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General idea

Contrasting Teaching Methods; Parental Control vs Full Freedom

In this modern era, many people are starting to compare children who have been controlled
by their parents from a young age with children who have received the freedom to choose from
a young age. May be true if they argue that children who are given freedom from a young age
will be more responsible and have greater potential for talent because they have been given the
freedom to do what they like. However, is it the best way to educated children? in this essay,
we will investigate more deeply the differences and compare in terms of advantages and
disadvantages between parental control and full freedom teaching methods which will
ultimately determine the best method between the two cases and how to implement it.
Interactive Question
Writing Purpose Result

Introduction First of all, no matter how bad a child's character and personality are, no matter how bad
or good their parents were, they still have a parent-child relationship. Parents still have to be
responsible for educating their children and play a big role in their children's lives. whatever
parents' methods of educating their children will affect the children's personalities and future.
Children will tend to adopt the same way of education in their lives. So, let's investigate the
best methods between parental control and full freedom methods based on how they work in
shaping children's personalities and thinking patterns.

Parental control is an upbringing where full control of a child's activities is in the hands
of the parents. On one hand, these actions take the form of decision-making, children's
interactions, activity restrictions, and extra education from parents. However, this upbringing
will probably make the child grow up with the full attention of parents and closer to the family,
keep the child away from bad associations, monitor the child's activities so that they are safe
and secure, to facilitate the child's full and focus the child on more productive activities. On
the other hand, excessive control may stifle creatifity and hinder independent thinking,
potentially leading to rebellion or suppressed individuality, children will become closed
people, do something based on coercion, and tend to hate their parents. In addition, in some
cases, children who are overbearing controllers will tend to apply this method to their families
later. This way of educating may be more beneficial for parents, which indirectly shapes
children's integrity, and productivity and keeps children away from toxic things in the outside
world. However, this method of education is considered not good for the child's mental health
and personality, leading to the 'dictatorial' ethics that he will adopt in his family later.
Mini Conclusion

Contrasted with excessive control, full freedom is an upbringing that is completely based
on freedom. Where parents give children the freedom to make their own choices, starting from
decisions, activities, relationships, and even their way of life. This technique has also been
applied in several advanced schools known as Montessori Schools where this school's teaching
method allows children to learn according to their interests and talents. They believe that this
Montessori method will have a positive impact on children's growth and development, making
them confident and independent. In this method of education, a child will free himself by
carrying out hobbies and creative activities that he likes, which are believed to build
intellectual, creative, and self-building systems, as well as responsibility in every decision. The
child will also grow up to be an open-minded person, and have many relationships,
strengthening the child-parent relationship. Meanwhile, the negative impact is that children are
very at risk of absorbing negative things from their environment, children who do not have
self-control will be easily influenced by relationships and negative behaviors. What's even
more dangerous is if the child is addicted to bad habits. Moreover, children with full freedom
rights spend more time with friends outside, which forms a free personality that tends to rely
on friends rather than family. Education based on freedom is considered by many people to be
better because it relies on the child's decision to make him independent and responsible, but
this decision is also considered very risky. in some cases, many children, especially during
adolescence, instead of being independent and responsible, tend to fall into toxic relationships.

Mini Coclusion
Ultimately, the best approach to parenting must consider many things, starting from the
child's personality, risk, how the child adapts to the environment, etc. In conclusion, the balance
between freedom and parental control is the final method which may be better than forcing one
to take sides, some things should be supervised, and controlled by parents to maintain
boundaries that children should not cross and relationships that they should not participate in
as well as freedom. There are times when children have to choose personal boundaries that
must be decided without parental intervention. Because, in the end, the person who deserves
the risk is the child himself.
Text Conclusion

Wrote by Yoel H.Simanjuntak (17/01/24)

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