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Name of the student:

Mercia Gabriel Mabasso


The present work aims to analyze the present simple and continuous tenses vocabulary:
nationalities, where after analysis we intend to understand the Present simple (Positive,
Negative and Question forms) and Present continuous (Positive, Negative and Question
forms) and finally, we intend to describe the adverbs of frequency and auxiliary verbs
(Do, Be and Have). It is important to note that we use the present continuous tense
when we seek to express actions and events that are occurring at the same moment of
speech. Therefore, it is common to present the present continuous to describe actions
that are happening now and the present simple. The Simple Present is used in situations
related to our daily lives: to describe truths and/or facts, to specify physical
characteristics or states emotional, to tell stories and events, to quantify how often we
do something, to describe our routine and habits, etc. It can be seen that the use of the
simple present is wide.


General objectives

 Analyze present simple and continuous vocabulary tenses: nationalities.

Specific objectives

 Understand the Present simple (Positive, Negative and Question forms);

 Understand Present continuous (Positive, Negative and Question forms);
 Describe frequency adverbs and auxiliary verbs (Do, Be and Have);

To carry out this work I used the bibliographic methodology since I used manuals, and
some already published sources, and because it is a method that allows the researcher to
be in direct contact with the information that is in accordance with the cause under
study or research. .


Present simple (Positive, Negative and Question forms)

The simple present tense is one of several forms of present tense in English. It is used to
describe habits, unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed arrangements. The
simple present tense is simple to form. Just use the base form of the verb: (I take, you
take, we take, they take) The 3rd person singular takes an -s at the end. (he takes, she

Positive Sentences

Positive sentences in the Present Simple are used to make statements about habits, facts,
and things that happen regularly. The structure of positive sentences is:

Subject + verb (in the base form) + rest of the sentence

For example:

 She speaks English.

 They go to school every day.

 He loves to read books.

 I eat breakfast every morning.

Negative Sentences

Negative sentences in the Present Simple are used to make statements about things that
do not happen regularly or are not always true. The structure of negative sentences is:

Subject + do/does + not + verb (in the base form) + rest of the sentence

For example:

She doesn't speak French.

They don't go to the cinema every week.

He doesn't like to watch TV.

I do not eat lunch at work.


Questions in the Present Simple are used to ask about habits, facts, and things that
happen regularly. The structure of questions is:

Do/Does + subject + verb (in the base form) + rest of the sentence

For example:

 Does she speak Spanish?

 Do they go to the park on Sundays?

 Does he like to play video games?

 Do I need to bring my own costume

Present continuous (Positive, Negative and Question forms)


To make positive questions using the present continuous, we invert the subject and 'be'.
The form is: Question word) + Be + Subject + Verb Gerund


 Am I driving too fast?

 Are you talking to me?
 Where are you going?

Negative forms

Are used to talk about things that are NOT happening at the time of speaking. To create
a negative statement with the present continuous, add "not" after the auxiliary "to be".
The form is: Subject + Be + Not + Verb Gerund.


 He is not working very hard.

 You are not driving fast enough.

Frequency adverbs and auxiliary verbs (Do, Be and Have);

Adverbs of frequency They are mainly used in the quantitative indication of an action.
This means that the speaker, when describing how often he does something – for
example, when talking about his routine –, must do so using the adverbs of frequency.

Examples of Adverbs of Frequency

 He never reads the texts before class.

 I usually ride it after school.
 She always goes out on Friday with her friends.

Auxiliary verbs

The auxiliary verbs are: BE, DO, HAVE, and WILL. They don't appear alone in the
sentence, they are followed by another verb (the main verb) and they are used to form a
question, a negative sentence or the passive.

They are helping verbs, they help another verb in the sentence and sometimes they don't
have meaning used separated.

To give a meaning for the sentence the verbs (main and auxiliary) have to be together,
they don't need to necessarily appear side by side, but they work together.

Final considerations

The present simple is used to talk about habits, routines, and general truths, while the
present continuous is used to talk about things that are happening right now or will
happen in the near future. The present simple is formed by using the base form of the
verb, while the present continuous is formed with the helping verb “to be” and the
present form of the main verb.

The present simple tense talks about things that happen regularly or for factsthat are
always true. It is also used for habits, routines, and general truths. On the other hand, the
present continuous helps talk about things that are happening right now or things that
will happen in the near future.

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