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UNITED INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT MCA 3° ODD SEMESTER, 1° SESSIONAL EXAMINATION 2022-23 | LAL INTELLIGENCE KCA-301 30 hrs. PAP Dur MM: 30 rry marks as NO’ Attempt all sections & questions which shown in the bracket against each. SECTION-A QI. Attempt all. (4x2 = 8) (a) Discuss Expert Systems. (b) Describe Directed Graph and its representation (c)_ Explain Propositional logic. (a). What do you mean by Man-Machine interaction? SECTION-B Q2. Answer any part. (2 x8 = 10) (a) Define intelligent Agents. Discuss different kinds of Agent programs. (b} What is Best First Search? Illustrate Aipha-Beta pruning with suitable examples. OR - (a) Explain Informed Search. Discuss Hill climbing methods. (b) Illustrate Probabilistic Reasoning. Discuss Hidden Markov Model & i applications. SECTION-C Q3. Solve any set. (2 x6 = 12) (a) Define Fuzzy Logic. Discuss Neural Networks and its use. (0) tluminate Blind Search. Discuss BFS & OFS with suitable examples. OR {a) What do you mean by Chaining? Discuss Forward and Backward chaining with examples. (b) Explain logical operator precedence. Draw the truth table of following:-- (x72) v xy’) v ((YZ")))" = United Institute of Management 3" Odd sional examination Session 2022-23 Time: 1.30 hrs Max. Mark: 30 ar Paper Code: KCA 302 Q.1 Attempts Any Four: 4*2=8 ’ (a) What is Software development life cycle? neric waterfall model. t (c) State & explain SQA. 3 (d) Explain Process Modeling and Data modeling. 1 SECTION B Q.2 Answer any one set. 2*6=12 (a) What is flow chart? How is the flow charting technique useful for software development? (b) Discuss the Prototype Model. What is the effect of designing a prototype on the overali cost of software . project? OR (a) Explain the E-R Diagram with example. (b) Elucidate Top Down and Bottom Up design. - SECTION C Q.3 Address on group:- 2*5=10 iS (a) What do you mean by feasibility study? Explain various types of feasibility study. i (b) Discuss the Halstead’s software science with suitable example. OR (a) Compare ISO and SEI- CMM Model, (b) What are the main problems associated with software development and their underlying causes? UNITED INSTIFUTE OF MANAGEMENT ' ODD SEMESTER, 1 SESSIONAL EXAMINATION SESSION 23 A COMPUTER NETWORK + “N7NCR- PAPER CODE: KCA-303 TIME: 1.5 Hrs MAX. MARKS: 30 Notes: Attempt all sections, Questions carry marks as shown in the bracket aga) each, SECTION-A Ql. Attempt all questions in brief: - (4*2=8) (a) Define Networking. What are it's advantages? [CO-1] (b) Explain Fi ragmentation with examples. [CO-2] (c) Elucidate Bur ‘or with examples. [CO-2] (d) Describe Hamming Code, {CO-3] SECTION-B Answer the following :- 1 ion media. Differentiate between Guided (a) Explain Transmi & Unguided media. [CO-1] OR What is Switching? Briefly explain it’s different methods. [CO-3] (b) Describe Networking devices in reference to OSI layers. (CO-] OR Explain different Data Link Layer protocols. {CO-2] P10 ar SECTION-C Q3. Address the under mention problems ; - 26-19) (a) Explain the responsibilities of TCP/IP model. {Co.; OR _ Differentiate between IPv4 & IP v6. (C03) (b) What is CSMA/CD Protocol? Also explain TDMA & FDMA. [CO.2 OR Discuss Interdomain and Intradomain routing with * examples. [CO-3) OF MANAGEMENT R, Session 2022-23 AMINATION NY UNITED INSTITUT. MCA 3" Odd, SEMES I“ SESSIONAL E WEB TECHNOLOGY _ Wes > Paper Code: KCA 021 Duration: rE hr Paper ID: M™: 30 Note: Answer all sections/questions. Max marks are shown in the bracket against cach. SECTION-A QL. Attempt all:- (42 =8) (a) Differentiate between Internet and www. cou (b) Write a java script program to swap two numbers a=10 and b=5, coz (c) titustrate feature of Bootstrap. co1 (d) Dwell upon JSP implicit objects. co3 SECTION-B Q2. Attempt one of the sets:- (2*5 = 10) (a) Make following table in HTML with Its suitable oroperties- con AB c D E ' F \ | G H t J (b) Design architecture of Serviet. Distinguish cookle end session with suitable examoles in serviet. cos OR (a) Define CSS with its types. Describe the following mentioned terms by using externa CSS through class selector, with suitable example. Border, margin, font-size, color, images, hyperlinks con (b) Explain document object model. Also describe the features of HTML DOM with a suitable example and diagram. coz SECTION-C Q3. Address the following problem:- (2*6 = 12) (a) What are governing protocols in the web? Describe feature of five protocols with its port number. col {b) Write a java Script program for counting Odd, Even and Prime numbers from 1 to 100. co2 oR (a) Elucidate Cascading Style Sheet. Illustrate following styles to htm! elements by using internal CSS:- Text- decoration, Color, Alignment,Font-family, Background image, List. C02 (b) Design a JSP page to find HCF and LCM of two numbers, which is inputed by users at runtime. co3 ’ UNITED INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT ~ MCA 3 ODD SEME:! . I SESSIONAL EXAMINATION 2022-23 C ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE KCA-301 =>- Shere PAPER COD Duration : O1hrs. Attempt all sections & questions which carry marks as shown in the bracket against each. SECTION-A QI. Attempt all. (a) Discuss Machine learning. [co04] (b) Describe Reinforcement. C03] {c)_ Explain pattern recognition. {co4} SECTION-B Q2. Answer any set. (2x7 2) Elucidate decision tree pruning. Di ypothesis and in AL. (b) What is K-means clustering? Illustrate Reinforcement with suitable examples {COS} OR (c)_ Explain Artificial Neural Network. Discuss decision boundary with suitable examples. [C04] (d) Ulustrate probabilistic models for information extraction. Discuss Support Vector machine & its applications. [COS] SECTION-C Q3. Address any one. (1x10 = 10) Define Naive Bayes model. Discuss nonparametric regression and its need. [co4] OR Illuminate Classification techniques. Discuss Statistical learning with suitable examples. [COS] United Institute of Management MCA Sofiware Engineering 3° Semester, Second Sessional Examination Session 2022-23 ne: 1.00 hrs Paper Code: KCA 302 ax. Mark: 30 tes: Attempts all sections. Max marks are shown in bracket against each. Section A _ Attempts All Questions (3*2=6) (a) Enumerate about code Inspection. [CO4} (b) What is Software Reverse Engi ing? [COS] (c) State and explain RMMM plan. [C04] Section B Attempts any one set. (2*7=14) (a) Discuss various categories of Software Matrices. [CO4] (b) What are the difference between flow chart and structure chart? [COs] OR a) Discuss Alpha and Beta testing along with their advantages and disadvantages. [CO4] b) List the important properties of software modular system. [COS] Section C Attempts any one (1*10=10) How to measure cost, effort, duration and size using COCOMO estimation technique? Explain it in detail, (Co4] OR What do you mean by Software Risk Analysis Management f0cess? Explain the various types of maintance of software. 3 [C03] UNITED INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT PAPER CODE : KCA-303 TIME: | Hour MAX. MARKS : 30 Notes: Attempt all sections. Questions carry marks as shown in the bracket against each. SECTION-A QI. Attempt all questions in brief: - (3*2=6) (a) Illustrate about Socket. [CO-4] (b) Explain SCTP Protocol. (CO-4} (c) Elucidate Telnet. [CO-5] SECTION-B Q2. Attempt any set :- (2*7=14) (a) What is Multiplexing? Define all categories of Multiplexing. [CO-4] (b) Explain Email System. Differentiate between POP3 and IMAP Protocol. [CO-5] OR (a) Describe Unicast. Multicast and Broadcast Address with examples. [CO-4] (b) Differentiate between TCP and UDP Protocols. [CO-3] SECTION-C Q3. Attempt any one: - (1*10=10) What is Congestion? Define Congestion Control with suitable examples. (CO-4] OR Discuss Cryptography & it’s type with suitable examples. [Co-s] er aTED INSTITUTE OF M uNITE? 30d SEMESTER, Se 2°! SESSIONAL EXAMINATION WEB TECHNOLOGY eCA 021 Duration: 1 spe: KCA on: Thr nes . MM: 30 anger all sections/questions. Max marks are shown in the bracket ast ach SECTION-A “attempt all: - (3*2 =6) 3} dwell upon AOP, . coa 3} What do you mean by IoC (Inversion of Control) Container? co4 ) Explain Dependency Injection? cos SECTION-B . Attempt one of the sets: - (2*7 = 14) | What are design patterns in Spring Framework? Explain Strategy design pattern with suitable e: pie. co4 | Enumerate and illustrate the bean scopes available in Spring cos OR | Differentiate between Constructor and Setter injection. Give suitable example. co4 )What are the effects of running Spring Boot Application as Java Application? cos SECTION-C remot any one: - (1*40 = 10) Me 'S Spring Framework? Discuss feature of the Spring. How we call le ie class with annotations as a POJO class? co4 2 + in srate advantages and disadvantages of spring Boot. What is Bean “Pring? How bean life cycle can be controlled Spring? cos 40 OEE AES ESS TTT TE OF MANAGEMENT MCA 3" SEMESTER, 2022-23 MAKEUP SESSIONAL EXAMINATION ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGE NCE PAPER CODE : KCA-301 Duration : O1hr, MM: 30 NOT Attempt all sections & questions which carry marks as shown nthe bracket against cach. SECTION-A QI. Attempt all. (©) Illustrate Probabilistic Reasoning. Discuss Hidden Markov M applications. (G3 x2 =06) (a) Discuss Goal-based agents col] (b) Describe iocal maxima in hill climbing algorithm co2j (c)_ Explicate tautology with examples. CO3] SE ON-B Q2. Answer any set. (2x7 = 14) (a) What is Best First Search? Exemplify Alpha-Beta pruning. {CO2] jodel & OR (a) Elucidate Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learn: decision boundary with suitable example: (b) Define Naive Bayes model and its appli regression and its need Q3. Address any one, (1x10 = 10) Discuss Support Vector Machine & its applications, Illustrate probabilistic models for information extraction, [Co4} OR Discuss Statistical Learning with — suitable examples. Mluminate Classification Techniques. Bee itute of Ma snagement ited Institute ea MCA Paper Code: KCA 302 ime: 1.00 brs as a KCA 30 Mex. Mark: 30 apers ID: Section A Qui Attempts All is Software Reverse ¢) Compare ISO and SEI- CMM Moce Section B Q2 Attempts any two question. a) What do you understand by the respect of software des 5) Draw an E-R ®) Define the software testing. Explain various level of testing. 5) What do you mean by Software Risk An Process? Also explain the various types of Mainte Section C 3 Attempts any one. 4) Explain the feasibility studies. What are the outcomes’ Ve either implicit or explicit effects on software requ collection? OR Fy ) ‘What ae all the formulas for cyclomatic complexity yclomatic complexity for greatest of three numbers? ESSIONAL EXA E XAM COMPUTER NETWORK SREEL TER NETWORK Notes : Attempt all sections. Questions carry marks as shown in the bracket against each. SECTION-A Qi. Attempt all: - SECTION-B Q2. Anemprt any set :- [CO-3} SECTION-C Q3. Attempt any one: - (ix10=10) Differentiate between IPv4 & IPv6. {CO} Hs OR Discuss Cryptography & it's type with suitable examples. ae {CO-s} UNITED INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT | MCA 3" Semester, Session 2022.23 | MAKE-UP SESSIONAL EXAMINATION WEB TECHNOLOGY per Code: KCA 021 Paper ID: tes: Answer all sections/questions, MM are hinst each, Duration: | hr MM: 30) shown in the bracket SECTION-A ‘1, Attempt all: - (3*2 =6) (a) What is CSS? Give an example of external Css. co1 (b) Differentiate between Spring and Spring Boot co4a (c) What's the difference between a block-level element and an inline element? Give at least two examples of each. co2 SECTION-B D2. Attempt one of the sets: - (2*7 = 14) (a) Introduce overview of servlet. Design and explain its architecture. CO3 (b) Enumerate and illustrate the bean scopes available in Spring. cos OR (a) Differentiate between Constructor and Setter injection. Give suitable example. co4 '(b) What is JavaScript Event? Write a program without using function to | Power of given numbers, by taking user inputs and Output will display on alert box on click of the button. coz | SECTION-C | ER TION-€ 3, Attempt any one: - (1*10 = 10) Define and enumerate JSP Actions. Elaborate atleast three actions, with help of suitable programs. co3 i OR \ How we call a Java class with annotations as a POJO class? What is Bean in Spring? How bean life cycle can be controlled Spring? cos Printed Pages:02 paper td: [2] 3) 2 3. of Sub CodeskCA-303 Roll No, aii (SEM 11 THEORY CA. RY EXAMINATI Or Time: 3 Hours COMPUTER NETWORKe 2223 7 Total Marks: 100 ‘missing data, then choose suitably. SECTION a Note: Attempt all Sections. Ifyou require any 1. Attempt atl questions in brief, (a) List out components of d; ) © 2x10=20 ‘ata communication system. ission modes, the network layer and data link ission fro ? areconnected though snes S 10 D? Assume that Source § sed Draieaol fo Beane an intermediate router R. +6) Discuss Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP), © Explain Round-Trip Time (RTT), 42) Describe sockets with respect to com sth) Whai is three-way handshaking? wD Discuss role of SMTP in email G) Define cookies with respect S Gir = A Section & 2 Attempt any three of theYSllowing: (@) Discuss various computer network topologies with suitable. sores (b) A bit stream 10011101 is transmitted using the standard (RG method. The generator polynomial is x°3 + 1. Show the actual bit string transiWied. Suppose the third bit from the left is inverted during transmission, ee error is detected at the “ee system, Se x3=30 receiver's end. (©) Consider an IP address 26, Solve ) Network Address i) Custom subnet mask 5 Total Number of available sub (iv) Total number of host add (W)__e. Subnet address and brogd (4) Justify the statement “TCP, following: address of every subnet. fable than UDP*. Also elaborate format for TCP packet. . Write short notes on d (WH Se aga ii) Telnet. ii) FTP SECTION C oxt=t0 3, Attempt any one part of the following: Discuss various types of transmission media with tition a rs Explain responsibilities cach layer in ISO/OSI Mode! ‘Attempt any one part of the following: loxt=19 (0) Explain Selective Reject and Go-Back-N-ARQ with reference 10 sliding windy protocol (6) What do you mean error handling at data link layer? Discuss hamming code wih suitable example. ‘Attempt any one part of the following: 10x1=10 (a) Whatis need of IP address? Discuss Classful addressing in IPv4. (&) Discuss IPv4 packet format with suitable diagram the at network layer. ‘Attempt any one part of the following: loxt=10 (a) Differentiate between Open Loop and Closed Loop Congestion Contol at transport layer. (b) Explain various traffic shaping algorithms. ‘Attempt any one part of the following: 1ox1=10 (@) Define network security and discuss various network security services in computer networks. (©) Discuss Ex rrinted Pages:02 Sub Code: KCA-O21 paper Ia: 3 ay Roll No. T TT 2| olor ftloft [ufojofr jr] E MCA F (SEM. a EXAMINATION 2022-23 WEB TEs mths CHNOLOGY Total Marks: 100 | Note: Attempt all Sections. Ifyou require any missing data, then choose suitably Attempt all questions in briet. SECTION A 2x10=20 2) Discuss Ordered Jistanith an example, 2h b) Write HTML code for inserting image on a web page. ©) Explain the scope of let and Var variable in JavaScript. 4) Differentiate between Client-Side scripting and Server-Side Scripting. ©) Describe advantages of JSP over Servlet ) Which class has to be extending for creating Servlet? 8) _ Explain the importance of ToC in spring. h) Differentiate between Bean Factory and AppieaionCome. i) Differentiate between spring & spring boot. 5) Discuss, ean we calla java class with dhnotations as POIO class or not? o.~ SECTION B on Attempt any three of the fllQwihg: a) Explain the foll iti tags with example. oO 9 G ®)

SECTION C ‘Attempt any one part of the following: tort =10 a) Discuss cascading” Write the various approaches ‘of CSS. List out the properties of CSS with exampl 3 b) Discuss issues during web designing. Attempt any one part of the following tox1=10 fa) “JavaScripts refered to as object-based programming language’, Mhustats with an exampte. : ty Construct 2 JavaScript program 0 print reverse digi of 279 umber. Attempt any one part of the following: 10xt=19 18) Discuss session tracking? How a session is created? Explain b) Demonstrate the role of cookies in web application with example. Attempt any one part of the following: 10xt=19 (> Classify the design patterns that are used in java programming %) Compare constructor injection and setter injection in spring with suntable example. Attempt any one part of the following: a) Explain GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE method with respect to REST API b) Create a RESTful spring boot application for hundling the delete and put request Fig sega eens Roll No: lLlolole 1, Subject Codes KCAg2| lololojr i | n PH LeU Mo ofa ]3] CA (SEM Ill) THEORY ex, EC EXAMINATIO, WEB TECHNOLOGY eau ime: 3 Hours Note Total Marks: 109 1. Attempt all Sections, If require any missing data; then chooses bl i Suitably, HON A fe | What are the effects of running Spring Boot Application as Java Application? ava [What is AQP? Js COM same as DCOM? Comment on [Differentiate between Web browser a Compare CGI and JavaScript ‘What is the difference between forward and sendRedirect tag in JSP? i, | Explain main characteristics of Web Team? Ten Hs Difference between Spring and Spring Boot, SECTION B Attempt any three of the following: + \b | ©, em 4 various server side programming technique? : st td © _ | Explain the various Form object used by JavaScript. Write JavaScript to io j2 demonstrate how data validation can be performed. What are the different types of scopes in Spring? Explain in detail,“ |10_[4_} eee ee ee SECTION C Attempt any one part of the following: Canin Guesion a. | What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Spring Boo!” —___ Tee aan a a aches of CSS. List out the b. [Define Cascading. Write i propertics of CSS. 4 Attempt any one part of the following: Cae. —— ai Jsuas Thais ov c and button in | 10 2% 4°”) Wat is Document Object Model? How to create text box 2 nd button i | | DOM, ho [5 if Servlet. Servet? Explain the life eyele 0 TY HAL ut f= i PAPER 10-41023 Roll No: [ ele : Attempt any one part of the following: a Question a ? How b. | What do you mean by session tracking’ Explain with example. a 6 Attempt any one part ofthe following: oe —— a Write short note on i. GET an be controlled Spring? | 10 ‘a session can be created? | 19 pits W ; fee te Any Post PUT DELETE b._| List the properties of form elements and the methods of form clements. 7. Attempt any one part of the following: Tro. Question 7 = [Marks [CO & | What the difference between JavaScript and Jscript? How will you do | 10 Client side validation using JavaScript. b._| What is Spring framework? Discuss feature of the Spring. 10 [7s

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