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Part 1- Basic Knowledge (22pts)-

We have been discussing multiple American Identity Traits in class thus far. Please
LIST in short statements one trait from EACH of the following groups and how
that trait was a part of that group. Native, Spanish, French, Capitalism, African,
Puritans, Quakers, Southern Colonies, Enlightenment, Greek, Roman.
Example Greeks- From the GREEKS we have inherited the trait of COMPETITION
because the greeks invented the Olympics to prove physical or cultural superiority.

Native American From the native americans we got the trait of cash crops and
farming corn because the native americans were big in farming
corn before we inherited the land.

Spanish From the doral family journal, it says “Among the most important
Hispanic cultural influence is the world of entertainment. Salsa,
merengue, Latin rap.”

French One thing that the French did to influence the Americas was
starting trade posts and starting trade into the northern parts of

Capitalism From capitalism we inherited the trait of free market capitalism and
the ability to have the separation of government from our jobs.

African From Africa we inherited the trait of music, with the columbian
exchange we inherited a new type of music from the slaves that
came over.

Puritans From the puritans we gained the trait of a hardworking people since
the puritans came to america and became hard working people.

Quakers One trait that we got from quakers was the fight for freedom, the
quakers played a big role in the women's rights movement.

Southern Colonies We got the trait of adventure and risk because the southern
colonies were nobility that wanted to find land and wealth in the
new world.

Enlightenment From the enlightenment we got the trait of having rights and
freedom, our founding fathers found that freedom of religion and
freedom of speech were a great thing and they got it from some of
the enlightenment.

Greek From the Greeks we inherited the trait of our government (our
democracy). The Greeks were big in voting and having a voice
from the people.
Roman From the Romans we inherited the trait of our architecture namely
domes and arches, the Romans started to build their cities with
domes and arches.

Part 2- American Exceptionalism and the American Identity (40pts) (This should
be your most significant writing portion)

(Background) American exceptionalism has been historically referred to as the belief

that the United States differs qualitatively from other developed nations because of its
national credo, historical evolution, and/or distinctive political and religious institutions.
The difference is often expressed in American circles as some categorical superiority,
to which is usually attached some alleged proof, rationalization or explanation that
may vary greatly depending on the historical period and the political context. However,
the term can also be used in a negative sense by critics of American policies to refer
to a willful nationalistic ignorance of faults committed by the American government.
On the one hand, American intervention on the world stage has claimed a moral
purpose of acting altruistically in defense of freedom and democracy. On the other
hand, America has been accused of behaving as a "nation above nations" imposing
its hegemony on the rest of the world, acting in its own interest, with no concern for
others. The U.S. is far from unique in claiming to be special. Many nations, ancient
and modern, have regarded themselves as having a special role to play, sometimes
blessed by God. Pinnacle nations can be forces for good or for evil in the world.
History suggests that pinnacle nations that temper power with morality, with the aim of
maintaining peace, of spreading justice or of defending human rights may have a
crucial role to play in securing a sustainable future for the planet and human race.
Former imperial powers are among the world's strongest champions of human rights
and human equality. (New American Encyclopedia, 2018)
Is there something extraordinary about the American Identity/ Americans?

For this question you will need to research an article on the American Identity
or American Exceptionalism, and have a conversation with someone about the
article and answer the following questions.

Questions about the Article

What is the article

titled and who is the
author? Why American Exceptionalism Is Different From Other
Countries’ “Nationalisms” by Kim R. Holmes

Who is the target The target audience is people that want to determine if America is
audience, and what is exceptional. The goal of the writer is to inform people about how
the main argument of much America strives to be exceptional and with all of the struggles
the article? we as a country have gone through, we are still an exceptional

What is the political or The political bias of the sight is that they lean right. Since they lean
social history/bias of right it makes sense that they believe that America is an
the writer or the site? exceptional country.

How would they They describe the American identity as a striving nation to be the
describe the best that it can be. The article talks about how the American
American Identity? identity is built upon our constitution and how we are ever changing
our laws so that we can become better.

How would they I think that the article said that Americans are exceptional. In the
answer the question: article it talks about how america is always pushing to be better
Is the American and because of that, america is a city on a hill.
Identity or Americans
Exceptional? Is
America a City on a

Questions about the Interview/Conversation (at least 15 minutes, you will have to give them
some examples about why America is or isn’t exceptional. Start with the question

Is there something extraordinary or special about the American Identity/


Who is the I talked to my dad, zeke McGhie (he was really hard to get 15
person/people you minutes out of)
talked to you

How did they answer He says that we are extraordinary people because we are
the question? entrepreneurs and because we build and create things. He talks
about how America has been exceptional in being hard working
people. Since we're hard working people, we are special.

Reflection on Article and Interview

What did you learn as a I learned that the American identity is a big thing now that
result of the article and nationalism and being confident in your country is a big thing. I also
Interview? learned that the american identity is built off of our laws and that
america is exceptional because we are always striving to be a
better people and be able to live our life to the fullest but also give
everyone that right.

Part 3- Your Opinion (18pts)

Write your opinion on the question about the American Identity and American
Exceptionalism? Is there something extraordinary about the American Identity? I
expect at least two paragraphs, please provide reasoning and evidence to support
your opinion.

What is your Opinion My opinion on American exceptionalism is that our country is an

about American amazing country and because of many influences we became the
Exceptionalism/ country we are today. Some of the laws and amendments we made
Identity? are, freedoms of speech and press, freedom of religion, giving
rights to women and being one of the first countries to end slavery.
Since we have freedom of religion, we are able to be a part of any
religion we want. This was a new thing in the world because before
us, many countries had one central religion and because of that,
Europe ended up having many religious wars.
The quakers brought a trait to America that ended up building the
women's right movement. The women's rights movement ended up
allowing women the right to vote and many other rights that they
originally didn't have. Giving the right to vote to women showed that
the US was ever growing and that since the US was established,
we have been ever changing and always trying to be a better
country. Because of all these reasons, I believe that America is a
city on a hill and that we are an amazing country.

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