Swot Frenchcommunity1

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SWOT-analysis of the French Community of Belgium Gender Equality Institutions, Legislation and Steering Instruments: 1994-2005 Nadine Plateau

Strengths Weaknesses Resolution of the Council of no actions or measures are the French Community planned which establishes priorities for gender equality Opportunities need to tackle the issue of gender equality in the context of preparation of the UN Conference in Beijing Threats the issue is seen as a purely specific problem concerning womens policies agencies; ministers others than in charge with EO dont feel concerned


Directorate for Equality of Opportunity between Women and Men: an administrative unit with a new mandate EO Advisory Committee within the French Community Parliament

understaffed and underfinanced


low status of the Committee and little participation to its meetings mandates broadened so as to include new target groups Minister charged with EO is President of French Community: possibility of a transversal policy EO is not a priority of the Minister President


budget of the Directorate consistently increased and better staffing of the unit


Decree on the balanced participation of women and men in advisory bodies (quota of one third)

compliance is not ensured (no sanctions and so far no evaluation)

influence of the federal EO policy through the good relations between the ministers responsible for it at Federal and Community level (both French-speaking and socialists

Decree on follow-up to UN Beijing Conference: obligation to report each year to Parliament on policies carried out in the areas of concern defined in the Platform. A few positive results: -amendments to legislation on sexual harassment -amendments to legislation on parental leave -creation of new childcare places

poor results shown by the report: most initiatives restricted to collecting data or raise awareness; no antisexist discrimination law in media and advertising

EU recommends a coverage of 33% of the potential demand for childcare facilites

the Stork Plan adopted by the French Community to increase childcare places is designed to bring down unemployment; no concern for quality of the service


Govenrment Action Programme for Equality between women and men, Interculturality and Social Inclusion: double track strategy (gender mainstreaming & positive action) Office of Coordination for Equal Opportunity: advisory body charged with setting up a plan to promote EO within all departments of the Ministry of the French Community; it is chaired by the EO Directorate (run by a committed feminist).

no definition of gender mainstreaming; no quantified objectives; aimed at mentality changing

no official structure for consulting the womens organizations lack of gender expertise in universities (womens studies not institutionalized)

composed of people appointed by the ministers with a low level of responsibility

lack of political will and support from high status civil servants

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