FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 - BFY - Critical Execution Operations and Lift Operations (Standard and Non Standard) - 4.00

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BFY - Critical Execution Operations and

Lift Operations (Standard and Non
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 - Version 4.00


4.00 04.10.2023 Editorial Update, References Added
Approvers captured electronically.

©2023 McDermott. All Rights Reserved.
Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

Table of Contents
PURPOSE............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
SCOPE.................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
RESPONSIBILITIES............................................................................................................................................................. 3
PROCEDURE....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
01 - GENERAL................................................................................................................................................................. 3
02 - LIFT WEIGHT CALCULATION...................................................................................................................................... 4
03 - STANDARD LIFT OPERATION..................................................................................................................................... 5
04 - NON-STANDARD LIFT OPERATION............................................................................................................................. 5
05 - ANY PERSONNEL LIFTING......................................................................................................................................... 5
06 - CRITICAL OPERATION............................................................................................................................................... 5
07 - REPETITIVE OPERATION............................................................................................................................................ 6
08 - REQUIRED RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL AND QUALIFICATIONS......................................................................................6
09 - STANDARD LIFT OPERATION..................................................................................................................................... 9
010 - NON-STANDARD LIFT OPERATION........................................................................................................................ 10
011 - CRITICAL OPERATION EXECUTION....................................................................................................................... 10
EXTERNAL LINKS............................................................................................................................................................. 17
REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................................................... 17
TERMS & ABBREVIATIONS.............................................................................................................................................. 17
APPENDICES..................................................................................................................................................................... 18
APPENDIX 1 - TYPICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR CRITICAL OPERATION PROCEDURE..........................................................19


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

This procedure defines standard, non-standard, and critical operations, and details of the activities and responsibilities
for the planning, design and control of critical operations and associated fabrication aids such as pad eyes, lifting
beams, temporary bracing, strong backs, etc.

This procedure applies to standard, non-standard, and critical operations performed in Batam Fabrication Yard (BFY)
and Batam Marine Base (BMB). The scope of lifts covered in this procedure are includes lift operation by crawler crane,
wheel mounted crane / hydraulic crane, tower crane, overhead crane, etc.

The following have responsibilities defined in this procedure:
 Construction Engineer.
 Construction Engineering Supervisor.
 Yard / Marine Base Operations Manager.
 Yard General Superintendent.
 Yard Planning Supervisor.
 Fabrication Coordinator.
 Operation Director.
 Sr Project Engineer.

Internal Supplier – Customer Relationship (ref. Figure 1)
Figure 1 – Internal Supplier – Customer Relationship

01 - General
A. FAB-GEN-PR-00700.00 Assembly/Erection may be referenced as needed.
B. The following standards may be referenced as needed:
I. API RP 2A Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore
II. API RP 2MOP Marine Operation.
III. AISC Steel Construction Manual – Allowable Stress Design.


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

IV. ASME B30.2 Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Trolley Hoist).
V. ASME B30.3 Tower Cranes.
VI. ASME B30.5 Mobile and Locomotive Cranes.
VII. ASME B30.11 Monorails.
VIII. ASME B30.17 Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Underhung Hoist).
C. Additional work instructions may be referenced as needed:
I. FAB-GEN-WI-20704.01 BFY - Lifting Long Tubular Material inside Shop with OHC.
D. Additional Checklists that are available for use:
I. FAB-GEN-CL-20704.07 BFY - Prior to Use SPMT and PPU Checklist.
II. FAB-GEN-CL-20704.08 BFY - Checklist for Load Out Operation - Allowable Condition.
III. FAB-GEN-CL-20704.09 BFY - Checklist for Load Out Operation – Yard / Quay Preparation.
IV. FAB-GEN-CL-20704.10 BFY - Checklist for Load Out Operation - Vessel Preparation.

02 - Lift Weight Calculation

A. The estimated lift weight and center of gravity will be developed either from a computer model and manual
take-offs or from the Weight Control Report if available. In addition, the Construction Engineer should
include loading for equipment, pipe spools, pre-erection weld out of pipe, and E&I supports, scaffolding, etc.
As necessary, this will be discussed with the Production Engineer and Lead Detailing Engineers.
B. The base weight estimate (ref. Table 1 below) will be factored in accordance with the following guideline to
achieve the upper lift weight. This will be used to calculate crane loads.
Table 1 – Base Weight Estimate

C. The crane hook load is calculated by multiplying the above calculated load with the following factors (ref.
Table 2).


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

Table 2 – Crane Hook Load Factors

D. For lift loadout, the DAF (Dynamic Amplification Factor) will be determined in conjunction with the Marine
Warranty Surveyor (MWS) guidelines.

03 - Standard Lift Operation

A. Standard Operations are defined as:
I. Any single crane lift with a total object lift weight maximum 30MT.
II. Crane rate capacity below 80% for the boom length / radius used. Except for Overhead, Gantry
Crane, or Tower Crane, the lift is permitted to its maximum rated capacity.
III. The operation does not meet any criteria for non-standard operation or critical operation.

04 - Non-Standard Lift Operation

A. Non-standard Operations are defined as:
I. Any single crane lift with a total object lift weight over 30MT but less than 100MT.
II. Any single crane lift over 80% of crane’s rate capacity for the boom length / radius used. Except for
Overhead or Gantry Crane.
III. Any two (2) crane lift up to 80% of crane’s rate capacity for the boom length / radius used. Except for
Overhead or Gantry Crane, the lift is permitted to its maximum rated capacity.
IV. A single lift crane by the Lampson crane with a total object lift weight (excluding lift rigging and crane
hook block assembly) of less than or equal to 300 metric tons.

05 - Any Personnel Lifting

A. The operation does not meet any criteria for a critical operation.

06 - Critical Operation
A. Critical Operations are defined as:


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

I. Any operation designated as Critical by Division Chief Engineer, Construction Engineer Supervisor or
Critical Operation Director.
II. Any single or multi-crane lift with a total object lift weight (excluding lift rigging and crane hook block
assembly) of over 100 metric tons, except for a single lift crane by the Lampson crane with a total
object lift weight (excluding lift rigging and crane hook block assembly) of over 300 metric tons.
III. Any single lifts over 90% of a crane’s rated capacity at the boom length / radius used. Except for
Overhead or Gantry Crane.
IV. Any two (2) cranes lift over 80% of a crane’s rated capacity at the boom length / radius used. Except
for Overhead or Gantry Crane.
V. Any lift combination involving three (3) or more cranes and / or forklifts.
VI. Any lift, transportation, or other operation involving a component or equipment identified as a risk to
the project or facility. Project Management Team or Yard / Marine Operations is responsible to
identify and inform Engineering and Operations of all such equipment.
VII. Any lift working over a component identified by Project Management Team or Yard / Marine
Operations as a risk to the project or facility.
VIII. Loadout of any structure above 100 metric tons.
B. COCM - Critical Operation Coordination Meeting - All critical operations (except for annual crane load test)
will have an associated Critical Operation Coordination Meeting. Potential repetitive operations will be
identified on projects. In this case, only one COCM is required, however prior to each subsequent
operation, individual Verification of Acceptability signature sheets will be provided.

07 - Repetitive Operation
A. When the Critical Operation Procedure items do not require re-evaluation for subsequent operations on a
project, (example: lifting or loadout of multiple pipe sections).
B. Objects categorized as repetitive operations should be identified & verified at the first COCM.

08 - Required Responsible Personnel and Qualifications

A. Construction Engineer
I. Person responsible for developing the procedure including all necessary calculations, including
determination of lift weight and maximum radius, method statement and drawings; person will be
adequately qualified and be provided with adequate resources.
B. Construction Engineering Supervisor – He / she will be adequately qualified and responsible for:
I. Reviewing and approving the procedure.
II. Provide Construction Engineer resources to meet critical operations requirement.
III. Distribute and document Critical Operations lesson learnt for appropriate evaluation and action.
C. Yard / Marine Base Operations Manager
I. Person responsible to ensure that all resources and equipment are available to the Critical Operation
Director to perform the operations.
D. Yard General Superintendent - is responsible to:
I. Assign Critical Operation Director.
II. Inform Yard Planning Department and Construction Engineering Department for any non-project
Critical Operation required.


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

E. Yard Planning Supervisor

I. Person responsible to compile all planned critical operations (project and non-project) in one (1)
master schedule which will be updated and issued as a minimum once a month.
F. Fabrication Coordinator - Project assigned Fabrication Coordinator is responsible for:
I. Advising all related personnel (minimum 48hrs notice) including Yard Operations (including Night
Shift Superintendent for any night time operations), Project Superintendents, Project Management
Team, and Customer representatives of the COCM date, time, and venue.
II. Distributing a formal notification to all related parties of the actual operation’s date and
commencement time of the operation.
III. All night shift critical operations will have the Division Chief Engineer’s approval prior to its
commencement. Except for the Lampson Crane, critical operation will only be being commenced in
the day time.
IV. Ensuring that the final approvals as required by the project are in-place, from customer or third party
bodies, prior to signing off the Verification of Acceptability signature sheet.
V. Coordinate a team of relevant personnel to prepare the Task Risk Assessment.
VI. Chairperson for Critical Operations Coordination Meeting and for coordinating all actions which may
have resulted from the meeting. He will be supported by the Safety Representative and Construction
Engineer for any safety and engineering matters respectively.
G. Operation Director
I. Operation Director has the following responsibilities:
a. Critical Operation Director is the person who will be fully familiar with the specific procedure and
operation requirements related to critical operation prior to the COCM. Critical Operation
Director will be the last person to sign-off the Verification of Acceptability signature sheet and
will retain a hardcopy of the fully signed off signature sheet.
b. Non-Standard Lift Operation Director is the person who will be fully familiar with the specific lift
plan, lift drawings and / or sketches where applicable and operation requirements prior to the
operation. Non-Standard Lift Operation Director will be the last person to sign-off the signature
sheet on the FAB-GEN-CL-20704.04 BFY - Non Standard Lift Validation Checklist and will
retain a hardcopy of the fully signed off signature sheet.
II. Confirming that operation plans are reviewed by appropriate personnel, including if any doubts with
the rigging design.
III. Ensuring that all resources and equipment are configured in accordance with the operation design.
IV. Ensuring that all operators and crew are competent to perform the tasks required of them and where
applicable holding valid certificates for operation.
V. Confirming that the site has been adequately prepared for all resources and equipment, and that
access is unrestricted, and the travel path is clear.
VI. Ensure availability of NDT clearance report for all rigging points / operational aids (trunnion, padeyes,
guides, stopper, strongback, connector, deadman, etc.) from Project Superintendent.
VII. Required Qualifications
a. Critical Operation Director Qualifications - Minimum qualifications required to assume role as:
i. Poses title of Rigging Supervisor or Rigging Superintendent or Yard General
Superintendent or is a Person that officially assigned by Operation Manager.
ii. Is qualified to Advanced Rigging classification.


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

b. Non-Standard Lift Operation Director Qualifications - Minimum qualifications required to

assume role as Non-Standard Lift Operation Director:
iii. Poses title of Rigging Foreman / Supervisor or is a Person that is officially assigned by
the Operations Manager or Yard General Superintendent.
iv. Is qualified to Intermediate Rigging classification.
VIII. Safety Representative - responsible for:
a. Ensuring that the relevant yard personnel are familiar with the safety procedures for the critical
b. Coordinating and obtaining all signatures on the Verification of Acceptability signature sheets.
c. Responsible for providing a hardcopy of this signature sheet to the Critical Operation Director
for final sign-off prior to the critical operation commencing. Safety Representative will be the
second last person who will sign-off the Verification of Acceptability signature sheet.
d. Assisting the Project Superintendent and Project Team in completing the necessary Task Risk
Assessments (TRA’s) required for the particular project execution. This requirement is to be
identified & planned during the project internal kick-off meeting.
IX. Project Superintendent - Reporting to the Project Construction Manager, this person is responsible
a. Ensuring that the object to be lifted or transported or loaded out for critical operation is ready
and verifies that all temporary attachments and lifting aids are installed and NDE inspected as
per the NDT drawings.
b. Providing and supervising all other craft labor required to support the Critical Operation Director
throughout the operation.
c. Ensuring that the object to be lifted (or transported) is safe & that safe access is provided to the
work location, before, during & immediately after operation as and when required in order to
complete the works.
d. Notifying the Fabrication Coordinator of the intended operation date and time and for ensuring
that all persons on the Verification of Acceptability signature sheet are informed of the
appropriate time to meet on site for the final site inspection and approval.
e. Performing the necessary TRA’s as advised by the Safety Supervisor prior to the
commencement of critical operations on the project.
H. Lead (Business Line) QC Inspector
I. Person responsible for ensuring that all necessary NDE and documentation is complete and
approved for the object being lifted including temporary attachments & lifting aids, prior to the
commencement of the critical operation.
I. Mechanical Maintenance Superintendent - responsible for:
I. Ensuring that all mechanical equipment being utilized in the critical operation is in accordance with
EM-FAB-PR-20001.00 Batam Fabrication Lifting Equipment Procedure and EM-FAB-PR-20002.00
Batam Fabrication Wire Rope Procedure.
II. Monitoring the performance of key mechanical equipment during the critical operation and for
advising the Critical Operation Director as required.
III. Ensuring that no mechanical works are performed on equipment during a critical operation or while
equipment is still under load, unless approved by the Critical Operation Director and that these
operations do not compromise the approved procedures and safety of the operation.


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

J. Dimensional Control Supervisor

I. Person responsible for providing dimensional control information to the Critical Operation Director and
Construction Engineer as required, supporting the Critical Operation.
K. Lead (Business Line) QC Inspector
I. Person responsible for ensuring that all necessary NDE and documentation is complete and
approved for the object being lifted including temporary attachments & lifting aids, prior to the
commencement of the critical operation.
L. Mechanical Maintenance Superintendent - responsible for:
I. Ensuring that all mechanical equipment being utilized in the critical operation is in accordance with
EM-FAB-PR-20001.00 Batam Fabrication Lifting Equipment Procedure and EM-FAB-PR-20002.00
Batam Fabrication Wire Rope Procedure.
II. Monitoring the performance of key mechanical equipment during the critical operation and for
advising the Critical Operation Director as required.
III. Ensuring that no mechanical works are performed on equipment during a critical operation or while
equipment is still under load, unless approved by the Critical Operation Director and that these
operations do not compromise the approved procedures and safety of the operation.
M. Dimensional Control Supervisor
I. Person responsible for providing dimensional control information to the Critical Operation Director and
Construction Engineer as required, supporting the Critical Operation.
N. Sr Project Engineer
I. Person responsible for managing the interface between all related parties above for any Critical
Operations in a project, especially for specific critical operations such as weighing and loadout which
involve 3rd party / Subcont, Barge / FTV / HTV owner, MWS and Client. The typical Organization
Chart showing interface with all related parties is shown under Appendix 2.
II. Ensure all related Critical Operation calculations and procedures are submitted, reviewed, and
approved by MWS / Client.
III. Coordinate with Project Subcontract Manager to ensure the RFQ / TBE / CBE are issued and PO is
placed for any 3rd party / Subcont required for specific Critical Operations such as weighing and
IV. Coordinate with Marine team to ensure the barge / FTV / HTV c/w her stability booklet and 3rd party
inspection acceptance certificate are available for specific Critical Operations such as loadout.
V. Lead the coordination between Marine CSE and Design Engineering to obtain, provide and finalize
the stowage plan, grillage, seafastening / tiedown requirements as predecessor information required
by Yard CSE to perform design and analysis for final assembly support / load out transportation
a. Should there be no Sr Project Engineer position assigned due to scale / size of project then
Marine Sr Field Engineer will be the person in-charge who will be managing the interface roles

09 - Standard Lift Operation

A. The Operation Director will assess the lift load and crane capacity then notify to the crane operator.
B. The Operation Director will establish the rigging configuration required for the lift.


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

C. For all standard lift operations, prior to performing the lift, the Crane Operator is required to enter the detail
of the operation into the FAB-GEN-FM-20704.05 BFY - Crane Operation Daily Lift Log.

010 - Non-Standard Lift Operation

A. The Operation Director and Crane Operator will assess and plan the lift and agreed.
B. The Operation Director will establish the rigging configuration required for the lift.
C. Prior to each Non-Standard Lift operation, a lift validation check list to be completed by the Crane Operator
and Operation Director with considering all aspects of the operation.
D. Potential problem to be identified prior and during operation.
E. All personnel involve in the non-standard lift operation will be made fully aware of the planned lift detail by
the Operation Director.
F. The original of the latest validation and approval form will be maintained on file for the life project.

011 - Critical Operation Execution

A. Planning
I. Upon contract award, the Project Superintendent, Critical Operation Director (Rigging
Superintendent), General Superintendent, HSES Representative, and Project Team in conjunction
with the Construction Engineer determine the preferred erection sequence and identify the various
project critical operations as part of the Internal Kick Off Meeting. During this meeting any potential
repetitive operations will also be identified.
II. For loadout operation, the Construction Engineer, Rigging Superintendent, and Project Team will
review all available information of the structure and transportation vessel to determine the loadout
III. Construction engineer will review dredging requirement on proposed loadout area. The
communication and responsibility of dredging requirement will refer to Bathymetric survey/dredging
flow chart in the attachment.
IV. Bathymetric survey data will be updated at least three (3) months prior to loadout operation especially
when the estimated under keel clearance is less than 2m (7ft).
V. The method of loadout is a function of many factors including weight of structures, transportation
vessel details, skidway system, availability of equipment, etc. The most common loadout methods
a. Skidding, the structure is fabricated on skid shoes or runners which sit on a fixed land-based
skidway. It is then pulled along the skidway onto a transportation vessel by a pulling system.
b. Trailer loadout, the structure is fabricated on a suitable grillage under which combinations of
multi wheeled hydraulic trailers are positioned. The trailers then support the weight of the
structure and are pulled or driven onto transportation vessel. The trailers then jack down and
position the structure on the sea-fastening grillage.
c. Lifting loadout, the structure is lifted and positioned on the transportation vessel either by land-
based crane or lifting derrick barge or sheer legs barge.
VI. Design inputs (e.g., drawings and specifications) will be reviewed by the Construction Engineer and
Project Management Team. Clarifications, ambiguous, or conflicting requirements will be resolved
typically via site queries, formal meetings, or project correspondence.


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

VII. The Construction Engineer will determine the feasibility of operation (i.e., lift / operation method,
operation sequence, layout, crane or equipment, design of lifting points) in conjunction with Yard
General Superintendent or Lift Director’s discussion to perform in safely manner and in efficient
operation before the AFC design are released. Lift / Operation method, crane or equipment used,
design of lift Sequence and layouts will then be issued to the required personnel and Project
Management Team as part of the operations procedure.
VIII. Each project, Marine, and Yard Operation will inform the Yard Planning Supervisor of planned
monthly critical operations or changes prior to the monthly issue of Critical Operations Schedule.
IX. The agreed sequence and projected critical operation dates will be incorporated into the project and
facility schedule by the Planning Department.
X. The Construction Engineer will coordinate with the Project Fabrication Coordinator and ensure that
the approved Critical Operation Procedures are issued to all parties concerned in advance of the
critical operation coordination meeting.
XI. Critical operations will not commence without an approved procedure and a fully signed-off critical
operation Verification of Acceptability signature sheet.
B. Design
I. Procedures - The Critical Operation Procedure will include the following as a minimum:
a. A method statement describing the lifting or transportation or other operation, including the
weight of the object, the equipment to be used and the objective of the operations.
b. Calculations of weight and center of gravity.
c. Support point reactions established by manual calculations or by use of a computer model
structural analysis.
d. Lifting and / or transportation and / or supporting details.
e. Crane and / or trailer or other equipment configuration, orientation, and crane’s hook loads.
f. The format and content of a procedure may vary according to the operation in question.
g. Relevant sketches or detailed drawings will be included as required in each section as part of
the procedure.
h. Temporary attachments including weld details & NDE requirements.
i. For loadout operation procedure, the following additional details is required:
i. Ballasting diagram will be prepared to show the sequences in which tanks will be
ballasted during the operation to maintain the correct elevation of the barge skidway
relative to land skidway, taking account of load transfer and tide change. Calculation will
be made to determine the number and capacity of the pumps required to transfer the
water in and out of the ballast tanks.
ii. Charts of the tidal curve will be included outlining the predicted rate of rise and fall of tide
height at each stage of the ballast procedure.
iii. Mooring arrangement sketches or detailed drawing.
j. Refer Appendix 1 for typical table of contents page.
II. Criteria - The following design guidelines will be used as the basis for all calculations supporting the
critical operation procedure
a. The stresses in the structure will be checked in accordance with API RP-2A and AISC (ASD)
code allowable.


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

b. Lifting attachments (padeyes, trunnions, lifting beam and spreader bar) will be designed with a
Safety Factor of 1.5 and will include a 10% side load as a minimum. Safety factor is to be
applied as basis for the following:
i. Installation forces involve the motion of heavy weights, the static forces is increased to
arrive at adequate loads for design of the members affected.
ii. Taking into account the movement of the lift as it is picked up and set down to determine
critical combinations of vertical and horizontal forces at all points.
iii. For consideration that all critical connections and primary members are designed to have
adequate reserve strength to ensure structural integrity during lifting.
c. The requirements of the Customers specifications and drawings.
d. The critical operations procedure will be based on the following equipment utilization limitations
(ref. Table 3), from the equipment manufacturer rated capacity.
Table 3 – Equipment Utilization Limitations

e. The factors to be used for checking structural integrity will be as per Weight Factor-Lift Weight,
for each respective load relevantly, i.e., piping loads taken from weight control report will have
5% contingency factor, equipment loads taken from vendor weighing report will have 3%
contingency factor, bulk loads of miscellaneous items such as scaffolding will have 10%
contingency factor, etc.
f. For developing equipment arrangements, a safe separation distance will be provided in all
procedures and will be agreed with the Critical Operation Director.
g. Any multi-lift crane operations for lifting of small structures such as risers and conductors, all
the cranes and lifting gears will be designed to carry the entire weight of the lift. Exception can
only be allowed and signed off by Division Chief Engineer.
h. For multi-cranes lift (three (3) or more cranes) where one (1) crane reaches 90% capacity, a
crane load sensitivity review with nominal 5% additional crane load will be performed to ensure
all cranes loads are below full rated capacity at that particular condition.
i. The rigging system selected for the loadout operation utilizing winches will be designed to take
the horizontal breakout force of the structure which is dependent upon the particular loadout
support system.
j. For loadout operation involving ballast operation, all ballast calculations will adopt tide data
taken for Batu Ampar Port from British Admiralty chart data.


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

III. Design Software

a. The more complex structural analysis checks performed during the development of the Critical
Operation Procedure use a corporate software package called MicroSAS (Microcomputer
Structural Analysis System) & third party software, that is Ultramarine MOSES (Multi
Operational Structural Engineering Simulator).
b. MicroSAS documentation is contained in four (4) manuals as follows:
i. The Site Representative’s Manual contains a description of policies and procedures, QA
documents retained, reported errors and enhancements.
ii. The Software User Manual provides instructions and explanations for basic MicroSAS.
iii. The Verification: McDermott Engineering - Software Development department will
perform verification and distribute the software to Area Site representative once the
process is completed.
iv. The Training Manual contains example problems and sample outputs.
c. MOSES documentation is contained as follows:
i. The Software User Manual provides introduction, instructions, and explanations for
ii. The Software provides example problems and sample outputs.
d. Excel Spreadsheet:
i. All the calculation will utilize PTMI standard and verified excel spreadsheet.
ii. Original copies of the software and verification manuals / software are held with
McDermott Engineering. Copies of manuals and software are stored in McDermott server
/ internal website and Area Site Representative.
C. Safety Exclusion Zone - The following guidelines will be used in determining the Safety Restriction Zone:
I. For all critical lifts using Lampson as a Lifting Crane and total object lift weight (excluding lift rigging
and crane hook block assembly) over 300 metric tons, a Safety Exclusion Zone will be equivalent to
110% of the boom length (including jib length) for 270 degrees forward of the rear mast and 110% of
the mast height for 90 degrees backward of the rear mast (refer to Figure 2).
Figure 2 – Safety Exclusion Zone for Critical Lifts


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

II. For other crawler and mobile cranes, Safety Exclusion Zone will be equivalent to 110% of the boom
length (including jib length) for 360 degrees covered area.
III. For tower cranes, Safety Exclusion Zone will be equivalent to 110% of the boom length for 180
degrees covered area perpendicular from pick-up position to final position (refer to Figure 3).
Figure 3 – Safety Exclusion Zone for Tower Cranes

IV. Safety Exclusion Zone will be clearly defined on engineering drawings for that lift prior to COCM and
then reviewed during the COCM for concurrence with all attendees.
V. Safety Exclusion Zone can be adjusted during the COCM by agreement of all parties where a risk
assessment determines a potential low severity.
VI. Project Safety Manager or his designee and Critical Operation Director are ultimately responsible for
signing, reviewing, and approving the Safety Exclusion Zone drawing.
VII. Division Chief Engineer or his designee will approve any deviations of the Safety Exclusion Zone.
D. Review / Verification / Validation / Approval
I. Upon compilation of the Critical Operation Procedure, the Construction Engineer will sign the front
sheet in the prepared by section and submit the procedure for verification / review / approval.
II. The following forms may be used:
a. FAB-GEN-CL-20704.02 BFY - Critical Operation Validation and Approval Check List.
b. FAB-GEN-FM-20704.03 BFY - Typical Verification of Acceptability Signature Sheet.
III. The person appointed to perform the Review / Verification / Validation / Approval process will be
qualified in structural design and have sufficient resources to perform the checks.
IV. The Review / Verification / Validation / Approval process will be carried out by one (1) of the following
a. Construction Engineering Supervisor or designee.
b. Design Engineering (Jakarta, Singapore, Houston, New Orleans, Dubai) or a separate group
within the McDermott organization.
V. Any first of a kind design or operation, the Critical Operation Procedure will be reviewed in two (2)
stages. The 1st stage review will be carried by Construction Engineering Supervisor or designee, and
the 2nd stage review will be carried out by Design Engineering or a separate group within McDermott
VI. It is the responsibility of the person carrying out the Review / Verification / Validation / Approval to:


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

a. Check the method, calculations and any drawings / sketches which are the inputs to the
b. Discuss with the originator and resolve any ambiguities and / or discrepancies.
c. Detailed procedure preparation checklist as shown on FAB-GEN-CL-20704.06 BFY - Lift
Procedure Preparation Checklist will be filled up by Construction Engineer and Reviewer.
d. On satisfactory Review / Verification / Validation / Approval, sign the procedure front sheet.
VII. If Customer approval is required, the Critical Operation Procedure will be transmitted to the Project
Management Team for onward transmittal to the Customer for approval within the agreed time.
E. Design Control
I. The Engineering Group has access to all latest revisions of contract documents and is on the
distribution list of site queries and correspondence, which affect design changes.
II. The procedure will be issued with a signed off front cover sheet and document transmittal with the
original document retained by the originator. The critical operation procedure issued to the yard
groups will include the method statement and drawings only.
III. A document revision index will be included in all critical operation / yard procedures. The document
revision index outlines the total number of pages included in the procedure and the current revision
IV. Any revisions to the procedure will be verified, signed, and re-issued to the same distribution with a
revised front sheet and revision index.
V. Any deviation in the agreed design basis, costumer specification or code provisions to be
documented in the procedure.
F. Operations
I. The Critical Operation Director is in overall control of the operation and will be familiar with the
procedure. He / she is responsible for ensuring that all equipment operators are aware of their
requirements / limitations and will remain in communication with the Construction Engineer as
required throughout the operation.
II. The Project Fabrication Coordinator will inform the Safety Representative prior to the planned
operation date that a critical operation is to be performed, in order for the Verification of Acceptability
Signature Sheet to be prepared.
III. The Fabrication Coordinator will issue a 48hrs notification to all related yard and customer
representative personnel, advising that a COCM and critical operation is to be performed. A Critical
Operation Coordination Meeting will be held to review the Critical Operation Method Statement, which
will be re-issued with any comments resulting from the meeting incorporated before the planned lift
IV. During the COCM, the Fabrication Coordinator will check with all related personnel that they are
familiar with the procedure and are working to the correct revisions of the operation procedure. Any
potential concerns will be raised at the meeting and incorporated as a revision into the critical
operation method statement.
V. The Fabrication Coordinator will issue (minimum 6hrs prior to operation) notification to all related yard
and customer representative personnel, advising that critical operation is to be performed.


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

VI. Immediately prior to the critical operation, the Safety Representative will confirm with the Critical
Operation Director that the Verification and Acceptability Signature Sheet has been completed. The
last sign-off on the Verification of Acceptability Signature Sheet is that of the Critical Operation
Director. The operation will not commence until this sheet is fully signed-off. A hardcopy of the fully
signed-off signature sheet will be retained by the Safety Representative and the Critical Operation
Director and will be maintained on file for the life of a project.
VII. Loadout operations involving ballasting equipment will have formal operation and functional tests
performed a minimum of 24hrs prior to loadout operation. During these tests, Construction Engineer
will compare the actual pump rates with the theoretical rates outlined in the Operation Procedure. If
the actual rates do not match with theoretical rates, ballasting procedure will be revised accordingly to
the actual rates being achieved.
VIII. Depending on the loadout method, minimum 72hrs prior to loadout operation, the tide will be recorded
at every high and low tide point and compared with predicted. During loadout operation, the tide
height will be continuously monitored by Dimensional Control surveyor.
IX. Any supports and / or grillages on the barge should be verified by Construction Engineer and
Production Engineer. Dimensional Control result should be obtained for critical part to ensure those
are within tolerance. Any issue will be raised up to related parties and cleared before commencement
of loadout operation.
X. Lifting using combination of chain block on movement base (i.e., on barge or vessel) and mobile
crane on static base (on land) should be avoided. In case of emergency or lifting operation using
method of combination of chain block and crane cannot be avoided then Lifting Analysis should be
done, Method Statement and TRA should include considerations for sea state and tidal conditions
which will affect the barge or vessels position or level relative to the quayside. Method Statement and
TRA must available prior to lifting operation and have approval from Yard General Superintendent
and Division Engineer.
XI. In the event that operational changes are required immediately prior to or during the critical operation
due to unforeseen events, then it is the responsibility of the Critical Operation Director to evaluate the
situation and execute the necessary measures required to maintain the safety of the operation.
Depending upon the situation, the Critical Operation Director will be responsible for sourcing advice
as required from the Construction Engineer or other related parties prior to continuing with the
XII. If any doubt occurs during operation, the operation will be stopped, and assessment will be made.
Decision to continue should be made by Division Chief Engineer.
XIII. Following the critical operations, the Project Superintendent will initiate a de-briefing session to
identify any positive and negative aspects relating to the operation, which will be used in the
development and execution of other critical operations. The findings are to be recorded and
transmitted to the Engineering Department and copied to the HSES Department.
G. General
I. All resources and equipment will have a valid relevant certification.
II. All pad eyes or lift connections will be non–destructively tested and reports issued, if requested, prior
to the lift.
III. All necessary slings and shackles will be correctly color coded and will carry a valid inspection
certificate in accordance with EM-FAB-PR-20003.00 Batam Fabrication Below the Hook Lifting
Devices and Hand Operated Lifting Devices Procedure.
IV. It will be the responsibility of the Critical Operation Director to ensure that all rigging equipment used
is in accordance with the operation procedure.


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

V. The originator of the Critical Operation Procedure or his appointee will be in attendance during the
operation and will be fully familiar with the procedure.
VI. For future reference, the specific procedure will be maintained in the Construction Engineering Library
for a minimum five (5) years.

Name / Link


Reference Number Reference Title
FAB-GEN-PR-00700.00 Assembly/Erection
EM-FAB-PR-20001.00 Batam Fabrication Lifting Equipment Procedure
EM-FAB-PR-20002.00 Batam Fabrication Wire Rope Procedure
Batam Fabrication Below the Hook Lifting Devices and Hand Operated
Lifting Devices Procedure
FAB-GEN-CL-20704.02 BFY - Critical Operation Validation and Approval Check List
FAB-GEN-FM-20704.03 BFY - Typical Verification of Acceptability Signature Sheet
FAB-GEN-CL-20704.04 BFY - Non Standard Lift Validation Checklist
FAB-GEN-FM-20704.05 BFY - Crane Operation Daily Lift Log
FAB-GEN-CL-20704.06 BFY - Lift Procedure Preparation Checklist
FAB-GEN-CL-20704.07 BFY - Prior to Use SPMT and PPU Checklist
FAB-GEN-CL-20704.08 BFY - Checklist for Load Out Operation - Allowable Condition
FAB-GEN-CL-20704.09 BFY - Checklist for Load Out Operation - Yard/Quay Preparation
FAB-GEN-CL-20704.10 BFY - Checklist for Load Out Operation - Vessel Preparation
FAB-GEN-WI-20704.01 BFY - Lifting Long Tubular Material inside Shop with OHC


Term / Abbreviation Definition
Microcomputer Structural Analysis System is McDermott Engineering
software for modeling, analysis, and design of offshore structures.
A competent person assigned by management based on their ability to
oversee & coordinate specific critical operations. Critical Operation
Critical Operation Director Directors are accountable & responsible for their assigned critical
operations. The Critical Operation Director is typically the Rigging
process moving a structure on the land to a cargo barge either by
skidding methods, lifting, or trailered.
FTV / HTV Float-over Transport Vessel / Heavy Transport Vessel


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

RFQ Request For Quotation

TBE / CBE Technical Bid Evaluation / Commercial Bid Evaluation

Number Description
Appendix 1 Typical Table of Contents for Critical Operation Procedure
Appendix 2 Typical Organization Chart for Sr Project Engr Interfacing Roles


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00 and Lift Operations (Standard and
Non Standard)

Appendix 1 - Typical Table of Contents For Critical Operation Procedure


Number Version
BFY - Critical Execution Operations and Lift Operations
FAB-GEN-PR-20704.00 4.00
(Standard and Non Standard)

Appendix 2 - Typical Organization Chart for Sr Project Engr. Interfacing Roles


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