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A Research Paper Presented to


Montilla Boulevard, Butuan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the STEM- 11 in Practical Research 1


Chloe Ysabelle Chanjueco

Kim Loraine Estorco

Shiann Nissi Geronimo

Erich Brylle Iligan

AJ May Jabol

Antonio Joaquin Muñoz

Lance Gabrylle Ocaña

Precious Larrah Patriana

Julia Louisse Tantoy

[May 2024]



Extracurricular activities have long been recognized as an integral component of

the academic system, offering students a multitude of benefits such as the development of

"soft skills" like socialization, leadership, and empathy (Fakhretdinova et al., 2021), as

well as enhancing their employability post-graduation (Jackson et al., 2020). Beyond the

confines of the academic curriculum, these activities provide students with opportunities

to nurture their talents, explore their interests, and cultivate relationships with peers.

Recent studies, conducted after 2018, consistently underscore the positive correlation

between extracurricular involvement and various facets of student well-being and

academic success (Mahoney et al., 2020). However, the impact of extracurricular

activities on academic performance can vary significantly depending on the type of

activity, as the commitment of time, resources, and energy differs from one activity to


In the Philippines for instance, basketball stands out as one of the most

competitive and popular sports, deeply entrenched in a myriad of communities including

schools as it serves as a unifying force, engaging communities and schools nationwide

with its social aspects, its accessibility, and its ubiquity from urban centers to private

schools, basketball has permeated not only the general community but academia, with

numerous scholastic tournaments attracting elementary, and the main focus of this study,

the junior and senior high school basketball varsity players. Basketball players,

particularly those engaged in competitive tournaments, undergo rigorous training to stay

competitive, often dedicating a substantial amount of time that could otherwise be

allocated to academic pursuits, social interactions, and other commitments. This prompts

the inquiry: what is the relationship between grades and the frequency (hours) of

basketball participation in sports among the basketball varsity players, specifically

focusing on basketball in Timber City Academy.

High school is an essential phase of preparation to ready burgeoning students for

the confines of adulthood and the workplace. As such, it would be detrimental to diverge

the student’s attention from honing their academics, especially to a junior or senior high

school student. This contrast directly conflicts with the dedication required to excel in

competitive academic basketball, potentially impeding the student's ability to perform

effectively in both areas. This is especially apparent in Timber City Academy where the

basketball club’s practice takes place before or after school hours and leads on well into

the evening and during tournaments where the need for rigorous training is even greater,

they are fully exempted from class to focus on their basketball training. This will take a

significant amount of time away from academics.

This study aims to investigate the impact of grades on the frequency (hours) of

participation in basketball among the junior and senior high school basketball varsity

players. Understanding this correlation is crucial for parents, educators, and policymakers

to design more effective educational strategies. This investigation can provide insights

into how involvement in extracurricular activities, specifically basketball, impacts

academic performance, potentially identifying areas where additional support or

resources may be needed to enhance student engagement and overall educational


Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to determine the correlation of the Frequency (Hours) of

Basketball Participation on the Grades of the Junior and Senior High School Basketball

Varsity Players of Timber City Academy. Specifically, this study aims to answer the

following research questions:

1. What is the frequency (hours) of basketball participation of the basketball varsity

players in relation to its time of practice, hours of study, and time of sleep?

2. What is the average grade of the players in the first semester?

3. Is there a correlation of their frequency (hours) of participation in basketball to

their grades?

4. Based on the research findings, are there any strategies available for a student

who is extensively engaged in extracurricular activities, specifically basketball, to

maintain or improve their academic performance?

Hypothesis of the Study

Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant correlation between the

frequency (hours) of basketball participation and academic grades among the basketball

varsity players of the junior and senior high school students at Timber City Academy.

Purpose of the Study

The aim of this research is to examine the possible correlation of the sports

involvement, namely, the frequency of basketball participation (hours) on the junior and

senior high school basketball varsity players’ academic achievement. This study intends

to investigate the complex relationship between students' involvement in basketball and

their academic accomplishment through a thorough analysis of numerous extracurricular

characteristics. Examining this relationship, the study aims to clarify whether students'

grades are affected favorably or unfavorably by the frequency (hours) of basketball

participation to the grades of the basketball varsity players.

Conceptual Framework

The main focus of this study is to examine the correlation between basketball

participation on the grades of the basketball varsity players in the junior and senior high

school students at Timber City Academy. Specifically, it seeks to understand how

students' involvement in extracurricular activities impacts their academic performance at

Timber City Academy.

In figure 1, the schematic diagram showcases the independent variable and the

dependent variable. The first box illustrates the independent variable, focusing solely on

the basketball participation. The aim is to gain insights into the impact of basketball

involvement on different facets of academic life. Through an examination of the

frequency of basketball participation (hours) is to comprehend the interplay between

sports commitments and academic responsibilities. This understanding can assist

educators, coaches, and students in optimizing schedules, formulating effective time

management strategies, and achieving a harmonious equilibrium between academic

success and athletic endeavors.

Moving on to the dependent variable which is the academic performance or the

grades, this investigates the diverse ways extracurricular activities influence the academic

performance of senior high school students, and aims to uncover the myriad of impacts

these activities may have on their academic journey. By doing so, this can help identify

specific drawbacks, negative consequences, or even beneficial outcomes that

extracurricular activities may bring to students' academics.

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram

Theoretical Framework

This section introduces the theoretical framework that underpins the present

study, highlighting key theoretical perspectives and concepts that shape the understanding

of the research topic. The following theoretical frameworks provide lenses through which

to understand the correlation between sports involvement in basketball and academic

performance among the junior and senior high school basketball varsity players.

Self-Determination Theory (SDT) suggests that students who engage in

extracurricular activities they find intrinsically motivating, like basketball, are likely to

experience increased engagement and overall well-being. By autonomously choosing

activities they enjoy, students may exhibit higher levels of motivation and determination

in academics, translating into improved academic performance (Vansteenkiste et al.,

2019). Similar in Timber City Academy, students assume that if a junior or senior high

school student takes part in after-school activities which they consider interesting, their

academic involvement and performance will be higher than that of other students who

either do not join any club or engage in extra-curriculars that are unrelated to what they

like (The Quality of Motivation Matters. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(3),


Social Learning Theory endeavors to study socialization and how it affects human

behavior. It emphasizes that people can learn through observation, imitation, and

modeling. Participation in team sports like basketball fosters soft skills transferable to

academics. As students observe peers successfully balancing academics and

extracurriculars, they may emulate these behaviors, leading to increased academic

engagement and performance (Graupensperger et al., 2021). Junior and senior high

school students at Timber City Academy involved in team sports such as basketball, for

instance, gain more than critical social skills. They also often become more proficient in

managing academics and co-curricular activities. Social learning theory posits that such

fellowship observations have the potential to contribute to one's personal academic

experience, success.

Ecological Systems Theory highlights the influence of various systems, such as

parental support, peer influences, and school culture, on students' academic performance

within extracurricular involvement like basketball. Supportive environments, including

parental involvement and positive peer relationships, can positively impact academic

engagement and achievement (Bowen & Chapman, 2018). As a result, this theoretical

framework offers a strong basis for investigating the intricate connections that exist

between ecological systems and academic results, directing our research in the direction

of a more comprehensive understanding of how students perform in extracurricular


Significance of the Study

This study aims to provide valuable insights for parents, schools, and educators to

better understand how sports involvement impacts students' grades. Therefore, the

outcomes of this study are intended to provide advantages for the following:

Students. This may encourage the students to make informed choices about how

they allocate their time and energy, leading to improved academic outcomes, personal

growth, and readiness for future endeavors.

Teachers. They may benefit from a deeper understanding of how extracurricular

participation influences student academic performance, allowing them to better support

their students' overall development and success.

Parents. This could provide valuable insights for parents in understanding how

their children's participation in extracurricular activities impacts their grades.

School. They may provide resources and assistance to help students manage their

academic workload effectively while engaging in these activities.

Future Researchers. This will serve as a purpose for the future researchers to

guide them in their research.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will be conducted with the Basketball Varsity Players of Timber City

Academy, situated on Montilla Blvd., Butuan City, 8600 Agusan Del Norte. This study

aims to determine the first semester average of the Basketball Varsity Players of Timber

City Academy and its correlation to their sports involvement—frequency of basketball

participation—whether the activity influences their academic performance positively or

negatively. This study shall be able to lend hand on the players in balancing their

academic responsibilities with their participation in extracurricular activities, specifically,

basketball. This research will take place for the school year 2024-2025.

Definition of Terms

By defining these terms, this aims to shed light on the interconnectedness of

academic and basketball experiences and their impact on student development.

Academic Participation. Measures a student's level of engagement and involvement on

the activities inside the traditional academic curriculum.

Academic Performance. Measures the level of a student's achievement and success

across various academic subjects inside the traditional academic curriculum.

Basketball. A team sport played between two teams, each consisting of five players,

typically on an indoor court with a hoop and a basketball.

Extracurricular Participation. Refers to a student's level of engagement and

involvement in activities outside the traditional academic curriculum.

Extracurricular Performance. Refers to the level of a student's productivity and

success on the activities outside the traditional academic curriculum.


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