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(a) Define linear programming. Explain the difference between an objective function and constraints in a
linear programming problem.


Linear programming is a mathematical optimization technique used to find the best outcome in a
mathematical model with linear relationships. It's commonly employed in various fields to allocate
limited resources efficiently.

Here's the difference between an objective function and constraints in a linear programming problem

Objective Function:

I. The objective function defines the goal of the linear programming problem.

II. It's a linear equation that you want to maximize (in a maximization problem) or minimize (in a
minimization problem).

III. The objective function typically represents a quantity of interest, such as profit, cost, or utility.


I. Constraints are a set of linear equations or inequalities that limit the feasible solutions.

II. They represent restrictions or limitations on the decision variables.

III. Constraints ensure that solutions fall within acceptable bounds and respect real-world limitations.

(b) Write the mathematical formulation of a linear programming problem. Define decision variables,
objective function, and constraints with an example.


Mathematical Formulation:

Let:(X) = the quantity of product X to produce

(Y) = the quantity of product Y to produce

1.Objective Function: Maximize: (Z = 5X + 8Y)

In this case, the objective function (Z) represents the total profit to maximize. We aim to maximize the
profit, which is calculated as (5X) (profit from each unit of X) plus (8Y) (profit from each unit of Y).


1. Resource constraint for raw material A: (2X + 3Y \leq 60)

You can use at most 60 units of raw material A.

2. Resource constraint for raw material B: (4X + 2Y \leq 48)

You can use at most 48 units of raw material B.

3. Production capacity constraint for product X: (X \leq 12)

The maximum quantity of X you can produce is 12 units.

4. Production capacity constraint for product Y: (Y \leq 20)

The maximum quantity of Y you can produce is 2ununits.

5. non-negativity constraint: (X \geq 0, Y \geq 0)

You cannot produce negative quantities of products.

(c) What is the feasible region in a linear programming problem? How is it determined?

Ans: The feasible region in a linear programming problem is the set of all possible combinations of
decision variable values that satisfy all the constraints imposed on the problem.

To determine the feasible region, follow these steps:

1.Identify Decision Variables: Define the decision variables, which represent the quantities you want to

2 Formulate Constraints: Write down all the constraints as linear inequalities that restrict the values of
the decision variables.

3. Plot Constraints: Graphically represent each constraint on a coordinate system, using the decision
variables as axes.

4. Intersection of Constraints: The feasible region is determined by finding the intersection of all the
constraint regions.

5. Boundary of Feasible Region: The boundary of the feasible region consists of the lines or boundaries
of the constraint regions that intersect.

6. Test Points: You can test points within the feasible region to evaluate the objective function and
determine the optimal solution.

(d) Differentiate between binding and non-binding constraints in the context of linear programming.

Ans: In the context of linear programming, constraints can be categorized into two main types: binding
constraints and non-binding constraints. Here's the differentiation between them:

1. Binding Constraints:
Binding constraints are constraints that determine the shape and size of the feasible region.

They are constraints that are "active" or "binding" in the optimal solution, meaning they are met with

These constraints play a critical role in defining the feasible region and directly influence the optimal
solution, meaning they are met with equality.

2. Non-Binding Constraints:

Non-binding constraints are constraints that are not met with equality in the optimal solution.

They are often referred to as "slack" constraints because there is some slack or surplus in these

In graphical terms, non-binding constraints correspond to constraints whose boundary lines are not
part of the optimal solution 'Bo boundary.

(e) If a linear programming problem has three decision variables, how would you represent the feasible
region graphically? Explain.

Ans: Representing the feasible region graphically for a linear programming problem with three decision
variables can be challenging because our ability to visualize in three-dimensional space is limited. In such
cases, it's common to use two-dimensional cross-sections or projections of the feasible region to gain

Here's how you can approach it:

1. Select Two Decision Variables: Since we can only graphically represent two dimensions on a flat
surface, you'll need to fix one of the decision variables to create a two-dimensional representation. Let's
say you fix (X_1) and (X_2) as your two variables of interest.

2. Plot Constraints: Plot the constraints that involve (X_1) and (X_2) on a two-dimensional graph. This
will create a boundary that represents the feasible region in the (X_1-X_2) plane.

3. Solve for the Third Variable: Use the remaining constraint(s) involving the third decision variable (let's
call it (X_3)) to calculate its value at various points along the boundary in the (X_1-X_2) plane. This will
effectively represent the (X_3) values for different (X_1) and (X_2) combinations that satisfy all

4. Visualize the Feasible Region: You can visualize the feasible region by plotting the points ((X_1, X_2))
in the (X_1-X_2) plane and using a color gradient or contour lines to represent the corresponding (X_3)
values. This gives you a sense of how the feasible region extends into the third dimension.

Keep in mind that this method provides a limited view of the entire three-dimensional feasible region,
but it can help you understand how the constraints interact in two dimensions and how they affect the
third variable. For a complete representation of the three-dimensional feasible region, you would need
specialized software or tools that can create 3D plots or visualizations.

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