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Name : _______________

A. Read a text below and then answer the questions that follow.

Bad Shopping Experience

A few weeks ago, I came with my friend, Bobby, to go shopping in a supermarket. On our way
back home, I felt something strange about the motorcycle. Bobby told me that we were
out of gasoline. I was terrified because we had no more money left in our pocket at all.
We had spent all the money for shopping and our home was still about 5 kilometers
away. We had no choice but to push the motorcycle all way home.

When we were pushing our motorcycle hopelessly, suddenly a man on a motorcycle asked us what
was happening. We briefly told him about our problem. Surprisingly, he gave us some money to buy
some gasoline. After giving us the money, he went. I couldn’t say how happy we were that time. We
pushed our motorcycle quickly to the nearby gas station. Thanks to the random man, we didn’t have
to push our motorcycle all the way home anymore.
From :

1. When did the event happen?

2. Where did the writer go?
3. With whom did the writer go?
4. What happened to them?
5. How was the problem solved?
6. Have you experienced the same thing?
7. What do you think the purpose of the text is?
Name : _______________

What is it?
A text that retells a past event or experience. (Sebuah teks yang menceritakan kembali sebuah kejadian atau pengalaman
yang lampau).
In order to tell past events or experiences in English, you should use past tense.


(Kalimat Verbal dalam Simple Past Tense)
Sub. + Past tense (V2) + Ob. Sub. + did not + Infinitive (V1) + Ob. Did + Sub. + Infinitive (V1) + Ob. + ?
I came with my friend. I did not come with my friend. Did you come with your friend?
She invited me to her birthday She didn’t invite me to her birthday Did she invite you to her birthday
party. party. party?
Siska studied Math last night. Siska did not study Math last night. Did Siska study Math last night?
For interrogative sentence, we can
also add 5W + 1H in front of the
• Where did Siska study Math last
• When did the experience
• Where did you buy this book?

They Mereka
We Kami/kita
I Aku
You Kamu
He Dia (laki-laki)
She Dia (perempuan)
It Ini (untuk benda)
nouns Nama orang, nama benda
Misal: Mia, Randy, Siska, the teacher, my father, the book, the car, etc.
With most verbs, we add –ed or –d or –ied to the infinitive form (V1) of the verb.
-ed -d
(most verbs) (verbs end with ‘e’)
Infinitive (V1) Past Tense (V2) Meaning Infinitive (V1) Past Tense (V2) Meaning
accept accepted menerima agree agreed setuju, menyetujui
act acted bertingkah, bake baked memanggang
ask asked meminta, bertanya dance danced menari
clean cleaned membersihkan escape escaped melarikan diri
cook cooked memasak grate grated memarut
cover covered menutupi, meliputi hate hated membenci
disturb disturbed mengganggu hike hiked mendaki
dress dressed berpakaian hope hoped berharap
end ended mengakhiri, like liked menyukai
enjoy enjoyed menikmati live lived tinggal, hidup
fix fixed memperbaiki name named menamai
follow followed mengikuti poke poked mencolek
greet greeted menyapa smile smiled tersenyum
guess guessed menebak smoke smoked merokok, berasap
hunt hunted memburu, berburu tie tied menali
join joined bergabung, use used memakai
jump jumped melompat
knock knocked mengetuk
laugh laughed tertawa
look looked melihat
mark marked menandai
match matched mencocokkan
need needed membutuhkan
open opened membuka
order ordered memesan,
pass passed lolos, melewati
perform performed menampilkan
play played memainkan,
point pointed menunjuk
protect protected menjaga,
review reviewed mereviu
shout shouted berteriak
talk talked berbicara
turn turned berbelok
walk walked berjalan
want wanted membutuhkan
wash washed mencuci
wish wished berharap
-ied double the consonant + -ed
(verbs end with consonant and -y) (verbs in one syllable end with a vowel and a consonant)
Infinitive (V1) Past Tense (V2) Meaning Infinitive (V1) Past Tense (V2) Meaning
accompany accompanied menemani beg begged memohon,
apply applied menerapkan, chat chatted mengobrol,
melamar mengirim pean
bully bullied merundung drag dragged menyeret
-ied double the consonant + -ed
(verbs end with consonant and -y) (verbs in one syllable end with a vowel and a consonant)
bury buried mengubur drop dropped menjatuhkan
carry carried membawa hop hopped melompat
cry cried menangis plan planned merencanakan
empty emptied mengosongkan shop shopped berbelanja
fry fried menggoreng skip skipped melompati
identify identified mengidentifikasi stop stopped berhenti
marry married menikahi
rely relied mengandalkan,
reply replied menjawab
spy spied memata-matai
study studied belajar
tidy tidied merapikan
try tried mencoba
worry worried mengkhawatirkan


Put the verb in the past simple tense to fill the gaps. Number one has been done for you.
1. The cat escaped (escape) from the garden. 11. Last night, Danar and Alan _______________ (plan)
2. They _______________ (agree) with me about the their holiday.
camping. 12. Shinta _______________ (invite) us to her birthday
3. He _______________ (try) to fix the bicycle. party.
4. We _______________ (enjoy) the trip a lot. 13. The children _______________ (carry) the books to the
5. She _______________ (stop) at a zebra crossing. classroom.
6. I _______________ (continue) working until late. 14. We _______________ (finish) the exam at half past
7. Alfie _______________ (fail) his driving test again three.
8. Zahra _______________ (arrive) in Bantul last week. 15. I _______________ (chat) to Ahmad about football and
9. My mum _______________ (study) Javanese at cars yesterday.
university. 16. Amar _______________ (help) me with my homework.
10. I _______________ (phone) you yesterday, but you
weren't at home.


Past Tense
Past Tense (V2) Meaning Infinitive (V1) Meaning
Infinitive (V1) (V2)
break broke merusak, leave left meninggalkan
bring brought membawa lend lent meminjami
build built membangun lose lost kehilangan, kalah

buy bought membeli make made membuat

catch caught menangkap meet met bertemu
choose chose memilih pay paid membayar
come came datang put put menaruh
cut cut memotong read read membaca
do did melakukan ride rode mengendarai
draw drew menggambar run ran lari
drink drank meminum say said berkata
drive drove menyetir see saw melihat
eat ate memakan sell sold menjual
fall fell jatuh send sent mengirim
feed fed memberi makan shine shone bercahaya
feel felt merasakan sing sang menyanyi
fight fought berkelahi, melawan sit sit duduk
find found menemukan sleep slept tidur
fly flew terbang speak spoke berbicara
forget forgot lupa, melupakan spend spent menghabiskan,
freeze froze membeku stand stood berdiri
get got mendapat steal stole mencuri
give gave memberi sweep swept menyapu
go went pergi swim swam berenang
grow grew tumbuh take took mengambil
hang hung menggantung teach taught mengajar
have had mempunyai tell told memberi tahu
hear heard mendengar think thought berpikir,
hide hid menyembunyikan throw threw melempar
hit hit memukul understand understood memahami
hold held menggenggam wake woke bangun
hurt hurt menyakiti wear wore memakai,
keep kept menyimpan, menjaga win won menang

know knew mengetahui write wrote menulis

lead led memimpin


Change the verb into the correct past tense form. Number one has been done for you.
1. Andre left (leave) very early today.
2. Maryam and Karim _______________ (buy) a new house last month.
3. I _______________ (visit) Bandung the previous week.
4. You _______________ (play) football very well when you were young.
5. They _______________ (find) this book on their trip to Aceh.
6. I _______________ (bake) this cake by myself.
7. We _______________ (open) the store in 1987.
8. The rain finally _______________ (stop), and we _______________ (go) home.
9. She _______________ (plan) to come, but she _______________ (have) some problems.
10. Maudy _______________ (have) a big house, but she _______________ (sell) it.
11. We _______________ (think) that Bali was not in Indonesia!
12. They _______________ (bring) this from their trip.
13. We _______________ (eat) all the cake yesterday.
Change the verb into the correct past tense form.
1. It _______________ last weekend. (rain) (-)
2. ________ Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina ________ married in 2011?' (get) (?)
'No, they didn’t. They got married in 2014.
3. We ____________ the new Fast and Furious film at the cinema. (see) (-)
4. How many medals _____ Usain Bolt _____ at the last Olympic Games? (win) (?)
5. _______ you ______ the football match last Saturday? (watch) (?)
6. I _________ (go) (+) out on Saturday, but I _________ (go) (-) out on Sunday.
7. Allisa __________ on Tuesday. She arrived yesterday. (arrive) (-)
8. When _____ JK Rowling _____ the first Harry Potter book? (write) (?)


Circle the correct sentence, a or b.
1. a. Did he talked to you? b. Did he talk to you?
2. a. They no liked the film. b. They didn’t like the film.
3. a. We planed to go on a trip round the US. b. We planned to go on a trip round the US.
4. a. I tryed to help her b. I tried to help her.
5. a. The door opened and we went in. b. The door openned and we went in.
6. a. Played you tennis last year? b. Did you play tennis last year?
7. a. We decideed to go home. b. We decided to go home.
8. a. They stopped working and went for lunch. b. They stoped working and went for lunch.
Name: _______________
Change the sentences into their positive, negative, and interrogative forms in the simple past tense.
1. Andika watch a football match last night. 4. I visit Malioboro with my big family last holiday.
(+) Andika watched a football match last night. (+)
(-) Andika didn’t watch a football match last night. (-)
(?) Did Andika watch a football match last night.? (?)
2. Erika cook some foods for her family yesterday. 5. She go to Gramedia to buy some comics.
(+) (+)
(-) (-)
(?) (?)
3. He get up at 7 o’clock yesterday. 6. Maryam give her mother a prayer set on Mother’s Day.
(+) (+)
(-) (-)
(?) (?)


(Kalimat Nominal dalam Simple Past Tense)

Kalimat nominal dalam bahasa Inggris adalah kalimat yang menggunakan kata kerja “be”. Bentuk kata kerja “be” dalam
present tense (saat ini, kebiasaan) berubah menjadi “am”, “is”, dan are”. Namun, dalam past tense (lampau, sudah terjadi),
kata kerja “be” berubah menjadi “was” dan “were”.
was → digunakan untuk subjek yang berjumlah satu (singular) dan pronoun he, she, it, I
were → digunakan untuk subjek yang berjumlah lebih dari satu (plural) dan pronoun they, we, you

Sub. + past be (was) + Complement Sub. + past be (were) + Complement
*Sub. : singular, he, she, it, I *Sub. : plural, they, we, you
She was my friend in elementary school. Many people were sick yesterday.
My father was a doctor. Now, he retires. We were the smartest students at school.
I was in Solo for an archery tournament. You were so cute when you were child.

Sub. + past be (was) + not + Complement Sub. + past be (were) + not + Complement
*Sub. : singular, he, she, it, I *Sub. : plural, they, we, you
She was not my friend in elementary school. They were not sick yesterday.
I wasn’t there when the car accident happened. They weren’t the smartest students at school.
Tata wasn’t a fan of coffee. Now, she likes coffee You weren’t that cute when you were child.
very much.
Past be (was) + Sub. + Complement? Past be (were) + Sub. + Complement?
*Sub. : singular, he, she, it, I *Sub. : plural, they, we, you
Was she your friend in elementary school? Were they sick yesterday?
Was your father a doctor? Where were you yesterday?
Why was he in Solo last week? Were you cute when you were a child?

Fill in the gap with the correct form of “be”.

1. Why __________ you so ill yesterday? 6. They ________ busy all day.
2. _________ Alan at the library last Friday? 7. It _________ a very difficult situation.
3. We _______n’t in Kalimantan last year, we were in 8. Yesterday it __________ very cold. I hope it will be
Sumatra. warmer today.
4. Unfortunately, she ________n’t offered the job. 9. My brother _________ a teacher for 20 years.
5. I ________ a good worker but he fired me anyway. 10. They _________ really unkind to me.

Past Simple with 'Be' - Positive Form

Make the past simple positive.
1. It ________________ (be) cold yesterday. 6. They ________________ (be) in Bandung.
2. She ________________ (be) hungry. 7. You ________________ (be) in the library when I called you.
3. We ________________ (be) late for the meeting. 8. The holiday ________________ (be) fun.
4. I ________________ (be) tired last night. 9. He ________________ (be) early for the interview.
5. The exam ________________ (be) difficult. 10. The people we met last night ________________ (be)


Listen to the audio and answer the questions.
Link of the audio:
Conversation 1 Conversation 3
1) What did she do at home? 3) Who helped them at work?
a) She watched TV. a) Her friend
b) She cleaned the house. b) The Boss

Conversation 2 Conversation 4
2) What did she do in the city? 4) What did Bob say?
a) She bought clothes. a) He is sorry.
b) She met her friend. b) He cried.
Name : _______________

What is a recount text?

A recount text is a text that retells a past event or experience. (Sebuah recount text adalah teks yang menceritakan kembali
sebuah kejadian atau pengalaman yang lampau). In order to tell past events or experiences in English, you should use
past tense that we have learned before. (Untuk menceritakan kejadian atau pengalaman masa lampau dalam bahasa
Inggris, kamu harus menggunakan past tense yang sebelumya telah kita pelajari.)

Generic structure of recount text (Struktur generik teks recount)

Structure Description
Orientation Provides background information about who, where, when, etc.
(Memberikan latar belakang informasi mengenai siapa yang terlibat, di mana, dan
kapan kejadian terjadi)
Record of events Tells events recounted in chronological order
(Menceritakan kejadian dalam urutan kronologis/waktu)
Comment / Reorientation Evaluates the significance of the event; summarizes all the events happened and
reveals the ending
(Memberikan pesan mengapa kejadian tersebut penting; menuangkan kesimpulan dari
keseluruhan cerita sekaligus memberitahu ending-nya)

When we are telling a story about our past experiences or past events, we often use words to show a sequence, such as

They are called time connectives. They are used to connect one past event to another past event. The time connectives
can help the readers or listeners understand the story easily. They tell when a story started, when some new events
happened, and when the story ended.
Some useful time connectives:

A. Read the recount text below and identify its generic structure.
B. Answer the following questions.
1. When did Patrick go to his uncle’s farm?
2. How did Patrick go to his uncle’s farm?
3. How was the scenery on the way?
4. What job did uncle John give to Patrick?
5. How was Patrick’s reaction after knowing the job?
6. How was the condition of the pig pen?
7. How was Patrick the overall experience at the farm?
8. What is the relationship between uncle John and Pattrick?

C. Rearranging sentences in the simple past tense

Put the words in the correct order to form a sentence in the simple past tense.
1. exciting movie an watched we last night. The correct order:
1 2 3 4 5 6

2. visited we grandparents our holiday last The correct order:

1 2 3 4 5 6

3. delicious birthday baked her she a cake for The correct order:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4. karaoke at sang party we the The correct order:
1 2 3 4 5 6
5. bike store rode his to he the The correct order:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

D. Now, it is your turn to practice writing a simple recount text. Write it on the provided space below.
Structure and Description The Text
Orientation .......................................................................................................................................
Provides background .......................................................................................................................................
information about who, where, .......................................................................................................................................
when, etc. .......................................................................................................................................
Record of events Event 1:
Tells events recounted in .......................................................................................................................................
chronological order .......................................................................................................................................
Event 2:
Event 3:
Comment / Reorientation .......................................................................................................................................
Summarizes all the events .......................................................................................................................................
happened and reveals the .......................................................................................................................................
ending .......................................................................................................................................
LATIHAN SOAL SIMPLE PAST TENSE DAN - He was not in Semarang last week.


A. Write The Past Forms Of The Irregular Verbs. A. Choose the best answer to the question.
Infinitive Past tense
(V1) (V2) Choose the best answer based on the text below for
come came datang questions 1 to 3.
meet A Trip to the Zoo

Yesterday my family and I went to the zoo to see
stand animals. When we got to the zoo, we went to the shop to
run buy some food to give to the animals.
After getting the food, we went to the nocturnal
leave house where we saw birds and reptiles which only come
out at night.
B. Put The Verbs Into The Simple Past and Translate After that, we went for a ride on the elephant. It
Them Into Bahasa Indonesia was a thrill to ride it. Dad fell off when he let go of the rope,
1. Last year I (go) went to Bali on holiday. but fortunately he was ok. Afterwards, we fed some birds
go: pergi in the park. In the afternoon we saw the animals being fed
2. She (read) ____________ the newspaper yesterday. by the staffs.
read: When we returned home, we were very tired but
3. I (finish) ____________ elementary school in 2010. happy. It was because we had so many fun activities at
finish: many places in the zoo.
4. I (live) ____________ abroad for ten years.
live: 1. What happened to the writer's dad when he rode an
5. Andrea Hirata (write) ____________ some great elephant?
novels. A. He felt a thrill.
write: B. He felt fun.
C. He fell off.
C. Complete The Table In Simple Past. D. He failed.
+ He wrote a book in 2021.
- 2. Why did the writer and his family feel very tired after
? having a trip to the zoo?
A. They visited many places in the zoo.
NOMINAL SENTENCE B. They took a long time to reach the zoo area.
A. Fill in with “was” or “were”. C. They fed a lot of animals in the zoo.
1. Anita ___________ very kind and nice. D. They had no time to take a rest in the zoo.
2. He ___________ very clever.
3. My mother ___________ sick yesterday. 3. “In the afternoon we saw the animals being fed by
4. We ___________ sorry for him for that accident. the staffs.” (paragraph 3)
5. He ___________ very sad because he got a bad score What does the underlined word mean?
on the English exam. A. memberi makan
B. mengangkat
B. Complete The Table In Simple Past. C. melihat
+ D. menikmati
D. had a great time visiting his friend's house.
Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to
7. Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to
On Wednesday, my students and I went to
Yogyakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far
from Malioboro.
On Thursday, we visited the temples in
Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana,
Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We
visited only Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because
Wisnu temple was being renovated.
On Friday morning we went to Keraton
Last weekend, I visited my best friend's house.
Yogyakarta. We spent about two hours there. We were
His Name is Anto. There were many activities I did there.
lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide.
In the morning, Anto and I had breakfast. We had
In the evening, we left for Jakarta by a bus.
traditional food called Gudeg. I liked it very much.
After breakfast, he took me to the garden behind
8. What are the big temples in Prambanan?
his house. The garden was very big and beautiful. There
A. Paria, Brahmana, and temples
was a big bird cage in the garden. There were many kinds
B. Brahmana, Syiwa, and Wisnu temples
of birds in that cage. I spent a long time feeding the birds.
C. Wisnu, Syiwa, and Borobudur temples
I also took pictures of those beautiful birds.
D. Borobudur, Syiwa, and Brahmana temples
After visiting the bird cage, Anto and I went to the
flower garden not far from his house. We rested, had
9. When did they go back to Jakarta?
lunch under a big tree, and watched butterflies flying
A. On Saturday morning
above colorful flowers. In the afternoon, we swam in the
B. On Friday evening
pool in the backyard.
C. On Thursday evening
Visiting Anto’s house was so much fun. I really
D. On Friday afternoon
enjoyed my time there.
10. Why did they only visit Brahmana and Syiwa temples?
4. The text above tells us about ...
A. because there was no Wisnu temple
A. A holiday in a friend's house
B. because Wisnu temple was amazing
B. A picnic in a garden with a friend
C. because Wisnu temple was too small
C. Seeing a big bird cage
D. because Wisnu temple was being repaired
D. A visit to big garden

5. What is the correct statement based on the third

A. Anto had butterflies as his pet.
B. The writer's friend is a good swimmer.
C. There are a lot of flowers in Anto's house.
D. The writer saw many birds in the garden.

6. Where did the writer spend his afternoon?

A. Under a tree
B. Inside a big bird cage
C. In the flower garden
D. In the swimming pool

7. From the text, we know that the writer ...

A. had gone and visited many places during his
B. lived in the same village with his friend, Anto.
C. liked butterflies and swimming very much.

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