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Human don't ... skill to do this job

Animals have noone to protect their rights

Using animals for work isld cruel practice people spend more for animals than for poor people.
1. eventhough
2. on the contrary
3. yet
4. even though
5. yet
6. on the contrary: trái lại
1. yet
2. however
abandon abandoned

abuse abusive

communicate communicable

connection connected

damage damage
debasement debatable


involvement involve

protect protective

support supportive
26 000 - gone by 2050

reduce contact btw human and polar bear

ice melt
difficult to search for food, hunt for seal, become hunger and even

contact btw human and polar bear -> people kill

evironmental group prohibited the amount of oil production
bear to protect them

insutry developemtn -
stop climate change
thread of

1. 26 000
2. 2050
3. year
4. towns
5. safer
6. gas
Animals play crucial roles in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. Biodiverse ecosystems provide
services that humans rely on, such as clean air and water, pollination of crops, and disease
regulation. The loss of any species can disrupt these services and lead to ecological imbalance. The
disappearance of one species can have some negative effect, it can disrupt these services and lead to
ecological imbalance.
And human are part of the ecosystems and depend on healthy ecosystems for survival. Protecting
animals helps ensure the health of these ecosystems. So human should have the responsibility to
protect animals

Although 8.7 million species might seem like a large number, making the loss of one appear
insignificant, the extinction of even a single species can disrupt the ecological balance, disturb the
food web, and impact many other species, including humans. For example, I hate mouse, I hope that
mouse will be distinct so that I dont have to see them anymore. But in fact, there are numerous
problems that I have do deal with if the mouse is endangered. It is a primary food source for others
animals, including bỉrd, snakes,... So its disapperance would force these animals to find alternative
food sources, then can leaf to the competition between them. Otherwise, mouse also help people to
control the populations of insects. And their disappearance can lead to an increase in insect
populations, which could impact in human well being. Or we can take bee as an example. bee is
essential for farming due to their role in pollination. The loss of bees would place a significant
financial burden on farmers and economies
Each species, no matter how insignificant it may seem, plays a vital role in maintaining the health and
stability of ecosystems. Therefore, it is crucial to protect all species to preserve the intricate web of life
on which we all depend.
Elephants, known for their intelligence, strong social bonds, and majestic presence, are keystone species.
They play a crucial role in maintaining the biodiversity of the ecosystems they inhabit. Yet, despite their
importance, elephants are increasingly endangered.

There are three primary human-induced threats to elephants:

Poaching: Elephants are hunted for their ivory tusks. This illegal trade is driven by demand for ivory products,
which are often used for ornamental purposes and traditional medicines. Poaching has led to a drastic decline
in elephant populations. Each year, thousands of elephants are killed for their tusks, leaving behind broken
social structures and orphaned calves that struggle to survive.

Habitat Loss: Human expansion into elephant habitats for agriculture, urban development, and infrastructure
projects is a significant threat. As forests are cleared and savannas are fragmented, elephants lose the space
they need to roam, find food, and breed. This habitat loss not only reduces their numbers but also leads to
increased human-elephant conflicts. When elephants wander into villages and farms in search of food, they
can cause significant damage, leading to retaliation from local communities.

Climate Change: The changing climate is altering the ecosystems where elephants live. Droughts,
unpredictable weather patterns, and changing vegetation affect the availability of food and water. These
environmental stresses can weaken elephant populations, making them more vulnerable to disease and other

The impact of losing elephants extends beyond the species itself. As ecosystem engineers, elephants help
shape their environment in ways that benefit many other species. For example, by creating water holes used
by other animals, dispersing seeds that grow into trees and plants, and maintaining open spaces that support
diverse plant and animal life.
A Solar panels is a device that converts light from the sun, which is composed of particles of
energy called "photons", into electricity that can be used to power electrical loads.
Using solar panels is a very practical way to produce electricity for many applications

2. nuclear energy, fossil energy -- like oil, coal and natural gas -- and renewable sources like wind,
solar, geothermal and hydropower.

Wind power is a clean and renewable energy source.
Wind turbines harnesses and converts energy of wind (a natural and renewable
source) into electricity. So it can provides electricity without burning any fuel or
polluting the air. So it’s a way to protect the environment



3 000
500 000
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- have transformed how we connect with the rest of the world. They’ve made it possible to travel thousands of miles in just a few
hours, something that used to take weeks or even months.
- It also opened up international trade, making it easier to buy goods oversea
+ Businesses can easily enter new international markets due to the accessibility of air travel.
- In travelling, Air travel has also boosted tourism, allowing people to explore far-off destinations and cultures. In emergencies,
planes can quickly deliver aid to disaster zones, saving lives. If one day plane exist, maybe travelling to another country is just

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