Sessional Paper 3rd Semester - 1

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UNITED INSTITUTE OF MANAG MCA" SEMESTER 18 SESSIONAL N ¥ AMINATION [2021-22] ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PAPER CODE: KCA301 Duration: 1.30 Hrs. PAPER Id: MAX. MARKS: 30, Note: - Answer all questions/sections, Section- A Qu. [2x4] (a) Define the term natural intelligence and artificial intelligence. (b) Briefly discuss the history of Artificial Intelligence. ss the various decision environments. entiate between BFS and DFS. Section- B Q2. [2*5] a) Sketch the classification diagram of AI. Also discuss its area of | applications. OR What are the basic types of agent program in an intelligent system? How did you convert them into learning agents? b) Apply the cost search strategy for the following tree and determine the final output. ee SQ) 3 OR Discuss the various parameters used to measure the performance of | algorithms. Section- C Q3. [2x6] a) Explain PEAS. Define the same for medical diagnosis system. OR Define agent. Explain rational agents with suitable example. b) Discuss in detail about straight forward and heuristic method with suitable examples. OR Construct the search tree for the following graph where S is the source node and G is the destination node. system. nple. > method with SECTION A aaa... — ee United Institute of Management 3" Semester [2x6] Ist Sessional Exam, Odd Sem 2021-22 Software Engineering Paper Code : KCA 302 Duration : L.30hrs Mrk : 30 Notes : Attempts all questions/sections. Ql 4*2=8 (a) List the task regions in the Spiral Model. is the source (b) Define software prototyping. (c) What are the characteristics of the software? (d) Explain the umbrella activities of a software process. SECTION B Q2 2*5=10 (a) Differentiate between software and traditional engineering. OR Discuss the Waterfall Model with advantages and disadvantages. (b) What does data flow diagram level 0 represent? OR Discuss the role of system analyst in development of project. SECTION C Q3 2*6=12 (a) Explain the merit and demerits of Spiral Life Cycle Model. OR What are the main problems associateed with software development and their underlying causes? (b) Discuss the desirable characteristics of a good SRS document. OR What is Software Quality Framwork? UNITED INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT MCA 3" SEMESTER I" SESSIONAL ODD SEM EXAMINATION SESSION 2021-22 COMPUTER NETWORK PAPER CODE: KCA-303 PAPER ID: DURATION: 1.30 Hrs MAX. MARKS: 30 Notes: Attempt all seetions/questions. Questions carry max marks as shown in the bracket against each. SECTION-A Qi (4°2=8) (a) Briefly discuss various networking components. (b) Define Piggybacking. (c) Write about Protocol and Standards. (d) Discuss the types of data transmission error with example. SECTION-B @ (2*5=10) (a) Elucidate Data Communication. Enlist and explain its components. OR What is network topology? Explain different topologies with the help of diagrams. (b) A code scheme has a Hamming distance diy = 5. What is the error detection and correction capability of this scheme? OR The value of dataword and divisor in polynomial representation is x°+x° and x+x+1. Find codeword by CRC division using polynomials. P.T.O —_— UNITED INS SECTION-C Lee ODE. = KCA-O14 Q3. Q*6=12) (en 1 81:30 rs. (a) Discuss OSI reference model. Enumerate and illustrate its functions. OR Exemplify Transmission Medium, Explain its types in J detail. different layers WOTES : Attempt all « ’ fa) Discuss Infras (by Describe the « (ce) Explain BLE (a) What do yo (b) Discuss various elementary Data Link Layer protocols in detail. OR fa) Wustrate Discuss various sliding window Protocols with the help of Cloud cc diagrams, Explain fexibil (be) Wus! eee at ae Dis & 4 a) UNITED INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT MCA 3" SEMESTER 1°" SESSIONAL EXAMINATION, SESSION:2021-22 WEB TECHNOLOGY p CODE: KCA 021 PAPER ID: , 1,30 Hrs. MAX. MARKS: 30 Attempt all questions/sections. SECTION-A (4*2 =8) 1) HTTP GET vs POST methods. 1) How do you create checkbox in HTML? Explain it with a suitable example. ) Explain float and clear property in CSS with suitable example. 1) Elaborate box model in CSS with suitable diagram. SECTION-B (2*5 = 10) 1) What is a protocol? Explain protocols, which control the web OR Define different cascading methods that can be used inside the cascading order. Give a suitable example. b) Write code of drop down list to display fifteen states of India with its values, which are same as its names and by default selection is Uttar Pradesh. OR Define CSS and give following style to html elements by using external CSS. = Text decoration. * Text Color. = Text Alignment. = Font-family. * Background image. = List. SECTION-C ) Q3. (2*6 = 12) (a) Describe lists in html. Elaborate its types with a suitable example. oR Create a file named registartion.html, which displays the following form 7 . Enter your Name sanjeev Enter your Email Enter your Password |Enter your Address Enter your Mobile. [9015501897 ; \Select your Gender Male % Female , Choose your Hobbies Cricket “ Singing “! Dancing Choose your Profile Pic [Browse "| Tulips.jpg - Select your DOB 7 “mB + 1988 ~ Register Me J ‘i Reset = (b) Write proper syntax of CSS. Describe the following mentioned terms by using internal CSS through class selector, with suitable example. Border, margin, font-size, color, images and hyperlinks OR Explain the term Responsive web design. Also discuss the technology used for such type of web page design. What are the advantages of it?

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