Chapter 14

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[CS140] Chapter 14 - Resilience Engineering | Quizlet

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28 Multiple choice questions

Term 1 of 28

Sociotechnical issue covering all aspects of ensuring the protection of citizens etc from
threats that arise in computers

Should not simply focus on its current operations but should predict possible future
events and changes that may affect its operations and resilience

If symptoms of a problem are detected early, then resistance strategies may be used to
reduce the probability that the system will fail
Focus on isolating critical parts of the system

Monitor both their internal operations and external environment for threats before they

Term 2 of 28

Data is algorithmically scrambled

Incoming network packets are examined then accepted or rejected according to a set of

Learning from experience.

Monitor both their internal operations and external environment for threats before they

1 of 10 3/20/2024, 9:28 PM
[CS140] Chapter 14 - Resilience Engineering | Quizlet

Definition 3 of 28
Scenarios or use cases for possible attacks are identified

Penetration simulation


Attack testing

Attack simulation

Definition 4 of 28
Organizations should adapt their processes and procedures in response to risks





Definition 5 of 28
Services that must always be maintained and components that are required to maintain these
services are identified

Attack simulation


Critical service identification

Confidentiality of asset

2 of 10 3/20/2024, 9:28 PM
[CS140] Chapter 14 - Resilience Engineering | Quizlet

Term 6 of 28

System should recognise early indications of system failure

Control where users of a system have to show that they are authorized to access the

System failures occur when the holes line up and all of the defenses fail.

All of the system services are restored and normal operation can continue

Term 7 of 28

Illegal use of networked systems and one of the most serious problems facing our

If symptoms of a problem are detected early, then resistance strategies may be used to
reduce the probability that the system will fail
Focus on isolating critical parts of the system

If failure occurs, the recovery activity ensures that critical system services are restored
quickly so that users are not affected

Sociotechnical issue covering all aspects of ensuring the protection of citizens etc from
threats that arise in computers

Definition 8 of 28
All of the system services are restored and normal operation can continue





3 of 10 3/20/2024, 9:28 PM
[CS140] Chapter 14 - Resilience Engineering | Quizlet

Term 9 of 28
Asset classification

Organizations should adapt their processes and procedures in response to risks

Threat that data is not damaged but it is made available to people who should not have
access to it

Services that must always be maintained and components that are required to maintain
these services are identified

the organization's assets are examined and classified depending on how essential they
are to operations

Term 10 of 28

All of the system services are restored and normal operation can continue

Judgment of how well that system can maintain the continuity of its critical services in
the presence of disruptive events, such as equipment failure and cyberattacks

System should recognise early indications of system failure

Control where users of a system have to show that they are authorized to access the

4 of 10 3/20/2024, 9:28 PM
[CS140] Chapter 14 - Resilience Engineering | Quizlet

Term 11 of 28

Most serious threat faced by networked systems but resilience is intended to cope with

Illegal use of networked systems and one of the most serious problems facing our

Monitor both their internal operations and external environment for threats before they

Incoming network packets are examined then accepted or rejected according to a set of

Term 12 of 28
System understanding

System should recognise early indications of system failure

System failures occur when the holes line up and all of the defenses fail.

Review the goals of the system, its requirements and its architecture

All of the system services are restored and normal operation can continue

Term 13 of 28

Incoming network packets are examined then accepted or rejected according to a set of

Monitor both their internal operations and external environment for threats before they

Illegal use of networked systems and one of the most serious problems facing our

Most serious threat faced by networked systems but resilience is intended to cope with

5 of 10 3/20/2024, 9:28 PM
[CS140] Chapter 14 - Resilience Engineering | Quizlet

Definition 14 of 28
Most serious threat faced by networked systems but resilience is intended to cope with


Attack Simulation



Term 15 of 28
Confidentiality of asset

Services that must always be maintained and components that are required to maintain
these services are identified

Threats that aim to deny use of assets

Components that are both essential and compromisable by an attack are identified

Threat that data is not damaged but it is made available to people who should not have
access to it

Definition 16 of 28
Concerned with adverse external events that can lead to system failure

Responsive supply chain

Resilience engineering

System safety engineering

Continuous deployment

6 of 10 3/20/2024, 9:28 PM
[CS140] Chapter 14 - Resilience Engineering | Quizlet

Definition 17 of 28
Engineers should assume that human errors will occur

Systems analysis

System understanding

Organizational hierarchy

Systems approach

Term 18 of 28

Learning from experience.

Should not simply focus on its current operations but should predict possible future
events and changes that may affect its operations and resilience

Threats that aim to deny use of assets

Data is algorithmically scrambled

Term 19 of 28

Illegal use of networked systems and one of the most serious problems facing our

Most serious threat faced by networked systems but resilience is intended to cope with

If failure occurs, the recovery activity ensures that critical system services are restored
quickly so that users are not affected

If symptoms of a problem are detected early, then resistance strategies may be used to
reduce the probability that the system will fail
Focus on isolating critical parts of the system

7 of 10 3/20/2024, 9:28 PM
[CS140] Chapter 14 - Resilience Engineering | Quizlet

Definition 20 of 28
System should recognise early indications of system failure



Worsen With Promotion


Term 21 of 28

Sociotechnical issue covering all aspects of ensuring the protection of citizens etc from
threats that arise in computers

Most serious threat faced by networked systems but resilience is intended to cope with

Illegal use of networked systems and one of the most serious problems facing our

Monitor both their internal operations and external environment for threats before they

Term 22 of 28
Threat resistance

Identify possible resistance strategies for a threat

Engineers should assume that human errors will occur

each layer uses a different approach to deter attackers or trap failures

Threat where systems or data are damaged by a cyberattack

8 of 10 3/20/2024, 9:28 PM
[CS140] Chapter 14 - Resilience Engineering | Quizlet

Definition 23 of 28
each layer uses a different approach to deter attackers or trap failures




Defensive layer

Term 24 of 28
Survivability analysis

Threats that aim to deny use of assets

Concerned with adverse external events that can lead to system failure

Components that are both essential and compromisable by an attack are identified

Threat that data is not damaged but it is made available to people who should not have
access to it

Definition 25 of 28
System failures occur when the holes line up and all of the defenses fail.

Behavioral Pathology model

Human Systems model

Swiss Cheese model

Shell model

9 of 10 3/20/2024, 9:28 PM
[CS140] Chapter 14 - Resilience Engineering | Quizlet

Definition 26 of 28
Sociotechnical issue covering all aspects of ensuring the protection of citizens etc from
threats that arise in computers


Data Security



Definition 27 of 28
Threats that aim to deny use of assets

Confidentiality of asset


Availability of asset

Integrity of asset

Definition 28 of 28
Threat where systems or data are damaged by a cyberattack


Confidentiality of asset

Availability of asset

Integrity of asset

Privacy Terms English (USA)

10 of 10 3/20/2024, 9:28 PM

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