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Novel: Persuasive Sin Author: Mr.

Hector Roldan


Two students. Two outcasts. Two unique personalities. Two different and intense worlds are about to
collide. Two different points of view are about to become one. Will they ever be together as one? Or will
they tear each other apart? It will be Persuasive Sin at its best.

Chapter 1: The Irresistible Force meets the immovable object

Another boring day at school. But I’m positive. Still, I’m enraged at the fact that I must socialize with
others. This time is different. I’ve met this unique girl. I think is love at first sight; although I look like a
dork, she is more than fine. I guess, I want her. Her name is Alice. She is a good looking and smart.
Sometimes she acts like a delusional freak; but heck, I will trade all my money in the world, just to have a
simple eye contact. Those caramels eyes and that exquisite smile makes my senses tremble in both fear
and excitement.

Here I am. Spanish class. Boring. Ugly teacher. But… here she comes!!!

**“Hi McGinnis.” she said to me. “Hi gorgeous one”. I replied shaking like having a last-minute seizure.
She looked at me right dead in my eyes; then she smiled at me. I guess she knows how much I feel for

**“Why so serious?” Indeed, I am a serious dude.

**“I know who you are”. ***“Relax, take your mask off”. She said with great conviction. I was perplexed
and very happy about it. To make things more interesting, our ugly Spanish teacher told Alice and me to
work together in the upcoming essay. What a Rush!!!

**Chapter 2: Who are you? -Who Am I? (Her point of view)

Another day. Same pathetic school. Same stupid attitudes. If people realize how hard is to be the
hottest girl in school. Men always want sex. These idiots want to talk; but for what? To have sex. To fake
love? Sometimes my desire is to be the most insignificant, ugly, and useless girl at school. Hell, I’m sick
of these morons. Then again, something is different. Who are you? I ask myself. There he is. I mean, he
is not that good looking but no Jason Voorhees either. I like the guy. He is a gentleman with a temper. Not
the guy I wanted at one point in my life.

“Who the hell are you?” I keep asking myself. Damn it!!! I can’t take you out of my mind. You are a
man; a heartless, stupid, sexual man. Who am I fooling?!!! You are different. You turn my senses on.
Every time I see you, I’ve felt alive. In my heart I hope you feel the same for me. Well, it’s the first class.
Boring and annoying Spanish class. Wait!!! He is my classmate and yesterday Ms. Angle told my group
that we will have to work in groups. McGinnis is smart and responsible. Almost a loner like me. He is an
interesting guy; I want to work with him.

“Hi McGinnis.” My greeting surprised him. “Hi gorgeous one” he responded. What?!!! You took me off my
feet stupid idiot. This pencil neck geek is a man full of surprises.

“Why so serious?” He is a serious dude. “I know who you are. Relax. Take your mask off!!!” I shouted with
great conviction. I think he was happy. To make things more interesting, our ugly Spanish teacher told us
to work together in the upcoming essay…Oh my God!!! This is it. I am so excited about it; let’s see what
happens between us. This is going to be intense. Esto sera mas que intenso. Estoy mas que feliz por
todos estos acontecimientos. So, Baby welcome into my world.
Chapter 3: Opposites Attract

“Wow” I exclaimed. She is something else and I will work with her. I must be the envy of all my
classmates. However, I am a businessman. I will take my personal feelings away to be successful. I want
us to be the best period!!! Let me be honest. Her beauty is a big distractor. This girl is hot, to say the
least. I’m falling in love with her.

“Focus Hector… It’s just a group work!!!” I told myself.

“Something wrong young man?” Ms. Angle asked.

“No. Will you leave me alone?!!! I asked her in a very aggressive tone.

“Sorry kid. You are very rude. Well, I know how you feel for Alice. Your eyes tell me the story. Go ahead.
You are the best in my class, and she is one hell of a student”. She said very excited. I thought for one
moment that she had an orgasm. Disgusting teacher!!!

I’m very mad. But Ms. Angle’s words were affecting me. Suddenly, Alice sat next to me. If I was in shock
before, now I am terrified, and she liked it. She looked at me right eye to eye. She smirked. Wow, she is
prettier than I thought. I don’t know what to do nor what to say. Then…

“Mr. McGinnis are you right?” she asked me in a flirting tone. “Well… to be honest, you intimidate a lot of
men. But I feel comfortable with you; there is something about you that I like a lot.” I told her nervous.

“Don’t be nervous canto de animal” she told me so tender. “canto de animal?!!! ¡¡¡¿Esta sucia se cree que
no se hablar español?!!!” I told myself. Well, you know how I am.” I told her shyly.

“McGinnis, I know who you are. You are a cute gentleman; baboso, cavernícola e idiota but still cute and
a gentleman. Sometimes I might act like a witch, but I have feelings. Don’t judge me please. I like you and
I want you to be more than my friend” she exposed with great honesty.

She gave me a heart punch. God, I love this woman. I don’t care about anything but her. She is rough,
aggressive, stupid, irreverent, and imbecile. But I have never met a woman so honest and sincere in my
life. And now, with the woman of my life in front of me, I am petrified.

“Well, Te gusto? ¿Me deseas? Habla claro papito” She is looking for a response. “Alice, I want you with
me. You are the most amazing woman ever; sometimes rough and ignorant; but always special. Sorry for
being nervous. I’m so happy about this”. I told her honestly.

“Te voy a dar un beso infeliz!!!” She kissed me. So, with our feelings cleared, let’s get down to business”
Alice demanded with authority. This is going to be great. I am truly falling in love with Alice. The essay is
waiting for us. I have faith that we will be more than successful.

Alice: ¡¡¡¿Estas enchulaito papi?!!! Quieto leal. Tu también me gustas mucho. Vamos al mambo and let’s
do it. She said with authority.

HM: Well, as you said, Vamos al mambo. Go get it champ.

Alice: Asi me gusta; flojito y cooperando. ¿En mi casa o en la tuya? No lo pienses mucho que después
me arrepiento jajajajaja.

HM: Well let’s go home. Baja pa’ casa sin pensarlo dos veces.

She smiled at me; now we are headed to my house getting ready to create this group work. I can sense
the intensity in Alice. This work will be very interesting. I love this woman.

Chapter 4: As the Rush comes.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked. “Simple, Ms. Angle told us to write something that can persuade
our audience. A writing composition, essay or research information that can convince her, our
understanding about persuasion”. Alice exposed to me.

My mind was at a 100 miles per hour. Why am I falling in love like a stupid idiot? Women are strange
species. They are very smart. Still, they rely more on emotions than logics. That is something I like and
respect about women. Here I am, analyzing this unique beauty and thinking about our work. All of the
sudden she stared at me and the draft I was about to begin.

“Show me” she said. “Here it is” I handed my draft to her. She looked at it and her eyes were wide open
very enthusiastic.

“Is this some kind of a poem, huevero?” she asked with a tender almost romantic tone.

“Indeed, it is, cohete explotao. I like to write poems, essays, and creative writing. Among other things.” At
this moment I was more than happy. She noticed that.

“No seas malcriado o te parto la cara lechón!!! Give it a title and this is it!!!” She demanded.

“Well, this is going to be our group work. A poem titled: Persuasive Sin.”

“Persuasive Sin? No way!!! Very interesting and somehow religious. I love it!!!

I am the happiest man alive. Then my mother arrives from her work. She is a nurse. Her expression is
priceless once she sees me with Alice. Alice did notice mother’s reaction.

“Who is this beautiful young lady?” my mother asked in shock.

“Mom, she is Alexis Laree Dumas” I said very shy.

“You can call me Alice that is my nickname” Alice said in a shy way.

“Well nice to meet you, Alice. Stay for dinner please” My mother pleaded.

“If your son doesn’t mind. I believe he is the man of the house” she said after she touched gently my face.
My mother was kind of jealous. I mean, I am his only son. But here we are. Spanish group work,
business, love, sex, this girl and a lot of emotions running wild.

We had dinner. Mother was happy and curious. Me? Wow!!! Heaven on earth. After dinner, we went to
my personal library. We organized the desk and bookends.

“Wow, baboso eres un come libros!!!” she said in español.

“Esta infiel e idiota se cree que no se su idioma” I thought to myself.

All of a sudden, she hugged me. Actually, she squeezed me. She is a very strong woman, very imposing
and very sexual; si Alice fuera hombre, hace rato que me hubiera violado.

“Tell me you love me… dime que me amas perra sucia e infiel!!!” she puts me to the wall after those
romantics words.

“Perra tu madre; besides, tú sabes lo que siento idiota e imbecil” I told her very romantically in Spanish.

“Oh!!! My gentleman knows Spanish”. She replied.

Suddenly, we were on the floor. She looked at me.

“Music baboso… Amo a la musica… it is an awesome turn on.”

Damn!!! I stood up and instinctively push the play button. “As the Rush comes” one of my favorite’s songs
came to play. Alice liked the sound.

“Come dance with me. I want to dance”. Alice smiled at that request.

“Sure…” I smiled back at her. We danced “As the Rush Comes” and two more songs and went beyond.

Chapter 5: Lust and Logic.

M=I don’t how, but time did fly that fast. It was morning; and there she was, so radiant, so unique, so
beautiful and special. Yes, we became one in all ways. I can’t have enough words to describe what we
did and felt. She was fire, my heavenly nightmare. The reason I decided to quit my lonely life. She turned
my senses on. I woke up and after being in the bathroom, decided to prepare breakfast.

ALD=Oh my God!!! What did I do? I gave myself in to this man. We had sex. He was so gentle, so
romantic so logical and yet full of lust at the same time. I don’t know if I did the right thing; but I regret
nothing. I wanted him and vice-versa. He made feel like a real woman. He was ice; an ice I would love
forever even though his mysterious aura is killing me.

All of the sudden my stupid alarm watch sounds…

“Good morning gorgeous… Breakfast almost ready” I gently kissed her.

“Breakfast? You didn’t tell me about your hidden talent” she said.

“Don’t worry sweetheart. Just enjoy it and then be ready for school. I have an appointment with Mr.
Conde.” I told her.

We got ready to school. Alice went to the Spanish class; and of course, I went to see Mr. B. Conde. Don’t
ask me what the B does stand for, you might freak out; still, he is a nice man. He does speak Spanish a
lot. Here I am with this fruity pebble of a nutcase as school counselor…

“Viene asere que volá!!!” Here I go, ángel de la muerte llévame contigo mi ciela.

“Dímelo guajiro del diablo que te trae por acá demonio: ¿la maestra fea esa que es más mala que el
límber de gas? ¿Estas colga’o en las clases? ¿Malas decisiones? ¿Mujeres? Mira Asere si eso es lo que
te inquieta aquí está tu colega para aconsejarte. Eres un buen estudiante, aunque a veces te me pongas
medio bobolon, pero ahí vamos Asere. Perdona chiquitico yo hablo mucho y tú lo sabes; Bueno ahora si
voy a escucharte”.

“Damn this freaking Cubano yode con coyones” I said avoiding profanity in my thoughts.

“Man…ok; el problema es una jevita like you said. La chica me encanta. Es fuerte de caracter; she is
tough. But me tiene enchulao la cabra suelta esa; I love that freaking witch of a woman. But sometimes
silence is my own worst enemy. We, well… nosotros tenemos un informe; an oral presentation in two
days and I want to be the best with her.” Dejame hablarte mas de nosotros. I said in dual language.

Chapter 6: Before us (March 1994)

It was March of 1994. We had scheduled our traditional Spring Break Talent Show. And I remember it
was Friday before holy week. Before that I was doing an English homework and there were two of my
best friends: Anthony (tony) and Liliana (Lily). They were getting ready for the show. I was focused on my

Tony: ¡¡¡¡Mac G!!! deja eso. Leave that. Vamos a pasarla bien. ¿O ya se te olvido el talent show de hoy?

McGinnis: No se me ha olvidado. Quiero terminar este trabajo. Pero vamos para allá ok?

Lily: Don’t be a party pooper Manuel!!! Besides you might find a girlfriend.
McG: Is that so? You guys want me with a girl. I’m no rush for that. Besides I don’t want a girlfriend and
then after a week, switch partners like most people do. Instead they look like swingers.

Tony: Eso se llama adquirir experiencia. Experience Mac G!!! Eres brillante pero no tienes novia. Y eso
es lo que necesitas en estos momentos bombón.

Lily: Baby no me malinterpretes. Tú me tienes a mí; pero no te duraré toda la vida. Además, cuantas
chicas no querrán estar contigo y más ahora que estás más duro que un puño de loco.

McG: Of course, thank you babe. I lost over a 100 pounds. Pero cuando gordo, las burlas eran la orden
del día; anyways I want a girlfriend not a buffet. Para buffet está Sizzler o Ponderosa.

Tony: Ok mi tesoro. Pero es hora de que dejes la soltería. Termina que nos vamos. Lily voy al baño así le
damos break a que Tesoro termine. Be right back bombón!!!.

Lily: Ok, so you can have time to finish. Is that fine with you?

McG: Fair enough. No sé qué me haría sin ti. I don’t know what I’ll do without you Lily.

Lily: Tu sabes que te amo; but you need a girlfriend, mi caramelo de cianuro, ASAP (as soon as

Conde: ¡¡¡Demonios Asere este chisme es bueno!!! What happened next?

McG: Muchacho, ahora es que viene lo Bueno. Put your seat belt and enjoy the ride.

And yes, we get to the basketball court. All the students were there. We were looking for our spot. Our
corner. But this time, Tony, and Lily, changed their plans.

Tony: Vamos a sentarnos aquí, mis amores. The best seat in the house.

Lily: Excellent choice my dear. You are the best sunshine.

McG: Well, I love it. A change doesn’t harm, doesn’t it? Tony, where is your BF?

Tony: Forget about him. He is an idiot. Shut up. The Talent show will begin.

Tony was right. The talent show was about to begin. Director Wayne welcomed us; you know as always.
Then Ms. Angle told us about the rules for the talent show. This time, the organizers, decided to begin
with the music contest. My life did change after that.

Ms. Angle: Welcome beloved students to our traditional Spring Break Talent Show. We will begin with the
music competition. You select a song; then compete here. The winner will receive a trophy and $500

Everybody applauded after that. Then it happens. I saw this girl, all in black; very beautiful but dark. Tony
noticed my distraction. Tony was laughing at me.

Tony: ohhhhh te llamó la atención la chica de negro ahhh bombón?

McG: compórtate Tony!!! Si… yes!! Who is she?

Tony: Her name is Alexis; pero le gusta que le digan Alice. ¡¡Ay deja que Lily se entere!! Yes!!!

Ms. Angle: Ladies and gentlemen, we will commence with the first challenger for the $500 cash prize.
What is your name beloved?

Alice: My name is… (En ese momento nos miramos fijamente) Alexis Laree Dumas. I will sing to him; I
mean to all of you… Betcha never!!!
Ms. Angle announced Alice and she began to sing “Betcha Never”. I heard her and, became hypnotized.
Tony and Lily made fun out of me. Incredibly enough, she became close to me and took me to dance with
her. Lilly and Tony were happy. I just danced with this unknown dark beauty. Wow I felt all her essence.
The crowd was clapping and singing as well. After the song, I went to my table. Lily had a joker-like smile
on her face.

Lily: ¡¡¡OMG!!! ¿Y ese baile? Te rankeaste my love.

Tony: ¿Viste como bailo el nene? ¡¡¡A tesoro le gusta la chica de negro!!!

Lily: ¡¡¡Embuste!!! ¡¡¡No way!!! ¡¡¡Habla ya!!! Estoy muy intrigada my love.

McG: Enough… both of you. Solamente me llama la atención. She got my attention.

Well… there she is. Alice. Dark and unique. She got my attention. So, I decided to enter the competition.
Ms. Angle knew how much I love to perform. But she saw a glow in my eyes. I decided to go next and
sing “I want to know what love is”; Ms. Angle presented me to the audience as I locked my eyes into
Alice’s. She knew and then smiled back at me. There was tension between us; the students noticed that.
Tony and Lily were like kids at Toys R’ Us. I began with the song; and to the surprise of everybody, I took
Alice to the dance floor with me. It became a competition between the two of us. She sang “Touch me”
and the dance was more sensual than ever. Then I sang “Send me an angel” and we dance very close,
eye to eye and lip to lip. Because of that, the winner of the $500 dollars was about to be decided between
us. It was a draw. We split the money and something unique was born. We, as a duo, sang “Cult of
Personality” to end the contest and continue with the festivities.

Conde: Wow Asere, que manera más peculiar de conocer a esta jevita. ¿Algo adicional que me quieras
decir? Aparte de esto, ¿qué vas a hacer en la tarde?

“There is more to say; pero voy a terminar mi informe… Why? I replied in curiosity.

Chapter 8: The Confession

Everybody was happy about the talent show. But Alice and I were the talk of the day. Tony and Lily were
smiling from ear to ear. I was smiling too. After all, this girl Alice, awoke my hidden emotions. Never
thought my fantasy and ideal woman would exist. I was wrong.

Tony: Bombón you are so happy. Look at you!!! You look like the joker!!!

McG: Shut up Tony!!! I made your day, did I? Gozaron como centellas.

Tony: Did you? ¿Que si gozamos? Esto es lo mejor que ha pasado. Se robaron el espectáculo Tesoro.

McG: Ok thank you Tony. Where is Lily? Is something wrong with her?

Tony: No mi adorado tormento. She is finishing a paint in the art class. Why?

McG: Let’s wait for her so we can have dinner. Invito y pago engendros del infierno.

Tony: ¡¡¡Wipiti!!! Insúltame muñeco. El amor te tiene dadivoso Tesoro. Eso me gusta bombón.

McG: Cállate, no me hagas decir palabras soeces. Mira por ahí viene Lily.

And then Lily arrived. I told her my plans for the afternoon. She decided to make a stop at the school
cafeteria, to drink coffee. Then, the unexpected happened.

Alice: Hi guys!!! Can I have a seat with you?

Tony: Bombón, invítala; ¡¡¡no seas mal educado caramba!!! Siéntate mi reina por favor.
Alice: Gracias, thank you Tony. How are you doing McGinnis?

I am in shocked. Alice sat with us. Lily took off the conversation.

Lily: Forgive him my dear. Perdónalo querida, este chamaco es medio bruto y distraído. I’m Lilliana.
Welcome aboard. Un placer el conocerte mi reina. Bienvenida.

Alice: Pleasure is all mine. El placer es todo mío.

McG: Sorry Alice. This is kind of unexpected. You are a girl full of surprises.

Alice: I can speak Spanish. Gracias por el baile y la canción. Loved it. Eres peculiar y muy carismático;
pensaría que eres gay, pero no lo eres. Eres diferente a lo que ofrece la escuela.

Lily and Tony were looking at each other. Then…

McG: Sorry Alice, I haven’t presented myself to you. My name is Hector Manuel McGinnis, and these are
my best friends. Will you mind to joins us to have dinner together?

Alice: Of Course!!! Guess what? It’s on me!!! I will pay dinner.

Tony: Ayyy que linda mi amor… how cute!!! You are always welcomed!!!...

Alice: What do you say McGinnis? Aceptas?

McGinnis: Claro (I didn’t notice Lily’s reaction; Tony did). Let’s go people. I have my car and is very
comfortable for all of us.

Lily was having mix emotions. There is an old quote that says: “Be careful of what you wish for, you may
get it”. Fact is we have been very close. Our close friendship began in 10th grade. I knew her at school
and share a couple of conversations. But it was at the movies when tragedy almost happens. Lily was
almost raped by a man, at the parking lot. I exited the movie theater. I went to a public booth and call my
mother; then I heard this loud scream. I slowly approached and I blacked out. I was so mad that it took
three cops to subdue me. The police said I almost kill that college student. Lily recognized me and she
was crying over my shoulder with her ripped clothes, topless. Because of that, Director Wayne called my
parents and asked them to take me to a psychologist. Cops thought I was assaulting that pig. I know I
have anger issues. But, hell, it was almost a rape, still a sexual assault even though he did not penetrate
her. Since that day, we became very close to each other. But my father sent me to live with my mother.

Conde: Wow… and what happened at Pizza Hut?

McG: Oh Yes. We went to Pizza Hut. We had a good time. Tony, as always, was making jokes. Then,
Tony noticed something and took me aside.

Lily: So… Alice, from a woman to another woman… what are your feelings for McGinnis?

Alice: I like him. It is premature. He is special why?

Lily: Indeed, he is. I don’t want anybody to hurt him, do you understand that?

Alice: I understand that. Are you jealous or something?

Lily: hum!! No. He saved my life. I just… care for him. Es todo.

Alice: What does that means? How did he save your life?

Lily: Es incómodo. It is uncomfortable. I almost was raped by a college student over a year ago. I saw
McGinnis at the cinema, but he was on another room. Once I left and was walking to the parking lot, this
college student came to me and try to rape me.
Alice: Did he rape you?

Lily: No. Hector came in and beat the holy hell of him. I was saved but scared at the same time. He was a
beast. But then he collapsed over. Paramedics told me that he had a mini heart attack. That’s why he lost
over 100 pounds. He needed to live. Ohhh here they come. We will have this conversation later, believe
me we will.

McG: We had a wonderful time. But I felt tension, although I never talked about it. Tony and Lily left
school at the end of that semester. And here I am, telling the history of my life to you.

Chapter 9: Double Date

“Asere termina el informe y dile a la jeva que nos vamos a janguear. Yo invito y pago. You know is on the
house baby. And tell your mom, dile a tu mama que me debe una bailaita chambea jala!!! You know a
little dance on the moonwalk ternurita del prado. You know, I love your mom” he told me, and I was
definitely surprised.

I left Conde’s office laughing. Well, to be honest, my mom did date him. I guess Mom did dance with him
beyond the moonwalk, como una loba; vieja enferma. Yes, my mom, at her age, does have a high sexual
energy. So high that can rival those of a 20’s and even 30’s. My mother and the Cubano... Jesus, what a
pair of lovebirds!!!

Alice saw me at the hallway. She hugged me and kissed me very passionately. I felt that fire melting all
my body. She told me about the material given by Ms. Angle. She gave me all the notes and how happy
Ms. Angle was about our work. I told her about Conde’s invitation for tonight. And, of course, I confessed
her that Conde and my mother are in a relationship.

“Really?!!! I would love to go. Just for a change. Why don’t we go to my place and get ready? I won’t bite
unless you want to”. She gently slapped me.

And indeed, I went to her place. Very quiet, very intimate place. We had plenty of time. We well did what
a normal couple do. But this time… she was very seductive. It was different. She was the hunter, and I
was the prey. And yes, she played one of her favorite songs “touch me”. And of course, we became one,
one more time. Man, her face, her body, all of her… My Heavenly nightmare and my true love.

We got up and after eating something light, we went to pick up my mother. Conde called me. He was
waiting for us at Viejo San Juan on this windy Thursday night. We got there and met Conde.

“Mi amor como está la jevita más linda del mundo?” He kissed mother.

“This freaking cuban is on fire” I told Alice. “Don’t be nasty” Alice laughed at me.

“Tomorrow is the big day babe. Are you ready?” I asked her.

“I am always ready sweetheart. We are going to be the best” she said very confident.

All of us, had a wonderful night. Viejo San Juan is very magical. It had this unique and peaceful aura.
Conde was very kinky with mother. Then again mother was provoking him. This Cuban is as crazy as hell;
but at the same time, he is a nice man. We were drinking coffee. Conde and my mother were drinking
beer. After two hours, Conde took me aside and told me the following.

“Bueno Asere, ya estas más sueltecito. Debes darte una bailaita para que aflojes those stiff bones. I see
you are ready for tomorrow. Go and conquer the world guajiro. Tienes todo a tu favor: tu madre, que rica
esta la condena, la cual te ama y una jevita Asere que daria la vida por ti. No, la embarres loco. Don’t
screw up and do it.”

Those words were effective. After everybody got to their respective homes. I went to my room. All of a
sudden, I saw this letter… “Long time no see I will see you tomorrow”. I called Alice. I told her about the
letter; Alice told me it wasn’t her. Then again, who did this letter? Why that message? Not even my
mother could respond neither.

After we finished our conversation, I had a lot of concerns and doubts about this letter with a feminine
handwriting. But the past is the past. Then again… who are you? Who am I? Tomorrow is our big day. I
did go to sleep with this doubt in my mind. I’m not doing something unusual nor suspicious; but with my
honesty, I might provoke doubt in Alice. Like I said before, women are strange species; intelligent but very
emotional to deal with. I’ll have to be ready for tomorrow. It is our presentation and I want to surprise
Alice. Life is good. I am happy and deeply in love with her. She is the woman I love. She is the woman of
my life. Everybody, including Alice will learn why I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best
there ever will be.

Chapter 10: Persuasive Sin are us.

It is show time!!! Alice and I are more than ready. Although I was distracted and concerned about that
message, Alice gave me all that support. She saw me. But still, decided not to ask, just perform. It was
time to rehearse all the final details about this written work. All of a sudden, this girl came to us, very
defiant and sensual. Alice looked at her. She was about to explode then…

“Take it easy Dracula. I am here to see him” she told Alice in a provoking tone.

“Did he owe you something sweat hog?” Alice said ready to explode.

“Of course, he does. McGinnis used to be a closed one to me. I’ve been missing him a lot and I want to
reclaim what is mine” she answered.

“Oh my God… you have changed. It was you!!! But why now?

“Why not… siempre fuiste mío; pero esta anormal se me adelantó.

“You are wrong; we were only close friends. I don’t know what you want now after you literally
disappeared. You are insane!!! Alice is my girlfriend, not one else; and right now, my girlfriend and I have
a presentation so, take care and have a nice day” I told her very upset.

“I don’t believe this; are you are replacing me for this gothic freak?!!!” She said after shoving me.

“What’s wrong with you idiot? ¡¡¡¿Que diablos te pasa loca?!!!” Alice slapped her after the question.

But before they get into a fight, Conde and security interfered. Also, Director Wayne helped us with the
situation. After the incident, we went to Spanish class to begin our special presentation. Ms. Angle gave
us the final instructions. We were ready. Alice and I were very nervous.

Alice: Good morning my name is Alice, and he is McGinnis. We are going to present our oral presentation
based on our topic “Persuasion”. This is the formal definition of Persuasion. Now it is time to present our
special poem and for that moment, I will allow my love to do the honors.

McGinnis: Thank you sweetheart. It has been one hell of a journey. During these six weeks I’ve learned
so much about this unit, so much about persuasion and most important so much about this girl. Not only
we did an outstanding group work, but I am so proud to say, Alice… I Love you more than life itself. For
you… Persuasive Sin.

There is a loud silence in this classroom. It’s show time baby.

“Persuasive Sin”

Persuasive Sin, seductive, danger in disguise

Sexy smile, hot melting eyes

Persuasive sin, always in my mind

Persuasive seductive, fragile, and strong

Manipulate my senses, seduces my flesh and soul

You are the devils’ missing link and the sweetest angel delivered from God

Persuasive sin, extremely hot, extremely beautiful, extremely bold

I am your dark moon, you are my bright sun

Persuasive sin, we are together as one”.

Everybody gave us a standing ovation. Alice was visibly emotional. She hugged me so hard that I almost
lose my lungs. Then she took the microphone and talk to the audience.

Alice: Hey people do you think is over? I also have a surprise for you, my McGinnis. I also love you. I am
going to dedicate this song “With every beat of my heart”.

“As I look out of my window, I see your face in each shadow on the street below me. And as I hear the
hard rain falling, I wonder, will you be calling? Do you still wanna hold me? I think, will you turn away? do
you wanna say it’s over? Will you really come? Was it just for fun, I wonder? Is it easy to see that every
time you touch me…

With every beat of my heart, there’s thunder inside, every beat of my heart, I need you tonight Every beat
of my heart, I’m reaching for you, I need you now with every beat of my heart.

As I lay down in this dark room, I heard your voice like a soft tune, echo all around me; and as I feel the
cold wind blowing, I wonder will you be showing or forget you ever found me. I think will you turn way? Do
you wanna say it’s over? Will you really come? Was it just for fun, I wonder, is it easy to see that every
time you touch me.

With every beat of my heart, there’s thunder inside, every beat of my heart, I need you tonight. Every beat
of my heart, I’m reaching for you, I need you with every beat of my heart.

Wow!!! This is an incredible surprise. We kissed in front of our classmates as Ms. Angle, Mr. Conde and
everybody were applauding. Then, she came out of nowhere and with a gun, shoot me near my heart. It
was sudden, it was surprising. All I remembered was lying on the floor. Long away I heard Conde calling
my mother. The police came and arrested Lily. Alice was yelling and cursing. Alice punched Lily so hard
that it almost knocked her down.

Alice: McGinnis… don’t die, you can’t die. Not now… not now!!!

McGinnis: Alice… my love… I see dark… I’m dying. But only the coward dies twice. Being close to death
makes you appreciate your life more. Hold my hand. Don’t leave me please.

Alice: No McGinnis!!! Damn it not!!! Please help!!! He is dying!!!

Alice was right. I was dying. I was covered by blood. Everybody, including my mother, were hysterical.
The paramedics came. I died for 20 minutes; but there is a reason for that. I saw myself from day one
until today. Just when the paramedics were about to declare me death, and to the surprise of everybody, I
woke up!!! I came from the death.

“Thank God!!!” Everybody shouted in happiness. The paramedics were amazed about the situation. They
took me to the hospital. I spent the remaining weeks at the hospital. Alice stood by my side. After three
weeks, we got to our graduation. It was an incredible moment. We did it. After we were declared
graduators, we had our moment of joy. But Alice, like life itself, was full of surprises.
Chapter 11: End of us

Alice: We must talk my love. She said very serious.

McGinnis: Well, my dear, tell me. I’m all ears.

Alice: My love, we did it. I am so proud of us. It was a hell of a ride. But it is our last ride love. Tomorrow I
will go to Canada to study medicine.” She said and I was somehow surprised.

McGinnis: Well, I am not surprised at all. Actually… I was waiting for this moment.

Alice: Really?

McGinnis: Claro!!! Tu eres un espiritu libre a free spirit. Soy privilegiado, pero sabía que esto iba a
suceder”. I said very emotionally and frustrated. Alice smiled at me, with tears in her eyes… La infeliz
tiene sentimientos!!!

Alice: ¡¡¡Me hiciste llorar desgraciado!!! Yo estoy muy orgullosa de ti. Thanks to you, I’ve learned the true
meaning of love. No puedo aguantarte. Somos jovenes, although you are an old man, mi viejito decrepito,
in a young’s man body; now it is time for us to fly. But we can have a last dance… if you know what I
mean?” She smirked and I truly agreed.

We had our “last dance” of course. The next day, I took her to the airport.

Alice: Well, Imbecil de porqueria, hasta aqui; what a great ride. You are the man. I only wish you can find
a woman that can enjoy and love you as much as I did. I am not good at saying adios, idiota; then again,
goodbye my lust-and-logical man, my always man in black”. She told.

McGinnis: Alice, tu tambien eres especial; infeliz, idiota, irrevente e imbécil as well. You took me to the
limit in all ways. But it was one heavenly ride and one hell of a senior year. No te quito mas tiempo mi
amor. Goodbye my heavenly nightmare, my always Persuasive Sin” I said while hugging her. Indeed I
was crying. La realidad cruda. Que complicadas son las despedidas.

She got to her airplane. I went to the movies. I went home and play games. Maldita Soledad. If that bed
were able to talk, I would be in trouble. But it is time to move on. I will always love you my persuasive sin,
my heavenly nightmare. Siempre te amare, mi pesadilla celestial. I spoke.

Chapter 12-Epilogue Four Years Later… August 1999

Ms. McGinnis: “Hector!!!” my mom called me “There is a letter for you” she told me.

I went to my room. I saw a letter. But after taking a shower, my curiosity got the better of me. So, I finally
decided to open it. I was surprised and somehow excited about it”.

“Mi amor; I am back. Always yours, always my love, always your persuasive sin… Alice”.

Chapter two? Some stories never get an end; they just get an upgrade. To be continued…


Alice and Hector are together again. After being separated for four years, fate unites them, this time as
CSI agents. However, the challenge is even greater. The past returns and in a twisted way. Will they be
able to overcome their fears, obstacles, challenges, and exposed secrets? Who is the Queen of the
night? What is her connection to both? What will happen when the Queen of the night comes face to face
with the Dark Justice? Who will prevail in the ultimate battle of chaos, romance, and revenge? Who will be
the undisputed Kings of the Night?

But before… Prologue August 1995-Homecoming

Anny: Chico sal de este cuarto. Se que estas deprimido. Llevas dos meses aquí encerrado. I talked to
mom about your issue; and we agreed that you need a change of ambience. Come with us to San Juan.
Besides Papa wants to see you. He misses you a lot, for real.

HM: For real? Interesting. So, Papa misses me. I guess he forgot all that we went thru. I guess he forgot
what he did to me in 1993 did he? Then again, what does Louis thinks about this?

Anny: Louis was the one that proposed this idea. I knew how much you loved this Alice girl. But come
with us. Meet new people. New friends. Who knows, you might find someone. It’s up to you. We don’t
want you to become bitter and loner. You are young and attractive brother.

HM: Thanks sister. And well… give me tonight to pack my stuff. Tomorrow I will be with all of you in San
Juan. But there is a condition: Louis must help me to enroll me in the university, so I can study forensic
sciences or something like that. A part time job would help as well.

Anny: So… you want to be a CSI? A Detective? Police?

HM: Stripper idiota!!! ¡¡¡Voy a buscar una vieja que me mantenga!!! Jesus Christ Anny!!!

Anny: Payaso de caca. Go to sleep. Tomorrow I am going to drive to Papa’s home. Good night.
Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day and I want you to be emotionally prepared.

I went to sleep. A lot of memories came into me. My relationship with my father was, indeed, unique, and
turbulent. And to be with him again was not one of my favorite things to do. But then is my dad. I haven’t
seen him for three years. Alice is gone. I’m depressed about it. So why should not I give it a try? What
can I lose? Yes, I have a lot of questions in my mind. But I am a fair man. If I want responses, as
negatives as they may be, I must find that out by myself.

Here I am. San Juan, Puerto Rico on August 1, 1995; two months after my birthday and, ironically, my
father’s birthday getting ready to begin a new life. But, still, with Alice in my mind.

Louis: Welcome home brother. It is good to have you here. All of us; together again.

HM: Thank you Lou. Wow this place is huge. Where is dad? Where is Anny?

Louis: Anny is preparing something to eat. Dad is at the living room. Go settle yourself; we did settle your
old room. Then meet us at the kitchen. Like old times if you know what I mean.

HM: Yes, old times. I hope Anny knows how to cook. Ok let me set my stuff. See you later.

I went to my room and set everything, even my PS1. Then I met everybody at the living room.

Mr. McGinnis: Long time no see. God Bless you son. I’m glad you are back. I thank God for that.

HM: Happy Birthday dad; well… I am not. But I have changed. I will do my best to make this relationship
works. It’s been two years since 1993. We have enough time to patch things up.

Mr. McGinnis: I appreciate that. Come, this time will be different. Enjoy your sister’s culinary art.

Well time has passed by. Our relationship healed. In the meanwhile, thanks to my older sister Louis, I’ve
met a girl. Her name is Tanya Miranda Valentine. It took time, but we clicked as friends. I can’t forget
Alice. She was my first love. I went into a dilemma. Miranda was always there for me and vice versa. But
Alice, my first, you are always in my heart, mind and soul.

We were successful at college. We became a team. We were the best at our respective careers. She, as
a psychologist, was getting all the recognition from his peers.

Miranda: My dear as you know, for my final task, I want you to be my first patient.
HM: You are crazy Tanya; my madness will make you a millionaire in record time.

Miranda: If that is the case, well, let’s begin as soon as possible. I need the money, right away.

HM: Of course, my love. Tell me when and where and I will be your guinea pig.

Miranda: Perfect. We will begin this weekend, if you don’t have any commitments with your family or
another girl, if you know what I mean.

HM: I don’t have a girl; don’t worry about it. We will begin as planned right away.

Indeed, we began with the therapies. Weekends turned out months and months turned into years.
Chemistry and more blossomed between us. Suddenly…

Chapter 1- The Revelation

Four years later…

Doctor Tanya Miranda Valentine: hi again my beautiful affair. Are you ready for your therapy?

Hector: Indeed… my queen. You are the expert gorgeous one… let’s do this.

Indeed, I went to therapy. It was at my family’s and Miranda’s request. They were traumatized after that
incident. An incident that happened four years ago before graduation. I didn’t want to go; but then again, I
went. I blocked that incident as well as the fact that my only love Alice left afterwards. I wonder why. Well,
I was unable to love another girl. Yes, at college, I met a lot of gorgeous girls. But my body, my heart and
soul belonged to Alice. Even Miranda was very beautiful and very tempting. Miranda and I became very
close at college. My loyalty to Alice was somehow stupid, selfish, and ridiculous. I didn’t know about Alice;
maybe she got married, maybe not. I’ve discussed all this issues and also the fact that my mother married
B. Conde. The Cubano loco became my mother’s husband. Thank God this was the last therapy.

Miranda: Hector, I have nothing else to add. You are cleared of therapy. Esto es anti-ético, pero te amo y
te voy a extrañar mucho. I hope you don’t lose your mind. Remember, don’t you ever become your own
worst enemy. Acepta quién eres; eres la excelencia de la ejecución, valdrá la pena esperar por ti. I will
always be here to help you. Siempre por ti y para ti. She spoke.

McGinnis: (perplexed) Thank you my personal Doctor. Thank you, my love.

Doctor: Sabes que soy Miranda para ti. Te amo; I owe Louis this. But Alice is still strong inside of you;
nonetheless, I will be here waiting for you because I love you. She smiled after that.

Hector: I’m so sorry. Then again, thank you Miranda. You have been helpful. Well, be good to yourself.
Cuidate mucho y se mas que generosa contigo misma. Eres excelente.

I hugged Miranda. I felt that sexual tension and something else. Hey, she was a hot woman and the last
time I was in an intimate situation, you people know the history. Alice, my love; I had been missing you for
eternity. Maldita sea, te extraño. Then my mother called me.

Mother: “Hector!!!” She shouted. “Come here as quick as possible. There is a letter for you”.

I was drinking coffee at Starbucks. Demonios, me tuve que empujar, como enema, el dichoso café. I’ve
drove off as soon as possible. I got home and didn’t greet anybody there. And, well, I went to my room. I
saw a letter. But after taking a shower, my curiosity got the best of me. I finally decided to open it. I was
surprised and somehow excited about it.

“I am back... always yours, always my love, always your persuasive sin… Alice”.

“Chapter two? Some stories never get an end; they just upgrade.” I said with a smile on my face and a lot
of mixed emotions running through my mind. (Song “You Belong to the city”)
Chapter 2-My heavenly nightmare is back

My persuasive sin is back. But… how will we react after all these years? I mean, four years. I’m studying
criminal justice. The CSI world is always a fascination to me. All of a sudden, there is a phone number.
After I made that call, Alice answered me. I talked with her for almost four hours. Conde, now my
stepfather, got in and told me.

Conde: Guajiro del diablo, que diablos te pasa, ¿pajarito? What’s wrong with you loverboy? He asked

Hector: look at this letter and give me your opinion. I said after gave him that letter.

Conde: En serio Asere!!! You should be happy. I mean, four years con esa tensión en la espalda mi pana.
Tú sabes que esa guajira te dejaba como el arroz rico, hecho un rissotto querido mondongo. Pensé que
te ibas a meter a sacerdote o pastor jajajajaja.

Hector: ¡¡¡Shut up viejo sucio!!! ¡¡¡Deja el vacilon!!! Atiende; necesito un favor tuyo.

Conde: Tell me Asere. Aquí estamos para lo que sea; y si es para quitarte lo bestia mejor.

Hector: Que mucho joroba este demonio!!! Listen: Alice will be here next Friday. Mom will be working.
Come with me to pick Alice at the airport. She will be at the airport at 11pm.

Conde: Asere count me in. Sabes que? I will invite you for dinner. Va por la casa guajiro. Finally you are
gonna melt down that queso manchego corbejo. Also toma este par de pesos para que se vayan por ahí,
a ver si te acuerdas de las destrezas básicas so tráfala.

Well, his bullying, maldito infeliz, gave me the chance to earn 200 dollars and my love back.

Chapter 3-Double Celebration

Alice: OMG. This is it. I thought McGinnis had forgot about me. Is not easy; four years. I still love him like
the first day. They are many questions. Curiosity consumes me. However, I have to understand. I was the
one who decided to leave. I was the one who decided to move away and make a life. I was the one who
decided to pause, I think, this relationship. And I say pause because I can find many surprises. But with a
lot of courage, I'll face what I find. Anyway, I loved him, I love him, and I will continue loving him no matter

Conde- Asere que vola, hemos llegado al aeropuerto; hay mucha ansiedad. Me imagino a la guajira
pensando en estos cuatro años perdidos. He has completed over two years of study in criminal justice. In
their last conversation she learned that he was also in the process of completing his studies. It was a
coincidence that study criminal justice. Finally, Alexis (her real name), crossed the gate and sat down to
wait for Hector. After 30 minutes of waiting, an imposing figure, with a friendly smile, an intense look, and
a slow walk, came to her. His gaze lifted and he smiled. It was Hector. El enchulao del demonio was the
one who asked me to accompany him. Neither short nor lazy, he gave her a kiss so deep that the tongue
looked like an anaconda drowning a rat. Asere I had not seen two happier beings in this life. Asere que
vola ternuritas del Prado San juanero febril.

Hector: Wow you look so gorgeous my love. Estos años no han pasado en vano.

Alice: You too looks great; well, you look better than ever.

Conde and my mother were happy for us. We had dinner. I really love this woman. I missed her too much.
But I'm here. I never could love anyone else. Not even the doctor. And look, el demonio este de Conde
quería que le diera fuete a la doctora. But no; I remained faithful. I stood firm. I stayed here because I
knew that this could not end. Finally, the wait is over. Alice and I caught up. She, like me, completed our
bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. Now we are in our last year and Alice is enrolled in my university.
“I want us to be the best CSI team ever” Alice told me. “No se cuan correcto sea mezclar lo nuestro con
los estudios, but I loved this idea” She said very convinced.

“We are gonna make it cariño, Tesoro, dulces labios”. “Seremos el mejor equipo, the best team ever
baby!!!” I replied after kissing her very passionately.

The months passed quickly. And finally, the expected day arrives. Our graduation. We are all more than
happy. Our parents, friends, teachers, and family are celebrating our triumph. The director of our faculty,
the rector of our campus and even the governor of Puerto Rico, congratulated us. After having been
declared graduates, we went to celebrate in Old San Juan. In fact, before graduation, the group, that is
us, were recruited by the Department of CSI PR and Forensic Sciences. Yes, it is a weekend of
celebration; then, the challenges begin, the hard work and new adventures, not only as a couple but as
CSI agents. We reached the top; now the difficult thing is to stay. We will make it.

Chapter 4: The A-Team at full force (Song: “Moi… Lolita”.)

2 months later…

It is a warm summer night in San Juan. Everybody is having a good time. An amazing Friday night. The
ambience is exquisite and sexy. The casinos are loaded with diverse people, looking for money and
fortune. Then, there is the CSI team. We are patrolling the city. We belong to the city. This Friday, for the
first time in almost two months, is the one night that we share together; not only as partners, but as
individuals as well.

Alice: Our Capital City, San Juan, is unbelievable gorgeous at this point in the night. I love it.

HM: It is indeed gorgeous. I feel so weird, having this moment with you, not as partners after a full year of
hard work. Being a CSI can take a toll in our personal lives. Aun asi te amo.

Alice: I know my love. I just want you to know, quiero que sepas que también te amo y este era nuestro
sueño. Sabíamos del sacrificio como pareja. Don’t worry. She winked at me.

HM: (suddenly stops the car) Gracias my love. I know I have to heal from my past. But I’m not using you
to heal. It’s being a long, hard process. Pensé que jamás te volvería a ver. I’m so excited about this
opportunity to show our great potential in San Juan.

Alice: I’m very curious about it. How the hell did you survive that shooting on our Spanish group
presentation? ¡¡¡Esa loca de Lily te dio tremendo balazo!!! She asked.

HM: As you remember, it was a crucial moment. I was shot in the chest, near my heart. My life was
escaping. So, I took a risk. It was the “Actus Mortis”. An experiment thought by one of my mentors from
the India Kali. He was so generous to me; and he took me under his wing. I know a lot of physical
experiments. The “Actus Mortis” is the most difficult experiments of them all.

Alice: What is an “Actus Mortis”? She asked very curious about the topic.

HM: It is the Latin name for faked death. I said very serious.

Alice: Really?!!! That is awesome!!! Tell me more about it. I want to know.

HM: I did stop all my body functions. At the crime scene, the police declared me dead for almost 20
minutes. So, literalmente regrese de la tumba por decirlo así.

Alice: Damn!!! cómo olvidarlo; por poco y me dan diarreas pedazo de infeliz. Thank God you didn’t die for
real and now life has been good to us, don’t you think? She spoke

HM: Of Course. It’s time to enjoy our present and future. I told her with an enthusiastic tone.
Alice: (surprised and happy) our present and future?!!! You are an enigma indeed.

HM: But an enigma that cares and loves you a lot since high school.

Suddenly, the cell phone rings. I picked up the call. It is Robert Russell, the boss. He and the rest of the
team call him by the nickname of Double R; his wife Darian Russell calls him Bobby. Double R is happy
with the team. He might be demanding; but at the same time, he knows how to throw a party and have
fun about it.

Double R: Hi people!!! How are you doing on your night off?

HM and Alice (through the speaker) Hello Boss!!! We are doing just fine!!!

Double R: Going to be brief sunshine. The city is happy with us. But we cannot get overconfident. We
have a new situation. A very uneasy and uncomfortable situation.

HM: Yes!!! The Love murders. The crime lovers. Love after crime, hell I don’t know!!!

Alice: My gash!!! How creative my love!!! You are always one step above baby.

Double R: Well, that is a cute name for such gross crimes. Stay humble my friend. Then again, the only
thing is, that the people killed are real life couples in a very weird way.

HM: What do you want us to do? Do you have a plan Boss? Hay un plan y no el de gobe suelto como
gabete? I said in a sarcastic way.

Alice: Tell us about your plan boss… Que tiene usted en mente? Alice said.

Double R: To be honest, I don’t have a plan as of now. But we will develop one. Please let’s meet at your
place son, tonight.

HM: Excelente jefecito lindo (acho ese viejo es más feo que un caso de drogas). We will stop by the
supermarket to buy some food and beverages. You can call the rest of the team. Let’s do it. We all
deserve it. Just let everybody know. I said very happy.

Alice: You know how to put a party. But I know he is nervous about those killings.

HM: Yes, he is. But being anxious isn’t help anyone!!! A nadie!!! Comprendes Mendez?!!!

Alice: I just forgot you speak Spanish!!! You are un baboso infeliz y bilingue jejejeje.

We went to the market. Beers, meat, food, and groceries were bought. After we arrived home, Alice and I
began with the food preparation. We flirted with each other and soon the rest of the team arrived. Robert
and Darian as well as Joseph and Dakota Jacobs are the remaining members of the CSI San Juan. We
welcomed the team to his place.

HM: Welcome again Team!!! Joseph, Dakota is always an honor to have you here.

Joseph: Thank you so much. This place is relaxing, right darling? He spoke.

Dakota: of course, it is; thank you honey for your kindness. She said very sweet.

Darian: Bobby, I will go with Alice. We will serve the food when it’s ready. Let’s go Alexis. Darian
commanded in a funny way.

Alice: Excellent!!! In 30 minutes, we will serve. And all of you will love it!!! Alice said very glad.

The rest of the team enjoyed some drinks. We are talking and having fun. We were helping with dinner.
After eating a delicious meal, Bobby has an announcement to make. Everybody is paying attention with
coffee in their hands. Bobby, our boss, is very anxious.
Chapter 5: Family Reunion

The team was having a good time at my place. But in the boss mind, those unique murders were like fire
on the woods. He, as well as the city, was intrigued about the motives of those murders. Double R
decided to commence his announcement.

Double R: First, thank you McGinnis for this wonderful time. But we have a problem. A real problem.
These murders are unique, intriguing, and very disturbing. Eight murders in less than two weeks in a very
strange way and still no answers. He commenced his speech.

Darian Russell: Exactly!!! To top that, they are couples, and both have been bitten in the neck by a rabid
dog or something similar. Now with a more precise information, please let our coroner Joseph Jacobs to
let us know the C.O.D. (Cause of Death). JJ, will you please do the honors?

JJ: Good evening team!!! Thanks, McGinnis, for your hospitality. Now, let’s get down to business. Indeed,
the cause of death is by a severe loss of blood. Blood from the neck, just like a bite. Some people say
that rabid dogs are responsible for this. But if you look at these pictures, it is almost incredible that a dog
may cause this. I just don’t believe it. JJ told us very confused.

JJ showed the pictures. Everybody paid a close attention to them. I decided to talk.

HM: First off, we need to stay calm. Don’t cloud your logic and reasoning. No se me pongan llorones y
pellejos. Hay que analizar con la cabeza fría. I said using dual language.

Double R: Stay calm?!!! Are you kidding me?!!! This situation is getting out of hand!!! He exploded in
anger and frustration. Clase de lloron!!!

HM: I kid you not jefecito lindo. But we are getting too emotional. Indeed, this is not caused by a dog. But
we have to think with our minds cold. I know the city is going bananas and they want answers. To be
honest, we don’t have those clear and logical answers right now. I replied

Alice: you are right pudding. We might not have those answers now. But we must speed up baby. This is
a matter of life and death. Our people need us. She said trying to calm Double R.

Double R: Exactly. As CEO and future candidate to Major of San Juan, I need, with all your help, to solve
this mystery. San Juan depends on us. Our citizens depend on us.

HM: We are not going to let you down Boss. No lo vamos a dejar pillao jefe. The only thing I will ask is
patience and calm before the storm. The night is young. I want everybody to relax and have a good time.
The calm before the storm to say the least. Calma y pichea, cabeza fria gente; this situation is very
crucial, and we need to be at our very best, if we want to know the truth behind these murders.

Double R: all right… I will follow your advice McGinnis. But we have this night to work and think about a
plan, ok? I will let all of you relax and chill for tonight. He said in a relax tone.

HD: No problema jefe. We are going to solve this case. Just relax and rest. ¡¡¡Dese el palo y no me haga
hablar malo, freaking huele pega!!! I said very upset.

Chapter 6: Enter the Queen of the Night (Song: If looks could kill)

The night is gorgeous. It is an open invitation to romance, sex, and lust. There is a couple, at the park,
manifesting those feelings (Enfermos, búsquense un motel por el amor de Dios). Suddenly, a ravishing
woman makes an appearance. She is tall, blue eyes, dark hair, and a very desirable woman. She moves
forward and the man is mesmerized by her stunning looks. His girlfriend comes face to face with the
stunning beauty called “The Queen of the Night”.

Woman Yal: ¡¡¡¡Helloooo!!!! ¡¡¡¿Qué demonios estás mirando freaking ridícula?!!! ¿Tengo monos en la
cara so puerca? ¡¡¡¿Se te perdió algo pedazo de cuero?!!! She asked in an aggressive way.
L: What the hell are you talking about stupid girl?!!! She smirked at the unfortunate woman.

Woman Yal: Aquí en Puerto Rico se habla español estúpida!!! ¡¡¡Si no sabes el idioma ese es tu
problema mamita!!! Dale tira pa’lante guaynabita sucia. The woman said in an enraged tone.

LD: I don’t know what you are saying. But well, papito chulo venga con mami!!! She ordered.

The boyfriend, hypnotized, came to Lily. She kissed him, the girl, very upset, shoves Lily. Then, in
retaliation, Lily slaps her very hard. The woman falls to the ground headfirst.

LD: You stupid jerk!!! You don’t know with whom you are dealing with!!! Come my children of the night!!!
Let’s have a feast with these unfortunate pieces of trash jajajaja!!!

All of a sudden, they were surrounded by these creatures as they kill and suck every single drop of their
blood. It was macabre and morbid. They were smiling at the lifeless corpses.

LD: ¡¡¡Oh my God!!! ¡¡¡Que delicia esta sangre!!! I am having an out of body experience. Feast my
children, celebren mis niños, criaturas de la noche. This is the beginning of the end for these mortals in
this lousy stinking town. Today marks the dawn of a new era in this shithole of a place. An era of death,
suffering and dominance. We, the creatures of the night will take over. I will always be the Queen of the
night!!!! She shouted and laughed in a very demonical way.

Meanwhile, at my house, I am a little bit nervous. I am having a premonition. I noticed that Alice is aware
of that. She looked at me very seriously but sweet as well.

Alice: Babe, is something wrong? Te veo inquieto y perturbado. She asked him.

HM: I don’t know. But to be honest, there is nothing right. I don’t want to create panic. But I feel a crime is
happening right now. It is like a premonition. I hope to be wrong about it.

Alice: Are you sure of that? ¿Estás seguro de eso? This is serious. She replied concerned.

HM: Unfortunately, yes. I know the night is young. Let’s have a family meeting with the team. I will try to
be as logic as possible. Then again, I will be honest with everybody.

Alice: I will let you lead on this one. I only hope that nobody loses their mind.

HM: I hope that as well. Pero de entrada te digo que se volverán locos.

I kissed Alice in the lips very gently. She, as surprised as ever, kissed me back. We shared another kiss
and a hug before the reunion.

Chapter 7: The midnight hour

We gather the team. It is 12:00 am. We are concerned about the murders. McGinnis began the meeting in
a very worried tone.

HM: Family, I know you are concerned about this. These murders have taken a lot in the minds of you. I
have a theory. It is a wild one; but still is a theory that you must hear. I’ve concluded that these murders
are committed by…

Double R: By? Come on say it now!!! The Boss said almost ready to explode.

Everybody yells at me to finish my comment. Still, I am hesitant. Nonetheless, I decided to say the

HM: By vampires!!! I finished my comment very shyly.

Double R: Vampires?!!! Are you losing your mind kid? Are you insane?!!!
HM: I know it’s crazy. But let’s think straight. These victims were brutally attacked specifically in the
jugular. They lost a lot of blood, and those bodies were very pale. The autopsy is clear. I know is
ridiculous; but a dog would certainly tear a neck apart. I said sweating hard.

DR: Darling, Bobby, calm down sweetheart. I do agree with him. Bobby’s wife agreed.

Double R: Do you?!!! Are you kidding me Darian?!!! Double R exclaimed in disbelief.

DR: Of course, my love. You need a reason and a motivation to begin with. Indeed, he is defying logic.
But think of this, these murders are defying logic, so why cannot we defy it back?

HM: Thank you Darian. I want you to do the following: go rest for the remaining of the night. Relax and
take it easy. Alice is going with me. We are going to check on the city. I feel something wrong is
happening. I just want to be sure that everything is all right.

Alice: Are you sure and serious about it? She implied skeptically.

HM: Yes my dear I am serious about it. Come on, I might be wrong; but let’s be cautious. If everything is
ok then I will be el tipo mas feliz right now y tendré paz.

Alice: “Mas Feliz” for happiest guy ever? She smiled after the question.

HM: Yes baby. Damn, la mas gringa ahora. Now, all kidding aside, let’s go. He ordered nicely.

Alice and I were patrolling the city. Everything, for the moment, was normal. People hanging in bars,
playing in casinos, meeting, eating and drinking. It is the perfect night for romance, sex and fun in all
forms. We are having a conversation about everything. All of a sudden, I see an incident at the Casino.
We stepped out of the car. Then, time stopped. My eyes cross paths with this mesmerizing, still
dangerous woman. We stared at each other, contemplating, looking direct; and in that moment, we
shared a smile. This woman was mesmerized by my behavior. And I… well something wrong clicked
inside of me.

Chapter 8-The Queen of the Night Meets the Dark Justice (Song “Open your Heart”).

Greetings, useless mortals. I am Liliana Diane Knight, better known as the Queen of the night. I have
arrived in this city with only one thing in mind; to spread terror in its population. My group gave you a
sample of what we are capable of. We don’t fear anything or anyone. Everyone will shake in fear. Even
you, the Man in Black will fear me. Nobody is safe!!! And simple, you will know who I am and what I am
capable of doing, the Queen of the night. Guess what?!!! I had my moment of revenge, I did not succeed.
But now it's different. I am stronger, more reckless, more determined and I am willing to finish what I once
started. You will not be safe. You will wish death. This is just beginning of your pain and suffering. Quiero
mi venganza!!!

Alice: Something wrong? What’s going on with that girl? She asked truly mad.

HM: I don’t know. I felt hypnotized and heard her voice inside of me. We will discuss that later. Now we
have to stop this scandal. Grab your revolver in case we have to use it.

Alice: Ok. I’m always ready and specially for that girl. I don’t like her!!!

We arrived at the casino. There was a scandal, almost a ruckus. Even so, the music did not stop playing
and it even got louder. While Alice and the officers were controlling the situation, she, Lilliana,
approached us. Wow, she was more beautiful than I thought. At the same time, she looked threatening,
dangerous, defiant and certainly ready for everything. Suddenly, we stare at each other, my instinct told
me to take my gun out and confront her. She did not hesitate and, of course, she did the same. Two guns,
at the same time, ready to explode.
HM: Hold it everybody!!! I shouted to all of them with authority.

Lily: Oh!!! Finally, I’ve the pleasure to meet you; or let’s say to see you again my man in black. Nos
volvemos a ver amor mio. She said with a smirk on her very pale face.

HM: What the hell are you talking about?!!! “amor mio?!!!”. Vayase al infierno.

Lily: Take it easy babe. You will understand. But why so serious? Why so violent? She asked me very
seductive. Why don’t we share this dance? She winked but still with gun in hand.

All of a sudden, all kind of noise stopped. Lily raised her hands; and when she puts them down, a circle
of fire surrounded us. Everybody was perplexed about it. Then soft music began (Open your Heart) to
play at the dance table. It was tempting. The fire, the music, this ravishing woman so close to me. Again I
felt hypnotized by her stunning looks, cold presence and how she was singing to my ear. She sang the
entire song to my ear. I felt falling into an abyss.

Lily: I know you like it. Put that gun down. Come on Dark Justice; show me what you got. Don’t resist;
give in to me. You cannot resist me. Join me. We can be unstoppable. Even this fire cannot stop us.
Forget about this little rat Alice. I am the Queen of the night. Your future and the one that truly loved you.
This song is dedicated to you. Lilliana said with a kiss in my lips.

HM: Who are you? What do you want? Why are you doing this? Why these killings? I asked knowing full
well how deep I was under her spell.

Lily: (while hugging me) listen baby. I have lingered, for only the instant; just like searching, waiting for
snow. And now it’s here, this is our moment; there’s no way past, I’ll won’t let it go. Can you sense the
atmosphere, do you feel alive? Everything seems so very clear, breathing to survive. If you open your
heart, show me inside, won’t let you fall apart, because this is our time; this is our time, hey hey; if you
open your heart, show me inside, won’t let you fall apart, because this is our time. If you open your heart
there is no need to explain, won’t let you fall apart, you’ll never be lost again, hey, hey, hey. If you open
your heart, show me inside, won’t let you fall apart, because this is our time. If you open your heart there
is no need to explain, won’t let you fall apart, you’ll never be lost again, hey, hey, hey. If you open your
heart there is no need to explain, won’t let you fall apart, you’ll never be lost again, hey, hey, hey. She
sang to me more seductive and sexual than ever. If I only could make a deal with God…

Alice was mad. Alice got in her way. Both women stared at each other. It looked like two angry animals
ready to attack. Alice took her gun and pointed at her. Lily did the same.

Alice: Do you have a problem here little whore? Why are you dancing with my man?!!!

Lily: Oh my God, tanto tiempo; this ugly rat is so angry. You are the man of this team… Are you? Take it
easy Triple fea. Am I talking to your husband perhaps? Your man? ramera please!!! He is mine and only
mine, stupid piece of trash. She said provoking more ire in Alice.

Alice was livid. She slapped the taste out of Lily’s mouth. Both girls got into a fight. Suddenly, the group
got involved. They beat the crap out of the officers. And although, Alice and I did our best, we got
outnumbered. She gave the order and her group handcuffed Alice to a pole, while the officers were
decimated. After Lily drank their blood, she left one important message to Alice.

Lily: Escuchame perra sucia. Do you want to see McGinnis alive again? Come to my place with that crazy
Cuban Conde. Por que ese idiota?!!! Simple he is a man of God; and if you want to defeat me, then you
must have faith, for real, you pathetic crook. Come on my creatures of the night, take this man, my man,
with us and leave this trash of a place. She ordered.

They left town. I was frustrated. During this time, some other officers called 911 and my boss Double R
came as quick as possible and helped me.
Double R: What the hell happened Alexis? Where is McGinnis? Who did this?!!! I want answers right
now!!! He asked very nervous.

Alice: Boss, let’s get out of here. I promised to give all the details at home. Please calm down. I told him
very nervous as well.

Chapter 9-The Incredible Confession

I am devastated. I allowed this pathetic woman to get away with him. My boss is next to me. He was mad.
Thank God, I did calm him down. The problem is how I am going to explain them that this lunatic wants
me and his stepfather Conde to save him. This is a dangerous mission. How I am going to explain that we
are dealing with vampires. I mean vampires in this 21st century, as stupid as this sounds. I hope
McGinnis is alive. Be strong; te amo y me siento culpable de todo. Then again, hope and faith, esperanza
y fe. But right now, I am lost. Finally, l got home. His face was as pale as a corpse.

Double R: Alice… tell me. I don’t want to lose my sanity. Vampires?!!! What the hell is that? I need a good
explanation for Christ’s sake.

Darian: Hi people. Hector… where is he?!!! She yelled at us.

Darian almost explodes in tears after I explained what happened with Hector. The boss hugged her
tightly, asking for calm and patience. The hardest part was telling Darian the details about the kidnapping.
Saying they were vampires made her even more shocked; Darian prepared us coffee; She is quite a lady,
who in difficult times, always seeks calm in the storm. Robert, he kept looking at me, he had his coffee.
After explaining everything to Darian, she looked me in the eye and said:

Darian: sweetheart, what you just told me is tough and difficult to assimilate. It is worth challenging the
logic of everything. But how the hell did that woman become a vampire? There are many questions. Was
Hector totally honest with you? Was he clear on all the details? I do not want to attack him, but I will not
put my hands on the fire for him either.

Alice: She was a woman from his past. Lily almost killed him; somehow, he survived it. But she came
back to extract revenge on all of us. Now I must contact his stepfather Mr. Bárbaro
Conde. I don’t know why other than the fact that this freaking psycho want us only.
Darian: Wow!!! How hard it is. But please…call Conde. Every single minute depends on the fact that we
can save Hector. Take the cellphone and make that call.

I called Conde. It was Hector’s mother who picked up. After I explained everything, Ms. McGinnis, in
tears, gave the phone to Conde. He was as stunned as her. He tried to keep his calm and composure.

Conde: ¿Que está pasando mi niña? ¿Por qué tanto alboroto? Why this mess? Tell me please.

Alice: Ay Conde… es que secuestraron a su hijastro. Su ex-amiga Lily, kidnaped him. She demanded
that the two of us, o sea nosotros lo rescatemos. Nadie más.

Conde was in shock about my remark. He served beer.

Conde: Allow me to drink so I can think better my dear. This is something new to me and very difficult to
understand. Keep in mind, I have to talk to his mom. And she will be very desperate once you explain
everything. Esto es cosa de locos mi reina.

Alice: I know Professor. I’m trying to be objective and accurate with everything. It is very disturbing, and I
don’t want to waste time. We must save her son, your stepson.

Conde: I know. But please, tell me more so I can understand this situation.
Alice: As you know we are detectives. We are working a very important case. The Love Crimes. It turns
that we are dealing with vampires and the Head Vampire Lilliana was McGinnis best friend in high school.
We had a confrontation over two hours ago and this crazy assclown kidnapped him. She told me to be at
her mansion with you if we ever want to see McGinnis alive again. I understand you disbelieve, but I am
telling the truth Mr. Conde. We need to move as quick as possible. His life is in our hands.
Conde: ¡¡¡¿Una ex?!!! yo creía que este era un zángano. ¡¡¡Anda al diablo con esa loca!!! pero sigo sin
entender un divino de todo esto. Be specific guajira. Habla claro muchacha. He pleaded.

Alice: She is a vampire. Ella dijo que usted es un hombre de fe. Only with faith we can save Hector and
defeat her. Necesito coordinar con usted lo antes posible, as soon as possible.

Conde: ¿Vampira? Diablo este mundo se tiene que fastidiar, what a messy and freaked out world we live
in Asere. Esto es de locos. Pero si, allow me to prepare myself and, at the same time, talk to mi esposita
rica y linda. She needs to know. Just give 30 minutes and be here.

After our conversation, Conde explained everything to McGinnis’ mother. She was desperate. Conde,
finally, calmed her down. He promised to bring Hector home alive and well. He is my only hope to see
McGinnis ever again…

Meanwhile in an elegant, yet very dark and eerie mansion…

Lily: Come on my dear wake up. There is a lot of talk. The truth shall set you free my love. It is divine to
have you here. My revenge will be fulfilled when you join me. I want you to wake up because you need to
know everything. In, spite of my hatred, I need you by my side. Together we will be the kings of the night.
All will fall and be our slaves and our creatures of the night. Hi little sister…

Mary Joan: I brought this to wake him up. You love him… do you?

Lily: Yes… lo amo y lo odio, maldita sea. I hate him so much; but my love is stronger than that. Because
of him, I sold my soul to the Devil, that’s why I’ve became a vampire. I’ve killed every single person that
knows him. Now I am here to collect his soul and be immortal with me. Mary, use your magic touch and
wake him up.

Mary Joan: Ok sister. Come on, miserable mortal… WAKE UP!!!!

Mary raised her hands, and he woke up. He looked at Lily, groggy and confused. He is somehow
perplexed for everything that happened. She got close to him and said:

Lily: Welcome back my love!!! Hope you are doing fine.

HM: What am I doing here? What the hell do you want? Why don’t you leave me alone?

Lily: I want revenge McGinnis and I want it now!!!

HM: What’s is going on?!!! Are you crazy?

Lily: Mary Joan, please, leave us alone.

MJ: Ok my sister. Call me when you need me.

Lily came close to me. Then, she looked at me with her fangs exposed ready to bite.
Lily: Indeed, I am crazy. Listen carefully. I will bite your neck so you will know the truth. After you know the
truth, you will be mine and become one of us. Prepare yourself love because this truth will be a killer. She
said as I felt her fangs biting my neck.

She began drinking my blood and I saw something incredible. Lily did metamorphosis in front of my eyes.
She became Alice!!! As I was in shock, she laughed at me.

Alice: Oh, my love, I’ve never got tired of this. ¡¡¡Mírate maldito pedazo de bestia!!! Estás más que
sorprendido!!! You are in shock!!! Jajajajajaja, she laughed with a maniac tone.

HM: Alice!!! I don’t understand!!! Why are you doing this?!!! ¿Has estado conmigo todo este tiempo y,
matando a inocentes a la vez? You have been a cop and a killer as well? Lilly and you are the same
person? I reclaimed, ignoring the fact that she bit me in the neck.

Alice: One step at a time. I came back to you. But I had an agenda. I knew that you were taking therapy. I
knew about your close friendship with Dr. Valentine. I am surprised of your loyalty to me McGinnis. She
loves you, but she will never have you. Now my blood is in your veins. Now you are mine. Now, The Dark
Justice and The Queen of the Night will reign supreme.

HM: I will never, ever, become a murderer like you. Where is Lily? And what is her connection with you??
Where is Tanya? Answer me!!!!

Alice: Listen… Lily is my twin sister. Well, she was. She committed suicide. But before, she taught me all
the underworld and hypnosis tricks I did apply to fool you. Then, she told me about you. She told me how
you rejected her. Don’t get me wrong. I loved every moment we lived in high school. After she shot you,
she called me and told me everything. Remember blood is thicker than water. I left you and I swore
revenge. That’s why I came back to you. Love made you an idiot McGinnis; but it was for my benefit.

HM: I cannot believe this. Then, who is the Alice that have been this entire time with me?

Alice: My Love, I’m loving every single reaction of yours. After you and I met at the airport, I, with the help
of my creatures, kidnapped your doctor. I hypnotized her and with some effects I made her looks and
body match mine so, even you cannot see it clearly. With those details, she became me. She was my
eyes during this entire process; and I used my mind, so she can talk like me. I am so glad that you
perfectly fell for it. She doesn’t know nothing. And she won’t. Because tonight, Tanya and Conde will die;
you will help us.

HM: I told you, I am not a murderer. You will not get away with this.

Alice: But you will become one tonight my love. You are very strong. But eventually, your dark side will
come out and nobody will be saved. I fooled you, the entire team, your family, and everybody close to
you. As a mortal, you made the worst mistake of your life. You became one of them. You left my twin
sister and now my revenge will be completed after everybody dies tonight; let me refresh your memory.
Lily did remember when you saved her from an imminent sexual assault. From that day, she felt in love
with you and yet, you decided to be alone. Then you met me, and the rest is history. Alice said after a
hard slap in his face.

Hector: Yes, I remember her. I left her because she was obsessed. She misunderstood everything I said.
I moved with my mother to this town and then met you in high school. I loved you Alexis more than my
Alice: Don’t worry about the past. Now you are with me for eternity!!! She told me.

HM: I told you, I will not become a murderer like all of you.

Alice: Eso lo veremos my love. Every, single person that is linked to you will die. Esta mujercita, puerca,
sucia, ramera, infeliz y estúpida también va a morir alongside that infeliz Conde. Ellos vendrán por ti.
They will come and they will die. Y tú serás testigo de esta masacre. No one is safe. I will take this place
over. This people will become our creatures. Blood will be shed; and death will reign supreme.

Hector: Are you kidding me? Ellos me van a salvar. Maldita bastarda!!!

Alice: Oh baby… you are so intense. Don’t worry you will die if you betray me.

Alice bites me in the neck. She drank my blood. I passed and fell to the ground….

Mary Joan: What happened? Did you kill him? Is he dead?

Alice: Technically yes!!! But understand that he is very strong. He will survive my attack.

Mary Joan: Really? So that means?

Alice: Yes, my beautiful sister; he is mine, immortal like us. And, believe me, when Conde and Tanya
comes, they are in for the surprise of their lives my dear; do me a favor… tell Kevin and Rebecca to come
here. I need something from them right now.

Mary called both Kevin and Rebecca. They saw me on the ground.

Kevin: Long time no see. What do you want and need boss?

Alice: I want both of you to be alert. In the next couple of hours, Conde and Tanya will be here. They will
try to save him. I don’t want you to kill them. Just soft, both of, them up so nicely, that I can finish them off,
once and for all. This war will be over, and we will win jajajajajajajaja.

Rebecca: Count us in boss. We will not let you down. Kevin and I will check on all access of this mansion.
We will set traps so we can catch them quickly. Then we’ll wait for your orders.

Alice: very good beloved ones. Right now, take him to my room. He will wake up soon. I want him very
thirsty. Tonight, my creatures, we will feast on these useless mortals jajajajajaja.

They took me back to Alice’s room. My face is so pale, that I look dead. Now I am part of the undead and
ready to unleash horror.

Chapter 10 Welcome to Fright Night (song “Let Me In”).

Conde and Alice (Tanya disguised as her) got together. She is desperate. But Conde, as usual, tries to be
smooth and confident. They go in Conde’s Car. Conde, now driving and realizing how dangerous this
mission is, begins a conversation with her, without knowing her true identity.

Conde: Mi chica hermosa, todavía es difícil de creer todo esto. Perdona mi tardanza, pero la madre del
caballo de malo marido tuyo este, mi esposita rica y linda, estaba demasiado
alterada, she was very upset to say the least. Hay que calmarla, asere, if you know what I mean baby.

Miranda: Lo se Profesor. Pero usted sabe que solo nosotros podemos salvarlo. Fue lo que exigió la idiota
esa. ¿Maldita sea, porque no la maté cuando tuve el chance? Why?!!!! ¡¡¡¡Estoy bien endemoniada!!!!
Peor que coger un examen de álgebra escrito en arameo.

Conde: Asere calm down pumpkin pie. We must think con la cabeza fría. Don’t be an idiot my dear. See,
llegamos a la iglesia del Padre Macario, a very good friend of mine.

Miranda: ¡¡¡¿I wonder… para que carajos venimos aqui?!!! I think we’re wasting valuable time here.

Conde: Asere suave con el lenguaje. I know you are upset. Get in. I need your help right now.

A(T): Well lo que usted diga. You are the expert right now. You lead, I will follow; que remedio.

We got into the church. We grab some equipment, including holy water. We sharpened some sticks to
plug them in a special weapon. We are very nervous and anxious about this situation. Every single
second matters. Not only our lives are on the line; but if we don’t stop them, things will get ugly in a hurry.
San Juan, as we know it, will perish as well.

Conde: Asere padrecito cachetero, le pido perdón por el agua bendita que me estoy llevando. Es para
salvar una vida y evitar más muertes. Sé que usted está durmiendo; así que cuando vea esta nota, le
pido que ruegue por nosotros, cuando ganemos, lo invitaré a una comida. Y Diosito, ampáranos, que hay
mucho hijo de su madre en la calle fastidiando y nuestras vidas están en juego. God protect us and gives
us strength to open a can of whoop butt tonight baby.

After we left church, Conde and I were focused. Yes… we were afraid. After 20 minutes of driving, we
arrived here. Damn!!! This place is eerie and got me the goosebumps. We were very silent and focused
on our intentions. Our main goal is to save McGinnis no matter what.

Conde: Mi reina, este lugar da miedo. Let’s check everything shall we?

Miranda: Let’s do it. Weapons, revolvers, crucifix, and holy water. Estamos listos. We are set!!!

Conde: ¡¡¡Excelente!!! My recommendation… vamos a entrar por la parte de atras con cuidado.

Suddenly, the entrance door opens automatically. We almost lost our lunch.

Miranda: You see!!! She wants us to get in now. ¡¡¡No tenga miedo… Let’s go!!!

Conde: Now? ¿Ejem… asere no lo podemos pensar un poco más? Me dio frio de momento.

Miranda: ¡¡¡Damn Conde no sea miedoso!!! Don’t be scared. We are here to save him.

As we got in, Kevin got in our faces. He punched Conde in the face. But we attacked him with holy water.
We witness his destruction and then… this psycho freak was in front of us.
Alice: Welcome to Fright Night!!! La verdadera noche de terror. Qué bueno que llegaron, malditos
infelices. I have so many surprises for you. Es una lástima que después de esta noche ustedes van a
morir. The best part? Lo voy a disfrutar como si fuera mi comida favorita.

Miranda: Really?? You imbecile!!! Why don’t you come here and fight; Te reto ahora mismo dichosa
infeliz. You think you are a blood sucker?!!! Basura es lo que eres bastarda.

Alice: ¡¡¡Ohhhh si fiona la de Shrek esta agitaita!!! Are you, little fiona, mad at me? ¡¡¡¿Por qué no vienes
y me das tu mejor golpe lechona de guavate?!!! Give me your best shot sweat hog!!!

Miranda: Ask and you shalI recieve!!!! Let’s get ready to rumble biatch!!!

Conde: ¡¡¡Guajira aguantate no te esmandes!!! This is a freaking set up. Es una trampa!!!

Miranda went forward to face Alice. But before a fight begins, Rebecca attacked her from behind. Conde
tried to run. But Alice got Conde and knocked him unconscious. Tanya was knocked down as well. Alice
looked at Kevin’s disintegrated body. She is as mad as hell.

Alice: I feel so sorry Kev. But your death will be avenged. Rebecca, take them to McGinnis’ room. It will
be the final showdown. Tonight, this nonsense will be over!!!

Alice was happy. However, she is kind of worried. She knows how dangerous they are. Then again,
McGinnis is by her side. The night is young and very frightening. Alice has all her enemies under one
roof. It is a matter of time. It will be do or die. At the end of the night, it will come to the ultimate
confrontation between Tanya and her. Mary comes in with a bottle of wine.

Alice: Little sister… this wine is exquisite. Come join me. This is a night of triumph. We have our enemies
here. And after tonight, they are going to die a slow painful death hahahahaha.

Mary Joan: Even McGinnis has, to die my sister? I am curious to know.

Alice: perhaps… but I have bigger plans for him. If he betrays me, he will die, as simple as that.

Mary Joan: very good my sister. Let’s drink and have a toast for this night and for all of us!!!!

Chapter 10 Last Woman Standing

Indeed, Conde and Tanya were next to an unconscious McGinnis. When Miranda woke up, ella descubrió
uno de los secretos más grandes de Lily. Tanya molesta, desconcertada pero esposada de manos se
acercó y dijo lo siguiente:

Tanya: What is this? What’s going on? Who is this mister? What am I doing here?

Alice: Relax mi ciela. You were my greatest experiment, mi experimento más grande para poder cumplir
mi venganza. And with your help I did succeed. I fool all of you. I was waiting for the right moment to
attack you. Allow me to tell you more about Hector McGinnis. El es mio estorbo de la vida. He is mine. He
is my Dark Justice. He is my man. And you two will not take him away from me mi ciela.
Miranda: ¡¡¡Shut up, Psycho!!! ¡¡¡Desátame!!! ¡¡¡¡¡Infeliz, maldita puerca!!!! desátame para acabar con
esto once and for all. No tienes ovarios psicópata del demonio.

Alice: Holy girl. My dear; you are so stupid. No sé qué es peor, que seas bruta o morona. You know I can
kill you all right now. Pero no los mataré, porque les tengo una gran sorpresa. A great surprise para ti y
para el infiel este de Conde jajajajajaja.

Miranda is so mad. But, at the same time, she didn’t realize that McGinnis is up. Alice is more than happy.
Conde is also awake. McGinnis walks slowly towards Alice. Alice is excited.

Alice: come on my love. Ves cochinita de parcela? Es mio!!! He is all mine. Y esta noche, te vas como
guineo en boca de vieja. Yes, you will die tonight. He will kill you now!!! RIGHT NOW!!!

He stood up. His fangs were exposed. He looked at Miranda. He grabbed Miranda by the throat.

Miranda: look at me McGinnis. I’ve been with you for the past four years. You have been the best thing
that ever happened to me and vice-versa. I know deep down in your heart that your humanity will surface.

Alice: McGinnis, my love… kill the unfaithful waste of skin. Show me that our love is bigger than
everything. Prove them that you belong to me and belong to the underworld.

Miranda: No!!! Don’t listen to this ass clown of a toilet. You are the excellence of execution; the best there
is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. Conquer yourself. Don’t let her dark side domain
yours. I’m begging you. You can defeat this disease. Do it for us!!!

Alice: Kill her!!! Kill her now… I COMMAND YOU, DAMN IT!!!

McGinnis grabbed Miranda by the neck; then, McGinnis released Miranda; and with intense fury, he killed
Rebecca and Mary Joan by grabbing a sable and slicing both heads. Alice was surprised and mad about
it. But when she decided to attack back, Miranda confronted her.

Miranda: Así te quería tener infeliz. Now it is you and me, pedazo de animal!!!

Alice: Come on stupid pig!!! I was waiting for this moment. You will die now!!!

The girls got into this fight. Miranda was wounded. McGinnis tried to interfere; but Alice grabbed him by
the neck. Miranda hit her with a chair. Miranda, in her right hand, used the chair against her. These
women exchanged fatal blows to each other. Alice, the stronger of the two managed to subdue Miranda.
Then she saw Conde running as fast as he could.

Alice: Viste que cobarde es el cubano este maldito sea. Another pig that will eventually die!!!

Again, Miranda is fatally wounded and bleeding profusely, almost unconscious. Then, McGinnis speared
Alice to the ground; she grabbed him by my neck. But Conde, took a piece of a broken mirror and use the
sun’s reflection to attack Alice and she screamed in pain. Tanya recovered from her wounds and
managed to place Alice under the reflection. She shrieked in agonizing and deadly pain. She managed to
kill Alice. A huge explosion happened. After this mess, it was over. The nightmare was over. Alice and her
creatures are dead.

Conde: Asere por fin se acabó todo esto. Now we can go home more than happy.

Miranda: Indeed people. Come on my love. This nightmare is over. We won guys!!!

Hector: I agree. We must go. Welcome back people!!! We did survive this war.
At a corner, we saw this body. We get close. It was Alice. She is motionless. Then, we were in a different
place and not this horror mansion before. Why is she there? Where are the others? Then again, a new
day have arrived. Months later, every single CSI member got raised as we looked at each other, very
happy and proud. Everybody gave us a standing ovation. Later that night…

Miranda: We did it my love. It is time to celebrate.

McGinnis: You are right. This case is closed, and we saved our city from the undead.

Miranda: Double R is proud of us. This was insane my love. We dealt with vampires. Never thought Alice
was the head of the group.

McGinnis: Indeed. What an adventure we lived. I’m so sad for her tragic ending.

Miranda: Do you still love her?

McGinnis: Part of me was happy. But my own dark side knew she wasn’t the same. She played all of us.
In the end she paid the price.

Miranda: I was under her spell. She used me to get at you. That was low, very low.

McGinnis: I know for sure. But now, we are together. It is time for us to rest and comeback stronger than

What a night it was. The toughest case ever. I was fooled by the woman I loved in high school. She
kidnapped Miranda and gave her a makeover to deceive everybody. With her group, Alice killed most of
our police finest. But in the end, with the help of my stepfather, Mr. Conde we destroyed them. Although
we are celebrating and Double R is happy, we can’t ignore those families that will suffer the loss of their
beloved ones. It is a bittersweet victory. Then again, we were victorious in this unholy war.
HM: I don’t know my dear; I felt we were in a nightmare; now is time to take this town back. Justice will be
served. We will be unstoppable baby.

Tanya: Acho me siento rara. A nightmare, perhaps? It’s weird. Then again… We are the undisputed kings
of the night!!!! Now what is left for us?

HM: Simple…Let’s get married and make some babies sweetheart!!!

Tanya: ¡¡¡Me encanta la idea my love!!! No perdamos mas tiempo!!!

We smiled at each other. I kissed her very passionately. And then something incredible happens.

Chapter 11: Requiem for a dream

And indeed, something incredible happened!!!

HM: Oh My God!!!! What the hell?!!! What am I doing here?

I woke up in a hospital bed. My mother was next to me. My mother smiled at me. But why am I here? Why
at this hospital? Then…

Mother: Thank God, you are fine!!! My son you are alive!!!

HM: I don’t understand. Where is Alice? Conde? Lily? Miranda?!!!

Mother: Darling, take it easy. Don’t you remember anything?

HM: Honestly no. Tell me please? ¿Por qué estoy en este hospital?

Mother: Simple my son. I called you about this letter. On the way back, you suffered an accident; a
drunken man, hit you so hard that puts you into a coma; you were in that coma for 3 months. The doctors
monitored you and thanked God; you are fine. They said, it was a matter of time for you to wake up.
¡Gracias al cielo que despertaste!!! Dios es bueno.

HM: ¿Where is Alice? Miranda? Conde your husband?

Mother: Conde? My husband? Are you kidding me? Son, I dated him twice; but we are not married, solo
sómos amigos. As far as Alice goes, she left four years ago. Well, read this letter. You never had the
chance to do so. It will clarify everything.

“Mi amor; I am back. Always yours, always my love, always your persuasive sin… Alice”.

Mother: what? Is Alice? Is it? There is an address and a phone number. What are you going to do? Que
quieres hacer o decidir?

HM: I will answer this letter mom and, maybe I will call her.

I grabbed a pen and in a piece of paper, I started to write.

“Alice. Your letter took me by surprise. Honestly, I never thought that you will ever write. It has been four
long years Alice. God knows how much I loved you. You were my first and only love. I’ve been missing
you for the past four years. Darling don’t be angry at me. When you left, you took my heart with you.
Thanks to you, I became human, and I will forever be grateful. But you decided to leave on your own
terms. It took me forever to overcome this lonely feeling. To embrace the fact, that our love was a high
school moment, although I wanted more. Now, I want the best for you. Always wanted the best for you.
Now it’s time to move on; it is time to, continue on, our separate paths. I died twice. Once when you left
and now in this accident. Now I am with someone else. Her name is Miranda and, as much as it hurts me
not doing this with you, I will dedicate my life to her. I hope you understand. Be good to yourself. God
bless you, Hector McGinnis.”

HM: Please send this letter mom. Verify the address.

Mother: Of course, my son. I have a question; Did Tanya knows about this?

HM: No, she doesn’t. I’ve never had the chance to read this; but now she will.

Chapter 12: Déjà vu

After I called Tanya, she came to the hospital. We had this profound conversation.

Tanya: I know how much you felt for her. I think is selfish of her part to come back.

HM: My love, let me be clear on this. She is the past and you are the present. But mostly, you are my
future. May I ask you something?

Tanya: Sure, sweetheart go ahead and ask.

HM: Tanya, before our graduation next week, I need to know something.

Tanya: Tell me I am curious now.

HDR: ¡¡¡Tanya Miranda Valentine… Marry me!!!

Tanya was perplexed and almost crying after the statement.

Tanya: Oh My God!!! Yes, I will!!! What the Hell?!!! Yes, I love you!!! Yes, I will marry you.

It was a romantic moment. Next week we celebrated our graduation. We are all more than happy. Our
parents, friends, teachers, and family are celebrating our triumph. The director of our faculty, the rector of
our campus and even the governor of Puerto Rico, congratulated us. After having been declared
graduates, we went to celebrate in Old San Juan. In fact, before graduation, the group, that is us, were
recruited by the Department of CSI PR and Forensic Sciences. Yes, it is weekend of celebration; then,
the challenges begin; the hard work and new adventures, not only as a couple but as CSI agents. We
reached the top; now the difficult thing is to stay. Even so we will achieve it. Then I received a call. The
Call. It was from my future boss, Robert Russell.

Double R: Am I talking to Hector McGinnis?

HM: Yes… the one and only. It is a pleasure to meet you.

Double R: I know you and your fiancée, are the best CSI detectives graduated from UPR Campus. I have
assembled a team of CSI detectives and forensics to battle crime here in San Juan. I just want to know:
Can I count on you? Are both of you in?

HM: Count me in boss. As a matter of fact, count us in.

TV: Count me in as well. We are going to rock San Juan. Oh yes, we will!!!!

Double R: Let me warn you. Both of you will be with the greatest team ever assembled; from, the get go,
you are going to work a very rare and difficult case. We called it the love crimes. The victims have an
unusual mark in their necks. Your professors told us that Mrs. Valentine and you were the best that UPR
Rio Piedras Campus has to offer. Also, I’ve learned that the two of you will get married. Congratulations
guys. So welcome aboard!!!

HM: Thanks Mr. Russell. We are not going to let you down. We have a big, beautiful house that can also
be used as headquarters for all the team.

Double R: That is some great news. I know you won’t disappoint us. But please, call me Double R, my
friend!!! We are going to be a huge family. Again, welcome aboard.

HM: Indeed, as you wish boss. See you soon.

TV: My goodness!!! We are in!!!! I am so excited. We are going to rule San Juan. We are going to be the
Kings of the Night. Let’s go!!!!

Kings of the Night? Love crimes? Maybe… Déjà vu?!!! Well, whether a dream or not, this is our time, and
our dream will come true. Tanya and I… indeed we are ready to battle crime. We are going to get
married. She will be my wife and I will be her husband. The past is gone. Tonight, is the night. And we are
ready to become… The Kings of the Night!!!!
(The Night) Closing song

© 2021 HM Roldan Ramos

The Kings of the Night (Persuasive Sin 2)

The Kings of the night: by Mr. H.M. Roldan Ramos

Main Characters: A-Protagonists and Antagonist

1-Hector McGinnis aka “The Dark Justice” CSI level 3, intuitive, language translator and very thorough as detective.

2-Alexis Laree Dumas. Hector’s assistant, close partner and high school’s love interest. Blood analysis expert and computer

3-Lilliane Diane Knight: “The Queen of the Night”. The antagonist of the story. She is looking for revenge.

Secondary characters

1-Robert “Bobby” Russell aka Double R: CSI boss and CEO of San Juan Police department.

2-Darian Russell: Double R’s wife and CSI level 3 technician.

3-Joseph Jacobs: JJ, the coroner and counselor of the group. Always a father figure to the team.

4-Dakota Jacobs: JJ’s wife. Always a mother figure to the team. Computer sound specialist.

5- Mary Joan Knight: Layla’s younger and violent sister. A hitman on her own.

6-Kevin Long: Aka KL, A computer hacker, gothic and eccentric.

7-Rebecca Long: Kevin’s girlfriend. Code decipher expert and a master of disguise on her own.

8-Mr. Conde: McGinnis stepfather. 9-Ms. McGinnis: Hector’s mother.

10-Louis McGinnis: Hector’s older sister.

11-Anny McGinnis: Hector’s younger sister

12-Hector McGinnis Sr.: Hector’s father.

Interactive Reading 3: The Killers on Board Part 1

Synopsis: In this incredible third installment of this saga, sanity will be on the line. A past dream will not
be enough to solve an intriguing and disturbing case. How low will they go to solve it? How dark will they
become to save an entire city? Will the rules be broken? Who will have the last laugh? Indeed, it is... the
Killers on Board Part 1!!!


Getting the pieces together

Three months have passed; after awakening from a coma, following a car accident. In that
period, I had the weirdest dream in the world with my first love Alice. Holy God vampires!!! My imagination
is tremendous. However, my reality is different. It's true that Alice came back. I decided. In these four
years, I have suffered because of her. Thanks to my sisters, I patched things up with my father.

Now, these are the secrets of the heart. My heart. In these moments I am more than
happy, since, by my side, I have a great woman. Miranda is her name. Future psychologist and detective.
Miranda is the one who has helped me put all the pieces together of a complex and controversial puzzle.
Alice was my high school sweetheart; but she was the one who decided to leave. It's selfish of her to
come back and pretend that everything was going to be as before.

Human beings, me included, must understand the consequences of the decisions we

make. Life is about choices. What is good for me, perhaps is not good for you. In my heart and soul, I
would have wanted to marry Alice. I loved her like no other; but I could not spend my whole life suffering
for someone who decided to leave on her own. Alice is my past and Miranda is my present. Indeed, the
future is uncertain, unpredictable, and unknown. But our future is bright and has a lot of potential.

This is our new adventure. We are ready to be the best CSI’s in our capital city San Juan
of Puerto Rico. Also, we are going to get married as soon as we solve our first case with the Team.
Miranda and I bought a big house that will be used as our headquarters to protect the entire team.
Miranda is an expert with technology. We installed the most updated technology and equipment that there
is, to be sharp and efficient. Our Boss, Robert Russell is more than happy with these acquisitions. Later I
will introduce you to the entire team.

I’m getting ready. Miranda is doing her stuff as well. Today is going to be an interesting
day. There is a lot of things to do. We will meet our boss and, by default, the rest of the team. Rumor has
it that our debut as detectives will be on fire. We might work with a very disturbing case. Miranda and I are
up to the challenge.

But first… The Therapies for the Heart…

Chapter 1: Therapies for the heart

This is the day. We have a tight schedule; and we haven’t been introduced to our first case. Then again,
we are going to get it. We are getting ready for our commitments of today. We wanted to look elegant and
fine. First impressions matter a lot. In life, we don’t have a second chance to create a first good
impression. We, either do it or don’t. But indeed, the effort must be done to be successful in life. So, this
is it and we are indeed prepared for the challenge.
Miranda: Wow you look handsome my dear. That black and red combination, spectacular. Did you
answer Double R’s phone call?

McGinnis: One step at a time. You are not left behind. Always beautiful and always elegant. I do not
regret having you by my side. Yes, I did answer his call.

Miranda: Perfect my dear. I love hearing that. I admit I was jealous when Alice came back. And I do not
deny that your maturity surprised me, since I thought you would return with her. But I was wrong. Just this
once I feel happy that I was wrong.

McGinnis: Alice is my past. She was a great love. But you can't force someone who doesn't want to be on
your side. My greatest wish is to make you happy and to be happy by your side. Don't get used to it but I
love you with all my heart and soul.

Miranda: Don't be a clown. You sound romantic when you tell me I love you. My hairs stand with emotion.
That turns me on if you know what I mean.

McGinnis: Well, your look makes me happy and makes me let’s keep it PG... Let's leave it there. We will
deal with that matter later. Now we are going to fulfill today's commitments. This day is going to be
intense. The boss’ call got me worried a lot.

Miranda: whatever you say and order my cute little boss.

McGinnis: I've heard that before. And is not funny babe. Nada de gracioso querida.

Miranda: Sure, my apple pie. You told Russell that comment in your dream “Jefecito Lindo”. You are a
federal case my love. Well, you already completed the heart therapies. Now we go to my Professor of
Psychology, who will help you with therapies for the soul. I’ll have a big surprise for you. You will love it.

McGinnis: A surprise? This gets interesting. Take everything you need as we leave.

It is a beautiful and hot day at the same time. There are many efforts on this day. My psychologist took
care of me. Now we go to the real one. We will heal the wounds of the soul. It is necessary because our
future is at stake. I want us to be the best detectives. I want San Juan to be a safe city for everyone. Be
patient with the whole process. Now... We reached to our first commitment. Therapies for the soul.

Chapter 2: Therapy for the soul

We arrived at the shrink's office, sorry, psychologist. This lady is one of Miranda's Classmates. Very good
at her subject, since I have read several references about her. Let's see what happens.

Miranda: "Come in my love. Doctor Reed is waiting for you."

McGinnis: "Baby I never thought you would be so fascinated by torturing me hahahaha."

Miranda: "Be quiet. Don't be a coward and enter the office. I'll wait for you outside. You tell me in detail
everything they talk about."

McGinnis: "You are a gossip, canto de bochinchera, my dear. But it's okay; I'll tell you everything. I hope I
don't forget the most important details."

Miranda: "Oh Jesus, McGinnis; take this notebook. Better yet, record it on your phone. You are very
forgetful. Soy bochinchera y que?!!!"

McGinnis "Ok, no jorobe mas. Give me a kiss and don't bother anymore."

We kiss passionately. Then we went into a small room. In five minutes, the secretary escorts me to her
Dr. Reed: "Good morning Mr. McGinnis."

McGinnis: Good Morning Doctor Reed.

Dr. Reed: Hi, my name is Sara Reed. And this is my assistant Ms. Lily Wilson. I know is hard for you to be
here. But I will make it easy so you can find these therapies productive and useful. I usually assign three
therapies after the initial interview that is today. That is four meetings. Enough to help and solve most of
your issues. Shall we begin?

McGinnis: Of Course, Doctor, you are the expert on this.

My God, why these doctors are so attractive. The first meeting was very productive. We discussed about
my high school years and how traumatized I was after Alice departure. Then we focused on my present
and my upcoming job as CSI. We did agree that in the next meeting, we will discuss about my
relationship with Miranda. An hour passed and I left. Then I met Miranda in the lobby.

Chapter 3: Special Meeting

Miranda: "How was therapy my love? Did you like it? Dr. Reed is an excellent professional.

McGinnis: "Pretty good. I like it to get to the point, without giving it much thought. Today was an interview
and at the same time a summary of what is going to be discussed in the next therapies."

Miranda: I like that. Let's have a coffee and then visit someone important.

McGinnis: I like that better. Coffee, my addiction just like you.

"We went to Starbucks for coffee. I gave Miranda a summary, with more details, of what I discussed with
Doctor Reed. Then came the surprise. We arrived at the home of my former school counselor and my
mother's brief love interest, Mr. B. Conde. Conde was excited to see us. We gave each other a big hug.
Here we are at the house of this charismatic, eccentric, and emblematic character.

Conde: "Ave Maria Asere, good to see you here!!! So long. To what is the honor of this visit?"

McGinnis: "Miranda wanted to surprise me. And what a surprise!!! I'm happy to see you. Although I think
there is something else ... Right my love?"

Miranda: "Of course it is!!! Mr. Conde, as you must know, we are already detectives, CSI's. Today we are
going to meet our team; therefore, this visit will be brief although it will be repeated. We want to propose
something to you."

Conde: "Asere ... whatever you want and desire. Lo que usted diga y desee. I'm all ears”.

Miranda: "Perfect. We want you to be part of the team. Like what you've always been: a counselor."

Conde: "Asere do you agree with the proposal of the guajira? ¿Aceptas la propuesta de la nena?

McGinnis: "Of course I do. You really have surprised me with that detail Miranda. I agree. Who better than
you, my advisor and friend to be part of our team.”?

Conde: "Asere, I am honored; and I guarantee that I will not disappoint you. My commitment is to you.”

Miranda: "Thank you Mr. Conde. Well, my love, we are going to say goodbye as we have a pending
appointment with the team. Mr. Conde we will keep in touch."

Conde: "Thanks Guajira. Asere let me know so I can invite you to eat. Blessings always."

McGinnis: "Thanks Asere. Take care of yourself."

And we left Conde’s apartment. Now, here comes the big moment. We are going to meet our new CSI
San Juan Team. In my dreams I saw Robert Russell and his Wife Dakota Russell. Indeed, we know them.
As a matter of fact, Robert introduced his wife during our first telephone conversation. She sounded very
nice and sweet. The boss is, somehow, demanding; but I can relate to that. We arrived at the office.

Miranda: Are you happy with my surprise? ¿Dime que te asombraste?

McGinnis: Caramba claro que me sorprendiste. I am extremely happy. He was my confidant during my
high school years. Conde will be very useful for all of us. He is very smart and wise.

Miranda: I hope Mr. Russell can approve the addition of Mr. Conde to the team. I’m convinced Conde will
be a great asset to our team. El profe es brillante, tiene lo suyo y nos va a ayudar mucho.

McGinnis: I do agree with you. His experience as a counselor will be very important. Let’s see what
happens. I’m positive about this. Crucemos los dedos. Conde va a estar en el equipo.

Chapter 5: Meeting of the minds.

Now we are at Double R’s office. This is our first meeting ever. Miranda is very anxious and excited. I am
nervous as well. The Boss gather all of us in a huge meeting room. Incredibly enough, it was his wife,
Darian who begins with the procedures.

Darian: Good Morning team. Today we are going to meet our newest acquisitions to the team. We are
happy to have you here. Please be kind enough and introduce yourself to the team.

Miranda: My name is Tanya Miranda Valentine. You can call me Miranda. I am a computer data expert
and psychologist. It is a pleasure to be on this team. We are going to rock San Juan. Yes, we will.

McGinnis: My name is Hector Manuel McGinnis. Most people call me McGinnis. CSI certificate and
private detective. I’m honored to be here with all of you. We will do our best, to be the best team ever.

Darian: That is the attitude, I love it. Excuse my husband. He is in a very important meeting. He told me to
be in charge. We will begin with the discussion of our case. But first, I want all of you to enjoy some coffee
and sweet desserts. Be comfortable everybody. Joseph, can you come over here?

Joseph: Of course, Boss. How can I help you? What do you need?

Darian: Go to Russel’s office and look for these specific files. Do it after you finish your coffee. Then I
want you to turn my computer so I can use the Power Point.

Joseph: Excellent. I will look for them.

Joseph drank his coffee. He went to the boss office. But before…

Darian: Miranda, I am going to be honest. It is a very difficult case. My husband called it “The Love

Miranda: “The Love crimes”? Are you serious about that?

Darian: Yes, my dear. You look disturbed. Is something wrong?

Miranda: Maybe. I heard that before; but it is crazy.

Darian: Don’t you mind sharing it? Or is it so grave to know?

Miranda: Not now. But if my crazy theory is true, not only the case might be solved but McGinnis life will
be affected forever. And when I say forever, I mean forever. I’m very disturbed about this.
Darian: Wow my dear. My husband wants this case to be solved. But we will do it with the respect and
sensibility that requires. Nothing radical. Nothing disrespectful.

Miranda: Thank you Mrs. Russell. I will talk to Hector. He wants to be the best in this field.

Darian: You’re welcome honey. Let’s have another coffee and then we will discuss this case.

Miranda: Sure, and again thanks for this wonderful time. You are an incredible woman.

As we shared another cup of coffee, Darian received a phone call. I assume that it was Mr. Russell.
Darian put the call on the speaker. Mr. Russell asked to have an important meeting at our house.
McGinnis offered our home. Indeed, we have a sophisticated equipment and data-based technology.
Chapter 6: Uninvited and Unexpected (Song Head of The Table)
Miranda and I went home. The day before we bought food, beverages, and groceries. The entire team will
be here. It is a first for us. Our first case. We were getting ready for everything, including the worst
scenario. Little did I realize that fate had something incredible for us; an uninvited and unexpected guest
that will shake my life in more ways than one. Nobody was ready for this controversial comeback.
Double R: First off… thanks McGinnis for this wonderful place. It is private and we can go under the
radar. It is like Bruce Wayne’s manor and Batman’s bat-cave to say the least. This is awesome and I love
McGinnis: Thanks boss. Thank you for the opportunity and trust. Darian welcome to this humble place. Mi
casa nostra es su casa nostra. Bienvenidos todos. Hay comida y bebida para el disfrute de todos.
Darian: This is a wonderful place to work. Miranda, can I help you? Is there something I can do for you?
Miranda: Of course, Darian. You will love this kitchen. It is my personal space; and I don’t mind sharing it
with a wonderful person like you. You will enjoy it as much as I do. Come with me please.
Darian: Bobby, I will go with Miranda. We will serve the food when it’s ready. Let’s go Miranda. Darian
commanded in a funny way.

Miranda: Excellent!!! In 30 minutes, we will serve. And all of you will love it!!! Miranda said very glad.

I had this weird feeling; then, the rest of the team enjoyed some drinks. We are talking and having fun.
We were helping with dinner. After eating a delicious meal, Bobby has an announcement to make.
Everybody is paying attention with coffee in their hands. Bobby, our boss, is very anxious. The team was
having a good time at my place. But in the boss mind, those unique murders were like fire on the woods.
He, as well as the city, was intrigued about the motives of those murders. Double R decided to
commence his announcement. Still, I have this uneasy feeling.

Double R: First off, thank you McGinnis for this wonderful time. But we have a problem. A real problem.
These murders are unique, intriguing, and very disturbing. Eight murders in less than two weeks in a very
strange way and still no answers. Darian will you please continue? Will you do the honors?

Darian Russell: Indeed, my pretty husband. Like I said before, they are couples, and both have been
bitten in the neck by a rabid dog or something similar. Now with a more precise information, please let our
coroner Joseph Jacobs to let us know the C.O.D. (Cause of Death). JJ, will you please do the honors?

At this moment my feeling of being uncomfortable got worst. Miranda looked at me concerned. At this
moment Joseph and Dakota arrived at the house. Joseph was getting ready to inform.

JJ: Good evening team!!! Thank you, McGinnis for your hospitality. Now, let’s get down to business.
Indeed, the cause of death is by a severe loss of blood. Blood from the neck, just like a bite. Some people
say that rabid dogs are responsible for this. But if you look at these pictures, it is almost incredible that a
dog might cause this. I just don’t believe it. JJ told us very confused.

JJ showed the pictures. Everybody paid attention. Once I decided to talk, Double R interrupted me.

Double R: Since this case is very difficult to deal with, the system has hired someone to help us. This lady
is very intelligent and will be a great acquisition to the team. As a matter of fact, she asked to work with
the team. The system appointed her to be your boss. Why? Because I will take a sabbatical from this.
Darian will be working and assisting the team as well.

Miranda: And where is she? Is she far away? When will we meet her?

Double R: Actually, she is here. In a couple of minutes, she will introduce herself to all of you.

McGinnis: She? Is she our new boss? Who is she?

Miranda: That’s right my dear. Hey… you don’t look so thrilled about it. Are you right?

McGinnis: to be honest I am not. Hope I’m wrong about this uneasy feeling I have now.

And suddenly reality is incredible and the incredible comes true. It was her. Wow, she was more beautiful
than I remembered before. At the same time, she looked threatening, dangerous, defiant, and certainly
ready for everything. Suddenly, we stare at each other, my instinct told me not to lose her sight. She did
not hesitate and, of course, she did the same. Two eyes, at the same time, ready to explode. Miranda
noticed the interaction between us. She came to me and then…

Alice: Long time no see McGinnis. The good word says: the Lord works in mysterious paths. Although you
did not want to see me again, after writing to you, here we are. Now I'm your boss and we must work
together. I do not deny you Miranda is beautiful; you have good taste in women. I hope that my return and
joining the team will not affect your personal and professional life at all.

McGinnis: You bet I will not be affected by anything nor anybody much less you.
Alice: Why so rude and hostile? I haven’t forgot about you. To me it’s a killer to work with the man I loved
in high school. We are going to be the best and I will be accessible to all the team.

McGinnis: Let’s keep it professional, Alexis, ok? I will appreciate it. You’re welcome.

Alice: Excellent. I know who you are. Everything will be fine my love.

McGinnis: Alice please. Whatever you have to say and do, just do it.

Miranda: Is there something wrong guys? Am I missing something?

McGinnis: There is nothing wrong my love. I don’t feel right about this. You will know why.

Double R: Ladies and Gentlemen, your attention please: I present your new boss for this case: Ms. Alexis
Laree Dumas. Welcome to the team Ms. Dumas. You are the new sheriff in town. You’re in charge.

Alice: I love the sound of that. Thanks boss. It is my pleasure to work with all of you in this very important
case. As you know, Robert Russell will take a sabbatical and I will be in charge. All of you must stay in
touch with me and share everything you know about this case. I have full authority given by Mr. Russell. I
must admit this is a wonderful place Mr. McGinnis. Sad it’s been shared with the wrong person. Anyways,
Mr. McGinnis, we need to talk as soon as possible. Can we arrange a meeting soon? Tomorrow?

McGinnis: That soon? Ok. Miranda and I will be there, first hour indeed.

Alice: Miranda can wait. I asked for you only. I’ll meet her later.

Miranda was angry. But she remained calmed. At the first chance, she came close to Alice.

Miranda: Ms. Dumas… is there something wrong with me being at tomorrow’s meeting?

Alice: No darling. In fact, we will get to know each other now. Team enjoy the rest of the night. Come with
me Miranda. We need to talk. You will learn a lot from this conversation my dear. This will be exciting.

Miranda and Alice went to the lobby. Miranda felt uncomfortable about the whole situation. However, she
remained calm and waiting for Alice to start the conversation.

Miranda: Here I am. What is the important information you want to tell me? Something unusual?

Alice: Relax my dear. Let's get to the point. McGinnis and I were a couple, the most popular in high
school. I went to study in Canada. I ended the relationship. I was impulsive and immature. I never thought
that when I returned, he not only had another woman in his life; but that he would deny me the right to see
us for the last time. It was, and still is, unfair to me. I hope you understand my point of view gorgeous one.

Miranda: So… you are the famous Alice, the EX-high school girlfriend. This is very interesting. What the
heck do you want?

Alice: Wow first shot and first blood. Take it easy sweetie. I’m not the enemy. I want to solve this case. I
am a team player pumpkin pie. To be honest, I want your help and of course, McGinnis. Besides I am
your boss, and my word is law. Do you understand me? Am I clear to you?

Miranda: Yes, I do understand “boss”. I hope none of this affects my relationship with McGinnis.

Alice: Don’t worry my queen. Chill out baby girl. Nothing personal just business. As simple as that.

After their conversation, Alice, gave an important message to the team.

Alice: Thank you very much for your time. As Mr. Russell said, this case is very important. We are going
to solve it, as soon as possible. Enjoy the rest of the night. Tomorrow is going to be a challenging day. I
need you well rested and prepared for everything. All the information about this case will be provided
during the morning and the rest of the day. It is your task to keep in touch with me 24/7. Any new
developments and info must be on my desk at any given moment; ok?
Everybody agreed; then, Alice left our house. Miranda was more than upset. Alice put me in a situation
much like between a rock and a hard place. On one side I love Miranda. Miranda has been my
accomplice, lover, and friend since December 1995. She was there at my hospital bed once I’ve
recovered from my comma. On the other side, Alice, my ex-girlfriend, a detective like us; and, to make
matters worse, my boss. One side of me wants Alice back. Damn those eyes, that smile; she is more
sensual than ever. God help me, do not let me fall into temptation. I need to see Dr. Reed again. Indeed,
what an incredible dilemma I have in my life.
Chapter 7: Fatal Attraction (Songs “Love is on her mind” and “Love and Desire”).

6:00 am. I’m thinking of today. What a crossroads. But I must be there. My mind is at a 100 miles per
hour. Miranda is uncomfortable. I do understand her. This situation is not wished even to the worst
enemy. It is an internal conflict of the worst. It is the internal battle between the past and the present;
reason and madness; pure love and intensity of desire. Light and darkness. Day and night. Heaven and
hell in this real time. Miranda comes to me with a look of determination, an intensity never seen before.

Miranda: McGinnis, listen to me and listen to me carefully. I trust you not Alice. The look in her eyes. She
wants you!!! And now, as our “boss”, she can have access at you anytime, anywhere. Look at me. Tell me
the truth… do you still have feelings for her? ¿Todavía sientes amor por ella?

McGinnis: Con el corazón en la mano te digo que no la amo. I feel sorry for her. You are the woman I
love. This is very hard for me to deal. Once we solve this case, it’s over. We are going to get married and
leave Puerto Rico. I guarantee you nothing will happen between Alice and me.

Miranda: I am a woman McGinnis. If I were her, I will do my best to take back my man. Indeed, you are a
different man. That’s why I am in love with you; and for that very reason Alice is back. She wants you.
Don’t you ever underestimate a woman that is motivated by love or hate. I see the way that she’s looking
at you; I know what’s on her mind. She thinks I don’t know what she wants to do; but I know her kind. She
is the kind of girl who hates to see two people sharing a love so right. She is a jealous girl who hates to
see two people sharing a love so tight. She’ll try to use temptation, take your imagination to someplace
where it shouldn’t be. But is not infatuation; it’s such a love frustration. She’s trying to take your love from
me. Love is on her mind, so she better find another. The love she wants is mine; but I’ll never share my
lover. Love is on her mind, but she’s never going to get it. The man she wants is mine, so she better just
forget it. Mi amor: en el amor y en la guerra todo se vale. Y si Alice se interpone entre nosotros, yo voy a
pelear hasta el final. Espero que me entiendas. Voy a pelear por lo nuestro hasta las últimas

McGinnis: Claro que te entiendo. Vamos a enfocarnos en el caso. ¿Sabes qué? voy a llamar la a Dr.
Reed. Quiero que me atienda de emergencia. That will be the perfect alibi so I can leave as quickly as
possible. Wish me luck babe. Todo saldrá bien. I’ll take my special pen.

Miranda: Excellent my love, we never know if she wants to set you up. The more I love you, the more
jealous I get. You are too smart and cunning. That is why Alice has returned. Alice wants to reclaim what
she feels belongs to her and never lost. I love you McGinnis. I trust you. Go to the meeting and do what
you do best: convince people to do what you want. You are the excellence of the execution. The best
there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. My man. You are mine!!!

McGinnis: I will do it. I will keep in touch. I’ll text you. Así que pendiente.

It is tension time. The reunion is inevitable. Alice and I, face to face alone. The worst internal conflict a
human being could have. It is not easy to face the past and even worse to know that your past wants to
return to your life to be your future. I understand Miranda perfectly; she is a woman and knows what she's
saying. I am clear and firm in what I want. My wish is to resolve this case as soon as possible. As simple
as that. But with Alice nothing is simple; not even flexible or bearable. I didn't lie to Miranda. But being
around Alice is tempting, controversial, and dangerous. Alice is still beautiful; I am convinced that she is
more beautiful and sensual than ever. God do not let me fall into temptation and free me from all evil,

Alice: Good Morning Mr. McGinnis. Or do you prefer me call you, my love?

McGinnis: Let’s keep this professional Ms. Dumas. I will never ignore nor erase our history together. But
the fact is, it was you that left me remember? I wonder why? Why now?
Alice: Why not Mr. McGinnis? After all, where there was fire, ashes remain, don't you think? en español:
donde hubo fuego cenizas quedaron baby. Oh my, why are you so good looking?!!! Envidio tanto a
Miranda. Tell me, when you kiss her, do you think and dream about me?

McGinnis: Enough Alexis. My time is limited. I have an appointment with Dr. Reed, and I already told her
that in an hour I will go to her office. So, tell me that you have an update on the case so that I can work as
soon as possible with the whole team, including my fiancée, Miranda. Have I made myself clear or do you
still have doubts?

Alice: I won’t bite unless you want. And I know you want it baby boy.

McGinnis: Do I have to repeat myself? Let’s get down to business, into the case, shall we?

Alice: My comment stroke a nerve inside of you right? I know you McGinnis, you still want me. You still
have feelings for me. Look at you!!! Those eyes of yours, so seductive and innocent; your lips wanting to
kiss mine, just like you did in high school. Your big hands wanting to touch every inch of my body and at
the same time feel my essence, intensity, warmth, and passion. Love and desire McGinnis. What's
stopping you? I am here at your mercy. Do what you want with me. I don't care about Miranda. She is a
woman just like me; and I am sure she would do the same if she is placed in my spot. I love every second
of this moment. I feel your heavy breathing that shudders and ignites me. You still have it. These years
have only intensified who you are and the man I have never stopped loving and desiring. What is holding
you? I’m all yours McGinnis!!!

McGinnis: Please enough!!! Let’s get down to business!!! Let’s finish this meeting once and for all.

Alice: But first, Babe, share this dance and a glass of wine with me. Like old times baby.

McGinnis: I can’t believe this. Ok let’s “toast” as you wish. Whatever… let’s go. My goodness.

Alice: Listen baby. I have lingered, for only the instant; just like searching, waiting for snow. And now it’s
here, this is our moment; there’s no way past, I’ll won’t let it go. Can you sense the atmosphere, do you
feel alive? Everything seems so very clear, breathing to survive. If you open your heart, show me inside,
won’t let you fall apart, because this is our time; this is our time, hey hey; if you open your heart, show me
inside, won’t let you fall apart, because this is our time. If you open your heart there is no need to explain,
won’t let you fall apart, you’ll never be lost again, hey, hey, hey. If you open your heart, show me inside,
won’t let you fall apart, because this is our time. If you open your heart there is no need to explain, won’t
let you fall apart, you’ll never be lost again, hey, hey, hey. If you open your heart there is no need to
explain, won’t let you fall apart, you’ll never be lost again, hey, hey, hey. She sang to me more seductive
and sexual than ever.

Wow. Now something happening to me right now. And this is real. Not a freaking dream.

Alice: What’s wrong my love? Wine was tough for you? Let me hold you honey.

And Alice tried to kiss me. Somehow, I came to my senses. I shove her.

McGinnis: Get off me. Are you stupid? You know I only love Miranda.

Alice: Yeah right. Why so hard to deal with? Come on McGinnis!!! I can feel your strong heartbeat. I admit
it. Miranda is incredibly gorgeous; but I am your first. And you have not forgot about me.

McGinnis: Shut up Alice. I did dance with you. Now let’s go to the case.

Alice: Fair enough. But you and me… this is not over. This is just the beginning.

McGinnis: The case Ms. Dumas. I don’t want to waste my time.

Alice: Excuse me Mr. McGinnis. I am your boss. You must say “The case my beautiful boss, Ms. Dumas”
say it now!!! That is an order or else.

McGinnis: Don’t be ridiculous!!! Are you out of your freaking mind? Are you insane?

Alice: On a personal level, crazy and insane for you. But now, we are strictly professional. I am your boss.
If you don’t obey my orders, Miranda and you will be fired, got it?

McGinnis: Jesus Christ Alice. The case “my beautiful boss” Ms. Dumas. Are you satisfied now?

Alice: Mmmmm maybe. But this will make me happy and satisfied in more ways than one.

And then, Alice kissed me in the lips. I have forgot how strong she was; and still is. God help me, I’m
falling under her spell and sensuality. Suddenly, I shook her out of me.

McGinnis: Why did you do this? Where is the Alice I used to love back in high school?

Alice: I’m still that Alice. As a matter of fact, I’m still your Alice; your first love and desire. You are mine
McGinnis. Miranda has your heart. But your body and soul belong to me. Now you know what I’m willing
to do. Enough playing. I will solve this case and then reclaim what is rightfully mine YOU!!!

I’m confused. My own dark side wants her. But no!!! Miranda is my love. Then I realized that before
getting to the meeting with Alice, I did wire myself. Everything that happens is recorded in a microchip that
I plugged in my pen. I will show it to Miranda once I’m back home. Alice is looking at me. I hope she
doesn’t suspect anything. Then again, it’s Alice. Anything can and will happen. I need to be objective and

Alice: Come on McGinnis. I have a suspect in custody. But I warn you, this is not an ordinary suspect.
This will shake everything and, of course, will put your sanity on the line. Let’s see how mentally tough
you are.

McGinnis: Nothing will affect me more than your abuse of power Ms. Dumas. Your abuse of power is
unethical and unprofessional, and you know it.

Alice: Don’t be stupid. You loved it. You want me. Your lips were fire. Again envidio a Miranda; la
entiendo. Eres mi droga McGinnis. It is a matter of time. Now let’s go to the interview. You will “love it”.

Chapter 8: Mind Games

I feel rare. It is hot in this cold office. Thank God, I have recorded it in my pen. My mind is accelerated,
and my heart is beating faster than usual. Now we are in this small office. Then my phone rings. Alice
observed my reaction. She didn’t hesitate to run her mouth one more time.

Alice: Hum… is that Miranda calling you? Wouldn’t be nice if she knows our special kiss?

McGinnis: Don’t be stupid Alice. You are underestimating me. Besides it is Dr. Reed.

Alice: Dr. Reed? Wow baby another woman? You are insatiable. I love your sexual hunger.

McGinnis: You are a psycho. Give me a couple of minutes to answer this.

I returned the call. Dr. Reed answered the phone call.

Dr. Reed: Mr. McGinnis, are you coming to the office?

McGinnis: Yes Doctor. My meeting has taken a little bit longer than scheduled. I apologize to you.

Dr. Reed: Don’t worry Mr. McGinnis. I will be waiting for you. How is Miranda?

McGinnis: Miranda is good. Please call her. Let her know everything is fine.
Dr. Reed: Excellent. At what time should I expect you?

McGinnis: You should expect me in an hour. I will be with you at 4pm.

Dr. Reed agreed to see me at 4pm. Alice smiled at me, again, very seducing. This is not the Alice I loved.
She is a changed woman. A very dangerous woman. It is having a demon in front of me, ready to kill me
at any moment. For the first time ever, I felt fear of my own wellbeing. Alice is deadly.

Alice: Are you reading my mind McGinnis? I know you. The Actus Mortis, mind reading and your ability to
go back in time. I am not that stupid. I know you are up to something babe.

McGinnis: I have never told you about my abilities.

Alice: You did mi adorado tormento. In your dream. But you are not ready for this conversation.

McGinnis: Shut up. I’ll get to the bottom of this Alice. Where is our witness?

Alice: Are you ready? This will be as sweet as a bombon; you will see papito.

McGinnis: Bombom. This is getting crazier by the moment.

Alice: Well, my love. Be ready. I hope your sanity can handle this. This suspect will be accused of murder.
He killed some of the couples from our case “The Love Crimes”. He speaks Spanish. But you know
Spanish as well. So, stay here Joseph will bring him here.

Alice called Joseph. Joseph, alongside security bring this man to our office. Once there, I was in total
shock. I didn’t believe my eyes. Now I comprehended why she said “bombon”.

Alice: you are in shock. I will be back in 20 minutes. Be my guest “Bombom”. My recommendation: be
careful. He is a vampire. Take this crucifix and a stake so you can kill him.

McGinnis: Vampires don’t exist Alice; and you know it. This is reality and not freaking twilight.

Alice: But this case says otherwise. Your dream McGinnis. Anyway, get in and be ready.

McGinnis: See you around. Take a hike psycho chick. Get lost.

Alice: Insult me babe. We had a toast, danced, and kissed in my office. Priceless!!!

Indeed, the plot thickens. I am more than ready to put everything, even my sanity, on the line.

Chapter 8: Evil in the Flesh

And here I am. Face to face with my high school friend Anthony “Tony”. A potential suspect to this case:
The Love Crimes. Suddenly, I felt a rush through my body.

McGinnis: Tony!!! I just cannot believe this. Are you a killer? Tell me the truth right now!!!

Tony: ¡¡¡Bombom me lastimas!!! ¡¡¡¿Que sucede?!!! ¡¡¡¿Por qué la violencia?!!!

McGinnis: Me importa poco si te estoy lastimando. Quiero que entiendas esto. Te voy a matar hijo de la
gran madre, si no me dices la verdad sobre estos asesinatos. ¡¡¡Habla de una vez infeliz!!!

Tony: ¡¡¡Ayuda!!! ¡¡¡Me van a matar!!! ¡¡¡Auxilio!!! ¡¡¡Que alguien me ayude!!! ¡¡¡Socorro!!!

McGinnis: ¡¡¡Cierra tu maldita boca, asesino del demonio!!! Enough!!! Come with me scumbag!!!

Alice was smiling and enjoying the violent scene. The guards came in; but Alice got in their way.

Alice: Don’t interfere. I’m in charge of this issue. Leave now!!! That is an order!!!
Then a mysterious phone call… Alice answered the call.

Alice: Hi colleague. What is the pleasure of this phone call? Anything new?

$@: You are right boss. Did the drug take effect in McGinnis? How is he now?

Alice: He is tough. But the drug is in. He is beating the hell out of Tony. God this is the man I love and
want back. And you must help me. He must be mine and always under my control.

$@: Don’t you think we are near that goal? Come to my place, after I finished with someone.

Alice: I know babe. I’m grateful for this show. I will send a copy of this. I got to go. See you later.

$@: Cool. Wine and food are waiting for us, boss. See you soon.

Alice: I truly love the sound of that. We must celebrate big time.

$@: Indeed. We have a lot of reasons for this celebration. See you later.

Alice hung up. Then she entered the office. She puts her hands on my face.

Alice: Calm down sweetheart. See, how much you love my hands. You adore them.

McGinnis: What happened? Why Tony is like that bloody pulp? Is he dead?

Alice: No, he is not dead. Don’t be a drama queen about this jerk. You beat the holy heaven out of him.
He will be fine. You will interview him; so, you can go to those therapies. Coffee or Wine?

McGinnis: Wine. What the heck?!!! Why am I drinking wine from you?

I was surprised. I didn’t remember anything. I blacked out. Tony, all beat up, came back to the office. I
saw fear in his face. I did a number on him. I apologized to him.

Tony: Disculpa aceptada bombom. No tomare acción en contra tuya. Y sabrás el por qué.

McGinnis: Give me a minute. Let me set up something very quick.

I did my best to adjust my special pen. Alice didn’t notice nor Tony. It was a matter of trust. I told Tony to
begin his statement. I saw a terrified look in his eyes. He began in a very nervous tone.

Tony: Bombom, quiero que sepas lo grave de todo esto. Yo no soy un vampiro como lo dice la bruja
sucia y puerca de tu ex, maldita sea ella. Esto es más delicado. Yo no soy un asesino McG.

McGinnis: ¿Pero porque la evidencia te incrimina? ¿Por qué a ti? Estos papeles no mienten.

Tony: Lo se bombom. No puedo decir mucho. Mi vida está en juego. Muchos van a morir.

McGinnis: Tony, la vida de muchos está en juego. Habla claro please. Alice no está vacilando con esto.
Sé que hay algo perturbador en ella; pero todavía no he podido descifrar sus intenciones.

Tony: Solo ten cuidado. Lo último que recuerdo fueron unas voces hablando de venganza. Solo te puedo
decir son voces de mujer. Ellas quieren venganza. Quieren vengarse de ti bombom.

McGinnis: Entiendo. I get it Tony. Take my advice, be careful as much as you can.

Tony: Lo haré bombom. ¿Pero todavía seguiré aquí en custodia? ¿Por qué?

McGinnis: Yes Tony. Seguirás en custodia. Creo en tu inocencia. Solo que estás más seguro aquí.

Tony: tengo miedo amigo mío. No me abandones. Siento que esa bruja me va a matar pronto.
McGinnis: Nadie, I mean nobody will harm you. Tell me, where is Lily? Are you in contact with her?

Tony: Si. Luego de irnos de la escuela, estuvimos estudiando juntos. Pero ella desapareció y dejo de
tener contacto conmigo. Solo sé que ella se fue a estudiar asistente de farmacia o algo así.

McGinnis: Let me write that. Thanks brother. Here is my card; call me if you need something ok?

Tony took my card. As we (Joseph and I) led Tony back to his cell room, Alice was in the hallway. I did
assume that she was waiting for me. It was a rough interview. I was exhausted and beyond.

Chapter 10: The Indecent Proposal (Song “Love and Desire”).

After the interview, Alice came to me. I did sense a lot of evil in her eyes.

Alice: Did you kill the vampire? Did he bite you? I am anxious to know.

McGinnis: Stupid idiot. Tony is no vampire nor killer. He is innocent. What’s your point?

Alice: Slow down McGinnis. You almost kill him. And I have footage of that.

McGinnis: Did you set me up? I knew you are up to something.

Alice: Is not what you know, it’s what you can prove in a court. And right now, you are in my hands for
abuse of power and killing attempt. But we can work this out; if you know what I mean babe.

McGinnis: Interesting; you’re blackmailing me. Do I have a choice?

Alice: Of course, you have. Simple, leave Miranda. Come back with me. Let’s be the team I’ve always
dreamed. You and me, together, unstoppable and ruling this CSI with iron fist, by any means necessary.
We will battle crime and this place will be better.

McGinnis: And if I say no, what will happen to Miranda and me? What will happen to the team?

Alice: What about your family McGinnis? What about your’ divorced parents and your sisters? Don’t you
care about them? I do. It’s sad to have them killed in a heartbeat don’t you think?

McGinnis: Listen up (I grabbed Alice by the throat) psycho witch. If something happens to my family, I
swear to you and God that I will kill you; do you understand me?!!!

Alice: My God!!! How strong your grip is; but let me show you mine jajaja.

Alice grabbed me by the neck. Indeed, there is something deadly wrong with her. I felt the strength of ten
men. I did struggle with her. Once she released me, Alice told me the following:

Alice: You have 24 hours to decide. Make a choice; leave Miranda and join me so your family can live. Or
say no and there will be death in the family; all of them will die, including Miranda. Their lives are on the
line my love. Together, they live; if not they will die; as simple as that.

McGinnis: You are not going to get away with this. Somehow, I will solve all of this.

After all this mess, I called Miranda.

Miranda: You don’t sound right. What happened with that witch?

McGinnis: This is worse than I expected. She blackmailed me.

Miranda: Blackmailed you? About what? What does she want?

McGinnis: She wants me by her side. She wants you out of my life as well. What a dilemma.

Miranda: Freaking piece of trash!!! What will happen if you say no?
McGinnis: She will kill you and my entire family.

Miranda: What?!!! She is out of her mind. What are you going to do?

McGinnis: I am not going to join her. And that is a fact.

Miranda: But your family McGinnis; their safety and lives are at stake.

McGinnis: I know. I have 24 hours to come up with a plan. I will visit Dr. Reed as I promised earlier. In the
meanwhile, I need a favor from you.

Miranda: Go ahead. Tell me what I can do. Do you want me to call your family?

McGinnis: Yes. I want you to call them later. I’m getting to Dr. Reed’s office. After I’m finished here then,
you can call my sisters. They are with my father. I will call my mother, don’t worry about her.

Miranda: Count on it. Count with me my love. I know you will do the right thing.

McGinnis: I love you; don’t you ever doubt about it. Talk to you later.

I arrived at Dr. Reed’s office. Her assistant was there as well.

McGinnis: Good afternoon Ms. Wilson. I am here to see Dr. Reed. Is she available?

LW: Yes, she is here. But she is on a phone call right now. Have a seat and wait for her. I will go to her
office to let her know you are here.

McGinnis: Perfect Ms. Wilson. I will wait for her. Thank you for your cooperation.

LW: You welcome. I will be back as soon as possible. Feel yourself at home.

Ms. Wilson left her desk. My curiosity got the best of me, as I saw my file on that desk. Then I saw
something on that file. Very delicate information that will help me a lot. I took pictures of that information.
Then I sent those pictures to Miranda. Miranda was in shock as well. I placed the file just now Ms. Wilson
came to her desk. Ms. Wilson gave me the permission enter Dr. Reed’s office.

Dr. Reed: Good Afternoon Mr. McGinnis. How’s been your day so far?

McGinnis: Interesting and revealing to say the least. It has been very intense. I am here because you told
me that I need medication for the concussion I did suffer after my accident.

Dr. Reed: That is right Mr. McGinnis. Here is the prescription. You must take them as soon as possible as
directed of course.

McGinnis: Ok Dr. Reed. Anything else I need to do? Any other recommendations?

Dr. Reed: Rest Mr. McGinnis. Go home. You are not 100%. Your health is very important.

McGinnis: I will do it. Thanks a lot Dr. Reed. Miranda and I will keep in touch.

As I left Dr. Reed’s office, I watched the pictures. I did read the information. I drove as fast as possible to
be home with Miranda. Miranda was, and still is concerned, about this situation.

Miranda: what an awful day. I haven’t called your sisters. I need to know what happened.

McGinnis: Alice wants me back. She threated my family, including you. But there is something here that
we can use to neutralize her and take her out of the team. Look at these pictures.

As Miranda looked at the pictures, she was in horror for the information discovered.
Miranda: Are you kidding me? There is no sign of a grave concussion. You did have an accident, it’s true.
But, according to this file, you did not have a grave injury. There is something more. What the hell is going
on with my friend? Is she onto something devious? I need to see her very soon.

McGinnis: I don’t know my love. Just for the moment, don’t do something risky. Babe let’s have dinner.
Secure all doors and turn on all cameras. If someone try to get in, that someone will be in trouble. I will
call my sisters. Call your parents; they need to know as well. They deserve to know the truth. Also, I will
call Conde. He must be alert and be ready for anything.

Miranda: Perfect. Let’s go and eat. Then we will make those calls. We are a team McGinnis. We will win
this war. I’m here by your side. This nightmare will be over. Alice will lose.

We had dinner. Then I called my sisters. Louis answered the call.

Louis: My goodness little bro; long time no hear. How are you doing?

McGinnis: Awful right now. Are you at Papa’s home with Anny?

Louis: Yes, we are here. Hey, I am worried; is something wrong?

McGinnis: Yes, it is. But it is an unbelievable story that can’t be told over the phone. Before I solved this
issue tomorrow, please don’t leave Papa’s home. Do you know something about mom?

Louis: Mom is doing fine; she is in Spain, as we speak. Do I have to call her and let her know about this?
What is going on?

McGinnis: Ok. Let me summarize this. Do you remember Alice?

Louis: Indeed, I do remember her. You were in a deep depression, thanks to her. And I’m happy that
thanks to me you met Miranda. Woa, wait!!! That Alice girl, is she back?

McGinnis: She is back with a vengeance to say the least.

Louis: Wait a minute brother. Is that the Alice girl that appeared on the news?

McGinnis: The one and only. Chaos personified.

Louis: Bro, she has changed; let me tell you, that girl is psychotic. Her eyes give me the creeps.

McGinnis: Her looks is the least of my worries. The worst is yet to come big sister. Believe that.

Louis: The worst? Are you kidding me? I want to know the details right now!!!

McGinnis: She wants me back. If I don’t accept, Alice will kill you all, including Miranda. That’s why I want
you to stay home; be safe and lock all doors. Don’t create a panic at home.

Louis: What a lunatic freak. Ok brother I will do it and all of us will be safe here. What else do you need?
Wait, excuse me bro, there is somebody talking to Papa on the door.

McGinnis: Someone now? Oh my God, please no, it can’t be!!! Miranda come here quick!!!

Chapter 11: Invasion

Louis put the call on hold, to see who is at the door.

Louis: Papa, who is it? Guess who’s on the phone?

Alice: Hi Louis; finally, it’s an honor to meet my sister-in-law.

Louis: What the hell are you doing here? What do you want?
Mr. McGinnis: Ladies what is going on? Who is on the phone?

Louis: Nothing Papa. It’s just a wrong number, spam perhaps.

Alice: Yeah right, spam; who are you trying to fool? Officers take her cell phone now!!!

Louis: Don’t you ever touch me!!! Get off me stupid idiots. We have rights.

Alice: Get it!!! Give it to me. Let’s put this call over the speaker.

I was in shock. Alice went to my father’s house, just to make sure I make the right decision. This is getting
uglier by the second. I feel impotent. I can’t help nor defend my family at this moment.

Alice: Hi McGinnis!!!! I told you, my precious love, nobody is safe!! Tic toc, tic toc.

McGinnis: Alice, don’t do anything stupid there. Leave my family alone!!!

Alice: McGinnis… you have a decision to make my love. Is Miranda there with you?

Miranda grabbed the phone. She is enraged about this situation.

Miranda: You do have a death wish, selfish piece of trash!!!

Alice: Don’t be aggressive with me princess. You must have manners and language my love. I have his
family under siege. I can kill them now. So be nice and gentle with me gorgeous one.

Miranda: Don’t kill them. I will leave McGinnis so he can be with you and our families can be alive. Are
you satisfied with that? Are you happy with my decision? Answer me!!!

Alice: Isn’t that cute? Sorry babe I want to hear it from my man, not you, plato de segunda mesa.

Miranda: When I get the chance, believe me you won't live to tell it, you witch. I'll kill you with my bare
hands if something happens to our families. I swear it. Tú solo fuiste el aperitivo; yo soy el plato principal.

Alice: Save your words retrasada mental. I have the power. I’m in control. Nobody will stop me. Enough of
this useless conversation. Listen both of you. If the right decision is not made by tomorrow morning, then
your family will die McGinnis. You only have ten hours left. Choose wise babe.

McGinnis: Don’t you ever hurt them. I will decide. See you tomorrow.

Alice: I know you will. As an insurance policy. I’ll “custody” our family my love. See you soon baby.

Then I called Conde. As always, he is smooth, confident, and always amazing.

Conde: ¿Asere que sucede? ¿Por qué la llamada a esta hora? ¿Todo en orden?

McGinnis: ¿Recuerdas a Alice? Do you remember her?

Conde: Of course, I do. De hecho, te iba a llamar, ya que vi en las noticias una mujer muy parecida a

McGinnis: Indeed, is her. I need you with me tomorrow. It is an emergency.

Conde: Ok kiddo. But you need to tell me what is going on; you don’t sound well.

McGinnis: It is an incredible story. Alice is back and she is my boss. Right now, she has kidnaped my

Conde: Call the cops Asere. Let them handle the situation.
McGinnis: That is the issue and even a bigger problem. She is the boss. She oversees the CSI San Juan
Team. Somehow, she managed to take Russell’s position.

Conde: What the hell?!!! Ok I will help you; but you need to have a plan. Hay que pensar con la cabeza
fría muñeco. Esta misión es peligrosa. Lo que me has dicho me ha dejado sorprendido.

McGinnis: Si esta misión es extremadamente peligrosa. Pero con tu ayuda lo vamos a lograr. We are
going to do it. You are right, cold head in this process. See you brother.

Then it started to rain. Heavy rain. As we laid in bed ready to sleep, I was thinking about that indecent
proposal. I have less than 8 hours left to decide my fate and the fate of my beloved ones. Alice has my
family under siege. She is drunk of power and seems to be unstoppable. But don’t count me out; there is
a place in my head, a place I know I really shouldn’t go. But Alice is forcing me to go there. This is going
to get nasty.

Chapter 12: Death in the Family

It’s show time. Time is ticking and I know that Alice is waiting for my decision. Alice is going to be in for a
tremendous surprise when I say no; I am willing to pay the price. Alice knows me very well. She knows I
have a plan to protect my loved ones. Even though she has my family as hostages, I must be ready for
everything once I let her know that I will not accept her demands. This is the classic cat and mouse game.
I'm prepared for whatever, come from Alice. I will never hate the woman I loved so much. Alice is
intelligent; but I am brilliant. Miranda wants to end our relationship. I am not going to sacrifice my
happiness with her. Everybody will understand that I am willing to pay the consequences of my decisions
and actions. Everything is ready. Miranda and I are determined to put a stop to Alice's abuse of power.
We are ready.

Miranda: Are you sure of your decision? Are you willing to pay the price? You will lose us. That
madwoman will kill us. I’m willing to end this my love, as much as it will hurt and break my heart.

McGinnis: Nobody will die; and yes, I am ready. Everybody will be here including my family. Alice is not
going to make a dumb move, not a dumb move in front of Russell and the others. For the time being, we
are safe here. If she doesn’t leave this place, we are fine. We need to save time and energy.

Miranda: Perfect. I just want this to be over. She has gone too far. This must end today, McGinnis.

McGinnis: I agree with you. You are right and I comprehend you; is abuse of power. But we must have
patience in this tedious process. By the way, did you call Dr. Reeds? What did she tell you?

Miranda: Yes. But I left a voice message. She is acting rare and very suspicious. I will call her again.

McGinnis: No problem, babe. As soon as she answers let her know we need a meeting as soon as

And then the house phone rings. It's Alice, on the other end of the line. She starts laughing in a mocking
and psychotic way. Miranda gets angry and begins to speak.

Miranda: What the hell do you want? Damn you can't get enough of doing so much damage. You are a
freaking coward and a piece of trash hiding behind that false sense of authority and power which God will
know how you got it. God knows who you bribed or slept with to become our department head leader and

Alice: Oh Miranda… so stupid and crybaby. Sleep with someone? Me? I am not that kind of woman. Also,
after today and tonight the only man I will sleep with is the love of my life, my man Mr. McGinnis, my dear
second table plate. So shut your mouth and leave my husband very cute and appetizing; because tonight,
I'm going to eat my candy. Say goodbye to McGinnis you unhappy filthy sweat hog.
I took the phone. Alice laughed in a maniacal way.

Alice: My love… at last. Tic toc, tic toc. Time is running out for you. Are you going to make the right
choice? You have two hours left. I love you beautiful, clean, and fragrant. Tonight, I'm going to enjoy you
like never. You are my main dish; and I am going to savor you little by little, slowly. My God, I can't wait to
have you in my arms, my love. I want to make love to you like no other has done it to you, not even the
corpse that lives next to you, Miranda. Come my beloved, a great life awaits us together. Forget about
this stupid; Miranda doesn't deserve you. Your kisses, your caresses and all your essence belong to me.

McGinnis: You really are insane and crazy; Get out of that cloud Alice. I love Miranda and I'm going to
marry her. You are drunk with power, and I guarantee that your power is going to end. I'm going to finish it
one way or another. It is not a threat but a guarantee. You are not going to get away with this. Goodbye!!

Miranda: No wait!!! I'm going to tell you something stupid. You will never stay with my man. My man is
mine in every way. Every night I make him mine the way he likes it. You are like a corpse, you hardly
move, and you already lost your charm, rag doll. Today all your stupidity is over, I swear!

Alice: Shut the hell up toilet bowl. Say goodbye to McGinnis. From today forward, he will be mine and only
mine; Of course, if McGinnis loves his family and wants you alive, he will do the right thing. If not,
Miranda, my dear idiot, say goodbye to your disgusting life just like his older sister Louis. Thanks to that
sewer rat, you're with McGinnis. She is also going to pay. As simple as that.

I hung up the call. I called Conde. We are ready. Plan B means nothing. It is do or die. The battle of the
minds. I don’t hate Alice. One part of me feels for her. She lost her humanity. She is drunk with power.
Mistakes are not allowed. One wrong step and it could be the end of anyone. I must stay calm in this
difficult time. If anyone knows me well, it's Alice. She knows that I am going to do everything possible to
save my family, and more importantly my relationship with Miranda. I know that makes her mad and
demonic. My God help me, I'm scared. I sense the worst, but I'm going to keep a cool head. Mr. Conde
will be of great help and a key piece if the going gets tough. We arrived at the forensic science
department parking lot. Mr. Conde and I are going to discuss last minute details.

Conde: Asere, aquí estamos. Vamos a meter mano. Cuenta conmigo. Hay que detener a esta demente
del diablo. Estoy puesto pal problema. Vamos para encima. Hay que detener a la bruja loca esta.

Miranda: Esto se va a poner muy feo. Things are going to get difficult. Nobody is safe. But we will win.

McGinnis: Thank you man. You always save my life. Today is going to be a defining day. Indeed, it is.
Let’s get job done. Alice is going down today.

Suddenly Russell and Darian arrived. I did not expect it; but I know Alice either, therefore we are still tied
in this psychological war. However, it is intriguing and curious to know why Russell is here since Alice has
taken his position as boss and Russell had left on a sabbatical. I keep thinking that something sinister
happened for Alice to get to that position. Russell has summoned members of the country's local press.
I'm assuming he's giving a press conference based on the love crimes case. Alice came close to us very

Alice: Hi my love. Ready to make the right thing? By the way, what the hell does this guy is here? Long
time no see Mr. Conde. I thought you were dead. Now that you are here, perhaps you will die as well.

Conde: Chamaca cógelo suave; Asere, bájale 69 a tu histeria boricua. Yo vengo en son de paz. So shut

Alice: Míralo!!!! viejo sucio y malcriado. Anyways, la conferencia de prensa va a comenzar.

Russell started the press conference. We were all attentive to what he was going to say. The press is
ready to ask pertinent questions, especially about this case.
Russell: Good afternoon, everyone. As you know, we are working hard to clarify this case. We have a
suspect in custody, preparing to make a confession about his crimes. I am more than happy with the work
my team has done on my vacations. Chief Ms. Alexis Dumas has done an excellent job with the entire
team, and we will resolve this case soon. Now I leave you with the boss Ms. Dumas.

Alice: Will you excuse me for a moment? I need to solve something quick.

Russell: Ok Ms. Dumas. Just give us five more minutes.

These spells trouble. Alice is coming right here. Miranda is mad.

Miranda: What do you want idiot? ¿Se te ofrece algo más, Reina Isabel?

Alice: Shut up!!! McGinnis… Decision time!!!

McGinnis: Simple. I’m not going to join you. As simple as that. Besides you cannot kill us right here. Are
you willing to take the risk?

Alice: You are right. But I will do something better. Excuse me I have a press conference right now.

Here comes trouble…

Alice: Ladies and gentlemen, I am more than satisfied and happy with how we have handled this case.
We already have the murderer, and we will soon condemn him to the death penalty for these heinous

McGinnis: That is not true. He is not a murderer.

Alice: Sorry for the misunderstanding. Today I want to let you know that there is a traitor on the team. And
as the senior chief, I ask the guards to arrest Mr. McGinnis for obstruction of justice and attempted
murder. Arrest him now!!!

Security: Hold it Mr. McGinnis!!! Stop or I will shoot!!!

McGinnis: Hold it tu madre infeliz. ¡¡¡Vengan que hay dulce para todos!!! I need the workout baby!!!

The police came to me, as I fought each one of them, Alice gave the order to shoot me. Everybody ran
away. What a way to finish a press conference. Conde did run as fast as he could. He was with Miranda. I
felt a bullet going through my chest. I went to the ground and began to bleed profusely. Miranda was in

Miranda: I don’t believe it!!! What did you do?!!! You killed him!!! You killed him!!!

Alice: Don’t be an idiot. He will survive it. I can count on it. Come on, show us how strong you are my
love. Why didn’t you come back to me? Why?!!! I just can’t believe how stupid and selfish you decided to

As I was laying on the floor, my life was escaping from my body. I looked at Miranda; everything is dark. I
can feel the end of my existence.

McGinnis: I’m sorry… I disappointed you… but… not everything that the eyes see is true. I love you,
Miranda; but this sacrifice had to be done. You will soon understand. Please be strong. It will take time,
but we will win this war; I guarantee you; please protect Papa and my sisters. Thank you for these four
years of happiness. This is not a goodbye, it’s a see you later. I will always love you. My soul will never
rest in peace.
Miranda: No!!! You can't die like this. You can't leave me alone with this shame poor excuse of a woman
in charge of the agency. Damn McGinnis. Damn you Alice!!! You took him away from me.

Alice: Guards take her!!! Leave me alone with him.

Security got Miranda. Then Alice was alone hugging my body and with tears in her eyes.

Alice: You better not die!! You are my man and I need you by my side. I love you McGinnis.

McGinnis: But you will never have me. Not in this life nor the other one. In the end, Miranda and I
defeated you. I will die as a hero; you will live in shame as a loser and there is nothing you can do about
it. I won!!!

Alice: How dare you to insult me!!! Die my love. I will see you in hell.

McGinnis: And from hell, I will haunt you until you lose your sanity and then I will possess your soul…

And then the unthinkable happens…

Miranda: You killed him stupid jerk!!! He is dead!!! I swear to God, I will kill you!!!

Chapter 13: Evolution

2 hours ago…

McGinnis: Conde come with me. There is something you must do.

Conde: Asere go ahead and tell me. Is there a last-minute change of plans? What do you have in mind?

McGinnis: Necesito que distraigas a Miranda. She is very tense. I am playing with the odds. If the press is
here, Alice will not do something crazy or kill my family. I want you to give these instructions to Joseph in
case something drastic happens. Keep in mind that something drastic is going to happen.

Mr. Conde: Asere and what are you going to do if you can tell? Tirame la info, para bregar el caso.

McGinnis: If something happens to me, call him; save my family. Save Miranda. This is coldly calculated.
A small mistake is going to cost us our lives. Let's go back, the press conference is about to begin.

Then Miranda comes to us. She is tense, angry, and very sad.

Miranda: My love. Is there something wrong? Are you having second thoughts? Are you going back with
Alice? Tell me now!!!

McGinnis: I’m final in my decision. Whatever happens to me, I will always love you. Don’t forget about

Miranda: Don’t be stupid McGinnis. Estoy dispuesta a renunciar a ti con tal de salvar a nuestras familias.
Esta sucia siempre se sale con la suya. Ya estoy harta de todo esto. No la quiero más en nuestras vidas.

McGinnis: This time she won’t. I am not an ordinary man. Although I don’t dress like Satan anymore, I’m
still down with the devil, as the house that the devil lives in was built by me; if I must go to hell to beat
Alice, I will. I need you strong, very strong. I'm going to risk everything for our family and our love. Trust
me. I love you.

Miranda: Now you are scaring me. You look, talk and act like her. I don’t want you to die for us.

McGinnis: but maybe today is that time to die or maybe not. Remember my love The Actus Mortis is the

2 hours later…
Alice: Officers get this criminal out of my sight. I want Joseph to be called to pick up the body and take it
to forensics as soon as possible. I want the press right now; I will solve this scandal. The image of our
department is at stake. Where the hell is Joseph? I need him now.

Just then, Joseph arrives where Alice is.

Joseph: My God, what happened here? Is it McGinnis? Is he dead?

Alice: No, he's playing video games, you stupid idiot. Shut your stupid mouth and follow my instructions.
First, it is the corpse of McGinnis; therefore, insolent, and stupid he is dead. Take it to the cold room to
avoid decomposition and thus preserve it. I want to study his brain as it is very valuable right now. Come
on move your useless piece of trash.

Joseph moved his corpse. The Alice made a call.

Alice: Change of plans honey. McGinnis is dead. Our meeting must delay. I will see you tomorrow night.

$@: What?!! Are you crazy? You allowed the cops to kill him?

Alice: I have no other choice. He almost sabotages my press conference. If he ever says something, that
will cost my position as boss. Don’t preach me cutie. His death has saved you too. Your hands are as
dirty as mine. Don’t you ever forget about it.

$@: hey!!! Don’t come with that now. It was your idea to provoke his accident. You stole his books the
night you stayed with him to play mama and papa… remember?

Alice: Shut up!!! I did steel his books. Because of that I’ve learned so much about hypnosis and mind
control. Ok I’m under stress. There is a lot of people there including Conde and that imbecile Miranda.
See you soon.

$@: Ok. Come here tomorrow then. Bring those books with you. Bye.

Then Russell came and began a conversation with Alice

Russell: I can believe that McGinnis was a traitor. But let’s keep it between us. No more scandals, ok?

Alice: Of course, boss. I will call his family to let them know this unfortunate incident.

Russell: Very good Ms. Dumas. I don’t regret to have you as the new boss. May God have mercy on his

Alice: Yes boss. I will call her family right now; we will pay all the funeral expenses. His family can count
on it.

Russell: You are excellent Alice. The department is in great hands. Anything you need, call us.

Alice: I will call boss. Tell Darian I will visit her too. I owe her a girl’s night out.

After Russell smile at Alice, she took her cellular and made a phone call, but not to McGinnis family

Alice: Security change of plans. Don’t kill his family. Put a blindfold on each one and then take them

Security: Are you sure about that Ms. Dumas? Is everything going to be all right?

Alice: I am deadly sure. Obey my orders. Don’t waste time. McGinnis is dead. I don’t need them anymore.

Security: Perfect. As you wish and command. Guys let’s take this people home. Boss’ orders.
The McGinnis family, with blindfolds each one, were taken home. Once they took off their blindfolds,
Louis was concerned about all of them.

Louis: Papa… Anny… are you ok?

McGinnis: I am ok; thank God. And you girls?

Anny: I’m ok. Where is big brother?

Louis: I don’t know. We were in a dark room. Give me the phone so I can call Miranda.

McGinnis: Take my cellphone. I have a bad feeling about my son. Something is not right.

Anny: Papa don’t be pessimist. Big Bro is all right. I have faith of that.

Louis made the call. Miranda, still with tears in her eyes, answered.

Louis: Miranda, honey, are you ok? Why are you crying? Where is my brother?

Miranda: Louis… I’m so sorry, so sorry for this. I have bad news for your family.

Louis: Sorry for what? Where is my brother?!!! What the hell are you talking about?

Miranda: Louis… turn on the news. I’m so sorry for what happened.

And then, in a rush, Louis turned the TV on.

Reporter: En nuestra noticia de primera plana, lamentamos el fallecimiento del detective Mr. Hector
McGinnis, quien fuera asesinado en un incidente confuso en la mañana de hoy. Se alega que McGinnis,
en un ataque de locura y bajo la influencia de drogas y alcohol, se enfrasco en un ataque violento contra
sus propios compañeros de la policía y del departamento del CSI San Juan; se alega que una orden por
parte de la Sra. Dumas fue lo que provoco esta tragedia. Nuestro equipo investigara ese posible angulo
dentro de la historia en desarrollo. Mas adelante tendremos las declaraciones de la jefa del
Departamento de CSI San Juan La señorita Alexis Laree Dumas. Reportando para las noticias Gerardo
“Jerry” Rivera Ortiz.

McGinnis: ¡¡¡Mi hijo!!! My son!!! No puede ser. No puedo creerlo. ¡¡¡Lo mataron!!! ¡¡¡Esta muerto!!!

Louis: Papa calmate; debe de haber un error. There must be a mistake. This must be a joke. Anny
preparale un calmante. Le puede dar un infarto ahora mismo.

Anny: Ok voy enseguida. Ven Papa no sigas viendo las noticias. Ven conmigo para la cocina.

Louis: Muy bien mi amor, que se quede en la cocina. Miranda are you there?

Miranda: Yes, I am here. Yo estoy en la casa. ¿Quieres que vaya a donde ustedes o desean venir acá?

Louis: Just tell me my brother is not dead. Tell me this is a freaking lie and a bad joke.

Miranda: Is not a lie nor a bad joke. Your brother is dead. Alice ordered to kill him.

Louis: ¡¡¡Maldita bastarda!!! Dame una hora en lo que tranquilizo a Papa y le doy unas instrucciones a
Anny. Voy a verte a la casa grande. Ha llegado el momento decisivo y definitivo Miranda. Te veo en una

Miranda: Ok mi amor. Te espero. Ven con cuidado. Be careful my dear.

Then Miranda received a phone call.

Dr. Reed: Miranda I just can’t believe the news!!! McGinnis is dead!!! I’m so sorry.
Miranda: Wow, finally you called me. I’ve been calling you for the past 24 hours. Where have you been?

Dr. Reed: Miranda calm down. I know you are in pain for the loss of your love McGinnis. Sorry for not
being there before. I was very busy with a lot of patients as of late. Again, I’m sorry.

Miranda: You and I have a lot to talk. You have been acting suspicious as of late. When can I see you?

Dr. Reed: I can see you at any time. Don’t you mind if we meet at McGinnis’ funeral services?

Miranda: Que remedio. But that’s fine. Ironically, nobody will make a dumb move there. Tomorrow I will
see his body. Then the autopsy will be done. I will let you know when the funeral services are going to
begin ok.

Dr. Reed: Thank you. I’m here with you; always be there for you. You have been a great friend Miranda.

Miranda: If you say so. Sorry for being rude. I’m not feeling good. I have nauseas and dizziness being like
that for three days. This have been a tough day, to say the least. I’m missing him already. He is gone

Dr. Reed: are you sure of that? Nausea? Dizziness? Now you are acting rare my dear.

Miranda: What do you mean by that? What are you implying in your remarks?

Dr. Reed: No, nothing. I’m just thinking out loud. See you at the funeral services.

Miranda: See you soon. (After the call) Sara you are acting very suspicious. God these nauseas are
killing me. Again, there is something wrong about you and these pictures are going to help me. You and
Lily Wilson… very suspicious. I will know what you are up to. Vengare tu muerte mi amor. Las palabras
de Louis también me llaman la atención. ¿Momento decisivo? ¿Momento definitivo? ¿Será que después
de muerto no me dejaras sola? I hope so. I’m missing so much right now.

It is 10:00pm. Miranda turned the tv to see the late-night news. Her expressions change into madness
once she sees Alice. Then Louis called her.

Louis: Miranda are you there?

Miranda: Yes Louis. It is so late. Come in. This psycho is on the news.

Both girls are paying close attention to Alice’s message

Alice: Good-evening Ladies and gentlemen. As you know Mr. Hector McGinnis passed away. We are
sorry for this unfortunate news. He was an incredible detective that helped us to clarify “the Love crimes”
case. We still have the suspect in custody ready for trail. Now for his family, his soon-to-be-wife Miranda,
Mr. Conde and all the people that care and love him our most sincere condolences on behalf of the CSI
department of San Juan. On a personal level, is my lost too. As you may or may not know, Mr. McGinnis
and I were a couple in high school. And we were doing a fantastic job. His funeral services will begin
tomorrow at 1pm for the family and closed ones; then at 3pm for all the public at Buxeda’s Funeral Parlor
in Hato Rey. Any more developments of this matter will be mentioned later. I’m sorry. Rest in Peace.

Miranda: Piece of trash. Hypocrite, I will kill you!!! Uffff.

Louis: Are you ok? You look pale my dear.

Miranda: I have been with dizziness and nauseas for almost a week. I didn’t tell your brother, sorry.

Louis: I understand. Do you want some tea or coffee?

Miranda: Sure, I can handle coffee. There is food there. Suit yourself.
Louis. Ok dear. (Making a phone call) Anny is everything ok?

Anny: Yes. Papa is more relaxed, el agua de azahar es milagrosa. Necesitas algo? Todo bien?

Louis: hasta ahora todo bien. You know that Alice giving a phony message. Anyways I need a big favor
from you. Go to Walgreens a look for an EPT.

Anny: EPT? Ohhhhh. Do you think…

Louis: if what I’m thinking is true… all hell will break loose. Also tell Papa that tomorrow will begin our
brother’s funeral services.

Anny: Ok no problem sister. Good night to both of you. I will give you the EPT at the funeral.

Louis: Perfect. You are the boss now. Take good care of Papa. Once he recovers, tell him the truth. Papa
is strong and will handle it.

Louis looked at a door in the big house. She gave Miranda coffee. Miranda went to bed.

Louis: It’s time. Brother will it be possible? Could it be that you had everything coldly calculated? Although
you are dead, I feel your presence in this house. Enlighten me my brother, guide me in this whole
process. Although I am your older sister, you were always the most brilliant, eccentric, and enigmatic of
the family. That's why Papa always fought with you; Dad wanted you to be a normal boy, but that word
never entered you. I don't want to think what will happen if Miranda is pregnant. Symptoms don't lie. If
true, Alice will explode with fury, with the macabre intentions of killing her. I’m going to sleep. Tomorrow
will be a rough day.

11 am. Two hours before the funeral services begin. Russell and the team are giving last minute details
so that the McGinnis Family can enter the funeral home.

Russell: How long is it going to take for the corpse to arrive? Time passes quickly and we must honor that
intimate space to the family.

Joseph: Boss, as I understand it, Ms. Dumas is in forensic science checking that everything is in order, to
give the go-ahead and bring it to the funeral home.

Russell: Perfect. Wait for Ms. Dumas’ orders. No questions asked.

Joseph: Ok boss. We will obey her orders and yours as well.

Meanwhile at the forensic science department, Alice looks at McGinnis's ready-made corpse. Alice has
mixed feelings for everything that is happening right now.

Alice: I can't believe it. You let yourself be beaten that easy. I swear to God you have something planned.
But now you're rotting in hell and from there you can do nothing. The agency is mine and nobody is going
to stop me. Did you understand? Well, the dead don’t speak; and I already got rid of you, selfish. You
could have stayed with me and dominated the system with an iron fist. But no, your’ stupid love for this
idiot Miranda could more than a life together. Rot in hell. Let the devil take care of your filthy soul. Hell, I
miss you. I love you. I will never forgive you.

Security: Ms. Dumas. Mr. Russell wants to know when the corpse will be ready. It is going to be time to
expose it to the family and those closest to it. The funeral home asked for the corpse to pick it up.

Alice: Perfect. Tell the funeral home to pick it up. Tell Russell I'm leaving for Buxeda Funeral Home now. I
need there to be security. McGinnis' family will be there and can act against me. Now I can't take the
liberties I want with them. Are my instructions clear?

Security: Clear and understood.

Alice: Call Joseph. Let him help you. At the funeral I want you to protect me. If one of McGinnis sister’s
ever say something to me, arrest her. Don’t hesitate to do that.

Then Alice noticed a pen in McGinnis jacket.

Alice: No way you!!! A microchip?! Did you record everything?!!! McGinnis!!! Incredible. Let me have it.

Then, the Funeral home came to the morgue and took the corpse. McGinnis family was already there
waiting for the doors to be open.

McGinnis' corpse made it to the funeral home on time. Alice also arrived and then went to the McGinnis
Family to give her condolences.

Alice: I'm very sorry father-in-law. You know how much I loved your son. I am sorry to see you again in
these sad circumstances.

McGinnis: Don't be a hypocrite. I know what you are doing. I do not forget the invasion of my home and
that they almost killed us thanks to your disgusting orders.

Alice: It was all his son's fault. He just had to send Miranda to hell and get back to my side. But he was
stubborn. I wanted to be the hero of the movie and what happened? Look at your son in that cold and
dark coffin. Nothing can be done now. He is dead.

Louis: Como te atreves infeliz?!!! How dare you to talk about my brother like that. who the hell do you
think you are?

Alice: Be careful with your words, you reckless brat. I can get you arrested right now. So, calm down,
relax, and cooperate. Your brother is dead. Thanks to you he met Miranda. Another fool just like you.

Louis enraged gives a tremendous slap to Alice. Alice was as mad as hell.

Alice: How dare you slap me you imprudent brat?!!! Officers take this woman out of the Funeral home.
Get the hell out of here or you will be arrested.

McGinnis: Don’t have to. Louis let’s go. Tomorrow we will say goodbye to your brother. Let’s go home

Louis: Ok Papa. Tú y yo infeliz, ya probaste mi mano. Que rico se sintió darte en esa cara de cuero que
tienes. Eso es por todos en la familia. ¡¡¡Quiero partirte la mandarina en gajos, infeliz!!!

Alice: Do you want war? You got one. Watch your back. Better watch it.

McGinnis: Enough!!! Let’s go Louis.

As we left Buxeda, Anny called me. She gave me the EPT. I convinced Miranda not to go, so she can
avoid any problems. I left Papa at home. Then I drove, as fast as I could, to the big house.

Miranda: Did you see him? How’s Papa?

Louis: Yes, I saw him. Papa is strong and I know he will keep his composure. But Alice was there causing

Miranda: That trash bag idiot. Si no fuera por estas nauseas, vomitos y mareos, hubiera ido a matarla.

Louis: Relax babe. Le di una bofetada que por poco y me mata. Miranda quiero que te hagas la prueba.
Take it.

Miranda: Do you think…

Louis: I don’t know. Just do it.

Miranda went to the bathroom. Miranda took the pregnancy test. At that moment, Sara calls her on the

Sara: Miranda I know this is a difficult time. Can we see each other?

Miranda: Sure. Come. Here is Louis. I am taking a pregnancy test.

Sara: Pregnancy test? Okay. See you, then...

Miranda: Louis come here!!!

Louis: What’s going on?

Miranda: The test… It’s positive… I’m pregnant!!!

Louis: What?!! Oh My God!!!

Suddenly Dr. Reed arrived.

Sara: Miranda are you there?

Miranda: Yes Sara. We are here at the kitchen.

Sara: We? Is there someone else with you?

Miranda: Yes. This is Louis, McGinnis older sister.

Sara: nice to meet you, Louis.

Louis: The pleasure is all mine. Sorry for the noise. We are celebrating the good news.

Sara: Good News? What are you talking about?

Louis: Tell her Miranda. This is great.

Miranda: Sara, my dear friend… I’m pregnant!!!

Sara: Pregnant?!! I’m… so happy for you. Very happy my dear. Anything you need please don’t hesitate
to call me.

Miranda: Thank you Sara. Will you stay with us? Tomorrow is McGinnis burial. Louis will stay with me as

Sara: Excellent. Let me call my assistant. So, she can run the office tomorrow.

And Dr. Reed called Ms. Wilson. Ms. Wilson agreed to her instructions. Tomorrow is going to be a tough
day. It will be McGinnis burial. His family is more than devastated. But with Miranda being pregnant
everything will change. Nothing will ever be the same. Then…

Alice: What are you telling me?!!! That Miranda is pregnant?!!! I cannot believe it. Listen well. That baby
cannot be born. Everything possible must be done so that Miranda loses the pregnancy. You have an
advantage that I do not have. Use that advantage to the fullest. I repeat that baby cannot be born.

$ @: Take it for granted. But you should stay out of it as if you know nothing of the matter. Don't forget
that Miranda is part of the team. Anything suspicious can harm us.

Alice: I know; and you are right. This changes everything. The son McGinnis denied me would be the son
of this pathetic woman. Once McGinnis is buried, we will begin our revenge.

$@: Excellent. Let's talk later. I'm still on the mission.

Alice is furious to the max. Knowing that Miranda pregnant has been a bucket of cold water which has
intensified her hatred of Miranda and the McGinnis family.

Alice: Miranda, your worst mistake has been letting you get pregnant with my man. Even after death,
McGinnis is mine. That child will not be born... I SWEAR!!!!!

To be continued!!!

Killers on board part 2

Synopsys: In this incredible part 2, alliances will be made; and some alliances will be broken.
Secrets from the past will finally be revealed. Is death the end of life? Or is it the beginning of a
new twisted reality? How far will go Alice to stay in charge? What will Miranda do to stop her?
Unlikely heroes, new villains and the soul of a vigilante are going center stage. Who will be
victorious? This is Killers on Board Part 2
Previously on Killers on Board Part 1
Miranda and McGinnis were together. They were preparing to start a career as detectives. However, life
brought them a very unpleasant surprise. Alice Laree Dumas returned with a thirst for revenge. Alice
returned for the love she never lost. Alice managed to become the head of the forensic science
department, taking full control of the agency, and creating controversy in the Miranda-McGinnis
relationship. After a private meeting with McGinnis, she managed to blackmail him. Alice threatened the
McGinnis family with death if he did not obey her demands to leave Miranda and return to her. McGinnis
refused to accept that deal; and at the press conference, he died after facing the police. In an incredible
twist of fate, Miranda tested positive for pregnancy. Alice was enraged upon learning of such an event;
hell is breaking loose.

And now to the incredible sequel and part 2 of The Killers on Board.

Chapter 1: Miranda’s Ascension

12 am. Miranda is reflecting on the events that transpired for the past 48 hours. She has a lot of
mixed emotions. But being pregnant is the biggest blow to Alice’s ego. Miranda knows that and
smile about it.
Miranda: What an incredible night. I have mix emotions. Tomorrow is McGinnis burial. I am
devastated. But on the other side… I am pregnant. I will have a baby from the man I will always
love. I’m so happy!!! But I’m also concerned about my pregnancy. If Alice knows this, my baby
will be in trouble. Somehow, I understand her. I will do the same if another woman gets
pregnant from the man I love. But bad luck idiot. In the end, McGinnis gave me something you
will never have. The power of maternity. I will have his baby, not you freak moron. I want you to
know this. Your anger and knowing that you are frustrated would be worth a million. I will be a mother and
you are not jajajaja.

On the other side of the story, Alice is having a conversation with her associate and confidant.
Alice: I cannot believe this!!! Miranda will be a mother!!! They must die!! Do you hear me?!!!
$@: Take it easy boss. Yes, she is pregnant. But is not the end of the world.
Alice: Not the end of the world?!!! Listen up pathetic piece of excrement. A McGinnis spawn
means all to me. It is the ultimate insult and humiliation that someone can endure.
$@: But you are the boss; and Miranda is still your employee. You are in charge. All you need
to do is come up with a plan. That’s it. Don’t forget those books you stole. We need them.
Alice: You are right. Damn Miranda. I am the boss. She must do what I say. I must think. There
must be something I can do to hurt her. And yes, I will bring those books.
$@: Now we are talking sweetheart. That’s why we are allies. I’m here to advice you. If
someone, besides you, knows McGinnis is me. Just don’t lose your cool. We are at a very big
advantage over them.
Alice: I perfectly comprehend you. McGinnis is dead; and with him I must bury all these love
feelings I have for him. It will be hard to do that, I love him. Now is the moment of revenge;
payback is you know what!!!
$@: I agree with you. McGinnis is dead. No more emotions Alice. He is no longer a threat. Now
we must focus on our enemies. Focus, ok?
Alice: Ok, focus. I like your plan. I will go to your place with the books I stole from McGinnis
house. There is something we must do; and we will do it, before and after McGinnis burial. I
need something to be done as well.
$@: Excellent my boss. We are winners, don’t you forget about it.

The conversation with her mysterious ally was productive. Now she feels less stressed and
focused on revenge towards the McGinnis family. Tomorrow is McGinnis's funeral. Alice
understands that she must be prudent and careful. Although she wishes to kill them, she cannot
make even the slightest mistake; since that mistake can cost her position and the blind trust that
Mr. Russell has in her. Although Alice has many advantages, she can lose everything in a
second. That fact and the fact that Miranda is pregnant makes Alice lose control all the time.
This is Alice’s dilemma. She wants them dead.
Alice: I need you tomorrow at McGinnis burial.
$@: Am I going to expose to them? Don’t you think is risky?
Alice: No, is not risky. Besides don’t you remember I have McGinnis books? One of them is about
identity change. I have the resources and ingredients necessary for this to work, you understand?

$ @: Perfect. Do you want me to come to your house now? Although it is late, I prefer to get to where you
and do it. In the morning it will be more complicated.

Alice: Wow, you're right; how brilliant of you. Come I wait for you. With what we are going to do, you will
gain access to the family and get all the information we need.

$ @: Say no more. I am on my way. I’m ready for everything.

Meanwhile at the Big House…

Louis: Miranda are you ok? Anything you and the baby need?
Miranda: I’m just down. Your brother is dead. Alice is still out there causing so much trouble and chaos.
I’m lost and alone Louis. How can I stop a powerful woman like Alice? She has the power and many
people behind her. It’s tough.

Louis: Miranda, I agree with you as to how difficult it will be to stop Alice; with all that power and the
agency in favor of her, it can even be impossible to defeat. But remember what my brother said: "The
Actus Mortis is the key." Don't forget it please.

Miranda: I don't understand what your brother meant. But I know it is something very important, I feel it.

Louis: Of course, it is very important. When we come from the funeral, you will know why the "Actus
Mortis" is the key, the key to defeat Alice and her henchmen.

Miranda: Now you are the one who is scaring me. You are just like your brother, sinister and evil; but I
love it. I can't be the good girl anymore. It's time to play like Alice plays; dirty, dark, and sadistic.

Louis: Now you know what kind of person my brother was. He loved you; but he had a very dark, wicked,
and incredibly sadistic side. That is why Alice continues to love him and furiously mourns his death.
Would you have imagined my brother and that crazy woman together? They would have killed us all. Now
go to sleep. Have some rest. Tomorrow is going to be rough.

1 am. Alice’s mysterious ally arrived.

$@: I’m here boss. When do we start the experiment?
Alice: As soon as I explain what you are going to do at the funeral. I need you to pay close
attention my queen. What we will do is a risk since I do not know the whereabouts of this lady,
not even the family knows about her. Therefore, we are tied in this game. The surprise factor is
on our side; you still should be careful. Are we clear?
$@: Of course, I know what to do. The experiment is what makes me curious. It must be
something infallible because if you make a mistake, Miranda could recognize me and then the
consequences that you and I want to avoid would come.
Alice: I know. But this will be infallible. We also have plan B, which I will explain to you on the way to the
funeral home in the morning. Come on this will be killer hahahahaha.

$@: When do we start? I really feel like it's risky. But you have something in mind to pull this maneuver.

Alice: Let's start. I need you to take a good look at this photo. Focus on the photo.

$ @: Ok, the photo. What's so special? I see that it is a picture of a lady a little older; she must be in his
50s, maybe older. Can you tell me who this lady is and what does she have to do with us?

Alice: One step at a time, dear. First, we are on the right track since you are understanding this whole
process. However, I have bad news for you.

$ @: How do you say? Bad news? Speak clearly and don't confuse me.

Alice: Easy sweetheart. I say bad news, because I will not tell you who that lady in the photo is. I only ask
you to follow my instructions, by the book, as the gods command. Is it understood? Now look me straight
in the eye. Take a good look at me, don't lose sight of me.

$ @: What are you doing Alice? I feel like I am falling asleep deeply. What the hell is going on? I don't feel
my body, ALICE!!!
Alice: Easy my friend. Nothing bad will happen to you. Sleep, sleep soundly. Lie down on the sofa. Now
comes the best part.

Then Alice begins to mold the face of her accomplice, based on the photo of the lady. If Alice succeeds,
many will be in for a surprise at McGinnis' funeral. Alice, after finishing her mission, smiles.

Alice: Everyone will get the surprise of the century. Rest my queen; even you are going to be surprised in
the morning. After the funeral, my revenge will come. I swear!!!

8:00 am. The saddest day of my life has come. Saying goodbye to the father of my unborn child and the
man I love will not be easy at all. I cannot accept his death; sacrificing his life for us was heroic. But I don't
stop thinking about him, not for a moment. His father and sisters have been very supportive. But the
closer they are to me, the more risks for them. Alice wants revenge; and with McGinnis dead, nothing is
going to stop her from killing them. Louis is already ready to go.

Louis: Have this tea, Miranda. Today will be a day of many emotions. I also love my brother; I will miss
him too much. But his death will be the beginning of something great.

Miranda: That has me thinking a lot. Aside from the idiot Alice being there, she puts me in a satanic

Louis: You must calm down Miranda. Remember, you are pregnant. With that, Alice does have to have
the satanic rage at a million per second. That is our advantage. Then we will go to eat something; and
finally, to the gynecologist. So, calm down and be patient.

Miranda: I will follow your advice. Alice will make me angry, but I will keep my composure. Then again,
you must be careful as well. You slapped her. So, my advice is for you to be aware. With her, expect the

Miranda's words could not be more prophetic. Although the sisters-in-law are more than prepared, what
they will see at the funeral home, without a doubt, will leave them more than surprising. Louis called Anny
and Mr. McGinnis, so they can stay together and avoid problems. On the other side of the story:

Alice: What a great surprise you will get when you wake up honey. You will be part of the plan I have to
get revenge on The McGinnis. First thing: we are going to wake up this poor devil with worldly skin. I will
give her the opportunity to see herself in the mirror. When she starts to protest, I return her to her trance.

And then ... Alice's ally begins to wake up after she gave her instructions to get out of the hypnotic trance.

Alice: Look at you honey. Do you like what you see?

$ @: What the hell Alice? It's not me; I'm the old woman in the photo you showed me!!!! What the hell
does this mean?

Alice: My master plan sweetheart. Today you will enter the funeral home. But the people who will be there
will recognize the lady in the photo. You will simply pretend to be her; and the rest will fall by itself. Did
you understand?

$ @: Yes, I understood. Just tell me who this old waste of excrement is. This bad joke is going too far.

Alice: Oh my God, what a bad temper. Take it easy baby; you might suffer a heart attack in the meadows
of hell. You will arrive with me at the funeral home; When the McGinnis arrive, then I join you, to give
them another blow. And since it is the funeral of my beloved, Miranda, the pig, will come. This is going to
be a show.

$ @: Answer me now!!! Who am I going to imitate? Who is this lady?

Alice: That excrement lady or old woman as you call her, is my mother-in-law, McGinnis's mother.
$ @: What?!!! Wasn't that the woman who sent that letter where McGinnis denied you one last meeting? I
mean, am I going to get to that funeral by making myself go through it? I don't have her tone of voice.

Alice: Don’t be stupid. That is why I will hypnotize you now and adopt all the mannerisms of my beloved
mother-in-law. So…with your permission.

Again, Alice hypnotized her friend. Once the girl is in a trance, Alice reprograms her mind to shape Mrs.
McGinnis. Alice knows this is risky, but she loves to play with fire. Alice is insane and ready for anything.

Everyone was waiting for the moment to enter and say goodbye to McGinnis' corpse. Miranda arrived
with the McGinnis Family.

Miranda: What happens that the funeral home does not open? Is there any problem with the burial?

Chapter 2: Alice’s Iron Fist

Louis: I really don't know. Alice will have something planned. This is very suspicious. I don’t like this one

Mr. McGinnis: Easy girls. Let things flow. Miranda remembers your pregnancy. I don't want anything to
happen to my grandson.

Without the family noticing, Alice arrives at the place. Alice, strategically, manages to enter the funeral

Alice: Move that coffin. That's an order. Quick.

Joseph: But my lady, there is the body of Mr. McGinnis. I'm intrigued ... what happens?

Alice: Shut your mouth and follow my instructions. There is little left for the family to enter, and I am crazy
to give them another blow. Call the press as quick as possible.

Joseph: Ok my boss. Calling the press right away.

Alice: Very good. What an excellent and macabre surprise they are going to have. By the way, are you
ready? Your job is to surprise them so that I can finish them off.

$@: Well, I'm ready. What is there left to do?

Alice: Go out the back door. So, you enter and join me. If your show is going to surprise, imagine the
message I have for them. It will be a killer for everyone, especially for Miranda. I'm going to give her an
abortion. And his father will have a heart attack. I can’t wait to see their faces.

An incredible event happens at the funeral home.

Louis: the most difficult day arrived. Saying goodbye to my brother is not easy. But it must be done. Wait
a minute ... what the hell?!!!

And the first of two surprises just happen in front of everybody. The McGinnis family is very surprised.
Alice is very happy. This is getting uncomfortable by the second.

Louis: Mother, what are you doing here?!!! When did you come from Spain? You left over a week ago.

Mrs. McGinnis: And I’m here because of your brother. Parece mentira que no me dijeras nada de la
muerte de tu hermano. Y tú, maldito irresponsable, no me dijiste nada; él también es mi hijo. No puedo
creerlo, maldito seas McGinnis. Te odio infeliz, mal padre.
Louis: Pero mamá, tú te fuiste para España y dijiste que no te molestáramos. No entiendo esto. Debe
haber un malentendido.

Mrs. McGinnis: Ningún malentendido, maldita estúpida. If it wasn’t for my daughter-in-law, the only one
who understands and loves me, I would never have found out about. So Miranda, I'm sorry, Alice is my
only daughter-in-law; you are nobody; una basura, roba hombres.

Alice: Hello dear mother-in-law, mi adorada y amada suegra. What a disappointment Louis, you are the
lowest of the low. How is it possible not to communicate with your mother, knowing that he is also her
son; as for you, Mr. McGinnis, you should be ashamed of yourself; Mrs. McGinnis is such a decent
person; my mother-in-law gave you, your’ only son. All of you are a shame, you all disgust me. But,
despite everything, I have great news for you. I'm more than happy idiots.

Mr. McGinnis: Let's leave the controversies and threats. I am not to fight with anyone and that includes
the mother of my son. End this for good. We are going to bury my son and then, Alice, you can go to hell.

Alice: Oh ... my father-in-law has bad attitudes and tantrums. Ridiculous old man. The news that I have
for you will leave you open-mouthed.

Mrs. McGinnis: You should be ashamed of yourself, old idiot. Because of you my son is not with my
daughter-in-law Alice; but he is also dead. I always hated you stupid and helpless old man. And you, as
daughters, are dead to me. You guys are an embarrassment. My only daughter is Alice. You guys stay
with your stupid father. Damn you all!!!

Mr. McGinnis: I don't care what you think. Get off with that stupid Alice. Where the hell is my son's
corpse? I want to say goodbye to him and put an end to this fallacy once and for all.

Alice: Take it easy old cake. I have great news. Joseph, is the Press here?

Joseph: They are here boss. Anything you need from them?

Alice: Tell the Press to be ready. I have an important message to say.

Joseph: Ok Boss. Your wish is your command. Anything else?

The country's press settled in the chapel where McGinnis's corpse would be. The Family is upset
because the coffin is not in the chapel. Alice begins her message, with a sinister look and smile.
December 7, 2021

Alice: Good afternoon, everyone. Yesterday I notified you of unfortunate news. But today, I am more than
happy. Because today I celebrate life like never before. Mrs. McGinnis, you are like a mother to me. The
rest are like the rabble, the bubonic plague, and well, they deserve nothing. I am pleased to say that Mr.
McGinnis is alive!!! Thank God McGinnis survived last week's attack and will soon return to the team to
continue battling crime in San Juan.

Miranda: Impossible!!! You're crazy. He died in my arms. That's not true.

Alice: He died in your arms; but, resurrected in mine. Because he loves me and together, we will put law
and order in this city. I remind you, Miranda that I am your boss; if you do not comply with my orders, I will
accuse you of insubordinate and you will pay the price. I will fire you. Did you understand or do you still
have doubts? Your decision baby…

Miranda: Unfortunate I do understand you. Then again, McGinnis is dead!!! You killed him stupid idiot.

Alice: No ma'am; He is alive and will soon return to my side. In the end you lost silly. In the end I got back
what I never lost. My man and my love. We will rule this agency with the iron fist needed. I can’t wait to
see him back with me. And we will get married.
Mr. McGinnis: Miranda, ignore her. Let's go from here. Louis, Anny let's get out of this stinky place. These
people are sick and twisted.

Alice: Father-in-law, you will soon see your son again. But next to me and not next to this pathetic
woman. This is the best day of my life hahahahaha.

With great fury Miranda leaves with the McGinnis. Alice's words pierce the thought of and hurt Miranda's
heart. Miranda feels cheated. But...

Mr. McGinnis: I know how you must feel. I apologize for his mother’s behavior; she was out of line. But I
promise something. She is lying. She is lying. My son is dead, and I can prove it.

Miranda: His mother is the least of my worries. You better prove Alice is lying because I don’t know what
to believe anymore. This Alice makes me sick. And I feel cheated again.

Louis: Miranda. Papa is right. But let’s go to the doctors first. Then I will show you something that will
clarify your doubts.

Miranda: No; I don’t want to go. I want answers and I want them as soon as possible. So, let’s get the hell
out of here. I want to kill her.

Louis: Ok. Let reprogram the appointment. Papa, are you coming to the big house tonight? I need you for

Mr. McGinnis: Yes, I will. Miranda you will learn my son’s biggest secret.

Miranda: Now this is more helping and interesting. I can’t wait.

Breaking news. Ms. Dumas, head of the police investigation department in San Juan, has surprised the
country, stating that Mr. Hector McGinnis is alive and that he will soon return to his duties to be a witness
in the love crimes case. There is a suspect in custody awaiting trial for these crimes. The alleged
murderer could face the death penalty. However, the surprise is knowing that McGinnis is alive and will
soon return to his duties has a country shocked and surprised. More details on this story, in the morning
edition of Las Noticias. Gerardo Rivera informed you.

Alice: This is great!!! I have the country in the palm of my hand. I am in control of everything. And when
McGinnis returns, we will get married and this country will be ours. Nobody will stop us. I can’t wait to marry him.

$ @: But ... is it true that McGinnis is alive? You were cursing his death. Now I don't understand why so much joy
and happiness.

Alice: It's simple my love. The books I stole from McGinnis, while we were’ playing Mom and Dad, speak of the
resurrection of the dead.

$ @: I mean ... are you going to resurrect him?

Alice: I will bring it back to our world; and when I do, no one can stop me anyone who crosses my path is going to
die. As simple as that. Come and see this great detail hahahaha.

Alice shows her accomplice that detail that left her most surprised.

$ @: What?!!! Are you kidding? Is that the corpse of McGinnis, right?

Alice: No, el cadáver de la madre que te pario idiota; of course it is his corpse. Everything preserved and
prepared for the ceremony. With his books and his corpse, I will bring him back to life. It will be mine
forever and no one will be safe. So, get ready honey, tonight you will witness the supernatural. The reality
is incredible and the incredible I will make it happen. I am happy!!! Tonight, McGinnis returns with me and
will be my husband forever. I will rule this agency with my Iron Fist.
Later that night, at the Big House.

Mr. McGinnis: We are all here. I know it has been a very disturbing day. Miranda, I know you have doubts. That is
why I am here tonight; and together with my daughters you will know the biggest secret of my son. I hope
everything will be clear after tonight.

Miranda: I am very upset and confused. This filthy woman will never stop annoying us. I want to kill her with my
bare hands.

Louis: I want to kill that pig too. Alice has me sick of her stuff. Dad, how true can it be that my brother is alive?
Dad, please clarify that question for us. I'm really taken aback by all this.

Papa: There is some truth in Alice's words. For your brother, my son, to come back to life, he needs a black mass
ceremony. I understand that Alice stole some books from my son when he lived with his mother. However, to
achieve this you need a very important ingredient.

Miranda: An important ingredient? What do you mean by that?

Dad: Blood from a pure soul Miranda. A person who is not evil. Now I want you to pay close attention. Tonight,
you will know the biggest secret of my son. Louis, take this please.

Louis: What is this dad? What is in this box?

Dad: You will see. But please open it and read the message. It is the beginning of the answers that I will give to all
of you tonight. Tonight, is the most important night for all of us.

Louis opens the case given by her dad. Her eyes are wide open in amazement.

Louis: I can't believe it Dad. This is unbelievable.

Papa: It's more than serious daughter. It is a special key. Miranda, please take the key and read the message.
Tonight, you will understand the important role you have in this mission.

Miranda begins to read the message on the key. Her amazement is more than evident.

Miranda: My God ... this key says: The Actus Mortis is the key. "So, is this the key Mr. McGinnis?

Papa: Yes, it is. Come, I'll show you the way. It’s still early. We have time.

The girls follow Mr. McGinnis. At the end of the hall, everyone observes a special door. McGinnis uses the key. The
door opens to Miranda's astonishment.

Miranda: This is incredible!!! ¿A dónde nos lleva esta puerta?

Papa: You haven't seen anything yet; and get ready, tonight your ascension begins. Promise me something ok?

Miranda: What? What do you want me to promise?

Papa: After tonight, you will go with the girls to the doctor. No quiero que pierdas el embarazo.

Miranda: Ok. Asi mismo será. Cuidare de mi hijo. I will go to the doctor; Louis and Anny will be with me.

Papa: Excellent. Now you are ready. Girls secure everything. Girls secure the house. Tonight, will be crucial. We
must be prepared for the worst.

Louis: Anny move!!!

Anny: Ok my sister. Papa… what are we going to see?

McGinnis: Like I said earlier, you will witness the supernatural. One of this family’s greatest secret. If everything
goes correct, Miranda will be for the surprise and ride of her life.

Miranda: I am very anxious. Whatever you want to show me, I am ready for everything and anything.

McGinnis: Well; be ready for the supernatural. As simple as that.

Chapter 3: Mr. Conde is in

At the mansion, Miranda and the McGinnis family gained access to a secret room. Miranda remains in doubt about
McGinnis. Alice has said in the media that McGinnis is alive and will return to her side to fight crime in San Juan.
Alice went far to say that they will get married. Also, tonight, Papa McGinnis guaranteed Miranda a revelation that
will change everything. Even Alice’s perception of reality

Miranda: Tell me the truth. Can your’ son come back from the dead as Alice says? Or is she lying to the country?

Papa: Yes and no. I explain myself in this subject. Miranda… listen to me. You are the perfect woman. You are the
perfect balance between light and dark; good and evil; heaven and hell. That is why my son loves you. However,
Alice is the dark side. That side that, once, perfectly complemented my son. But when you do not know your
potential, certain results do not happen as they wish. When Alice realized it, it was already late. Because you came
into his life and achieved the perfect balance for him.

Miranda: I am surprised. I never thought this was true. I will always love your son, no matter what. I just want to
know: how can we stop this witch? Is there a chance to achieve that? Do we have a chance to defeat her?

Papa: Time will be our best ally. Although we don't like the idea, waiting is a must. We must wait no matter what.

Louis: But Papa, can Alice resurrect my brother? How possible can such a supernatural event can occur? Will my
brother ever be back from the death?

Papa: Sure, she can; but I guarantee you that, whatever happens, Alice will fool a lot of people. She will lie to all.

Louis: Dad, how can you be so sure of that? Alice has confirmed it on the news and even on social media. This is
getting weirder by the minute. It gives me the creeps.

Miranda: I do not deny that I am still in doubt, although I know that there is sincerity in your words Mr. McGinnis. I
appreciate your honesty.

Papa: Thank you for your kind words, Miranda. I repeat: Even if we don't like it, time will be our ally; we have to
wait with what lie or lies Alice will come. Miranda don't forget that you are still part of the team and Alice is the
boss. Be patient and act like nothing serious is happening. On the other hand: how do you feel about your
pregnancy? Do you feel good?

Miranda: Despite these upsets, I feel good. I am following your advice; then again, why the question? Something

Papa: I told you that tonight is your ascension. Louis, call Conde. He must be part of this as well. Tonight, you will
see the incredible happen before your eyes. Louis prepares the room. Miranda is ready. Let's not waste time. The
night is young; and Miranda will finally understand my son's secrets.

Louis: Ok Papa. I will call Conde right now.

And then Louis call Conde. Papa and Anny are getting the room ready.

Louis: Mr. Conde, I know is late. But my father wants you here.
Conde: Guajira, don’t worry; I will be there. Espérame que arranque para allá ahora.

Louis: Gracias Mr. Conde. Siempre es un placer contar con usted. Por eso mi hermano lo apreciaba tanto. Venga lo
antes posible. Papa lo necesita urgentemente.

Meanwhile, Alice and her accomplice continue to study McGinnis' books. Alice knows something is going to
happen. She gave her word and McGinnis will return to her side not only as a teammate but as her husband as well.

$@: I still can't believe you have McGinnis' corpse in your possession. When are you going to start this madness?

Alice: Tonight, we will begin to experiment; so, let's keep reading doctor. We must have everything for the black
mass. Tonight, my McGinnis will return from the grave and together with me we will clean the streets of San Juan
of all this scum that damages this beautiful country.

$ @: Give me the book. We will catch up; and tonight, I guarantee all my help. It will be done my dear.

Alice: I like that. My enemies will be in for a big surprise. We are going to make it. But first ... I want you to call my
assistant Joseph. I have a very important assignment for him.

And Alice's friend makes the call.

$ @: Greetings Joseph. We need a very big favor.

Joseph: What does the boss want?

Alice: I need you to find me a priest as soon as possible.

Joseph: A priest? I'm confused. What do you want a priest for?

Alice: Don't question my orders. I remind you that I am your boss; and you must obey me in everything. Do you
understand or do I make you a map? So shut your mouth and look for the priest. I need that miserable priest for the
black mass. So, move fast; we need him as rush as possible.

Joseph: As you say boss. I take him to the priest as soon as possible. (After the call) This woman is crazy. But I
don’t want more problems. If the boss ever knows what I did, I will be dead.

Then, Joseph’s phone rings again…

Joseph: Gee you scared me bro.

C: Did she call you back?

Joseph: Boy, the boss won't let me go. Now she asked me for a favor which I consider crazy.

C: What is the favor that she asked you for?

Joseph: The boss asked me to find a priest for her. I don't know what the hell she wants it for, but I know it's not
good at all. I have to hang up the call I feel like they are following me.

C: Easy buddy. Thank you for being an important part of this process. Take care of yourself. Any information you
have, call me as soon as possible.

Joseph: Sure. I will keep you updated on everything. Let's talk later.

Back at the mansion, the environment is ready for the incredible to happen before Miranda's eyes. Then, Conde just
arrived in time for the meeting.

Conde: Asere, aqui estoy para lo que sea.

Papa: Gracias Conde. Voy a hacer un experimento bien importante con las chicas. Aunque la mansión está segura,
deseo que estes pendiente por si algún intruso decide atacar. Si algo sospechoso ves, no dudes en repeler el ataque.

Conde: Cuenta conmigo Asere. Vaya con las nenas que yo cuidare la casa.

Papa: ¡¡¡Gracias, mi hermano!!! Usted es lo más grande. Te veo mas tarde.

Then Mr. McGinnis call the girls.

Papa: Come on girls. It's time for the experiment. Conde is protecting the house. Now, we are safe.

Louis: This is scaring Dad; I trust your wisdom, all the time.

Papa: Miranda ... Are you ready? Tonight, is the night.

Miranda: I'm ready, whatever happens. You can start whenever you like. I’m prepared for everything.

Papa: Come on girls, concentrate. All in silence, let us unite our thoughts in search of the absolute truth. Let's close
our eyes; let's relax ... sleep soundly ... sleep is a pleasure...

Miranda feels like she is going into a dark abyss, hearing the words of Mr. McGinnis. Still, Miranda and Louis feel
relaxed, as if they are flying into a new dimension. Suddenly, the voice of Mr. McGinnis orders them to wake up.
Both girls open their eyes.

Miranda: Where are we Louis? This place is beautiful. Are we in a dream? Or is this reality?

Louis: Not my love. It's not a dream; Papa are you here? We don’t see you. Show yourself.

Papa: Here I am girls. But we are not here for me. Miranda, listen to the sound of the bell and follow the music.

Suddenly a bell rings loudly next to Miranda. The place turns dark. Mr. McGinnis, smiling, says:

Papa: Miranda ... turn around and witness the incredible to happen before your eyes. This is for you Miranda.

As Miranda turns around, her eyes fill with wonder.

McGinnis: Hello my love. Long time no see.

Miranda: What the hell?!!! McGinnis?! Oh my God!!! This is unbelievable.

McGinnis: Yes; welcome my love. Touch me, I am real. Feel the power my love. Don’t be afraid. Everything is all

Miranda: It can't be. I cannot believe this!!! You're dead. But I see you, I feel you and you are so real. Oh my God!!!

McGinnis: I know you can't believe what you see. But it is the truth. Listen carefully dear: you only have the power
to bring me back to the real world. You are the perfect balance. But it will take time to achieve that. You must learn
a lot my love.

Miranda: But why does Alice claim that she can make you come back? I need to understand; I need to know the

McGinnis: Because Alice feeds my darker side. I am a Gemini; two in one; day and night; heaven and hell; good
and evil; love and lust. If Alice achieves what she sets out to do, all of you are going to die as she will bring to life
the worst version of me. I know you will have a son of mine. I want you to take care of him. I want you to be more
than careful my love.

Miranda: Damn McGinnis, I want you back in the real world. Only you and I can stop Alice. I just feel like I'm
going to fail.
McGinnis: You won't fail my love. You and I are a team. You will be my eyes during the day; I will be your guide
during the night. It is not time for my return; until my soul is purified and I can conquer all my demons then I can

Miranda: This is amazing. When can I see you again?

McGinnis: Every time you go to sleep. I will always be in your dreams and thoughts. I will be your guide at night;
and you will be my eyes during the day. I will help you with everything in this process. Go and rest ... this is a lot of
effort for you and our son. I will see you soon my love. I promise you one thing, I will return. Just be patient my
perfect woman. Do not make any mistake Miranda. I will be your guide and you will be my eyes. I promise to you,
that my return will happen soon.

Miranda: You are incredible. My love, I will not make any mistakes and I will keep my cool with Alice. I am so
excited. This is incredible. I am more than satisfied to see you in my dreams. Together we will defeat Alice and take
care of our son; Tomorrow, I will go with your sisters to the doctor. I love you McGinnis. Oh, what a night is this.
This is my revenge!!!

And then… the girls are back. Mr. McGinnis is smiling at them.

Mr. McGinnis: How do you feel Miranda? Tell me.

Miranda: I’m in shock. I saw him. I talked to him. It was surreal.

McGinnis: I will tell you why. My dad, Gregory McGinnis was a student of the magical arts. I never wanted to be a
part of it; but my son loved it. My son experimented with all kinds of extreme mental exercises. He took his mind
and body to the limit. But his dark side began to resurface. When he met Alice, that dark side was perfectly
complemented. Alice never knew how to harness that potential. Although time is our ally right now, Alice can bring
the worst part of my son to life; but you must wait and see how far Alice goes with her lie. We must be patient girls.
Everything will fall into place; and, when the time is right, Alice will be humiliated.

Miranda: I love how that sounds. I'm going to humiliate you Alice, I swear. I'm going to know how to wait for the
right moment; and at that moment I will finish you pig.

McGinnis: There have been a lot of emotions tonight. Go rest. Tomorrow you three are going to the gynecologist. I
want my grandson healthy. Now I say goodbye and good night my daughters.

Louis: Good night, Papa.

Miranda: Good night, father-in-law. Thanks for this great night.

The next morning…The girls are going to the doctor.

Miranda: I am six months pregnant. I still don't know what the sex of my baby is. I've wanted to keep it a
secret all this time. But curiosity is killing me. Today I will go to the doctor to find out the gender of my
baby. It hurts my soul not to have McGinnis to celebrate this moment. He would have been an excellent
father; but he died at the hands of the filthy, disgusting, rat named Alice. I already got to the gynecologist.
Now I'm going to wait for Louis. She has been my best ally. It really is the female version of her brother. I
still love you McGinnis. Let's see what happens.

Doctor: Buenas tardes a todas: Ya le hicimos todos los estudios y análisis del embarazo. Aquí les facilito
la documentación para que lo discutan en casa. Aquí están los resultados del embarazo. Felicidades
familia. Miranda vas a tener gemelos. Un nene y una nena. Y ambos gozan de excelente salud, peso y

Miranda: What?!!! ¡¡¡¿No lo puedo creer?!!! ¡¡¡¿Gemelos?!!! ¡¡¡Estoy más que feliz!!!

Louis: Felicidades hermana. Diablos cuando Alice se entere, la bastarda va a infartar jajajaja.
Chapter 4: The Possession.
It’s 3am. Alice is impatient. Her accomplice is scared; but still is willing to help her. They are
waiting for Joseph and the Priest to arrive. Alice wants to do the Black Mass; so, she can
resurrect McGinnis. She ignores that Miranda had already contact McGinnis.
Alice: The moment arrived, doctor. All the instruments are here. The only thing missing is the arrival of the priest
and the pure soul. With pure soul we can bring back my McGinnis. Joseph must be arriving by now.

$ @: In fact, it's already here. Right now, he's parking and from what I see he's bringing the priest.

Alice: Excellent news. Get ready friend. Tonight, there will be blood, pain, and death. The resurrection of the man
that I love and with whom I will marry to dominate the agency and the entire system. Anyone who betrays me will
pay the price and die. Let's wait for Joseph and the priest. What a surprise I have for these gentlemen.

$ @: What are you talking about? You're really scaring me. Can you really bring it to life? It's hard to believe; in
other words, seeing is believing.

Alice: Believe me, not only will you see but you will also believe. We are going to receive our guests of honor. They
will play an important role tonight. So, bring me these gentlemen right now.

Alice’s friend escorts these gentlemen to the living room

$ @: Good evening. Come in please. My boss is waiting for you. You are a very important part of this amazing
event that is about to take place. Joseph ... I assume this gentleman is the priest, correct?

Joseph: That is correct Miss L …

$ @: Silence, idiot. Is not the time to reveal my identity; for being indiscreet, I can kill you if I want to.

Alice: Calm down my love. If I wanted to, everyone would know about your identity. So, calm down and don't
betray me. No one is going to die, unless I order it, understood sweetheart?

$ @: Got it "boss". Unhappy piece of excrement, the bell saved you. But watch your filthy back.

Alice: Stop it!!! Don't be suckers. They look like puberty babies from the movie American Pie. Ridiculous. Excuse
me Father, what is your name?

Priest: My name is Ambrosio Macario, Father Macario at your command.

Alice: For a priest, your name is from hell. What an ugly name, Father Crappy, I say Macario.

Priest: I demand more respect for myself, Mrs. Dumas, since I am a man of God.

Alice: Excuse me Father Toilet; first off, I will soon be Mrs. Alexis McGinnis; second, don't talk to me about God,
because tonight not even your faith is going to save you. So, if you want to go on living, follow my instructions to
the letter. Are we clear, father pig? See… this gun can be shot in your forehead and create a third eye, as simple as
that. Behave Padre Gargajo.

Priest: Don’t insult me. What do you want me to do?

Alice: I want you to perform a black mass now!!! I want to resurrect my future husband.

Priest: Are you crazy? This is unnatural and it is against the laws of God. You are playing God and it will cost your

Alice put the gun on the Priest’s forehead.

Alice: How cute Padre; I don’t care about my salvation; I just want my man back. As simple as that. Tell me
Padre…Do you want to meet God? Be careful with your words Padre Gargajo because they might be your last.
Cooperate and play nice you piece of religious holy crap. My queen: bring me the corpse of McGinnis, tonight he
will resurrect and finally we will be married.

Father Macario: May God protect us. This is unnatural. I can't do it, Mrs. Dumas. Change your mind, a black mass is
very dangerous.

Alice: Hazard? Very dangerous Padre Toilet?!! Won't you, do it? Ok father Gargajo, say goodbye to your pathetic
and useless life. Tell hell that I send my regards. Die stupid father. See you in hell.

When Alice was about to shoot, her accomplice stops her. Alice was enraged about her attitude.

$ @: Chief don't shoot. Stop; you can’t kill him now. Something unexpected has come up. It’s very urgent and
important. You better pay attention to it.

Alice: And what the hell is wrong with you? How dare you stop me, maldita infeliz? ¡¡¡¿Estás loca estúpida del

$ @: Sorry my queen for the interruption. You have a call from Russell right now. I just don’t believe it. What a

Alice: What the hell?!!! Russell you ignorant idiot. Padre Gargajo the bell saved you, just for the moment. Doctor,
give me the phone call. I want to know what he wants; thus far I can’t ignore him.

Alice starts talking to Russell. Russell sounds very concerned. Alice is impatient.

Russell: Alexis, I just received a confidence that Father Macario has disappeared. We must find him soon or the
Church will get in. And that’s a problem we can avoid.

Alice: No way. Really boss? I cannot believe it. What do you need from me? How can I help you? Tell me Boss.
How can we avoid the church’s involvement? There must be choices.

Russell: First, I need you to activate the entire team, including Miranda. Whatever difference you have with her,
they must be united at this time. I am afraid that the priest is another victim of the case we are working on. We need
to find him as soon as possible. Contact Miranda now.

Alice: (breathing hard and furiously) Ok boss, I'm going to contact Miranda. We will find Father Macario.
Hopefully it is not another victim of the case. Speaking of the case... What will happen to this Tony, a suspect in
these crimes? Is the system going to do something about him?

Russell: Actually, the decision is yours Alice. You are the boss. The system decided that. Another thing, how is it
that McGinnis will return to the team? He died. I need you to explain that to me as soon as possible Alexis. That
information has created a lot of buzz in social media and national TV.

Alice: I can explain it to you over the phone boss. I don’t have any problem doing it now.

Russell: No Alice; it's too late. Tomorrow at 12 pm, I want you and Miranda to come. There is a lot to talk about;
and even though you're the boss, you two must work together. The people, the town are commenting on
controversial things about the team. The least I want is for my team to be the mockery of the system. So tomorrow,
the entire team, at 12 pm in my office no questions asked.

Alice: Ok Chief. Go and rest; I will do the same. See you in a couple of hours. Count with me.

Russell: Perfect. I'll call Miranda now. I wait for the complete team. Good night Ms. Dumas

Alice: Good night. Damn you Russell. This freaking call, I did not see coming. Being under the same roof with that
idiot Miranda makes me sick. I would kill her, but that would derail all my plans.
$ @: Boss ... is something wrong? You look angry. Did Russell tell you something bad? You look like Satan on

Alice: I’m crossed. Bad things happen to me. I defecate in the mother of the demon. Russell just called me and guess
what; He wants a meeting with the whole team tomorrow at 12pm. To top it all, he wants me to work hand in hand
with Miranda. The black mass will have to be postponed. So, I change my plans. I want you to keep Father, waste of
skin, in custody. Don't hurt him, treat him well. When he performs the black mass then we return him to his church.
But first we give the father the beating of his life; then we rescued him and blamed the black pig, Tony. We blame
him for this attack and sooner they will give him the death penalty. I want Tony dead quick.

$ @: Can I suggest something boss? If you don’t mind, of course. I don’t want to see you mad.

Alice: You are smart; I must give you the credit you deserve. So, shoot, I will hear you.

$ @: I know it bothers you to have to work with Miranda. But I recommend a small truce. This way we will have
the opportunity for Miranda to lose her pregnancy. Remember Alice: keep your friends close but your enemies
closer if you know what I mean. Again, just a humble suggestion.

Alice: Wow, I hadn't thought about it. It's just that I hate Miranda so much that I get blind. But once McGinnis gets
back to my side and we get married, everything is going to change. So, I agree with you once again. Follow my
instructions: nothing bad should happen to Father Macario. After the black mass, let the father be assaulted, we
rescue him and then be the heroes.

$ @: No problem Boss. Go to sleep. I take care of the Father. I will order Joseph to take care of the Father.
Everything is going to be fine. Let’s rest. We have done a lot tonight.

Alice: Like you, my beloved L… hahahaha. It fascinates me when you make a face of terror. You must bear in mind
that McGinnis might recognize you when we bring him back to life. Did you know? Don’t you realize if McGinnis
recognize you, everything will be over for you?

$ @: I know it might be. I am willing to take the risk and pay the price. I will go to sleep. Let’s rest.

Alice goes to sleep. $ @ knows that her identity is at stake. She orders Joseph to take care of Father Macario during
the black mass. Russell unknowingly saved Father's life. But the black mass is inevitable. Russell late at night, he
decides to text Miranda. Miranda is surprised by the message. She tells Louis about it, while the family sleeps
peacefully. Miranda’s face is full of anger.

Miranda: I can't believe this Lou. Russell has texted me now.

Louis: What can't you believe Miranda? Russell’s text? I thought he was retired.

Miranda: Actually, he is in a sabbatical. In this text, he wrote that Father Macario has disappeared from the
Cathedral of San Juan. Russell wants the full team to meet him tomorrow at 12pm.

Louis: Poor Padre. I hope he is fine. By the way… full team means...

Miranda: Exactly, that's what you think ... The mentally retarded and horned is going to be there. Alice stupid
imbecile. Like I said, I want to kill her with my own hands.

Louis: That morona is going to have a heart attack when she sees you with your beautiful twin belly. Don't be angry
sister; enjoy the moment. Also, that beast cannot harm you. At least not in front of Russell and the team. So that
moment is yours. Alice is going to curse once that meeting is over. I would like to go with you, but we must not
provoke her, not now. So, be always careful my dear.

Miranda: I'll take your advice. No one can take away the joy of having seen your brother. Knowing that I can see it
in my dreams makes me so happy. Russell wants me to arrive at 11 am. Could you take me to Russell’s office? If
you can do it, then I invite you to lunch? Say yes please.
Louis: With that offer, to tell you no that it would be a sin. Count on me and at night, I will help you to see my
brother again, ok? Let's go to sleep it's late you need rest.

Miranda: Now I am more motivated; I want to see it again. And as you say it is too late. This will be another intense
day; but, let it go quickly because I want to see my love at night. Let's rest.

Louis: Well, do you want to see my brother now? Its 4am I know; but your meeting is at 12 pm. You can see him for
a couple of minutes maybe an hour. Do you want to do it?

Miranda: Of course, I want it. Let’s go and do it. The first time, wow, incredible.

Louis: My brother is incredible. Ok Miranda. Let’s do it. We need to learn more about this.

And the girls go to McGinnis’ secret room. Louis prepares the room with candles, music, and wine.

Louis: Let's focus like the first time. Let us relax and unite in one thought: My brother.

Miranda: Your brother, my great love. I want to continue learning this art. I want to be better every day; I want to do
justice to revenge; good over evil and the perfect balance. Balance that Alice does not possess. Thus far a perfect
balance that gives me an advantage over Alice.

Louis: Excellent thought my sister. See, you are getting better. You will be a master in these arts soon.

Both girls go into a deep trance. A very soft music is heard, different from the previous one which was a bit somber
and eerie. This music is sweet and sounds so beautiful to their ears.

McGinnis: Welcome girls. Miranda, my love, I see that you are liking this art of soul detachment.

Miranda: It fascinates me. I want to learn more my love. You really are an incredible man.

McGinnis: First, moderation and wisdom my girl. How is the pregnancy going?

Miranda: I'm very good. We will have twins: a girl and a boy. I want you in our world; my children will need their
father; and, you know that my love. Your family needs you McGinnis.

McGinnis: I know my love; I also need you all. Take this ring please. You will love it baby.

Miranda: This ring is beautiful; but what is it for? It has our initials and an interesting glow on it.

McGinnis: As gorgeous, as it looks, it will protect you from all catastrophic evil. This ring will also take care of our
children; and finally, this ring will be the door and the instrument that will help you to see us at night. In this ring
there is my essence; and, for the day I will know what happens without arousing suspicions. That will avoid future
problems and save time to us.

Miranda: I like that. But why can I only see you at night? How about in the morning?

McGinnis: The reality is that you can see me whenever you want; but you cannot arouse suspicion. You are still part
of the team and Alice is still the boss until I get back. I want you to follow Russell's instructions. I know you want to
kill Alice; but calmly. Destroying her will be more than enough.

Miranda: Ok my love. I will follow your advice. At 12pm I will meet with the whole team, including Alice. I will do
my best to stay calm. But it was Russell’s idea. He still the one in charge.

McGinnis: Glad you understand that. Our time of justice will come. Just wait and pay close attention to every move
Alice makes. Besides, soon you will visit her, and I will help you baby.

Miranda: I would love that. Tomorrow night?

McGinnis: Tomorrow night is excellent. Louis how’s everybody?

Louis: We are all right. I will take Miranda to the office.

McGinnis: Perfect. Go back girls. Its 5am. Rest well my ladies.

Back at Alice's house, everything is ready for the black mass. Her accomplice is more than ready. Alice ordered her
to bring the priest; at the same time Alice ordered Joseph to bring the body of McGinnis. All the instruments are in
the perfect place. The black mass is about to begin.

Alice: Father Macario, everything is ready. The corpse of my beloved is ready to receive the soul of my man in
order to revive and be my husband for all eternity.

Father Macario begins the ritual of the black mass. Alice's house turns dark. The presence of many demons is noted.
All those demons howl in fury at being unable to enter McGinnis' corpse.

Alice: What the hell happens that McGinnis doesn't revive?!!! I do not understand!!! What the hell did you do father
Crap?!!! Answer me your stupid piece of trash!!!

Father Macario: Miss Dummas I don't know. I have not done anything, for Christ I swear!

And suddenly, Alice’s accomplice interrupts her

$ @: Alice stop!!! There is something you need to know. Something very urgent and grave. I just cannot believe it.

Alice: and what the hell happens now?!!! Why is it so grave? Tell me I order you.

$ @: I want you to see this!!! Watch this video. This is incredible!!!

Alice watches the video. She erupts in fury. She cannot believe what she sees. Alice tells her friend the following:

Alice: bring my cell phone and call Joseph. Traitor of hell; I swear to you, that this maggot will die right now.

Joseph enters the room and Alice points the gun at his forehead.

Alice: Damn you stupid idiot!!! How dare you betray Me. Give me your phone now. Obey me useless rat.

Joseph: Ma'am, I don't know what you're talking about. I have not betrayed you, I swear.

Alice: Of course, you betrayed me, you pig. Talking over the phone, behind my back to this disgusting and stinking
Cuban Conde. You know what?!!! Your time has come. Screw you and rot in hell you pathetic sweat hog.

And Alice pulls the trigger. With a shot in the chest and another in the forehead Alice takes Joseph's life; then she
proceeds to call Russell.

Russell: hello Alice what is going on? Why the late call? Answer me, is there something wrong? Why aren’t you
coming to my office?

Alice: Boss… I’m sorry for not being able to be in the meeting. It is an emergency I must take care of as soon as
possible. I'm so sorry I can't be able to see you at 12; hope you understand.

Russell: I don’t get it, why can’t you be able to be at the meeting; you must have a valid reason.

Alice: McGinnis has back problems and I want him ready for all the duties and the case. I want 48 hours for us to be
ready to take back the case and the team as well. McGinnis will be with all of us, and the team will be able to solve
this case; don't worry boss we're not going to fail you.

Russell: I appreciate your honesty. No problem. I will call Miranda to let her know about this. Tell McGinnis that I
want all of you at a hundred percent no excuses Alexis. I will see you in two days.

Alice felt relieved. Now, after the failed black mass, she has an opportunity to regroup. Alice is enraged about
Joseph’s deception. But she killed him. Now the black mass has failed she must do something in order from for her
to deliver a promise that she made to Russell. Alice said that McGinnis is alive, and she will deliver him to the
office again the black mass failed.

Chapter 5: Alice’s trip to the past.

The original black mass was a failure, thanks to Joseph's deception. Alice arranged for Joseph to pay for it with his
life. They have been days of many humiliations on the part of Miranda and the McGinnis family. Alice still has the
books that she stole from McGinnis' house. Alice and her accomplice discover that one of the chapters talks about
time travel. This discovery gives Alice a great but risky idea.

Alice: What we're both going to do is risky and dangerous. But it is my last alternative to keep my word as Russell is
pressuring me with what I said about McGinnis. If I don't show up with him, I may even lose my job and position as
boss. I don’t want that.

$ @: I understand what the book says, and I know what time travel means; but I have to know the risk in which I am
getting involved. Imitating McGinnis's mother was brutal, and I was terrified.

Alice: If you think that imitating my mother-in-law was brutal, what we are going to do will surpass everything you
consider brutal. I will be brief: we are going to travel in time, you will join me, and we will return with McGinnis to
this land of the living. It will be frightening to a lot of people.

$ @: Are you kidding me? Will you alter the universe as it is known?

Alice: If you saw the movie “Back to the Future”, then you will understand what we are going to do. I told you it
would be risky and dangerous. But worse would be looking like a liar in front of Russell. I will guarantee McGinnis
alive and bring my McGinnis back alive.

$@: This is insane with steroids and dangerous Alice.

Alice: Insane is an understatement baby. Listen, this McGinnis, he doesn't know who Miranda is. I will bring him to
our reality. That McGinnis loves me, he loves my dark side and that dark side I will feed to end everyone. That
McGinnis hates his family; therefore, he will not hesitate to kill them. Prepare that our revenge begins tonight. Since
the real McGinnis is dead, this one will take his place and be mine forever and ever. No stupid Miranda dear.

$@: This will be incredible. Do you think McGinnis will recognize me?

Alice: I’m convinced he will not. Keep in mind, he met you before me. So, don’t worry about your identity. Besides,
he loves me; he will be with me 24/7 and I will manipulate him and all his being. I can’t wait to pull this off. All you
have to do is trust me. As simple as that.

$@: if you said so then, don’t waste time and let’s do it. But first… what about Father Macario? What are you going
to do with him?

Alice: Let’s keep him in custody. Russell wants McGinnis back. He thinks I lied; and I need to deliver on my word.
I told him to give 48 hours. That amount of time is enough to bring McGinnis back and then take care of Father
Macario. Trust me, we are going to do it.

$@: Ok let’s do it. This is incredible, somehow scarier than the black mass.

Alice and her accomplice begin to read this chapter of the book where it talks about time travel. Both follow the
steps without losing the important details of the process. Suddenly, they feel like falling off a cliff to the bottom.
After a couple of minutes, they wake up; when they open their eyes, they realize they are at the very same airport
but in 1995, not 2001.

$ @: This is an Alice airport. What are we doing here? Why here?

Alice: Easy I will answer all your questions. Tell me what time is it?

$ @: My watch says 3:00 pm why?

Alice: I need to track our time here. Why this airport? Currently, in 1995, McGinnis was bringing me to this airport
since I was going to study in Canada. In this place, I made the mistake of leaving him.

$ @: So, are we in 1995? Are we going to see what happened that day? I still have doubts about this. You must be
clear with me darling.

Alice: May 30, 1995, to be exact. I remember very well the gate where I was going to go. So, let's get there and see
them. But cautiously; we cannot create a scandal nor confusion. Nothing must be altered, or we fail.

$ @: Will we see them? McGinnis and you from 1995? I’m very confuse about this. This is crazy Alice. You are
going nuts!!!

Alice: Yes; I am talking about both McGinnis and me. Once my 1995 version leaves, we will follow McGinnis to
his house where he lived with my mother-in-law, before moving in with my stinky father-in-law two months later.

$ @: This is awesome and at the same time bone chilling. Like I said before, this scares me more than the black
mass could have been. I’m not going to deny this is a crazy and a bold move on our part.

Alice: Stupid Joseph paid with his life for cheating and betraying us. Run, they already arrived.

And then Alice 2001 version, see her 1995 version with McGinnis. They both sneak up on them. Alice, wistfully,
heard the same words she said to McGinnis in May 1995. They did their best not to be seen or appear suspicious to
the public and airport security. In the process they managed to get close enough to be able to hear the conversation
that occurred in May 30,1995. Two days before McGinnis 18th birthday and ironically over a week before Alice’s
18th birthday as well. They share the same zodiacal sign Gemini. They were more than a couple in school. They
were soulmates.

Alice: Well, Imbecil de porqueria, hasta aqui; what a great ride. You are the man. I only wish you can find
a woman that can enjoy and love you as much as I did. I am not good at saying adios, idiota; then again,
goodbye my lust-and-logical man, my always man in black”. She told.

McGinnis: Alice, tu tambien eres especial; infeliz, idiota, irrevente e imbécil as well. You took me to the
limit in all ways. But it was one heavenly ride and one hell of a senior year. No te quito mas tiempo mi
amor. Goodbye my heavenly nightmare, my always Persuasive Sin” I said while hugging her. Indeed I
was crying. La realidad cruda. Que complicadas son las despedidas.

She got to her airplane. I went to the movies. I went home and play games. Maldita Soledad. If that bed
were able to talk, I would be in trouble. But it is time to move on. I will always love you my persuasive sin,
my heavenly nightmare. Siempre te amare, mi pesadilla celestial. I said to myself.

Then at my mother’s home…

Mrs. McGinnis: Darling… Are you ok? You look sad my dear.

McGinnis: Your damn right I am sad. Alice left.

Mrs. McGinnis: I understand my son. But I have a surprise for you.

McGinnis: A surprise? My birthday is in two days. I’m not in the mood mom, and you know why.

Mrs. McGinnis: Because of Alice? Because she left?

McGinnis: Absolutely. It was so romantic and sweet. I just left her at the airport. She decided to leave.
She will study medicine in Canada. I don’t know if I ever see her again. I can’t hold this sadness anymore.
I’m going to my room.

Mrs. McGinnis: Do you love her that much?

McGinnis: She is my first love. I don’t know if I ever can love another woman. There is something unique
about her that makes me feel alive. But she left; and, here I am, again on my own.

Mrs. McGinnis: Are you sure about that? Are you sure Alice won’t come back?

McGinnis: Of course, I am. Didn’t you see me going to the airport with her? She left mom!

Mrs. McGinnis: Yes, I did… But... see it for yourself honey.

And then, McGinnis eyes’ felt alive again. (song “Secret Love”)

McGinnis: My God Alice!!! You are back!!! I can’t believe my eyes.

Alice: I am back. I decided to stay my love. To never leave you. You and I are meant to be together. I’m
sorry if my sudden decision to leave hurt you baby.

McGinnis: Indeed, it hurt me; now you are back; but… you look different. Your hair is darker, and you face
is very pale but very beautiful; sorry, I mean two hours ago, your hair was red. And who is this girl? She
looks familiar. Do I know her?

Alice: My love, she is a great friend of mine. And I decided to give you this surprise. I died my hair black. I
don’t want to be rude. Darling will you please introduce yourself.

$@: Of course, my name is Sara Reed; you can call me Sara. Nice to meet you. I am accompanying my great friend
because I believe in true love. I want you to know that I was the one who convinced this beautiful girl not to go on
the plane. That you were and will be her future. Alice was stubborn, but in the end, I was able to convince her and
here we are celebrating life and celebrating true love. What an awesome day for you guys; I’m so happy.

Alice: Thank you sweetie. You are the best friend that any person can have. I love and adore you McGinnis. Don't
ask me the question because my answer is yes: I want to marry you. I want my future by your side, away from those
who have hurt you, including your father; that father who betrayed you when you saved Lilly, your great high school
friend, from rape. Your father doesn't deserve forgiveness for treating you like a freak. You deserve happiness my

McGinnis: That's the way it is and you're right. In two months, I planned to go with him and my sisters. But no.
You're here. We will get married; you are the love of my life. You look different. You’re the best birthday present

Alice: My love, can we use the bathroom in your room? I'm going to touch up my makeup, I want to make myself
beautiful for you. I'm so happy. I will marry the man I have always loved. This is the best day of our lives baby.

McGinnis: Go there. Here at your service girls. I wait for you in the living room.

Meanwhile in the bathroom. Alice’s friend is in awe about the events. She doesn’t care anymore about her identity.
She exposed the following.

Alice: Excellent what you just did and spoke. You were close to be recognized, did you know that? Its death wishes
and guts my sister. I loved it.

$ @: Yes Alice; or are you forgetting that it was me first before you. The only difference is that you achieved what
no other woman in school, not even I could: make him fall in love. This version of McGinnis literally loves you. I'm
jealous, but I'm happy for you. The important thing is that Miranda will never has him; so, I used her name, and I
can alter my looks just in case.

Alice: Don't be jealous. You had your chance to win him over, Miss Lilly Wilson. We are in this together; this is not
the time. Remember what happens to traitors Lilly; traitors die!!! I hope you never forget about that.

Lilly: I know and don’t forget sister. When will you tell McGinnis that you and I are twin sisters? The 2001
McGinnis died; this 1995 is more manageable. I had never seen a man feel everything for a woman. I envy you my

Alice: Well, I knew how to conquer him, and you failed; your’ bad. Now I don't have to worry about anything
anymore sister. Of course, we need you to keep pretending to be the ridiculous Dr. Reed. That idiot Doctor doesn't
know what to expect once we return to our current universe. My McGinnis and I are going to rule it all. No one will
be an obstacle in our way; and if someone wants to play superhero, they will also die. All the humiliations that the
McGinnis family and the bastard Miranda have done me, they are going to pay dearly and with their lives. What
time is it?

Lilly: It's 6 o'clock. Why? Is there a problem with the time?

Alice: Of course, it is a problem with this time. We must hurry. If we don't get out of this universe, we can screw up
the current one. Let's go.

They are in the living room. Alice and Lilly get there as well.

McGinnis: Mom, there is a change of plans. I want you to call Louis and tell her I'm not going to my dad's house
with them. I am not interested in resuming a relationship with a person who has treated me like garbage. I do not
wish him ill, because he is my father; but I'm not interested in forgiving him. My father can go to hell. Call Louis
and tell her I changed my plans. Sorry for them. I promised to call my father and sisters.

Mrs. McGinnis: But son, I can understand your hatred and fury; just tell me why this change of plans is based on?
Why did you change your mind so sudden? You already decide to move with your father and sisters.

McGinnis: Mom, I'm going to marry Alice. I know we are young, perhaps immature; but we have many goals in
common. I want to be a detective and I want my detective career with the woman I love. I want Alice to be my wife.
We meant to be together forever. I love this woman for real mom.

Mrs. McGinnis: Are you sure the important step you both want to take?

Alice: Mrs. McGinnis, I'm sure about all of this. We are sure about this decision. Trust me, I love your son like my
life, and he loves me; so, I will make him the happiest man alive. Can I call you mother-in-law? Better yet ... Can I
call you mom? I hope it doesn’t sound disrespectful to you.

Mrs. McGinnis: Thanks. I feel so flattered am so happy for both of us. You both have my blessing. Don't forget me
please. I’m always here for both of you. Anything you need don’t hesitate to call. Take care beloved ones.

Alice: Never!!! We will keep in touch mom. God bless you always. Take care. We’ll always love you. Let’s go my
love. Our new life will begin.

Mrs. McGinnis: I will always love you both. Take care and be good with yourselves. May God be the guiding light
you’re marriage.

Alice, Lilly, and McGinnis leave the house. Alice is super happy for what has happened. Now comes the second part
of her revenge. It is up to Alice to manipulate the mind of this version of McGinnis to fulfill her revenge. They
arrive at a place waiting for the right moment to return to the current universe. Alice is excited; McGinnis book did
the trick.

McGinnis: I’m so happy Alice; but, now what? What will happen?
Alice: Simple my love. You and me. Forever. We will be detectives. Just close your eyes my dear. Rest; have some
sleep. Tomorrow I will present to your new universe and live. I love you McGinnis.

McGinnis: This is the happiest day of my life. We are going to be the best detectives ever.

McGinnis falls asleep. Lilly and Alice are preparing everything for their return to the current universe.

Lilly: I won’t deny how scared I was of the black mass. But this? This is worse than everything we planned sister.
Can you make him kill his family in 2001?

Alice: baby girl. This McGinnis hates his family, and I will manipulate his mind to enhance that hatred towards my
enemies. And, as far as Dr. Reeds goes, I will accuse her of malpractice and fraud. She will pay too.

Lilly: Yes, I was the one that alters those documents. She thought that the documents side were basic ones. She
doesn’t know I tricked her. She will lose her job as well.

Alice: You see my sister. Everything is back in our control. Go rest, you have done a lot of great things for the good
cause. Vengeance is here!!!

Lilly: Have some sleep as well honey. I told you we are winners.

And then Alice got to bed, thinking about the future with McGinnis 1995.

Alice: Sleep my love. New emotions will happen from this day forward. What a nasty surprise for all my enemies.
You will be my personal instrument of pain, vengeance, and suffering. Nobody will stop me. Tony, you will die; all
my enemies will die, one by one. It will be a matter of time. You will see.

In this current universe… Miranda is serious and very concerned

Miranda: It's six in the morning. I've barely slept an hour. I have a bad feeling. I know I must not abuse this power
as it can do me more harm than good. I must do it; I feel the atmosphere very heavy and loaded. So, I will; I want to
know what the hell Alice is doing.

Miranda puts on the ring McGinnis gave her. Miranda feels an incredible strength, a possession. Miranda's soul
leaves her body. Once outside, she begins to travel. Miranda knows where Alice is; and in her astral form, she
begins to explore Alice's house.

Miranda: Damn crazy!!! You really are unhinged and insane. But ... where the hell are you? What the hell are you
up to that I don't see you at your house?

Miranda continues to travel throughout Alice's house. Suddenly she come to a red and black room. Miranda does not
need to open the door since in the astral form she can penetrate the walls. Once inside, Miranda is horrified by what
she sees.

Miranda: What is this?!!! Joseph!!! You are dead!!! How the hell?!!! And this is the corpse of McGinnis? Did this
stupid woman want to do black magic? You freak sick of the devil.

Chapter 6: Miranda’s dream is Alice’s Nightmare

Miranda is surprised to see Joseph's corpse. However, when she takes a detailed look at McGinnis' corpse, her
surprise and amazement is even greater.

Miranda: My God Joseph, you were loyal to the end. We will miss you great friend. I can't believe it; you didn't
deserve this disgusting ending. We are going to avenge your death.

Miranda continues to explore the room and suddenly sees Father Macario.

Miranda: What is this father doing here? Why does Alice want her father in this house?
Suddenly Father Macario begins to speak.

Father: Who is here? Please help. Someone gets me out of here!!!

Miranda: Can this father hear me? I'm going to talk to him. Father do you hear me?

Father: Yes, I can hear you, but why can't I see you?

Miranda: Father, it is my soul who speaks to you. You can't see me, but you can hear me. I don't have much time
Father. Tell me what happened here?

Father Macario: This girl is crazy. She wanted to do a black mass but couldn't. Then she left with a friend and an
accomplice. The only thing I managed to hear was something from a time travel. I have been in this cell for more
than 10 hours.

Miranda: Father, I must go, the exercise is mentally exhausting me. Be strong, we will help you soon.

Father Macario: Thank you daughter. God bless you. My faith keeps me on my feet. Vaya con Dios siempre.

Miranda returns to her body. This experiment may affect Miranda's twin pregnancy. However, arriving on time gave
Miranda the opportunity to rest. In a couple of hours, she's going to meet Russell whether Alice is present or not.
Louis prepares to take Miranda to the office.

Louis: I know your tense sister. But remember my advice: take it easy, I don't want my nephews to be affected by
this whole situation.

Miranda: And what remains to be learned. Last night I came out of my body again.

Louis: Miranda, are you crazy? You cannot abuse this experiment. You can have an abortion, did you know?

Miranda: I know; but this sudden absence of Alice is very suspicious. When we return from my meeting, I will tell
you why.

Louis: Ok Miranda. Come on, you're late. I know Russell is demanding and doesn't like being late. Let’s go darling.

Louis does Miranda a favor and takes her to the office. In the office Russell is waiting for her. Obviously, Alice is
not there. Russell He's uncomfortable and upset. Russell knows the differences between Alice and Miranda.
Although Alice is absent, Russell wants to talk to Miranda and the rest of the team.

Russell: Sorry for Alice's absence.

Miranda: Stupid sucker and idiot woman.

Russell: Miranda ... language; let's avoid profanity. I know you hate each other; I did my homework. This is no time
for fighting over men. We have a case to solve and a suspect to prosecute.

Miranda: I know boss. And I understand, perfectly, that Alice the garbage bag is the boss.

Russell: Miranda!!! Enough already!! I know that McGinnis was Alice's partner; but we cannot mix the past with the
present. Also, I need this case to be solved. I understand that the suspect is a friend of McGinnis, correct?

Miranda: Yes, boss that is correct. Tony’s is McGinnis high school friend. Can I ask you something about Tony and
the case?

Russell: Sure, you can. Anything you want to know.

Miranda: Is there enough evidence to prosecute Tony?

Russell: In fact, there is evidence. But not enough to prosecute Tony. If the evidence does not proceed then Tony
could be released from jail and, in his own right, sue the system for defamation. That's one of the reasons why I
wanted us all to be here. Although Alice is the boss, I feel like she is failing the trust I placed in her. I'm not
interested in us being a mockery of the system.

Miranda: I understand boss. But you must be more demanding with Alice. She has been irresponsible to everyone,
including you. Worse still, she has been irresponsible in creating controversies with McGinnis and negligent in
exposing the press to unnecessary violence. Now she says that the father of my children is alive, when I saw with
my own eyes his death at the hands of the police and ordered by herself.

Russell: Father of your children? Miranda, are you pregnant?

Miranda: Yes boss. I am six months pregnant.

Russell: This changes the plans completely. When Alice returns from where she is, I will be in command again. You
will work from home since I do not want anything to happen to your pregnancy. I want you to work on all the
evidence in the Love crimes case from your home.

Miranda: Excellent news Chief. We will not let you down. I tell us because I want to propose something to you.

Russell: What is the proposal? What do you want?

Miranda: I want Barbaro Conde to work with the team, especially with me from my home. Do you authorize me to
have Conde on the team?

Russell: If Conde helps us solve the case, of course he does. The government of Puerto Rico is questioning me about
the case, and we have to solve it. Go home, rest; I'm going to solve a lot of things with Alice. I am going to put it in
her place; since she is failing me in everything I have asked off.

Miranda: Ok Chief, I can contact Alice. As a matter of fact, I will pay a visit to Alice tonight. And from today,
Conde will be working with me and for the team. Good afternoon, Boss.

Russell: If you can contact Alice, you will be doing me a great favor Miranda. Thanks. Good afternoon, Miranda.
Let's talk later.

Miranda called Louis. Louis picked her up at the front of the office and as promised, they went to lunch.

Miranda: What truly awaits Alice is something she don’t expect. Russell is going to remove her from office if she
doesn't catch up on the case. It bothers me about Tony. There is not enough evidence to incriminate him. That's
dangerous because they can fabricate a case for Tony; so, death penalty is almost there for him.

After Miranda and Louis have lunch together. They come to the big house.

Miranda: I don't know what Alice is up to; but tonight, I'll give you a visit.

Louis: Are you sure you do? This experiment is draining and dangerous.

Miranda: I know; it is very dangerous, but her absence is suspicious, and I have to find out what is happening, and I
have to find out ASAP. So, Louis, we have to get ready for tonight. Once I know what she is doing, I will rest. I
want you to know that Russell pulled Alice out of her position. Alice will no longer be my boss. That will infuriate
Alice to the moon. And with what I'm going to do to her tonight, maximum humiliation.

Louis: Well, my love, do it. I'll help you. Let's go to the room to get ready.

While the girls are preparing in the secret room, Alice is also preparing to return to the current universe. Alice and
Lilly accomplished the unbelievable. They both managed to cross the timeline and bring back the 1995 McGinnis.
The three arrive at Alice's house. Alice is more than happy for everything that has happened as she should not be if
she has McGinnis by her side.

Alice: My love; we have reached our home. Just you and me, as it always should have been.
McGinnis: Of course, my love. This is my dream come true. I am with the woman I love and who never stops
loving. I feel so happy.

Alice: That's how I want you to sit with me. We will start working as detectives soon. We will be the best. I know
you want to be with me tonight, intimately. But just for tonight I want you to sleep in this room. Tomorrow will be
another story my love.

McGinnis: No problem. I will know how to wait for you. I love you, Alice. Good night and sleep well.

Back to the big house.

Louis: Miranda, everything is ready. You say when we start.

Miranda: Excellent. Stay with me and take care of my body. I am going to detach my soul in order to begin my
astral journey. Alice is going to have the most disgusting surprises of her life, I guarantee that.

Louis: You are the hell, Miranda. But it's all to humiliate that stupid Alice. Humiliating her is worth gold. So don't
waste your time anymore and start the ritual.

Alice is in her private room. She is very happy; Suddenly, Alice sees McGinnis in front of her. Alice smiles and
seductively invites him to her bed.

Alice: What a pleasant surprise my love. You can't wait for tomorrow, can you? How much do you want me

McGinnis: I want you more than you know. I want your kisses, your caresses, your essence and all your sexual

Alice: Wow McGinnis, you really make me so happy. Come wait no more, I am yours.

McGinnis climbs into bed with Alice. He begins to kiss her passionately; then he hugs her tenderly. Alice feels in
the clouds. Suddenly, McGinnis begins to squeeze her by the neck.

Alice: What the hell is wrong with you?!!! Let go of me I tell you. Let go of me that you are suffocating me.

McGinnis: But you didn't want something wild my love? What is your fear? Take a good look at me my love, this is
a killer hahahahaha.

Before Alice's eyes, McGinnis transforms. Alice is more than surprised.

Alice: Damn you!!! How could you get here?

Miranda: You're not the only one who can play with the dark side damn retarded. This is my hello, toilet trash bag

Alice: Damn you!!! Why can't I touch you? What the hell is going on here?

Miranda: This hit is for wanting to take McGinnis from me while he was alive.

Miranda gives Alice a tremendous beating. Miranda begins to strangle Alice.

Alice: Help!!! This bastard is killing me. Help!!!!

Lilly, running as fast as she can, made it to Alice's room.

Lilly: sister what's up? Why are you with those bruises and blood in your nose and mouth?

Alice: the unfortunate Miranda entered my room and attacked me.

Lilly: Impossible. There is no one here but us, Father Macario and McGinnis are in their room. Nobody else. I
swear. I have been awake at all times.

Alice: Now I understand what she did… Maldita seas… but I have a surprise for you Miranda…

Alice is beyond furious. She was humiliated by Miranda in the most incredible way possible.

Alice: This idiot thinks that victory is assured. I'm going to finish her. But first I have to see McGinnis. I have to be
sure of what I saw. Miranda I'm going to humiliate you ... I swear!

Miranda is back at the big house.

Miranda: What a night!!! Damn Alice, I gave you the beating of your life. That cute little face I made you pieces and
what is missing. You are no longer my boss. My revenge has begun.

Chapter 7: Justice is in her soul

Miranda is more than happy for what she did to Alice. Justice in her soul. It really was her night. Dawn is coming;
and just when she goes to sleep, she starts to feel the constraints. Miranda realizes that her water broke. She is going
to give birth but is barely 7 months pregnant.

Miranda: Louis, Anny, Mr. McGinnis!!! Help!!! I think I'm going into labor.

Louis: That can't be!!! You are barely 7 months or 32 weeks pregnant.

Mr. McGinnis: Let's save that conversation for later. Start the car and we go to the hospital but now!!! Anny pack a
backpack for Miranda. I will call you when I go to look for it.

Anny: Ok Dad. Go quickly, there is no time to lose.

Indeed, the constraints get stronger. They all arrive at the hospital. Miranda tries to control herself but feels a lot of
pain, within the joy of being a mother.

Mr. McGinnis: Nurse, please help us. My daughter-in-law is in labor.

The nurses take Miranda to the delivery room to begin the whole process. The girls are anxious. Mr. McGinnis is
happy but missing his son. His grandchildren are yet to be born; that fills him with joy. But he feels sad about not
having his son.

Meanwhile Alice receives a call from Russell.

Alice: Hello. Russell?

Russell: Yes Alice. I need you to come to my office today.

Alice: Ok, I'll go to your office today. What time?

Russell: As soon as possible. But if you are in business, I want you in the office on or before noon.

Alice: Ok; I'll be with you at 12 noon. Count on me.

Russell: I hope so. We have many things to talk about.

Alice is thinking about the future conversation. Everything for Alice is suspicious; she’s smart and how knows to
handle the emotions of her enemies. Alice goes to the room where McGinnis is.

Alice: Good morning my love. How are you doing?

McGinnis: Good morning sweetheart. I’m doing more than fine.

Alice: I'm going out to meet my boss in a couple of hours. My boss wants to see you, but it won't be today. Also,
mmmm I want us to play mom and dad. You want it? Do you really want it?

McGinnis: Sure, my love; I've missed you all this time. I love you.

And so, they both play mom and dad, if you know what I mean. Not even the pain of Miranda's blows prevented
Alice and McGinnis from enjoying this intimate and sexual moment. As in high school, the two became one.

Alice: My love ... how happy I feel to have you by my side.

McGinnis: I'm happy too. I never want to be separated from you; never ever.

Alice: That won't happen. You are mine and I am yours. You and me against our enemies. Nobody will beat us

McGinnis: We will finish them all. Whoever crosses our path will die. Never doubt that my love.

Alice: Well, my king, after this exquisite moment of pleasure, I have to meet with my boss. You will meet him soon.
I'm just going to ask you a favor.

McGinnis: Tell me. What you want. What can I do for you, my love?

Alice: Don't leave the house. I want you to rest. I want you to prepare for your new life. This is your new universe.
And soon we will be husband and wife. Give me a kiss that I'm leaving.

McGinnis: I love you. That everything goes well in the meeting. Bring me food from Taco Bell please.

Alice: For you the whole world. Rest well. See you later, honey.

Alice rushes out to see Russell. Once she gets to the office, Russell impatiently allows her into his office.

Alice: Russell, here I am. What is the urgency? Can you tell me?

Russell: Simple, I put a lot of trust in you. But I see that you've been failing me in every way. Therefore, from now
on, you are no longer the team leader. I remove you from your position. I return to assume the position of boss.

Alice: But Russell ... why is this? I promised you that we were going to solve the case, put Tony on trial, and settle
my personal differences with stupid Miranda.

Russell: That's the detail. None of this is happening and I am not interested in my agency being the mockery of
everyone. My decision is final and firm. I'm very sorry Alice. You can go.

Alice is irate. Then she proceeds to stare at him. Russell falls heavily to the floor. Alice gives the boss a heart
attack. The ambulance tries to resuscitate him but to no avail. Russell dies.
Alice: Damn old man ... you thought you were going to remove me from my position. Now you're dead and I'll still
be the boss. Miranda, I'm going to get even with you. Now I am going to schedule a press conference and at that
conference, I will announce the return of McGinnis.

Alice leaves the office. Meanwhile Miranda is beginning to give birth.

Miranda: I am more than happy!!! My twins were born. This is the best day of my life. I am so happy.

Suddenly… an unexpected visitor.

Nurse: Miss you have a visitor.

Miranda: Who is it? ¿Quién ha llegado a esta hora?

Nurse: A lady, who came to congratulate you.

And then…

Alice: Hello Miranda. How you’re doing my favorite ho? How cute and beautiful your children. We need to talk

Miranda: How dare you come here? I'll call the police!!!

Alice: The police won't do anything. Neither does Russell. So, calm down mom, do what I say or your children die.
You are not the only one that can detach her soul.

Miranda: if you do something to my children, I will kill you!!!

Alice: don't be ridiculous. Do you think you have the power? You will have something, but never the power
Miranda. I would have liked to cause you to have an abortion; but because of your ambition to hurt me, you
advanced your delivery. I'm going to finish you; but not now. We have to work together even if you make me

Miranda: Get out of here, you pathetic moron!!!

Alice: Manners Miranda. I can kill your children and you can't do anything about it. The beating last night, I'm
going to charge you, believe me. But not now; I'm going to collect it when you least imagine it. So, take it easy.
Change of plans. I’m calling for a truce.

Miranda: A truce? You don't believe that yourself; what the hell do you want? Don't you get tired of so much

Alice: Annoy you? That turns me on, and I love it. I will never tire of making your life a living hell. I give you
credit, you have learned a lot from McGinnis's books. But I am always and always will be two steps ahead of
everyone, including my salapatrous dog poop. I would kill you right now, but no ... I have more distinction,
category, and intelligence. I see you my dear, many surprises will come.

And Alice left the hospital leaving Miranda so angry and upset for this unexpected visit now Miranda realized that
Alice has the same powers as her. Miranda ignores that Alice just already killed Russell. The only thing that worries
her a lot is the safety of her children. Miranda wants to know if Alice did bring back McGinnis.

Chapter 8: Revenge is on her mind

Alice is more than happy as she hurt Miranda by going to the hospital. Alice recognizes that Miranda is dangerous,
as she is, because she also has the power to transport herself with her soul in astral travel. However, Alice has the
advantage, since there is no official change of command for the assassinated Russell, which means that no one can
proof what happened between them.

Alice: Old man, you wanted to own all this again; but you're already dead, you're not going anywhere. Now I am
still the boss, and everyone must obey me. If someone betray me, they will die.

Suddenly Lily calls Alice

Lilly: are you OK? I need to know what's going on. There is a scandal on the news; they say that Robert Russell
passed away. Is that true? Tell me answer me please.

Alice: your right sister; that old stupid man wanted to take me out of my position. I did what I have to do. I killed
him. Now, I'm still the boss; and everybody, at the agency, must obey. Otherwise, they will die. How's everything
with Padre Macario?

Lilly: The father is ok; he is anxious and wants to know what are we going to do with him?
Alice: Tell the father that he must take it easy if he wants to stay alive.

Lilly: OK sister; I will let him know. Are you coming home?

Alice: I will be with you in an hour. I need some stuff to take care of; these issues are very important.

Lilly: OK sister; what about McGinnis? what are you gonna do with him?

Alice: McGinnis is the biggest surprise that I have for everybody including his family.

Lilly: are you going to present McGinnis to the press? you will surprise his family, believe that.

Alice: that's what I want my sister can't wait to provoke a heart attack to his old father.

Alice hung up the call. She is thinking about the murders committed in the past 48 hours. McGinnis, Joseph, and
now Russell. She is more than happy. She brought the 1995 version of McGinnis to this world. Even though, she has
the control, Alice understands how dangerous Miranda is, was and will be. But Miranda's weakness, right now, is
her children. Alice wants to manipulate that weakness for her advantage. Indeed, Alice has revenge on her mind.
Alice has arrived home.

Lilly: Thank God you are here sister. I’m worried about you. Is Russell dead officially?

Alice: Don’t be worried about me sister. Indeed, sister. Russell is dead. I called the press. But I have to prepare a
statement. Right now, her widow Darian needs us more than ever.

Lilly: Alice, you are the beast incarnate. What about McGinnis? What will happen with him?

Alice: oh, my dear. He is the ice on the cake. Everybody will be in shock.

Lilly: This is insane and incredible. It will be a total shock for everybody, including myself.

Alice: Relax sister. Now, it’s your turn to frame Dr. Reeds. She is Miranda’s friend, and you need to hurry up. We
must take care and get rid of her as well.

Lilly: Count on it. Just give me two days and everything will be set.

Alice: Excellent!!! Dr. Reed, you will pay too. All my enemies will pay!!!

Two days later, Miranda is discharged. Her children are healthy; but that doesn't take away the worry of Alice's
threat. Nor can Miranda get out of her mind the fact that Alice promised to bring McGinnis back. There are many
questions that Miranda has in mind. While Louis is guiding, Miranda is thinking about her next step. Miranda knows
that she should be precise in everything she does. Miranda knows how dangerous and vindictive Alice is. But she
also knows that Alice is afraid of her and that is a great advantage that Miranda has, and Alice hates to admit.

Miranda: My children are healthy. Although premature, they look very robust, a very unusual quality in babies born
prematurely. Most of these babies are born with certain conditions and underweight. My babies weighed about 7
pounds each. Thanks God. Now I have to take care of myself; this maniac daughter of the great pig, is not going to
rest until she hurts me and the whole family. I am going to rest. Tomorrow will be another strong and challenging
day. Depending on how events unfold, I will make another astral visit to that idiot Alice.

Meanwhile Alice is planning everything she will do during the day. Alice is still with vengeance on her mind.

Alice: With Russell dead, I can manipulate the evidence and get Tony sentenced to death without parole, not even
the right to appeal the case. To make this more forceful, I have to frame Dr. Reed. Poor stupid. she ignores that Lilly
Wilson, her assistant, made her sign some false documents. Dr. You were the cause of McGinnis' coma and the
diagnosis of fake pills; pills that turned out to be hallucinogenic. That is why I was able to invade his mind and
recreate the story of the Kings of the Night.

Lilly arrives at Alice's bedroom. Alice was waiting for her.

Lilly: What are you thinking sister? Did some last minutes change happen?

Alice: I brought you with deep thought. For tomorrow you have an extremely important mission.

Lilly: Tell me, what is it? What do I have to do?

Alice: You're going to go to Dr. Reed's office and do your work shift as usual. Act normal, so anything suspicious
can happen there with the doctor.

Lilly: That’s cool Alice. No problem with that.

Alice: Sister, let me ask you something. At what time do you leave the shift tomorrow?

Lilly: Well, I'll be there from 10am to 3pm. Why?

Alice: It's the perfect time. While you're on shift, I want you to look up the documents signed by Dr. Reed. In those
documents that she signed, there is an admission of malpractice with McGinnis.

Lilly: The amazing thing is that she didn't notice the double sheet. She thought she had signed the hospital
admission. How silly and stupid she was.

Alice: Don't forget the drug prescriptions. That will be checkmate and the job of that pig will go down the toilet.
How the harpies will fall. Are you clear on what you will do tomorrow?

Lilly: Clearer than water. One last question I will ask.

Alice: Very good; take advantage and clarify your doubts. Lilly, I don't want mistakes of any kind.

Lilly: Okay. I finish my shift at 3 in the afternoon; my question is the following: what time will you give the press

Alice: Excellent your question. The Press Conference will be at 5 in the afternoon, during the prime time of Las
Noticias. At noon I will give the exclusive to the press, including La Comay, the dirty old woman who studies at

Lilly: Don't joke with La Petra as it is an excellent school with very good students and an excellent English teacher.

Alice: That's true specially the English teacher. Back to our story, you have all the time to prepare that file and thus
end once and for all with Dr. Reed. Is everything in order?

Lilly: Sure, you do. Count on that. Tomorrow you will fulfill your mission and our enemies will fall. Let's rest. We
need to save a lot of energy for tomorrow. Do you want something to drink before bed?

Alice: Give me a Bloody Mary. This must be final and firm. You and I will deliver the knockout blow. Let's go to
sleep sister. Tomorrow is going to be a great day.

The night passes with relative normality. However, the enemies, Alice and Miranda are anxious. They both want to
end each other. Both are ignorant of what the other is planning; but they know that today will be a dangerous and
decisive day. Lilly is getting ready to do her shift and what Alice entrusted her to do, a very dangerous mission but
vital to Alice's success.

Lilly: Alice, I'm ready for my turn now. Anything else you want me to do?

Alice: I don't think so. Everything is set. You will finish your work shift and take out those documents. When you
leave at 3 on your shift, you call me; So, I review what I have on the agenda. Already at 5 in the afternoon, I am
going to give the power bomb to all my enemies. It’s a bombshell baby.
Lilly: You are a being of pure evil. But it must be done if we want to defeat our enemies. I am only concerned with
the '95 McGinnis. I know you can manipulate it at will; however, you cannot be angry with me for this doubt. I have
to go. See you later sister.

Alice: Take care. I can’t wait for this day to unfold. I’m going to set this place on fire. It is going to be one hell of a

Chapter 9: Dr. Reed’s unholy secret

Meanwhile Miranda is in the big house. The McGinnis family is with her. Suddenly, Louis turns on the television to
watch the news; they are tremendously surprised when the reporter says the following:

GR: Stop the Presses!!! Ms. Dumas has a message for the people of Puerto Rico, let's see.

Alice: People of Puerto Rico; this afternoon, at 5 in the afternoon, I am going to call the press to give the final
details on the case of the love’s crimes. I also mention the irreparable loss of who was our agency head, Mr. Robert
Russell, and a great surprise that I have for everyone. I will only tell you that today our team is reinforced and the
suspect in these crimes will be prosecuted, and the death penalty will be applied. Thank you and see you at 5 in the

GR: Those are the statements of Ms. Alexis Laree Dumas; it only remains for us to wait for the official statements,
when the press conference takes place, today at 5 in the afternoon. I inform you for Prime News, Gerardo Rivera.

Miranda: I hate you, Alice. I really want to kill you like a mangy dog. That's what you are damn mangy.

Louis: Calm down Miranda. I know you hate her; But don't let that hatred cloud your thinking. Channel that fury
and you will see how justice is done.

Miranda: You are absolutely right. I'm going to that press conference.

Louis: Are you crazy? That would be suicide!!!

Miranda: No Louis. She has an ego to feed. She's going to want to show off and steal the show. I'm interested in the
lie that McGinnis got back with her. That is what I want to see.

Louis: Well, in any case, I'll go with you. We have to prepare.

Miranda: We have to be well prepared. I can expect anything from Alice, and we have already evidenced it.

The hours pass and everyone prepares for the press conference. But hours before...

Dr. Reed: Lilly ... are you okay? Is something wrong with you?

Lilly: Yes, Doctor; everything is all right. Why the question?

Dr. Reed: Even though you have sick days, you have been absent from the office, without notifying me. I notice you
suspicious. Again… are you sure everything is fine?

Lilly: Don't worry Doctor Reed. Everything is in order and there is no problem at all.

Dr. Reed: Ok. I'm sorry for the loss of Mr. McGinnis. Good detective.

Lilly: I'm not sorry, some deaths; never mind Doctor. Not everything that the eyes see is true. By the way ... are you
going to watch the press conference?
Dr. Reed: Of course, I want to see it. That case has me worried. Deaths continue to occur, and nothing has been done
about it. Now with the death of Mr. McGinnis everything is has been delayed.

Lilly: You are absolutely right on that. I am glad that you are going to see the press conference; believe me there are
going to be many surprises.

Dr. Reed: If you say so, now I'm going to see it with more reason. Well Lilly, it's time to go out, the shift is over. As
always, I thank you for everything you do for the office.

Lilly: Thank you for the trust. Anything else you need?

Dr. Reed: Nothing else. Rest Lilly Wilson; good afternoon.

And then, Lilly makes a call to Alice:

Lilly: sister, I already have everything that you asked for.

Alice: Excellent my love. You're the best. Come here now.

Lilly: I will be there; but I have a gossip for you, better than the ones they say in La Comay.

Alice: Throw it in the middle, without fear. Go ahead and say it.

Lilly: Dr. Gargajo, I mean Dr. Reed, is going to see the press conference.

Alice: Really? Do not joke with that. This is serious sister.

Lilly: It is serious my sister. She will see the conference from her work office.

Alice: This is great. Great news. In her office she will be the surprise of the century. Sister come to the house, quick;
you are going to assist me in the conference.

Lilly walked out of Dr. Reed's office. She got into her car and drove as fast as possible to get to Alice. Lilly has the
documents Alice requested of her.

Lilly: Here are the documents my sister. Do you want to review them in case something is missing?

Alice: Let's go over them. I trust you, Lilly; this is excellent work. But I want you to understand how important it is
to avoid mistakes. We already have half the war won; however, it is not half that I want. I want to win the entire
war. So, let's go over what you have in your hands.

Lilly: Then get to work. This is the file where the McGinnis accident is discussed.

Alice: Amazing. We are going to remove this document and now only the document remains where she mentions
the malpractice that she practiced with McGinnis.

Lilly: I did the same in this other one too. Get her to sign a document where the Dr. prescribes some medications
and administers serums through the vein at the hospital. But I changed his medications; and what McGinnis received
during the coma period was hallucinogens.

Alice: So, I did use McGinnis books and manage to invade his mind in that time. What was a dream for McGinnis
was an alternate reality created by my mental power and, also, Dr. Reed's malpractice; sister you are the best.

Lilly: With these documents, is it enough for what you want to do?

Alice: Enough and even left over for dessert my queen. It's already 4:30 in the afternoon. Let's get ready. We have to
get beautiful and elegant for the occasion.

On the other hand, Miranda and the McGinnis family are also preparing to watch the press conference.
Mr. McGinnis: What a heavy day it has been. Let's see how low Alice comes today.

Miranda: Don't worry. I personally will go there.

Louis: Miranda, are you sure you do that? Don't you think that could be dangerous?

Miranda: I know it's dangerous. At one of those conferences McGinnis died. But I have to be there. She swears and
swears that McGinnis is alive. For me, Alice is a liar and I mention that to save time.

Mr. McGinnis: I understand you perfectly. We are going to do the following: I am going to accompany you; if
something goes wrong, we run out of the place.

Miranda: Ok. I accept the proposal. I am clear that this is not the time to fight, and that Alice is in her element. Mr.
McGinnis it's already 4:30 in the afternoon. Let's go.

4:45 in the afternoon. They all reached their destination. In fifteen minutes, it will be Alice's conference for the
people of Puerto Rico. The entire town is waiting for all the important processes and announcements that will be
spoken at the conference. The Prime News, La Comay and the Puerto Rico government press are already in their
positions. Alice is talking to Lilly.

Alice: How do I look? Am I pretty for today’s occasion?

Lilly: You look like a magazine model my sister. You're the best. Show off as only you know how to do it.

Alice: Thank you my queen. I want you to know that McGinnis is here. He will be the main event for today’s press

Lilly: Really? This is going to be at the level of madhouses. I settle into my chair. I wish all the success for you, my
sister; Today is your big day and we will celebrate big at night.

Alice gives Lilly a smile. The conference is about to start. Alice is unaware of Miranda's arrival with Mr. McGinnis.
They go through security without any problem. Also arriving at the press conference is the widow Darian Russell.
Darian, she sees Miranda, but Miranda gestures at her so that Alice is not aware of the presence of Mr. McGinnis
and Miranda. Darian understands the message and goes close to where Alice is going to deliver her message.

5:00 in the afternoon. The country comes to a standstill and the press conference begins.

Gerardo Rivera: Good afternoon, everyone. People of Puerto Rico, government press, written press, Prime News
and La Comay, thank you for being here and once again welcome. With nothing more to add, we start the press
conference. With you, Ms. Alexis Laree Dumas.

Alice: Thank you dear Gerardo; did you study in Petra? Very good students come from there. Now, let's go to what
the people want to know. As an agency we have managed to lower the crime rate in San Juan. Since we have a
suspect in the love crimes case, there have been no more deaths. However, we mourn the irreparable loss of our
former boss, Robert Russell, and our autopsy technician Joseph Jacobs. They will always be in our hearts.

Miranda: Hypocrite. I would give you the beating you deserve so much.

Mr. McGinnis: Easy Miranda. Let her speak.

Alice continues with her speech.

Alice: The suspect Anthony "tony" will receive the death penalty for the recorded murders. Tony's execution will be
in two weeks. My Agency is committed to eradicating fraud and corruption from this country. Therefore, and in my
hands, I have a very important documentation. Before you, I order the immediate arrest of Dr. Reed, for fraud and
malpractice in her duties. She was the cause of the coma to my beloved McGinnis and in turn prescribed some
medications that caused hallucinations. That Doctor is corrupt and must be arrested. Like I said, arrest her now!!!
While in Dr. Reed's office...

Dr. Reed: Those are false accusations. What the hell is that woman talking about? I don't even know her!!!

In those moments the police arrive…

Police: Open the door!!! We know it's there. You are under arrest.

Dr. Reed: I have the right to hire an attorney. These accusations are lies.

Police: Nobody takes away your rights. But right now, you are under arrest. Anything you say can and will be used
against you.

The police take Dr. Reed away. Alice is notified about the event.

Alice: Ladies and gentlemen here, I have great news for you. The Police have just arrested the corrupt, thief, cheater,
and irresponsible Dr. Sara Reed. Another achievement of our agency which works for the welfare of the people of
Puerto Rico.

Miranda: Sara? My friend? Those accusations cannot be true.

Mr. McGinnis: Although I don't put my hands on fire for anyone, I know Alice has something to do with these
accusations. But time will tell; and it will prove us right.

Alice is more than happy for everything that is happening.

Alice: Now comes the Main Event. It's a shame that Russell can't be with us in the face of his unexpected death. But
I respectfully ask Darian to come forward because I made a promise to her husband; and I will fulfill it.

Miranda begins to feel very anxious; she senses the worst.

Miranda: Mr. McGinnis I think the time has come.

Mr. McGinnis: Let's see what happens.

And then Alice...

Alice: Ladies and gentlemen, today before you I announce the return to our team, of the one and only Hector
Manuel McGinnis.

The press and all those present are amazed at such an incredible and unexpected announcement.

Gerardo: This is incredible. McGinnis had died. How can it be that he is alive now?

Alice: simple my dear Gerardo. Let's say a return to the past to solve the present and complete the future. I want
everyone to know that we will get married and take this agency to another level. I know they don't believe me; but
an image speaks louder than a thousand words. With nothing more to add, I present to you the one and the only
Hector M. McGinnis!!!

And history is about to happens before our very eyes.

Chapter 10: Hostile takeover

Everybody at the Press Conference were in shock. Indeed, is McGinnis alive and well; Miranda and Mr. McGinnis
are surprised as well. It is an incredible moment. McGinnis has returned!!!

Miranda: This can't be?!!! It's your son!!!

Mr. McGinnis: No ... He's not my son, Miranda.

Miranda: How is it not your son? Look!!! Damn it, it's him!!!

Mr. McGinnis: Calm down!!! It is not my son who died here.

And McGinnis addresses the audience...

McGinnis: Hello people of Puerto Rico. Today I address you with the utmost respect. I am happy because I have
returned to the woman I love. I am happy because we have clarified this case and the suspect is going to serve the
death penalty. It's true that Tony is my friend from high school; but nobody is above the law. So, I urge everyone on
the team to join us. Alice and I will get married and be the leaders of the agency. Therefore, my exhortation is final
and firm. Do you have any questions?

And just then Miranda comes up front.

Miranda: Hi McGinnis, so long. Welcome back.

McGinnis: Miranda? Where do I know you from?

Miranda: Of course, we know each other; do you want to know more?

Alice interferes in a hostile way.

Alice: Excuse me Miss Valentine. You have nothing to talk about with my future husband. Be a professional.

Miranda: I am a professional. So, what's wrong with you? What are you afraid off? Are you jealous? As I can see,
he is in love with you. We are also co-workers, so before I go...

Miranda walks up to McGinnis and hugs him. Then she kisses him close to his lips, which makes the 1995
McGinnis shudder. Alice is beyond enraged.

Alice: How dare you kiss my future husband?

Miranda: Your future husband? We'll see. But for the good of the team, I will work alongside you as I should. You
are having fun now Alice; but your fun will be over. I guarantee you that.

Alice: You want war jealous idiot from hell?

Mr. McGinnis interferes in the conflict between Alice and Miranda.

Mr. McGinnis: Let's go Miranda; it is not worth arguing with her.

Alice: At least this old man is smart. Hear his advice “partner”.

Mr. McGinnis: Do me a favor and shut your mouth. Physically he looks like my son, but he is not my son, and I am
going to show it.

And suddenly, McGinnis confronts his father.

McGinnis: And what the hell are you doing here? Why are you with this woman? You betrayed me, you damn old
man. Get out of my way, because I can kill you right now in front of all these people.

Alice: Pay attention to your son, we don't want any more tragedies. If you know what I mean.

Mr. McGinnis: You are not my son; not the son who, despite the differences, we were together until the end. Yes, I
see a lot of evil in your eyes and a lot of fury. But in your face, I say to you and to the toilet face of your little
woman, you are not my son; you are a phony, an impostor just like Alice.

McGinnis: An impostor? Damn old man, die!!!

Miranda: How dare you insult your father? Are you nuts “McGinnis”?

McGinnis: And who the hell do you think you are?!!!

Miranda: Who am I? A woman, your woman. But the colleague is afraid and is jealous of my presence. Get used to
me because we will work together. And together, I will make you mine again.

Alice: You are very daring and arrogant. Just because we're a team doesn't mean you were hinting at my husband.
Find yours and leave mine alone. You are envious from me.

Miranda: The problem is that "your husband" is the only man I like. He is my man, darling. But from woman to
woman, I warn you: McGinnis is, was and will always be mine, co-worker. Believe that.

Alice is enraged; but out of nowhere, Miranda gives her a tremendous punch in the face. McGinnis comes to Alice's
defense. Mr. McGinnis comes out in defense of Miranda.

Miranda: Look into my eyes, McGinnis. Tell me you don't feel anything for me. Come on… I dare you!!!

Alice: My love, don’t listen to his scumbag; ignore her. She doesn't know what she's saying, much less what she's

Miranda: Alice, what are you afraid off? He loves you. You know that I am more beautiful than you. I have the
balance, I am perfect; and you are only the dark and wild side, nothing more.

Miranda walks up to McGinnis. He takes two steps towards Miranda and they both stare at each other.

McGinnis: I don't know who you are, but I can't help it; I feel this attraction to you. You are so beautiful Miranda.

Alice: Damn you McGinnis!!! Look me in the eyes. Look at me!!!

Alice manages to keep that contact fixed in the eyes of McGinnis. He turns around and gives Alice a huge kiss.

Alice: You see stupid idiot. My man has only lips, eyes and all his essence for me. He is mine Miranda. Only

Miranda: Liar. Time will tell like it is and, it will expose the truth.

Mr. McGinnis: Alice, you damn pig, that's not my son. You are lying.

Alice: My love, your father is denying the fact that you are his son. What are you going to do about it? Remember
he turned his back on you. Remember his betrayal towards you.

McGinnis: Are you denying me you stupid old man? All the damage you have done to me you will pay for it now!!!
I’m sick and tired of you. Now I will have my vengeance. Time to die my father.

McGinnis begins to beat up his father; security is aware of what is happening. Alice is more than smiling.

Alice: Nobody interferes; or I will get you fired from your jobs. That old man wanted to attack my husband and now
he is paying the price. So, step aside or you will pay the price.

Miranda: What are you doing? You are an abuser. He is an old man. Drop it McGinnis, you're going to kill him!!!
Stop it!!! Stop it now!!!

McGinnis: No!!! I will kill him!!! Corrupt, cheater and thief. You stink pig from hell!!! Die now!!!

McGinnis senior is on the floor covered in blood. Miranda interferes and tries to help; but Alice points a revolver at
her face.

Alice: If you take one step forward, your children will be orphans in no time. Make your choice, live, or die, you
decide hahahaha.
95 'McGinnis continues to hurt his father badly. His father can barely move; he is dying.

McGinnis: My love, please give me the gun. I'm going to kill this scum of a human being now. I’m going to get my revenge on
this backstabber.

Miranda: If you are going to kill your father, you will have to kill me too. Show me you got the balls. Go ahead, do it!!!

McGinnis stops. Miranda really has him spellbound. Alice is beyond upset by all this.

Alice: My love kills them both. I order it to you!!! Kill them now!!! Kill them in the name of the love we have for each other.
They are enemies. They are the ones that hurt you in the past. Pull the trigger now!!!

McGinnis: My love everything you said is true; they are our enemies, and they have to die.

Miranda, in a desperate act, kisses McGinnis on the mouth. He violently pushes her to the ground.

Alice: Kill them!!! Kill them!!! Oh my God, what a moment!!!

McGinnis: yes, my love I will. I hate you father. Miranda you are beautiful, but like my dad, you have to die.

Alice: Yeah!!! Kill them. What a thrill!!! This is your ultimate proof of love. I love you McGinnis.

And just when McGinnis was going to pull the trigger… The building's lights go out abruptly. An eerie music begins to play.
Alice is in shock.

Alice: What the hell is going on here?!!! What is this music?!!! Turn on the freaking lights!!! Turn them on now!!! This is a sick
joke you bastard!!!

Miranda is amazed. Miranda looks at the roof of the building. Then, she listens to the same music as she did the first
time. Security does not know what to do since the building is in total darkness. The city of San Juan is in total
darkness. Although the reporters had already left, the chaos caused them to crowd outside the building. They were
waiting for Alice to come out.

Miranda: I knew it. This is awesome. Yes, you are a phony Alice. I feel your presence my love, my McGinnis. I
know it's you and not this impostor. I know you are here. You are here my McGinnis.

Alice: What are you talking about? Shut your useless and stupid mouth. This man, my man, is the real McGinnis.

Miranda: If he is the real McGinnis then why are you shaking? Impostor!!! That's what he is. A cheap impostor.

They both look at the ground; to the surprise of the two women, Mr. McGinnis is missing, not even the pool of
blood where he was after the beating, he received. Alice and McGinnis decide to leave the place in a hurry. Miranda
is still surprised by everything that has happened. Then, after ten minutes, the lights came back.

Miranda: This is incredible and supernatural. But I am already convinced of the truth. He is an impostor. My God,
where is Mr. McGinnis? How could he disappear from the building?

Louis: I don’t know. I’m scared. I can feel him as well.

Alice: Shut up both of you. Your brother, the man with me, is the real McGinnis. And that is the undeniable fact.

Louis: You shut up!!! You awoke the real demon. Let’s go Miranda.

Once Miranda and Louis leave the building, she is harassed by reporters. They ask what happened in the building.
GR: Ms. Miranda. What happened after the press conference? Why all this scandal and mess?

Miranda: Gerardo and all of you here. Listen up; there are things that cannot be explained now. Also, if I try to
explain it, you will not believe them either. But I'm sure the truth will come out. Alice is in controversy. Please,
leave me alone, I have no comments. Thank you and good night.
The press is concerned. The news and even La Comay did not stop commenting on what happened. In fact, everyone
speculated since no one knew exactly what happened, beyond a ten-minute blackout that left all of San Juan without
power. Alice and McGinnis are back home; Lilly had already arrived and was waiting for them.

Lilly: Good that you have arrived. What was the blackout due to?

Alice: Honey, wait for me in the room. Today has been a very interesting day. Ok my sister, the blackout was due to
a fault in the generator. I really don't know. I just know that today was an excellent afternoon. McGinnis Sr. is

Lilly: Really? Did McGinnis was able to kill his father?

Alice: he did not kill him you piece of drunk. He left him dying. So, any minute the old fart will be on the news
officially dead. Yes, supernatural things happened, which I must sit down to investigate tonight. But not now. Serve
me a Bloody Mary, whatever you want, let's celebrate sister.

Lilly: Of course, my sister!!! This is incredible and today we have succeeded. What will happen to Dr. Reed?

Alice: Dr. Reed will go to jail without trial. I have a couple of judges who will do me a favor. As far as Tony is
concerned, tomorrow morning, he's going to die.

Lilly: Is Tony going to die? Is that easy?

Alice: No. I'll just order McGinnis to kill him, and his death will be filed as suicide. This drink is strong my love.
My God, I have a brutal nausea. I'm going to throw up now.

Lilly: Nauseous? Are you sure about that?

Alice: Yes, I'm sure. What a disgusting feeling. I am too sleepy. Tomorrow we will continue with the celebration.

Lilly: Ok my sister. Rest well. Let's talk tomorrow. Nauseas? This is getting interesting by the minute.

Miranda and Louis arrive at the big house. To their surprise and shock, Mr. McGinnis is in his bedroom. Mr. Conde
is by his side.

Miranda: Mr. Conde thank you for being here. But Mr. McGinnis, you were drenched in blood after that brutal
beating. How could he disappear from the place?

Mr. McGinnis: My son saved us. He is the real one. Not the impostor who pointed a gun at us ready to kill us.

Miranda: But the reality is, that's McGinnis and he's with Alice. This is confusing and supernatural. This afternoon
has been full of emotions, revelations, and incredible encounters. There must be an explanation to your words.

Mr. McGinnis: I can give you a possible explanation for all this. I will only tell you that this McGinnis is not my
son; He is not the son who died in the last press conference.

Miranda: If I have noticed some differences in that McGinnis; but why did he approach me on several occasions?
An attraction perhaps?

McGinnis: I have two possible theories. Or Alice performed the black mass, which I doubt; or someone is
pretending to be my son.

Miranda: Both are valid theories. However, I lean more in the first: the black mass. Remember that your son's body
was never in the funeral home. Again, it is most probable the first theory, since that witch stole the corpse from the
funeral home.

Mr. McGinnis: There is a big problem, Miranda.

Miranda: What is that big problem?

Mr. McGinnis: Unless it is a copycat who is imitating my son, the first option is not correct.

Miranda: How is it? This is getting more confusing by the minute. Really, now if I lost myself.

Conde: Asere, I can explain everything my friend wants to tell you.

Miranda: Mr. Conde, wait ... What the hell are you talking about? Excuse me for speaking to you in this way; But
with everything that's going on today, my brain is going a hundred miles an hour.

Mr. Conde: Asere Miranda, the reason why it couldn't have been a black mass is because ... Joseph and I moved the

Miranda: What the hell?!!! I can't believe it, Mr. Conde. So that's what cost Joseph his life.

Mr. Conde: That is correct my queen as you hear it. We change the corpse. That is why the black mass is
impossible. Maybe I tried, but she sure failed. My brother, how then is Alice with McGinnis

Mr. McGinnis: Although Alice stole my son's books, Hector always kept a backup or annotations on his books. In
some of these annotations there must be the key information that tells us why this imposter is with Alice.

Miranda: Tonight, I am going to visit Alice…

Chapter 11: Impostors

Previously On chapter 10

The scandal of the moment has just happened. Two months after McGinnis' murder, Alice confirms that he is alive.
And at the press conference, he makes his comeback. However, in front of the country's press, McGinnis lashes out
at his father, leaving him battered. Just when he was about to be killed, the lights go out and when the lights return,
McGinnis Sr. has disappeared. The country is more than surprised by all this.

Lilly: What a tremendous night we had. Although the blackout did scare me a bit, I have to admit that everything
went better than planned. However, Alice's nausea ... is it possible? A pregnancy? If Alice is pregnant, Miranda is
going to have a heart attack. So, screw you, Miranda.

Alice: Why are you still awake? You should rest.

Lilly: You must rest too sister. How do you feel?

Alice: I feel like crap. This nausea is killing me.

Lilly: Alice ... I think you are pregnant.

Alice: Pregnant? Is this indeed a reality, that would make me happy, and it would be a low blow for this idiot
Miranda. Stupid skank, I hate her. That fist she gave me; she is going to pay for it. But being pregnant… it’s so
exciting. Poor Miranda. She will be as mad as hell. My child will be better than hers. Now I’m going to rest. This is

Back at the big house…

Miranda: I'm about to find out the whole truth. Tonight, I realized Alice's deception of the agency and the entire
town of San Juan. But right now, the question I have is: How is McGinnis with her? Because that's McGinnis.
Although different, it is still him. There are so many doubts which I want to solve as soon as possible. I can't waste

At this moment Mr. Conde approaches Miranda.

Conde: Asere my girl, I'm going to explain what happened. When the police murdered McGinnis, I had instructions
on the agenda. Then, I call Joseph. Remember that Joseph was the director of the morgue and autopsy technician.
Hence, Joseph had access to the corpse. Unbeknownst to Alice, Joseph and I exchanged the corpse for a wax doll
identical to McGinnis, thus avoiding suspicion.

Miranda: Wow Conde, how risky that move was.

Conde: It was, indeed, a risky move; I'm sure Alice found out all when the Black Mass failed. I did assume that
Alice looked for the video cameras and with that footage managed to discover the whole charade. Poor Joseph, my
friend, rest in peace.

Miranda: Now I understand everything. But I continue with this question. Where did this McGinnis come from?

Mr. Conde: That is an excellent question. As my partner said, the kid has to have his notes, which can clarify
everything. I, like you, are confused.

Miranda: Rest Mr. Conde. I'm going to astral travel. I need to get these doubts out of the system. By the way, how is
Mr. McGinnis feeling?

Conde: He is in poor health. The beating was so brutal that it practically damaged his internal organs. He has his
liver and kidneys affected; it was a brutal beating my dear. The doctors managed to stop the internal bleeding that he
had. But he is very delicate.

Miranda: I don't bother you anymore. I'm going to do this trip. I need to know the truth.

Miranda goes to her room. She focuses on her goal; her soul leaves the body and begins to travel through the air.
Miranda can see all the citizens without them being aware of her presence. She finally arrives at Alice's house. This
time, she won't fight Alice. This sees she wants to know the truth. What Miranda does not imagine is that the truth is
much more terrifying than speculation.

Miranda: There you are, sleeping. If I wanted, I could kill you; but I'm not falling for your stupid low game. I come
to know what the hell is going on here.

Miranda continues to explore the place. Suddenly she runs into McGinnis, sleeping too.

Miranda: Who are you? It's true on the outside you're a McGinnis; but in your eyes I see something different. Soon
everything will be known; soon, very soon.

Miranda continues to explore the place. Suddenly she walks into a library-like office. In that office she begins to
explore the books. After five minutes, Miranda notices two books with black and red covers.

Miranda: I think these are the McGinnis books. I have to read as much as I can. I am convinced that here is the

Indeed, after an intense reading of both books, Miranda found the answer she was looking for so much. Miranda felt
a mixture of anger and surprise throughout the reading process.

Miranda: Damn Alice!!! This is how you did this. You idiot, you have altered a past universe, to please your present.
I cannot believe it. Let me learn more, because I swear to you dear, that you will not be the only one who takes a
walk-in time. This changes everything. I need to go back. Everybody at the big house must know the truth.

As Miranda prepared to return, right at the desk where she was reading, she found something that practically left her
speechless. It was an unexpected discovery to say the least.

Miranda: What?!! An EPT? No way this insane woman is pregnant with this McGinnis? This will be armageddon!!!
There will be NO one who can put up with her arrogant attitudes. Cannot be!!! Alice is pregnant with the McGinnis
whom I met months later in 1995. I have to go back.
Miranda managed to get back on time. Once she wakes up from the trance, she takes a bath and begins to reflect on
everything that has happened.

Miranda: Now I understand everything. Alice, you have messed with the reality of time. You killed Joseph because
he and Mr. Conde traded McGinnis's corpse for a wax doll identical to him. You traveled back in time and brought
the McGinnis that I met months later. That's why that McGinnis feels that attraction to me. That makes you furious.
Don't worry my dear, I'll also take a little trip back in time. It's time to find out who Alexis Laree Dumas really is.
You will see.

Miranda is unaware that Alice is awake. Alice woke up having a premonition. Alice's instinct makes her go to the
library. Once in the library, Alice realizes a possible reality.

Alice: Is it possible that dirty scumbag Miranda came here? It infuriates me to know that she can do the same as I
can when moving from one place to another. At least I see the books in order. But, as McGinnis said, not everything
our eyes see turns out to be true. When I feel calmer, I will come to investigate. Lilly comes here please.

Lilly, hearing her sister, immediately goes to meet her.

Lilly: Tell me sister, is something wrong?

Alice: I think Miranda was around here astrally. But I can neither affirm it nor deny it. Tell me is Father Macario

Lilly: Yes. Although he does not stop praying. He thinks we're going to kill him.

Alice: Ridiculous priest. Tell him to get ready because I'm marrying McGinnis today.

Lilly: Ok. Wow you surprise me sister.

Alice: With my marriage, I will have more power over the agency. So go prepare yourself too, since you will be a
witness at the ceremony.

Lilly: Perfect. I'm going to find the father. Give me thirty minutes.

Alice: Excellent my sister. Enough time to prepare. Go and look for Father Macario.

Lilly goes to find Father Macario. While Alice goes to McGinnis.

McGinnis: Hello my love. Something happens? I notice you restless.

Alice: Not worried, excited. I love you McGinnis, today we got married!!!

McGinnis: At this time in the morning? Ok, I love the idea. Of course, we will get married. I love you so much. You
make me so happy.

Alice: And from today, I will be the happiest woman in the world. My love, my husband, my everything; together

we will be the kings of the night .

Then Lilly has arrived with Father Macario.

Lilly: Here's the father. Anything else you need?

Alice: Nothing else. We are ready. Father, you marry us and go home. Is the negotiation fair?

Father Macario: It's fair. I'm going to marry you and I want all this agony to end for me.

And then everyone prepares for Alice and McGinnis' marriage ceremony.
Miranda is trying to sleep. But it is difficult for her. There are too many questions on Miranda's mind. Finally, she
decides to see McGinnis again.

Miranda: McGinnis, my love. I'm here again. I want to see you again.

McGinnis: Welcome back my love. I was waiting for your return. What have you found out?

Miranda: I have discovered some realities, which are more chilling and terrifying than the black mass. Which news
do you want to know first…? The bad or the ugly?

McGinnis: Bad and ugly? Tell me the less bad of the story.

Miranda: This is the bad news; Alice traveled back in time and brought back your version of 1995.

McGinnis: My God; this is very dangerous for everyone. I can’t believe she did achieve that.

Miranda: Dangerous is a compliment my love. Your version of '95 has left your dad dying. That is one of the
reasons why I am here. You have the answers, my sweetheart. Why that strong hatred towards your dad? There must
be a strong reason for that hatred towards your dad.

McGinnis: And it was a real strong one. My dad is not what he seems. There are many rumors that are said about
him. I forgive him, but a lot of people have told me obnoxious things about him.

Miranda: Really? I thought that your hatred towards him was something of youthful rebellion.

McGinnis: No Miranda. My dad was an internationally recognized psychologist. But many people said that he was a
bloodthirsty, corrupt, cheater and dangerous if someone was against him. If my father was able to turn his back on
me, and I’ll explain you why, then I don't want to think how merciless and ruthless he could have been to others. I
could forgive him. But the atrocity Alice just committed has changed everything.

Miranda: I know it's uncomfortable; but tell me about Alice. I feel like there is something else.

McGinnis: I totally agree. Miranda, the Alice who I met was the most beautiful girl in school; beautiful but dark. All
the guys in my classroom wanted to be with her.

Miranda: I know that she was your first intimate experience. Have you ever been to her house?

McGinnis: Sure. Although the first time was at my house. I remember the next morning I made breakfast and we
went to school. Alice went to the Spanish classroom, and I went to see Mr. Conde as part of a previous appointment
scheduled two days before.

Miranda: She took your books. I was able to memorize all the procedures to be able to travel in time. Are you sure
she went to that Spanish class?

McGinnis: I did remember that she said yes. But she wasn’t in our English class. And although I spent over two
hours with Mr. Conde, I knew everything that happened at school.

Miranda: Did you know the exact date?

McGinnis: Yes, I do. May 9, 1995. Three weeks before she left to study medicine in Canada.

Miranda: That was the bad news. I ask you, are you prepared for the ugly news?

McGinnis: Let me take a deep breath. I don’t know why; but I sense the worst.

Miranda: The worst is candy in comparison with this. Alice is pregnant with your version of '95.

McGinnis: What the hell? Alice has altered the entire reality of the universe. That baby cannot be born. If that baby
is born, everything we know as this reality will be altered.
Miranda: So ... are you telling me to kill the child Alice is expecting?

McGinnis: Yes Miranda. We are killers by nature. What we need to kill is a detonator that can trigger that feeling of
urge. Alice played with the laws of the universe. It is necessary to reverse the process; so, my version of 95 returns
to his universe.

Miranda: What do you recommend I do about it?

McGinnis: I recommend that you travel back in time. May 9, 1995. You will arrive at school, 7:50 am, it was the
exact time that we both arrived. You will follow Alice and we will really know what happened that day. Then you
will look for the newspaper of that same day.

Miranda: What is special about that newspaper?

McGinnis: That newspaper featured on the front page my dad's shady dealings at the mental health clinic. I
remember it was a very strong controversy; then I remember that my dad injected me with a special serum, after the
events in which Lilly almost got rape.

Miranda: A serum? For what and why?

McGinnis: Anger management. But the effects of that serum provoked the opposite. Instead of suppressing who I
am, it released everything that I am; that’s why he sent me over my mother. Even my mom called my dad and began
to argue in a bad way about this serum and the comments written on the newspaper. That night, Mama and I had a
double date as Mama dated Conde and Alice dated me; on my way back, I received a letter which was written by
Lilly; after our final presentation, Lilly shot me. That was the first time I used the Actus Mortis or feigned death.

Miranda: Do you think those past events were planned?

McGinnis: I am convinced that they did not happen by chance nor casualty. All of this connects with my dad; but
you will find out what happened that day.

Miranda: Count on me my love. I'm going to do it. We will find the truth.

McGinnis: Go away. Go rest, I don't want you to get mentally fatigued. I will ask you one last favor.

Miranda: Tell me the favor. What else do you want?

McGinnis: Take your time. The truce with Alice must happen. This way you will avoid suspicions.

Miranda: I know it will be difficult. But we are going to do it.

McGinnis: I’m counting on you. Be careful.

Miranda returns to her body. Miranda is already convinced that something happened that fateful day. It's a matter of
finding out. What will be the most difficult for Miranda? The truce with Alice. Miranda thinks about the following:

Miranda: Mr. McGinnis, you also have many secrets. What is your connection to all that Alice and her assistant
Lilly in all of this? This is going to be very interesting. Now I’m going to rest and tomorrow I will go back in time.
1995 here I come.

Chapter 12: Team Alice/Team Miranda

In the living room of Alice's house, everything is ready for the wedding. Father Macario has everything ready to
begin the marriage ceremony. Lilly is the bridesmaid and, unsurprisingly, Alice manages to bring back McGinnis's
Mrs. McGinnis: I am beyond happy. My daughter, congratulations. I know you will make my son happy.

Alice: Thank you Mom. Your son is in good hands. I love him and we will be happy forever.

Lilly is amazed by everything that is happening.

Lilly: Sister, how did you do it? That is the real mother not me when I did imitate her.

Alice: Don't worry little sister. Thanks to the books of my beloved, the lady is under my mental control. Everything
I say she will do. So, calm that this is already in victory.

Lilly: I understand. Well sister, go get married. Your loved one awaits you.

Indeed, 1995 McGinnis is waiting for Alice to begin the ceremony. Father Macario welcomes the people that are

Father Macario: Today we meet in the blessed presence of the Lord, to unite these two beings in holy matrimony.
May God be your guide in this new venture called marriage. With nothing more to add, Alexis Laree Dumas, do you
accept Mr. Hector McGinnis as your husband to love him in wealth and poverty, health, and disease until death do
you part?

Alice: Yes, I accept.

Father Macario: Hector M. McGinnis, do you accept Miss Alexis Laree Dumas as your wife to love her in wealth
and poverty, health and sickness until death do you part?

95 McGinnis: Yes, I do.

Father Macario: Is anyone against this marriage? If anyone objects, speak now or be silent forever.

Everyone present is more than happy. They finally get married.

Father Macario: By the power granted to me by the church and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, I declare you
husband and wife. Gentleman you can kiss the bride.

The celebration begins. They are now husband and wife. The first rays of the sun begins to manifest. Alice is more
than happy. McGinnis is in heaven.

McGinnis: Mom, good to see you here with me. Everything is going to be different, and Alice and I are going to be

Mrs. McGinnis: I'm glad my son. I am happy for you. I am withdrawing for the moment. If you need me, do not
hesitate to call me.

95 McGinnis: You can swear mom it will. Take care of yourself.

Alice: Thank you dear mother-in-law. Better yet, thank you mom.

Alice calls Lilly into her office.

Alice: My dear, I'm going to talk to Lilly about something important. Wait for me in the kitchen, since we are going
to have breakfast.

95 McGinnis: Excellent. I'll wait for you.

In Alice's office

Lilly: Tell me sister, what do you need?

Alice: Everything is finished. I want you to take the father to his church as we agreed.
Lilly: And the beating we had planned for Father?

Alice: I have something much better for that little father.

Lilly: Ohhhh and what is it that you have something better for him?

Alice: Simple ... Once the Father is in his church, we leave him alone for two days, maybe three. Then I'll pay him a
visit and kill him. As simple as that. I will send him to hell.

Lilly: Poor Father. You really don't miss a single detail, sister. OK let’s do it. Count on me.

Alice: I am the happiest woman alive. Now, nobody will stop us.

While both sisters are celebrating, the house phone rings. Alice asks Lilly to answer it. She gets a tremendous
surprise when she finds out who is on the other side of the line.

Lilly: Hello, who's talking?

Miranda: Miranda talks to you. Where is "the boss"?

Lilly: Wow, this is great. What a pleasant surprise. Give me a minute.

Alice comes on the phone...

Alice: Who the hell is calling at this time in the morning?

Lilly: Take the phone. This could be good.

Alice: Who's talking?

Miranda: Guess who's talking to you, my dear royal pig?

Alice: Miranda you mentally retarded; what do I owe the audacity of your call?

Miranda: I know you're still the boss. I propose a truce. Also, I resigned myself, I know that McGinnis is with you
and that I will never have him by my side. So, I propose a truce and I will be a professional and a teammate.

Alice: At last, the mental retarded saw the light. I want you to know that it is official. From today I am Mrs. Alexis
Laree McGinnis. I already married him sweat hog.

Miranda: Oh my God; congratulations butt face. I'm glad to know it. You can go to hell Alice. Now, the other reason
I'm calling you is that I'm not going to work for the next two days. I don't feel good in health, and I'm not interested
in looking bad with the "boss" team.

Alice: Well, I don't like knowing that you will be absent. But I appreciate your honesty even though it comes from a
cheap chick like you. As your boss, I grant you those two days. But when you return, you will be working 24/7 non-
stop in this office, no questions asked.

Miranda: No problem; I guarantee that I will return, and many things will happen. Thank you for your time. At least
the pigs have some manners left. Good morning butt face. See you next Wednesday.

Miranda hangs up the call. Although she is upset about Alice's marriage, she knows that it is not real. Miranda
managed to convince Alice not to work for two days. That is the time she has to know the whole truth of this matter.
Miranda decides to talk to the rest of the family.

Miranda: Louis, Anny and Mr. Conde, can you come here for a moment please?

They all arrive where Miranda is.

Louis: Tell us what do you need?

Miranda: Guys; I managed to convince dirty Alice about my "absence" for two days. So, we have to get everything
in order because what I'm going to do will take a long time, it will not be two days, but I am convinced that in two
days we will know everything.

Mr. Conde: Asere explain yourself better and tell us what we have to do.

Miranda: Very good Mr. Conde. How is Mr. McGinnis?

Mr. Conde: Very delicate of health. Doctors say his prognosis is guarded.

Miranda: Mr. Conde, I start with you. Alice is very dangerous. Do not allow anyone suspicious to approach Mr.
McGinnis. Despite what his son told me; he is more valuable alive than dead. Do not lose your sight or by mistake.

Mr. Conde: Count on that dear.

Miranda: Louis, you and Anny will be part of my team. Little by little we will take over the agency and regain
control. I need Anny to locate Mrs. McGinnis and guard the house since we won't be around for a reasonable time.

Anny: Will we be? What does that mean?

Miranda: It means that Louis and I will have a very important trip. So, Anny, you and Mr. Conde will be the
guardians of this house. Can I count on you?

Anny: Sure, it is. We will take care of this house.

Mr. Conde: Asere my girl, count on us. Anything else we need to know?

Miranda: Perfect; act like nothing bad is happening. I know Alice will send people to find out. It is a matter of
knowing how to distract them and avoid the suspicions of those people. Only two days family. After those two days,
our rematch will come. Family we are going to have breakfast. The day will be more than interesting.

And at the same time, Alice, Lilly, and 95’ McGinnis are also having breakfast.

Alice: Today is the best day of our lives. At last, my love, we are husband and wife. I want to confess something to

95 McGinnis: Tell me beloved, what do you want to confess?

Alice: Lilly and I are twin sisters.

95 McGinnis: Twin Sisters? Interesting. I haven't forgotten the bullet you gave me after the oral report at school.

Lilly: And I take this opportunity to apologize. I was jealous but when I learned that Alice was my lost twin sister, I
asked for her forgiveness. And to make up for my mistake, I got her to find you and here you are Mr. and Mrs.
McGinnis. Finally married.

Alice: That's how it is, my love. They are mistakes that were made without knowing the truth. Also how do you feel
after giving your father that beating?

95 McGinnis: I feel more than good. But I have to kill him and knowing that he is still breathing makes me sick. So,
let's not waste any more time, we have to kill him.

Alice: Easy my king. That is going to happen; but we will continue to celebrate our marriage. Speaking of killing,
today we are going to execute Tony. So, get ready. I will call Darian to join us at that time.

95 McGinnis: No one is above the law. I wish it was my disgusting father who dies today; however, his time will
Alice: Better said impossible. Besides, you taught me to be patient, very patient. Lilly, go get ready, in two hours we

Lilly: Ok my sister. I see you later.

Miranda is anxious. What she and Louis are going to do is very different from astral travel. Not only is it different,
but it is also highly dangerous. They know that Alice altered that past by bringing in the 1995 McGinnis. To make
matters worse, Alice is pregnant with that '95 McGinnis variant. But the words of the real McGinnis echo in her
mind. Who is Alice? What secrets does she keep? Is it true that Mr. McGinnis is one of the most corrupt and
unscrupulous men in the whole area? There are too many questions that Miranda has in mind and questions which
she will not rest until answering.

Miranda: Louis ... are you ready for this mission?

Louis: I don't deny that I'm mega nervous. But yeah ... I'm super prepared. May the truth be told. We leave when
you say so.

Miranda: I am also nervous and fearful. I do not deny it. But it must be done. The most difficult thing was achieved
and was to convince Alice of my "absence". Mr. Conde and Anny know what to do. So, there is no other, let's go.

Louis: Damn I'm really scared; but this fear motivates me to know more. Let's not waste any more time and let's go.

Miranda and Louis begin to read the annotations that Miranda learned from the book that Alice stole years ago. Both
are focused on their dangerous mission. Suddenly a portal opens in the middle of the room. Both girls cross the
portal; both feel that they are falling into an abyss. Then they both wake up and realize that they are somewhere else.

Louis: Where are we Miranda? I don't know this place. I mean, I know it's a high school because I'm not blind. But
why are we here?

Miranda: Louis, your brother studies here. Today is May 9, 1995.

Louis: What?!!! This is astonishingly scary. I remember I was on a field trip. Now what we are going to do?

Miranda: We have to be together for the moment. We will pretend to be visitors. It is exactly 7:45 in the morning. In
five minutes, your brother will appear with Alice. You will watch over your brother, while I follow Alice. Am I

Louis: Very clear my sister. How will we know if they make it to school?

Miranda: From what I see, that's the only entrance to the school in terms of students and visitors. Let's leave it to the
law of probabilities. So, let's be aware on the lookout for student movement.

Back in our current universe, Alice has many plans for today. But her malicious and dangerous mind keeps thinking
about those two days of absence requested by Miranda. That request has her thinking a lot.

Lilly: What are you thinking sister?

Alice: Miranda's absences. She would be a whore, stupid and imbecile; but she is not an idiot. If she managed to
attack me and beat me up in her astral form, the devil will know what she is planning in those absent days.

Lilly: My love, but that's easy to figure out. Send a couple of agents to the house to watch them. If they find
something suspicious, let them tell you and take action against those infidels.

Alice: I shit the devil's mother; you are mega brilliant. Hell, how hadn't that occurred to me before? Forgive me even
though we are twins, you are very logical, and I am very passionate. Did you call Darian Russell yet?

Lilly: Yes, I already called her. She will be with us. She is still in mourning, and I understand her. She told me to let
her know when we got to the office.
Alice: Perfect. Today will be a great day full of action.

Lilly: Speaking of action, what are we going to do with Father Macario?

Alice: Wow, I had already forgotten about that toilet in the cassock. We will do what I told you: leave him in the
church and in a couple of days, I'll kill him. That stupid father hates me, he is no longer useful to me. Tell McGinnis
and Father Macario to get ready, we're leaving right now. Tony will die today. What an awesome moment this will

Back to the girls. Miranda and Louis are more than alert. In any moment the lovers of that time can appear. And
right at 7:50 in the morning, Alice and McGinnis arrive at school.

Miranda: Louis, look at them. Already arrived. You will follow your brother and I will follow Alice.

Louis. Ok Miranda. Let's get closer without being seen.

The girls get as close as possible without being seen. Both begin to listen to the conversation between the two

Alice: My love, are you ready for your meeting with Mr. Conde?

McGinnis: I am my queen. Mr. Conde is a nut case, but he is the best counselor the school has. So, I'm going there
now. Don't forget our Spanish homework.

Alice: Don't worry my dear; that task is safe, and we will be the best in the oral report. Go; see you later. I love you.

McGinnis: Thank you my love. See you later. I love you too.

McGinnis is going to see Mr. Conde. Miranda stealthily goes to follow Alice. Miranda's suspicions are true. Alice
didn't go to the Spanish classroom. Alice went to the school cafeteria. Miranda sits at a safe distance but close
enough to hear Alice.

Alice: Alo? Lilly? I'm calling you back because you told me this situation is a matter of life or death.

On the phone

Lilly: Sure, it's life or death. We have to see. I'm on my way. Wait for me, I'll arrive in 10 minutes.

Alice: Ok, see you.

Ten minutes later, Lilly arrives at Alice. Miranda is amazed at what she sees.

Lilly: Look at me Alice. I am your twin sister!!!

Alice: Twin sister?!! How is it possible?!!!

Lilly: Simple. That criminal Mr. McGinnis has hurt us. I want you to see this video.

Alice watches the video. Anger and amazement over the content of the video is reflected on her face.

Lilly: Listen to it all my sister.

And in the video, they see Mr. McGinnis with a medical staff. In this video a lady is seen tied to a stretcher, tearful
and upset.

Ms. Dumas: McGinnis have mercy on me. I don’t have mental issues. You are obsessed and experimenting with the
mental health of many people, including your son.

Mr. McGinnis: I told you Alicia; don’t play with me; prepare the serum, let's begin with the experiment.
Alicia: Do it for our children. Lilly and your son Hector are best friends. And now, I found out that your son is
dating my oldest daughter, Alice. Please don't hurt me anymore. Have mercy McGinnis. Do it for them.

Mr. McGinnis: You leave him out of all this. He is not my son. I will take care of him. So, your time is up, take her

Alice: Damn old son of a bitch. I'M GOING TO GET REVENGE OF HIM!!!

Lilly: Alice, this is your mother, our mother. She died of an overdose thanks to him. What are you going to do about

Alice: I should take revenge; I love McGinnis; son or not, now I understand the power McGinnis has. His father has
experimented on him. Poor mother, we will avenge her. Listen, last night I stole some books, where he talks about
supernatural things, including feigned death or something like that. This is what I want you to do. Tonight, you will
leave this letter, at his bedroom, to make him think about his past. After the oral report tomorrow, you will use this
weapon to kill him.

Lilly: Are you crazy?!!! They are going to arrest me on the spot.

Alice: That's right, but I'll get you out of there. I want to take revenge on the old man, but I'm going to experiment
with the “son”. My mother died because of that old man. And it will pay. My lost sister, thank you for all this.

Lilly: Ok we will. I'm leaving, the school guard doesn't stop looking at me.

Lilly is leaving the area. Miranda is more than surprised.

Miranda: Damn!!! I cannot believe it. I hope Louis hasn't lost her brother. Mr. McGinnis, now I understand your
son’s hate towards you.

Louis arrives at the cafeteria and then reunites with Miranda.

Louis: I saw my brother with Mr. Conde. He even talked about how he met Alice.

Miranda: We have to go. Time is short. I'll tell you everything when we get home.

Meanwhile in our current universe…

Alice: Well my loves, let's go. Today will be a very busy day. Today Tony receives the death penalty and the
mediocre Dr. Reed will be prosecuted for corrupt and irresponsible.

95 McGinnis: Excellent beloved. Everything is ready. I ask you: will you hold a press conference regarding this
particular issue?

Alice: Excellent idea my love. I hadn't thought about it before. I will summon the press once the execution is
completed, I will explain to the country all the reasons why Tony's death took place.

95 McGinnis: I love your intelligence baby. I love everything that you are. Let's go girls, the car is ready.

Chapter 13: Alice’s demon Vs Miranda’s Man in

black Part 1
Previously on Killers on Board. Finally, the McGinnis-Dummas marriage takes place to the joy of the witnesses
present. Alice prepares her personal team to go to the agency. Alice already programmed the death sentence for
Tony; but Alice ignores that Miranda also has her team created and together with Louis they travel to 1995, to learn
the secrets of Alice and Mr. McGinnis who, apparently, has a very dark, controversial, and dangerous past. Miranda,
finally, discovers that it happened on May 9, 1995. Now Alice, in the current universe, together with her team are
going to execute Tony.

Alice: We are already in the office. Lilly, go call Darian and notify her that we're here. My beloved, come with me. I
want you to see your friend for the last time, since today Tony is going to die.

95 McGinnis: I still feel sorry for Tony. He was a great friend and is now a murderer sentenced to death. Let's see it;
I want to say goodbye to him.

Alice: As you say my love.

Alice and 95 McGinnis walk down the hall. Once they get to a special room, they see Tony. McGinnis, decide to go

Tony: Bombom !! Good to see you!! May I leave now?

95 McGinnis: Sorry my friend. But today you are going to die.

Tony: How am I going to die? You told me I was innocent. You guaranteed me that I was going to get out of here.

95 McGinnis: My friend, who told you that? Because I was not the one who told you. So go preparing that today is
your last day.

Tony: No!!! That is not true!! I do not want or plan to die!

Tony gives McGinnis a shove and runs out of the room. Alice annoyed and furious, pulls out her revolver. Alice
begins to follow Tony and when Tony cannot leave the place, Alice corners him; and with revolver in hand it is
placed in the right temple.

Tony: Don't kill me, I beg you; do not kill me please. You know that I am innocent and that this is a fabricated case.

Alice: We know that flying feather. But you have to die. So commit yourself to the devil, you stinky freak.

Tony: Nooooooo!!!

And Alice pulls the trigger. A shot to the right temple was more than enough to end Tony's life. In that McGinnis,
comes to where Alice.

95 McGinnis: Did you kill him?

Alice: No ... it's that he has an epileptic seizure; my love, of course I killed him like a dog. That filthy dog had to
die. We are going to take him to the cell, and we will tell the press that Tony committed suicide since he did not
want to go through the execution process.

McGinnis: Excellent beloved. Let no one see us.

Alice and McGinnis carry Tony's lifeless body to the cell.

Back in 1995 ... Miranda and Louis analyze everything they have discovered. Louis is more than surprised by

Louis: Did Alice really plan to kill my brother, just to see the Actus mortis experiment?

Miranda: Exactly Louis. But the most disturbing thing is the conversation they had in the cafeteria.

Louis: Disturbing? What do you mean?

Miranda: Louis, Alice and Lilly are twin sisters.

Louis: Twin sisters?!! I didn't see that coming.

Miranda: They were talking about your dad. They mentioned a video that Lilly had on her backpack. I believe it is a
video camcorder. We still have time and I understand that she and Alice are close.

Louis: How are we going to find them? This school is very big.

Miranda: Did you forget that I learned to disguise thanks to your brother's books? Therefore, before returning to our
universe, we are going to do a tremendous mischief. So, prepare yourself.

Louis: Oh my God, what invention will you come with now, Miranda?

Miranda: Simple sister; we are going to the ladies' room and we are going to dress up as the school guards. When
Alice and your brother meet, we will arrest them and confiscate Alice's bag.

Louis: This is crazy; but I'll have fun in the process.

Miranda: Hurry up Lou. At any moment these people can appear, and the plan is spoiled for us.

Miranda and Louis manage to disguise themselves as the school guards. They come out of the ladies’ room, without
creating any suspicion. The timing of both is incredible; just as they start walking down the main hall, Alice runs
into McGinnis, after meeting Mr. Conde.

McGinnis: Finally, I’m done with this meeting; it was intense. This Conde is unbelievable.

Alice saw me at the hallway.

Alice: How you doing my love? Is everything, ok?

McGinnis: It was an intense meeting; but very productive.

She hugged me and kissed me very passionately. I felt that fire melting all my body. She told me about the material
given by Ms. Angle. She gave me all the notes and how happy Ms. Angle was about our work. I told her about
Conde’s invitation for tonight. And, of course, I confessed her that Conde and my mother are in a relationship.

“Really?!!! I would love to go. Just for a change. Why don’t we go to my place and get ready? I won’t bite unless
you want to”. She gently slapped me.

Miranda and Louis are very attentive to the conversation. It's now or never.

Miranda: Louis, go with me. Now is the time.

Louis: Oh, dear God; let's go.

Miranda and Louis, posing as two guards; Miranda, state guard and school guard Louis decide to intervene with the

Miranda: Good morning young people. We need to talk to you right now.

Alice: Now? Is there a problem, officer?

Miranda: Unfortunately yes. According to the official of this school, who is next to me now, there is a bomb
allegation in the school and it is said that there is a group of students involved in it.

McGinnis: Officer, we are innocent. I just left Mister Conde's office. My partner just got out of one of our classes.

Louis: Sir, sorry to tell you that your girlfriend lied to you. We saw her in a cafeteria during class hours.

Alice: That is false!!! I ... this ... was not in the cafeteria.

McGinnis: Easy my love; I believe you. It must be a misunderstanding.

Louis: Are you telling me a liar, miss? Right now, I can ask for the videos of the cameras and prove what I have

Miranda: You decide, or do we go by hook or by crook.

Alice: Damn!!!

Miranda: Take it easy with the language Miss. If you cooperate, everything will be solved quickly.

Alice: Okay. What the hell do you want?

Louis: Allow us your school bag. After checking it in the office, you can pick it up at 3 in the afternoon.

McGinnis: My love; he who has not made, has no suspicion. Give her the package and in the afternoon, we will pick
it up.

Alice: Well ... ok take the school bag. I will pick you up in the afternoon.

Louis: Perfect. Write your signature as evidence that the school protocol regarding the search of school bags was

Miranda: Thank you very much. Young people can go. In the afternoon they will collect the school bag.

Miranda and Louis take the school bag. Alice is visibly nervous.

Alice: My love, can you give me a couple of minutes when I make a call?

McGinnis: Sure, you do. Do you have an exact change to call?

Alice: Yes, my dear. I am coming.

McGinnis: ok I'll wait for you.

Alice rushes to the public phone. She calls Lilly at home.

Lilly: Hello? Alice? Did something happen?

Alice: I'm nervous; the school guard and a state guard stopped me from confiscating the school bag.

Lilly: How was it? It cannot be? Here is the video of Mr. McGinnis's confession. Is it possible?!! You have to
recuperate that video material fast.

Alice: I will do my best. This situation caught me off guard.

Both girls are puzzled by what happened. Alice decides to follow the "guards". She knows there is something fishy,
but she can't tell. Once in the office, Alice decides to give up the idea of interfering.

Alice: Damn it. This is too weird. I don't see any kind of tension in the environment. I will have to wait for the

Miranda and Louis are in the office. Director Walsh is attending a very important call.

Miranda: Go ahead Louis, check the school bag. If the director asks us, we would have to lie to him and in the long
run there will be a problem.

Louis: Ok. I'm going as fast as possible. Watch this!! A video camera. I am sure that here are the answers we are
looking for.

Miranda: Perfect. Let's go. Time is short and we are against the clock.
The girls get out of the office ASAP. They board an official patrol, in order to quickly leave the place, leaving Alice
and Lilly in greater trouble.

Louis: Miranda ... what do we need to do?

Miranda: We have to find a safe place, so we know who really has this video. I listened to part of the conversation;
but an image speaks louder than a thousand words. This video is the key.

Louis: I understand. But how important is this video?

Miranda: Louis ... in that video, there is sensitive information about your family. And your dad, it seems, has a very
dark and controversial past; they were talking about your dad and even Alice promised to take revenge on your dad.

After 10 minutes of driving, the girls arrive at the Embassy Hotel. Miranda rents a room for the two of us. It is a safe
place to review the video and analyze its content.

Miranda: We are now in a safe place. Louis, are you ready to see the content of this video?

Louis: I'm terrified; but we have to. Do I ask for something to eat?

Miranda: Sure my love. Order the food while I connect this video camera.

Louis orders caterer for the room. Miranda is preparing everything so that she can see the content of the video .
Back to the current reality. Alice and 95 McGinnis are getting ready for the press conference.

Alice: My love, I have all the preparations for the press conference.

McGinnis: What will happen to Tony?

Alice: That is resolved. We'll file it as a pre-execution suicide. Anyway, Tony was going to die. The very fool of
Tony anticipated his destiny; idiot, he thought he was going to make it out alive.

McGinnis: Well, I still feel sorry for him. He was a great friend.

Alice: At one point in time, he was. But he became a criminal and then paid the price for it. I understand your
sorrow my love.

McGinnis: Thank you my love. Babe, how’s your pregnancy?

Alice: Regular. But I am in cloud nine. A baby will complete our happiness together my love.

Alice is more than happy. Her pregnancy is going very well, without any complications. However, she ignores
everything Miranda is doing. They are both making preparations for the press conference.

Alice: Tony is already in the cell as if he had hanged himself. So tomorrow we can do the conference without any

McGinnis: Well, thought out my love. Let us rest for the sake of our unborn baby. Let's go home.

Alice and McGinnis go home after an action-packed day. Meanwhile in the big house, Anny and Mr. Conde are
waiting for everything that is happening.

Anny: This anxiety is killing me. It's been more than a day that we don't know about them.

Mr. Conde: You can't get anxious my girl. They know what they are doing. We have to trust them.

Back at the Embassy Hotel in 1995. The girls ordered food for their room. With everything ready, they proceed to
view the content of the video. And in the video, they see Mr. McGinnis with a medical staff. In this video a lady is
seen tied to a stretcher, tearful and upset.
Ms. Dumas: McGinnis have mercy on me. I don’t have mental issues. You are obsessed and experimenting with the
mental health of many people, including your son.

Mr. McGinnis: I told you Alicia: don’t play with me, this was your last chance. Prepare the serum, let's begin with
the experiment.

Alicia: Do it for our children. Lilly and your son Hector are best friends. And now, I found out that your son is
dating my oldest daughter, Alice. Please don't hurt me anymore. Have mercy McGinnis. Do it for them.

Mr. McGinnis: You leave him out of all this. He is not my son. I will take care of him. So, your time is up, take her

Louis: That's my dad. I cannot believe it. In the tape that lady is Alice's mother. And he is torturing her. With good
reason my brother did not want to know anything about him and until death he wished him on many occasions.

Miranda: That's the way it is. You are in everything correct. But wait, let me rewind the tape. I did not listen well to
the last comment.

Miranda rewinds the tape. Louis is amazed to hear her father.

Louis: No?!!! McGinnis isn't my brother? I don't want to believe it!!! My dad has deceived us all this life. Poor

Miranda: I'm so sorry Louis. But wait, this is not over?

The tape pauses for about three minutes; and at the moment the image of Mr. McGinnis speaking for the tape
appears. If the previous images surprised the girls, the statements of Mr. McGinnis left the girls speechless.

Louis: This can't be true?!!! This is an absolute lie and deceit. Why Dad? Why did you do this?

Miranda: This events changes everything, Louis. I am disappointed, upset, and furious with your father. Now I
understand why that McGinnis wants to kill him. I too would have killed him with my own hands. Forgive me,
really. I have too much anger for your father; and at the same time, sadness for your brother, who is not your

Louis: If you feel like this ... imagine when Anny finds out about all this. When Anny knows how crooked my father
was. Right now, what interests me most now is where the hell is my mother?

Miranda: Excellent question. I hope Anny can find her. She also has to give an explanation of what happened.

Louis: You are absolutely right. I can't help but cry for the man I have loved as my brother for all these years. I have
to strengthen myself. This information has hit me like a bucket of cold water.

Miranda: I understand you perfectly. We no longer have anything to do here. We have to return as soon as possible.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door.

Louis: Who will it be at this time?

Miranda: Good question. We had already ordered food.

When Miranda peeks out, she sees the cops.

Miranda: What the hell?!!!

Louis: What's up Miranda?

Police: Open the door!!! We have a warrant for identity theft and aggravated misappropriation.

Miranda: Damn Alice, even in this universe you are a dirty snake. Louis move this is going to get ugly.
Louis: What we needed to complete the day the police.

Police: Open the door or we will tear it down!!!

Miranda and Louis begin to read the procedures again. The police begin to break down the door. And just when the
Police enter to arrest them, they manage to cross the portal. Both manage to return to the current universe, leaving
the police surprised by not seeing anyone in the hotel room.

Miranda: Wow, we did it. Safe and sound.

Louis: By little and the devil takes us. But we are here. We are in the house thank God.

Meanwhile Alice is still impatient. McGinnis stares at her.

95 McGinnis: Is something wrong my love?

Alice: I'm anxious. That rat is capable of anything. I don't trust that dirty rocket ship. Let's do the following ... Let's
go to your father's house and so you fulfill your desire for revenge.

95 McGinnis: I love that idea. I want to kill that excrement with my bare hands. Let's not waste any more time and
let's go there.

They both leave for the big house. Meanwhile, Miranda and Louis meet with Anny and Mr. Conde.

Mr. Conde: My girls, welcome !!! good to see them safe and sound. Thank God Alice did not send anyone and,
although your father is still delicate, there have been no major problems.

Louis: That is tremendous news Mr. Conde. Papa, within your delicate box, can you speak?

Mr. Conde: Sure, it's not that we abuse him, but your father can talk.

Louis: Perfect. I'm really upset with him; I already want you to clarify everything in this video.

Anny: What are you talking about, sister?

Louis: Simple ... Our brother, he's not our brother.

Anny: How is it?!!!

Louis: So you hear it. Papa and Mama have deceived us all our lives. I am demonized.

Mr. Conde: Calm down my girl, there is an explanation about that.

Louis: Of course there is, and now, we’ll go to my dad’s room; he has to explain everything.

They all arrive at Mr. McGinnis's room. He is alert and realizes the mood, not very positive, of all of them.

Louis: I want you to explain all this to me!!! How come McGinnis isn't your son? How is it possible that he is not
our brother?!! Talk damn it. !!!

Miranda: You have disappointed me. This video changes everything. I feel that I have nothing to do here and that I
am usurping someone else's position.

McGinnis: I was looking forward to this moment, even though I didn't want it to happen. It's true. He's not my son,
he's not even your mother's son. Your mother adopted him, being helped by your grandfather McGinnis. I was
against everything. At first I thought your mother had cheated on me with another man; but it was not like that. Your
grandfather loved him like a son so he decided to raise him. Thinking that your mother had cheated on me with
someone else, I asked for a divorce.
Anny: Wow Papa ... I'm surprised and upset with you. How could you do that to us? We love him. And I will
continue loving him even if he is not of my blood.

Louis: Anny, if I am furious with the situation of my brother, the more furious I am with my unfaithful father. Here
the infidel was you. The one who had an extramarital affair was you!!!

Miranda: Mr. McGinnis, I want you to see these images. Once you finish watching them, I say goodbye to you, you
damn corrupt.

Just when Miranda decides to put the video on...

Mr. Conde: my girls!!! Alice just arrived with McGinnis!!!

Miranda: This can't be happening!!! Jesus Christ.

Mr. Conde: Take it easy girls. Don’t lose your cool. Maybe if we act normal and cool, nothing bad will happen.

Miranda: With Alice bad things will happen. Then again, I love your confidence Mr. Conde.

Mr. Conde: I understand you my dear. Like the adage says in Spanish: “El que no tiene hecha, no tiene sospecha.
Let’s see what happens.

Miranda: I only hope that nothing bad happens. But just in case, I have a special toy in case of an emergency.

Miranda is looking in a window. She sees Alice and McGinnis getting out of their car. Miranda is very angry and
upset. Louis is also enraged about this invasion.

Louis: What the hell do they want? Miranda, do you think she knows what we did?

Miranda: I don’t really know. My guess is that she doesn’t know exactly what we did. But she has some suspicious.
Remember I was absent two days; so, I believe that this is the reason why she is here.

Miranda: Exactly. Protect your father. Tell Anny to be with him at all times. Even though I’m disappointed, he still
is your father, and we need to protect him.

Louis: Ok Miranda. I will talk to Anny so we can protect our dad.

And then the girls and Mr. Conde, were preparing everything.

Chapter 14: Alice’s Demon Vs Miranda’s Man in

Black Part 2
Previously… Miranda and Louis went to the past. They found the truth about Alice and what she did in 1995. The
truth was shocking and disturbing. And now it is Miranda’s turn to deliver justice.

Alice and McGinnis invade the big house. McGinnis wants to fulfill his revenge.

Alice: Get out of there sewer rats. I know you are up to something unfaithful toilets. Obey my orders now!!!

Miranda: Here we are Ms. dollar prostitute. What the hell do you want stupid idiot?

Alice: Me? What do I want? Simple; I want my husband to get revenge and kill his father. Whoever gets in the way
is going to die.

Louis: Nobody is going to die here!!!

Alice smacks Louis in the face with the gun.

Alice: Shut up you brat from hell. You disgust me, you embarrass me, and you make me want to vomit. Do you
think I'm stupid? Well, well ... that video camera is identical to one I had in 1995.

Miranda: That's right ... I dare you to explain your husband the deception and the lie you did to him on May 9,

Alice: What are you talking about slap nuts?

Miranda: My dear and beloved McGinnis. Your pathetic little wife has been cheating on you and there is the

McGinnis: Alice... What is she talking about? I don’t understand. Why is this woman telling me that you did cheat
on me?

Alice: Don’t pay attention to this cheap cake. She is a liar. She wants to cause trouble, that’s it.

Miranda: You don't understand me, you idiot because you are a rag doll next to this corbeja. The McGinnis who is
mine, is much better than you, in every way, size, shape or form. You are a damn impostor being manipulated by a
cheap imitation of a woman.

Alice pulls out the revolver and points it at Miranda.

Alice: One more word and you die bitch. So shut up and step aside. Beloved, go kill your father.

McGinnis: Sure, I do. You, step aside, this is none of your business.

At then Miranda takes out a machine gun to everyone's surprise.

Miranda: Alice, you thought you were going to surprise me. Well, no!!! If you take a step, I will kill you right now.

Alice: How dare you threat the law? I am your boss!!!

Miranda: And you are also a toilet full of diarrhea. Take a step forward and you die. Do you want to sacrifice your
pregnancy for all of this crap?

McGinnis: My love, enough already. Our son has to live. Don't worry, I'm in charge of this. This old man will die

95 approaches Miranda, a moment that Alice takes advantage of and throws a blunt object at her that hits Miranda's
left arm. 95 McGinnis begins to strangle Miranda. Mr. Conde and the girls try to intervene, but the security guards
put them under arrest.

Alice: Kill her!!! Let the waste of that human being die. Leave her out of breath.

95 McGinnis continues to squeeze Miranda's neck.

95 McGinnis: You are so beautiful and so stupid at the same time. Too bad you must die now.

Miranda: Let me go impostor!!! You are chocking me!!!

95 McGinnis: Too bad for you ... I won't let you go ... die!!!

Suddenly, Mr. McGinnis leaves the room and confronts his son.

Mr. McGinnis: Drop it!!!

95 McGinnis: Wow, finally you show up. Is good that you have the courage to face death. All my life I've hated you,
stupid senile old man. I hope you have entrusted yourself to the devil because today you die.
Mr. McGinnis: I am already dead. I know that I did a lot of damage and that I mistreated an innocent human being. I
must love him. You are an impostor. A phony. So now I will make the ultimate sacrifice ... My soul will rest in
peace. Now you will know my main project called: Dark Justice.

McGinnis goes to his father. He begins to hit him in the face and punches him several times on the stomach and ribs.

95 McGinnis: Die damn old man. Hate you!!! I can finally get my revenge.

Alice: That's my love, kill him like the dog that he is. He killed my mother, he lied to you, humiliated, and betrayed

Mr. McGinnis: You are an impostor and you Alice, a disappointment in my life. Your mother at least had a little
more class and dignity. My death won't do you any good.

95 McGinnis: Shut up!!! My love gives me the gun. I'm going to shoot him in the head, so he goes straight to hell.

Mr. McGinnis: Go stupid, kill me; you don't have the scrambled eggs to pull the trigger.

95 McGinnis: Do you think that? Then I'm going to please the customer.

Louis: Don't kill him!!!

Alice: Get out of the way, you crappy brat!!!

Alice slaps Louis. 95 McGinnis has the pistol in hand, preparing to fire.

95 McGinnis: Die unhappy old man!!! 10-2 Monday

And just as he was going to shoot… The lights in the big house start to flicker. Miranda listens to the music again.
Alice and McGinnis are shocked.

Alice: What the hell is going on here again? Stop that music!!!

Miranda: What happens is that my man is here!!! My McGinnis!!!

Alice: Shut your mouth and turn on the damn lights or I'll start shooting. I will kill everyone!!!

95 McGinnis: Calm down my love!!! I don't want anything to happen to you and the baby!!!

And suddenly the lights come on; to the surprise of Alice and McGinnis, Miranda has her firearm in her hands.
Without thinking twice, Miranda shoots Alice in the stomach. Alice falls to the floor drenched in blood. 95
McGinnis is in shock.

95 McGinnis: What the hell did you just do? You killed my wife!!!

Miranda: Don’t be an idiot, stupid puppet. I gave your little wife a well-deserved bullet to her. Come on puppet, you
have little time. Either you kill the old man and Alice dies like the sewer worm that she is; or you forget the old man
and save your stinking little woman with the little bastard that is about to be born; make a decision freaking bastard.
Live or die... tick tock tick tock!!!

95 McGinnis: Damn you all!!! My revenge is for sure. All of you are dead!!! I swear to God!!!

McGinnis calls the ambulance. The ambulance takes Alice to the ER. Although they managed to stabilize Alice, the
baby that she had in her womb was lost. Alice was in the hospital for about a month. Alice is in deep depression, as
she lost her pregnancy. But she is more determined than ever. After being discharged from the hospital, Alice
returns to work. She is as mad as hell.

Alice: Team, I'm back. It has been a month of many tests. I lost my pregnancy; but I will take revenge on all those
who have hurt me. My husband and I are more focused on eradicating crime in this country.
In those precise moments, Miranda arrives at the office.

Alice: Whoa. You finally show up to your boss, of course I am. Insubordinate, I should fire your ass on the spot
right here and right now.

Miranda: Do it; go ahead and fire me dumbass; I have evidence of everything you've done since '95. I see there are
members of the press, so I guess you need some attention.

Alice: That is correct, the press is here. I'm going to talk like I always do. So, take off!!!

Alice begins to greet members of the press. She talks about the agency's accomplishments. She mentions Tony's
suicide, and this makes Miranda react. Miranda steps up to the podium and abruptly grabs the microphone. The
reporters are in shock about this sudden move.

Miranda: Good Afternoon Members of the press. Today I am letting you know that this woman is a phony and her
husband is an impostor. I have evidence that can prove it.

Alice: And how the hell can you prove; this is the real McGinnis. There is nothing to prove.

The press is paying attention to all of this. Alice is beyond angry about this situation.

Miranda: Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I present the one and only, Mr. McGinnis!!!

And to everyone's surprise... An image of McGinnis is displayed. His voice is heard over the place and to the
incredible surprise of all people. Alice and 95 McGinnis are surprised.

McGinnis: Hello Alice!!! Hello impostor...

Alice: Are you kidding me?!!! You are giving this people a sound clip? You are so stupid!!!

Miranda: How ignorant you are. Ladies and gentlemen this sound is just the beginning. These people are corrupt,
and they are running this agency on lousy terms. Tony’s execution was vicious and vile. I promise to all of you, that
my information is true.

The Press, after listening to those statements, begin to question Miranda and Alice. Alice took the microphone in a
very rude and hostile way. The press noticed the hostility between them.

Alice: This press conference is over. I’m sick and tired of her lies.

Miranda: No!! We are sick and tired of your lies Alice. That McGinnis is an impostor. And yes, people, you may
question the audio that you have listened earlier; but I want all of you, including you my little phony this. Because
My McGinnis, the real one will talk to all of you.

And then, the whole building turns dark. A chorus of opera singers is heard in the background. Alice is furious and
the press is more surprised by these events. Miranda is smiling and more than happy, without further ado… The
most amazing revelation happens before their eyes.

McGinnis: It is amazing how the audacity and ignorance of many has affected the perception of others. Only when
you are close to death you learn to appreciate life. Alice ... you and that demon you call Hector McGinnis are going
to have their doomsday. Because it is time for The Man in Black and the Dark Justice to stand up once again and
give this country the much-needed justice. And yes, your demon will have to look me in the eye and face its end.
Members of the press, I am back. Alice ... your demon is going to die, and you will not rest in peace!!!

Everybody was speechless…

Alice: Hold it!! People of the press I insist. Miranda is a liar. This man, my man is the real McGinnis. Don’t you see
Miranda: Press people; you might still have doubts. But tomorrow, here, I will be with the real McGinnis in front of
you. So, Alice: you and your impostor will pay the price. It’s over!!!

Alice left the building furious. Miranda left the building with a smile on her face. Miranda went to the big house.
There, everybody was waiting for her. Anny and Louis with Conde welcome Miranda.

Louis: Miranda, come watch the news. You are gonna like it.

Miranda: News? Well, let's see what's on television.

The reporter addresses the viewing public. The Reporter has Alice to interview her.

GRO: Greetings dear viewers. I have an exclusive for you. Here I am going to interview the person of the moment.
Mrs. Alexis Laree Dumas.

Alice: Excuse me trashy reporter, my name is Alexis Laree McGinnis. I am a happily married woman. So, take
advantage of the five minutes that I give you because I have a husband to attend to in every sense of the word. I ask
you, have you ever had a husband? hahahaha stupid go ahead I'm leaving.

GRO: We know of your peculiar sense of humor. But this is serious. What happened at the press conference?

Alice: Speaking of the devil, this is the most stupid question you just asked. I was having sex with my
husband. Moron!!! do yourself a favor and get your head out of your boss's ass and stop kissing his
hemorrhoids. All of Puerto Rico saw the Miranda fiasco. She is insubordinate and I am going to fire her
from the team very soon. But since she insists that My husband is an impostor, I am going to make the
following statement: My man is the real McGinnis. You disrespected me by telling me that I am an
imitation of a woman. Imitation of a woman you are my dear cheap. If you say you have the real McGinnis, I
want you to bring him in; so, he can be unmasked by my McGinnis. Then we can end this ridiculousness once and
for all. I know you are watching me, Miranda. I’m challenging you.

Miranda was watching from the big house. To the surprise of the viewing public, she decides to make a phone call.
Alice answers the call. Miranda accepts the challenge and guarantees that she will go to the real McGinnis.
Everyone is waiting; who tells the truth? who is lying? it's a matter of time.

Miranda: I'm going to unmask you shameless liar.

Louis: I'm worried. How will we get to the real one?

Miranda: Soon everyone will see it. Mr. Conde, is everything ready?

Mr. Conde: Of course my girl. We leave when you order.

Miranda: Perfect. Let's go. It is time for the truth to be known.

Meanwhile Alice and her team are getting ready.

Lilly: Alice, what if they show up with the real one?

Alice: Easy. I always have a card up my sleeve. Come I need one last favor from you and then we go.

Lilly goes with Alice to do her that favor. Then, they both go to their destination. Alice, Lilly, and McGinnis arrive
at Father Macario's church. The Father is surprised by this unexpected visit.

Alice: Lilly, tie up the father. Beloved, help her. Once we finish them all, the father dies.

Lilly and McGinnis tie up the father. Alice texts Miranda to let her know where they are going to meet. Alice hands
Lilly a video camera.

Alice: I want you to record everything. This will be our evidence to kill Miranda.
Lilly: Excellent.

Miranda, Mr. Conde and Louis arrive at the church.

Miranda: Alice, here we are. Where are you coward?

Alice: Very good. At last we see each other's faces. Liar, deceitful and opportunistic. I see this is my sister Louis'
brat. How do they feel knowing that I really am the daughter of your filthy and corrupt father?

Louis: Because of how corrupt you are, you look like him.

Miranda: Enough. Where is "your McGinnis"?

Alice: Lights, camera, action!!!

Lilly starts recording. 95 McGinnis is ready for his entrance.

Alice: Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, for all of you, the one and only, my husband Mr. Hector

McGinnis enters the church. He approaches Alice and gives her a very passionate kiss. After the kiss, he takes out a
gun and points it at Miranda.

Alice: Do you realize it dear? This is my man the real McGinnis. Where is "your McGinnis" ridiculous? Hurry, you
only have minutes to live.

Miranda: You don’t know me do you know me Alice? Mr. Conde please do the honors.

While Lilly was filming everything, Mr. Conde walked into the church. To everyone's surprise, Mr. Conde brought a
coffin. Alice couldn't believe it. She is uncomfortable and upset about it.

Miranda: Look dear. And your impostor, get ready.

Miranda pulled out a knife. This is getting bizarre by the moment.

Alice: Stupid. Do you think you are going to intimidate me with a miserable knife? You are very ignorant and

Miranda: No Alice. This knife is for me. McGinnis is mine, all mine.

Miranda cuts her wrist. Alice starts laughing.

Alice: This crazy woman is going to kill herself. This is great.

Miranda: No idiot. Mr. Conde open the coffin please.

Mr. Conde opens the coffin. A surprised Alice sees McGinnis's corpse. 95 McGinnis recoils when he sees himself;
Miranda closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and tells them the following.

Miranda: I am the perfect balance, the pure blood, the eternal flame of life that cannot be extinguish, the power of
wisdom and the intensity of love; and with my blood you, the real McGinnis, will return to me… Now!!!

To everyone's surprise, the lights at the church began to flicker. Alice, Lilly and McGinnis are looking at the coffin.
Miranda poured her blood on the coffin. Suddenly, a soft music begins to play; and to the amazement of everybody
McGinnis rises from the coffin. McGinnis walked down the aisle and 95 McGinnis is surprised. Alice can't believe it
and Father Macario is shaking in horror. Yet a gleam fills Alice's eyes. 95 McGinnis realizes the situation and is
upset. McGinnis raises his arms and the light are on again. He walks up to his '95 version and makes a sign to cut his

Miranda: Welcome my love. Welcome back My McGinnis.

McGinnis: This is like looking in the mirror. It’s over impostor.

95 McGinnis: Alice what does this mean? Who is he?

Miranda: Quiet puppet. You are the impostor and he is the real one. It is over for you!!! Ohhh yes!!!!!

Alice: Enough!!! I was looking forward to this moment.

Alice approaches McGinnis provocatively. 95 McGinnis starts to get annoyed. 95 McGinnis punches him in the face
but to no avail. Alice gets between the two. This action took 95 McGinnis by surprise.

95 McGinnis: What's wrong Alice? What are you doing?

Alice: Simple!!! Why do I want the copy, when I can have the original; I'm sorry "my love", but your role in this
game has come to an end. Step aside kid!!! I have no use for you anymore.

95 McGinnis: What are you talking about? I have always loved you Alice. What is the problem now?

Alice: Look at me moron!!! I used you to finally see the real one again. And, of course, love made you an idiot

95 McGinnis begins to fight with the real one. The fight was even as Miranda cheered for his man. Then Alice
distract both McGinnis; and without saying words, Alice makes a sign. Lilly shoots 95 McGinnis in the back. When
the variant turns around, Alice finishes him off with a stab to the neck. 95 McGinnis begins to bleed profusely after
falling to the ground.

95 McGinnis: Why? Why did you do this? I am dying.

Alice: Why not? I longed for this moment. Die stupid idiot!!!

Miranda: You are a filthy traitor!!! Murderer!!!!

Alice throws the knife on the floor. Alice stares at McGinnis.

Alice: McGinnis my love. You know you are mine!!! And I'm yours. Come to me and let's make a life together. You
and me my love. Forget about this little rat. Siempre has sido mio; ahora es nuestro momento. Vamonos juntos mi

McGinnis comes closer to Alice. To Miranda’s surprise McGinnis gets to one knee, raise his hand and smiles at

Alice: Did you see it?!!! Don’t you noticed? Todavia me ama!!!

Miranda: McGinnis!!! What the hell?!!! I don’t believe it.

McGinnis: Alice, my love pay attention to me. You are the one. This must be done.

McGinnis hugs Alice and kiss her in the lips. She is more than excited. Miranda is as angry as hell.

McGinnis: My Love… This is our destiny, your destiny… Rest in Peace!!!

McGinnis stabs Alice in the heart… She is surprised and go down.

Miranda: Die pathetic woman!!! Finally die!!!

Alice: No!!! This can’t be!!! I can’t die. I swear that you will not be safe from me.

McGinnis: Your time has come. Die. Just lay down and Rest in Peace.
Alice fell to the ground. Lilly was crying over the body. Then the police came. They arrested Lilly. Police helped
Father Macario. The paramedics pick up Alice's corpse. Miranda and McGinnis hug and share a passionate kiss.

Miranda: The nightmare is over. Welcome back my love.

McGinnis: It took time, but here I am with you. Justice has been done. Now it remains for us to organize the agency
and regain the trust of our fellow citizens.

Miranda: I love that idea. I'm going to call Darian. She can be a very important instrument. Are you ready to meet
our children?

McGinnis: Of course, I do want to meet our children. So many months away. It has not been easy for everybody.
I’m happy for us my love.

Miranda: I assume you know the whole truth about your family.

McGinnis: Yes. In fact, I always knew who my father was. I knew he wasn’t my father; so, I forgive him. I know
Alice, Lilly, Anny, and Louis are sisters. Someday I will know who I am. But let’s celebrate. This is our time.

6 months later….

December 2001, Christmas; finally, Miranda and Mr. McGinnis marry before the joy and happiness of the
witnesses. Their children, both one year old, feel happy. Miranda and McGinnis regain control of the agency. Darian
is promoted to the position of Police Commissioner; and together with the new team and they manage to lower
crime in San Juan.

Darian: I am more than pleased with my new team. We have managed to reduce crime in San Juan and restored the
trust of the people. Dr. Sara Reed has been cleared of all the charges put by Alice; and now, she is part of our team.
My commitment is to continue improving the quality of life of our people in San Juan and Puerto Rico overall.

McGinnis: This is our moment, Miranda. We have a great team. Our great commissioner is doing a great job.

Miranda: I’m so happy for all of this. Our country men are proud of us. We did it. We are the excellence of

McGinnis: Project Dark Justice has begun. You and I are going to rule San Juan.

Miranda: Yes… Justice, just like your new name, will always prevail.

McGinnis: And your name as well. Tanya Miranda Valentine-McGinnis, my wife, my lover, my friend and now my
partner in crime. No more Alice, no more nightmares and most important no more crimes. We are going to be the
best team ever.

Miranda: We are the best team ever!!!


7 years later… December 24, 2008

It is Christmas season. Miranda, McGinnis, and the kids are having fun at the amusement park. As a family they
have made up for lost time. The kids (Kamila and Victor) are full grown up kids.

Miranda: How time quickly goes by. The children are already 8 years old. They are big.

McGinnis: Indeed, my love. They grow fast. Soon, they will become teenagers; and then, they will be adults. We
have to enjoy them as much as we can.

Miranda: It’s true. They grow very fast. Look they are giving the news.
Indeed, there is a giant screen where the Prime News is being given.

GRO: Good Afternoon. Although the crime wave continues to hit the island, our team of agents, led by
Commissioner Darian Rusell-Conde, have been more than effective. The people are more than satisfied with the
results obtained and how the crime rate continues to drop. In other information The McGinnis-Valentine Foundation
has donated over 2 million dollars to the San Juan psychiatric hospital, with the aim of helping people of all ages,
with emotional problems and who are of low economic resources. This information and many more in our edition of
Prime News.

McGinnis: Jejejeje. This is unbelievable. I’m enjoying this.

Miranda: What is so funny about? Share the joke please.

McGinnis: Conde married the widow jejejeje. I thought he will marry “my mother”.

Miranda: You do have a dark sense of humor. Conde and Darian are nice.

Indeed Mr. Conde and Darian got married. We did assemble an incredible team. My grandfather, Gregory
McGinnis, left me an inheritance of over 500 million dollars. That’s a lot of money; with that money, I divided it
among my sisters, which was fair, because they do have the McGinnis surname. I do not know who my biological
parents are, I hope one day to know. Meanwhile they, Anny and Louis are my family. Their father died in suspicious
circumstances, heart attack; but nothing has been proven ever since.

Meanwhile somewhere in Europe...

Waiter: Good evening miss. Welcome to our restaurant. Do you want something to drink?

"Sure you do. Please bring me the best red wine you have. Make it as red as blood."

Waiter: As you order lady. Any appetizers?

"These lobster croquettes catch my eye; bring them with the wine, I can wait."

Waiter: Excellent my lady. I'll be right back with your orders.

At those moments the phone rings.

F "I finally get your call. Are you near the place?"

M "That's correct. I'm going to see you now."

They both meet at the restaurant.

F "Finally, together. 7 years have passed. It is a long time, and it is time for our revenge. Our plan, back then, was

M "Indeed it was successful. That's the way it is. I don't forgive my father for leaving the entire money to that
bastard. It's time for revenge."

F "We have already started; remember that they believe that you are dead and at the same time they believe the same
of me. Surprise will be our best weapon."

At then the waiter arrives.

Waiter: Gentleman, good evening, can I offer you something?

F "Don't worry about the gentleman, waiter. The wine is for both of us. So, bring us another bottle."

Waiter: Excellent. Anything else you need my lady?

F “At this moment no. Thank you for your kindness”.

M “This wine is exquisite. Thank you dear”.

F "It is time to take back what belongs to us. It is time to finish them off."

M "Karma, dear, Karma. That bastard will curse the day he came into my life. Let's toast for our future revenge and
their impending demise."

F "Let's toast to Karma, to the sacrifice of a sister 7 years ago and to the violence that we are going to cause; Yes, A
REVOLUTION IS COMING. No one will be safe. No one is going to survive. My knowledge of black magic and
your knowledge of modern science will be more than enough to destroy them. "

M "I like that phrase ... a revolution is coming.”

F “That bastard is known as Dark Justice; but it is time for him and his team to meet the ultimate killing machine. It
is time for them to meet, The Queen of the Night."

A revolution is coming...

To be continued

Killers on board Part 3

Synopsis: This is the most violent story of them all. The Ultimate killing Machine Vs The
ruthless vigilante; The Queen of the Night Vs the Dark Justice. Which deadly killer will prevail?

Chapter 1: Karma
From the Queen of the Night
“If you think you know violence; think again. A revolution is coming. Vengeance, hate, passion,
love, and loyalty are the main characters in this phenomenal, violent and sadistic saga. I am The
Ultimate Killing Machine. I’m known as The Queen of the Night, and I will be unleashed. No
one can stop me. What will happen when I, The Queen of the Night comes face to face with my
eternal enemy, The Dark Justice; darling, this is not a dream; this is an extreme reality. Are you
ready for the ride? I hope you are; because, for all of you, it will be your Last Ride!!!
F: I’m glad you like it. Because is not a cliché; this is the new reality. A deadly reality that they
will face very soon. I have people all over the world. And on any given moment, we will strike.
They will never know what hit them. I am overanxious to strike in person.
M: Hey gorgeous one; be patient. You look amazing. Your evolution is incredible. When will
you strike?
F: As soon as possible. Remember I have contacts all over the world. I have no feelings
anymore. I want blood, death, and suffering. They must pay!!!
M: And when you say yes, means McGinnis and Miranda right?
F: Exactly!!! Both will pay with their miserable lives. I will torture them mentally. They will go
insane. I will enjoy every single minute of their pain and suffering. Hell has opened its gate and I
am the demon no one will defeat.
M: You are intense; save it. I know you will get that vengeance my queen. You are my greatest
experiment, and I am so proud of the results from it. I can’t wait to unleash you, again, in Puerto
Then someone called her.
“Ms. Queen, I have important news for you”
F: Well, tell me. I’m not here to waste my time.
“They are here at the park. They are watching the news”.
F: Excellent my friend. Like I said, don’t waste time and take out their kids.
“Are you sure you want me to kill their children?”
F: I can’t believe the stupidity you just asked. Kill them or I will kill you, as simple as that.
“Sorry my Queen. I will obey your orders. I will call you when I finished this.”
F: Perfect. I expect your call with positive results, or you die.
She hung up the call. Again, they shared another glass of wine.
M: What happened? Something wrong?
F: No. I hope not because he will pay with his life. I don’t mind killing this idiot. I just can’t wait
to spread terror in Puerto Rico. The serum you gave me, wow, it is incredible.
M: Patience my Queen. You must remember that they are formidable foes. We know their
capacities and strengths.
F: You are right. But my hatred and fury are stronger than that. I’m just anxious to get my hands
on all of them. First Miranda, I will kill that useless, pathetic woman with my own hands. I want
to take her eyes out of their sockets; and then, pop goes the weasel. She will be dead. Then her
husband… I will soft him, so you can kill him and rip his heart out.
M: I loved that. I want to do it. They will die. Let’s go to the hotel room. Waiter!!! The bill
F: Take my money; pay the bill and ask for another bottle of wine. It is as exquisite as blood. I
am freaking love it.
And then, both individuals went to their Hotel Room. There she said the following:
F: Do you think this is over? Never ever. My revenge will be incredible, ruthless, bloody and
with many deaths on the way. The system is convinced that they defeated me. That is not true.
This is just the beginning of the end. I'm not alone and I still have the black magic books, which
I stole from you McGinnis. I'm going to get revenge on everyone. This will be the end of all. But
first your children my love. Karma will be a bitch.
Back to the island. Miranda and McGinnis are having a good time with their children.
Miranda: Honey, take Victor with you to the carrousel. I want to take pictures.
M: Wonderful my love. Victor come with me. Ven con papa; vamos al carrusel.
McGinnis takes Victor to the carrousel. They ignore someone is watching from a distance.
Miranda is taking pictures and Kamila is smiling and singing. Then… Boom!!! A bullet was
shot. Everybody was perplexed. McGinnis felt to the ground, still holding Victor in his arms.
Everybody is screaming and crying at the scene.
Miranda: Oh my God!!! They are dead!!!
Then McGinnis stood up. Still in shock he realized that he had blood and a scar in his chest. But
when he turned around, McGinnis saw Victor on the floor. He tried to resuscitate Victor. But it
was late. Victor passed away. The mission was accomplished. This man, then, called The Queen.
“Hi Queen. The mission is accomplished.”
QOTN: Are you sure? Don’t lie to me or you will die.
“I’m not lying. Check your email. I will send you the evidence, so you can see it.”
QOTN: Perfect. Send me the picture and I will pay you.
The evidence is sent. The Queen was mad. She decided to call him back.
QOTN: What the hell?!!! I told you to kill both bastards, not one!!!
“Sorry my queen; there were a lot of people. It was difficult to get both kids.”
QOTN: Idiot!!! You have 24 hours to kill the other kid, or I will kill you!!!
“Ok My Queen. I…will do it. Sorry”.
Then, the mysterious man comes close to the Queen.
M: You are smiling my Queen. Did someone die?
QOTN: McGinnis and Miranda’s son was killed. I will kill that moron if he doesn’t get the job
M: Wait a minute!! Slow down honey. I know you are motivated. You truly are insane.
QOTN: Vengeance motivates people, and I am deadly motivated. Don’t forget about it.
M: I understand your motivation and desire; but you need to canalize this newfound energy. If
you don’t control yourself then I have to stop giving this serum. Do you want that?
QOTN: No, please!!! I’m sorry. I’m just excited. I will slow down. Let me call Castro again.
M: Ok. Now you sound better. Go ahead call Castro and tell him he will have another chance.
The Queen calls Castro. Castro answered the phone very terrified, thinking of the worst.
Castro: My Queen… sorry for what happened. I apologize for my mistake.
QOTN: Hey, Castro, don’t worry. I’m calling to let you know that everything is ok. Take your
time; I will pay you. Once you kill the other kid, then I will pay you the rest. Is that ok with you?
Castro: Oh, my goodness!!! My Queen, your comments mean heaven for me. Now I’m relieved.
Thank you very much; next time, I will not let you down, promised.
QOTN: Perfect. I will transfer the money to your account. Once I return to the island, we will
meet and then, take out our enemies. I want you to assemble a group ASAP.
The Queen finished her call. She is more relaxed. Her companion noticed that, and he is happy
about it.
M: Now we are talking about. I need you calmed and relaxed. Keep your intensity, of course; but
focus all the time. Avoid being impulsive, that is my advice to you. Let the serum work babe.
QOTN: You are right. But Jesus Christ, this drug, is orgasmic. I’m sorry to sound so sexual; but,
I feel so good. Well, I just want to go back to the island and kill them all!!!
M: You will kill them all and I will help you my dear. Just one step a time. Think about it; we
fooled them seven years ago. And even though, Castro killed one of their sons, which by the way
was a very sadistic move on your part, you have to move one step at a time. We will get them.
QTON: I perfectly understand your point of view. I agree with you. Seven years is a long time. I
will be patient. You know it’s hard for me; but I will be prudent, patient, and cautious.
M: Now you sound like the intelligent woman you are. And you will be rewarded for your
patience. Go to sleep. You need rest so the serum can work properly on your body; I will go to
sleep as well. Tomorrow I will book us a flight back to Puerto Rico. Everything is going to be
QOTN: That is awesome!!! Now I will sleep like a baby. Have an awesome night. I can’t wait to
come back. My enemies will pay, and I will spread terror on all of San Juan.
Back in the island… The Reporters are covering the sad events that cost the life of an eight-year-
old kid, Victor McGinnis Valentine.
Gerardo Rivera: Damas y caballeros. Esta es la escena trágica donde ha sido asesinado un niño
de 8 años. El menor es identificado como Victor McGinnis-Valentine. Este fue asesinado de un
balazo en el pecho lo cual le provocó un desangramiento masivo, perdiendo la vida a tan
temprana edad. Sus padres, los agentes McGinnis y Miranda Valentine están muy afectados. La
policía ha comenzado la investigación. Para más información, pendientes a nuestra edición
nocturna de Las Noticias. Informando para ustedes Gerardo Rivera.
Miranda and McGinnis are in shock.
Miranda: My love… My Victor!!! He is dead!!
McGinnis: I’m with you. Our son is dead. I’m trying to remain calmed. I can’t talk… I’m so
sorry. I let you down. I can’t believe this. This is a nightmare.
Miranda: Shut up McGinnis!!! You let no one down. We are husband and wife. I am talking to
my husband, not Dark Justice. So don’t you ever say that my love. Once we take care of Victor,
as parents, then you can be The Dark Justice and the Man in Black that all criminals fear every
single day and night. But now, you are Victor’s father. We are Victor’s parents.
McGinnis is crying. Miranda is hugging him. The Forensics takes Victor’s body to the morgue.
Darian arrives and sees them.
Darian: I am so sorry guys. Miranda, Hector… I am here for you.
Miranda: Thank you Darian. It was so sudden and quick. We didn’t have time to do something.
Darian: Oh My God. Conde is on his way. I was at the office when I saw the news. Conde was at
home. Where is Kamila?
Miranda: She is crying there with her dad. I’m in shock. I don’t know what to say.
Darian: Don’t say nothing. Please, come with us. I don’t want you guys to be alone at home. I
can set a room for you and Kamila. Once you take care of Victor’s funeral arrangements, then
we can investigate all of this.
Miranda: Thank you Darian. We will be there. We will follow you.
They get to Darian’s house. Conde prepared coffee for all of us.
Conde: ¡¡¡Caramba hija mia no puedo creer esto!!! ¡¡¡Como lo siento tanto!!!
Miranda: Mr. Conde, esto ha sido un golpe duro. En especial para McGinnis quien se ha
refugiado en su alter-ego Dark Justice. Talk to him maestro. I am sad because he was my son.
But I’m afraid to lose my husband. Talk to him. I’m afraid that he might snap. I can feel it and it
worries me a lot. He is like a ticking time bomb; a loose bullet to say the least.
Conde: I will talk to him. But please take Kamila to my game room. Deja que se distraiga con los
juegos electronicos que tengo en este cuarto. Dejala que se distraiga un rato.
Miranda: Thank you Conde. Kamila mi amor… Ven, vamos para un cuarto especial que te
preparo el tio Conde. Ese cuarto tiene juegos electrónicos.
Kamila: Si mama voy enseguida. Mom… ¿Papa estará bien?
Miranda: Papa va a estar bien mi amorsote. Ve a jugar. Te avisaremos a la hora de cenar.
And Kamila goes to play video games. McGinnis is at a corner with his mind in blank. Conde is
trying to have a conversation with him. Darian hugged him. It is indeed a tough time for the
McGinnis-Valentine family.
Conde: Darian my love... Look for the pills that I have on the bathroom.
Darian: The ones that relaxes your muscles?
Conde: Yes babe. He is very tense; we need to calm him down one way or another.
Darian: Excellent. I will look for them right away.
While Darian is looking for the pills, Miranda is talking with Conde.
Conde: Mi niña, you said about being afraid of losing him. Can you explain that to me?
Miranda: Mr. Conde, there is a reason why the crime rate in San Juan lowered a lot. Do you want
to know why?
Conde: Of course, I want to know. Can you tell me?
Miranda: Crime has lowered down because my husband is the Dark Justice.
Conde: What?!! I don’t believe it!!! McGinnis is that vigilante. The Dark Justice has been
awesome to our city; but his methods are very unorthodox and vicious.
Miranda: Exactly Mr. Conde. He is the Dark Justice. He has been the man that killed most of the
criminals in San Juan. When we brought him back from the dead, I knew something was wrong
with him. We brought a killer; my husband is a killer that makes justice by assassinating
Conde: So, do you think this is Karma for him? Or some punishment?
Miranda: Perhaps yes, perhaps not. But it is a detonator and I need all the help from Darian and
you to control him. I don’t want his dark side to take over him. It will be a disaster for
everybody. Nobody will be safe. We need to take care of him as much as we can.
Conde: Count on us. No only we are a team, but this is family.
While they had dinner and talked about the situation, McGinnis mind was in another place. He
laid in the sofa, trying to sleep and avoid thinking about his dead son. Meanwhile on the other
side of the world, the Queen is in bed thinking about her revenge. Tomorrow she will come back
to Puerto Rico. She wants to spread terror, death and pain on to her enemies; but she will not do
it alone. She has allies that believe in her crusade of terror.
QOTN: Tomorrow, I will be back home. Seven long years of hiding from the public eye. Yes,
the last time, they were “victorious”. But I’m always two steps ahead of you. Miranda, McGinnis
and all the team will be surprised. This time, you will die a painful death, worse than your son’s.
My revenge will be fulfilled, and no one will survive. But before you die, I will kill all the people
in San Juan; one by one, those miserable rats will be killed by me, The Queen of The Night and
the ruler of this country. I am ready for everyone; it’s time to test and take this serum to the limit.
I am physically more powerful than ever. I can’t wait to kill with my own hands. I will wait for
the right moment to attack and kill. This drug is like fire inside my veins. No one will stop me.
No one jajaja.

Chapter 2: A sadistic comeback page 1

(Dramatic Suspenseful Trailer song)
It has been an insane and tragic 48 hours. Losing Victor in a very controversial circumstances
has been tough and rough for the McGinnis-Valentine family. McGinnis still doesn't say a word;
Miranda and the others do not stop watching him. McGinnis is harmless at the moment.
Miranda: My love, we have to process this irreparable loss. He's our son but I need you right
McGinnis: Forgive my estrangement Miranda. We're going to work on Victor's funeral
arrangements. Once this is done, whoever killed our son will pay for it with his life. I'm going to
kill him with my own hands.
Miranda: Calm down my love. We will do justice. I guarantee you that.
McGinnis: Here the only justice that works is mine. Dark Justice. I am going to prepare myself.
We're going to the funeral home for Victor's arrangements. Let’s finish with this event.
Miranda and McGinnis make all the necessary arrangements. Working directly on the system
helps them speed up processes. In the afternoon, Victor's corpse will be on display for family and
close friends. On the other hand, The Queen of the Night and her mysterious companion are
preparing to return to Puerto Rico. At the Funeral Home, everybody get there to give the
McGinnis-Valentine the moral support that they need.
Miranda: Gracias gente por el apoyo. Thanks for all the support. It means a lot for our family.
We love you people. Thanks a lot.
McGinnis: Les agradezco a todos, este momento de solidaridad. I’m so grateful for all of you.
Members of the Press, I know you have questions; and we will gladly answer them; but please,
we need space to digest this very difficult moment.
Miranda: And we promised to answer all your questions and doubts about this. We will never let
you down. But right now, we are in no condition to talk about anything, much less an interview.

Page 2 Meanwhile, at 10,000 feet above sea level, The Queen is very anxious to reach the island.
In her eyes you can see the gleam of psychotic evil, ready to kill at the slightest movement and
the slightest or no provocation. Her thirst for revenge has no limits and she is salivating like a
tigress, sniffing her prey and already savoring it from now on. What the hell has that serum that
has transformed her into the ultimate killing machine? Who is that gentleman who is
experimenting with her? The queen continues to think about everything she is going to do once
she arrives in Puerto Rico.
The Queen: There is little left to get to the island. You shitty rabble, you don't know what's in
store for you. I am not stupid; it has been 7 years outside of Puerto Rico and I know that many
things have changed. That's why I'll have fun first; then the massacre will begin.
M: My Queen make the effort to rest. It is good that you plan, but do not go to extremes.
Remember: the more you rest, the more effective the serum and the next doses will be.
The Queen: Damn!!! You're right. I can't help feeling this anxiety. I carry that anxiety in my
genetics. But I appreciate that you are here with me, so I do not commit an imprudence that cost
me all the stuff that I want to do. Do you want something to drink?
M: Yes, I am kind of thirsty. Stewardess, can you bring us something to drink?
Stewardess: Sure, distinguished gentleman. What do you want to drink?
M: I am thirsty. Bring me a small bottle of red wine and a Coke.
The queen: I also want the red wine and a bottle of water. Thanks in advance.
Stewardess: Anything else you want?
M: No. That would be it for now.
The queen: same here. Thanks a lot.
Stewardess: Here at your service. I'll be in five minutes with your drinks.
The Queen and her companion take their drinks and meals. Dawn is just around the corner and
therefore the imminent arrival of this ruthless being ready to kill for revenge and pleasure. The
plane lands at the airport safely. All passengers get off the plane safely, without any setback. All
of them are unaware that a serial killer, a dangerous, sensual, and sexual woman has arrived on
the island. The Queen arrives on the island with a thirst for revenge and she will do everything
possible to fulfill her desire for revenge.
Page 3 TQ: Finally, I am here. I am back; like I said before, seven long years. I am going to
surprise everybody. Nobody will be safe.
M: I understand your intentions my Queen. But you must control your impulses. We have to be
on a low profile method. It is the only choice, if you want to use the surprise factor on our favor.
We have to cover our identity. We cannot blow this.
TQ: And we are the masters of disguise. I fully comprehend your words. But, I need to have
some fun, if you know what I mean.
M: Hell no!!! Don’t you ever think about it!!!
TQ: Please!!! I will be bored at home all the time. Besides I will have a disguise and nobody will
know me. I will be careful, indeed.
M: Well… The only thing I want you to do is to be careful. This place is violent and, besides us,
there are a lot of criminals out there.
TQ: You are right. But I need the workout. I am the ultimate killing machine. Nobody will mess
with me. Believe that.
M: Before you go, enjoy this shrimp Alfredo pasta I made for us.
TQ: Exquisite food my gentleman. Let me take a bath first.
M: Go ahead sunshine. I will serve it once you’re out.
And The Queen took a bath. She ate that delicious meal with her companion. Then she prepared
everything for her Friday’s hangout. She took the car and began driving thru the beautiful streets
of San Juan. She looked gorgeous, as some men were screaming at her. If they only knew which
kind of girl is, then they will not even say hi. She is a certified assassin and is prepared for
everything. Twenty minutes later, The Queen arrived at a disco. She parked the car and listened
to the music from the outside.
TQ: My Goodness, these people dance to this crap. Nothing against reggae, but it is very lousy.
Well I don’t care; I’m here “to have fun”. Some of these people will die tonight. 10-1
Valet Parking Guy: Good evening Ma’am. May I help you?
TQ: Good evening good looking. Are you the Valet Parking guy?
VPG: Yes my lady. What can I do for you? May I have your keys?
TQ: Yes, they are. Thank you very much. Do I have to pay a ticket to get in? Or there is
something else I must do?
Page 4 VPG: Yes. But this one, nothing else. Once I give you the ticket, you can get in and
depending on the time you spend, it will be the cost of it.
TQ: Outstanding!!! Since you have been a gentlemen, take this 20 bucks. Thanks for your help.
VPG: Oh!!! Thank you!!! I appreciate your kindness. Take the ticket and enjoy the night.
The Valet Parking Guy took her car and parked it. The Queen showed the ticket and got into the
disco. Suddenly everybody stopped. They were impressed of this unique woman. The Queen
knew it. Everybody is mesmerized of this stunning beauty. She looked at them, smiled at them
and then asked the DJ for music.
TQ: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am here to have fun. But let’s change the music. Let’s
begin with this one, shall we?
And the DJ played the song “Touch Me”. The Queen began a very sensual dance. Men are
women were in shock about it. Then she took a girl to dance with her. Both girls were dancing
and The Queen began to kiss her. The girl kissed the Queen back. All the men were, literally,
salivating at the scene. Then, an upset man came to them trying to get involved.
TQ: What do you want? Don’t you see we’re busy?
Pedro: The problem is that you are busy with my girlfriend.
TQ: That is your girlfriend? Honey you better do something with yourself because she is my girl
now. I guess the best man to please her is a woman. So… step aside little short man!!!
Pedro: Little short man?!!! How dare you to call me that? Eva, come with me now!!!
Eva was silent. Indeed something is wrong with her. The Queen laughed at Pedro in a very
maniacal and sinister way.
TQ: See Little Peter; she is with me now. Take a hike, get lost and allow a real woman like me,
do the job that you cannot do. See you around kiddo.
Pedro: No!!! She’ll come with me right now!!! I’ll not allow a lousy lesbo to get my girl!!! You
stupid freak!!!
TQ: Lesbo? You mean lesbian? Are you calling me a freak? Stupid fool; you have five seconds
to leave.
Pedro: Yeah right… five seconds? What are you going to do freak?!!
Page 5 TQ: Simple; I’m leaving with my girl. Step aside Cornelius Maximus.
Pedro: You are not going to take my girl freak!!! Come with me Eva!!!
Just when the Queen was going to leave the place with Eva, Pedro grabs Eva by the arm in a
sudden and violent way. The Queen gives Pedro a tremendous slap. When he was going to attack
her, she raises her hands and a circle of fire surrounds the guy. Everybody was in shock. The
Queen was euphoric.
TQ: Stupid insolent. How dare you challenge me? Die maggot from hell.
And everyone in the club was horrified to see how the fire consumed Pedro alive. Then security
tried to interfere but The Queen, with a dagger in hand, killed them. Then, she, alone, killed
everyone who was in the disco except Eva. They both leave the disco. She watches in horror as
The Queen lights the disco with approximately thirty people on fire.
TQ: Come my love. Estamos solas. Because the night belongs to lovers, because the night
belongs to us.
Eva: What happened to me? No!!! This cannot be. Let me go!!!
The Queen stares at her. And in the blink of an eye, Eva is killed with a shot to the forehead. The
Queen savors this massacre caused by her. It has been a night of terror, fun, macabre and a lot of
TQ: Silly. What a waste of a woman. You were more than gorgeous, I wanted to eat you baby;
but anyway you were going to die. I'm going to change and go unnoticed by these idiots. Let me
do this quick.
Then her cell phone rings.
TQ: Hi my dear M… what’s up?
M: Don’t say my name. Come here as quick as possible. You are nuts!!!
TQ: Take it easy. I will be there; oh my goodness. What a temper.
The Queen got to her house. There is the TV with the local news.
M: Come here!!! Tell me you didn’t do this.
TQ: Did What? What the hell are you talking about?
M: Watch the news; then you can tell me the truth.
TQ: Ok let’s watch the news then
The Queen and her companion watch the news. There is Gerardo Rivera on TV.
Page 6 Reporter: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We are live, in the place where an
unprecedented massacre has occurred. About twenty people dead and this place on fire for more
than 30 minutes. Firefighters managed to put out the fire. At this time, forensic science officers
and the Puerto Rico police are investigating the case; despite the fact that the building was on
fire, the investigators will look for evidence since the nightclub had security cameras and a black
box as a backup. Reporting for Las Noticias Prime time, Amanda Russell.
M: Are you insane? Do you want to get exposed? Do you want McGinnis to know?
TQ: One answer at a time. Yes, I just did; but, I dressed up. If those fools recover any film
evidence, they'll only see a costume. The important thing is that I had a lot of fun and that was
the main mission. I want their attention by hook or by crook.
M: Don't be stupid girl. Are you forgetting that we're dealing with this bastard, this is
McGinnis!!! That stinker is too smart for you to be adrift killing whoever you want for your
TQ: Lower 69 to your Puerto Rican hysteria. I want to have fun, don't you get it? I want him and
his filthy wife to look for us. For that, I need to provoke them. Also, they are going through a
grieving process. His bratty son died, thanks to Castro I am going to their funeral right now!!!
M: Are you kidding me? That’s suicide!!! He will recognize you.
TQ: First off, nobody will recognize me; second, suicide? It is not suicide; it’s adrenaline that I
love and excites me. So far and so close; me being able to go, pee on their faces and enjoy their
pain and suffering makes me so happy. So tomorrow I'm going to that brat's funeral. You do not
have to enter if your fear is that you will be discovered. I'll go well disguised, believe me.
Meanwhile at the mansion.
Miranda: It has been a very difficult and strong day. My love, I need more focus than ever.
Tomorrow, once we bury Victor, we will begin the healing process.
McGinnis: I know and I have to regroup my ideas. We both have to heal. I know we're going to
make it. I only ask you for patience which I will also have with you.
Miranda: And I'll have patience with you. One day at a time. Today we are going to bury Victor.
Tomorrow will be another day. So let's go to the funeral home. Kamila is still at Mr. Conde's
Page 7 McGinnis: We'll pick up Kamila later. Let's go to the funeral home.
Miranda: Perfect. I know she is in a safe place. Call them; tell them we will be at the funeral.
McGinnis: No problem. Take the keys and drive. I will call Conde right now.
Miranda begins to drive and McGinnis calls Conde. Now they are both on their way to the
funeral home. Today is the day of Victor's burial. It will be a very emotional and difficult day.
However, both are unaware that their son's killer will be at the funeral home.
M: Well my girl, ready for today's comedy? This is unbelievable.
TQ: Am I ready? Sweetheart I was born ready. I am more than prepared. I am going to enjoy
this. And tonight, after “paying respect” to the family, I'm going to have fun again.
M: Again?!!! You're insatiable. You need to control yourself my queen.
TQ: Sure self-control; listen, I need sex, fun; and above all, I need action and violence. Like I
said, that serum is wonderful. Let's go, time is valuable and cannot be wasted. I need to satisfy
my sexual needs. It has been a long time since I feel that. Now I am here. Take care. I’ll call you.
M: Ok I will expect your call. Please, just be careful and don’t do anything reckless.
TQ: I’ll not do anything reckless. I want to have sex and kill people; the Ultimate thrilling
adventure. As simple as that. And I will love doing it.
M: Whatever you say, just be cautious and wise.
TQ: I will always listen to you. I just need to release the beast I have on the inside.
The Queen stepped out of the car. Now she is ready to enter the funeral home. The Funeral home
is full of people, including family members, members of the press and officers from the
government of Puerto Rico. Indeed, this situation is getting more interesting by the moment.
TQ: Well its show time. I am ready for the ultimate insult. I am ready to make fun out of these
idiots. But on a more serious note, I need to set up a couple of things before our vengeance. They
will suffer. They will pay and I will make sure that happens.
And then, The Queen enters the Funeral Home.

Chapter 3: The Ultimate Mockery p1

The Queen entered the funeral home. We know that she is in disguise, therefore it will be
difficult to recognize who is the woman behind that disguise. Some men turn to greet her; she
seductively returns their greetings. Finally she enters the chapel.
TQ: Good afternoon everyone. Good Afternoon Ms. Valentine.
Miranda: Good afternoon to you too. Who are you?
TQ: Greetings, my name is Reyna Vale clinical psychologist, specialized in hypnosis and
regression. I am here to give you my deepest condolences for the irreparable loss of your son.
Where is your husband?
Miranda: Your profession is interesting; I would love to talk with you one day about these issues
since they fascinate me. As for my husband, there he is. Isolated. This has hit him hard. In fact, it
has hit us very hard.
TQ: Thank you for your words; here I leave my card with the phone number in case you want an
appointment. For me it will be a pleasure to serve you, either together or separately. Whatever
decision you make, the first appointment will be free of charge. And I fully understand him
because you were Victor's mother. Excuse me, I'll go and offer my condolences to your husband.
Miranda: Thank you Reyna. I promise to go to one of your therapies. In gratitude for your
courtesy, I will go to one of your therapies.
The Queen smiles and accepts Miranda's proposal. She goes to McGinnis to give her
condolences. The reality is that there is a huge concern. This is the maximum risk since
McGinnis can find out who she is. Still she is methodical and cautious. Now is the moment of
truth. Reyna is face to face with McGinnis.
TQ: Good afternoon Mr. McGinnis. Sorry for your loss.
McGinnis: Thank you. Do I know you?
TQ: No; I am new in town. My name is Reyna Vale.
McGinnis: A pleasure to meet you Reyna. I insist, you look familiar to me. I am sensitive about
the loss of my son. My apologies.
TQ: Relax. I understand your pain Mr. McGinnis.
McGinnis: But I insist. Please accept my apologies. I am very angry and frustrated about the loss
of my son.
Page 2 TQ: Don’t worry. Apologies accepted. In fact, I talked to your wife. I am a psychologist
with a specialty in hypnosis and regression. I made Miranda an invitation for therapy free of
charge. Therefore I make the same invitation to you. Here I leave my card with my phone
number; and when you want we coordinate the therapy.
McGinnis: Excellent. Thank you very much, Mrs. Vale.
TQ: Miss Vale, I clarify that I am not married. Single and free. And with all due respect, if you
want to talk to someone, I'm at your disposal. I can invite you to a coffee.
McGinnis: Thanks for the detail. Your gesture is sincerely appreciated.
TQ: Besides, not every day you can have coffee with a man as attractive as you. I hope you don't
mind my way of acting. It's not flirting, you're attractive.
McGinnis: Thank you for your words. Thanks for the support. I'm going to the chapel, the
religious service is going to start. Do you want to join?
TQ: No thanks; but I'll go in to say goodbye to Miranda. Don't forget my invitation.
McGinnis: I won't forget it. Once again, thank you for your words and for all the support. We
will see you soon.
The Queen left the funeral. She is more than satisfied. Then again, she provoked a doubt in
McGinnis. She knew McGinnis almost recognized her. Close but no cigar. Still the Queen is
somehow attracted to him. She definitely wants him. Once she is out of the Funeral Home, her
companion picks her up.
M: This smile of yours makes me nervous. What the hell did you do at the funeral home?
TQ: Calm down Bombom. They simply met my alter-ego.
M: What the hell are you saying? Alter ego? Another one? My serum really drives you crazy.
TQ: Screw everything if I'm crazy. Listen to me because later you're lost asking stupid questions
and for stupid the two of them. They met Reyna Vale, a psychologist specializing in hypnosis
and regression.
M: Aja and what do you eat that with?
TQ: You have some guts mate!!! How dare you to talk to me like that. I am the ultimate killing
machine and nobody will control me.
Page 3 M: Hey!!! Control your vocabulary. Or do I have to remind you that we have to answer to
our Top Boss Lady Killer. I have been telling you that you are doing things under impulse and
not under logic. If Lady Killer finds out about your crazy deeds, she will kill us in a heartbeat.
TQ: Damn it!!! You're right. The least that interests me is having Lady Killer as an enemy. The
last thing that I want is to have her breathing on my neck.
M: Also, she is the one that supplies me all the chemicals that I use for your serum. For the last
time, I beg you, don’t be reckless.
TQ: If it wasn’t for this addictive serum, I will send you all to hell. But I will modify, not
change, my methods. Still I want vengeance on those bastards.
M: And I will help you with that. Now, what the hell did “Reyna Vale” do?
TQ: “Reyna” offered her services to McGinnis and Miranda.
M: What?!!! You’re something else. But this move is brilliant.
TQ: Jesus Christ!!! Finally a positive feedback from you.
M: But still is a bold move. But now I can call Lady Killer and we can proceed with our
vengeance. If Lady Killer can give me the funds then we can pull the biggest stunt ever; and
therefor, our vengeance will be accomplished. I assume you told them about your expertise in
hypnosis right?
TQ: Of course darling. The whole presentation indeed. What do you have in mind? Now I am
curious about those funds.
M: Relax my girl. There is a risk experiment that I want to do; and you are very familiar with it.
Question… do you still have my… excuse me McGinnis books?
TQ: Close but no cigar. I know you hate McGinnis; and yes, despite what happened seven years
ago, I managed to keep those books. Why?
M: Simple; after I receive those funds from our boss Lady Killer, I need that you arrange a
meeting with either McGinnis or Miranda. I know you want to see both. And you can meet both;
but not together. Those must be separate meetings. Then you must choose which one you do
want me to experiment.
TQ: Wow, I love your idea!!! And even though, I didn’t want them together, now I have the
choice to decide which one will be our first victim.
M: Remember, the procedure will be the same. However, whoever you decide to choose will be
the key in this process. So, choose wisely after you meet them.
TQ: Excellent. Thanks for your advice. Let’s drink some wine. I’m thirsty.
Page 4, While the criminals were drinking wine, on the other hand, McGinnis and Miranda were
preparing to give their son Victor a Christian burial. The press was present covering the painful
event. Finally Victor is buried. Both parents decide to leave the cementery. Right at the exit, both
parents are interviewed by members of the press.
GRO: Greetings agents... any words for the public that are watching us right now?
Miranda: First of all, thank you for all the support and attention towards us. We don't have much
to say; but if we guarantee you, that the guilty of the murder of our son will pay with the prison.
My husband is extremely affected by all this and has made the wise decision not to comment in
order to avoid conflicts, right my love?
McGinnis: You know that I like to talk. Nobody shuts my mouth; but now is not the time. I just
say thank you and second every word my wife has said to you. Thank you.
While Miranda and McGinnis were speaking for the press, La Reina and her accomplice watched
the entire report.
TQ: Now is the good part. Tomorrow our revenge begins. McGinnis you are a bastard, unworthy
of that last name. Miranda, you're going to die too. Your death will be worse than Alice's whore.
Nobody will be safe.
M: That is correct. With the help of Lady Killer, we will kill them all and take back what is
rightfully ours.
At that moment the phone rings…
M: Greetings my Lady Killer. It is an honor to hear you.
Lady Killer: Greetings Doctor.
M: To what do I owe the honor of your call?
Lady Killer: You guys know I can call whenever I feel like it. Also, since the death of my
adoptive parents, I am the one who sends you funds for your experiments.
M: I know my lady killer. You were the one who killed your adoptive parents.
Lady Killer: If I kill them, killing you will be easier than taking a walk in the park. How is the
experiment with the Queen of the night going?
M: Much better than expected. Although she is very temperamental. I think the serum has
intensified her dark side to a whole new level.
Page 5 Lady Killer: Interesting. I like these findings. Any mishaps you want to mention to me?
M: Yes. I have had to advise her a lot. She is too impulsive; that worries me a lot since I think
she is going to commit an imprudence which could cost us a lot.
Lady Killer: And what has been her justification in those moments?
M: She justifies it because of the energy that the serum gives her and the desire to kill for fun. I
have to tell you that she went to the funeral home of the boy who was killed, all ordered by her.
Lady Killer: Wow, she's pretty extreme because of what you're telling me.
M: Without a doubt, my lady killer; I want your advice. What should I do with her?
Lady Killer: First of all, I trust your wisdom and experience. You know that if you fail in this
mission, I will not hesitate to kill you.
M: I am clear in your orders my lady.
Lady Killer: Therefore you will do the following; let her have fun since, despite her flaws, she is
fulfilling the mission ordered by me. I am going to send you a special serum which you will
administer as soon as that chemical reaches your hands. In that chemical there is a component,
similar to a chip, which you can monitor her through a screen.
M: Is that like some kind of internal tracker?
Lady Killer: Exactly. If for some reason, she gets too exposed and gets caught, you can step in
and help her. I hope that doesn't happen. I do not tolerate failure. If you fail, you will die. It's that
M: I guarantee you that I will keep her under control. I do not want to suffer your wrath under
any circumstance. Anything else you want to let me know? Any other special instructions?

Lady Killer: That's all for now. Be available twenty-four hours a day and if something new
happens, call as soon as possible. Understood?

M: Yes my lady I understood. Thank you for your time.

Lady Killer: We will keep in touch. Have a nice day.

The gentleman became very nervous after the call. However, the fact that Lady Killer is going to
give him funds for the aforementioned experiments calms him down a bit. The Queen
approaches very curious to where the gentleman is.
Page 6 TQ: What's wrong with you? I see you a little nervous.

M: I was nervous. Lady Killer called me. I didn’t expect her call.

TQ: what?!! Don't tell me you gave her complaints about me.

M: Of course I gave her complaints about you. I told Lady Killer clearly that you are very
disordered and impulsive.
TQ: But... what the hell!!! And what the hell did she tell you?

M: You're lucky; the boss took it well and in a way she is happy since you are fulfilling her
mission to kill. But she gave me an important warning.

TQ: What was that warning? What did she really tell you?

M: If we fail in this mission and therefore cannot carry out her revenge, she will personally kill
us. As I told you, she is happy, she only asked me to advise you and not to be so risky.

TQ: Perfect, I'll take your advice. By the way... She approved the funds?

M: That's right!!! That approval is what makes me happy. Still, follow my advice. I told her what
you want to do.

TQ: And her opinion about what I want to do?

M: She is more than happy. So I can start with the experiment. Tell me how much does it cost?
How much money do we need?

TQ: $500,000 (five hundred thousand dollars) is enough, don’t you think?

M: We have to take care of ourselves; it's a lot of money and I don't want Lady Killer to think
we're stealing from her. So you must be aware of the funds.

TQ: I am more than clear in your thinking. In addition, I will write the proposal explaining
clearly what I want and why I want it. So calm d…

M: Hey, don't be indiscreet. I am going to cook shellfish to make them in a salad.

TQ: Ok. But I'm going out. Reyna Vale has to have fun.

M: Remember... avoid recklessness. Have fun, but be cautious.

P 7 TQ: I will be careful. Having sex is not reckless. I also want to repeat what happened the
other time. But I promise to be less cruel when it comes to killing.

The gentleman approves what the Queen said. Now it will be Reyna Vale who goes out looking
for an adventure, looking for a situation that causes her adrenaline; that adrenaline that excites
her and ignites every fiber within her being. As she drives, her thoughts focus on just one:
McGinnis. Thinking of him, has ignited a unique sexual desire. A desire never fulfilled before.
She can’t take McGinnis out of her mind. Is there more than meets the eye? Who is Reyna Vale?
She is more than excited and ready to do what she does best: killing people for fun and thrills.
She doesn’t care. Then again there is McGinnis…
TQ: McGinnis, in the past, you were always off limits to me; a taboo to say the least. I always
been attracted to you; but you were untouchable, and I had to control myself. First it was Lilly;
oh yes, I arranged that rape at the movies. I wanted Lilly death; and even thought she didn’t die;
you were out of her life. Then came that moron Alice. I’m glad she is dead. And when I thought
you were mine, boom!! Miranda. Stupid Miranda I hate your guts. McGinnis, I love you so
much; I’m in love with you from day one. But blood made forbidden for me. Now, with the truth
been told, there is nobody, not blood, not that skank Alice, not even her stupid twin sister Lilly.
NOBODY will stop me in getting what I want!!! And Miranda, you are the only obstacle in my
life; so be ready because I am going to eliminate you, by hook or by crook. McGinnis, I want
you to be my trophy, my sexual toy and my personal instrument of revenge. I want you to be my
man in all ways. I want to be the only woman in your life. As simple as that.

Chapter 4: The Set up p1

Reina Vale knows that she has a mission to accomplish. A revenge which is intriguing right now.
Why revenge? She questions herself; but she doesn't have many choices to choose from. She has
to obey Lady Killer, her top boss. If Lady Killer thinks she is screwed by The Queen and her
companion, they will be dead in a minute. She has an internal conflict. She has to obey; and at
the same time she has feelings for McGinnis. All of those thoughts are consuming her mind.

TQ: McGinnis, I need you in my life, even if you have to die later. It is true that you have hurt
us. You are unworthy of that surname; but at the same time I feel relieved. You will be mine and
then you will be a corpse since you are going to die. But before I get to you my love, I'm going
to have some fun.

The night is gorgeous. It is an open invitation to romance, sex, and lust. There is a couple, at the
park, manifesting those feelings (Enfermos, búsquense un motel por el amor de Dios). Suddenly,
a ravishing woman makes an appearance. She is tall, blue eyes, dark hair, and a very desirable
woman. She moves forward and the man is mesmerized by her stunning looks. His girlfriend
comes face to face with the stunning beauty called “The Queen of the Night”.
Woman: ¡¡¡¡Helloooo!!!! ¡¡¡¿Qué demonios estás mirando freaking ridícula?!!! ¿Tengo monos
en la cara so puerca? ¡¡¡¿Se te perdió algo pedazo de cuero?!!! She asked in an aggressive way.
TQ: What the hell are you talking about stupid girl?!!! She smirked at the unfortunate woman.
Woman: Aquí en Puerto Rico se habla español estúpida!!! ¡¡¡Si no sabes el idioma ese es tu
problema mamita!!! Dale tira pa’lante guaynabita sucia. The woman said in an enraged tone.
TQ: I don’t know what you are saying. But well, papito chulo venga con mami!!! She ordered.
Man: Whatever you say baby; lo que usted diga y ordene mi amor.
The boyfriend, hypnotized, came to The Queen. She kissed him, the girl, very upset, shoves her.
Then, in retaliation, Reyna slaps her very hard. The woman falls to the ground headfirst.
TQ: You stupid jerk!!! You don’t know with whom you are dealing with!!! I will have a feast
with you, unfortunate pieces of crap jajajaja!!
Woman: Get away from me you lunatic freak!!!
P 2 All of a sudden, The Queen killed both individuals using her special dagger. The scene was
macabre and morbid. She did smile at the lifeless corpses.
TQ: ¡¡¡Oh my God!!! ¡¡¡Que delicia esta sangre!!! I am having an out of body experience. This is
the beginning of the end for these mortals in this lousy stinking town. Today marks the dawn of a
new era in this shithole of a place. An era of death, suffering and dominance. I will take over. I
will always be the Queen of the night!!!! She shouted and laughed in a very demonical way.
Meanwhile, at my house, I am a little bit nervous. I am having a premonition. I noticed that
Miranda is aware of that. She looked at me very seriously but sweet as well. I’m still sensitive
about my son’s loss.
Miranda: Babe what’s wrong? Te veo inquieto y perturbado. She asked him.
McGinnis: I don’t know. But to be honest, there is nothing right. I need to be focus. I don’t want
to create panic. But I feel a crime is happening right now. It is like a premonition. I hope to be
wrong about it.
Miranda: Are you sure of that? ¿Estás seguro de eso? Victor también fue mi hijo y yo también
estoy afectada. This is serious. She replied concerned.
McGinnis: Unfortunately, yes. I know the night is young. Let’s have a family meeting with the
team. I will try to be as logic as possible. Then again, I will be honest with everybody.
Miranda: I will let you lead on this one. I only hope that nobody loses their mind.
McGinnis: I hope that as well. Pero de entrada te digo que se volverán locos.
McGinnis made a pause; Miranda noticed that.
Miranda: Tell me truth… what’s wrong with you?
McGinnis: The conversation I had with you. That's what bothers me.
Miranda: What’s the matter with it? Did I say something wrong?
McGinnis: No. I felt like a Déjà vu; a sensation of being in this situation before.
I kissed Miranda in the lips very gently. She, as surprised as ever, kissed me back. We shared
another kiss and a hug before the reunion.
McGinnis: Let’s call Conde and Darian. I want to make sure everything is all right in town. Tell
them to bring Kamila over. I want everybody to be safe here with us.
Miranda: Perfect sweetheart; I will call them. I will prepare something to eat and drink to all of
us, so Conde and Darian eat with us as well.
P 3 Miranda called Darian…
Darian: Hi Miranda… is something wrong?
Miranda: As of now no. But McGinnis wants to consult something with you and Conde. Also he
wants Kamila as well. McGinnis feels that all of us will be safe here at the Big House.
Darian: If he says so, we will be there. I will prepare everything. Wait for us.
Miranda: Thank you Darian. Don’t worry about food and any other stuff; we have you covered
here. Just be here as soon as possible.
Darian: I loved it. I will have a conversation with Conde. After that, we will be on our way.
Miranda: Fair enough. Be careful on the road.
Darian was packing and then Conde came in.
Conde: My love, algo pasa? Quien te llamó?
Darian: Yes darling. Miranda called me a couple of minutes ago.
Conde: And what did they want?
Darian: Miranda told me that McGinnis is concerned about our safety; McGinnis want us there.
Conde: Ok no problem. I will help you pack Kamila’s stuff.
It is 12:00 am. Conde and Darian have arrived. They are concerned about McGinnis situation
and sensitive mindset. Once they arrived, McGinnis began a conversation in a very worried tone.
McGinnis: Family, I appreciate your support. And my commitment is to be better for the team. I
know you are concerned about this. And I feel that something wrong is happening. I have a
theory. It is a wild one; but still is a theory that you must hear. So please, pay attention.
Conde: Pero Asere, tell me what is bothering you? I can see it in your face. Te veo alterado. Aqui
esta lo mas grande, el tío Conde para ayudarte.
McGinnis: Although I have been responsible for the low crime rate here, the ambience here is
tense. And if you watched the news, a massacre happened three days ago. And someone must be
responsible of this. I hope you guys understand my concerns.
Darian: Realmente te entendemos. We got you dear. Just be calm and relax.
P 4 Conde: And I agree with you. Someone did kill those innocent people. What do you have in
mind? What do you want to do?
McGinnis: First off I want you to stay here. I’m convinced that we are safe here. Second,
Miranda and I will patrol the city so I can clarify my doubts and concerns. That massacre did not
happen out of nowhere.
Conde: You are right my son. As far as your idea, it is indeed excellent. But let me prepare
everything so Darian and I can monitor you guys from here.
Darian: Outstanding idea my love. I liked it.
McGinnis: Darian, can you call your daughter Amanda?
Darian: Sure I can call her. What do you need from her?
McGinnis: First I want her on our team. She is a reporter and secretly can inform us everything
on this case without compromising her identity.
Darian: Can she do that? Can she do the double duty?
McGinnis: Of course; After Russell’s death you became the CEO of our team. We have to be
discreet though; because I don’t want Amanda to be in trouble.
Conde: Mi amor… call her now. Tell Amanda to be with us.
Miranda: Brilliant move Mr. Conde. Darling are we going to patrol the streets?
McGinnis: Yes we will. But let Darian call Amanda. Once here, then we leave.
Darian called Amanda.
Amanda: Hi mom. How is everything?
Darian: My girl, all good. What are you doing right now?
Amanda: I'm editing the story that I'm going to report tomorrow in the News.
Darian: I know I shouldn't ask and respect your work; but, can I ask you what the story is about?
Amanda: No problem mom. Is it about the massacre at the disco a couple of days ago.
Darian: Really? Don't hesitate with that.
Amanda: hehehe, yes mom it's true; but speaking more seriously I have information about the
black box they found.
Darian: Black Box? Did the store indeed had a black box?
P 5 Amanda: Yes black box mom. Apparently and allegedly there are videos of him or the
possible person responsible for that massacre.
Darian: Wow this is getting interesting. I want you to come to my house.
Amanda: No problem; I'm leaving for your house now. I ask you... is there any problem
Darian: Yes. There are a series of situations that we have to solve. And McGinnis is convinced
that you can be of great help to us. We will wait for you.
Amanda: Ok mom. I will be there in 10(ten) minutes.
Darian: Good to know. Be careful on the streets.
Amanda leaves quickly for her mother's house. She is the new reporter for the Prime-time News;
and together with Gerardo Rivera they are taking the incidents of what happened in the massacre
of the Friday party nightclub. Amanda has exclusive information on what happened that night.
The night promises much. Finally, Amanda arrives at the house of her mom, Darian Russell.
Amanda: Mom, I'm here.
Darian: Good my daughter.
Mr. Conde: My girl, how wonderful to see you.
Amanda: Hello Conde. Nice to see you.
Darian: Daughter please; he is my husband.
Amanda: And? You think that matters to me. Tell me what the hell is it so urgent to tell me?
Darian: Calm down my darling. McGinnis and Miranda want to propose something to you.
Amanda: And where are they? It should be something worthwhile. I'm angry with them.
Darian: Hey. Careful with that vocabulary, my daughter; calm down and listen to them. This
offer will definitely interest you.
Amanda: Okay; whatever. But first I tell them to dump on their mothers.
Darian: Amanda!!! Enough with the profanity I order you!!!
McGinnis: Don't worry Darian. I understand her. I understand her anger. Amanda, we have a
proposal for you. Give us the chance to offer it for you.
P 6 Amanda: This proposal better be something productive and worthwhile. Or just all of you
can all go to hell.
Miranda: My dear. You must comprehend how sensitive we are after the loss of our son. It was
not our intention to disrespect your job. We apologize to you.
Amanda: Sorry; I’m just under pressure at my workplace. Being the newcomer is very difficult
to me. Gerardo, that freaking piece of excrement, is making my life a living hell. I can’t stand
that idiot.
McGinnis: I can’t stand him either. I would love to shove those teeth down his throat. Listen
Amanda; we want you to work with us.
Amanda: Really? Are you serious about that?
Miranda: Deadly serious. You will have access at our technology here in order to get the
exclusive material. So, you can upstage that idiot. What do you say?
Amanda: I accept. Again, sorry mom. Sorry Conde. I love you both.
Conde: Don’t worry mi niña, we are a team and a big family as well.
McGinnis: Perfect. Darian, please set everything so Amanda can begin right away. Although it is
past 12 am, Miranda and I will patrol the city.
Darian: Don’t worry son. We will begin as quick as possible. Come on Amanda.
Amanda: Now we are talking. Mom, who is this beautiful girl?
Darian: That is Kamila, McGinnis, and Miranda’s daughter.
Amanda: Hi Kamila. Nice to meet you. You are a beautiful girl.
Kamila: Thank you Amanda. Can I be with you?
Amanda: Of course, little one. Come on. Let’s go to work.
Meanwhile, The Queen was driving. Then she saw a more sophisticated Disco in San Juan. She
parked the car. Once she got out of her car, she saw a lot of people getting ready at the disco. She
smiles while touching her dagger and revolver as well. The doorman greeted her. She gets into
the disco. Like several days before, she asked for a drink. Then Reyna begins to survey the
exquisite ambience inside the disco.
TQ: I love this place. This Disco is a lot better than the other. There are some many fine men and
woman. I’m going to have a lot of fun; then I will kill them all. But first let’s make a phone call.
I need to set up both Miranda and McGinnis. I am going to call them. I’ve made my choice. Be
ready jajaja.

Chapter 5: Pick your Poison p1

Meanwhile at Darian and Conde's home, the team is finalizing the important details before going
to the next step.
McGinnis: Everything is ready now. Amanda, through this monitor you can track us. Miranda
and I are going to take a preventive tour of the city. We will simply verify that nothing unusual is
Amanda: Count on it, McGinnis. I will learn to be your eyes and ears; I'll be checking you out.
Thanks for your trust in me.
McGinnis: Your welcome my dear. Honey, are you ready to go?
Miranda: Whenever you want we can go. It’s your call babe.
At that moment, Miranda's cell phone rings.
Miranda: My love wait a moment. Reyna Vale is calling me.
McGinnis: I don't know what she wants at this time of night, but answer her.
Miranda: Reyna, good night. How are you?
TQ: I'm fine dear Miranda. Sorry for the call at this hour, but I wanted to let you know that I
want to see both of you but in separate therapies. As I told you before, free of cost. What do you
Miranda: Although I don't take decisions lightly, my husband and I had discussed your proposal.
Therefore, we accept your proposal in gratitude for the detail that it will be free of cost; although
my husband knows that he will pay you. I ask who you want to see first?
TQ: Excellent question. I want to see your husband first; it will be an initial interview and then a
case analysis. Next, I'll do the same with you. I will offer you separately the space to vent and
channel the pain of having lost Victor.
Miranda: I like your proposal. I'll tell my husband and we'll see each other soon. Have a great
night Reyna.
TQ: Just like you. I call you to coordinate the appointments for both.
Miranda: Outstanding; there nothing more to say. Thanks for your help.
McGinnis: What did Vale want? Anything important?
Miranda: Yes my love; it’s about the proposal I told you about last night.
McGinnis: Damn I almost forgot. Did you say yes?
P 2 Miranda: Indeed. Reyna wants to see us separately and then a session together.
McGinnis: Excellent. Well, let's go do the preventive round, since it's almost 12:30 in the
morning; the later we leave, the worse the matter can become.
Miranda: ok let's go. Give me the keys, I'm going to drive.
McGinnis: You are in charge right now. Let’s go Boss.
Miranda and I were patrolling the city. Everything, for the moment, was normal. People hanging
in bars, playing in casinos, meeting, eating and drinking. It is the perfect night for romance, sex
and fun in all forms. We are having a conversation about everything. All of a sudden, I see an
incident at the Casino. We stepped out of the car. Then, time stopped. My eyes cross paths with
this mesmerizing, still dangerous woman. We stared at each other, contemplating, looking direct;
and in that moment, we shared a smile. This woman was mesmerized by my behavior. Well
something wrong clicked inside of me. What an intriguing sensation of déjà vu, I am feeling
right now.
TQ: Greetings, useless mortals. I am Reyna Vale, better known as the Queen of the night. I have
arrived in this city with only one to spread terror in its population. My group gave you a sample
of what we are capable of. We don’t fear anything or anyone. An innocent kid died. Even you,
the Man in Black will fear me. Nobody is safe!!! And simple, you will know who I am and what
I am capable of doing, the Queen of the night. I am stronger, more reckless, determined and
willing to finish what I once started. You’ll not be safe. You are dead. This is the beginning of
your pain and suffering. Quiero mi venganza!!!

Miranda: Something wrong? What’s going on with that girl? She asked truly mad.
McGinnis: I don’t know. I felt hypnotized and heard her voice inside of me. We will discuss that
later. Now we have to stop this scandal. Grab your revolver in case we have to use it.

Miranda: Ok. I’m always ready and specially for that girl. I don’t like her!!!
We arrived at the casino. There was a scandal, almost a ruckus. Even so, the music did not stop
playing and it even got louder. While The Queen and the officers were controlling the situation,
Reyna, approached us. Wow, she was more beautiful than I thought. At the same time, she
looked threatening, dangerous, defiant and certainly ready for everything. Indeed interesting.
Suddenly, we stare at each other, my instinct told me to take my gun out and confront her. She
did not hesitate and, of course, she did the same. Two guns, at the same time, ready to explode.
P 3 McGinnis: Hold it everybody!!! I shouted to all of them with authority.

TQ: Oh!!! Finally, I’ve the pleasure to meet you; or let’s say to see you again my man in black.
Nos volvemos a ver amor mio. She said with a smirk on her very pale face.

McG: What the hell are you talking about?!!! “amor mio?!!!”. Vayase al infierno.

TQ: Take it easy babe. You will understand. But why so serious? Why so violent? She asked me
very seductive. Why don’t we share this dance? She winked but still with gun in hand.

Then I looked into her eyes. Déjà vu. I remembered what happened in my dream. So I decided to
leave. Miranda was surprised as well.

Miranda: But what happens to you? Aren't you going to intervene with her?

TQ: I totally agree with her. Aren't you going to intervene? Are you afraid?
McGinnis: First of all, shut up. I'll call the police. Let's go Miranda.

TQ: We will meet again my love.

Miranda: And what the hell is wrong with you? Respect my husband, I am his wife. Do you want
me to shoot you in the forehead, you damn slut?

TQ: Take care of him. Soon he will be mine and you can't do anything about it, you scoundrel
from hell.

McGinnis: Let's go. I already called the guards. The police are on their way.

McGinnis and Miranda leave the place once the police arrive. But before they left, one of the
officers asked McGinnis what had happened. McGinnis told them about the scandal that was
happening at the casino.

McGinnis: Officer I need you to find information on this woman, which I consider very

Officer: Gladly I will do it my friend. But do you have anything to help us, so we can find out
more about this lady?

McGinnis: Sure. This photo and I managed to get her fingerprints, since she took the gun from
my hands, but I managed to recover it and isolate it.
P 4 Officer: Wow!!! You are indeed something else. I don't know if you are a wizard or the devil
himself. Any information I let you know.

McGinnis and Miranda leave after the officers clear the disco of onlookers and curious ones.
Miranda is beyond upset. She is beyond mad at McGinnis.

Miranda: Give me one good reason why you didn't confront that vulgar one.

McGinnis: I know you're more than mad; but there is a bigger reason why no action was taken
beyond calling the police to control the situation.

Miranda: As I told you before, your justification had better be valid. That slippery, vulgar
woman is dangerous. I could tell right away when I saw her. What the hell, every woman who
crosses your path wants something with you. I don't blame them; I have a handsome, sensual,
intelligent husband who is mine only mine, damn it.

McGinnis: You are also a beautiful woman, the perfect balance.

Miranda: Better than Alice? Tell me the truth.

McGinnis: Alice is dead; you are better than her.

Miranda: I'm glad to hear that. Tell me why the hell didn't you take action on that vulgar chick?

McGinnis: Because if I did, there was going to be a massacre and they were going to kidnap you.

Miranda: Seriously McGinnis? Are you hallucinating?

McGinnis: Remember, that's what happened in my dream. The only thing in my dream was you
but disguised as Alice. There are fragments of my dream which can help us to solve what is
happening. That woman has a familiar and suspicious face. There is something wrong about her.
Miranda: Well; we have to rest. Tomorrow you must go to the therapy. Then I will go on
Wednesday at 12:00 pm. Your appointment is at 11:00 am.

McGinnis: Let’s go to sleep. Every single day, it’s an adventure with you. I hope the officer can
get results from the data I gave him.
Miranda: And he will. We have to be patient, again. Come on. Go to sleep.

McGinnis: Ok I’m tired as well. We need to rest.

P 5 As they go to sleep, Reyna is back at her place. Her companion is intrigued about her looks.

M: You don’t look very happy, do you?

TQ: Exactly. The plot thickens. I saw McGinnis and Miranda.

M: Are you out of your mind? Tell me he did not recognize you.

TQ: He did not. I admit I’ve created doubts in him. You need to do me a makeover as quick as
possible. He is very smart and Miranda is no fool either.

M: I’m waiting for the funds. I’ve told you to be careful. But if he hasn’t recognized you, then I
still have more time to update your costumes and makeups. I’m going to ask you a favor.

TQ: What is that favor? I hope is not complicated.

M: I want you to stay here for the next couple of days.

TQ: Are you kidding me? That is impossible!!!

M: Why impossible? We need to save time and cool you off. The media is breathing on our
necks; and McGinnis? It will be a matter of time darling.

TQ: My God. I understand your point. Let’s make a radical change.

M: What is your meaning of “radical change”?

TQ: Call Lady Killer. Let me talk to her.

M: Are you sure about that? Are you losing your mind?

TQ: I’m not; besides, I need to be in her good graces, if you know what I mean?

M: Very good initiative on your part. What do you have in mind?

TQ: I will let her know my plans for both McGinnis and Miranda.

M: Well my child, be my guest. Are you ready to talk with Lady Killer?

TQ: Go ahead; call her. I am definitely ready for her.

And then her companion called The Lady Killer.

P 6 M: Good evening Ms. Killer. I hope you are doing fine.

LK: It’s late Doctor. You must have a valid reason for this impromptu call.

M: Indeed you are right. The Queen wants to talk with you.

LK: Really? Business is about to pick up. Bring her to the phone.

The Queen grabs the phone. Lady Killer is anxious on the other side.

LK: You better come with something very interesting to say the least.

TQ: Yes my Lady. This is going to be short and sweet.

LK: I like your approach. Go ahead I am all ears.

TQ: I set up two separate meetings for Miranda and McGinnis.

LK: Ok that is nice. So, what will happen next?

TQ: I will kidnap one of them, so we can begin with the experiment and our main project
“Operation Infiltration”.

LK: I like your plan. Second question, who are you going to kidnap?

TQ: Miranda. She is the perfect target. I tried to do it before.

LK: And why did you fail? You know I despise failures.
TQ: I understand it. But McGinnis is very intelligent and brilliant. He almost discover my

LK: Again I despise failures. But if someone knows McGinnis it is me. Besides, kudos for you.
You did stand your ground against him.

TQ: Thanks boss. Now I need to know; when are the funds be available?

LK: You haven’t tell me your real plan. Tell me and, based on what you are going to say, I will
let you know about the funds availabilities.

TQ: I will meet McGinnis first. Then, later, I will meet Miranda. After I kidnapped her then we
will ask for ransom, so McGinnis can rescue her.

LK: That’s it? Nothing else? You are making this so easy; so good to be true.
*P7 TQ: That’s not all; after that, we will do the experiment with Miranda. It will be awesome.
They will not see it coming. I will accomplish everything you want.

LK: That’s the attitude. That is what I want and what you need as well. So you truly want to do
this experiment. Do you know how risky is this experiment?

TQ: I know the risks my Lady Killer; and I’m willing to take them for the sake of this mission.
This is the ultimate infiltration and humiliation for them.

LK: I agree with your remarks. Ok, you convinced me, you got the funds. I will send them in two
hours. Kidnap that idiot Miranda and we’ll do the rest.

TQ: Thanks Lady Killer. Me and my… never mind, will not disappoint you.

LK: You better not disappoint me; otherwise you will die. Both of you must have discretion right
now. Miranda and McGinnis must not know who you are.

TQ: Yes they shouldn’t know. That’s why I will do this, and then settle down.

LK: Correct. Now you are learning all this process. Do it, as soon as possible. Let me know all
the details about it once you kidnap Miranda. Good night Reyna.

TQ: Take it to the bank boss; you will know it all. Good night to you.

Reyna is relieved. She is in good graces with Lady Killer. Now it’s time to make it happen.
However, what is the experiment that they’re talking about? How risky is that experiment? What
will be the repercussions and the consequences if this experiment turns out to be successful?
Reyna knows the truth and she is aware of everything that might happen once the experiment
comes full circle.

M: You look happy. Something you want to share about this conversation?
TQ: I’m so excited!!! I apologize to you for not following your advice before. But as the old
adage says: “better late than never”.
M: Now I am intrigued. But first thanks; to the point, what did she say to you?

TQ: She liked my plan. In a couple of hours we will get the funds. These are great news aren’t
M: Great is an understatement. But now you need some rest. It’s almost 2 am.

TQ: Yes. In a couple of hours I will meet McGinnis. Then, after we received those funds from
Lady Killer, tomorrow we will kidnap Miranda.

M: Very good my girl. So go to sleep. I will do the same. Good Night.

P 8 TQ: Almost good morning. Go to sleep. See you later.

As the night progresses, everybody is thinking about tomorrow. They have motivation to do
good and evil. Reyna is ready for everything. McGinnis and Miranda don’t even know what’s in
store for them. Finally the morning arrives.

Miranda: Are you ready for the therapy my love?

McGinnis: I am ready. I’ve been a veteran in this department to say the least.

Miranda: I know you are. I will drive. Once I leave you there, I will go to Plaza and then wait for
your call so I can be there. Is that ok?

McGinnis: That sound’s perfect to me. We’ll go with your idea honey.

Miranda: Nice to know my dear. Let’s have some brunch before; I invite.

McGinnis: Now that’s great darling. It’s 10 am, let’s go.

McGinnis and Miranda go to have brunch. McGinnis therapy will begin first. Then it will be
Miranda’s meeting. Reyna is already at her office, waiting for them. Her companion Mr. M. is
with her. This time Mr. M. is more anxious than Reyna.

TQ: Take it easy old man. You are making me nervous. Calm down.

M: I know my child. But this is very risky; and you know how perfectionist I am.

TQ: I truly understand it. It’s almost eleven o’ clock. In one hour McGinnis will be here. You
can hide behind that secret door. I will need you once Miranda is here. So I ask you to be calm
and relax because I know how hazard this move is.

M: Yes. Sorry I am also excited my love. Finally, our revenge is going to commence. Can you
check our email to see if Lady Killer have sent us the funds?
The Queen turns her computer. A big smile is in her face. That means the confirmation of the
funds that Lady Killer has sent to them. They are happy.

Chapter 6: The Big Switch p1

Indeed, they received the funds from Lady Killer and more. Instead of (500,000) five hundred
thousand dollars, Lady Killer sent them (1,000,000) one million dollars through a bank transfer.
Mr. M froze with emotion; He could not believe that so much money arrived in his bank account.
Mr. M: I feel like hell has just frozen over. It’s a lot of cash. I cannot believe it!!!
TQ: Well, you better believe it. She doubled us the amount I ordered.
Mr. M.: Damn!!! Let me process all this. I am more than happy. That money will give us the
chance to leave Puerto Rico once we fulfill the mission of Lady Killer.
TQ: Exactly. But already... easy with the emotions; I know you love money. Now it's 11:30 a.m.;
in half an hour I’ll start therapy with this imbecile McGinnis.
Mr. M: Okay; you're right. Let me drink a bottle of water so I can prepare everything. I ask you:
do you need something? Any details that need to be covered? At what time will you "attend"
TQ: Excellent questions!!! Again, relax my lovely old man; we have these twenty minutes to
review everything; and in ten minutes I prepare individually. Reyna must look so ravishing and
cute before the attack if you know what I mean.
Mr. M: Perfect. I know what you mean my child. But first I tell you that I am proud of how you
have modified your impulses. My serum has done an excellent job and you are on another level.
Now yes, let's review the final details, shall we?
TQ: Thank you for your words. First everything is in order; as I told you, you hide behind that
door which we will put a curtain on. This way it will not look suspicious to others. I want you to
go to the kitchen and prepare some hors d'oeuvres to entertain them, Reyna needs to feed her ego
and earn their trust in the process. After McGinnis leaves, I'll give you specific instructions for
Mr. M: Awesome. I like your “one step at a time” approach. I'm going to prepare the hors
d'oeuvres; in ten minutes the hors d'oeuvres will be in your office.
TQ: Now we are getting into the groove. Go prepare them as I will be here preparing my notes.
This is going to be exciting and dangerous. I love it!!!
While Mr. M. is preparing the hors d'oeuvres, the time is drawing near. McGinnis and Miranda
are arriving at the building. Both, especially McGinnis, observe the place in a disturbing way.
Miranda: My love, I notice you restless and disturbed again.
P 2 McGinnis: This place sounds familiar to me. But obviously I have to stay calm. You know I
don't like therapies; but I also know that we have to do it for our emotional well-being.
Miranda: I like to know that you are willing to take the therapies even if you don't like them.
Let's go in together. We register and then I go to Plaza las Americas.
McGinnis: Very good. Well, its 11:50 am; let's go into the building. Let's figure this out baby.
They both enter the building. The reality is that this building has a very fishy vibe. McGinnis
feels uncomfortable as they approach Reyna Vale's office. Miranda does everything possible to
support her husband, although she also feels some discomfort inside the building.
RV: Good afternoon, guys!!! I am very happy to see you today. Are you ready for the therapies?
Miranda: Good afternoon, Reyna; Of course, we are ready. I know McGinnis goes first; but I
would like to advance my registration, of course if it can be done.
RV: Sure, you can. Here are the papers for you to fill out and McGinnis I'll see you in five
McGinnis: Ok Reyna. I'll see you in five minutes.
As McGinnis and Miranda fill out registration paperwork for their therapies, Reyna meets with
her companion.
RV: They are here. Is everything ready?
Mr. M: Yes, everything is ready. It's a matter of you telling me when you're going to start.
RV: Great. They are filling out sign-in sheets. I want you to always monitor us. When I tell you,
you go into action, and we kidnap Miranda.
Mr. M: Okay. I'm going to hide now.
While in the waiting room...
Miranda: Well, my love, everything is already full. Go with Reyna. I'll be in Plaza. Call me when
you finish because after you, I'll go with my therapy.
McGinnis: As you say my beautiful boss. Miranda...
P 3 Miranda: What? Don’t you make that “face” honey.
McGinnis: Let’s fall in love baby if you know what I mean. What do you think?
Miranda: McGinnis!!! Nervousness makes you kind of hot right?
McGinnis: Hot and on fire to begin with. You are the one to blame.
As the two kissed passionately, Reyna gazed into the distance. Jealousy, envy and the desire to
be the one in McGinnis's arms shine in Reyna's eyes.
Reyna: Enjoy my McGinnis while you can; your husband will soon be mine... Only mine!!! Now
it’s time to meet my man. I am ready for everything. Let’s go.
Reyna Vale approaches both, trying to hide her jealousy.
Reyna: Well guys, let's start with the therapies. McGinnis are you ready?
McGinnis: I'm ready. I don't like therapies; but our emotional well-being is very important. So, I
follow you.
Reyna: I like it that way. Let's go to my office.
In Dr. Vale’s office, McGinnis’s therapy begins…
Reyna: You dreamed with Alice about vampires. You do have one hell of imagination. Let me
ask you something. Do you believe in vampires?
McGinnis: of course not!!! I don’t believe in vampires.
Reyna: Why? Tell me about it. I’m just curious about it.
McGinnis: Because vampires don’t exist Dr. Vale. As simple as that.
Reyna: How about your CSI job? Do you love it? Are you happy with it?
McGinnis: How about it? Of course, I love it.
Reyna: Nothing unusual about it?
McGinnis: To be honest, my team has dealt with unusual cases. The Love Crimes was one of
them. A difficult case full of twists to begin with.
Reyna: Would you like to talk about it as long is ethically and proper?
McGinnis: Yes. It involved Alice. She became the boss of the agency. She “killed” me with the
help of the police.
Reyna: Wow, how rude. Do you still have feelings for her? Do you love her?
P 4 McGinnis: I don’t get the question. What does my feelings for Alice have to do with this
therapy? This is about my late son Victor.
Reyna: I know is about Victor. But, in my files, it says you had a complicated relationship with
Alice; so, we need to cover the past first.
McGinnis: Cover the past? Doctor: even though you are “new” in town, you seem to know a lot
of things about me and my past.
RV: My job is to know; because with knowledge, I will be able to help you.
McGinnis: Ok, I get it. Then again, this is a hard question Doctor. Better yet, I loved her. She
was my first love. But Alice left me on her own. She came back. But it is late. I am with
Miranda. At first, I doubted a lot. Then again, I fell in love with Miranda. She is my love and the
woman of my life.
Reyna: If Alice appears in front of you. What would you do?
McGinnis: I sent her a letter. I don’t have anything to say. She left and I accepted. She came
back and I decided not to see her. For every action there is a reaction. Then again, she came back
with a vengeance. Alice traveled back in time, and she brought my 1995 version to this actual
world. It was a big mess, to say the least. I was killed by some cops; then after I came back from
the dead, she was killed; then again, the police never recovered her body.
Reyna: Wow, how sad to know; this is an amazing story. Let me ask you: Did you hate her? Do
you still love her?
McGinnis: Well, at first, yes because she left me; now, four years later, no; it is my decision and
Alice, like everybody else, must respected. She confronted me; it was a very tense moment; I
will never forget it nor her. She is no longer with us.
Reyna: Ok my friend. As for now, we’ll take a break, Call Miranda. Keep in mind that I want to
see you soon. Do you like something to eat?
McGinnis: No, I’m good. Thanks Doctor!!! I will call Miranda. See you around!!!
McGinnis calls Miranda since it's her turn for therapy.
McGinnis: Honey, I'm done with therapy. Now is your turn. Dr. Vale is waiting for you. She is
kind of impatient but very good at what she does.
Miranda: Perfect, I'm on my way. But tell me, how was your therapy?
McGinnis: I'll tell you when you get there. So, hurry up babe.
Miranda: Cheater. It's okay. I'm close and I'll see you right away.
P 5 McGinnis: Excellent. The doctor is impatient, hurry up.
Miranda: Okay my love. In five minutes, I'll be with you.
Finally, Miranda reached the building. McGinnis is in the building. Reyna walks over to where
McGinnis is.
Reyna Vale: Is Miranda here?
McGinnis: Yes, she is here.
Reyna Vale: I will wait for her in my office. She can come into my office as soon as she walks
through the door.
McGinnis: I let her know. Thank you.
While McGinnis is waiting for Miranda, Reyna discusses the final details with her accomplice.
Reyna Vale: Miranda is here. At any moment, she's going to walk through that door.
Mr. M: What do you need me to do once you have Miranda in therapy?
Reyna Vale: Call Castro. Let Castro know that I need him to come with his group and "attack us"
by surprise. Once they take Miranda away, we pretend we're on McGinnis's side. I don't want
him to suspect us. Am I clear on the instructions?
Mr. M.: You are as clear as water. I'll call Castro now.
Mr. M calls Castro. He answers the call, a little anxious since he has not been able to fulfill the
mission of killing Kamila.
Castro: Mister M. To what do I owe your call?
Mr. M: Don't worry, Castro. We know you couldn't kill the brat Kamila. Although that mission is
on, the plans have changed a bit.
Castro: I promise not to fail you, I swear.
Mr. M: Relax. Nothing will happen to you. I need you right now.
Castro: Right now?
Mr. M: Right now, without asking. In other words, you stop what you're doing, I don't care if
you're eating, playing Call of Duty, shitting, or having sex with a dog, I want you here and that's
Castro: Okay. I'm leaving for the building right now. The last thing I want is to infuriate the
Queen of the night.
P 6 Mr. M: Believe me Castro, the Queen shouldn't worry you; however, Lady Killer should
scare you.
Castro: Lady Killer!!! So, she's behind all this?
Mr. M: That's right, you big moron. Shut up, get your filthy butt off and run for the building as
fast as you can, if you want to keep yourself alive and getting paid from our money, you are a
freaking idiot. Move!!! That’s an order!!!
Castro immediately goes to the office of the queen of the night. Terror invades his body knowing
that Lady Killer is the top boss of this entire mission. For Castro, Lady Killer was just a myth
and an urban legend. Castro knows how bloodthirsty, extreme, and dangerous Lady Killer is. In
less than ten minutes, Castro arrives at the building. Castro is nervous, shaky, and scared. Even
so, Castro manages to arrive on time.
Castro: Damn!!! This is my fault for being so greedy for money. Whatever this old wretch asks
of me, I know I must do it to by the book. My life depends on it. I must calm down. This stress is
killing me, oh my goodness.
Mr. M: Calm down dude. We still have time to pull this. All you have to do is follow my
instructions. Don’t make any mistakes; it could cost us a lot.
Castro: I promised everything will be fine. We will do it.
Mr. M: Excellent. Come here with me. We have to wait for her signal.
They were paying attention to every single move of the Queen. She is with Miranda right now.
Everything, in the therapy, is going smooth. Miranda and Reyna are having a conversation
instead of a therapy. They are women. Women are more open minded in these types of
dynamics. Then, Reyna makes her move. She knows that Miranda is vulnerable right now.
Reyna: This has been an interesting conversation, Miranda.
Miranda: Thanks Reyna. I’ve been relieved. Now I feel more in peace with myself; and now I
can help my husband in this painful issue.
Reyna: Very good. I’m glad to know this. Miranda, do you want something to eat? Do you want
some red wine?
Miranda: It will be a pleasure to have a glass of wine with you Reyna.
Reyna: Thank you for these kind words. I will always appreciate it.
Miranda: You’re welcome. You have been so helpful to all of us.
Reyna: Well, let’s drink my dear; enjoy this red wine. It is exquisite.
P 7 Miranda: Mmmm this wine taste so good. Thank you, Reyna.
Reyna: You’re welcome, Miranda. Let’s toast for a new beginning, shall we?
Miranda: Yes, a new beginning. Let me toast for life as well.
Then it happened. Miranda began to feel dizzy and groggy. She lost her consciousness and fell to
the ground. Reyna laughed at Miranda. It was too late for Miranda to realize the trap. McGinnis
was at the lobby. Reyna called Castro.
Reyna: Castro, come in quick!!!
Castro: Si senora. Oh My God Senora… is she dead?
Reyna: No idiot!!! She fainted. I don’t know how much time the drug will be on her system.
Take her away; but first “attack” me.
Castro: Attack you? Are you crazy? That McGinnis guy is very strong.
Reyna: I know, you idiot. Tell your boys to take her away. But first; be ready in three, two…
Castro: What is that countdown for?
Reyna: one… here we go!!!
Castro: ¡¡¡¿Que demonios le pasa?!!!
Reyna began to scream for help. McGinnis realized that something wrong is happening at the
office; he rushed in very quick as possible.
Reyna: Help!!! Help!!! Oh my God!!! Poor Miranda!!! McGinnis!!!
McGinnis: What the hell happened here?!!! Are you ok? Where is Miranda?
Reyna: I am so sorry McGinnis. Some masked men got in here and attack us.
McGinnis: What?!!! Are you serious about it?!!! Are you ok?
Reyna: I have some bruises. I did my best to defend us; but it was quick and sudden. I’m just
sorry about this. I am responsible for all of this.
McGinnis: No, you are not. Let me call the police, so you can tell them everything that
Reyna: But what about you? Aren’t you a detective?
McGinnis: I am a detective; but, after Victor’s death, I took a sabbatical. So I am a civilian right
now and we need to follow the protocol.
Reyna: Ok I understand. Let me call the police right now.
P 8 McGinnis: Excellent move. Once they get here, I will help you to speed the process of this
Reyna: Thank you McGinnis. I’m worried about Miranda; they kidnaped her.
McGinnis: Did you something see suspicious before?
Reyna: No… I mean, we were in the therapy and then it happened.
McGinnis: This is indeed very weird. Look the police have arrived. Come on.
The Police got into the building. Then they began to question everyone there. McGinnis was
cooperative during the process. Reyna was cooperative as well. An officer, George Castro, took
McGinnis aside; then he began to ask questions.
Officer Castro: Mr. McGinnis, are you sure about these events? Are you sure about your location
during this event?
McGinnis: George, I’m sorry Officer Castro. You know me for quite some time.
Officer Castro: Of course, my friend. You are not going to lie. Just tell me.
McGinnis: I was at the sofa, waiting for my wife to come. After (40) minutes the scandal began;
once I managed to get into Dr. Vale’s office, I saw her on the ground with bruises and alone.
Officer Castro: alone? What about Miranda?
McGinnis: Exactly; Miranda disappeared like magic. The person that did it knows this building;
otherwise, I will had confronted the person face to face. This building must have some secret
doors that did access to Dr. Vale’s office.
Officer Castro: I understand. Mr. McGinnis, go home as our team will get to the bottom of this
situation. You can trust us as you know this process.
McGinnis: I trust you guys. But keep an eye on Reyna. My recommendation.
McGinnis left the building. He calls Darian and Conde.
Conde: ¿Que pasa muchacho? ¡¡¡Te noto inquieto!!!
McGinnis: I am my friend. Somebody kidnaped Miranda.
Conde: ¡¡¡¿Como es?!!! Are you kidding me? Are you ok?
McGinnis: I am ok. But that’s the problem. I will tell you more at home.
Conde: We will wait for you at home. Drive safe. See you here.
McGinnis feels something awkward about this. He feels Reyna is involved in this.

Chapter 7: Husband and Wife p1

McGinnis is back at Darian and Conde's house. Darian and Conde welcome him. The television
is on, and we see how Gerardo Rivera is giving the news.
GRO: Greetings, people of Puerto Rico. This is the place where an act of kidnapping has been
committed. The act happened at about 12:40 in the afternoon. Detective Tanya Miranda
Valentine-McGinnis was the victim of a kidnapping by underlings who invaded Dr. Vale's
office. This news is in development. The police will soon give us more information about this
case. At the moment that is all we have, I inform you and the Prime News, Gerardo Rivera Ortiz.
Amanda Russell: Idiot. I really hate you worm from hell.
DR: My daughter, please I know you hate him; but you must stay in control.
Amanda Russell: I know mom. I can't help but think about everything that moron is doing to
sabotage my work. Anyway, what a shame about Miranda.
DR: That's why we need you. You can have access to all that information. That info will be of
great help my love. I think McGinnis just got here.
Amanda Russell: Indeed mom; let's greet him. He must be more than worried.
DR: Let me tell Conde. Let's go to the living hall.
McGinnis got into the living room. Conde and the rest got in there too.
Conde: ¿Que está pasando muchacho? Hablanos por favor!!!
McGinnis: Miranda was kidnaped. It’s confusing because it happened so fast.
Conde: Ok, we get it. ¿Qué dice la policía sobre esto?
McGinnis: The police is somehow confused as well.
Conde: And you believed them… did you?
McGinnis: At the moment, yes. All of you know how I do business. But I am convinced that this
is a set up. For me, Reyna has to do something with it.
Darian: My dear and why don’t you tell that to the police?
McGinnis: Because I don’t have enough evidence against her; and even, if I do some people
might see it as an abuse of power. I must be careful with that.
Darian: I understand my dear. So, what is your next move then?
P 2 McGinnis: Protocol says that a kidnaper will ask for ransom unless...
Darian: Unless what?
McGinnis: Unless Miranda is dead, which I doubt indeed.
Darian: I trust your wisdom. But what will happen next?
McGinnis: We must wait for someone to ask for ransom.
Conde: Wow, esto esta fuerte; this is tough to deal with.
McGinnis: Guys, I’m convinced this is a set up and Miranda was the bait. But what kind of set
up are we dealing with? I can’t answer that right now.
Conde: Well, familia, tenemos que descansar. We must rest.
Darian: Conde is right. Did Kamila eat?
Amanda: Yes, she did; she was with me the whole time.
McGinnis: Great Amanda. Guys go to rest. I need to talk with Amanda.
Amanda: Ok… I’m waiting for your conversation.
After Conde and Darian went to sleep. McGinnis is alone with Amanda.
Amanda: What is on your mind McGinnis?
McGinnis: To be honest, I am at a crossroads right now. We have to wait.
Amanda: wait for what?
McGinnis: Wait for that call. I want you to go back to your office.
Amanda: And what I will do there?
McGinnis: Play possum.
Amanda: Play possum? What the hell does that means?
McGinnis: Lay low. I know you hate Gerardo; then again who doesn’t hate that excuse for a
human being?
Amanda: I know we hate it; but tell me in English.
McGinnis: Do your job as usual. But allow Gerardo to get overconfident. Let him get burned.
Allow his ego to become his worst enemy; and then, attack.
Amanda: I get it; he will not be able to get the exclusive information.
McGinnis: Very good. I trust you my dear and you will do it.
P 3 Then, as McGinnis predicted, the phone call happened.
Mr. M: Is this McGinnis? Am I talking to him?
McGinnis: No; ¡¡¡soy la madre que te pario bastardo de porquería! Shut the hell up and tell me
where is Miranda?
Mr. M: Don’t be stupid; if you want to see her alive again, then come meet us at this address; and
please don’t play superhero or Miranda will die.
McGinnis: I have an email; send the address and I will be there alone.
Mr. M: Alone and no tricks whatsoever if you want to see Miranda alive again.
McGinnis: Cut to the chase dog eater. What do you want?
Mr. M: we want you McGinnis. We hate you more than anything.
McGinnis: And? Is this about hate? Take a number and get in line doggie bag.
Mr. M: Do you think you are funny?
McGinnis: of course, I am, you Mr. Hog excrement; get to the point.
Mr. M: The queen and I hate you. You have (3) three hours to come or Miranda dies. As simple
as that.
McGinnis: You hate me? Stupid dog licker. Now, be specific cry baby.
Mr. M: Be here at 9am at the address that I sent on your email. Then The Queen and I will give
you Miranda; is that ok?
McGinnis: She better be alive uncle toilet, or I will kill you with my bare hands.
Mr. M: Save your threats and insults. Do as I say or Miranda dies.
McGinnis: Ok. I will be there at (10) ten am. You better give me Miranda alive.
Mr. M: I am a man of my word. Be here at ten and you will see Miranda again.
McGinnis: I will be there, don’t worry. Be ready for me.
After the call McGinnis went to Amanda.
McGinnis: Did you track the call?
Amanda: Yes, I did!!! What are you going to do?
McGinnis: We are going to save Miranda. But let’s rest my girl. You and I are in this mission.
So, go rest and be ready.
Amanda: Excellent; I’m so excited about it. This exclusive will be on The News.
P 4 They went to sleep. In a couple of hours, The Queen and Mr. M will meet McGinnis.
Miranda’s life is on the line and McGinnis knows it. On the other side…
Mr. M: Reyna everything is set. We have a couple of hours.
Reyna: How many hours do we have left exactly?
Mr. M: 7 to 8 hours max. If you want to do the experiment, we must do it now.
Reyna: Ok. Let me call Castro.
Reyna called Castro.
Castro: My Queen, what do you need?
Reyna: Bring me the Doctor right now.
Castro: Right now? Do you think she will be available?
Reyna: She better be or else.
Castro: Ok I will look for her as soon as possible.
Reyna: Go Castro, time is gold and cannot be wasted.
Castro: Perfect. Wait for me. I will look for the doctor.
Castro went to the Doctor’s home. She was surprised to see someone at the front of her house.
Then her face turns into horror once she sees Castro.
Dr. SR: What are you doing here?!!!
Castro: Come with me, you are needed.
Dr. SR: I am not going anywhere. Where is your warrant?
Castro: I don’t need a warrant Doctor. If you don’t come with me, then I will call the queen;
Miranda and you will die!!!
Dr. SR: Miranda?!!! What are you talking about?
Castro: Shut up and come with me now!!!
Castro used his gun to intimidate the Doctor. The Doctor is forced to go. After (15) fifteen
minutes of driving, they arrived. The Queen and Mr. M are waiting for them. Finally, The Doctor
is in, and The Queen is more than happy.
Reyna: Long time no see… Doctor Sara Reed.
SR: I can’t believe it… You?!!! How is it possible?
Reyna: Shut up Sara. You’re here for an important mission.
P 5 SR: And what mission is that?
Reyna: Come with me. You are needed. And it must be done now!!!
Dr. Reed was in shock. There is Miranda. The Queen, Castro, and Mr. M are laughing at her.
Reyna: As you see, everything is set. This place looks familiar to you, is it?
Dr. Reed: This was my operation room several years ago.
Reyna: Indeed Sara. Now you will do another surgery, like old times.
Dr. Reed: And if I refuse to do it?
Reyna: You will do it Sara; or both of you will die. Go ahead now!!!
Dr. Reed: I don’t believe this.
Castro: obey the Queen or I will shoot you bitch!!!
Reyna: She will obey Castro. Let’s do it doctor.
Castro used his gun to, again, intimidate her. Reyna got into the surgery table. The process has
just begun. Dr. Reed did it. After two hours, the Queen woke up.
Reyna: Castro bring me a mirror please.
Castro: Ok My Queen. Here it is.
Reyna: Yes!!! This is awesome. Doctor Reed, you were perfect. I look impeccable, radiant, and
SR: This is illegal and all of you know it. You aren’t going to get away with it.
Reyna: Believe Doctor Reed I will. But I understand your point. You are a loose end and I need
to take care of it. Castro give me your gun.
SR: what are you going to do? Put that gun down!!!
Reyna: Take it easy honey. First off thank you Sara for this wonderful surgery; but now your
services are no longer needed so, you are fired!!!
And Reyna shot Sara Reed in the chest. Sara fell to the ground dead to the surprise of everybody.
Then she ordered Castro to take care of the corpse. After that, Reyna gave some final instructions
to her friends.
Reyna: The experiment is a success. Our vengeance is on a roll. Now we must wait for McGinnis
and his people, so as I promised to them, I will give them Miranda and myself.
P 6 Mr. M: oh, now I truly understand you. Well Castro be ready; you must hide and then act
like the “good cop” that you are.
Castro: Ok I got it. Let’s see how this charade unfolds.
McGinnis and Amanda are getting closer to the place that Reyna sent by email. He is anxious.
Amanda is excited about all of this. Finally, they get to the place. An uneasy feeling invades
McGinnis. Amanda noticed that.
Amanda: McGinnis you look weird. Something wrong?
McGinnis: Yes, something is wrong; but at the same time, I can’t explain why.
Then The Queen of the Night began to talk from a distance
Reyna: Finally, McGinnis!!! You are here. But who is that young woman?
McGinnis: She is a friend, and she is not a threat. Where is Miranda?
Reyna: ¿Miranda? Jejejeje; she is here, come get her my dear.
McGinnis: you promised that she will be here alive. One last time, where is she?!
Reyna: What a temper babe! She is here come on!!!
But before McGinnis make any move, Castro, the police officer, interfered.
Castro: Hold it!!! Put your hands to your head.
Reyna: Damn it!!! McGinnis you set me up!!! You will pay!!!
Amanda: Did you set her up?
McGinnis: No, I didn’t!!! That woman is crazy. Let’s move quick!!!
As McGinnis and Amanda got close, they saw the police with two women. One of them,
unconscious with handcuffs; and the other shaking in fear. Castro approached them.
Castro: Thank God you are here. We did it Mr. McGinnis!!!
McGinnis: Indeed, my friend!!! What happened with her?
Castro: She tried to kill me. She was a menace. We stopped her.
McGinnis: He is new here. This is the first time I see him.
Then a familiar voice did echo thru the place.
Miranda: McGinnis my love!!! Oh my God!!! I’m so happy for you to be here, and I’m happy
for the girl as well. Thank you for being here with my husband.
P 7 Amanda: I’m Amanda don’t you remember me?
Miranda: Amanda I am so sorry. That woman there is known as the Queen of the Night. She is
the one responsible for the massacre at the disco in San Juan and the other crimes as well. She
kidnapped me and wanted to kill me.
McGinnis: My love!!! Thank God you are alive. Castro anything else that happened. It has been
so quick to say the least.
Castro: We received a call and then we got here as fast as we could.
McGinnis: I’m so proud of you guys. Hey man why so silent?
Castro: He is new, the shy guy to say the least.
Miranda: My love… let’s go home. I’m so exhausted.
McGinnis: We’ll go home my dear. Amanda drives please; Miranda go with her.
Amanda: Ok McGinnis; please Miranda let me take care of you.
Miranda: Thanks sweetheart for your kindness. My love please don’t be late.
McGinnis: I won’t my dear. I will talk to Castro. Just looking for details.
McGinnis talks with Castro. After the conversation, he goes with the girls. Amanda is driving
and Miranda is taking a nap on the backseat.
McGinnis: What a lousy day it has been. At least Miranda is alive.
Amanda: Exactly and then the police arrested The Queen. That murderer will be in jail for the
rest of her life.
McGinnis: We can speed that process. She will pay for her crimes. But now let’s go home and
allow the police to take charge.
They got home. Everybody was more than happy. Kamila was happy to see her mother again;
but Miranda was somehow indifferent towards her daughter. After an hour, everybody goes to
sleep. Miranda was very excited.
Miranda: My love, you saved me.
McGinnis: Baby, I’m so happy. I missed you a lot. Thank God you are fine.
Miranda: Babe… I’m more than fine don’t you think?
McGinnis: You are hot. The perfect woman.
Miranda: Don’t waste our time; it’s been a while babe. Just make love to me.
McGinnis: Come my dear; I’ve missed you as well. Let’s enjoy the night.

Chapter 8: She invades my mind p111-1/10-3

Indeed, Miranda and McGinnis had a passionate night. They had sex. Miranda is more than
happy, and McGinnis is in cloud 9. What a night of intimacy and passion.
Miranda: My love, this passion shows me that you missed me in bed.
McGinnis: Of course, I missed you. We haven't had sex in a long time. This time you were an
erupting volcano. This is a pleasant surprise.
Miranda: You didn't like it? Did I do something wrong? Tell me.
McGinnis: Baby you were more than fine; and sure, it was a pleasantly surprised so, I liked it.
You showed me your passionate and lustful side. I loved it.
Miranda: Get ready my big guy. From now on we will be husband and wife 24 hours a day. I
want you to make love to me as if it were our last moment. I don't want any other woman to steal
what belongs to me. And you are mine McGinnis, only mine. Don’t you ever forget about this
McGinnis: You sounds intense every time you talk like that. I love you baby. Go ahead, let’s
take a bath and then go to sleep. What a night.
They took a bath together. McGinnis noticed something unique in Miranda’s body. But he
decided to remain silent and enjoy that intimacy moment. After the bath, McGinnis prepared
coffee for them. He, still, is in suspicious mode.
McGinnis: Miranda… Are you ok my love?
Miranda: I am better than ever, why the question?
McGinnis: I know you had a hard time, and The Queen has been arrested. Can you tell me more
about the time you were kidnap?
Miranda: Babe, it was horrible. They tortured me a lot. I am traumatized and it’s difficult for me
to talk about it. It was very painful.
McGinnis: I understand you babe. Once you feel comfortable about it, talk to me. There more to
that girl than meets the eye.
Miranda: And I will my love. Just give me time babe. I promised you will know.
And McGinnis kissed Miranda passionately. They hugged and felt asleep very romantically.
During the night each one picked a side of the bed. Later that night, McGinnis then felt a
feminine whisper on his ear.
“My love… is good to see you again”.
P 2 McGinnis: Miranda is that you? Something wrong? It’s 3:30 am.
“I am not Miranda. Just look closely my dear”.
McGinnis: What the hell?!!! How is it possible?!!! You are dead!!!
Alice: Darling dead is a cruel word. I am alive; and now I live in your mind.
McGinnis: You are crazy after all these years. Why?
Alice: McGinnis, I have learned a lot from your books. Am I dead? Time will tell.
McGinnis: Are you alive? Is this a dream? Is this a nightmare?
Alice: First off, this is a new reality my love. I have the privilege to invade your dreams.
McGinnis, this is a warning, you are not ready to face the truth.
McGinnis: And based on your point of view… what is the truth?
Alice: Nothing is what it seems my love. Again, am I alive or dead? Only time will tell. But you
are not prepared for the truth. I know the real identity of the Queen of the Night and even worse,
I know Lady Killer’s real identity.
McGinnis: No way… Are you kidding me? Tell me who are they?
Alice: Not yet my love. Besides, you have been my teacher in everything. That's why I still love
you. But you must be patient, very patient.
McGinnis: Patience that I don’t have; and you know it better than anybody.
Alice: Of course, I know baby boy; but you must have it my eternal love.
McGinnis: Why are you doing this? What is your motivation behind this?
Alice: Simple, I can, and you’re my motive; we’re destined to be together.
McGinnis: You are dead; I killed you. That’s the only fact now.
Alice: Did you really kill me McGinnis? Where is my body? Did they find it?
McGinnis: No, your body is lost. I assume this is not the last time, right?
Alice: You assume right; now that I can invade your mind, you need to know.
McGinnis: What do I need to know?
Alice: I can possess anyone McGinnis. Your books are incredible my love.
McGinnis: Anyone? Anybody?
Alice: Yes… Anyone. But I don’t want anyone; I want to possess you!!!
P 3 McGinnis: You’re nuts. I will not allow that.
Alice: You don’t have control over your body McGinnis.
McGinnis: What makes you sure that I don’t have control over my body?
Alice: Don’t worry about it. You will see my love. Well, time to go. See you.
McGinnis: No… I need to know the truth about Lady Killer and The Queen.
But then, is Miranda, who is next to him. She wakes him up.
Miranda: My dear!!! Are you fine?
McGinnis: I had this weird dream; but it felt so real.
Miranda: Can I know about it? Give me details my love.
McGinnis: Of course, I’ll give you details. I dreamed with Alice.
Miranda: Alice? Oh, Alice… who Alice?
McGinnis: Alice my ex, I killed her; you knew her very well.
Miranda: Sorry my love, I’m still shaken about my kidnap. Thanks to them my memory
collapsed. Why don’t we have another round of you know what?
McGinnis: There is something different about you Miranda.
Miranda: Indeed, it is!!! But you love it don’t you?
McGinnis: I truly love it. You have changed for the better. I love you.
Miranda: I have some great news for you darling.
McGinnis: Really? What is that good news?
Miranda shows McGinnis her cellphone.
Miranda: Today we are going to interview The Queen of the Night.
McGinnis: What?!!! That would be awesome. We can finally know the identity of that woman
and the motives for those killings. Who did text you?
Miranda: Officer Castro did. We must be at 12pm in the headquarters.
McGinnis: Well, let’s talk to Conde and Darian; they need to know.
Miranda: Excellent; let them know. I will take a shower.
McGinnis: Perfect; I will prepare breakfast for everybody. Then we’ll go to the office. So go
ahead, you are first and later me.
P 4 Both prepare to go to the police headquarters. McGinnis is anxious as he wishes to know the
identity of The Queen of the Night. Miranda looks more relaxed in the process. McGinnis has
many doubts in this whole process. Although he is happy about the queen's arrest, his gut tells
him that something is seriously wrong with Miranda. However, his cunning prevents him from
confronting Miranda.
McGinnis: Well, my love, get ready while I talk to the boss and Mr. Conde...
Miranda: Perfect my saint. Talk to them about what I prepare. We leave in an hour.
McGinnis agrees with what Miranda said. He goes to talk to Darian and Conde.
McGinnis: People, in an hour Miranda and I are going to interview whoever is alleged to be
responsible for Miranda's crimes and kidnapping.
Darian: Perfect. So I need you to make me a report of everything that happens in that interview.
McGinnis: Perfect, let me write it down so we don't forget. Where is Amanda?
Darian: He's having breakfast with the girl.
McGinnis: Tell her to come into the living room for a minute.
Darian: Amanda, my love; come a moment we need you.
Amanda arrives in the living room of the house with Kamila.
Kamila: hi dad!!! Bendicion!!!
McGinnis: God bless you my baby. I hope you've been good to Amanda.
Kamila: Swear it daddy. I always behave well.
Amanda: Tell me, McGinnis, what do you need?
McGinnis: I want you to stay tuned, because today I have an exclusive for you.
Amanda: An exclusive? I want to know more.
McGinnis: Today you will go to your work, and you will exclusively talk about the arrest of the
Queen of the Night.
Amanda: Are you serious? I like this!!! And when will the interview be?
McGinnis: The suspect will be interviewed at 12:30pm. I will take notes of what she says to
Miranda, and I will provide you with the material. Then you prepare it, customize it and boom!!!
You’ll give the news. What are you saying?
P 5 Amanda: What do I say? I do accept!!! This will be a slap in the face to that piece of human
excrement Rivera. Count on me!!!
McGinnis: The plan is already set. I'll let you know when we finish the interview.
Miranda arrives at the living room, already prepared.
Miranda: Honey, go get ready. I wait for you. Did you already talk about everything?
McGinnis: Sure. We talk about everything, and Amanda knows what she has to do.
Miranda: Is that true Amanda?
Amanda: Yes, that's totally true. I will wait for you to give me the instructions to prepare the
exclusive material for the prime news.
Miranda: Instructions? I do not understand. Look, love, did I miss something?
McGinnis: No, my love; Once we interview the suspect, Amanda will use the audio of the
interview to prepare the news and transmit it as an exclusive but on her behalf.
Miranda: Are we going to record the interview?
McGinnis: Sure, my love; this has always been the process. Why the surprise?
Miranda: I found it shocking nothing more. Also, I think it's a waste of time to record the
interview. I want Castro to be a witness, take notes of what that stupid little girl says.
McGinnis: hum?! Your request is kind of unique, to say the least. I will allow you to have Castro
during the interview. But I need those notes so Amanda can have that exclusive for the Prime-
Time News.
Miranda: Ok I can deal with that. Sorry my love, I just want to do thing differently this time. I
want to be face to face with the criminal that almost killed me.
McGinnis: All right; but after that, I want to interview her as well. I need to know her identity
and her motives to attack us, including the death of Victor.
Miranda: Excellent my dear. Go get ready please.
McGinnis: In (20) minutes we will leave.
As McGinnis went to prepare for the interview, his mind was full of doubts. Miranda,
practically, has changed the rules and protocols of the Agency. His dream with Alice disturbed
him because McGinnis felt her so real.
6 While in the living room, Miranda receives a phone call.
Miranda: Hi. What’s up?!
Officer Castro: When are you going to be here?
Miranda: In about (30) minutes. Are you in a hurry?
Officer Castro: No, I am not; but Reyna is very aggressive.
Miranda: Of course, she will my friend. We busted her remember that.
Officer Castro: How can I control her?
Miranda: Simple: go with your men and handcuff her.
Officer Castro: This is so risky. What about McGinnis?
Miranda: What about him?
Officer Castro: Sorry I’m just concerned.
Miranda: My husband is smart; but in the end is a man.
Officer Castro: And?
Miranda: Is a man that feels and needs sex. Hey, I am his sensual and hot wife.
Officer Castro: Ok… I get it. Very clever of you.
Miranda: I have to go. McGinnis is coming.
Officer Castro: Ok; I will wait for you here.
Miranda: Do as I say, don’t you forget about it.
Officer Castro: Ok I will do it. See you.
Suddenly Amanda appears…
Miranda: Jesus Christ girl!!! You almost provoke me a heart attack!!!
Amanda: Why? Is there something wrong? You are shaking.
Miranda: Sorry baby girl. I’m still traumatized by my kidnapping.
Amanda: Understandable. But you have been acting strange.
Miranda: Strange? I’m just ok sweetheart. I’m fine.
Amanda: if you said so; let’s “believe” you then.
Miranda: Hey!!! I don’t like your tone little girl!!! Slow down.
7 Amanda: Slow down or what?!!!
Then McGinnis comes…
McGinnis: Well, my love, let’s… hey!!! What’s going on?
Miranda: Nothing baby. Amanda and I had a conversation that’s it.
McGinnis: Is that true Amanda?
Amanda: Yes, we had a “conversation”. Don’t worry, women stuff.
McGinnis: Ok. Amanda don’t forget everything we talked before.
Amanda: I won’t forget it. I will wait for your call.
McGinnis: Excellent my dear. Miranda, now we can go.
As Miranda and McGinnis left the house, Amanda was thinking about Miranda’s behavior.
Amanda: Miranda is acting very weird these days. I will do my own research.
On the road, Miranda and McGinnis are having a conversation about the upcoming events. But
in an unexpected move…
Miranda: Can you do me a favor?
McGinnis: I can. Just tell me.
Miranda: I don’t want Amanda near you.
McGinnis: Ok… what’s wrong with Amanda?
Miranda: What’s wrong?!!! She is a woman, and I don’t like her next to you.
McGinnis: Take it easy!!! She hasn’t done anything wrong.
Miranda: Are you defending her over me? You have to be kidding me!!!
McGinnis: I’m not defending anybody. I’m fair with her that’s it.
Miranda: You are fair with her; yeah right!! Listen up: I am your wife and you do as I say, and if
I say stay away from Amanda, you must obey me!!!
McGinnis: We are here. This conversation will be resumed later.
Miranda was furious. McGinnis was calm. His instincts are more accurate than ever. Miranda’s
sudden behavior is more that suspicious to him. McGinnis is convinced that Miranda is different,
and something is wrong with her. But is time to get down to business. At the front door, Officer
Castro greeted them.

Chapter 9: The Good, the Dark and the Killer p1

Officer Castro: Good afternoon, guys. Are you ready for the interview?
Miranda: Ready and more my friend. This criminal must pay for what she did to me.
McGinnis: Calm down babe; the interview must be done first. Then, and based on what we
collect from it, the system will decide her fate.
Miranda: I do agree my love; I’m excited and angry as well.
McGinnis: That’s why I want you relax during this interview process. It will be uncomfortable
for you to see your kidnapper.
Officer Castro: Guys, get in here. My men will bring the queen to this room.
Miranda: Excellent Castro. Please bring us some coffee.
McGinnis: I second that motion. I need caffeine now!!!
Officer Castro: Coffee right away!!!
As Officer Castro goes to prepare coffee, McGinnis and Miranda are alone on their thoughts.
Miranda: What are you thinking my love?
McGinnis: This… this issue is very unusual. She was arrested so easily; I mean, after all this
deaths and threats. There is something I just don’t get. But I will eventually now.
Miranda: Baby boy; first off, I am alive and thank God you were there to save me. Second chill
out sweetheart; we arrested this criminal. And she will pay for all her crimes. Let it go my dear.
McGinnis: I will calm down and let it go. I’m just impatient to know the woman behind all of
Then, Officer Castro and his men comes to the room. Castro gave them coffee while the other
police officers bring in The Queen.
Officer Castro: Coffee for all of us. Hope you like it and enjoy.
Miranda: Thank you Castro. How’s that woman?
Officer Castro: She is in a bad mood. Be careful when you get in there.
Miranda: Thank you Officer. We will be careful with that criminal. But be alert ok?
P 2 Officer Castro: Ok boss. If something bad happens, just scream and we’ll be there.
Miranda: Excellent. You can go guys. It’s time for my husband and me to get in.
Castro and his men leave the office. Miranda has a look of determination and McGinnis is very
anxious about this issue. The Queen is on the other side of the room waiting for them.
Miranda: Babe, will you allow me to go first?
McGinnis: I was thinking on going first. But if you insist, I will allow you to go first. Just be
Miranda: I promise to be always careful.
McGinnis: Well, without further ado, go ahead my love.
Miranda goes into the special room. McGinnis can see them; but they cannot see him. Again, he
is suspicious about Miranda. He knows something is not right and he wants to be responsible on
his remarks. McGinnis knows that the smallest mistake can cost big time. Miranda is face to face
with the Queen. The Queen is, visibly, angry, at her.
Reyna: What the hell are you doing here?
Miranda: I’m just here for payback little girl. We arrested you and that’s the fact. You are a
criminal; and, of course, you will pay for your crimes rotten snake.
Reyna: What you did was illegal. Do you think you are going to get away with this?
Miranda: I already did Reyna. We did arrest you and no one can change that.
Reyna: You will pay for this!!! I swear.
Miranda: You can swear all that you want. But no one will believe you.
Reyna is getting angrier by the second. Then Miranda is looking at her with a malicious smile.
Reyna: You will pay for all of this. I will get my revenge.
Miranda: How gullible you are baby. But to be honest this is like looking in a mirror. You are so
good looking my queen.
Reyna stood up. Then, in a fit of rage, she grabbed Miranda by the neck.
Reyna: ¡¡¡¡Die scumbag!!!! Die!!!
P 3 Miranda: ¡¡¡Castro ayuda!!! This lunatic freak is killing me!!!
Castro and McGinnis heard all the scandal. McGinnis tried to interfere, but Castro put him aside.
Officer Castro: Let me handle this. Stay there, everything will be ok.
McGinnis: Let me in!!! My wife is in trouble.
Officer Castro: No!!! Stay here. I will assist your wife. I will be back
McGinnis: Ok. I will wait here.
Castro got into the room. He used a stun gun to subdue Reyna. Then, Miranda kick Reyna in the
stomach, after a hard slap in her face.
Miranda: Thank you Castro; you have been always helpful to our mission.
Reyna: You are not going to get away, you piece of garbage.
Miranda: You are very stubborn. I already did; and guess what? You are going to be in jail for
the next (100) hundred years!!! Jajajajaja. Castro take her away!!!
Reyna: Noooooo. This can’t be!!! McGinnis help!!!
McGinnis heard that. He came face to face with Castro.
McGinnis: Let me in son of a bitch!!! I want to interview that woman.
Officer Castro: No you will not get in!!!
McGinnis got in the face of Castro. Then Castro took his gun and pointed to McGinnis.
Officer Castro: One more step and I have to shoot you.
Miranda: Stop!!! What is going on here?!
Officer Castro: Ms. Valentine, your husband wants to interview that criminal and he is
disobeying your orders.
Miranda: Why are you doing that my love? That idiot almost killed me before; and here almost
killed me again. Please, don’t be against the protocol. Castro pull the gun down.
But in a fit of rage, McGinnis lift Castro by the neck, after he took Castro’s gun.
Miranda: McGinnis don’t!!! What’s wrong with you?!!!
P 4 McGinnis: No, you listen to me. First you, maldito perro faldero de azul. If you want to point
me with a gun, you better use it because I will not hesitate to kill you coke whore.
Miranda: McGinnis!!! Let him go!!!
Officer Castro: Help!!! He is killing me!!!
Then Miranda slaps McGinnis. He drops Castro to the ground. McGinnis eyes were filled of rage
and uncanny fury. When he went straightforward to Miranda, she kissed him in the lips. This
action calmed McGinnis down.
Miranda: We need to talk seriously. Your actions are affecting this investigation.
McGinnis: I have nothing to talk about. Give me that woman. I want to interview her.
Miranda: And I say no!!! She is a dangerous criminal. Did you forget about Victor? She was the
intellectual responsible for our son’s death. She has to pay for her crimes my love.
McGinnis: I haven’t forgot about that!!! Don’t mix Victor’s dead with this problem.
Miranda: Ok I won’t do that again. Just relax and get the hell out of here.
McGinnis: But first…
McGinnis grabbed Castro by the neck. Castro was scared of death.
McGinnis: The next time you point at me with a gun, you’ll be a dead man; DID YOU HEAR
Officer Castro: yes, I did. Don’t kill me; sorry, it will not happen again.
McGinnis: You bet it will not happen, because I will have no mercy on you rotten soul. I’ll kill
Officer Castro: No, don’t kill me. I promise that I will not happen again.
McGinnis left the building. Miranda was waiting for him in the car. She was mad; but McGinnis
was even. Miranda noticed that.
Miranda: What’s going on with you? You assaulted Officer Castro. Are you out of your mind?
McGinnis: What’s going on?!!! How dare you to deny me a request after I granted yours?!!!
P5 Miranda: I apologize if I did deny your request or minimized the importance of it.
McGinnis: First an apology is not enough. You better have a big reason for that.
Miranda: I told you she was dangerous, and I did not want to expose you to her.
McGinnis: I did appreciate your concern. But that is not enough. You know me, Miranda; I know
how get control of any kind of situation.
Miranda: You almost killed Castro. Wow if that is self-control then I don’t want to know your
response in total anger.
McGinnis: When you brought me back to life, a killer was resuscitated. Why the surprise now?
Miranda: A Killer? Well…
McGinnis: Well, what? You did perform my resurrection, why the look on your face? Why?
Miranda: I was kidnapped by that woman. I need psychological therapy.
McGinnis: I understand all your suffering and pain; but you are acting like a brainwashed person.
You are different Miranda that is for sure. But, to your favor I have no evidence at all.
Miranda: And you don’t need that evidence because I am your wife; and I love you McGinnis.
McGinnis: I love you too; then again, I don’t like your new behavior.
Miranda: But you do like my passion and lust, don’t you?
McGinnis: Any common man loves passion and lust. You know me very well.
Miranda: And that means?
McGinnis: It means I am no ordinary man, and you seem to have amnesia to begin with.
Miranda: I told you how much I’m traumatized for this kidnapping. Are we going home?
McGinnis: No. we’ll stay at Darian’s house. Later I will check our house if you don’t mind.
Miranda: I won’t mind at all. Just do your stuff my dear. If that brings you peace, then I will
gladly accept your request. When are you going to your house?
P 6 McGinnis: My house? It is our house for the past seven years.
Miranda: Babe I’m sorry.
McGinnis: Don’t worry then. After we talk to Darian and Conde, then I will go to our house. We
will keep in touch my love.
Miranda: Perfect darling. You can call me anytime. We are here.
They got into Darian and Conde’s house.
Darian: how was the interview?
Miranda: Chaotic; that criminal almost kill me again.
Conde: Is that true?
Miranda: Yes, it is Mr. Conde. Thank God for Castro that I was saved.
McGinnis: Yeah… Thanks Castro.
Conde: I don’t like your tone. What did happen?
Miranda: McGinnis disobey the protocol; and because of that Castro confronted him and
McGinnis almost kill him.
Darian: McGinnis?!!! Are you crazy?!!!
McGinnis: I did apologize. I admit that the stress of this job is taking a toll on my mind and
body. So, I want to ask you a favor; can I?
Darian: Of Course, you can my dear; go ahead.
Conde: Tell us please.
McGinnis: for the next two days I want you guys to take care of Kamila and Miranda. Can you
do that for me?
Conde: Claro que si!!! Cuenta con eso.
Darian: Count us in!!! But I have to ask you: What are you going to do?
McGinnis: I will go to the big house and rest for two days.
Conde: That is excellent son. You need rest.
Darian: I second that motion as well. Don’t waste time and go home. We will take care of
everything. Don’t worry about us. We will be fine.
McGinnis: Thank you people. I appreciate this. I’ll take good advantage of this.
Conde: Go!!! Have some rest. You need it and you deserve it.
P 7 McGinnis left their house. He has a lot of things in mind. He doesn’t trust Miranda. At the
Mansion, McGinnis picked the phone.
McGinnis: Amanda I need you on this one.
Amanda: Just tell me. I’m all ears.
McGinnis: Are you alone? Anyone near you?
Amanda: No one is near me; I am with Kamila, Why?
McGinnis: Perfect. I need a huge favor from you.
Amanda: What is that huge favor?
McGinnis: I need you to check on Miranda.
Amanda: Miranda? Why? Is there something wrong with her?
McGinnis: Yes. I don’t trust her. And I believe you don’t trust her too.
Amanda: You are right, she is different, and something is wrong is her. I will check on Miranda.
Count with me on this task.
They finished their conversation. McGinnis is focused on solving his issue with Miranda. He is
sure that Miranda is not the woman he married. McGinnis is alone at the Big House. He goes to
his secret room. In there, McGinnis looks for his book in order to find a solution.
McGinnis: There is something wrong with Miranda. I haven’t read this books in a while, so I
asked for these two days in order to solve this. Let me text Amanda.
McGinnis begin to text Amanda.
“Amanda how’s everything?”
“As of now cool. Everything is ok. And you?”
“I’m good. Remember you are going to be my eyes and ears during these two days”
“Ok, I get it. If something wrong happens, I will call you right away”.
“Very good my dear. Don’t hesitate to call. I’ll see you guys in two days”
“Ok, take care. Bye”
McGinnis has all his books next to him. But he is exhausted. He decided to sleep; and then,
begin to work on the morning. He falls asleep very fast. All of the sudden, a female voice wakes
him up.
P 8 Alice: Hi again my love.
McGinnis: Hi again; I knew you would come. This is tempting for you right?
Alice: Of course it is. I knew you wouldn’t resist to see me again, would you?
McGinnis: You know a lot. I want you to tell me: Are you Reyna or Lady Killer?
Alice: You are brilliant my man. But unfortunately, I’m not them.
McGinnis: And why you say that you know who they are.
Alice: Because I know their identity McGinnis. And that’s a fact.
McGinnis: And why don’t you tell me?
Alice: Because the truth will be devastating my love. See I am the only woman that truly loves
you. I did make a mistake in 1995; I should have stayed with you. But I was impulsive and did
not understand your potential. I am not the villain, McGinnis. It’s true I did some evil stuff
because I hate Miranda for taking what is rightfully mine: you. But Miranda, hahaha, she is
giving trouble to you.
McGinnis: Yes she is. How do you know this?
Alice: Because you and I will have this connection my love. I live in your mind. And you are
here at the same place where we make love, remember that night? I do and I will never forget it.
And this Miranda is trying to imitate my unique passion, love and lust that I feel for you. You are
here to find a response.
McGinnis: You are right. I am here for a response; and I will use my books for it.
Alice: Excellent. But you need me McGinnis. It’s true my love.
McGinnis: Do I need you?
Alice: Because I have the response for you. And you need it.
McGinnis: Then, what do I have to do?
Alice: Go to your past McGinnis. In your past lies the answer you truly want. But unlike me, you
must do a ceremony similar that I wanted to do before.
McGinnis: And that ceremony is…
Alice: The Black Mass my love. Call Father Macario he can help you.
McGinnis: Can he? What makes you sure he will be able to help?
Alice: He will. Macario is part of the answer you want to know about your past.
McGinnis is surprised with that revelation. It is do or die. He must know the truth.

Chapter 10: Who am 1? P1

McGinnis is reading his books. He knows Alice, or whatever that image is, is telling the truth.
He looks for the information needed. The fact that father Macario knows his real identity is
consuming him. After two hours, McGinnis recollected the information necessary. He doesn’t
want to do the Black Mass; but he need to talk to the priest ASAP.
McGinnis: I need to collect my thoughts. I don’t want to perform a Black Mass. But I need to
know the truth. There must be another way. I must have some choices. The last thing I wanted to
do is provoke a tragedy with this ceremony. Then again I have this idea. I will do it.
McGinnis turned on some soft music; he relaxed so much. In the process, McGinnis began an
astral trip. His soul is out of the body. He began to travel. In a matter of seconds, McGinnis
essence was at The Women’s Prison Facility. Then, he was in Reyna’s cell. Somehow Reyna felt
his presence.
Reyna: Who’s there? Talk to me!!!
McGinnis: I am here. Do you know who I am?
Reyna: Yes!!! My love!!! I am so happy to hear you.
McGinnis: My love? I don’t know you personally.
Reyna: You know me McGinnis. Look beyond the face; look for my soul.
McGinnis: I don’t understand. Looking for your soul?
Reyna: Yes. Tell me why are you here?
McGinnis: I am here because there is something wrong with all of this.
Reyna: And you are right. There is a grave situation right now.
McGinnis: A grave situation? How grave is it?
Reyna: Simple: I am Miranda in Reyna’s body!!!
McGinnis: What the hell?!!! I don’t believe this!!!
Reyna: It’s true McGinnis. Reyna did the unthinkable with me.
McGinnis: But how?!!! A plastic surgery? Tell me, please.
Reyna: Worse than that. She used your books to switch our souls.
McGinnis: My books? Then you, I mean her, knows me in a more private form.
P2 Reyna: I’m convinced she does; her real name is not Reyna and she has a male accomplice
that knows you very well.
McGinnis: Did you manage to see him? How does he look like?
Reyna: No. but I heard his voice. He sounded like a 50- to 60-year-old man. I barely saw his
physical looks; then again, he was a big man.
McGinnis: Big man? This is getting interesting. How can you prove that you are not lying to me?
How can you convince me of all this?
Reyna: Take a blood test. Look for her blood type.
McGinnis: You want me to do a blood work on Miranda… I mean your body.
Reyna: Yes. That is the only chance I have for you to believe me.
McGinnis: Ok I will do it; but there is something you need to know.
Reyna: Ok tell me; I’m ready for the worst.
McGinnis: If you are the real Miranda in Reyna’s body, then you must know that “Miranda” and
I have been husband and wife since your apprehension.
Reyna: Damn it!!! I can’t believe it. She must be Alice, I swear.
McGinnis: Well, she is not Alice.
Reyna: How can you be sure of that?
McGinnis: Because she is invading my mind. She told me that. Alice knows their identity.
Reyna: Do you believe in that liar?
McGinnis: I have no choice. Speaking of liars, you are in the same situation. You want me to
believe you but at the same time you are calling her a liar.
Reyna: I’m sorry. I’m just sick and tired of Alice and this situation. What are you going to do?
McGinnis: I am going to my past. I need to know who I am.
Reyna: But what about me? What about that impostor?
McGinnis: if that is Reyna and you are Miranda then you must wait for my comeback.
“Miranda” is being checked by my friends. Let me ask you the following: Can you wait two
more days? How the treatment here?
Reyna: I can wait for two more days, and the treatment is regular.
P3 McGinnis: Perfect. In two days, I will be back. I’ll do the blood test on “Miranda”; and if you
are telling me the truth, then I will help you.
Reyna: My blood type is O+ and you know that.
McGinnis: Well… I will take this info as reference. I know there is something fishy about this.
It will be a matter of time to find out the truth.
After that conversation, McGinnis soul is back. He is amazed about the information “Reyna”
gave to him. How Reyna knows Miranda’s blood type is very intriguing.
McGinnis: Time is running fast. I need to go back. I have two days to solve this.
Suddenly the bell door rings.
McGinnis: Who is this? At this time of the night? Let me check.
Once McGinnis opened that door, his face was pale after seeing this person.
Gregory McGinnis: Long time no see primo.
McGinnis: You know we are not family. I was adopted.
GM: I know. But you will always be my primo. And, of course, you want to know the truth
about you.
McGinnis: and what do you know about me?
GM: Back then, I heard rumors about it. At first I thought those rumors were about Louis. Then
one day, I heard my father and yours talking about an adopted boy. Once dad saw me, he pushed
me to my room very upset.
McGinnis: Did you hear something else before?
GM: They were talking about a group of priests.
McGinnis: Father Macario?
GM: Yes Father Macario and Father Joshua. They have something to do with it.
McGinnis: What do you want? Why are you here?
GM: Like I said, I am here to help you.
McGinnis: I need to go Gregory.
GM: Where? It is almost 4am.
McGinnis: I don’t mean that way. I will travel to the past.
P4 GM: No way!!! That means you still have those books.
McGinnis: Yes I do have those books. Although they were stolen.
GM: Well, if you are going to the past, then you need me there.
McGinnis: Perhaps yes or perhaps no; then again, why do I need you?
GM: Because I know the exact dates for you to be there and learn the truth.
McGinnis: Well it seems that I have to trust another person.
GM: You have no other choice primo. When do we leave?
McGinnis: we will do it now. But I need to review everything. I saw Reyna and she said that
Miranda my wife is an impostor. But that issue must be solved later as well as the Mystery of
The Lady Killer.
GM: Lady Killer? Are you sure about that?
McGinnis: Yes… why?
GM: I thought you did remember her. Don’t you really remember her?
McGinnis: Of course not. But why?
GM: She was your first love.
McGinnis: My first love?!!! No; my first love was Alice.
GM: Alice came later primo. Lady Killer was first.
McGinnis: Doesn’t she have a real name?
GM: Yes she did. But back then people said that her name was fake.
McGinnis: Well, is that the case, you and I will go back in time to unravel my real identity and
the mystery of the Lady Killer.
GM: Well Primo, let’s go then.
McGinnis: your timing couldn’t be better. Sit down as I will begin with this.
GM: Just let me know how we are going to do this.
McGinnis: Simple, we will go to the past. Our souls will possess our adolescent versions of us.
Then you will use your memory and guide to the truth about me.
The cousins are getting ready to do the time traveling. McGinnis is ready to go back to his past.
This time his soul will possess his adolescent version. Gregory will do the same. Gregory will be
McGinnis eyes and ear during this process.
P 5 McGinnis: Before we go… what do you know and remember about me?
GM: It seems that Uncle McGinnis injected some kind of a substance inside of you. Then, he
sent you to Aunt Nydia, your mother in order for you to forget about the incidents that happened
when you were in 10th grade.
McGinnis: But I did remember what happened to Lilly.
GM: Yes, you did remember that. Now, before we go back, you need to know where to go.
McGinnis: And where am I going to go?
GM: To our grandparents’ house. I know their death affected you.
McGinnis: Yes, I’m still thinking about them.
GM: This is the date and the exact hour we must go.
McGinnis: Ok. We shall begin with this now. Are you ready?
GM: I am ready primo; let’s go.
It’s show time. McGinnis give Gregory the final instructions. Both men got into a trance and
then the incredible thing happens. They felt like flying and then riding in a roller coaster. It was
the longest hour ever. But he did sleep very well. Then, at 4pm, he woke up. It was a different
room for sure. White walls, guard robe and a TV stand. The room was dark; and he still was
asleep. McGinnis remained in bed for thirty more minutes. After that, he woke up and carefully
looked at everything in that room. Suddenly an old telephone ring.
McGinnis: Who is this?
GM: It’s me idiot, Gregory; don’t you remember?
McGinnis: Yes, I do remember; but this place is not my house. Where am I?
GM: You are at our grandparents’ house.
McGinnis: You must be kidding me. What time is it?
GM: It’s (4) four pm. Be ready in (20) twenty minutes.
McGinnis: (20) twenty minutes? What are you talking about?
GM: Primo we are in the past. Today is August 23, 1993.
McGinnis: and what does that means? 10-2 Thursday
P6 GM: It means you are back from school, and you took a nap. Soon, either, grandpa or
grandma will knock on your door to remind you about your exercises at my house. So, I will
hang up and be ready.
Indeed, after those minutes, Grandma Mary called him.
Mary: Nene levántate que tu primo ha estado llamándote hace rato.
McGinnis: ok Grandma, I’ll be ready.
Mary: Háblame en español que estamos en Puerto Rico. ¿Quieres ser gringo? Pues arranca para
los niuyores o como se diga la basura esa.
McGinnis: Ok abuela. No inglés para ti. Where is abuelo?
Mary: Tu abuelo está en el patio pelando gandules.
McGinnis: ok; lo voy a ver antes de ir a casa de Gregory.
Once I was face to face with Grandma Mary, I couldn’t resist to give her a hug.
Mary: ¡¡¡Nene!!! ¿Y ese abrazo? ¿Te piensas morir hoy? Mira que, si te mueres hoy, es más fácil
enterrarte con los perros a pagar un entierro.
McGinnis: Hay abuela, adoro tu sentido del humor.
Mary: Gracias por el abrazo, me hacía falta; yo sabía que en el fondo de ti hay una persona
decente y no el bruto que conocemos. ¿Ven acá, tú tienes novia?
McGinnis: No, que yo sepa no tengo novia. ¿Por qué?
Mary: Mira embustero. Aquí vino una muchacha, media belicosa preguntando por ti. Nada, ve a
donde tu abuelo y arranca que Gregory te está esperando.
McGinnis: ¿Como era la chica belicosa según tu?
Mary: Nene, estaba vestida de rojo y negro; es linda, pero daba miedo. Y si, pregunto por ti
varias veces.
McGinnis: Gracias abuela. Voy a ver a Gregory.
As McGinnis left to see his cousin, a car approached him.
Mr. McGinnis: Son!!! Where are you going so fast?
McGinnis: Dad?! Oh, hell no, the plot thickens.
Mr. McGinnis was very intrigued by his son’s facial reaction.
Mr. McGinnis: what… aren’t you going to talk to your father?
P 7 McGinnis: My father? Sorry dad. I’m just going to Gregory’s house.
Mr. McGinnis: that’s why I’m here. Don’t walk. I will take you there.
McGinnis: Ok, thank you.
Mr. McGinnis: What is wrong with you? We haven’t talk for three days.
McGinnis: There is nothing wrong with me. I might be tired of the workouts I do with Gregory.
Mr. McGinnis: Or maybe you have a girlfriend my son.
McGinnis: I don’t have a girlfriend “dad”.
Mr. McGinnis: Well, if you don’t have a girlfriend then explain to me why a beautiful girl has
been at your grandparent’s house asking for you.
McGinnis: Any girl can ask for me on any given time.
Mr. McGinnis: I know, but not the way she does.
McGinnis: Well maybe she is my girlfriend; and I need to present her to you.
Mr. McGinnis: That would be great; although she looks weird, she is beautiful.
McGinnis: Well, I like her a lot. I might take the relationship to the next level.
Then They have arrived at Gregory’s house. Gregory’s father greeted them.
Greg McGinnis: Hi brother!!! Hello my dear nephew; how’s everything.
McGinnis hugged his uncle. Greg was in shock.
Greg: well, thank you for the hug.
Mr. McGinnis: Son you are strange. I’m convinced that you are in love.
McGinnis: Maybe. But he is my favorite uncle.
Then Gregory calls McGinnis.
Gregory: Come primo. Time for the work out.
McGinnis: I’ll be there in a minute primo. Dad, see you later.
McGinnis is in the gym room with Gregory.
Gregory: Did your “dad” notice something strange about you?
McGinnis: Yes. But I did tell him something else to distract him.
Gregory: Excellent. Now let’s go to work. Time is very valuable.
P 8 Gregory took out a big box. That box contained a lot of files. Gregory gave McGinnis one
very important file.
Gregory: Take this file.
McGinnis: Ok. What kind of information does this file have?
Gregory: It has the information you want to know about yourself. Put it in your backpack. Once
you are alone, read it and then make some choices.
McGinnis: Perfect. Now tell me more about this girl.
Gregory: This girl is unique somehow gothic and dark.
McGinnis: You are talking about Alice.
Gregory: Wrong primo. She is not Alice.
McGinnis: Then again who is she?
Gregory: I don’t know her name; but, at school, they call her “The Lady Killer”.
McGinnis: Are you serious about that?
Gregory: I am deadly serious about it. You will meet the Lady killer.
McGinnis: Keep in mind, we can’t stay here, otherwise the universe will be changed forever.
Gregory agreed with this last remark. McGinnis went to his room thinking about the file Gregory
gave to him. The night is over. In the morning, McGinnis prepared everything for school. He
decided to prepare breakfast. His grandparents were surprised about this.
Mary: Mira Goyo, hoy se muere el chamaco.
GM: De que tu hablas? ¿Como que se muere el chamaco?
Mary: ¡¡¡El nene nos hizo desayuno y está bien bueno!!!
McGinnis: ¡¡¡Abuela no es para tanto!!! Bastante ustedes me han dado en la vida.
Mary: ¡¡¡Es que tu te vas a morir pronto!!! Nada mi hijo vete para la escuela.
GM: Gracias por el desayuno mijo. Que tengas un gran día. Saludos a la novia.
McGinnis smiled at his grandfather. Now he is ready for an intense, intriguing, and interesting
day at School. Once he arrived Gregory met him at the lobby. McGinnis is at his former high
school; he is ready to meet the Lady Killer.
Chapter 11: She was… the first P 1

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