BSBSUS401 Performance

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Course Details

Course Name
Unit(s) of competency

Unit Code (s) and BSBSUS401 Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable
Names Practices

Assessment Details
Term and Year Time allowed
Assessment No Assessment Weighting
Due Date Extension (if approved)

Re-Assessment Details
Term and Year Time allowed
Assessment No Re-assessment Fee Paid?
Assessment Type
Due Date No Extension

Student Details and Declaration

Student Name

Student ID Trainer/
Assessor’s Name
Student Declaration:
a. I declare that the work submitted is my own and has
not been copied or plagiarised from any person or
b. I have not submitted any part of this assignment
previously as part of another unit/course. Signature:
c. I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to _________________________________
complete the assessment tasks. _
d. The assessment process including the provisions
for re-submitting and academic appeals were Date: _______/________/______
explained to me and I understand these processes.

Assessment Outcome - To be completed by the Assessor

Assessor’s Name

Satisfactory Not
Results Marks:

Yes No Due Date:

This assessment First Attempt 2nd Attempt Late Penalty__________

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Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements:





Student Declaration: I declare that I have been Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have
assessed in this unit and I have been advised of my conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible
result. I am also aware of my right to appeal and the assessment with this student, and I have provided
reassessment procedure. appropriate feedback

Signature: ____________________________ Student did not attend the feedback session.

Feedback provided on assessment.
Date: ____/_____/_____
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____





Student Declaration: I declare that I have been re- Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have
assessed in this unit and I have been advised of my conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible
result. I am also aware of my right to appeal. assessment with this student, and I have provided
appropriate feedback
Signature: ____________________________
Student did not attend the feedback session.
Date: ____/_____/_____ Feedback provided on assessment.

Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

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Assessment Task

Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Practices

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Version Date Comments

1.0 8th August 2016  Original


This checklist is to be completed prior to commencing the assessment.

Please discuss this with the learner and circle yes or no for each question.

Is the learner ready for assessment? ☐Yes ☐ No

Have you explained the assessment process and tasks? ☐ Yes ☐No
Does the learner understand which evidence is to be collected and ☐ Yes ☐No
Have the learner’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained? ☐ Yes ☐No
Have you discussed any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be ☐ Yes ☐No
considered during the assessment?
Does the learner have access to all required resources? ☐ Yes ☐No



Assessment Tool Resource Efficiency Improvement Plan

To demonstrate satisfactory completion of this Assessment Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Task the learner must: (S) (NS)

Legislation and sources of information for resources ☐ ☐

and initiatives

Measuring current consumption and identifying ☐ ☐

existing procedures of work practices and

A practical assessment of an organisation’s ☐ ☐

resources and practices.

Setts organisational efficiency targets ☐ ☐

Resource Efficiency Improvement Plan ☐ ☐

Overall Assessment Task Performance Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

(S) (NS)

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Assessment Task: Resource Efficiency ☐ ☐
Improvement Plan

Resources required for this Assessment

Trainers and Assessors are required to ensure all learners have access to:

 Resources and documentation used in the workplace

 Workplace policies and procedures
 Auditing and recording documents
 Energy Audit Templates
 EPA Victoria Case Studies
 Environment and Resource Efficiency Plans (EREPs)
 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)
 Student Handout: Three Pillars of Sustainability
 Student Handout: Office Ecological Checklist
 Student Handout: Energy Rating Labels
 Student Handout: Conserving energy
 Student Handout: Plastic Coding System
 Student Handout: Glossary of Industry Terms (Sustainability)
 Website Resource:
 Website Resource:
 Website Resource:

Instructions for Trainer and Assessors

This assessment task has to be conducted as per the Assessment Conditions:
In class In an Industry Workplace In a Simulated Industry Environment

Instructions for the assessments

 Activity must be conducted in an industry workplace or a simulated industry environment

 The assessment is to be completed according to the Assessment task instructions
 This is an individual assessment
 The Assessment must be completed in Blue or Black Pen
 Trainer and Assessor are to complete the Pre-Assessment Checklist before commencing the
Assessment process

Assessment Task Duration

 Five (5) Weeks
Learner Evidence Submission Requirements

 The completed and signed Assessment Tool

 Resource Efficiency Improvement Plan
 Completed current resource usage templates



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 This assessment consists of two (2) parts:

1. Part A requires you identify and analyse legal requirements and initiatives
that relate to your industry and workplace.

You are required to measure current resource usage, analyse purchasing

strategies and current work practices in order to identify opportunities for
improvement of resource usage and set new targets.

2. Part B requires you to implement resource efficiency improvement plans by

using techniques and tools to assist in achieving efficiency targets and
monitor the performance of these.

 All written work must be your own.

 Any sources of information you access and use for this assessment must be
clearly referenced using the APA Referencing Style


Students may use the templates attached at the end of this assessment or amend
these to suit your needs.

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A. Legislation and sources of information for resources and initiatives

1. Identify the environmental regulations which apply in your local government area
relevant to your workplace activities and provide details what is covered by these
regulations and by-laws.

2. Identify any resources and initiatives which are in place or available in your state
to help business to reduce their waste and use resources more efficiently.

3. List 1 initiative that is relevant to your sector within the Tourism, Hospitality and
Events Industry and list all resources which are available through these
initiative(s). Outline how these would be used.

4. Create a table, listing all energy resources that are used in your workplace and
outline for which work processes these are used.

B. Measuring current consumption and identifying existing procedures of

work practices and purchasing:

Conduct a practical assessment of your organisation’s resources and practices. You

may use the forms attached below to collect your data or any software available to
you (for example you may create a spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel).

For this purpose you need to complete the following activities:

1. Take the current meter reading for gas, electricity and water.

2. Create a table or list and enter all equipment and appliances used in one specific
department (for example Kitchen, F&B etc.), and measure the consumption of
electricity as listed on the appliance labels.

3. Measure the flow rate for water of various taps using the formula “Flow rate =
Volume/Time (L/min)”

4. Inspect the type of lighting used and determine the KW/H (1000 Watt = 1 KWH)
used in that department based on typical or given workplace practices during

5. Inspect the provisions for recycling.

6. Determine the intervals of waste collection and determine the size of the
cubicle(s) used.

7. This task is performed outside: Wearing gloves and using tongs, physically
inspect the contents of garbage bins from your department and inspect the
approximate waste for each category (Glass, paper, card board, green waste
etc.) and express these in percent (approximately).

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8. Determine the energy consumption ratings, use and settings of air conditioners
and heaters where applicable and document the potential KWH usage for these
9. Determine the resources required for any plants, landscaping or outside areas as

10. List the purchasing strategies which are currently in place including
environmentally sustainable approaches; carbon foot print considerations (for
example use local supplies from growers etc.)

11. Identify any workplace environmental and occupational hazards you may
encounter during your resource analysis.

12. Identify any breaches or potential breaches for environmental practices you have
encountered in the audited area during your project and outline the issues.

C. Setting efficiency targets

1. Analyse the results you have obtained for usage of resources and compare these
results against:

a) Work and workflow processes: – which improvements could be made?

b) Industry Schemes: – How do your results compare?
c) Technology: – Are you using efficient technology?
d) Resources: – Is there a benefit of switching e.g. from electricity to gas in
some areas or using other measures?
e) Best Practice: – Are there recommendations from manufacturers or bodies
that recommend particular practices?

2. Set your targets in a table or spreadsheet based on your findings of the analysis.

3. Outline the provisions for communication this would require with key stakeholders
relevant to your position and workplace and how this will be achieved. Include a
template for an agenda and table for entering actions.

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For this part of the assessment project you are required to write and environmental
resource efficiency improvement plan which details the following:

1. The purpose of the plan

2. An overview what has been undertaken and why

3. The resource areas and targets you have established based on Section 3, Part A;

4. The measures and tools you will implement to achieve these targets;

5. Strategies that can be used to ensure staff compliance with environmental

requirements and to achieve new targets;

6. Strategies you will use for purchasing and selection of supply chains;

7. A calculation which will provide information as to the potential savings that can be
achieved over time, given the investment;

For example:

Use of e.g. 10 light bulbs rated at 0.060 KWH in Kitchen area could be replaced with
10 energy saving bulbs rated at 0.012 KWH which would represent an energy saving
of (10 * 48 = 0.480KWH) 0.480 KW per hour x $ 0.28 = $ 0. 1344 per hour or at 10
hours per day: $ 0.1344 x 10 = $1.35/ Day.

For a 7 day operation this then equates to a potential saving of $ 492.75 minus the
proportion of the cost of the energy saving bulb @ $ 7.50 /5000 hours ($1.50 per
1000 hours use)versus an ordinary bulb @ $ 0.75 /1000 hours lifespan.

10 Showerheads in guest rooms rated A could be replaced by ones rated AAA with a
potential saving of (10 * 55 L = 550 L ) 550 Litres per day etc. (0.55 x 1.80 = $
0.99/day x 365 = $ 361.35/year) minus the initial cost for purchasing the more
efficient showerheads (for the first year only)

8. The provisions for communication to periodically discuss and network with

colleagues to make adjustments and identify progress;
9. A spreadsheet or set of tools which can be used to record and monitor periodic
results from readings and invoices/ statements for utilities;
10. Examples how you will evaluate strategies and make adjustments to the
improvement plan.

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Quarterly Water Use Aver Daily Cost of Sewage Connection Target Variance
Period kL/period Use Water per Disposal Fees
kL Costs


Location Item Type Water flow (L/min) Amount/ Type

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Total for
Month Invoice # Amount $ Peak Off Peak Total Target Variance






Month Invoice # Amount $ Total Total for Month





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a. Review current waste contractual arrangements

Type of Collection Collection

Material container and frequency frequency Contractor details
annual cost
amount (normal) (busy periods)

b. Over one (1) period conduct a visual waste audit of all rubbish bins

 Observe what is being thrown away

 Look for contamination (materials disposed of wrongly)
 Professional companies can undertake waste audits on a fee-for-service basis

Milk Cartons (%)

Plastic Bottles

Other (Broken
Glass Bottles

Organic (%)
Paper (%)
Cans (%)

Card (%)

Bin Size




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Calculate the daily total amount of rubbish from each department ‘Area’

Plastic Glass Milk

Paper Organic Other (%) –
Bin Size Bottles Bottles Cans (%) Card (%) Cartons
(%) (%) broken glass
(%) (%) (%)


c. Work out your collection requirements

 Total the volumes of each type of waste per day

 Some items can be combined such as glass, metal, plastic, paper & milk cartons
– referred to as ‘co-mingled’ waste. (but, no food scraps, polystyrene or plastic

 Calculate the required bin size and frequency of collection – e.g. if your property
produced 242.5 litres of ‘co-mingled waste’ per week then 1 x 250 litre bin should
be sufficient with a once a week collection frequency.

d. Review the packaging from your supplies

 Attempt to reduce or eliminate waste at the source

Packaging Used on Waste Disposal Opportunities for

Supplier Benefits
Delivery Issues Avoidance
Bob’s Fruits & Waxed cardboard
Vegetables boxes


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