Reversal of Vision Metamorphopsia

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Reversal of Vision Metamorphopsia

Clinical and Anatomical Characteristics
Yaron River, MD; Tamir Ben Hur, MD, PhD; Israel Steiner, MD

Background: Metamorphopsia is a visual illusion that dis- Results: Five patients had parieto-occipital brain in-
torts the size, shape, or inclination of objects. Reversal of sult sparing the primary visual cortex, and 3 also had evi-
vision metamorphopsia (RVM) is a rare transient form of dence of a concomitant brainstem or cerebellar syn-
metamorphopsia described as an upside-down, 180° rota- drome. One patient had pure brainstem syndrome
tion of the visual field in the coronal plane. The patho- underlying the RVM. Three patients had complete RVM
physiological characteristics of RVM remain unclear. as well as oblique RVM of less than 180°.

Design: Patients with RVM had a complete neurologic Conclusions: These cases imply a possible anatomical
examination during or shortly after an episode of meta- localization of the central integrator of visual extraper-
morphopsia, with particular emphasis on gaze disor- sonal orientation. Our observations suggest that a
ders, visual fields, visually guided hand movements, and separate central mechanism of visual orientation
perceptual or cognitive deficits. Workup included im- might exist in each cerebral hemisphere and that
aging studies, visual field examinations, and brainstem occipital and parietal lesions that spare the optic radia-
auditory and visual evoked response. tions may account for the oblique and complete RVM.
We postulate that failure to perceive space in an allo-
Setting: Department of Neurology, Hadassah Univer- centric coordinate frame, particularly in the coronal
sity Hospital, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical roll plane, is potentially the critical event underlying
School, Jerusalem, Israel. RVM.

Patients: Six consecutive patients were evaluated from

1991 to 1996. Arch Neurol. 1998;55:1362-1368

E T A M O R P H O P S I A is cortical (mainly parietal) lesions, 4 had
characterized by an brainstem lesions, and 2 had cerebellar le-
optic illusion that al- sions. The causes of RVM are diverse, in-
ters the size, shape, or cluding head trauma, tumors, and stroke.
angulation of objects. Klopp5 suggested that RVM is not caused
It is a rare manifestation of an acute cen- by an insult to the optic pathways but
tral nervous system insult, mainly to the rather by a central nervous system distur-
visual or vestibular systems.1 Reversal of bance of the vestibular system affecting the
vision metamorphopsia (RVM) is a tran- perception of the body in space or the per-
sient form of metamorphopsia described ception of the subjective visual vertical.
as an upside-down, 180° alteration of the
visual field in the coronal plane.2 The first For editorial comment
case of RVM was reported by Winslow3 in see page 1285
1868 as a transient phenomenon of hys-
teria. The transient nature of this phenom- The most thorough review of RVM is
enon was clearly evident in this early re- by Solms et al,6 who analyzed 21 cases.
port as well as in subsequent cases. Only They conclude that RVM is a transient,
rarely was it observed as a stable phenom- sudden, and paroxysmal phenomenon. It
From the Department of enon lasting days or weeks.4 Klopp5 re- is perceived as an actual torsion of the vi-
Neurology, Hadassah viewed the German literature and added sual array with 180° rotation in the coro-
University Hospital, Hebrew 3 of his RVM cases. He was able to find nal plane, usually in a clockwise direc-
University-Hadassah Medical 13 patients with this disorder: 2 had non- tion. Tilting of the visual field less then
School, Jerusalem, Israel. organic or psychogenic disturbance, 5 had 180° (for example, 90°) in the coronal



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plane or RVM of the sagittal and horizontal planes is as-
sociated with common coronal RVM in some of the cases
reviewed by Solms et al. Vertigo and malaise are com- R
mon, but distorted egocentric orientation (ie, the pa- LR L
tient experiences standing on his head or feels that his A
body is tilted away from the vertical7,8) is rare.6
In the last 5 years, we have observed 6 patients with
RVM. Our evaluation of these cases has contributed to
our understanding of this disorder. LR


A 60-year-old patient was admitted to the emergency
department reporting that he suddenly heard a “loud LR
voice” immediately followed by dizziness and weakness C
in his right hand. His medical history included hyper-
tension, hypercholesterolemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus,
and ischemic heart disease. On examination, the LR
patient’s blood pressure was 160/100 mm Hg and his
pulse was 60/min and regular. Findings from a general
physical examination were normal. Neurologic exami- D
nation revealed a conscious, fully alert, and mentally
intact patient with right-sided dysmetria, gait ataxia
with a tendency to fall to the right, and a horizontal
rotatory nystagmus on right lateral gaze. A vertical nys-
tagmus was observed on gazing upward. Eight hours
after the appearance of dizziness and weakness in the
right hand, the patient experienced a visual distur-
bance. The objects in his right visual field appeared Figure 1. The asymmetrical letters R in the right visual field and L in the left
visual field are used to demonstrate the reversal of vision phenomenon.
upside down. People were seen walking on their heads, A, Reversal of vision in patient 1. Note the counterclockwise tilting of the left
the windows close to the ceiling were within reach of visual field and complete 180° reversal of vision of the right visual field.
his hands, and a cup stood “upside down” on the shelf B, Reversal of vision in patient 4. Complete reversal of vision was interrupted
by oblique clockwise vision metamorphopsia. C, Complete reversal of vision
but the “tea did not spill out” (all the objects including in the coronary plane in patients 2, 3, 5, and 6. D, Complete reversal of vision
the shelf were upside down). In his left visual field, the in the sagittal plane. E, Complete reversal of vision in the horizontal plane.
patient perceived objects as tilted in a counterclockwise
direction (45°-90°, Figure 1). The visual symptoms
lasted for 3 hours and then remitted spontaneously. gait. Findings from a neurologic examination showed
After remission, results from a visual field examination left cerebellar syndrome, left horizontal nystagmus, and
were normal. Findings from a brain computed tomo- a transient absence of the right optokinetic nystagmus.
graphic scan, an electroencephalogram, and a cerebro- The patient’s visual fields were normal. Two hours after
spinal fluid examination were within normal limits. the vertiginous attack, he had a complete RVM that
Bilateral visual evoked potential recordings showed lasted for approximately half an hour (Figure 1, C). The
normal configuration and latency of the P100 wave. RVM momentarily disappeared when the patient saw
Brainstem auditory response was normal on the left side the flame of a match or his hand moving in front of
and pathologic on the right, with a first to fifth inter- him. A computed tomographic scan demonstrated bilat-
wave latency of 6.1 milliseconds (reference range, #4.6 eral occipital stroke occupying Brodmann area 18
milliseconds). Results from a perimetric visual field (Figure 4).
evaluation were normal. Magnetic resonance imaging
performed 6 days after the episode demonstrated CASE 3
infarcts of both occipital lobes (Figure 2) occupying
an area anterior to the striate cortex in the periphery of A 79-year-old patient with hypertension was admitted
Brodmann areas 17 and 18. The infarct on the left was because of acute vertigo. On examination, bilateral cer-
larger. In addition, right cerebellar and middle cerebel- ebellar and pyramidal tract signs were observed but the
lar peduncle infarcts were present (Figure 3). patient was neurologically stable. Results from a com-
puted tomographic scan were normal. A few hours after
CASE 2 admission, the acute episode of vertigo disappeared but
the patient developed a sensation of body levitation fol-
A 70-year-old patient with hypertension and diabetes lowed by a counterclockwise rotation of his visual
had an episode of true vertigo 1 month before admis- fields. Within 10 minutes, he experienced a complete
sion for repeated episodes of vertigo and instability of RVM. He saw people walking on their heads, and the



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Figure 2. Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scan (repetition Figure 3. Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scan (repetition
time, 2200 milliseconds; echo time, 80 milliseconds) through the occipital time, 2200 milliseconds; echo time, 80 milliseconds) through the superior
regions of patient 1 demonstrating fresh infarcts of both occipital lobes, cerebellar regions of patient 1 demonstrating fresh infarct of the right
Brodmann areas 17 and 18, which spare the occipital poles (arrows). The superior cerebellar region and middle cerebellar peduncle. The dark
assignment of the lesions was based on the study by Damasio and hypodense regions in the right cerebellar and left occipital infarcts represent
Damasio.27 acute hemorrhage.

floor next to his bed appeared to be over his head. To were accompanied by complete RVM that lasted 45
the patient’s embarrassment, he made the wrong hand minutes and was interrupted by oblique clockwise-
movements when he tried to cover himself with the vision metamorphopsia (Figure 1, B). A repeated epi-
blanket or to pick up a cup of tea. On examination sode of oblique vision occurred a few months later and
shortly after the episode of metamorphopsia had disap- was associated with tilting of vision in the sagittal
peared, gaze apraxia with preserved oculocephalic plane of less than 90°. The patient was admitted for an
reflexes to all directions was noted. In addition, the examination, the results of which revealed blood pres-
patient had optic ataxia without simultanagnosia. When sure of 120/80 mm Hg and a regular pulse of 88/min.
presented with an object in his right upper visual field, Findings from a general physical and neurologic
he directed his hands to his lower left hemispace. The examination were normal apart from mild dysmetria
patient correctly identified the chirality of hands pre- on the right upper and lower extremities and upward
sented to him. His condition stabilized, and results vertical nystagmus. Results from a laboratory investi-
from a repeated neurologic examination the next day gation revealed hypothyroidism and hyperlipidemia.
were normal aside from bilateral pyramidal tract signs The patient’s cerebrospinal fluid was normal without
and a mild gait ataxia. The clinical course and the neu- oligoclonal bands. There was no serologic evidence of
rologic findings suggested a vertebrobasilar stroke and a a collagen vascular disease. Findings from an electro-
transient ischemic attack of the posterior circulation encephalogram and audiometry were normal. A brain-
affecting the parietal lobes. stem evoked response study showed bilateral prolon-
gation of the first to fifth interwave latency (.6
CASE 4 milliseconds; reference range,,5 milliseconds). T 2-
weighted magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated
A 56-year-old woman had 4 years of recurrent epi- 4 small hyperintense foci in the white matter above
sodes of true vertigo, near syncope, speech distur- and below the tentorium, which were compatible with
bances, and inability to control her right hand. These the patient’s age. Since the patient had experienced
episodes lasted for approximately an hour and some- severe headaches during some of the episodes, a tenta-
times were followed by severe occipital pain or hemi- tive diagnosis of basilar migraine was made and treat-
crania. Several episodes were accompanied by a sensa- ment with propranolol hydrochloride was started
tion of “heaviness” in her face and dysphagia. During at 160 mg/d. A dramatic improvement in both the se-
1 of the episodes, severe vertigo with weakness in the verity and frequency of the episodes ensued. Also of
right hand and an inclination of the body to the right note was the considerable reduction in some of the



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Results from an electroencephalogram performed a
few minutes after the disappearance of metamorphop-
sia showed slow theta and delta background activity with
focal epileptiform activity in the right parietal and pos-
terior temporal regions. The patient was treated with con-
tinuous intravenous diazepam and the seizures ceased
within 48 hours.


A 75-year-old patient who was a heavy smoker with

chronic obstructive lung disease and ischemic heart dis-
ease was involved in a car crash. He sustained polytrauma,
including brain concussion and laceration of the scalp.
Results from a computed tomographic scan showed a left
temporo-occipital linear skull fracture without paren-
chymal brain injury. The morning after the crash, the pa-
tient woke up and saw people around him walking on
their heads, his entire visual field turned completely up-
side down. This phenomenon lasted for approximately
half an hour and recurred 48 hours later for a short pe-
riod. Findings from a neurologic examination after the
second episode of metamorphopsia were normal. Nei-
ther ocular motility abnormality nor cerebellar dysfunc-
tion were observed.
Figure 4. Axial computed tomographic scan without contrast demonstrating
bilateral hypodense occipital regions occupying Brodmann area 18.27 COMMENT

Thirty cases of RVM have been reported in the litera-

acute attacks following treatment with sumatriptan ture.3-21 A critical analysis of these cases and our own ob-
succinate. servations allow us to draw certain conclusions regard-
ing the clinical and pathophysiological aspects of this
CASE 5 phenomenon.
Reversal of vision was a transient phenomenon in
A 54-year-old patient was admitted because of recur- all of our patients. It involved the rotation of the entire
rent seizures. His medical history included severe ische- visual array without distorting other features of the
mic heart disease and angina pectoris, diabetes mellitus extrapersonal space. Body sense disturbances with
with diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy, and periph- inclination or levitation of the body occurred in 3
eral vascular disease. A right hemispheric cerebrovascu- patients (cases 1, 3, and 4), but was relatively mild
lar accident had caused a left hemihypoesthesia 10 years when metamorphopsia occurred. In addition, none of
before his present admission. Two weeks before admis- the patients experienced a complete reversal of their
sion, the patient had episodes of confusion, delusions, bodies in space (ie, no patients had nonvisual percep-
and visual hallucinosis, with the experience that some- tions of walking on their heads). Only 5 patients
body was nearby when he was alone. In addition, the pa- (16%) described in the literature had dramatic alter-
tient experienced recurrent twitching of the left side of ations in body sense, such as body tilt, a sense of com-
his face. On the day of his admission, the patient expe- plete body reversal, or head tilt. 5,7,8,13,20 All except
rienced multiple adverse seizures with deviation of the Halpern’s 7 patient had an insult to the brainstem.
eyes and head to the left and tonic convulsions of the left These findings suggest that RVM is primarily a visual
hand. He reported seeing a stereotypic visual aura: a dark illusion of the extrapersonal space, and that the alter-
tunnel ending with a bright flash of light. On 3 occa- ation of the body scheme is the result of a dysfunction
sions, the patient had complete RVM postictally, which of vestibular centers in the brainstem. Alternatively,
lasted for approximately 5 to 10 minutes, during which body scheme disorders could be epiphenomenona.
he was fully oriented and not confused (Figure 1, C). Find- This conclusion is supported by the early experiments
ings from a neurologic examination revealed mild left of Stratton,22 who used goggles that reinverted the reti-
hemihypoesthesia and hemiparesis, hypometric sac- nal image. The visual scene was inverted in the coro-
cades to the left, disturbed eye pursuit movements to the nal (upside down) and horizontal (right to left)
right, disturbed left optokinetic nystagmus, and tran- planes. Consequently, one’s sense of body parts and
sient left hemianopia. A few hours later, the patient’s ocu- whole body position was acutely altered.
lar and visual disturbance disappeared, but left hemipa- Transient recovery from metamorphopsia occurred
resis and hemihypoesthesia persisted. Results from a in 1 of our patients (case 2) when he moved his hand in
computed tomographic scan with contrast material dem- front of him or in response to a familiar visual object
onstrated right parietal enhancement. with a certain orientation. This is an important observa-



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Patients With Reversal of Vision Metamorphopsia (RVM)*

Patient No./ Duration of RVM

Age, y/Sex Cause (No. of Episodes) Signs and Symptoms Associated Disease Ocular Motility Disorder
1/60/M Bilateral occipital and 3h Right cerebellar syndrome Hypertension and IHD Right horizontal and rotatory nystagmus
cerebellar CVA
2/70/M Vertebrobasilar TIA 30 min Left cerebellar syndrome Hypertension and DM Left horizontal nystagmus and
decreased right OKN
3/79/M Brainstem CVA 10 min Optic ataxia and gaze apraxia Hypertension Gaze apraxia
4/56/F Basilar migraine 45 min (3) Right clumsy hand Hyperlipidemia and Vertical nystagmus
5/54/M Complex partial seizure 5-10 min (3) Transient left hemianopia and Hyperlipidemia, DM, Disturbed pursuit eye movements
left hemihypoesthesia and IHD
6/75/M Brain concussion and 30 min (2) NA NA NA
left occipitotemporal

*CVA indicates cerebrovascular accident; IHD, ischemic heart disease; TIA, transient ischemic attack; DM, diabetes mellitus; OKN, optokinetic nystagmus; and
NA, not applicable.

tion because it shows that certain stimuli can correct tion, making a left hand look like a right hand.
and reinvert the visual scene. A functional dissociation Although chirality is inverted, a left hand would stay
exists in the human brain of near and far visual space in the left visual field (Figure 1, D). One patient (case
perception. The movement of a hand in the periper- 4) described an incomplete (,180°) inversion of the
sonal space might activate neuronal networks with peri- visual field in the sagittal plane. Horizontal-plane
cutaneous receptive fields.23 These networks, which metamorphopsia would not bring about a top-bottom
process information from the peripersonal space, might RVM but a right-left reversal, such that a right hand
correct RVM, which is primarily brought about by would appear to be a left hand in the wrong (contra-
lesions to networks related to far space perception. lateral) part of space (Figure 1, E).
Four patients described in the literature had transient Three patients had oblique vision, 1 with clock-
recoveries from RVM usually in response to eye closure wise and 2 with counterclockwise rotation of the visual
or changes in body position.5,6,14,15 Polysensory neurons field (cases 1 and 4 [Figure 1, A and B], and 3). This phe-
that respond to visual stimuli and are selective to the nomenon accompanying RVM was reported in 5 cases
spatial characteristics of hand movements24 and neu- in the literature.5,7,8,10,12 In these cases, the visual scene
rons that respond to visual and somatosensory stimuli was tilted less than 180°. Case 1 in our study is particu-
in area 7b25 might also be involved in the process of larly interesting in this regard. This patient had asym-
recovery. Stratton 22 showed that after a few days of metrical bilateral stroke in Brodmann areas 17 and 18.
wearing goggles that inverted the retinal image, subjects Consequently, the patient experienced both RVM and
could realign and reinvert the visual scene without tak- counterclockwise tilting of vision simultaneously in dif-
ing off the goggles. This demonstrates the enormous ferent parts of his visual field. This might indicate that
plasticity of the specific neuronal networks involved in both phenomena are interrelated and that a separate cen-
spatial frame perception. tral integrator of visuospatial orientation exists in each
None of the patients in our series had visual field hemispheric visual cortex, possibly within the posterior
defects at the time of the RVM. Only 1 patient (case 5) parietal and occipital areas.
had transient hemianopsia before metamorphopsia One patient (case 3) had RVM in the coronal plane
occurred, which is consistent with an early observation with a reaching disorder. Apparently, he executed con-
of Critchley,26 who pointed out that metamorphopsia tralateral reaching movements that correspond to Fig-
occurs when lesions approximate the visual cortex and ure 1, C. He did not have self right to left confusion, and
the geniculostriate radiations but do not actually he was able to identify the chirality of hands presented
involve them. to him. We did not observe right to left confusion in our
It was difficult and at times impossible to deter- patients, suggesting that this phenomenon is not re-
mine the geometrical relationship of rotations and lated to RVM.
reflections of the visual world to chirality in our In all patients, vomiting, dizziness, and feelings of
patients and those described in the literature. Meta- malaise were reported. Ocular motility disorder was found
morphopsia was reported along each of the principal in 5 of 6 of our patients (Table ). This condition has been
orthogonals, although it was rare in the sagittal and recognized in many other patients,5,8,14,19-21 but its patho-
horizontal planes.5,7,11,15 The most common distortion physiological significance remains unclear.
is a rotation along the coronal plane, which flips the Five of our patients (cases 1-3, 5, and 6) had signs
top and bottom and the left side of objects to the right and/or results from imaging studies or electrophysi-
and vice versa, but keeps a left hand looking like a left ological studies consistent with occipital or parieto-
hand appearing in the contralateral part of the space occipital lesions. A stroke in the occipital region, Brod-
(Figure 1, C). In contrast, an inversion along the sagit- mann area 18, was found in 2 patients (cases 1 and 2,
tal plane would result in a top-bottom mirror reflec- according to the Damasio plates27). Brainstem auditory



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evoked response was unilaterally or bilaterally abnor- RVM. Any transient inconsistent correspondence of
mal in 2 patients (cases 1 and 4). Four patients had ver- vestibular information or lack of information due to a
tigo, cerebellar signs, or even brainstem cerebrovascular brainstem lesion would potentially lead to RVM. In
accident prior to metamorphopsia (cases 1-4). One particular, a disturbance of the central otolith pathway
patient (case 3) had signs of Balint syndrome. Although that would deprive higher brain centers of necessary
most of our patients had a cortical parieto-occipital syn- information about the head position in the roll plane,
drome, such conditions were not reflected in previous which is the plane relevant to the phenomenon of
cases. When the site of the insult was documented in RVM in most patients. Distinct areas in the brainstem
patients with RVM, it was found to involve 2 main that mediate vestibular tone in the horizontal, vertical,
regions, the parieto-occipital region and the brainstem.6 and roll planes have recently been discovered.33 Dys-
If we include our patients, 7 (16%) of 36 patients (30 function of these specific regions in the brainstem
previous cases and our own 6 patients) had a brainstem might lead to vestibular tone imbalance, and that in
lesion.17,19,20,22 Three patients had a medullary insult,8,13 turn would induce RVM along 1 or more of the princi-
4 had a cerebellar lesion,12,14,19,20 and 7 had a parieto- pal orthogonals.
occipital lesion.7,9,11,15 One patient had an unusual fron- In conclusion, failure to perceive space in an allo-
tal lesion6 (in addition to the case of Halpern7 with cys- centric coordinate frame, particularly in the coronal
ticercosis involving mostly the parieto-occipital region roll plane, is potentially the critical event underlying
but also the frontal lobes). One patient (case 3) had RVM. Reversal of vision is always a transient visual
transient vertebrobasilar ischemic attacks with brain- illusion caused by either brainstem or parieto-occipital
stem and occipital lobe syndrome.21 lesions. It is a pure disorder of far space perception
Thus, 15 (41%) of 36 patients described in the lit- that should be clearly differentiated from certain body
erature had infratentorial lesions, whereas only 8 pa- scheme disorders and other types of visual meta-
tients (22%) had parieto-occipital lesions. However, in morphopsia. The polymodal nature of the neuronal
many of the cases with brainstem syndromes, the cause network that governs the perception of allocentric
was either a vertebrobasilar transient ischemic attack or coordinates and their widespread distribution in the
a cerebrovascular accident. It is plausible that the actual central nervous system might allow for a rapid recov-
phenomenon of RVM in patients with brainstem syn- ery from RVM when correct and new information is
dromes occurred when ischemia affected the parieto- processed.
occipital area rather than brainstem structures. Most of
the cases of RVM were reported before the era of mod- Accepted for publication March 23, 1998.
ern imaging. Therefore, it is conceivable that some of the This work was supported in part by the Sol Irwin Juni
patients with brainstem syndromes had concomitant pa- Memorial Fund and the Hilda Katz Blaustein Fund, Jerusa-
rieto-occipital lesions. lem, Israel.
What are the mechanisms underlying RVM? The We would like to thank Jane Loitman, MD, for criti-
spatial representation of visual stimuli in the central cally reviewing the manuscript, and Izchak River, MS, for
nervous system is formed by combining information helping with the translation of the non-English articles.
from various modalities, both retinal and extraretinal. Reprints: Yaron River, MD, Department of Neurol-
To create a valid representation of space, a series of ogy, Hadassah University Hospital, Hebrew University-
coordinate frame transformations is performed. Retinal Hadassah Medical School, PO Box 12000, Jerusalem 91120,
inflow is combined with ocular position information to Israel.
produce head-centered representation.28-30 To represent
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