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chemistry paper 6 doubts

describe how a bunsen burner its adjusted to give a very hot flames
answer -: open air hole
uses and why is a water bath used
how can —— heated safely
use a water bath/trough
how to conduct flame test
use of a wire / splint (to get substance into a flame)
putting sample into flame and identifying (Bunsen) flame as roaring / blue / non-
luminous / hot what can the teachers sure all the hydrated aluminium chloride
answeer - reheat until mass / weight remains constant
way of ensuring that all of the water has been evaporated.
reheat and reweigh until mass stops changing
when is a mixture reweighed until mass stops changing
why colour change doesn't happen
as it is air
removing delivery tube
How to make soluble and insoluble salts
alch0hols are flammable
explain why wrapping the beaker in cotton wool after it has been heated will
improve accuracy of results
insulation/reduce heat loss therefore temperature remains more constant
advantages and effect of repeating using a higher volume beaker
change in results - shorter time - less depth to look through
flame test - use of a wire / splint to get substance into a flame
M2 putting sample INTO flame and identifying (Bunsen) flame as roaring / blue /
non-luminous / hot
M2 reduces heat being gained from the surroundings / keeps temperature lower /
stops temperature going up OR
M1 prevents heat loss / prevents heat gain / prevents energy exchange with
surroundings M2 stops temperature going up / reduces increase in temperature (after
reaction has ended
State the advantage of using this type of conical flask — divided
1. Start reaction by tipping
2. Removing bung is not needed
3 why it is important to replace the bung in the conical flask immediately after
adding the magnesium ribbon. So that no gas escapes
minimise gas loss
co2 is denser than water- therefore no inverted

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