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From s^atUCtiap February 25, to ^U£sOa? February 28, 1764.

St. James*s, February 28. had thereupon resolved to extend their Suspension of

H E following Address of the Lord Mayor. the Freedom of Commerce with the Genoese D o m i -
Sheriffs, Commons, and Citizens of the nions, tc the Province of Venetian Istria, and its
City of Dublin, having been transmitted Appurtenances; and to order, that no Embarkations
by his Excellency the Earl of Northum- from thence be admitted to Practick in any of ther
berland, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, tb the Earl of Members of the Port of Genoa, till they have per-
Halifax, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries formed their whole Quarantine in the Places appointed
of State, has, by him, been presented to His Ma- there; or shall have produced Certificates of their
jesty : Which Address His Majesty was pleased to having befote performed ic in other Free Ports of
receive very gracioufly. the Genoese Frontier ; in the same Manner as was di-
rected for Ships coming from Dalmatia, its larger
T o the King's most Excellent Majesty, Islands, and those of the Q^arner, the Mouths of
T h e humble Address of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, the River Callaro, Caflel Nuovo, and Ragusa ; and
Commons, and Citizens of the City of Dublin, this under Penalties to be infl cted at the Will of the
in Common Council assembled. said Magistrates, without excluding even Capital P u -
May it phase your Majefiy, nishment.

W E your Majesty's ever dutiful and loyal Sub-

jects, the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, Commons,
and Citizens o f t h e City of Dublin, in Common
Hamburgh, February 2 1 . Their Royal and most
Serene Highnesses the Hereditary Prince and Princess
of Brunswick arrived at Lunenbourg on Friday last
Council assembled,.most humbly beseech your Majesty tbe 17th Instant in the Afternoon, in perfect Health :
to accept our sincere Congratulations, upon the Mar- On Sunday the 19th the Hereditary Prince sat out for
riage of h e r Royal Highness the Princess Augusta Brunswick, and her Royal Highness pursued the same
with his most Serene Highness the Hereditary Prince Route the next D a y .
of Brunswick Lunenburgh.
With the utmost joy and Satisfaction we view, in
St. James's, Februaiy 26.
this Auspicious Union, an Increase of Splendor and
This Day the Count Poninflty, Envoy Extraor-
of Strength, derived to an Illustrious Family ever dear
dinary from the Republick of Poland, had a Private
to these Realms. W e fee a most amiable and accom-
Audience of Her Majesly.
plished Princess sought for and obtained, as the only
T o which he was introduced by the Right H o -
adequate Prize that could crown the Successes and
nourable the Earl of Harcourt, Lord Chamberlain
Martial Glory of a most Heroic Prince. And that
to Her Majesty; and conducted by Sir Charles
Prince, whose important Services have so highly di- Cottrell Dormer, Knt. Master of the Ceremonies.
stinguished him in the great Cause of T r u e Religion
and Liberty, honoured and rewarded by so near an
Alliance to your Majesty, the great Assertor and Pro- St. James's, February 28,' 1764..
tector of both. Whereas it has been represented to the King, that on
Permit us, most gracious Sovereign, truly sensible Wednesday the i$lh Day of this Infiant February,
as we are of your Majesty's Goodness, thus to in- Mathew Delohanty, an Irijh Chairman, and fieveral
terest ourselves in every Event pleasing to your Ma- other wicked and ill-dijpojed Perjons, riotously affembled
j e s t y , and prosperous to your Royal House : And to before tbe House ofi bis Excellency the Morocco Ambas-
assure your Majesty of our most zealous Attachment sador, in Panton Square, Piccadilly, and mofi auda*
ai»d warmest Affection to your Person and Govern- cioufiy broke open the Outer Door ofi the fiaid Houfie, and
ment. N o r can we, upon this earliest Opportunity forcibly entered tbe J'ame, and were guilty ofi great Out-
of approaching the T h r o n e , omit those just Acknow- rages therein, in Violation of the Rights and Privileges
ledgments, which we of this Metropolis are, in a of Ambassadors; and in open Defiance of His Majefiy
peculiar Manner, bound humbly to offer to your and His Lavos ; fier which Offences, a Bill of IndiB-
Majesty, for having adorned our City with the Pre- ment has been fince found by the Grand Jury of the
sence of a noble Personage, whose Generosity and County of'Middlesex\ againfi thefaid Mat bew Delohanty,
Dignity, tempered with every amiable Virtue and and Five ofhis Accomplices, nvbo have been apprehended,
Accomplishment, have rendered him the fair Repre- and are now in Custody, but the faid Mathevi
sentative of Majeity, and the fit Dispenser of Royal Delohanty, and some oiher of the Offenders, abscond,
Grace and Favour, to a dutiful, affectionate, and and are fied from Jufiice: His Majefiy fior the better
loyal People. discovering and .bringing to Jufiice, the Persons
L* Testimony whereof, we have caused the Com- concerned in the faid audacious Riot and Violence, is
mon Seal of the said City to be hereunto affixed, hereby pleased to offer a Reward of One Hundred
this Sixteenth Day of February, One thousand Pounds to fuch Person or Persons, who fioall appre-
seven hundred and sixty-four. hend the fiaid Mathew Delohanty, and bring him before
any one of His Majefifs Justices of the Peace, fib that he
Genoa, February 4. An Edict has been published may be proceeded againfi and brought to Justice, and a.
T o - d a y , by the Magistrates of Health of this City, suitable Reward to any Person or Persons, who shall
importing, that being informed by Letters from the in like Manner apprehend any other of the Offenders not
Office of Health at Venice, of the 27th past, o f t h e yet taken, to be paid by Philip Carteret Webb, Esq;
Spreading of the Contagious Distemper in the Sub- Solicitor to His Majefiy's Treasury : And ifi any one of
urbs of the City of Spalato, Capital of the Venetian lhe fiaid Offenders nonv at large, except the Jaid Mathevi
Dalmatia, and that it begun already to be felt in the Delohanty, nvillJur render himself\ and give Information
two neighbouring Ter;itories of Clissaand Sigu, they againfi any other of the Ojfendivs nonv at large, fi that

I Price T h r e e pence. ] he-

he Dr they may be apprehended, he or they fiail receive ' The Court of Affifiants ofi the Ruffia Company give
lill fitting Encouragement. Notice, That the Annual General Court of the Jaid
DUNK HALIFAX. Company nvill be held at tbe Os.ce cfi thc Corporation
N. B. Mathew Defbhan'ty is described to be near Six for Seamen in the Merchants Service over the Royal
Feet high, about Twenty-eight Years of Age, ofi Exchange, on Thursday next, being tbe ifi Day of
a pale Complexion, and nvears his ovon Hair, March 1764, at Eleven inthe Forenoon, for tbe EleBion
vohich is of a light brovon, short and curling. of a Governor, Consuls; Affifiants, and other Oj/xerss
for the Year enfiuing.
St. James's, February 15, 1764. M. Sierra, Secretary.
Whereas it has been humbly represented to the King,
That a*_ anonymous threatening Letter nvas received, by Navy-OiHce, February 20, 1764.
the Penny Post, by James Norman, of Black Friars, The Principal Officers and Commissioners of His Ma-
London, Esq; on Thursday the gth Day of this instant Fe- jefiy's Navy give Notice, Tbat on Friday the gtb of
bruary, superscribed as hereunder, and containing ths next Month, at Eleven o'Clock in tbe Morning, they
Words, Letters, and Figures fiollowing, viz. will be ready to treat voith fucb Perfens as are nvilling
" To to contraB Jor building a New Storehouse in His Ma-
•*' James Norman Esq f jefiy's Yard at Portsmouth, agreeable to the Plans, Ele-
" Near y e Glafiers arms vations and Conditions to be seen in tke Clerk os the ABS
•*'' black friers Office in this Office.
" London" The Parties intending to offer 'etre defyred to deliver
" Febuary 9 t h 1 7 6 4 " in their feveral Tenders, nvith the Prices for each re-
«« Sir speBive Article, according to a Form that nvill be deli-
*' I am now-rn a cafe of nesesity and must vered.
" be relieaved by you br by the Eturnal god of
** heaven y s life is but Short if you persist in this Navy Office, February 8$ 1764.'
" affair you will certainly be Destroyed by me or The Honourable Houje of Commons having come to
** my confederates y e sum of 50 _£ is demanded of the following Resolution, viz.
" you Y r Brother richard or y r Self in person Must " T h a t all Persons interested in or intitled unto
" privately bring and convey under ye feet of a such of the Bills payable in Course of the Navy or
** verry old Stone Stature with ye nose of ye statture Victualling Offices, or for Transports, made t)ut oil
" broke of it is Lying at full lenth Directly Oposite or before the 31st of December 1762, as have not
" y e Entrance of ye north door of Westminster abbe been converted into Annuities after the Rate of Four
" in the first He If" you divulge it to one foul Living Pounds per Cent, per Ann. in pursuance of an Act
'-' I Shall certainly know and then depend upon it of the last Session of Parliament, who shall, on or
•' you will have your brains bloud out I am a tradel- before the ist .Day of March next, carry tbe same*
" man well known by you and will return ye money (after having had che Interest due thereupon to the 75th.
" tp you ye 17 th of next month Leave it to morrow Day of March 1763, inclusive, computed and mask-
*' being friday ye 1 i t h of febuary at 2 or 3 o Clock ed upon the said Bills at the Navy or Victualling-
*'_ in the afternoon if you regard fi life do not fail" office respective!)) to the Treasurer of His Majesty's
" there is davis wrote with red ocre Navy, to be marked and certified, by him or his
•" on ye side of ye Statture" Pay-master, to the (governor and Company of the
" take care no body fee you leave it" Bank of England, snail be entitled unto and have an
" tis a bout 6 yards from ye quir door." Annuity transferrabte at the Bank of England,
, His Majefiy, for the better discovering and bringing for the Principal and Interest due on the said
to Jufiice the Perfions concerned in writing and fiending Bills, after the Rate of Four Pounds per Cent, per
the fiaid anonymous threatening Letter to thefaid James Ann. commencing from the said 25th Day of March
Norman, as abovementioned, does, herehy, promise His 1763, in Lieu of all other Interest, unti! redeemed
most gracious Pardon to any one ofi tbem, (except the by Parliament; the said Annuities to be charged upon
Perfion who aBuaily wrote the fiaid Letter) who stall the Sinking Fund, and the Sums, which shall be
dificover kis, or her, Accomplice or Accomplices in tbe issued out of the Sinking Fund, for Payment of the
. faid FaBs, so tbat he, she, or they, may be apprehended said Annuities, to be, from T i m e to T i m e , replaced
and conviBed thereof . D U N K HALIFAX. out of the next Aids to be granted in Parliament."
Tbe Principal Officers and Commiffioners of His Ma-
And, as a further Encouragement, Ithe said James jesty's Navy do hereby give Notice thereof; and that all
Norman do, hereby, promise a Revoard os Fifty Pounds Perjons possessed of Navy or Transport Bills, made
to any Person making such Discovery as aforesaid, (ex-, out as aforesaid, bringing the fame to this Office, the
cept as above excepted) to be paid, by me, upon tbe Interefi due thereon voill be computed and marked in
ConviBion of ady one, or more, of the Offenders. order to tbeir being carried to the Treasurer's Offce in
James Norman. Broad-fireet accordingly.
East India House, February 22, 1764.
Tshe Court of DireBors of the United Company of Notice is hereby given to the Officers and Company of
Merchants of England trading to the Eafi Indies do His Majefiy's Ship Rochester and Grace Cutter, voho
hereby give Notice, voere aBuaily on Board at the Taking tbe Carrillionsur,
That the Transfier Books ofi the said' Company's Stock a French Privateer, on tbe Stb of April, 1759, Thaf
nvill be shut on Tuefiday the l$tb Day of March next they will be paid their respeBive Shares of the Hull and
at Tnvo ofi the Clock. Bounty for said Privateer, as follows:
Rochester, on Board at Plymouth, on Monday the 271h
That a Quarterly General Court of the said Company
of February, 1764.
will be held^at their House in Leadenhall Street, on
Wednesday the z ifi Day ofi March next, at Eleven in Grace Cutter, at the French Horn in Crutched Fryersf
the Forenoon. on Monday the Z'jth of February, 1764.
And the Shares remaining unpaid will, be recalled at
That tbe Lifis of the Members of the said Company
thefaid French Horn, thesecond Tuesday in every Month
nvill be ready to be delivered at their fiaid House, on
for three Years to come.
Saturday the 3 ifi Day of fiaid March.
Cha. Brett, of Greenwich, and Co. Agents.
That a General Court nvill be held at their faid
House on Wednefiday ihe I Ith Day of April next, for
the EleBion of Twenty-four DireBors of the said Com- Notice is hereby given to the Ofilcers and Ship's Com-
pany for the Year ensuing, which nvill continue from pany of His Majefiy's Ship the Levant, John Laficrey,
Nine in the Morning until Six in tbe Afternoon. Efiq; Commander, voho were aBuaily on Board ibe jaid
And that the Transfer Books of the said Companfs Ship at the Taking ofi the Le Fier, a French Privateer,
the l^th of May 1762, (in Compary nvitb tie G:>.oda-
Stock will be opened on Thursday the I ith Day of said
• ioupe, that they ivill be paid their respeBive Shares of any Part ofthe Bankni'pt'sjFreehold or Leasehold Estate ; of corns
she Bounty-money for the Men taken on board thefaid promising or otherwise settling any Matter or Thing belonging
Privateer', on Thurfiday the Stb ofi March 1 7 6 4 , betvoeen to the said Bankrupt's Eslate; and to the Assignees commen-
cing one or more Action or Actions, Suit or Suits in Law of
tbe Hours ofi Ten and One, at the Hiufe ofi Humphry Equity touching aind concerning the said Bankrupt's Esiate j
Cotes, Efiq; in St. Martin's Lane ; the Shares not tstn' and on other special Affairs."
demanded nvill be paid at tbe afiorefiaid Hours and Place,
the firfi Thurfiday in every Month during three Years.
H u m p h r y C o t e s , Agent:
T H E separate Creditors of Thomas Naylor, Jate cf Clare.
Court Drury Lane iri the County of JVfiddlesex, Grocer,-
who have proved their Debts under a Commiflion of Bankrupt
awarded against him, are desired to meet the Assignees of the
said Bankrupt's separate Estate and Effects, cn Friday the
Notice is hereby given to the Officers and Company ofi 2d Day of March next, at Six o'Clock in the Aftcrnoo.i, at
His Majefifs Ship Terpsichore, voho nvere aBuaily on the King's Head Tavern in the Poultry, London, in order to
Beard at the Taking the Marquis de Marigna, on the assent to or dissent from the Assignees coftimencing one or
more Suit or Suits in Law or Equity relating to thc Bank-
zd ofi November 1 7 6 2 , that they will be paid their re- rupts Estate; and to their compounding, submitting to Ar-
speBive Shares, of faid Prize, on Board al Deptfiord, on bitration, or otherwise agreeing, any Disputes, Matters or Things
Monday the z'jth of February 1 7 6 4 ; and the unclaimed concerning the jame.
Shares voill be recalled the Saturday fiollonving, at the
Arms Tower
in every Month,
Hill, and afterwards
at said Place, for
the Second
H E Credirors who have proved their Debts under &
Commission of Bankrupt awarded against Ann Grant,
Three late-of Larabeth in the County.of Surry, Brewer, Dealer and
Chapwoman, are defired to meet on Thursday the 8th Day
Years to come. of March next, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Horn
J n . and E d w . P a y n e , and} _r , * ^ Tavern in F'eet-slreet, in order to assent to or dissent from
George Rogers, \ ofLondon, Agents. the Assignees commencing or defending one or more Suits in *
Equity relating to the said Bankrupt's Estate ; and to the com-
pounding, submitting to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing;
Notice is hereby given to the Officers and Companyfie- any Disputes, Matters or Things concerning the fame ; and on
longing to His Majefifs Sloop Guadaloup, Robert Brice, other special Affairs.
Efiq; Commander,
who nvere aBuaily
the Le Fier, a French Privateer,
May 1 7 6 2 , in Company voith His Majefifs
on Board at her
the 1 oth ofi
Ship Le- Hamlet
Hereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and
issued forth" against Thomas Gilbert, late of the
of Mile End New Town, in the Paristi of St.pney in
the County of Middlesex, Cheesemonger, Dealer, and Chap-
vant, tbat the Head-Money for thefaid Prize nvill be
man, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required
paid cn Saturday the $d of March riext, betvoeen tbe to surrender himself to the Commillioners in the said Com-
Hews cf Ten in the Fcrenoon and Tvoo in the Aftet- miffion named, or the major Part of them, on the ioth and
nuon, at tbe King's Head in Downing fireet, Wefi- 27th Days of March next at T e n of the Clock in the I-ore-o **
Tnhifier ; and the Shares remaining unpaid voillbe re- noon, and on the ioth Day of April following at Four
of the Clock in the Afternoon, at Guildhall, Lon.on,
called at the fame Place and Hours, the firfi Saturday and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate and
in every Mcnth fior ihree Years. Effeas; when and where the Credkois are to como prepared
T h o . and W m . M a u d e , of Dovining- 1 j to prove their Debts,' and at the Second Sitting to choose As-
fireet, Westminster, \ &** signees, and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to
finisli his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to or
dissent from the Allowanceof his Certificate. All Persons in*
v . , T> , Hilary Term, in the Fourth Year of the debted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects,
King s Remcmbran- D I £ is- r> .. T , . , are not to pay cr deliver the fame but to whom the Com-
' ce 6 r - s office Rejgn of Kn3
8 George the Third, missioners' sliall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Jennings^
'; * * Thursday the 23d of February, 1764, Attorney, in Carey Street.
Between Joseph Mason Rand and Hannah his Wife, Plaintiffs,
Wiiliam Rudge aad another, Defendants.
3 By Bill. W Hereas a Commission ofBankrupt is awarded and issued
forth against David Collins, of the City of Oxford in
P O N the Motion of Mr. Wynne, of Council with the the County of Oxford, Grocer, Dealer and Chapman, and he
U Plaintiffs, and reading an Affidavit; It is ordered by the being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender-
Court, that the Defendant William Rudge do appear to thc himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission namedj
said Bill on or befere the first Day os next Easter Term. or the major Part of them, on the 9th Day of March next,
By Order of the Deputy Remembrancer. at One o'Clock in the Afternoon, on the 16th of the same
Wood for the Plaintiff. Month of March, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon,
and on the ioth Day of April following, at Ten of the
P Ursuant to a Decree of the High Court os Chancery, Clock in the Forenoon, at Guildhall, London, and make a
such of'the Creditors of james Nevvfem, (now James full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate and Effects ; when and
Newsam Craggs) late of Chadsliunt in the County of Warwick, where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts,
Esq; as have any Lien on his real Eilates, situate in the Pa- and at the Second Sitting to chufe Assignees, and at the last
rish of Chadsliunt aforesaid, and 'n Gaydon in the said County, Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examina-
are on or before the gth Day of May next, to come in and prove tion, and the Creditors are to assent to or dissent from the
their respective Debts affecting the said Estates, before John Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons indebted to the
Browning, Ef;;; one of the Masters of the said Court, at his said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to
Chansbe-s in Symond's inn in Chancery Lane, London, or pay or deliver the fame but to whom the Commissioneis shall'
they will be peremptorily excluded the Benefit of the said De- appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Cracraft, Attorney, in Mark
cree. Lane.

T O be peremptorily fold separately, on Tuesday the 20th ' I T THereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued
Day of March next, between the Hours of T e n and V V forth against Alexander Elliott, of Brompton other-
Twelve in the Forenoon, before Charles Taylor, Esq; Deputy wise Broun ton in the County of Kent, Shop-keeper, Dealer
Remembrancer of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer at West- and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby
master, in pursuance of a Decree and subsequent Order of the required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said
said Court, Divers Messuages and Tenements situate in the P a - Commission named, or the major Part of them, on the 3d
rish of Stotefdon in the County of Salop, of the yearly Value of Day of March next, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon,
44.I. and also two large and commodious Dwelling-houses and on the 27th Day of March next, at Twelve o'Clock at
a larg- Sliop situate in Kiln Lane near the Market-house in the Noon, and on the ioth of April following, a t T e n o'Clock inr
Town of Shrewsbury, of the yearly Value of 301. late the the Fore"noon, at Guildhall, London, and make a full Dis-
Estate of John Poyner, deceased. Particulars whereof may be covery and Disclosure of his Estate and Essects ; when
had ofthe Deputy Remembrancer, at his Chambers adjoining to and where the Creditors are , to come prepared so prove
the King's Remembrancer's Office in the InnerTemple, London. their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to chufe Assignees,

M R. William Cherry, Insurance Broker, &c. haying died and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to fini/h
in April last, his Executor by repeated Advertisements his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to or dissent
d.d request all Persons having Demands on his Estate to carry from the Allowance of his Certificate. All Persons indebted
them to Mr. Gathorne, near the Navy-office Gate Crutched to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not
Fryers, in order to their being examined and fully satisfied ; to pay or deliver the fame but. to whom the Commiilionera
ani) likewise gave Notice to all Persons indebted "to the said shall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Fryer, Attorney, in
Estate forthwith to pay the same to Mr. Peter Cherry, at the Elm Court Middle Temple, London.
South-Se 1 House, or they would be sued. But there still being
many Demands on and frorn the said Estate not adjusted, the
Executor gives this final Notice, that all Demands not brought W Hereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and
issued forth against CharJes Price, of Gray's Ina Lane-
as above, by the 5th of March, will be excluded, as he is in the PariJh ot Saint Andrew's Holbourn in the County of
going out of the Kingdom ; and all Persons indeb.ted not Middlesex, Brewer, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is
;:-\yiig bv that Time will be prosecuted by his Attorney. hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the
^ " p ^ f i E Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Com- said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on the
j) million of Bailkrupt awarded against James Adams, of 3d Day of March next, at Four o'Clock in'the Afternoon, on
Minrring-li.ii', London, Merchant, are desired to meet the As- the 26th Day of the said March next, and on the i o t h
f.f*: ef cf h u Estate and Elects," on Thursday next, at Twelve Day of April following, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, at
r-'OL.cii precisely, at tne King's Arms Tavern in Change Al- Guildhall, London, and m a k e a full Discovery and Disclosure
ley, in c:ic: co ailent to or diifent from the Assignees felling of his Estate and Effscts j wh«n and where the CreJitors are
to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the Second Sit- Bristol, Maltster and Brewer, Intend to meet cn the -list of.
ting to chufe Assignees, and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt March next, at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, at thc
is required to finish his Examination, and the Creditors House of Thomas Killigrew, Vintner, called the Fountain T a -
are to assent to or dissent from the Allowance of his Certificate. vern in High-street, Bristol,in order to make a final Dividend of
All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects ; when and where
of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the fame but to the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are
whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to to come prepared to prove the fame, or they wil! be excluded
M r . Samuel Palmer, Attorney, in Lincoln's Inn Old Build- the Benefit of the said Dividend.

^ ' k THereas a Commisson of Bankrupt is awarded and

' V V Jssu^ forth against Thomas Rose, of Witney in the
T in
H E Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt award-

ed and iifued forth against Charles Levie, of the Strand
County of Middlesex, Dealer and Chapman, intend
County of Oxford, Grocer, and he being declared a Bank- to meet on the 27th of March next, at Four of the ClocJt
rupr, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Com- in the Afternoon, at Guildhall, London, in order to make
niM-lionei-s in the said Commission named, or the major Part a Dividend of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Eftects j
of them, on the zoth Day of Maich next, and on the jd and vvhen and where the Creditors, who have not already pioved
j o t h Days of April following, at Eleven o'Clock in the Fore- their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the fame, or they
noon, 0:1 each 0'" the said Days, av the House of John Fisher, will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend.
calkd cr known by the Name of ti:e Crown Inn situate in Wit-
ney aforesa-d, and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of his T H E Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt award-
ed and issued forth against James Brown, of the Parish
Estate - no ' Æ . c t s ; when and where the Creditors are to come of St. Martin in the Fields in the County of Middlesex, Lace-
nrepareo to >>rove their Debts, and at the Second Sitting to man, Dealer, and Chapman, intend to meet on the 27th Day
chule Afli W . ; e i j a..d at the last Sitting the said Bank- of March next, at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, at
rupt is. required tc finiJh his Examination, and the Cre- Guildhall, London, in order to make a Final Dividend of the
ditors are to aTert to or dissent from the Allowance of Ills said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects j when and where the
Certiricate All Persi.ns indebted to the said Bankrupt, or Creditors, who have not already proved their Debt8, are
4 a r have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the to come prepared to prove the fame, or they will bc excluded
•"ame bnt to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give the Benefit of the said Dividend. And all Person?, who have
Notice to John I.e^ke, Attorney at Law, in Witney aforesaid made any Claims, are to come and prove the fame, or they
TI TT THereas a Commission of B -ikrupt is awarJed and ifiued will be disallowed.
A - A / forth ag.iinst Ann Roberts, Jate of Trowbridge in
the Ccunty of Wilts, Linnen-draper, and she being declared a T HE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt award-
ed and issued forth against Thomas Morris, Jate of Bewd-
Ba'/frup'*, is hereby required to surrender herself to the Com- ley in the County of Worcester, Mercer, inrend to meet oa*
mirr*-vT5 in tbe said Commission named, or the major Part the 28th of March next, at Ten of the CJock in the Fore-
V them, on the 6th and 13th ofMarch next, and o n t h e noon, at the Hcufe of Richard Pinches, at the Sign of the
i o t h of April following, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, Fox in the Town of Shrewsbury, in order to make a further
on each of the said Days, at Guildhall, London, and Dividend of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects ; when and
make a full Discovery and Disclosure of her Estate and Ef- where the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts,
fects • when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to are to come prepared to prov the fame, or they will be ex-
prove' their Debts, and at the second Sitting to chufe As- cluded the Benefit of the said Dividend.
signees, and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to
finish her Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to T HE Commissioners in a Commissicn of Bankrupt award-
ed and iflued against Rudolph Cinggen, of the Parish
or dissent from the Allowance of her Certificate. All Per- of Saint Mary-le-Bon in the County of Middlesex, Victualler,,
sons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of intend to meet on the ioth Day of April next, at Four
her Effects, are not to pay cr deliver the fame, but to of the Ciock in the Afternoon, at GuildhalJ, London, in
-whom the Commissioners Jhall appoint, but give Notice to .order to make a Final Dividend of the said Bankrupt's Estate
Mr. Southouse, Attorney, in Milk-street Cherjpside, London, and Essects ; when and where the Creditors, who have not ai-
-w- V T-Hereas a Commission of Eankrupt is awarded and ready proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the
issued sorth a ainst
Vv E R i c n a l d E>avies, of Leather-lane fame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Divi*
in thc Parish of St. Andrew Holborn and County of Middle- dend.
sex, Cheesemonger, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is Hereas the acting Commissioners in the Commissioa
hereby required "t? surrender himself to the Commissioners in of Banlcrupt awarded against Burkitt Fenn, of Corn-
the said Commission named, or the major Part of tliem, on hill, London, Hosier, Dealer and Chapman, have certified to
the -d of March next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, on the Right Hon. Lord Henley, Baron of Grange, Lord High
tbe 6th Day of the said March next, and on thc ioth Day of Chancellor of Great Britain, that the said Burkitt Fenn
April forowing, at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, hath in all Things conformed himself according to the D i -
at Guildhall, London, and make a full Discovery and Dis- rections of the several Acts of Parliament made concerning
closure of his Estate and Effects ; when and where the Bankrupts ; This is to give Notice, that by virtue of an Act
• Crediters are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at passed in the Fifth Year of his late Majesly's Reign, his Cer-
the Second Sitting to chufe Assignees, and at the last Sitting tificate will be allowed and confirmed as the said Act directs,
the said Bankrupts are required to finish his Examination, and unless Cause be shewn to the contrary on or before the 19th of
the Creditors are to assent to or dislent from the Allowance March next.
of his Certificate. All Persons Indebted to the said Banknipt,
or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the W Hereas the .acting Commissioners in the Commission
of Bankrupt awarded against James Hassall, late of
fame but to whom tHe Commissioners fliall appoint, but give the Showell in the Paristi of Bufhbury in the County of
Notice to Mr. Clarke, near the Oxford Arms in Warwick Stafford, Vintner, Maltster, Mealman, Dealer and Chapman,
Lane, London. have certified to the Right Hon. Lord Henley, Baron of
TS Tg" THereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued Grange, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain," that the said
W f or th against John Hills, late of Rochester in the I James Hassall hath in all Things conformed himself according
County of Kent, Innholder, Dealer and Chapman, and he being to the Directions of the several Acts of Parliament made
declared a Bankrupt, is heieby required to surrender himself to concerning Bankrupts j This is to give Notice, that by virtue
the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major of an Act passed in the Fifth Year ef his late Majesty's
Part of them, on the 3d and 14th Days of March next, and cn Reign, his Certificate will be allowed and confirmed as the
the ioth of April following, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, said Act directs, unless Cause be (hewn to the contrary on>
on each of the said Days, at Guildhall, London, and make or before the 19th of March next.
a full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate and Effects ;
•when and where the Creditors are to come prepaied to W Hereas the acting Commissioners in the Commission of
Bankrupt awarded against John Rayner, of Pulham
prove their Debts; and at the Second Sitting to choose St. Mary Magdalen in the County of Norfolk, Grocer, have
Assignees, and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is certified to t h e R t . Hon. Lord Henley, Baron of Grange, Lord
required to finish his Examination,, and the Creditors are to High Chancellor of CreatBritain, that the said John Rayner hath '
assent to or distent from the Allowance ofhis Certificate. All in all Things conformed himself according to thi Directions of
Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his the several Acts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts ;
Effects • are not to pay or deliver the fame but to whom the This is to give Notice, that by virtue of an Act passed in the
Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Langmore, Fifth Year of hislate Majesty's Reign, his Certificate will be
Attorney, in Bow Lane Cheapside, London. allowed and confirmed as said Act directs, unless Cause be shewn
-"HE Commissioners in a Commiflion ofBankrupt award- to the .cpntrary on or before the 19th of March next.
1 ed and issued forth against Thomas Bulman, of Houghton "•CTJ ^THereas the acting Commissioners in the Commission
in theCounty of Durham, Butcher, Chapman and Dealer, in- V V of Bankrupt awarded against John Crowther, of Corn-
tend to meet on tl-.e 30th Day of March next, at Three hill, London, China-man, Dealer and Chapman, surviving Part-
of thc Clock in the Afternoon, at the House of Mr. Joseph ner of John Weatherby, deceased, have certified to the Right
Hays being the Sign of the Queen's Head, situate in the Hon. Lord Henley, Baron of Grange, Lord High Chancellor of
North Bailey in Durham, in order to make a Dividend of Great Britain, that the said John Crowther hath in all Things
the U\-\ Bankrupt's Estate and Effects ; when and where the conformed himself according to the Directions of the several
C r e d i t s , who have not already proved their Debts, arc to Acts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts; This is to give
come ••-•-'pared to prove the fame, or they will be excluded the Notice, that b.y virtue of an Act passed in the Fifth Year of
Benefit of the said Dividend. His late Majesty's Reign, his Certificate will be allowed and
f E T ' H E Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt award- confirmed as the said Act directs, unless Cause be shewn to t'lis
ed- and iffued forth against John Jones, of .the City of contrary on or before the igth of March next.

Printed by E, Owen and T. Harrison in Warwkk-Lane.. 1764.

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