:
Bicarbonate CO2 → H2CO3 HCO3 −
Extracellular fluid

pH = 6.1 + log(24/1.2) = 7.40

See Chapter 2 for the principles of buffering action. The Brønsted–Lowry
definition of an acid is ‘a molecular species that has a tendency to lose a
hydrogen ion, forming a conjugate base’. Thus the normal concentration of bicarbonate and normal
partial pressure of CO2 correspond to pH 7.40 (hydrogen ion
(theoretically all dissolved CO2 could eventually convert into concentration 40 nmol/L). The bicarbonate buffer minimizes
H2CO3), this component of the bicarbonate buffer can be taken changes in hydrogen ion concentration when acid is added to
as equal to the sum of the H2CO3 and the dissolved CO2. The key blood.
equation describing the behavior of the bicarbonate buffer is When the H+ concentration in the system increases,
the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation (Chapter 2). It the bicarbonate component of the buffer accepts (H+), form-
expresses the relationship between pH and the components of ing carbonic acid, which is subsequently converted into CO2
the buffer: and H2O in the reaction catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase:

pH = pK + log ([ bicarbonate ]/ pCO2 × 0.23) H + + HCO3−  H2CO3  CO2 + H2O

334 CHAPTER 25 Regulation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Acid–Base Balance)

The CO2 is eliminated through the lungs. The excess hydro- and synthesis, and the erythrocytes adjust its concentration
gen ion has been neutralized and the [bicarbonate]/pCO2 in response to changes in pCO2.
ratio brought back towards normal.
On the other hand, when the H+ concentration Respiratory and metabolic components of the acid–base
balance are interlinked
decreases, the carbonic acid component of the buffer will
dissociate to supply H+ for a reaction that will yield water and The respiratory and metabolic components of the acid–base
bicarbonate ion (at this stage the increase in plasma bicarbo- balance are closely inter-dependent: one tends to compensate
nate is minimal): for the untoward changes in the other. When the primary dis-
order is respiratory (such as, for instance, a severe chronic
H2CO3 → H + + HCO3− obstructive airway disease, COAD) and causes accumulation
of CO2, a compensatory increase in bicarbonate reabsorption
Subsequently, the ventilation rate will decrease, retaining CO2 by the kidney takes place. Conversely, the decrease in pCO2 (as
and attempting to normalize the [bicarbonate]/pCO2 ratio: happens during hyperventilation in an asthmatic attack)
would cause a kidney response, leading to decreased bicarbo-
CO2 + H2O → H2CO3 nate reabsorption.
Conversely, when the primary problem is metabolic (for
Thus the denominator in the Henderson–Hasselbalch equa- instance, diabetic ketoacidosis), a decrease in bicarbonate
tion (pCO2) is controlled by the lungs. For this reason it is concentration and the resulting decrease in pH stimulate the
called ‘the respiratory component of the acid–base bal- respiratory center to increase the ventilation rate. The CO2 is
ance’. On the other hand, plasma bicarbonate concentration blown off and plasma pCO2 decreases. This is why patients
is controlled by the kidneys and erythrocytes and, conse- with metabolic acidosis hyperventilate. On the other hand,
quently, it is called ‘the metabolic component of the an increase in plasma bicarbonate (causing an increase in
acid–base balance’ (Fig. 25.2). pH) leads to a decrease in the ventilation rate, and to CO2
retention. Thus, the compensatory change always tends to
Carbonic anhydrase converts the dissolved CO2 into normalize the [bicarbonate]/pCO2 ratio, helping to bring the
carbonic acid pH towards normal (Fig. 25.3).
Erythrocytes and renal tubular cells contain a zinc-containing
enzyme, carbonic anhydrase (CA), which converts dissolved
CO2 into carbonic acid. Carbonic acid dissociates, yielding [HCO–3]: [HCO–3]:
hydrogen and bicarbonate ions: Metabolic Metabolic
acidosis alkalosis

CO2 + H2O  
 H + HCO3
+ −

pCO2: pCO2:
Respiratory Respiratory
This is how renal tubular cells and erythrocytes produce
acidosis alkalosis
bicarbonate. The kidneys regulate bicarbonate reabsorption

Kidney pH~

Acidosis Alkalosis
A process A process
~ pCO2 Lungs
that results in
a decrease of
blood pH ( [H+])
that results in
an increase of
blood pH ( [H+])


Fig. 25.3 Disorders of the acid–base balance. A primary increase in

Fig. 25.2 The bicarbonate buffer. Blood pH is proportional to the ratio pCO2, or a decrease in plasma bicarbonate concentration, lead to aci-
of plasma bicarbonate to the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2). dosis. A decrease in pCO2, or an increase in plasma bicarbonate, lead to
The components of the bicarbonate buffer are thus the carbon dioxide alkalosis. If the primary change is in pCO2, the disorder is called respira-
and the bicarbonate. The pCO2 is the respiratory component of acid– tory, and if the primary change is in plasma bicarbonate, it is called
base balance, and bicarbonate is the metabolic component. metabolic.
CHAPTER 25 Regulation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Acid–Base Balance) 335

Intracellular buffering The measurement of blood gases

Intracellular buffers are proteins and phosphates
The ‘blood gas measurement’ is an important first-line labo-
The two main intracellular buffers are proteins and phos- ratory investigation. In respiratory failure, it is also essential
phates, and the buffering is governed by the HPO42–/H2PO4– to guide oxygen therapy and assisted ventilation.
and [protein]/protein-H } ratios. Hemoglobin is an important The measurements are performed on a sample of arterial
extracellular protein buffer. blood, taken usually from the radial artery in the forearm.
Note that when the hydrogen ion is present in plasma in The jargon term ‘blood gases’ means the measurements of
excess, it enters cells in exchange for potassium and this may pO2, pCO2, and pH (or hydrogen ion concentration) from
result in an increase in plasma potassium concentration. which the concentration of bicarbonate is calculated using
Conversely, a decrease in plasma hydrogen ion, or bicarbo- the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation. Several other indices
nate excess, would be buffered by cell-derived hydrogen ion. are also computed: they include the total amount of buffers
Hydrogen ion would enter plasma in exchange for potassium, in the blood (the buffer base) and the difference between the
decreasing plasma potassium concentration. Thus acidemia, desired (normal) amount of buffers in the blood and the
(low blood pH) may be associated with hyperkalemia, and actual amount (base excess). The reference values for pH,
alkalemia (high blood pH) is associated with hypokalemia pCO2, and O2 are given in Table 25.2.
(Fig. 25.4).


The lungs supply oxygen necessary for tissue metabolism
Intracellular buffering in acidosis and remove the generated CO2
Erythrocyte Approximately 10,000 L of air pass through the lungs of an
Tissue buffering in average person each day. Lungs lie in the thoracic cavity
acidosis can lead
to plasma [K+]
Prot –

HPO42– Table 25.2 Reference ranges for blood gas results

H+ H+
A. Reference ranges*
Arterial Venous
HProt – K+ K+
[H+] 35–45 mmol/L
pH 7.35–7.45
pCO2 4.6–6.0 kPa 4.8–6.7 kPa (36–50 mm Hg)
Intracellular buffering in alkalosis (35–45 mm Hg)
pO2 10.5–13.5 kPa 4.0–6.7 kPa (30–50 mm Hg)
Tissue buffering in
(79–101 mm Hg)
alkalosis can lead
to plasma [K+] Bicarbonate 23–30 mmol/L 22–29 mmol/L
HProt –
B. Comparison of conventional and SI units of hydrogen
H2PO –4
ion concentration
H+ H+
Conventional units: pH SI units: [H+] nmol/L
6.8 160
Prot – K+ K+
7.1 80
7.4 40
7.7 20
Fig. 25.4 Intracellular buffers: proteins, phosphates, and the
potassium–hydrogen ion exchange. Intracellular buffers are prima-
rily proteins and phosphates. However, the hydrogen ion enters cells in *The measured values in ‘blood gases’ are pH, pCO2 and pO2; the
exchange for potassium. Therefore, an accumulation of the hydrogen bicarbonate concentration is calculated from pH and pCO2 values; pH
ion in the plasma (acidemia) and the consequent entry of excess of below 7.0 or above 7.7 is life threatening. (Adapted with permission from
hydrogen ion into cells increase plasma potassium concentration. Hutchinson AS. In Dominiczak MH, editor. Seminars in clinical
Conversely, a deficit of hydrogen ion in plasma (alkalemia) may lead to biochemistry, Glasgow, 1997, Glasgow University Press.)
a low plasma potassium concentration. Prot, protein.
336 CHAPTER 25 Regulation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Acid–Base Balance)

surrounded with the pleural sac, a thin ‘bag’ of tissue that Ventilation and lung perfusion together determine
lines the thoracic cage at one end, and attaches to the exter- gas exchange
nal surface of the lungs at the other. When the thoracic cage Blood supply to the pulmonary alveoli is provided by the pul-
expands during inspiration, negative pressure created in the monary arteries that carry deoxygenated blood from the
expanding pleural sac inflates the lung. periphery and through the right ventricle. After its oxygena-
The airways are ‘tubes’ of progressively decreasing diame- tion in the lungs, the blood flows through pulmonary veins to
ter. They consist of the trachea, large and small bronchi, and the left atrium. In the alveolar capillaries of the lungs, it
even smaller bronchioles (Fig. 25.5). At the end of the bron- accepts oxygen, which diffuses through the alveolar wall
chioles, there are pulmonary alveoli – structures lined with from the inspired air; at the same time the CO2 diffuses from
endothelium and covered with a film of surfactant – the main the blood into the alveoli (Fig. 25.5) and is removed with the
component of which is dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine expired air.
(Chapter 26). Surfactant decreases the surface tension of the The rate of diffusion of gases in and out of the blood is
alveoli. The gas exchange takes place in the alveoli. determined by the difference in partial pressures between
alveolar air and blood. Table 25.3 shows the pO2 and pCO2 in
Respiration rate is controlled by the respiratory center
located in the brainstem
Both the partial pressures of oxygen (pO2) and carbon diox- CO2 O2
ide (pCO2) affect the ventilation rate: the respiratory center
has chemoreceptors sensitive to pCO2 and to pH. Under nor- Bronchi Trachea
mal circumstances it is not the pO2 that stimulates ventila-
tion, but the increase in pCO2 or the decrease in pH.
However, when the pO2 falls and hypoxia develops, it begins Bronchioles
to control ventilation through a set of receptors located
in the carotid bodies in the aortic arch. When arterial pO2 Alveoli
decreases to less than 8 kPa (60 mmHg), this ‘hypoxic
drive’ becomes the main controller of the ventilation rate. Blood
Persons who suffer from hypoxia due to chronic lung dis- Aortic arch Respiratory center
ease depend on hypoxic drive to maintain their ventilation baroreceptors Brain
rate (see Clinical Box on this page). Heart Low O2

High CO2


A 56-year-old woman was admitted to a general ward with

Fig. 25.5 Control of the respiratory rate by pCO2 and pO2. Lung
increasing breathlessness. She had smoked 20 cigarettes a day ventilation and perfusion are main factors controlling gas exchange. The
for the previous 25 years and reported frequent attacks of ‘win- pCO2 regulates the ventilation rate through central chemoreceptors in
ter bronchitis’. Blood gas measurements revealed a pO2 of 6 kPa the brainstem. When pO2 decreases, this control switches to pO2-
(45 mmHg), pCO2 of 8.4 kPa (53 mmHg), and pH 7.35 (hydro- sensitive peripheral receptors in the carotid bodies and in the aortic arch.
gen ion concentration 51 nmol/L); bicarbonate concentration
was 35 mmol/L (for reference ranges, refer to Table 25.2).
Table 25.3 Partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in
Comment. This patient presented with an exacerbation of
atmospheric air, lung alveoli, and the blood [kPa(mm Hg)]
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and a respi-
ratory acidosis. Her pCO2 was high, and therefore her ventilation Dry air Alveoli Systemic arteries Tissue
was dependent on hypoxic drive. Her bicarbonate concentration
was also increased, as a result of metabolic compensation of pO2 21.2(39) 13.7(98) 12(90) 5.3(40)
respiratory acidosis. One must be careful when treating such pCO2 <0.13(0.1) 5.3(40) 5.3(40) 6.0(45)
patients with high concentrations of oxygen, because the
increased pO2 may remove hypoxic drive and cause respiratory Water vapor 6.3(47)
depression. Monitoring of arterial pO2 and pCO2 on oxygen
treatment is mandatory. This patient was successfully treated Partial pressure gradients determine diffusion of gases through the
with 28% oxygen. alveolar/blood barrier (1 kPa = 7.5 mmHg).
CHAPTER 25 Regulation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Acid–Base Balance) 337

the lungs. Compared with the atmospheric air, pCO2 in the (the diaphragm and intercostal muscles of the chest
alveolar air is slightly higher and pO2 slightly lower (this is wall).
due to the water vapor pressure). Carbon dioxide is much ■ Fluid present in the alveoli (pulmonary edema) impairs
more soluble in water than oxygen, and equilibrates with ventilation by affecting diffusion of gases.
blood more rapidly. Therefore, when problems develop, one ■ Defects in the neural control impair ventilation through
first notices a decrease in blood pO2 (hypoxia). An increase in affecting lung movement.
pCO2 (hypercapnia) occurs later and usually indicates a more ■ Lung perfusion is compromised in circulatory problems
severe disease. The other major factor determining gas such as shock and heart failure.
exchange is the rate at which the blood flows through the
Table 25.4 lists pathologic conditions related to gas
lungs (the perfusion rate). Normally the alveolar ventilation
rate is approximately 4 L/min and the perfusion 5 L/min (the
ratio of ventilation to perfusion (Va/Q) is 0.8).

Different combinations of disturbed ventilation and Handling of carbon dioxide

perfusion may occur by erythrocytes
In pathologic conditions, some parts of the lung may be
Erythrocytes transport CO2 to the lungs in a ‘fixed’
well-perfused, but poorly ventilated. This occurs when some form – as bicarbonate
alveoli collapse and are unable to exchange gases. As a result,
Human metabolism produces CO2 at a rate of 200–800 mL/
the blood pO2 decreases, because there is no diffusion of oxy-
min. The CO2 dissolves in water and generates carbonic
gen from the alveolar air. The presence of oxygen-poor blood
acid, which in turn dissociates into hydrogen and bicarbo-
in the arterial circulation is known as the ‘shunt’ condi-
nate ions. Thus, CO2 generates large numbers of hydrogen
tion. On the other hand, when ventilation is adequate but
perfusion poor, gas exchange cannot take place: in such
cases, part of the lung behaves as if it had no alveoli at all,
forming the ‘physiologic dead space’. Examples of condi- CO2 + H2O  H2CO3  H + + HCO3−
tions related to poor ventilation, poor perfusion, or the combi-
In plasma, the above reaction is nonenzymatic and proceeds
nation of both, are given below:
slowly, generating only minute amounts of carbonic acid,
■ Rib-cage deformities impair ventilation by limiting lung which remains in equilibrium with a large amount of dis-
movement. solved CO2. However, the same reaction in the erythrocytes
■ Chest trauma may decrease ventilation as a result of is catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase, which ‘fixes’ CO2 as
lung collapse; impairing ventilation. bicarbonate. The generated hydrogen ion is buffered by
■ Alveoli may be actually destroyed in pulmonary hemoglobin.
emphysema. The bicarbonate ion produced by erythrocyte carbonic
■ Inadequate synthesis of surfactant leads to the collapse anhydrase reaction moves to plasma in exchange for chloride
of alveoli, impairment of ventilation and to the ion (the ‘chloride shift’) (Fig. 25.6). As much as 70% of all
respiratory distress syndrome. CO2 produced in tissues becomes bicarbonate; approximately
■ Obstruction or narrowing of the bronchial tree (a 20% is carried ‘fixed’ to hemoglobin as carbamino groups,
mechanical obstruction by inhaled objects, or narrowing and only 10% remains dissolved in plasma.
by a growing tumor): this impairs ventilation. In the lungs, higher pO2 facilitates dissociation of CO2
■ Constriction of the bronchi occurs in asthma impairing from hemoglobin. This is known as the Haldane effect. The
ventilation. hemoglobin releases its hydrogen ion, which reacts with
■ The efficiency of ventilation may be reduced by impaired bicarbonate, and forms carbonic acid, which, in turn,
elasticity of the lung or dysfunction of relevant muscles releases CO2.

Table 25.4 Blood partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide depend on lung perfusion and ventilation

Alveolar pO2 Alveolar pCO2 Arterial pO2 Arterial pCO2 Comment

Poor ventilation, adequate perfusion ↓ ↑ ↓ Normal Physiologic shunt
Adequate ventilation, poor perfusion ↑ ↓ ↓* ↑* Physiologic dead space

*Depending on a degree of shunt.

338 CHAPTER 25 Regulation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Acid–Base Balance)

Removal of CO2 from tissues Kidney

Proximal renal Glomerular
Most CO2 is converted Blood
tubular cell filtrate
to bicarbonate
CO2 dissolved
HCO–3 Cl– HCO–3 H+
Chloride shift

H+ + HCO–3 H2CO3

H H2O CO2 CO2 CO2 + H2O

Fig. 25.7 Bicarbonate reabsorption in the kidney. Bicarbonate re­
Hb Hb absorption takes place in the proximal tubule. There is no net excretion
of hydrogen ion. CA, carbonic anhydrase.

Excretion of CO2 with expired air

renal tubular cells facing the lumen are impermeable to
Erythrocyte HCO–3 CO2 dissolved
bicarbonate. The filtered bicarbonate combines with hydro-
gen ion secreted by the cells, and forms carbonic acid, which
Cl –
is converted into CO2 by carbonic anhydrase located on the
luminal membrane. The CO2 diffuses into cells, where intra­
H+ + HCO–3 H2CO3
cellular carbonic anhydrase converts it back into carbonic
acid, dissociating into hydrogen and bicarbonate ions.
Bicarbonate is returned to the plasma, and the hydrogen ion
H2O is secreted into the lumen of the tubule to trap more filtered
bicarbonate. Note that, in this process, hydrogen ion is used
H CO2 CO2 exclusively to aid bicarbonate reabsorption, and there is no

net excretion (Fig. 25.7).

– NH+3
Hb Hb Lungs Distal tubules generate new bicarbonate
and excrete hydrogen
Fig. 25.6 CO2 transport by the erythrocytes. Erythrocyte carbonic The situation is different in the distal tubule where bicar­
anhydrase converts approximately 70% of the CO2 produced in tissues bonate is generated. The mechanism is identical to that of
into bicarbonate for transport to the lungs: approximately 20% of the
total amount is transported bound to hemoglobin, as carbamates
bicarbonate reabsorption, but this time there is both a net
(-NHCOO−) and the rest as dissolved gas in plasma. CA, carbonic loss of hydrogen ions from the body and a net gain of bicar-
anhydrase. bonate. The CO2 diffuses into cells. The distal tubule carbonic
anhydrase converts it into carbonic acid, which dissociates
into hydrogen ion and bicarbonate. Bicarbonate is trans-
ported to the plasma, and hydrogen ion is secreted into the
HANDLING OF BICARBONATE tubule lumen. However, no bicarbonate is present in the
BY THE KIDNEYS lumen of the distal tubule (all has been reabsorbed earlier)
and the hydrogen ion is buffered (trapped) by phosphate ions
The kidneys control plasma bicarbonate concentration and present in the filtrate, and by ammonia synthesized by the
the removal of the hydrogen ion. In common with erythro- proximal tubules. It is subsequently excreted in the urine
cytes, renal tubular cells (proximal and distal) contain car- (Fig. 25.8).
bonic anhydrase.
Ammonia generated by glutaminase reaction participates
Proximal tubules reabsorb bicarbonate in the process in the excretion of hydrogen ion
aided by carbonic anhydrase Ammonia is generated during the transformation of glu­
Normally, bicarbonate is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule tamine into glutamic acid catalyzed by glutaminase. Ammo­
and the urine is almost bicarbonate-free. The surfaces of the nia diffuses across the luminal membrane, allowing hydrogen
CHAPTER 25 Regulation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Acid–Base Balance) 339

Liver Kidney
Glutamine HPO2– 4 An acid, according to the Brønsted–Lowry definition, is ‘a
NH3 molecular species that has a tendency to lose a hydrogen ion,
forming a conjugate base’.
Glutamate Acidemia is an excess of hydrogen ion in blood.
NH3 Alkalemia is decreased concentration of hydrogen ion in blood.
Blood Acidosis is a process that leads to accumulation of hydrogen ion.
Alkalosis is the process that decreases the amount of hydro-
gen ion.
H+ is
buffered by
HCO–3 HCO–3+ H+ H+
H2CO3 respiratory acidosis, metabolic acidosis, respiratory
alkalosis, and metabolic alkalosis (Fig. 25.3). However,
CA mixed disorders can also develop; we consider them later.
CO2 + H2O + Lung and the kidney work in a concerted way to minimize
NH4 H2PO–4
urine changes in plasma pH: this is known as the compensation
of acid–base disorders
Fig. 25.8 Hydrogen ion excretion by the kidney. Excretion of the
hydrogen ion takes place in the distal tubules. Hydrogen ion reacts with Acidosis is accompanied by a decreased ratio of plasma
ammonia, forming the ammonium ion. Hydrogen ion is also buffered in bicarbonate to pCO2, and alkalosis by an increased ratio.
the tubule lumen by phosphate. Approximately 50 mmol of hydrogen Whenever a problem occurs, the compensating mechanisms
ion is excreted daily. CA, carbonic anhydrase. are triggered to bring the hydrogen ion concentration back
towards normal. This translates into normalizing the [bicar-
bonate]/pCO2 ratio in the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation.
Consequently, when the respiratory acidosis causes an
ion to be trapped inside the tubule as the ammonium ion
increase in pCO2, the kidney will increase the generation of
(NH4+), to which the membrane is impermeable.
bicarbonate, increasing its plasma concentration and nor-
malizing the ratio. Conversely, when diabetic ketoacidosis
causes depletion of plasma bicarbonate, ventilation rate
DISORDERS OF THE increases, pCO2 decreases and the ratio of bicarbonate/pCO2
ACID–BASE BALANCE changes towards normal. While respiratory compensation
can occur within minutes, metabolic compensation takes
Classification of the acid–base disorders hours to days to develop fully (Table 25.5).

The concept of respiratory and metabolic components of the

acid–base balance forms a basis for the classification of acid–
base balance disorders (Fig. 25.3). They are divided into Respiratory acidosis occurs most often in lung disease and
acidosis or alkalosis. Acidosis is a process that leads to the results from decreased ventilation
accumulation of hydrogen ion. Alkalosis causes a decrease in The most common cause is the chronic obstructive airways
hydrogen ion concentration (acidemia and alkalemia are disease (COAD). Severe asthmatic attack can result in
terms that simply describe blood pH). Thus, acidosis and respiratory acidosis because of bronchial constriction.
alkalosis result in academia and alkalemia, respectively (see Respiratory acidosis often accompanies hypoxia (respiratory
the Clinical Box on this page). failure); in such a case, an increase in pCO2 often parallels the
decrease in pO2 (Table 25.6, see Clinical Box on page 336).
There are four main disorders of acid–base balance
The key to further classification is the ‘location’ of the primary Metabolic acidosis results from excessive production, or
cause within the respiratory and metabolic components of inefficient metabolism or excretion, of nonvolatile acids
the system. If the primary cause is the change in pCO2, the A classic example of metabolic acidosis is the diabetic ketoaci-
acidosis or alkalosis is called respiratory, and if it is dosis, when ketoacids, acetoacetic acid, and β-hydroxybutyric
bicarbonate, the acidosis or alkalosis is called metabolic. acid accumulate in the plasma (Chapter 21). Acidosis may
Thus there are four main disorders of acid–base balance: also occur during extreme physical exertion, when there is
340 CHAPTER 25 Regulation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Acid–Base Balance)

Table 25.5 Respiratory and metabolic compensation in the acid–base disorders

Acid–base disorder Primary change Compensatory change Timescale of compensatory change

Metabolic acidosis ↓ plasma bicarbonate ↓ pCO2 (hyperventilation) Minutes/hours
Metabolic alkalosis ↑ plasma bicarbonate ↑ pCO2 (hypoventilation) Minutes/hours
Respiratory acidosis ↑ pCO2 ↑ renal bicarbonate generation: Days
↑ plasma bicarbonate
Respiratory alkalosis ↓ pCO2 ↓ renal bicarbonate reabsorption: Days
↓ plasma bicarbonate

Respiratory and metabolic compensation in the acid–base disorders minimizes changes in the blood pH. A change in the respiratory component leads to
metabolic compensation, and a change in the metabolic component stimulates respiratory compensation.

Table 25.6 Causes of acid–base disorders

Metabolic acidosis Respiratory acidosis Metabolic alkalosis Respiratory alkalosis

Diabetes mellitus (ketoacidosis) Chronic obstructive airways disease Vomiting (loss of hydrogen ion) Hyperventilation (anxiety, fever)
Lactic acidosis (lactic acid) Severe asthma Nasogastric suction (loss of hydrogen ion) Lung diseases associated with
Renal failure (inorganic acids) Cardiac arrest Hypokalemia Anemia
Severe diarrhea (loss of Depression of respiratory center Intravenous administration of bicarbonate Salicylate poisoning
bicarbonate) (drugs, e.g. opiates) (e.g. after cardiac arrest)
Surgical drainage of intestine (loss Failure of respiratory muscles (e.g.
of bicarbonate) poliomyelitis, multiple sclerosis)
Renal loss of bicarbonate (renal Chest deformities
tubular acidosis type 2 – rare)
Renal tubular acidosis – rare) Airway obstruction

Respiratory acidosis is common and is caused primarily by diseases of the lung that affect gas exchange. Respiratory alkalosis is rarer and is caused by
hyperventilation, which decreases pCO2. Metabolic acidosis is common and results from either overproduction or retention of nonvolatile acids in the
circulation. Metabolic alkalosis is rarer: its most common causes are vomiting and gastric suction, both causing loss of hydrogen ion from the stomach.

A 25-year-old man was admitted to hospital with an asthmatic Comment. This man’s blood gases show a mild degree of respi-
attack. Peak expiratory flow rate was 75% of his best. His blood ratory alkalosis caused by hyperventilation and ‘blowing off’ the
gas values were pO2 9.3 kPa (70 mmHg) and pCO2 4.0 kPa CO2. Respiratory alkalosis causes reduction in serum levels of
(30 mmHg), with pH 7.50 (hydrogen ion concentration = ionized calcium, leading to neuromuscular irritability. Ventilatory
42 nmol/L). He was treated with nebulized salbutamol, a β2- impairment that leads to CO2 retention and respiratory acidosis is
adrenergic stimulant (Chapter 39), which is a bronchodilator, and characteristic of a severe asthma. Reference ranges are given in
made a good recovery. Table 25.2.
CHAPTER 25 Regulation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Acid–Base Balance) 341

accumulation of lactic acid generated from muscle metabo-

lism; in normal circumstances, lactate would be quickly Table 25.7 Comparison of simple and mixed disorders
metabolized on cessation of exercise. However, when large of the acid–base balance
amounts of lactate are generated as a consequence of A. Mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis
hypoxia, lactic acidosis may become life-threatening, as hap-
pens, for instance, in shock (Table 25.6). Condition pH pCO2 Plasma bicarbonate
Excretion of nonvolatile acids is also impaired in renal fail- Metabolic acidosis ↓ ↓ (respiratory ↓ (primary change)
ure, and this also leads to metabolic acidosis. Renal failure compensation)
develops when the perfusion of the kidneys is inadequate (e.g. Respiratory acidosis ↓ ↑ (primary ↑ (metabolic
in trauma, shock, or dehydration) or if there is an intrinsic change) compensation)
kidney disease such as glomerulonephritis (inflammatory
Mixed respiratory and ↓↓ ↑ (respiratory ↓ (metabolic acidosis)
reaction in the renal tubular tissue). metabolic acidosis acidosis)
Excessive loss of bicarbonate can also be a cause of meta-
bolic acidosis. This is common when bicarbonate present in B. Mixed metabolic and respiratory alkalosis (rare)
the intestinal fluid is lost as a result of severe diarrhea or sur- Disorder pH pCO2 Plasma bicarbonate
gical drainage after bowel surgery. Metabolic alkalosis ↑ ↑ (respiratory ↑ (primary change)
Impaired bicarbonate reabsorption and hydrogen ion Respiratory alkalosis ↑ ↓ (primary ↓ (metabolic
secretion causes rare renal tubular acidoses change) compensation)
Defects in renal handling of bicarbonate and hydrogen ion Mixed respiratory and ↑↑ ↓ (respiratory ↑ (metabolic acidosis)
lead to a group of relatively rare disorders known as renal metabolic alkalosis alkalosis)
tubular acidoses (RTA). The proximal RTA is caused by
impaired reabsorption of bicarbonate, and the distal RTA by
Mixed acid–base disorders result in a greater change in blood pH than
impaired hydrogen ion excretion. Proximal RTA is usually simple disorders; they may pose diagnostic difficulties.
accompanied by other defects in proximal transport mecha-
nisms (this is known as the Fanconi syndrome).
Generally, acidosis is a much more common condition
than alkalosis. CLINICAL BOX
A 47-year-old man came to the outpatient clinic with a history
Alkalosis is rarer than acidosis
of intermittent profuse vomiting and loss of weight. He had
A mild respiratory alkalosis may be a consequence of hyper- tachycardia, reduced tissue turgor, and hypotension. His blood
ventilation during exercise, anxiety attack, or fever. It also pH was 7.55 (hydrogen ion concentration 28 nmol/L) and pCO2
occurs in pregnancy. Metabolic alkalosis is often associated was 6.4 kPa (48 mmHg). His bicarbonate concentration was
with abnormally low serum potassium concentration, as a 35 mmol/L and there was also hyponatremia and hypokalemia.
result of cellular buffering. Cellular entry or exit of potassium
ion is associated with the movement of hydrogen ion in an Comment. This patient presents with metabolic alkalosis
opposite direction. Thus, alkalosis can cause hypokale- caused by the loss of hydrogen ion through vomiting. Investi­
gations showed gastric outlet obstruction due to scarring from
mia, and hypokalemia (Chapter 22) may lead to alkalo-
chronic peptic ulceration. He subsequently underwent surgery
sis. Severe metabolic alkalosis may also occur as a result of
for pyloric stenosis, with a good outcome. Note the increased
the massive loss of hydrogen ion from the stomach during pCO2 as a result of respiratory compensation of metabolic
vomiting (see Clinical Box on this page), or as a result of alkalosis.
nasogastric suction after surgery. Lastly, it may occur when
too much bicarbonate is given intravenously: for instance,
during resuscitation from cardiac arrest (Table 25.6).

Mixed acid–base disorders
■ Maintenance of the hydrogen ion concentration within
More than one acid–base disorder can exist in one patient. a narrow range is vital for survival.
The result of this is a mixed acid–base disorder, sometimes ■ Acid–base balance is regulated by the concerted action
quite difficult to diagnose (see Clinical Box below and of lungs and kidneys. The erythrocytes play a key role in
Table 25.7). the transport of carbon dioxide in blood.
342 CHAPTER 25 Regulation of Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Acid–Base Balance)


DISORDERS OF ACID–BASE 1. Describe how the bicarbonate buffer copes with an addition
BALANCE CAN OCCUR of an acid to the system.
TOGETHER:CARDIAC ARREST 2. Compare bicarbonate handling by the proximal and distal
tubules of the kidney.
During resuscitation of a 60-year-old man from a cardiorespira- 3. Outline the role of ventilation in acid–base disorders.
tory arrest, blood gas analysis revealed pH 7.00 (hydrogen ion 4. Which disorders of the acid–base balance may be associated
concentration 100 nmol/L) and pCO2 7.5 kPa (52 mmHg). His with gastrointestinal surgery?
bicarbonate concentration was 11 mmol/L. pO2 was 12.1 kPa 5. Discuss the association between acid–base disorders and
(91 mmHg) during treatment with 48% oxygen. plasma potassium concentration.

Comment. This patient presents with a mixed disorder: a respi-

ratory acidosis caused by lack of ventilation, and metabolic aci-
dosis caused by the hypoxia that had occurred before oxygen ■ Measurement determination of pH, pCO2 and
treatment was instituted. The acidosis was caused by an accu-
bicarbonate, and pO2, is a first-line investigation and is
mulation of lactic acid: the measured lactate concentration was
frequently required in emergencies.
7 mmol/L (reference range is 0.7–1.8 mmol/L (6–16 mg/dL)).
The terms acidosis and alkalosis do not just describe blood pH
changes: they relate to the processes that result in these
changes. Therefore, in some instances, two independent proc-
esses may occur: for example, a patient may be admitted to
hospital with diabetic ketoacidosis and coexisting emphysema
causing respiratory acidosis. The final result could be a more Corey HE: Bench-to-bedside review: Fundamental principles of acid–base balance,
Critical Care 9:184–192, 2005.
severe change in pH than would have resulted from a simple
Kellum JA: Disorders of acid–base balance, Crit Care Med 35:2630–2636, 2007.
disorder (Table 25.5). Any combination of disorders can occur;
the skills of an experienced physician are usually required to
diagnose this.
Appel SJ, Downs CA: Understanding acid–base balance, Nursing: Fall 38:9–11,
■ Main buffers in blood are hemoglobin and bicarbonate, McNamara J, Worthley LIG: Acid–Base Balance: Part I. Physiology, Critical Care and
Resuscitation 3:181–187, 2001.
whereas in the cells they include proteins and ABa1.pdf
phosphate. The bicarbonate buffer system Neligan PJ, Deutschman CS: Acid–base balance in critical care medicine.
communicates with atmospheric air.
■ Acid–base disorders are acidosis and alkalosis and each Respiratory Acid/Base Balance, Gas Transport and Erythrocytes. www.sci.utah.
of them can be either metabolic or respiratory. edu/~macleod/bioen/be6000/notes/L14-acid–base.pdf

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