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Section A-Reading

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Para 1. How good can a little peanut be!

Did you ever think about it? The peanut
comes from a vine that grows on the
ground. On the ground, it ripens with its
skin and shell. Peanuts are healthy and

Para 2. Their shells and skin give us soap,

toothpaste, shampoo, even shoe polish and
of course, oil and butter. We can buy
peanuts easily. They are cheap and so
good. They don't go bad for weeks. So,
munch them and feel strong.

A1. Choose the correct option to complete the given sentences:

a. The peanuts are good because they are healthy and tasty.

i. they are healthy and tasty

ii. they can talk
iii. they ripen to become sweet

b. Peanuts come from a vine and ripens with its skin and shell.

i. its roots and leaves

ii. its skin and shell
iii. None of the above

c. The opposite of the word ‘weak’ in para 2 of the passage is strong.

i. bright
ii. little
iii. strong
d. We can have peanuts regularly because both (I) and (ii).

i. it’s cheap and good

ii. it makes you stronger
iii. both (i) and (ii)

Section B-Writing
Look at the picture. Describe the given animal in about four
sentences using the given hints. Use capital letter and full stop at
the right place.
eats leaves small tail giraffe
huge animal fresh spots

This is a giraffe.

It has spots and a small tail.

It eats fresh leaves.
It is a huge animal.

Section C-Grammar

C.1. Unjumble the following words and choose

the option that make a meaningful sentence:

a. lives / near / Hitarth / house / my

i. Hitarth lives my house near.

ii. Hitarth lives near my house.

iii. Hitarth near lives my house.

b. Will / meet / at / we / school / the

i. We will meet the school at.

ii. We meet at the school will.

iii. We will meet at the school.

C.2.Read the given question words. Write the question word to complete
each question seeing the picture carefully.

why where what when

a. Where are the fruits?

Ans. The fruits are in the basket.

b. What is the teacher doing?

Ans. The teacher is teaching in the class.

c. Sheeba: Mom,when are we going to


Mother: We will go to Manali on Sunday.

Section D- Literature

D1.Read the given lines from the lesson ‘Rob Learns a Lesson’ and
answer the questions based on them.

Hina Hippo was kind and helpful. She hears Rob and Tina.
She comes to help them. Hina Hippo is big. She chases Leo away.

Tick the correct answer based on the above lines

a. Hina Hippo is kind and helpful.

i. pretty and pink

ii. kind and helpful
iii. big and wild
b. Hina Hippo chases Leo away because both (i) and (ii).

i. she is kind and helpful

ii. she is big

iii. Both i and ii

D.2.Complete the following sentences by choosing correct words

from the brackets.

a. Rob is a little bunny. (calf/bunny/cub)

b. We should always listen to our elders. (elders/sisters/pets)

D.3.Answer the following from the lesson ‘Rob Learns a Lesson’.

Q.1. What does Grandfather tell Rob?

Ans. Grandfather tells Rob that he is small and he should not go far
from home.

Q.2. Who helps Rob and Tina?

Ans. Hina the Hippo helps Rob and Tina.

Q.3. What lesson does Rob learn at the end of the story?

Ans. Rob learns a lesson that we should listen to our elders.

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