Integrated Water Availability Modelling To Assess Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Options in The Meki Catchment Central Rift Valley Ethiopi

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Integrated water availability modelling to assess

sustainable agricultural intensification options in
the Meki catchment, Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia

Meron Teferi Taye, Girma Yimer Ebrahim, Likimyelesh Nigussie, Fitsum

Hagos, Stefan Uhlenbrook & Petra Schmitter

To cite this article: Meron Teferi Taye, Girma Yimer Ebrahim, Likimyelesh Nigussie,
Fitsum Hagos, Stefan Uhlenbrook & Petra Schmitter (2022) Integrated water availability
modelling to assess sustainable agricultural intensification options in the Meki catchment,
Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 67:15, 2271-2293, DOI:

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2022, VOL. 67, NO. 15, 2271–2293

Integrated water availability modelling to assess sustainable agricultural

intensification options in the Meki catchment, Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia
Meron Teferi Taye a, Girma Yimer Ebrahima, Likimyelesh Nigussiea, Fitsum Hagosa, Stefan Uhlenbrookb,c
and Petra Schmitter b,d
International Water Management Institute, East Africa and Nile Basin Office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; bInternational Water Management Institute,
Colombo, Sri Lanka; cWorld Meteorological Organization, Hydrology, Water and Cryosphere Branch, Geneva, Switzerland; dThe World Bank,
Washington, DC, USA


The Meki catchment in the Central Rift Valley basin of Ethiopia is currently experiencing irrigation Received 29 November 2021
expansion and water scarcity challenges. The objective of this study is to understand the basin’s current Accepted 27 September 2022
and future water availability for agricultural intensification. This was done by simulating scenarios EDITOR
through an integrated SWAT-MODFLOW model to assess the water balance. The scenarios were co- S. Archfield
developed with communities who expressed their aspirations for agricultural intensification in conjunc­
tion with projected climate change. The results show that with the present land use and climate, the ASSOCIATE EDITOR
catchment is already water stressed and communities cannot meet their irrigation water demand, S. M. Pingale
particularly in the first irrigation season (October–January). However, in the second irrigation season KEYWORDS
(February–May) water resource availability is better and increasing irrigated area by 50% from the present agricultural intensification;
extent is possible. With a climate change scenario that favours more rainfall and shallow groundwater community-based scenarios;
use, agricultural intensification is feasible to some extent. Meki catchment; SWAT-
MODFLOW; water budget

1 Introduction
2006, Getnet et al. 2014, Seyoum et al. 2015, Desta and
Water resources and agricultural land are becoming increas­ Lemma 2017, Goshime et al. 2019, Desta et al. 2020). Specific
ingly scarce as the world population grows, demanding more to Meki catchment, Legesse et al. (2010) indicated that climate
food production on limited land. Therefore, sustainable agri­ and land-use change will have a decreasing streamflow impact.
cultural systems and practices must be implemented to main­ Large- and small-scale irrigation schemes and associated
tain the functionality of the natural system now and in the uncontrolled water abstraction are the main reasons for the
future (Tendall et al. 2015). Sustainable agricultural intensifi­ observed degradation (Goshime et al. 2019). The increasing
cation has been promoted since the 1990s (Cook et al. 2015) to awareness of the benefits of irrigation and the promotion of
deliver more products per unit of resource, while preventing shallow groundwater for small-scale irrigation by the
depletion of natural resources and ecosystem services (Garnett Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) might
et al. 2013). Water is essential for long-term agricultural inten­ further expand/intensify agriculture in the area (ATA 2020).
sification worldwide, but especially in drought-prone Sub- Nevertheless, sustainable agricultural intensification options in
Saharan African nations (Cofie and Amede 2015), which are view of available water for the future, which consider the
recognized for high climate variability and climate change aspirations of communities, are lacking in the area.
sensitivity. Countries are looking into increasing irrigation to Hydrological or hydrogeological modelling approaches are
achieve agricultural intensification while ensuring the sustain­ usually used to assess the water resources status of a given
ability of their water resources. Among the several metrics region with a focus on either surface water or groundwater
associated with sustainable intensification listed in sources. Integrated modelling that considers both water
Mouratiadou et al. (2021), the aspect of water availability sources in an integrated manner is rarely used in Sub-
from the environmental dimension needs to be explored in Saharan Africa (e.g. Ebrahim et al. 2019). Nonetheless, inte­
water-scarce regions. grated hydrological models support system thinking that takes
The implications of agricultural intensification due to the into account a more holistic hydrological system analysis (US
increase in small-scale irrigation on the water availability of EPA 2008), and is used to account for complex non-linear
a given area are yet unknown in most places in Sub-Saharan interactions between surface water and groundwater systems
Africa, including Ethiopia. Ethiopia’s Central Rift Valley (Barthel and Banzhaf 2016). Such an approach leads to better
(CRV) is experiencing ecosystem degradation manifested as characterization of the feedback among the surface and
decreasing river inflows to Lake Ziway and a reduction of the groundwater systems. It also facilitates the testing and design
size of Lake Abjiata, among other things (Legesse and Ayenew of feasible water resources management plans and policies, for

CONTACT Meron Teferi Taye International Water Management Institute, East Africa and Nile Basin Office, c/o ILRI Ethiopia Campus,
Addis Ababa, 5689, Ethiopia
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (,
which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.
2272 M. T. TAYE ET AL.

sustainable management interventions (Mirchi et al. 2012). area decreased by 24% (see the Appendix, Fig. A1). The three
Such an approach was tested in the US through integrating woredas (districts, the third-level administrative division in
an agroecosystem model with a groundwater flow model and Ethiopia) Meskan, Sodo, and Silte (Fig. 3) that cover 73% of
was found to be a relevant tool in simulating hydrological the catchment area were selected to obtain community-based
processes and conducting scenario analysis (Bailey et al. data and information on smallholder agriculture.
2021). Setting up an integrated surface water and groundwater Both river and groundwater sources are used for irrigation.
model at the catchment scale is, however, challenging due Groundwater use is dominant in areas such as Meskan and
to the considerable amount of data required and the high Butajira (Fig. 1). The depth to the water table varies spatially
computational time (Barthel and Banzhaf 2016, Trichakis and temporally depending on the topography, climate, and
et al. 2017). The use of such models to identify sustainable properties of the water-bearing materials. However, based on
intensification options is rarely found in the literature despite static groundwater level data obtained from the Ministry of
their potential. Water and Energy of Ethiopia, the depth of groundwater ranges
In this study, an integrated hydrological model has been between 2 and 270 m below the ground surface. A spatial map of
used to investigate the potential for sustainable agricultural static water level data is shown (see the Appendix, Fig. A2).
intensification from a water availability perspective to support Geologically, most of the CRV rift floor is covered by two
conjunctive management of surface and groundwater in one of materials, ignimbrite (hard rock) and lake sediments (Williams
the upstream catchments of Lake Ziway, the Meki catchment. 2016). The Meki catchment is covered with materials compris­
This study used a participatory scenario development ing seven geological formations: Dino Formation (38%), Nazret
approach to incorporate current practices and future aspira­ Series (35%), alluvial and lacustrine deposits (15%), Tarmaber
tions with relevant stakeholders. This type of approach is Megezez Formation (10%), Chilalo and Rhyolitic volcanic (2%)
gaining attention to enhance the relevance of modelling exer­ (Fig. 1). According to pumping test results conducted in the
cises to local realities and to propose suitable development Meki catchment by JICA (2012), the transmissivity and hydrau­
options (McBride et al. 2017). Therefore, this study addresses lic conductivity values for the Dino Formation are 12.7 and
the following questions: 0.7 m/d, respectively, whereas the transmissivity and hydraulic
conductivity values for the Alluvial and lacustrine deposits range
● What is the current surface water and groundwater avail­ from 6 to 12.3 m2/d and from 0.25 to 0.71 m/d, respectively.
ability in the Meki catchment, and how will it probably
change with future climate change?
● Which sustainable agricultural intensification options are
3 Methodology
feasible based on combining community aspirations with An integrated surface water and groundwater modelling approach
water availability? was used to investigate sustainable agricultural intensification
options for the Meki catchment. This supports conjunctive use
and management of surface and groundwater using the SWAT-
2 Study area
MODFLOW model (Bailey et al. 2016). The Soil and Water
The Meki River is one of the major rivers that drain into Lake Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a physically-based, semi-
Ziway. It is located in Ethiopia’s CRV basin as the most distributed, and continuous-time simulation hydrological model
upstream catchment (Fig. 1). It has a drainage area of 2183 km2 (Arnold et al. 1998), which has been applied to various small and
with elevation ranging between 1653 m and 3614 m above large watersheds in countries around the world including
mean sea level. Mountainous areas with steep slopes are domi­ Ethiopia. The model is developed to quantify the impact of land
nant in the west of the catchment, and the eastern side has management practices on water, sediment, and agricultural pollu­
relatively flat lowlands and well-developed agriculture. The tion in large complex watersheds with varying soils, land use and
climate is semi-arid with average annual precipitation of management conditions over a long period (Neitsch et al. 2011).
940 mm and the main rainy season between July and The groundwater module in SWAT is a lumped model that
September. The maximum and minimum temperature in the cannot reflect a distributed setting. MODFLOW, on the other
area is 26 and 12°C, respectively (Fig. 2), while the average hand, is a three-dimensional finite-difference hydrogeological
annual potential evapotranspiration was about 2000 mm for model for simulating and predicting groundwater conditions
the period 1984–2010. and groundwater/surface-water interactions (Harbaugh 2005).
The dominant land use is cultivated land, with an area of MODFLOW is one of the industrial standard groundwater mod­
1338 km2 that translates to 61% of the catchment area based on els developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS); it is
the land-use map of 2018 (Fig. 3). Irrigated agriculture during well documented and adequately tested, and is available in the
the dry season produces cash crops, predominantly tomatoes public domain.
and onions. Rainfed agriculture focuses on cereals (teff, wheat,
maize, barley, sorghum) and false banana (enset).
3.1 SWAT-MODFLOW model
A comparison of land-use maps between 1989 and 2018
showed an expansion of agricultural land, urban settlement 3.1.1 SWAT model set-up
areas, and agroforestry in the past few decades. This expansion Initially, the SWAT model was set up using topographic, land-
is mainly at the expense of woodlands, as can be seen in Fig. 3. use and soil data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
Agricultural land increased by 32% and agroforestry increased (SRTM) 30 m × 30 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM),
by 37%, while woodlands decreased by 56% and afro-alpine LANDSAT with 30 m resolution, and Food and Agriculture

Figure 1. Location of the Meki catchment in the Central Rift Valley and its location in Ethiopia’s river basins.

Organization (FAO) soil map of Ethiopia, respectively. The Wind speed, solar radiation, and humidity data from Butajira
land-use classification was carried out as per Desta and Fetene station were used. Using this data, potential evapotranspira­
(2020). The watershed was divided into eight sub-basins and tion was estimated using the FAO Penman-Monteith method.
into 220 hydrological response units (HRUs) based on land The climate data covered the period from January 1982 to
use, soil, and slope. Daily rainfall data from five stations December 2010.
(Butajira, Bui, Meki, Tora, Koshe) and temperature data The SWAT model was calibrated from 1982 through 1991
from two stations (Butajira and Bui) were used (Fig. 1). and validated for the period 1997–2000 at a monthly scale
2274 M. T. TAYE ET AL.

Resources 2009). The active model domain covers the whole

Meki catchment area of 2183 km2. No flow boundaries were
used for the lateral boundaries that were coincident with the
watershed boundary. A general head boundary (GHB) was
assigned at the catchment outlet. GHB is used to represent
a boundary condition where water enters or leaves the model
area at a rate proportional to the head difference between the
specified head and the head in the model cell. The model
domain was divided into 702 rows and 660 columns with
a uniform grid size of 100 m × 100 m. The model was dis­
cretized vertically into one layer and simulated as an uncon­
fined aquifer. The shallow aquifer system thickness was
assumed to be uniform at 60 m. This is due to a lack of well-
log data. Based on the hydrogeology map, the Meki catchment
was divided into four zones of uniform hydraulic parameters
Figure 2. Long-term (1986–2010) mean monthly rainfall, maximum temperature
and minimum temperature in the Meki catchment. (see the Appendix, Fig. A3). The parameters (hydraulic con­
ductivity and specific yield) assigned to each zone were
adjusted during model calibration until the error between
based on continuous streamflow data availability from Meki observed and simulated water levels was minimized. The
gauging station. Four years were used as a warm-up period: steady-state calibrated hydraulic conductivity values for
1982–1985. The calibration was carried out using SWAT zones 1, 2, 3, and 4 are 3.8, 0.3, 0.1 and 0.1 m/d, respectively.
Calibration and Uncertainty Programs (SWAT-CUP) It is important to note that the MODFLOW model calibra­
(Abbaspour 2011), a standalone program developed for the tion is a two-step process. First, the steady-state model is
calibration of SWAT. For the calibration period land-use data calibrated using average groundwater level data; and in
of 1989 was used. This land-use data was selected to be repre­ the second step, using the steady-state model calibrated water
sentative of the calibration period. The assumption we made in level data as an initial condition, transient model calibration
this study is that land use is similar for the calibation and can be carried out. During steady-state model calibration,
validation periods. However, one should note that land use hydraulic conductivity values are calibrated, whereas in
and land cover change over time and may have an impact on the second stage only aquifer storage parameters are calibrated.
streamflow. Using the calibrated parameters and land-use data A river stage of 0.5 m was assumed based on a previous
for 1989, the SWAT model was validated. To represent a long- study (JICA 2012). Since information on the rate of ground­
term baseline or historical period, the SWAT model was run water pumping at individual wells was not available, ground­
for a long-term period (1986–2010) using calibrated para­ water abstraction rates were estimated using literature values
meters and 1989 land-use data. (MacDonald and Davies 2000, JICA 2012). An abstraction rate
of 1.5 L/s (130 m3/d) was assumed at individual shallow
3.1.2 MODFLOW model set-up motorized pumping wells and 3.5 L/s (302 m3/d) at boreholes.
The conceptual set-up of the MODFLOW model for the Meki A total of 80 pumping wells were used to represent ground­
catchment was based on limited available data and informa­ water pumping from the shallow aquifer. Static groundwater
tion from previous studies (Ayenew 2001, Ministry of Water level data from 67 wells were used for steady-state model

Figure 3. Land-use map of the Meki catchment in 1989 (left) and 2018 (right). Land-use data classification based on Desta and Fetene (2020).

calibration, which is the first step in MODFLOW calibration. catchment (Sodo woreda). Primary data was collected through
Automatic calibration was performed using a model- key informant interviews (KIIs) with woreda officials, focus
independent non-linear parameter estimator called PEST group discussions (FGDs), and case studies with community
(Doherty 2004). The range of the hydraulic conductivity was members in selected kebeles (the smallest administrative unit
constrained using pumping test data from JICA (2012). For of Ethiopia) of the woredas. The FGDs and case studies were
the second step, due to the lack of groundwater level time- conducted for two separate groups, kebeles that use irrigation
series data to calibrate the transient MODFLOW model, the and those that use only rain-fed agriculture. The KIIs and
transient MODFLOW model was developed based on litera­ FGDs are aimed at understanding the communities’ liveli­
ture values for specific yield of 0.1 and specific storage of 10−6 hoods and aspirations, water availability, water resource devel­
(JICA 2012), following Ebrahim et al.’s (2016) approach . The opment plans, existing initiatives, and water requirements for
transient MODFLOW model was run using a monthly stress irrigation, domestic, and livestock purposes. Through this data
period. the area under irrigation during the dry season, the dominant
crops in irrigation systems, water sources for irrigation, and
3.1.3 SWAT-MODFLOW model set-up the number of irrigation seasons were obtained.
Integrating the SWAT-MODFLOW model requires values of The potential pathways to intensify agriculture in the catch­
state variables to be passed from SWAT to MODFLOW and ment are drawn from communities’ and stakeholders’
from MODFLOW back to SWAT. These include: (i) recharge responses. The communities are keen to shift from depending
from SWAT HRUs to MODFLOW grid cells, (ii) the difference on only rain-fed agriculture to using irrigation for dry season
between potential evapotranspiration and actual evapotran­ production including through the expansion of irrigated area.
spiration from SWAT HRUs to MODFLOW grid cells, (iii) They highlighted their aspiration to increase groundwater use
sub-basin channel stage from the SWAT sub-basin channel to to intensify agriculture. The use of an advanced water applica­
MODFLOW river cells, and (iv) groundwater–stream tion system through drip irrigation instead of the traditional
exchange rates from the MODFLOW river cells to SWAT sub- furrow system is another pathway considered by the stake­
basin channels. holders. They also proposed an expansion of rainwater har­
Linking files and coupling the SWAT-MODFLOW model vesting and implementation of soil and water conservation
followed the approach of Bailey and Park (2019). SWAT HRUs measures to increase the availability of water for agricultural
were disaggregated using a Geographic Information System intensification. While these are the potential pathways the
(GIS) into individual polygons to create a designated geo­ communities and stakeholders identified to intensify agricul­
graphic location that does not exist in the SWAT model. The ture, what was modelled in the integrated hydrological model
geo-located polygons facilitate the connection between SWAT was the shallow groundwater use under a changing climate.
and MODFLOW. For the Meki catchment, independently The impact of improving irrigation efficiency was assessed
calibrated SWAT and MODFLOW models were coupled and using assumed irrigation efficiencies from the literature for
further calibration was not done after coupling, similar to the drip irrigation technology (White 1999, Van Der Kooij et al.
study by Chunn et al. (2019). In the water budget of the 2013). The impacts of rainwater harvesting and soil conserva­
coupled model, the difference in inflow and outflow during tion measures were not directly modelled, but inferences were
the model simulation is within 1% as recommended by made based on literature values.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM 2010),
signifying the closure of the water balance. The coupled 3.2.2 Climate change and shallow groundwater
SWAT-MODFLOW model was run at a monthly time step development scenarios
for the period 1986–2010, which is used as a reference simula­ Climate change. To assess the impact of climate
tion period. change on water resource availability we focused on antici­
pated changes to hydro-meteorological variables such as pre­
cipitation and temperature, which were estimated using
3.2 Scenario development
climate models. Climate model data from Coupled Model
3.2.1 Community-based scenarios Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models were used.
The design of contextually relevant scenarios involved under­ These are available on the Earth System Grid Federation
standing the livelihoods of communities, their current water (ESGF) website (
usage for irrigation and future demand, the government’s Twenty-five climate model runs were downloaded with their
current activities and future strategies, past land-use changes, historical and future projections. In the CMIP6 the scenarios
and future projections of precipitation and temperature under are based on shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), which are
climate change. Scenario development was carried out with scenarios of projected socioeconomic global changes up to
communities and stakeholders in the Meki catchment and 2100 (O’Neill et al. 2014).
translated into appropriate scenarios for the coupled SWAT- The historical climate model runs were compared with data
MODFLOW model. from Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with
The information gathered from local communities, govern­ Station (CHIRPS), which is a blend of satellite-based rainfall
ment administrators, and experts is centred on the use of water estimates and gauge data (Funk et al. 2015). CHIRPS was
for agricultural production. A qualitative study was conducted considered as an observational dataset for this purpose. The
in three woredas (Fig. 3) representing upstream (Silte woreda), period 1981–2010 was used as a historical period. Given that
mid-catchment (Meskan woreda) and downstream of the climate models usually show considerable bias when compared
2276 M. T. TAYE ET AL.

to observations, we have assessed the 25 models’ representa­ evapotranspiration (ETo) was estimated using the Penman-
tiveness. This was done statistically using relative bias at the Monteith equation in Allen et al. (1998). For specific crops, the
monthly scale and proper capturing of the annual precipitation crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was determined by multiplying
cycle. Seven climate models based on relative bias in the range ETo by the crop coefficient (Kc) of specific growth stages
of −0.5 to 0.5 and those that capture the annual precipitation (Allen et al. 1998) as in Equation (1). Other parameters
cycle were selected for future projections. The seven selected required in CROPWAT, such as the number of days for
global climate models (GCMs) were HADGEM_GC_LL, different stages of crop development, Kc values, rooting
HADGEM_GC_MM, MPI_ESM_LR, MPI_ESM_HR, depth, depletion fraction and yield response fraction, were
EC_EARTH3, CAMS_CSM, and AWI_CM_MR (see the taken from FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56 (Allen
Appendix, Figs A4 and A5). The change factor method was et al. 1998). The CWR is then estimated by subtracting effec­
used to downscale the coarse-resolution GCM outputs to tive rainfall from ETc as in Equation (2). Effective rainfall was
catchment-scale levels. The approach used by Prudhomme obtained using the USDA Soil Conservation Service approach
et al. (2010) was adopted to estimate the monthly change (Patwardhan et al. 1990). Given the traditional type of irriga­
factors. tion and subsequent huge water loss through seepage, the total
Future projections of precipitation and temperature were esti­ gross irrigation requirement (GIR) is estimated using Equation
mated for the catchment using the seven selected climate models (3) (Savva and Frenken 2002). An irrigation efficiency of 50%
and their SSP 126 and SSP 585 scenarios for the period 2021– was assumed to account for expected water losses.
2050. The ensemble mean of these models’ runs for precipitation
ETc ¼ ETo � Kc (1)
and temperature represent the mean climate change (MC) sce­
nario, which were then used in the SWAT-MODFLOW model to where ETc is the crop evapotranspiration under standard
generate the water balance components for the future. An addi­ conditions (mm/month) and Kc is the crop coefficient for
tional scenario that represents dry and hot climate change (DHC) a particular growing stage (-).
was developed by selecting the dry precipitation projection and
the hottest temperature projection from the climate runs. The CWR ¼ ðETc PeÞ if ETc > Pe; otherwise
climate change scenario runs were done with the 2018 land use to CWR ¼ 0 due to enough rainfall (2)
represent the recent land-use situation. where CWR is the net irrigation water requirement (mm/
Temperature is projected to increase for the Meki catchment month), and Pe is the effective rainfall (mm/ month).
until 2050. The monthly temperature projections range from 0.5
to 1.6°C. The months of June, February, and March have the GIR ¼ CWR=Ieff (3)
highest temperature projections while November has the lowest
where GIR is the gross irrigation requirement (mm/month),
temperature projections (see the Appendix, Fig. A6).
and Ieff (-) is the irrigation efficiency.
Precipitation projections show mixed signals of increasing and
In the three woredas, the first season of irrigation is from
decreasing change for the future period (2021–2050). At the
October to January while the second irrigation season is from
seasonal scale, precipitation increased from 12% to 47% for
February to May. Silte and Meskan woredas mainly use
March–May and July–September seasons, while a decrease of
groundwater while Sodo woreda uses river water for irrigation.
up to 40% was projected for the October–December season (see
The dominant irrigated crops are onion and tomato, whose
the Appendix, Fig. A7). At the annual scale, the MC scenario
CWR is shown in Table 1. The total water withdrawals for the
showed a 19% increase in precipitation and an increase in tem­
irrigated area in Silte, Meskan, and Sodo woredas were calcu­
perature by 1°C. The DHC scenario showed a 13% decrease in
lated by multiplying the monthly average GIR of onion and
precipitation and an increase in temperature by 1.4°C.
tomato by the respective irrigated areas (Table 2).
The three woredas cover only 73% of the catchment area. The Changes in crop water requirements during the dry total GIR of the catchment was estimated by linear interpolation
season. The crop water requirements (CWR) for dominant from the three woredas’ total GIR to the total catchment area.
crops in the Meki catchment were estimated using CROPWAT Therefore, the total GIR for the Meki catchment is about
(Smith 1992) climate data from 1986–2010 for the historical 209 × 106 m3 for the historical period of the two irrigation seasons
period and for future climate projections. The reference crop considering the default 24 h of irrigation in CROPWAT.

Table 1. Crop water requirement (CWR) of the dominant crops for dry season irrigation in the Meki catchment, including future projections with climate scenarios.
Historical CWR (mm) Mean climate scenario CWR (mm) Dry hot climate scenario CWR (mm)

Month Onion Tomato Onion Tomato Onion Tomato

October 79.8 57.4 93.7 59.5 108.9 74.4
November 144.2 136.1 149 131.3 152.5 134.7
December 149.9 165 154 169.7 157.3 173.2
January 115.6 133.6 106.7 132 115.5 141.1
Total (1st season) 489.5 492.1 503.4 492.5 534.2 523.4
February 79.1 57.6 87.1 55.1 104.2 71.9
March 111 97.1 100.5 72.9 124.8 96.9
April 100.5 116.4 82.6 98.9 106.6 122.9
May 75.9 95.1 57 83.8 76.3 103.2
Total (2nd season) 366.5 366.2 327.2 310.7 411.9 394.9

Table 2. Total irrigated area during the two seasons of irrigation in the three selected woredas of the Meki catchment.
Woreda irrigation area (ha)

Irrigation season Silte Meskan Sodo Total catchment irrigated area (ha)
1st season (October to January) 4984 3382 3564 11 930
2nd season (February to May) 2158 1158 1536 4852

Table 3. Gross irrigation requirement for the Meki catchment for the historical wells were selected with the assumption of increasing the 400
period and with future climate projections for three irrigation application hours. wells by more than double.
Gross irrigation requirement (106 × m3) These are additional wells on top the existing 80 wells (Fig. 1,
Irrigation hours red dots) considered during the SWAT-MODFLOW model set-
Scenario 24 h 12 h 8h up. The wells were generated with an assumed individual shallow
Historical 209.1 418.2 627.4 groundwater pumping rate of 3.5 L/s or 302 m3/d (JICA 2012) in
Mean climate 205.2 410.3 615.5
Dry hot climate 226.5 452.9 679.4 areas where the groundwater level is relatively shallow and the
land surface slope is relatively flat (less than 6%), where existing
wells and irrigated areas were concentrated. To avoid having two
However, if the irrigation time decreases to 12 and 8 h, the GIR wells lying in the same MODFLOW grid, the wells were generated
increases (Table 3). The CWR projection for the MC shows a 2% with a minimum spacing of 100 m. Based on the assumption that
reduction, while for the DHC it shows an 8% increase for the wells are shallow, with a low pumping rate and low hydraulic
default 24 h of irrigation. With this change the total GIR for the conductivity and storage coefficients, a conservative estimate of
catchment is 205 × 106 m3 for the MC and 226 × 106 m3 for the radius of influence equivalent to saturated thickness (~50 m) was
DHC (Fig. 4). Given that the rainfall in the second irrigation assumed. The shallow groundwater extraction scenarios were
season is better than that of the first, it a has higher GIR (Fig. 4). carried out using the 2018 land-use and climate change projec­
tions. The ratio of total groundwater abstraction to total ground­
water recharge was used as an indicator for potential shallow Increased use of shallow groundwater for irrigation. groundwater use. The total groundwater recharge in this case is
Given that there is increased promotion of shallow groundwater the sum of diffuse recharge and focused recharge along river
for small-scale irrigation by the government and donors, farmers channels.
tend to complement surface water irrigation sources with shallow
groundwater. To assess the impact of potential expansion of
shallow groundwater use in the area, shallow groundwater extrac­ 3.2.3 Selected scenarios
tion scenarios using an additional 400 and 1000 hypothetical wells The scenario development used the information obtained from
were tested. The 400 wells were applied to use the positive change the communities on where and how they plan to intensify
in groundwater storage during the baseline period and the 1000 agriculture. The plan is both to expand and to intensify

Figure 4. Total monthly gross irrigation water requirement (GIR) of Meki catchment during the historical period and for future projections with irrigation hours of 24,
12, and 8.
2278 M. T. TAYE ET AL.

irrigation, mainly around their current farming locations. calibrated parameters and their sensitivity rank is provided
They are generally targeting high-value crops. The commu­ (see the Appendix, Table A1). Overall, the calibration and
nities’ aspirations to increase water availability include shallow validation results were found to be satisfactory for data-
groundwater use, rainwater harvesting, and drip irrigation. scarce regions.
From this information shallow groundwater use and future To assess the performance of the MODFLOW model, gra­
climate scenarios were translated to the following scenarios phical plots and standard numerical measures such as root
that were tested with the integrated model (see Table 4). mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE)
Rainwater harvesting and drip irrigation options were not were used. In general, good agreement was obtained between
modelled in the SWAT-MODFLOW. However, their potential simulated and observed groundwater levels (Fig. 6). The RMSE
use and implications for the community are explored in the and MAE between the observed and simulated groundwater
discussion section. levels during the calibration period were 5 and 9 m, respec­
tively. As recommended by Hill (1998) the residuals were
randomly distributed across the sites, and the simulated
4 Results water levels contours were also in agreement with the observed
overall regional groundwater flow directions.
4.1 SWAT-MODFLOW calibration and validation resullts The SWAT model was coupled with MODFLOW, and the
SWAT model calibration and validation performance were annual water balance of the SWAT-MODFLOW during the
assessed using two statistical parameters: Nash-Sutcliffe effi­ calibration period is presented in Table 5.
ciency (NSE) and percent bias (PBIAS). The simulated
monthly flow matched the observed values for the calibration
4.2 Historical water availability and use (1986–2010)
period with NSE and PBIAS values of 0.7 and −2.3, respectively
(Fig. 5(a)). For the validation period, the simulated and the The mean annual water budget for the baseline is presented
observed monthly flows showed acceptable results, with NSE schematically in Fig. 7. The mean annual simulated evapotran­
and PBIAS equal to 0.6, and 8, respectively (Fig. 5(b)). The spiration is about 79% of the mean annual rainfall over the

Table 4. Scenarios used in assessing water availability in Meki catchment, including justification for their choice.
Land Groundwater
No. Scenario name Climatic data use wells Justification
1. Baseline 1986–2010 1989 80 To assess historical water availability
2. Mean climate (MC) 2021–2050 2018 80 To assess future water availability using an ensemble mean of climate models with
current shallow groundwater uses
3. Dry hot climate (DHC) 2021–2050 2018 80 To assess future water availability under the dry and hot climate model scenario with
current shallow groundwater uses
4 Mean climate (MC) + 2021–2050 2018 400 To assess future water availability using the ensemble mean of climate models with
400 GW shallow groundwater wells increased by 400
5 Mean climate (MC) + 2021–2050 2018 1000 To assess future water availability using the ensemble mean of climate models with
1000 GW shallow groundwater wells increased by 1000
6. Dry hot climate (DHC) + 2021–2050 2018 400 To assess future water availability under the dry and hot climate model scenario with
400 GW shallow groundwater wells increased by 400
7. Dry hot climate (DHC) + 2021–2050 2018 1000 To assess future water availability using the dry hot climate model scenario with shallow
1000 GW groundwater wells increased by 1000

Figure 5. (a) Observed and simulated streamflow in the downstream of Meki catchment for the calibration period (1986–1991); (b) observed and simulated streamflow
in the downstream of Meki catchment for the validation period (1997–2000).

Figure 5. (Continued).

Figure 6. Observed and simulated groundwater level for the calibration period (1986–1991).

Table 5. Water balance values during the model calibration period from the SWAT-MODFLOW
Water balance components Water balance (mm/a)
Rainfall 938.3
Evapotranspiration from land use 770.7
Runoff 92.0
Lateral flow 38.7
Seepage to the aquifer 0.2
Recharge 36.9
Evapotranspiration from groundwater 27.7
Groundwater discharge to the river 4.0
Groundwater pumping 1.2
Head-dependent boundary (GHB) flux out of the aquifer 5.1
Change in storage −0.9

study area, while the diffuse recharge and the mean surface the total streamflow, which is equivalent to the baseflow index
runoff account for 5.7% and 11.3% of the annual rainfall, (28.6%) determined using a recursive digital filter algorithm
respectively. The spatially distributed diffuse recharge is developed by Nathan and McMahon (1990) and a filter para­
shown (see the Appendix, Fig. A8). The total flux to the river meter used by Ebrahim and Villholth (2016) (see the
from lateral flow and flows from the aquifer is about 28.9% of Appendix, Fig. A9). Evapotranspiration directly from
2280 M. T. TAYE ET AL.

Figure 7. Water balance components of the Meki catchment during the baseline period (1986–2010).

groundwater is a significant component of the groundwater From the water budget at the catchment scale, the ratio of total
budget of the study area. It accounts for 64.5% of the recharge. groundwater abstraction to groundwater recharge is about 2.2%,
Groundwater in the Meki catchment is relatively close to the as shown in Fig. 7, which indicates that abstraction is far less than
surface in some areas, within 2 m of the ground surface. recharge during the baseline period. The annual change in
Evapotranspiration extinction depth was determined to be groundwater storage is about +8.9 mm. This signifies that there
3 m based on soil type and land cover (Shah et al. 2007). The is some potential to intensify irrigated agriculture through shallow
groundwater evapotranspiration calculation considers not groundwater use during the dry season. Also, given that the
only the crops selected in this study (onion and tomato) but irrigated area based on the three woredas is about 12.5% of the
also natural vegetation types based on land-use classification. cultivated land, there is potential for expanding the irrigation area
Hence, there are deep-rooted natural vegetation types that if water is not a limiting factor.
have root depth exceeding the minimum depth to ground­
water, which is 2 m). After groundwater evapotranspiration,
the second largest discharge component of the groundwater 4.3 Water availability under climate change
budget is groundwater discharge to the river, which accounts The water budgets for the MC and DHC scenarios are presented
for 9.5% of the recharge. in Figs 8 and 9, respectively. In the MC, there is a significant
The total water yield (surface water) during the dry season increase in rainfall to about 1120 mm/a – an increase of about
(October to May) is about 85 × 106 m3. The total groundwater 176.5 mm compared to the baseline. The increase in rainfall is
pumping from October to May is about 2.62 × 106 m3. The total translated into an increase in runoff (by about 94.5 mm), an
GIR for the catchment is about 209 × 106 m3 assuming 24 h of increase in actual evapotranspiration by 42.9 mm/a, and an
irrigation. This indicates that surface water covers only 40.7% of increase in recharge by 30.1 mm/a. The increase in recharge in
the total GIR, while groundwater covers only 1.3% of the total turn increased the change in storage by 132 mm/a. However, if the
GIR with the existing 80 wells. Hence, the available surface water future has more of a dry and hot climate, there will be a significant
and groundwater during the dry season are not enough to meet decrease in rainfall (by 60.2 mm/a) which is translated into
the GIR of the entire irrigated area without considering other a decrease in actual evapotranspiration from land use (by
demands such as environmental flow. The total water yield and 40.3 mm/a) and a decrease in recharge (by 12.1 mm/a). The
groundwater pumping in the first irrigation season (October– decrease in recharge in turn results in a decrease in evapotran­
January) are 33 × 106 m3 and 1.3 × 106 m3, respectively. The spiration from groundwater (by 4.3 mm/a) and a decrease in
total GIR during this period is about 160.4 × 106 m3, hence surface groundwater storage (by 7.3 mm/a).
water covers only 20.6% of the GIR during the first irrigation The total water yield during the first irrigation season
season while groundwater abstractions cover nearly 0.82% of the (October–January) under MC and DHC was 42.4 × 106 m3
GIR during the first irrigation season with the existing 80 wells. If and 17.1 × 106 m3, respectively. The total groundwater pump­
the irrigation hours are reduced to 8 h the total GIR for the ing from October to January under MC and DHC remains
catchment will increase to 627.4 × 106 m3 (Table 3), which similar to that in the baseline period (1.3 × 106 m3). As rainfall
indicates that surface water only covers 13.5% of GIR and is the main driver controlling water resource availability, water
groundwater covers only 0.4% of GIR. With 12 h of irrigation, yield increased by about 70.7% under the MC whilst it
the total GIR for the first irrigation season will increase to decreased by 5.4% for the DHC (Fig. 10). Even though the
481.2 × 106 m3 (Table 3), which means surface water only covers water yield increased under MC (42 × 106 m3), it is not
6.9% while groundwater covers only 0.27% of the GIR during the sufficient to meet the GIR during the first irrigation season
first irrigation season. (160 × 106 m3). The ratio of total groundwater abstraction to

Figure 8. Water balance components of the Meki catchment for the mean climate change scenario, based on 2018 land use and 80 shallow groundwater wells.

Figure 9. Water balance components of the Meki catchment for the dry hot climate change scenario based on 2018 land use and 80 shallow groundwater wells.

groundwater recharge is about 2.8% and 1.3% under the DHC discharge of groundwater to the river is reduced as the pumping
and MC, respectively. The annual change in groundwater increases.
storage for the MC and DHC is about +21.8 mm and The change in groundwater storage for the DHC + 400 GW
1.4 mm, respectively. For the MC, the projected increase in and DHC + 1000 GW scenarios is −6.1 and −24 mm/a, respec­
recharge and runoff relative to the baseline period is about tively (Fig. 11). The change in groundwater storage for the MC +
55.9% and 88.7%, respectively. 400 GW and MC + 1000 GW scenarios is +16.9 and +5.3 mm/a,
and the ratio of total groundwater abstractions to groundwater
recharges is 25.2% and 60.2%, respectively. In the MC ground­
water recharge exceeds abstraction for both pumping scenarios,
4.4 Impact of increased agricultural intensification on
signifying the potential for further groundwater exploitation. In
water availability
the DHC + 1000 GW scenario, abstraction far exceeds recharge,
Agricultural intensification through shallow groundwater-based heralding a significant groundwater level decline. A ratio of
irrigation using additional wells provided water budget values as groundwater abstraction to groundwater recharge higher than
presented in Table 6, and Fig. 11. As can be seen, groundwater 100% indicates abstraction is greater than recharge, resulting in
evapotranspiration is reduced significantly due to an increase in depletion of groundwater (Vrba et al. 2007) and meaning that
pumping. This is expected: when the groundwater pumping intensifying agriculture is not feasible. For the same scenario
increases, the groundwater level drops below the root zone. In groundwater discharge to the river is reduced by 67.8% compared
both abstraction scenarios, the overall groundwater storage is to the baseline (i.e. 5.1 mm/a), affecting the base flow and envir­
significantly reduced from the baseline period. In addition, the onmental flow requirements.
2282 M. T. TAYE ET AL.

Figure 10. Total water yield and groundwater recharge for the baseline, mean climate (MC), and dry and hot climate (DHC) scenarios.

Table 6. Long-term mean water balance parameters (mm/a) for shallow groundwater abstraction scenarios compared to the baseline period simulation (1986–2010).
Water balance components MC + 400 GW MC + 1000 GW DHC + 400 GW DHC + 1000 GW
Rainfall 1120.4 1120.4 883.7 883.7
Evapotranspiration 788.5 788.5 705.3 705.3
Runoff 200.9 200.9 102.7 102.7
Lateral flow 47.2 47.2 34.0 34.0
Seepage to the aquifer 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.7
Recharge 83.9 83.9 41.8 41.8
Evapotranspiration from groundwater 34.1 18.6 19.4 9.6
Groundwater discharge to river 5.0 2.5 2.4 0.8
Groundwater pumping 21.2 51.0 21.2 51.0
Head dependent boundary (GHB) flux out of the aquifer 6.0 6.0 4.7 4.7
Change in groundwater storage +17.9 +6.6 −5.5 −23.6

The total water yield during the first irrigation season availability of water resources. Intensifying agriculture using
(October–January) under MC + 400 GW and DHC + 400 irrigation with surface water is only feasible for approximately
GW is 41.2 × 106 m3 and 16 × 106 m3, respectively. The total 3390 ha in the first irrigation season. Under the MC this area
water yield during the dry season (October–January) under could potentially increase to 4253 ha, and it would decrease to
MC + 1000 GW and DHC + 1000 GW is 39.4 × 106 m3 and 1612 for the DHC. Hence, expansion of irrigation in the Meki
15 × 106 m3, respectively. The total groundwater abstraction catchment based purely on surface water resources will be
from October to May under MC + 400 GW and DHC + 1000 impossible and would be highly risky for smallholder farmers
GW is 16 × 106 m3 and 37.7 × 106 m3, respectively. The ratio of given the intra-annual variability of rainfall and water yield.
total water availability (surface and groundwater) during the With climate change, variability of rainfall is expected to be
first irrigation season to GIR under MC + 400 GW and DHC + higher, and storing water in different forms, reservoir or
400 GW is 35% and 19%, respectively. Similarly, the ratio of groundwater, might be relevant.
total water availability to GIR under MC + 1000 GW and DHC The available water resource (surface and groundwater)
+ 1000 GW is 48% and 30%, respectively. during the first irrigation season in the Meki catchment covers
only 22% of the total GIR of the current irrigated area for the
baseline scenario. This shows that the available water resource
5 Discussion during the dry season is not enough to meet the GIR of the
entire irrigated area even without considering non-irrigation
5.1 Current and future water availability
water demands such as municipal, domestic, livestock, indus­
Agricultural intensification under historical and expected trial, and environmental flow. Climate change is expected to
changing future climate in the Meki catchment is limited by decrease the GIR by about 2% under the MC and to increase

Figure 11. Groundwater pumping and change in groundwater storage for the baseline, mean climate (MC), and dry and hot climate (DHC) scenarios under scenarios
assuming 400 and 1000 shallow groundwater pumps.

GIR by about 8% under DHC in future. The available water the MC, in the case of DHC, it will have to be below 400 wells. It is
under the MC and DHC covers only 27% and 11% of the GIR, important to note that finding the number and location of wells that
respectively. This indicates that water is the limiting factor for provide optimal total groundwater abstraction under certain con­
the intensification of irrigation in Meki catchment currently straints (i.e. discharge to the river, drawdown, and change in storage)
and under future climate change conditions, especially in the is an optimization problem, which is beyond the scope of the present
first irrigation season (October to January). This is in agree­ paper. Overall, shallow groundwater use and expansion is a suitable
ment with the findings of Xie et al. (2021), who showed that intensification pathway under favourable climate conditions such as
most of the river basins in Ethiopia are at high risk of water under the MC for the Meki catchment.
scarcity during the dry season and that expansion of irrigation The second potential suitable intensification pathway is
during this period is strongly constrained by water scarcity. improving irrigation efficiency to increase water availability
Taye et al. (2021) showed a similar water shortage problem in for irrigation. Irrigation in Meki catchment is carried out
the Lake Tana sub-basin during the dry season as the flow is using the traditional furrow irrigation system, which is subject
not sufficient for irrigation. to high water loss due to seepage, evaporation, and other
Unlike the first irrigation season, the availability of water reasons. The efficiency of such systems is on the order of
resources in Meki catchment is abundant in the second irriga­ 50% or more in most developing countries (Mengel 2008).
tion season, signifying the potential for agricultural intensifi­ More efficient methods of irrigation include drip irrigation
cation during this season. The irrigated area in the second and sprinklers (such as centre pivots), which the woreda-
irrigation season is smaller than that of the first irrigation level experts said that they want to promote. With drip irriga­
season by 59% or 7078 ha. Due to availability of better rainfall tion, the irrigation efficiency is in the range of 90% (White
the irrigation in this season can be considered supplementary. 1999, Van Der Kooij et al. 2013). If drip irrigation is properly
Therefore, a better opportunity for agricultural intensification implemented, which would require significant investment in
exists in the second irrigation season. technology as well as in capacity for proper operation and
maintenance, this could result in a reduction by about 40%
in water use compared to the conventional furrow irrigation
5.2 Intensification pathways
method. This translates to an increase of about 29% and 12% in
As the ratio of current groundwater abstraction to recharge is low, the first-season irrigated area with MC and DHC, respectively,
further agricultural intensification using shallow groundwater seems compared to what is irrigated by a furrow irrigation system.
feasible. However, the potential for expansion of shallow ground­ The communities desire to increase rainwater harvesting
water use depends on the extent to which the future climate aligns (i.e. diverting surface runoff to small reservoirs), and this can
with the MC and DHC and the potential increase in inter-annual contribute to irrigation if sufficient storage can be provided.
variability (see the Appendix, Fig. A10). Whilst expansion of the However, if the captured water is not used shortly after the
current 80 wells is possible with additional wells below 1000 under rainy season, most of the water may be lost to evaporation and
2284 M. T. TAYE ET AL.

therefore will not be available during the dry season. Hence, main drivers of the hydrological cycle. The projection of monthy
due to the climate of the region, which has a high evaporation precipitation ranges from decreasing signals of more than 40% to
demand, the implementation of rainwater harvesting should increasing signals of more than 100% (see the Appendix, Fig. A7).
be considered only if it is used in conjunction with managed The projections in dry months were mostly uncertain due to
aquifer recharge, which is the purposeful recharge of water to exaggerated increasing signals. The use of the ensemble mean
aquifers during wet periods for subsequent use during dry approach is therefore applied to reduce such known uncertainties.
periods. If we assume water harvesting ponds of size 30 m3 The known sources of uncertainties in the SWAT model
are implemented by individual smallholder farmers across the include: (1) the 1989 land use is assumed to be representative
catchment area to store rainy season runoff, about 53% of the of the historical period and the 2018 land use is assumed to be
stored water in individual ponds will be lost to evaporation. representative of future land use; (2) the spatial location of
The October–January evaporation rate can be as high as irrigated area is unknown; (3) SWAT-calibrated parameters
798 mm (Ayenew 2003). The open-water evaporation rate were assumed to remain the same in the future; (4) it was
would be higher if farmers opt for ponds with a large surface assumed that the meteorological variables such as wind speed,
area and a shallow depth. Therefore, water harvesting ponds solar radiation, and humidity for the future are the same as the
are not a viable option for agricultural intensification in the present-day climate; and (5) the SWAT model has limitations
Meki catchment due to the high open-water evaporation rate in capturing high runoff season flows. This might be related to
(Vallet-Coulomb et al. 2001, Ayenew 2003, Melesse et al. the curve number method SWAT utilizes, which is dependent
2009). on total rainfall volume rather than rainfall intensity and
Communities and woreda-level experts also expressed a desire duration (King et al. 1999, Akoko et al. 2021).
to increase available water using soil and water conservation The main sources of uncertainties in the MODFLOW model
measures. Soil and water conservation practices such as soil include: (1) the steady-state MODFLOW model was calibrated
bunds and stone bunds, which are effective in reducing runoff using static water level data measured in different wells over time;
and soil erosion and increasing infiltration, were identified as (2) transient MODFLOW model calibration was not possible due
potential measures for better water availability. This is to the lack of groundwater level time-series data; and (3) the aquifer
a commendable approach as such conservation activities promote is represented by a single layer with uniform model thickness due to
soil infiltration, and enhance groundwater availability and base­ a lack of lithological data. The large RMSE (5 m) and MAE (9 m)
flow. Research in the central highland watersheds of Ethiopia during the model calibration were due to local heterogeneity which
showed that soil bunds reduced the average annual runoff by as could not be resolved during model calibration. These include the
much as 28% (Adimassu et al. 2014). Such a reduction in runoff influence of faults that likely isolate the water-bearing zones, higher
can contribute to an overall increase of soil moisture and ground­ heads measured in shallow wells due to perched conditions which
water recharge that can increase water availability. do not reflect the regional flows system, etc. In addition to local
While further intensification of agriculture during the main dry variations, the difference in time during which the static water levels
season by smallholders is feasible to some extent by using shallow are measured influences the model calibration. A large difference in
groundwater and with favourable conditions of increased rainfall, observed and simulated groundwater levels is expected in catch­
attempting to meet future water demands by increasing withdrawal ment-scale modelling where there is a significant difference in
of surface and groundwater without strengthening communities and groundwater level in the model domain (Tiedeman et al. 2003,
government institutions in conjunctive water governance (Blomquist Jagelke and Barthel 2005, Cao et al. 2013). To overcome the non-
et al. 2001) will result in further unsustainable development for the uniqueness problem in model calibration, we constrained model
CRV basins. The qualitative study conducted in Meki catchment calibration with pumping test results so that realistic parameters
with woreda officials and communities indicated a weak water consistent with known information were obtained, which gives us
resource governance framework to regulate inefficient water man­ some confidence that the developed model is overall representative
agement, which will likely contribute to unsustainable development. of the groundwater flow in the study area. The transient
MODFLOW model was developed with assumed specific yield
values from the literature following Ebrahim et al.’s (2016)
5.3 Model uncertainties and limitations
approach. As the specific yield values vary in a narrow range,
This study showed the potential of using an integrated modelling particularly in hard rock aquifers, the error introduced due to this
approach for the identification of sustainable agricultural intensi­ assumption is considered minimal (Lloyd 1999).
fication options via the conjunctive use of surface and ground­ It is important to note that the location of the actual irrigated area
water. However, the modelling approach used is not without is not available from official sources. Also, mapping the extent of
limitations. The three main sources of uncertainties in the present irrigated areas is difficult using remote sensing-based methods,
study are: uncertainty related to climate projections, and uncer­ mainly due to small and fragmented areas. Hence, we were unable
tainty related to the SWAT and MODFLOW models. to verify the area and determine where irrigation intensification could
Uncertainties in climate projections arise from various sources occur in the future. Given that the current irrigated area is large
such as model structural differences, initial conditions, scenarios, compared to the dry season water availability, it is possible that the
parameters, and resolution or bias-correction methods (Falloon farmers use deficit irrigation, or the reported irrigated area might be
et al. 2014). Compared to temperature projections, rainfall projec­ slightly over-estimated by the woreda officals. Furthermore, this
tions are more uncertain and show higher spatial and seasonal study has not considered non-irrigation activities that consume
dependence (Niang et al. 2014). The present study considered water such as domestic, industrial and large commercial farms,
projections of both precipitation and temperature as they are the which usually use deeper groundwater sources.

6 Conclusions and recommendations Funding

To provide guidance on the conjunctive use and management of This work was supported by the CGIAR Research Program on Water,
surface and groundwater for sustainable agricultural intensification Land and Ecosystems (WLE); and the Royal Society.
through smallholder irrigation, an integrated hydrological model
using coupled SWAT and MODFLOW models was developed for
the Meki catchment. The coupled SWAT-MODFLOW model
allowed us to analyse the water balance dynamics of the catchment Meron Teferi Taye
in detail. It was also used to assess different scenarios that were co- Petra Schmitter
developed with local communities. This is one of the first studies to
use integrated modelling to assess sustainable agricultural intensi­ References
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2288 M. T. TAYE ET AL.


Table A1. SWAT model calibration parameters and their sensitivity rank for Meki catchment.
No. Parameter Description Sensitivity rank Fitted values
1 r__CN2.mgt SCS runoff curve number 1 0.06
2 Base flow alpha factor 7 0.52
3 Groundwater delay 9 198.2
4 Threshold depth of water in 8 1782.5
shallow aquifer
5 v__ESCO.bsn Soil evaporation compensation factor 6 0.97
6 v__EPCO.bsn Plant uptake compensation factor 10 0.97
7 Groundwater “revap” coefficient 5 0.14
8 Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer for “revap” to occur 4 312.6
9 r__SOL_AWC().sol Soil available water capacity 2 0.29
10 r__SOL_K().sol Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity 3 0.14

Figure A1. Comparison of the 1989 and 2018 areas of the Meki catchment according to land-use classification.

Figure A2. Static groundwater level map of the Meki catchment.


Figure A3. Hydrogeology of Meki catchment and its hydraulic conductivity zones.
2290 M. T. TAYE ET AL.

Figure A4. Selected climate models that represent the annual rainfall cycle reasonably well, their ensemble mean and a comparison with CHIRPS rainfall data for the
historical period.
HADGEM - Hadley Centre Global Environment Model; MPI - Max Planck Institute for Meteorology; CAMS - Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences; AWI - The Alfred
Wegener Institute Climate Model.

Figure A5. Selected climate models’ bias relative to CHIRPS precipitation for the seasons June to September (JJAS) and March to May (MAM) and at the annual scale for
the historical period.

Figure A6. Monthly temperature projections until 2050 for three scenarios: ensemble mean, 75th percentile representing hotter conditions (high) and 25th percentile
representing cooler conditions (low).

Figure A7. Annual precipitation projections until 2050 for three scenarios: ensemble mean, 75th percentile representing wetter conditions (high) and 25th percentile
representing drier conditions (low).
2292 M. T. TAYE ET AL.

Figure A8. Spatially distributed diffuse recharge estimation for Meki River catchment for the baseline period 1986–2010.

Figure A9. Baseflow index for Meki River catchment.


Figure A10. Inter-annual variablity in rainfall and groundwater recharge under future climate scenarios.

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