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Routh-Hurwitz Criterion Routh-Hurwitz Criterion

• Characteristic Polynomial of Closed-loop System
 Any pole of system lies on the right hand side of
D(s)  ansn  an1sn1        a1s  a 0 , an  0
the origin of s plane, it makes system unstable.
Hurwitz polynomial
 On basis of this condition A. Hurwitz and E.J. All roots of D(s) have negative real parts. stable system
Routh started investigating necessary and Hurwitz’s necessary conditions: All coefficients (ai) are to be positive.
sufficient conditions of stability of a system. Define
 Routh-Hurwitz criterion: determine if any roots of D0 ( s)  a n sn  a n 2 sn 2   
a polynomial lie outside left half of complex D1(s)  an1sn 1  an3 sn3   
plane. D 0 (s ) 1 an a b
  1s  , 1  ,  2  n1 ,  3  1 ,   
 Routh-Hurwitz criterion allow us to determine D1( s)  2s 
1 an1 b1 c1
stability without finding roots of characteristic 3s 
equation. 
Note: Any zero root has been removed in D(s).
 It does not find the exact locations of the roots.

Routh-Hurwitz Criterion Routh-Hurwitz Criterion

• Routh Tabulation (array)
sn an an  2 an  4 
sn1 an1 an3 an5 
  1  an an  2   1  a n a n 4 closed-loop
s n 2 b1 b2 b3  b1    , b2    
 an 1  an 1 an 3  an1  an1 an 5 transfer function
s n3
c1 c2 c3 
  1 a a   1 a a n 5
c 1    n 1 n 3 , c 2    n1 
 b1  b1 b2  b1  b1 b3
s1 g1 0 
s0 h1 0
• Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion
(1) The polynomial D(s) is a stable polynomial if i are all positive, i.e.
an , a n1, b1, c 1,    h1 are all positive. Initial layout for
(2) The number of sign changes in an , a n1, b1, c 1,    h1 is equal to the Routh table
number of roots in the RH s-plane.
(3) If the first element in a row is zero, it is replaced by a small ε, ε>0,
and the sign changes when   0 are counted after completing the
(4) If all elements in a row are zero, the system has poles in the RH plane
or on the imaginary axis.


Completed Routh table Case - 1

• No zero appear

Example: Q(s) = s3 + s2 +2s+ 8

s3 1 2
s2 1 8
s1 – 6
s0 8
2 sign change  2 roots lie in RHP

Case - 2 Case - 3
• First element of a row is zero • All elements of a row is zero
Q(s)= s5 + s4 + s3 + s2 +2s +2
Q(s) = s5 + 2s4 + 2s3 + 4s2 +11s+ 10
s5 1 1 2
s5 1 2 11
s4 1 1 2
s4 2 4 10
s3 0 0
s3 0/  6  is a small number
s 2 –12/ 10 • A case 3 polynomial contains even polynomials,
s1 6 called auxiliary polynomial, as a factor.
s1 10 • Row above zero row indicates auxiliary polynomial
• Auxiliary polynomial of s5 + s4 + s3 + s2 +2 s +2 is
2 sign change  2 roots lie in RHP
Qa = s4 +s2 +2
• Two method available to solve this problem.


Case - 3 Example
Q(s) = s4 +4
Method 1 s4 1 0 4
• First factorized the polynomial and analyze each factor s3 0 0
individually We have zero row here. Aux-polynomial is
• For the above polynomial we have Qa(s) = s4 +4
s5 + s4 + s3 + s2 +2 s +2 = (s+1)(s4 +s2 +2) Qa’(s) = 4s3 j
• We then create Routh array for s+1 and for s4+s2+2 The array becomes
Method 2 s4 1 0 4
• Differentiate the aux polynomial s3 4 0 1
• Coefficient of the result replaces the zero row s2  4
s1 -16/
• Coefficient of 4s3 + 2s replaces the zero
s0 4
s3 4 2
2 sign change  2 roots lie in RHP

Routh-Hurwitz Criterion Exercise

Ex: For a closed-loop system with characteristic polynomial
D(s)  s5  2s 4  3s3  6s2  5s  3
Determine if the system is stable
Sol: Routh Table Sign of first column for   0,   0
s5 1 3 5 s5 
s4 2 6 3 s4 
s3 0ε s3 
6ε - 7
3 s2 
two sign changes  two poles in RHP
s1 
 unstable system
42ε - 49 - 6ε 2
s1 0
12ε -14 s 
s 3
Ex: For D(s)  s3  2s2  4s  8, determine if the system is stable
Sol: Routh Table 1 j
D(s)  ( 2s2  8 )( s  1)
2 2
s3 1 4
 (s  4)(s  2)

s2 2 8  Auxiliary eq. : D(s)  2s 2  8 

 (s  2j)(s  2j)(s  2)  2
s1 0 poles : s  -2j, 2j, - 2
 2
s0  stable system


Solution Exercise
s3  3408.3s 2 1204000s 1.5107 K  0
s3 1 1204000
s2 3408.3 1.5 107 K
410.36 107 1.5 107 K
s1 0
s 0
1.5107 K
410.36 107 1.5 107 K
a.s.  0 & 1.5 107 K  0

Unstable System For the system to be stable

0  K  273.57

Exercise Definition of Root Locus

K  273.57  A(s)  3408.3s2  4.1036 109  0 • Roots of this equation are the closed-loop poles
of the feedback system
s   j1097 roots when K  273.57 • Locus - set of all points whose location is
determined by stated conditions
• Stated conditions here are that 1 + kG(s) = 0 for
some value of k, and the “points” whose
locations matter to us are points in the s-plane
• Path taken by the root of the characteristic
equation when open loop gain k is varied from 0
to ∞ are called root locus


Root Locus Technique Root Locus Technique

• Let's say we have a closed-loop transfer function • In other words, the locations of the poles of a
for a particular system specific equation must satisfy the following

• Where N is the numerator polynomial and D is • And from the above equation we can manipulate
the denominator polynomial of the transfer an equation such as
functions, respectively.
• Now, we know that to find the poles of the
equation, we must set the denominator to 0, and • And finally by converting to polar coordinates,
solve the characteristic equation we get

Root Locus Technique Root Locus Construction Rules

• Now we have 2 equations that govern the • Rule 1: Starting Point (K=0)
locations of the poles of a system for all – The root locus starts at open loop poles. Or
gain values there is one branch of the root-locus for every
root of b(s).
• Magnitude Equation
• Angle Equation • Rule 2: Terminating Point (K=infinity)
– The root locus terminates at open loop zeros
which include those at infinity.
• Rule 3: Number of Distinct Root Loci
– There will be as many root loci as the highest
number of finite open loop poles or zeros.


Root Locus Construction Rules Root Locus Construction Rules

• Rule 4: Symmetry of the Root Loci • Rule 6: Asymptotic Intersection
– The root loci are symmetrical with respect to – The asymptotes intersects the real axis at the
the real axis and all complex roots are point given by
• Rule 5: Angle of Asymptotes
– The root loci are asymptotic to straight lines at • Rule 7: Root Locus Location on the
large values and the angle of asymptotes is Real Axis
given by
– The root loci may be found on portions of the
real axis to the left of an old number of open
loop poles and zeros.

Root Locus Construction Rules Breakaway and Break-in Points

• Rule 8: Locus Breakaway Point
– The points at which the root locus break away
can be calculated by the following:

• Rule 9: Angle of Departure and Arrival

• Rule 10: Point of Intersection with the
Imaginary Axis
• Rule 11: Determination of K


Breakaway and Break-In Points Example

• Find the breakaway and break-in points for
the closed-loop system with


Angle of Departure Angle of Departure

 Angle of departure from a complex

pole, pj, is 180 degrees + (sum of
angles between pj and all zeros) - (sum
of angles between pj and all other

Angle of departure, θd = 180°- (ϴ1+ϴ2 ) + Φ


Angle of Arrival Angle of Arrival

 Angle of arrival at a complex zero, zj, is 180

degrees + (sum of angles between zj and
all other poles) - (sum of angles between zj
and all zeros)

Angle of arrival, θa = 180°- (Φ1+ Φ2 ) + ϴ

Example Example
• Find the angle of departure at the pole p = -1+j2
for the closed loop system where • Sketch the root locus of the following

• θd = 180° - 90° + 33.7°

• θd = 123.7°


Step #1 Step #2
Draw the n poles and m zeros Determine the loci on the
of G(s)H(s) using x and o real axis:
• Choose a arbitrary test
G s   • If the TOTAL number of
s s  1s  2
both real poles and
• 3 poles:
zeros is to the RIGHT
p1 = 0; p2 = -1; p3 = -2 of this point is ODD,
• No zeros then this point is on the
root locus

Step #3 Step #4
Determine the n - m asymptotes:
Find the breakpoints.
• Locate s = α on the real axis:
p1  p2  p3 0  1  2 • Express K such as:
s     1
3 0 3
 180 2q  1 q  0, 1, 2, 
K   ss  1s  2 
l  G( s ) H ( s )
• Compute and draw angles: K   s 3  3s 2  2 s
  1800 2  0  1
 
 0  60 0 • Set dK/ds = 0 and solve
 for the poles.
   180 2 1  1  1800

 1 30
 3s 2  6 s  2  0
• Draw the asymptotes using dash lines. s1  1.5774, s2  0.4226


Step #5
• Points on imaginary axis
s  j jω?
• Points on root locus
1  KG s H s   0
- jω
• Substitute s=jω into the
characteristic equation
and solve for ω.   0 or    2




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