BDJ Orofacial Pain

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Oral Medicine - Update for the dental practitioner - Orofacial pain

Article in British dental journal official journal of the British Dental Association: BDJ online · February 2006
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4813225 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Crispian Scully David Felix

University College London NHS Education for Scotland


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2p75-83.qxd 19/01/2006 13:34 Page 75

• Orofacial pain usually has a local cause.
• Dental caries and sequelae are the main causes.
• A careful history is crucial to the diagnosis.
• Lancinating pain is typical of trigeminal neuralgia.
• Chronic pain in the absence of organic causes, may be psychogenic.

Oral Medicine — Update for the dental practitioner

Orofacial pain
C. Scully1 and D. H. Felix2

This series provides an overview of current thinking in the more relevant areas of oral medicine for primary care practitioners,
written by the authors while they were holding the Presidencies of the European Association for Oral Medicine and the British
Society for Oral Medicine, respectively. A book containing additional material will be published. The series gives the detail
necessary to assist the primary dental clinical team caring for patients with oral complaints that may be seen in general dental
practice. Space precludes inclusion of illustrations of uncommon or rare disorders, or discussion of disorders affecting the hard
tissues. Approaching the subject mainly by the symptomatic approach — as it largely relates to the presenting complaint — was
considered to be a more helpful approach for GDPs rather than taking a diagnostic category approach. The clinical aspects of the
relevant disorders are discussed, including a brief overview of the aetiology, detail on the clinical features and how the diagnosis
is made. Guidance on management and when to refer is also provided, along with relevant websites which offer further detail.


Pain in the teeth, mouth, face or head usually has Table 1 Causes of orofacial pain
1. Aphthous and other
common ulcers a local cause, often the sequelae of dental caries Local disorders
2. Mouth ulcers of more (odontogenic pain). However, psychogenic, • teeth and supporting tissues
serious connotation neurological and vascular conditions, and condi- • jaws
3. Dry mouth and disorders tions where pain is referred from elsewhere, may
• maxillary antrum
of salivation be responsible (Table 1).
• salivary glands
4. Oral malodour Dental staff will be well versed in pain of
• pharynx
local causes and therefore this article discusses
5. Oral white patches • eyes
mainly the conditions in which specialist help
6. Oral red and may be indicated. Many of the conditions dis- Neurological disorders
hyperpigmented patches cussed in previous articles in this series may • Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia
7. Orofacial sensation and cause pain. • Malignant neoplasms involving the trigeminal nerve
movement The real significance to the patient of orofacial • Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
8. Orofacial swellings and pain apart from the pain itself, can range from the • Herpes zoster (including post-herpetic neuralgia)
lumps benign to potentially lethal conditions. Some oro- • Multiple sclerosis
9. Oral cancer facial pain or headaches have an obvious but rela-
10. Orofacial pain tively unimportant cause (eg a hangover – caused Possible psychogenic causes
mainly by the acetaldehyde resulting from metab- • Atypical facial pain
olism of alcohol); others types of pain have no • Burning mouth syndrome
1*Professor, Consultant, Dean, Eastman
obvious underlying organic pathology (and are • Temporomandibular pain-dysfunction
Dental Institute for Oral Health Care
Sciences, 256 Gray’s Inn Road, UCL,
thus termed medically unexplained symptoms Vascular disorders
University of London, London WC1X 8LD; [MUS], eg atypical facial pain); some can threaten • Migraine
2Consultant, Senior Lecturer, Glasgow
important faculties such as sight (eg giant cell
Dental Hospital and School, 378 • Migrainous neuralgia
arteritis), or even life (eg brain tumours).
Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ / • Giant cell arteritis
Associate Dean for Postgraduate Dental
Referred pain
Education, NHS Education for Scotland, DIAGNOSIS OF OROFACIAL PAIN
2nd Floor, Hanover Buildings, 66 Rose The history is the most important means of diag- • Nasopharyngeal
Street, Edinburgh EH2 2NN • Ocular
*Correspondence to: Professor Crispian
nosing orofacial pain (Fig. 1).
Scully CBE In order to differentiate the widely disparate • Aural
Email: causes, it is essential to determine key points • Cardiorespiratory
about the pain, especially: Angina
Refereed Paper
© British Dental Journal 2006; 200: • Location. Valuable information can be Lesions in the neck or chest (including lung cancer)
75–80 obtained by asking if the pain is localised or


2p75-83.qxd 19/01/2006 13:35 Page 76


help. For example, the pain of temporo-

Chronic orofacial mandibular pain dysfunction syndrome may
pain be more severe on waking if this is associated
with nocturnal parafunctional activity such
as clenching or tooth grinding. The pain of
sinusitis is often aggravated by lying down.
Periodic migrainous neuralgia frequently
No Dental Yes
disturbs the patient’s sleep at a specific time
cause? each night, around 2am. One patient seen by
the authors complained of pain fairly typical
of periodic migrainous neuralgia, yet appear-
ing around 2pm; it turned out he was a long-
Lancinating pain? Yes Caries, trauma, distance night driver, sleeping mainly during
periodontal disease the day!
or cracked tooth • Precipitating, aggravating and relieving factors.
It may be necessary to resort to leading ques-
tions to ask if temperature, biting, posture,
No Trigeminal analgesics, alcohol etc affect the pain. For
neuralgia example, heat often aggravates dental pain;
touching a trigger zone may precipitate
trigeminal neuralgia attacks, stress may worsen
atypical facial pain, and alcohol may induce
Atypical facial episodes of migrainous neuralgia.
pain, oral • Associated features. Some types of pain may
dysaesthesia, be associated with other features which are
referred pain, helpful diagnostically, such as the swollen
TMJ pain or face in dental abscess, nausea and vomiting in
postherpetic pain migraine, or nasal stuffiness or lacrimation in
migrainous neuralgia.
Fig.1 Chronic orofacial pain diffuse, and watching the patient’s reaction.
For example, patients frequently point with The cause of most orofacial pain is estab-
one finger when describing pain of dental lished mainly from the history, and examina-
causes or trigeminal neuralgia, but atypical tion findings are also helpful, not least in
facial pain is much more diffuse, and may excluding local pathology. However, it is
radiate across the midline. important to consider the usefulness of a spe-
• Character. Patients should be asked about the cialist who can arrange additional investiga-
severity and character of the pain ie whether tions, particularly imaging of the head and
the pain is ‘sharp’, ‘dull’, ‘aching’, ‘throbbing’ neck, using CT or MRI. It is crucial not to miss
or ‘shooting’. However, bear in mind that detecting organic disease and thus misla-
patients often have difficulty finding adequate belling the patient as having psychogenic pain,
descriptors. Ask the patient to rate the pain and not to miss a brain tumour underlying a
severity on a scale of zero (no pain) to 10 (most patient with supposed ‘idiopathic’ trigeminal
severe pain that the patient has experienced), neuralgia.
or ask them to mark this on a line divided into
10 equal sections (visual analogue scale) or LOCAL CAUSES OF OROFACIAL PAIN
use an assessment instrument such as the Odontogenic pain
McGill Pain Questionnaire. These ‘tools’ help Most orofacial pain is of course, related to dental
assess the severity of pain, accepting always disease – odontogenic causes - and will not be
that it is subjective, and they may also be use- described further.
ful in monitoring the response to treatment.
Disturbance of the normal sleep pattern by Mucosal pain
pain is also useful in assessing the severity. Pain from oral mucosal lesions can be either
• Duration. The average duration of each localised or diffuse. Localised pain is usually
episode may help diagnosis. For example, pain associated with a mucosal break, either an
from exposed dentine is fairly transient (last- erosion (a partial thickness loss of epithelium)
ing only for seconds) while the pain from pul- or ulcer (a full thickness loss of epithelium). Of
pitis lasts for a much longer period. Trigeminal course, the distinction between these painful
neuralgia is a brief lancinating pain lasting up conditions can at times be difficult or impossi-
to about five seconds, although some patients ble and many patients have both.
report a persistent background less severe pain Diffuse pain may also be caused by infec-
– more of a dull ache; migrainous neuralgia tion, or a systemic underlying deficiency state
typically lasts 30 to 45 minutes, while atypical or other factors, and is usually then described
facial pain is typically persistent. as ‘soreness’ or sometimes ‘burning’.
• Frequency and periodicity. Determine Mucosal pain may be aggravated by sour,
whether the pain occurs at specific times or acidic, spicy, or salty foods, so that few affected
related to specific events. A ‘pain diary’ can patients can tolerate or enjoy citrus fruits or


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tomatoes for example. The area is usually also swollen and/or warm joint, suggests true
Key points for dentists:
tender to touch. arthritis. Management of TMJ
Other local causes of orofacial pain Management • Reassurance/explanation of the
Pain from the jaws can be caused by infection, Most patients recover spontaneously and progres- benign and self- limiting nature of
direct trauma, malignancies, and rarely by sion to arthritis is virtually unknown. Therefore the problem
Paget’s disease. However, unless associated with reassurance and conservative measures are the • Rest (eg soft diet and limitation of
infection or jaw fracture, retained roots and main management. TMJ pain-dysfunction can movement)
impacted teeth, and lesions such as cysts, are usually be effectively managed in general practice. • Anti-inflammatory analgesic (eg
usually painless. Practitioners are usually well versed with ibuprofen 400 mg three times a
Malignant tumours usually produce deep, this problem but possible options for treat-
• Occlusal splint therapy
boring pain, sometimes associated with paraes- ment in a primary care environment are sum-
thesia or anaesthesia but odontogenic and other marised in the Key points box (see right) and • Local physiotherapy
benign tumours of the bone do not normally patient guidance in Table 2.
produce pain. Lip numbness or tingling, there- Recalcitrant cases may need specialist
Key points for patients:
fore, may herald a tumour in the jaw bone. attention, particularly if simple measures fail.
Temporomandibular (TMJ) pain-
Pain from salivary gland disorders is mainly dysfunction
caused by duct obstruction, sometimes by infec- Websites and patient information • This is a common condition
tion or a tumour. The pain is usually localised to • It appears to be related to stress,
the affected gland, may be quite severe, and may joint damage or habits involving
be intensified by increased saliva production the teeth and joints (eg tooth
such as before and with meals. Examination NEUROLOGICAL (NEUROPATHIC) CAUSES OF clenching or grinding)
may reveal a swollen salivary gland sometimes OROFACIAL PAIN • There are no serious long-term
with tenderness and/or a degree of trismus. Sensory innervation of the mouth, face and scalp consequences; arthritis does not
Diseases of the paranasal sinuses and depends on the trigeminal nerve, so that diseases
nasopharynx which can cause oral and/or facial affecting this nerve anywhere in the course from • The symptoms usually clear
spontaneously after some months
pain include sinusitis and tumours — which can orofacial region to brain, can cause orofacial pain but meantime, rest, exercises,
remain undetected until they have reached an or indeed sensory loss — sometimes with serious splints, or drugs may help.
advanced stage. Any suggestion of a discharge implications.
from the nose, or obstruction to breathing, cheek
swelling or numbness or tingling of the lip should Table 2 Steps to manage TMJ pain dysfunction
be taken seriously as they may herald an antral Rest yourself and your jaw
carcinoma. Relax and practice stress reduction
On occasions if there is dehiscence of the men- Exercise regularly
tal nerve, as a result of resorption of the alveolar Eat soft foods and avoid hard, crusty foods like nuts or hard bread or those that need
ridge, pain is caused by pressure from a denture. chewing a great deal
Chew on your back teeth, not the front ones
Pain from the TMJ may result from dysfunction, Sleep on your side
trauma, inflammation, and very rarely tumours Avoid joint or muscle damage by avoiding:
– either in the head and neck, or even lungs.
• contact sports; wear a mouthguard if you must play contact sports
• excessive jaw use in yawning, grinding and clenching
Temporomandibular pain-dysfunction
• chewing gum
Temporomandibular pain-dysfunction syn- • habits such as biting finger nails, pens and pencils or lip
drome is a very common problem, characterised • excessive mouth-opening in long dental appointments
by pain, clicking and jaw locking or limitation of • general anaesthesia
opening of the jaw. Afflicting young women • cradling the telephone between head and shoulder
mainly, factors which have been implicated • wind instrument playing
include over-opening of the mouth, muscle Reduce muscle pain with analgesics and by applying:
overactivity (eg bruxism, clenching), TMJ dis- • cold packs for 10 minutes every three hours for 72 hours after injury
ruption and psychiatric history (eg anxiety, • hot packs for 20 minutes every three hours to uninjured joints/muscles
stressful life events). Precipitating factors may Re-educate the jaw opening:
include local trauma, wide mouth opening, or Open your mouth with a hinge movement: exercise your jaw twice daily, opening five
emotional upset. times in front of a mirror, ensuring the jaw opens vertically downwards without
deviating sideways
Diagnosis Exercise your jaw three times daily for five timed minutes:
Diagnosis is clinical. Pain from TMJ disease is • close your mouth on the back teeth
usually dull, poorly localised, may radiate • put the tip of your tongue on the palate behind your front teeth
widely, is usually intensified by movement of • move the tongue back across the palate as far as it will go
the mandible and may be associated with • keep the tongue in this position with the teeth closed for 10 seconds
trismus because of spasm in the masticatory
• open your mouth slowly until the tongue starts to leave the palate
• keep that position for 10 seconds
Examination may reveal a click from the
• close your mouth
joint, limited jaw movements, and tender
masticatory muscles. Any suggestion of a • repeat over five minutes


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intense, constant, dull burning or aching pain,

sometimes with occasional electric shock-like
stabs. Both forms of the disorder most often
affect one side of the face, but some patients
experience pain at different times on both

ITN is universally considered to be one of the
most painful afflictions known. Severe pain
suggestive of ITN but with physical signs such
as facial sensory or motor impairment can
result from lesions discussed above. These seri-
Fig. 2 Herpes zoster,
palate ous conditions must therefore be excluded by
history, examination; including neurological
Such causes include: assessment especially of cranial nerves, and
• trauma investigations; including imaging (usually
• cerebrovascular disease MRI) to exclude space-occupying or demyeli-
Key points for dentists;Trigeminal • demyelinating disease (eg multiple sclerosis) nating disease, and blood tests to exclude
neuralgia • neoplasia (eg nasopharyngeal, antral or brain infections and systemic vasculitides.
• Similar symptoms may be seen in tumours); (or infections such as herpes zoster Only then can the term idiopathic (benign)
some neurological conditions or HIV/AIDS (Fig. 2). trigeminal neuralgia be used.
• Cranial nerve examination should
be carried out
Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia Management
• X-rays, scans and/or blood tests are
Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (ITN) is an Few patients with ITN have spontaneous remis-
often required
uncommon nerve disorder that causes episodes sion and thus treatment is usually indicated.
of unilateral intense, stabbing, electric shock- However, ITN is often an intermittent disease with
Key points for patients: Trigeminal like pain in the areas of the face where the apparent remissions lasting months or years but
neuralgia branches of the nerve are distributed — lips, eyes, recurrence is common and very often the pain
• This is an uncommon disorder nose, scalp, forehead, upper jaw, or lower jaw. spreads to involve a wider area over time and the
• The cause is unknown ITN onset is mainly in the 50-70 year age group. intervals between episodes tend to shorten.
• It involves spontaneous activity of The cause of ITN is unclear, but one hypothe- Patients with supposed ITN are best seen at
pain nerves sis is that a cerebral blood vessel becomes ather- an early stage by a Specialist in order to con-
• It is not known to be infectious osclerotic and therefore less flexible with age, firm the diagnosis and initiate treatment. In
• Similar symptoms may be seen in then pressing on the roots of the trigeminal the acute situation the patient’s symptoms
some neurological conditions; nerve in the posterior cranial fossa — causing may be controlled on a short term basis with
x-rays, scans and/or blood tests neuronal discharge. injection of a regional local anaesthetic.
may therefore be required
The characteristic features of ITN are sum- Medical treatment, typically using anticon-
• There are usually no long-term
marised as: vulsants, is successful for most patients (Table 3).
• Paroxysmal attacks of facial or frontal pain Carbamazepine is the main drug used, but it is
• Symptoms may be controlled with
drugs, freezing the nerve, or which lasts a few seconds to less than two not an analgesic and must be given continuously
surgery minutes. These attacks occur especially in the prophylactically for long periods, and under
morning, and rarely cause sleep disturbance. strict medical surveillance. Adverse effects must
• Pain has at least four of the following be monitored, including:
characteristics: • balance (disturbed — ataxia); this tends to be the
• Distribution along one or more division feature that limits the dose of carbamazepine
of the trigeminal nerve. • blood pressure (may increase); patients must
• Sudden intense, sharp superficial, stab- have a baseline test and then blood pressure
bing or burning in quality. estimations for three months, then six-monthly
• Pain intensity severe. • blood tests — mainly for liver function (may
• Precipitation from trigger areas or by cer- become impaired); and bone marrow function
tain daily activities such as eating, talking, (red and white cells and/or platelets may be
washing the face, shaving, or cleaning the depressed).
• Between paroxysms, the patient is Table 3 Medical and surgical treatments for ITN
usually entirely asymptomatic. Some patients Medical
experience a dull ache at other times.
• No neurological deficit. Gabapentin
• Attacks are stereotyped in the individual Phenytoin
patient. Lamotrigine
• Exclusion of other causes of facial pain by Baclofen
history, physical examination and special Surgical
investigations when necessary. Cryotherapy
Balloon compression of trigeminal ganglion
Microvascular decompression
A less common form of the disorder called Gamma knife surgery
‘Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia’ may cause less


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Other agents such as gabapentin, phenytoin, • The heightening of bodily sensations (lowered
lamotrigine and baclofen are available and some pain threshold) as a consequence of
patients also report having reduced or relieved physiological processes such as autonomic
pain by means of alternative medical therapies arousal, muscle tension, hyperventilation, or
such as acupuncture, chiropractic adjustment, inactivity.
self-hypnosis or meditation. • Misattribution of normal sensations to serious
Should medical care become ineffective, or physical disorders.
produce excessive undesirable side effects,
neurosurgical procedures are available to relieve Features common to most MUS include:
pressure on the nerve or to reduce nerve sensi- • Constant chronic discomfort or pain.
tivity. • Pain often of a dull boring or burning type.
• Pain poorly localised.
Websites and patient information • Pain may cross the midline to involve the other side or may move elsewhere. • Pain which rarely wakens the patient from sleep.
• Total lack of objective signs of organic dis-
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is much less com- • All investigations to identify an underlying
mon than trigeminal neuralgia. Occasionally organic illness are also negative.
glossopharyngeal neuralgia is secondary to • There are often recent adverse ‘life events’
tumours. The pain is of a similar nature but such as bereavement or family illness.
affects the throat and ear, and typically is trig- • There are often multiple oral and/or other
gered by swallowing or coughing. Carba- MUS, such as headaches, chronic back or neck
mazepine is usually less effective than for pain, pruritus, irritable bowel syndrome,
trigeminal neuralgia and adequate relief of pain insomnia, numbness or dysmenorrhoea.
can be difficult. A specialist opinion is warrant- • Cure is uncommon in most, yet few sufferers
ed to investigate and manage these patients. seem to try or persist using analgesics.

HERPETIC AND POST-HERPETIC NEURALGIA Patients may bring diaries of their symptoms
Herpes zoster (shingles), the recrudescence of to emphasise their problem. Some have termed
herpes-varicella-zoster virus latent in sensory this the ‘malady of small bits of paper’ and
ganglia after chickenpox, is often preceded though there is by no means always a psy-
and accompanied by neuralgia, but a unilater- chogenic basis, such notes characterise patients
al rash and ulceration is typical (Fig. 2). Neu- with MUS. These days, this is being replaced by
ralgia may also persist (post-herpetic neural- Internet print-outs, which are also increasingly
gia) after the rash has resolved and can cause brought by well-informed patients who have no
continuous burning pain, in contrast to the psychogenic problems whatsoever.
lancinating pain of trigeminal neuralgia, Occasional patients quite deliberately induce
which also affects mainly elderly patients A painful oral lesions and some have Mun-
specialist opinion is warranted to investigate chausen’s syndrome, where they behave in such
and manage these patients. a fashion as to appear to want operative inter-
PSYCHOGENIC CAUSES OF OROFACIAL PAIN The most common types of orofacial pain
Psychogenic (tension) headaches caused by anx- with a strong psychogenic component are:
iety or stress induced muscle tension are com- • atypical facial pain
mon, especially in young adults. The pain • oral dysaesthesia (burning mouth syndrome:
typically, affects the frontal, occipital and/or BMS)
temporal regions, as a constant ache or bandlike • atypical odontalgia
pressure, often worse by the evening, but usually • the syndrome of oral complaints
abates with rest. Similar problems can affect the • some clinicians also include temporo-
orofacial region. mandibular pain-dysfunction in this category.
Reassurance may be effective but the pain
may also be helped by massage, warmth, by ATYPICAL FACIAL PAIN
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Atypical facial pain (AFP) is a constant chronic
(NSAIDs), or by benzodiazepines — which are orofacial discomfort or pain, defined by the
both anxiolytic and mild muscle relaxants, or by International Headache Society as facial pain
complementary therapies. not fulfilling other criteria. Therefore, like burn-
In some studies, nearly 40% of the population ing mouth syndrome (see below), it is also a
have reported frequent headaches and orofacial diagnosis reached only by the exclusion of
pain. The reason behind conditions with a psy- organic disease; there are no physical signs,
chogenic component, sometimes termed med- investigations are all negative and it is an MUS.
ically unexplained symptoms (MUS), may Atypical facial pain is fairly common, affecting
include: probably around 1-2% of the population. It is
• Possible links between neuro-humoural sometimes termed persistent idiopathic facial
mechanisms and altered CNS function. pain.


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Atypical facial pain is often of a dull boring may be indicated, but active dental or oral surgi-
Key points for dentists:
atypical facial pain or burning type character and ill-defined loca- cal treatment, or attempts at ‘hormone replace-
Similar symptoms may be seen in tion and there is: ment’, or polypharmacy in the absence of any
some neurological conditions • a total lack of objective signs specific indication, should be avoided. Do not
Cranial nerve examination should be • a negative result from all investigations repeat examinations or investigations at subse-
carried out • no clear explanation as to cause quent appointments, since this only serves to
X-rays, scans and/or blood tests are • poor response to treatment. reinforce abnormal illness behaviour and health
often required fears.
Patients are often middle-aged or older and Avoid attempts at relieving pain by operative
Key points for patients: 70% or more are females. Most sufferers from intervention — since these are rarely successful;
atypical facial pain AFP are otherwise normal individuals who are indeed, active dental measures such as restora-
This is fairly common or have been, under extreme stress such as tive treatment, endodontics or oral surgical
The cause is not completely known bereavement, or concern about cancer. There are treatment, in the absence of any specific indica-
It may be caused by increased nerve
often recent adverse life-events, such as tion, should be avoided as they may simply rein-
sensitivity bereavement or family illness and/or dental or force the patient’s perception that the pain has
There may be a background of stress oral interventive procedures. an organic basis.
There are usually no serious long-
However, it is important where possible, to
term consequences Clinical features identify and relieve factors which lower the pain
X-rays and blood tests may be History findings in AFP include pain mainly in threshold (fatigue, anxiety and depression). Sim-
required the upper jaw, of distribution unrelated to the ple analgesics such as NSAIDs should be tried
Treatment takes time and patience; anatomical distribution of the trigeminal nerve, initially, before embarking on more potent
some nerve-calming drugs can help poorly localised, and sometimes crossing the preparations.
midline to involve the other side or moving to Patient information is a very important
another site. Pain is often of a deep, dull boring aspect in management. Cognitive-behavioural
or burning, chronic discomfort, and persists for therapy (CBT) or a specialist referral may be
most or all of the day but does not waken the indicated.
patient from sleep. However the patient may It is important to clearly acknowledge the
report difficulty sleeping. reality of the patient’s symptoms and distress
There may also be multiple oral and/or and never attempt to trivialise or dismiss them.
other psychogenic related complaints, such as Try to explain the psychosomatic background
dry mouth, bad or altered taste, thirst, to the problem, ascribing the symptoms to causes
headaches, chronic back pain, irritable bowel for which the patient cannot be blamed
syndrome or dysmenorrhoea. Patients only Set goals which include helping the patient
uncommonly use analgesics to try and control cope with the symptoms rather than attempting
the pain but there is a high level of use of any impossible cure
health care services. There have often already Offer referral to a specialist or a trial of anti-
been multiple consultations and attempts at depressants, explaining that these agents are
treatment. being used to treat the symptoms not depression,
Pain is accompanied by altered behaviour, that some antidepressants have analgesic activi-
anxiety or depression. Over 50% of such patients ty and that antidepressants have been shown in
are depressed or hypochondriacal, and some controlled trials to be effective for this problem,
have lost or been separated from parents in even in non-depressed persons.
childhood. Many lack insight and will persist in
blaming organic diseases (or health care profes- Websites and patient information
sionals) for their pain.
Clinical examination is unremarkable with a atfp.html
total lack of objective physical (including neuro-
logical) signs. All imaging studies and blood BURNING MOUTH ‘SYNDROME’ (BMS)
investigations are negative. There may be definable organic causes of this
type of complaint, often described as a burning
Diagnosis of AFP sensation (Table 5), and a patient in such pain
Diagnosis of atypical facial pain is clinical may well also manifest psychological reactions to
through careful examination of the mouth, peri- the experience. However, burning mouth ‘syn-
oral structures, and cranial nerves, and imaging drome’ (BMS; also known as glossopyrosis; glosso-
(tooth/jaw/sinus radiography and MRI/CT scan) dynia; oral dysaesthesia; or stomatodynia) is the
to exclude organic disease such as space-occupy- term usually used when symptoms described as a
ing or demyelinating diseases (Table 4). burning sensation, exist in the absence of identi-
fiable organic aetiological factors. BMS is often a
MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS SUFFERING MUS but it must also be recognised that it may
ATYPICAL FACIAL PAIN OR PAIN WITH A well not be a single entity.
PSYCHOGENIC BASIS BMS is a fairly common chronic complaint,
Few patients with AFP have spontaneous affecting up to 0.7 to 2.6 % of the population
remission and thus treatment is usually and seen especially in middle age or elderly
indicated (Fig. 3). patients, particularly in females, in a ratio of
Reassurance and attention to any factors more than 3:1 and even as high as 7:1. There is
such as the dentures or haematinic deficiencies no specific relationship to hormonal changes,


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despite the fact that BMS is often seen in middle though patients only uncommonly use anal-
aged or elderly peri- or post-menopausal gesics to try and control the symptoms, there
females. BMS has been reported in 10-40% of have often already been multiple consulta-
women presenting for treatment of menopausal tions. Interestingly, patients with BMS also
symptoms. have heightened ability to taste – they are
Defined clinical conditions that must be ‘supertasters’.
excluded since they can also present with burn- Examination shows no clinically detectable
ing include: signs of mucosal disease or tenderness or
• erythema migrans (geographic tongue) swelling of the tongue or affected area, and no
• lichen planus neurological or other objective signs.
• dry mouth
• candidosis Diagnosis
• glossitis such as may be associated with Diagnosis of BMS is clinical and it is important to
haematinic (iron, folic acid, vitamin B) exclude organic causes such as erythema migrans
deficiency (geographic tongue), candidosis, lichen planus,
• diabetes. dry mouth, glossitis, diabetes or denture problems.
Importantly, all investigations prove normal.
Uncommon causes that may need to be con- Investigations indicated, may include:
sidered include: • laboratory screening for anaemia, a vitamin
• hypothyroidism or iron deficiency ( blood tests)
• lupus erythematosus • diabetes (blood and urine analyses)
• mucositis • thyroid dysfunction (blood analyses)
• drugs (especially angiotensin-converting
enzyme [ACE] inhibitors; protease inhibitors;
cytotoxic agents; clonazepam)
Atypical facial pain
• hypersensitivity (to sodium metabisulphite,
nuts, dental materials and other
• galvanic reactions to metals in the mouth.
Organic lesion excluded? No
Organic problems which sometimes present
with no detectable clinical lesions, but that can
cause similar symptoms include:
• A haematological deficiency state (deficien-
Consider organic
cies in iron, folic acid or vitamin B) in about Yes
• Restricted tongue space from poor denture
• Parafunction such as nocturnal bruxism or Amitriptyline 50 mg nocte
• Neuropathy — such as follows damage to the
chorda tympani nerve.
Pain controlled after 1 month? Yes
No precipitating cause for BMS can be identi-
fied in over 50% of the patients but, in others, a
psychogenic cause such as anxiety, depression
or cancerophobia can be identified in about No Continue dose
20%, and in some patients, BMS appears to fol-
low either dental intervention or an upper respi-
ratory tract infection.
Increase dose or trial doxepin 25 mg nocte
Clinical features
BMS most frequently affects the tongue, but it
can also affect the palate or, less commonly, the
lips or lower alveolus. The history is that the
Pain controlled after 1 month? Yes
burning sensation is chronic, usually bilateral,
often relieved by eating and drinking, in con-
trast to pain caused by organic lesions which is
typically aggravated by eating. Alcohol may
also relieve or reduce the symptoms.
No Continue dose
Patients with BMS often have multiple oral
and/or other psychogenic related complaints,
such as dry mouth, bad or altered taste, thirst,
headaches, chronic back pain, irritable bowel Increase dose or trial fluoxetine 20 mg
syndrome or dysmenorrhoea. There may be
changes in sleep patterns and mood and, Fig. 3 Management of AFP


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Males are mainly affected and attacks often

Table 4 Differentiation of important types of chronic orofacial pain
begin about middle age (Table 5). The pain is
Idiopathic trigeminal Atypical facial pain Migrainous neuralgia unilateral, occurs in attacks, is burning and ‘bor-
neuralgia ing’ in character, and localised around the eye
Age (years) >50 30-50 30-50 usually. Generally, the attacks commence , and
Gender F>M F>M M>F often awaken the patient, at the same time each
night or in the early hours of the morning
Site Unilateral, mandible + Bilateral, maxilla Retro-orbital — hence the term ‘alarm clock headache’. This
or maxilla
pain may be associated with profuse watering
Associated features - +/- Depression +/- Conjunctival and ‘congestion’ of the conjunctiva, rhinorrhoea
injection and nasal obstruction on the affected side. The
+/- Lacrimation
+/- Nasal congestion attacks usually end in less than one hour.
Attacks are sometimes precipitated by alcohol.
Character Lancinating Dull Boring
Migrainous neuralgia is managed by a
Duration of episodes Brief (seconds) Continual Few hours specialist, with a variety of agents, including
Usual timing of pain Daytime Daytime Night time sumatriptan, beta-blockers, indometacin, or
oxygen inhalations.
Precipitating factors Trigger areas +/- adverse life +/- Alcohol
Main treatments Carbamazepine Cognitive behavioural Oxygen, GIANT-CELL ARTERITIS)
therapy, sumatriptan
Cranial arteritis is a febrile disease, in which
giant cells appear in the arteries and cause a
deranged internal elastic lamina. It most com-
• xerostomia (salivary flow rates) monly affects the elderly.
• candidosis (oral rinse). The headache is intense, deep and aching,
• psychological screening using, for example, the throbbing in nature and persistent. It is fre-
Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale. quently made worse when the patient lies flat in
bed and it may be exacerbated or reduced by
Management is discussed above as for AFP. digital pressure on the artery involved. Occa-
sionally the artery (usually the superficial tem-
Websites and patient information poral artery) may be enlarged and tender. It is also characterised by malaise, weakness, weight loss, anorexia, fever, and sweating. Diagnosis is supported by a raised erythro-
cyte sedimentation rate (or plasma viscosity).
ATYPICAL ODONTALGIA Arterial biopsy demonstrates fragmentation of
Atypical odontalgia is pain and hypersensitive the internal elastic lamina.
Keypoints for dentists: teeth in the absence of detectable pathology. Although it is a self-limiting disease, patients
Burning mouth syndrome
The pain is typically indistinguishable from with cranial arteritis may be threatened with loss
Similar symptoms may be seen in
some organic conditions
pulpitis or periodontitis but is aggravated by of vision, and therefore need urgent diagnosis
dental intervention. Probably a variant of and treatment by a specialist: a systemic corti-
Blood tests may be required
atypical facial pain, it should be managed costeroid (prednisolone) is indicated.
Psychological assessment can be
helpful similarly.
The syndrome of oral complaints Pain may occasionally be referred to the mouth,
Keypoints for patients: Multiple pains and other complaints may occur face or jaws from the:
Burning mouth syndrome simultaneously or sequentially, and relief is • Neck: cervical vertebral disease, especially
This is a common condition rarely found (or admitted). may bring diaries of
The cause is not usually known their symptoms to emphasise their problem. Table 5 Causes of a burning sensation in the mouth
It may be a nerve hypersensitivity Local causes
Erythema migrans (geographical tongue)
It may occasionally be caused by
Several disorders in which the most obvious Lichen planus
some mouth conditions, dry mouth, organic feature is vascular dilatation or constric- Candidosis
deficiencies, diabetes or drugs tion can cause orofacial pain. The pain is usually Denture problems
It has no long-term consequences obviously in the face or head rather than in the Parafunctional activity (eg tongue thrusting habit,
Blood tests or biopsy may be required mouth alone but occasionally can involve both, clenching)
It may be controlled by some nerve- and can be difficult to differentiate from other Systemic causes
calming drugs causes of orofacial pain. These disorders include: Psychogenic
• Migraine (usually obvious and not causing oral Cancerophobia
pain alone, and therefore not included here). Depression
• Migrainous neuralgia. Anxiety states
• Giant cell arteritis. Deficiency of: Vitamin B, especially B12; Folate; Iron
• Migrainous neuralgia (cluster headache).
Dry mouth
Migrainous neuralgia is less common than
migraine but more likely to cause orofacial pain.


2p75-83.qxd 19/01/2006 13:38 Page 83


cervical spondylosis, very occasionally causes ing or turning the head.

pain referred to the face. • Eyes: pain from the eyes, arising for example, Patients to refer
• Heart in patients with angina. The pain usually from disorders of refraction, retrobulbar neuri- Trigeminal neuralgia in view of
affects the mandible, is initiated by exercise tis (eg in multiple sclerosis), or glaucoma, can possibility of demyelination or
(especially in the cold) and abates quickly on radiate to the orbit, maxilla or frontal region. space occupying lesion
rest. • Ears: middle ear disease may cause headaches Giant cell arteritis in view of risk of
• Lungs: orofacial pain emanating from lung or pain in the TMJ region. Conversely, oral blindness
cancer is a well-recognised entity and can disease not infrequently causes pain referred Patients with atypical facial pain
who need psychological help
mimic for example, TMJ pain-dysfunction to the ear, particularly from lesions of the
syndrome. posterior tongue. Malignancy
• Oesophagus; pain plus sialorrhoea may result • Pharynx; carcinoma of the pharynx may
from oesophageal lesions. cause orofacial pain.
• Styloid process; Eagle’s syndrome, a rare dis-
order due to an elongated styloid process (sty- A specialist opinion is warranted to investi-
lalgia), may cause pain on chewing, swallow- gate and manage these patients.


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