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Task 2

- Vandalism is the action involving damage or deliberate destruction of private and public
property. The places that are usually vandalized are schools, parks, public places, railway
stations, and bus stations.

- People do not respect the public property and do not care about the community they live in.

- There can be many reasons why people can do such horrible things. Some people are just
angry at society and authorities. Others can be mentally ill and unable to control their own
actions. The worst thing is when people do it just for fun.

- Young people usually tend to follow the bad behavior of their peers .

- Parents should spend more time with their children and support them in order to make their
self-esteem in good condition.

- Teenagers should know the difference between good and bad things to choose the right
friends and do the right things in their life. We should teach them how not to be influenced
easily by other people and have strong principle inside them.

- They should become responsible for their actions. Of course, teenagers have a feeling to try
new things but they should use their brain more effectively and think more wisely before
doing something.

- The government and parents should make a strong cooperation in order not to let these
problems occur again

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